null, 'date_sent' => null, 'status' => '', 'weight' => '', 'width' => '', 'height' => '', 'length' => '', 'packaging_weight' => '', 'weight_unit' => '', 'dimension_unit' => '', 'country' => '', 'address' => array(), 'tracking_id' => '', 'shipping_provider' => '', 'shipping_method' => '', 'pickup_location_code' => '', 'pickup_location_customer_number' => '', 'total' => 0, 'subtotal' => 0, 'additional_total' => 0, 'est_delivery_date' => null, 'packaging_id' => 0, 'version' => '', ); /** * Get the shipment if ID is passed, otherwise the shipment is new and empty. * This class should NOT be instantiated, but the `wc_gzd_get_shipment` function should be used. * * @param int|object|Shipment $shipment Shipment to read. */ public function __construct( $data = 0 ) { parent::__construct( $data ); if ( $data instanceof Shipment ) { $this->set_id( absint( $data->get_id() ) ); } elseif ( is_numeric( $data ) ) { $this->set_id( $data ); } $this->data_store = WC_Data_Store::load( $this->data_store_name ); // If we have an ID, load the user from the DB. if ( $this->get_id() ) { try { $this->data_store->read( $this ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { $this->set_id( 0 ); $this->set_object_read( true ); } } else { $this->set_object_read( true ); } } /** * This method overwrites the base class's clone method to make it a no-op. In base class WC_Data, we are unsetting the meta_id to clone. * * @see WC_Abstract_Order::__clone() */ public function __clone() {} public function get_type() { return ''; } /** * Merge changes with data and clear. * Overrides WC_Data::apply_changes. * * @since 3.2.0 */ public function apply_changes() { if ( function_exists( 'array_replace' ) ) { $this->data = array_replace( $this->data, $this->changes ); // phpcs:ignore PHPCompatibility.FunctionUse.NewFunctions.array_replaceFound } else { // PHP 5.2 compatibility. foreach ( $this->changes as $key => $change ) { $this->data[ $key ] = $change; } } $this->changes = array(); } /** * @return bool|Order */ public function get_order_shipment() { return false; } public function set_order_shipment( &$order_shipment ) {} /** * Return item count (quantities summed up). * * @return int */ public function get_item_count() { $items = $this->get_items(); $quantity = 0; foreach ( $items as $item ) { $quantity += $item->get_quantity(); } return $quantity; } /** * Prefix for action and filter hooks on data. * * @return string */ protected function get_hook_prefix() { return $this->get_general_hook_prefix() . 'get_'; } /** * Prefix for action and filter hooks on data. * * @return string */ protected function get_general_hook_prefix() { $shipment_prefix = 'simple' === $this->get_type() ? '' : $this->get_type() . '_'; return "woocommerce_gzd_{$shipment_prefix}shipment_"; } public function get_shipping_zone() { $zone = 'int'; if ( $this->is_shipping_domestic() ) { $zone = 'dom'; } elseif ( $this->is_shipping_inner_eu() ) { $zone = 'eu'; } return apply_filters( "{$this->get_general_hook_prefix()}shipping_zone", $zone, $this ); } public function is_shipping_domestic() { return apply_filters( "{$this->get_general_hook_prefix()}is_shipping_domestic", Package::is_shipping_domestic( $this->get_country(), array( 'sender_country' => $this->get_sender_country(), 'sender_postcode' => $this->get_sender_postcode(), 'postcode' => $this->get_postcode(), ) ), $this ); } /** * Returns true in case the shipment is being shipped inner EU, e.g. * from a base country inside of the EU to another country inside the EU. * * @return bool */ public function is_shipping_inner_eu() { if ( apply_filters( "{$this->get_general_hook_prefix()}is_shipping_inner_eu", Package::is_shipping_inner_eu_country( $this->get_country(), array( 'sender_country' => $this->get_sender_country(), 'sender_postcode' => $this->get_sender_postcode(), 'postcode' => $this->get_postcode(), ) ), $this ) ) { return true; } return false; } public function is_shipping_international() { if ( $this->is_shipping_domestic() || $this->is_shipping_inner_eu() ) { return false; } return true; } /** * Return the shipment statuses without gzd- internal prefix. * * @param string $context View or edit context. * @return string */ public function get_status( $context = 'view' ) { $status = $this->get_prop( 'status', $context ); if ( empty( $status ) && 'view' === $context ) { /** * Filters the default Shipment status used as fallback. * * The dynamic portion of this hook, `$this->get_hook_prefix()` is used to construct a * unique hook for a shipment type. * * Example hook name: woocommerce_gzd_shipment_get_default_shipment_status * * @param string $status Default fallback status. * * @since 3.0.0 * @package Vendidero/Germanized/Shipments */ $status = apply_filters( "{$this->get_hook_prefix()}}default_shipment_status", 'draft' ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidHookName.UseUnderscores } return $status; } /** * Checks whether the shipment has a specific status or not. * * @param string|string[] $status The status to be checked against. * @return boolean */ public function has_status( $status ) { /** * Filter to decide whether a Shipment has a certain status or not. * * @param boolean $has_status Whether the Shipment has a status or not. * @param Shipment $this The shipment object. * @param string $status The status to be checked against. * * @since 3.0.0 * @package Vendidero/Germanized/Shipments */ return apply_filters( 'woocommerce_gzd_shipment_has_status', ( is_array( $status ) && in_array( $this->get_status(), $status, true ) ) || $this->get_status() === $status, $this, $status ); } /** * Return the date this shipment was created. * * @param string $context What the value is for. Valid values are 'view' and 'edit'. * @return WC_DateTime|null object if the date is set or null if there is no date. */ public function get_date_created( $context = 'view' ) { return $this->get_prop( 'date_created', $context ); } /** * Return the date this shipment was sent. * * @param string $context What the value is for. Valid values are 'view' and 'edit'. * @return WC_DateTime|null object if the date is set or null if there is no date. */ public function get_date_sent( $context = 'view' ) { return $this->get_prop( 'date_sent', $context ); } /** * Returns the shipment method. * * @param string $context What the value is for. Valid values are 'view' and 'edit'. * @return string */ public function get_shipping_method( $context = 'view' ) { return $this->get_prop( 'shipping_method', $context ); } public function get_shipping_method_instance() { $method_id = $this->get_shipping_method(); if ( is_null( $this->shipping_method_instance ) && ! empty( $method_id ) ) { $this->shipping_method_instance = wc_gzd_get_shipping_provider_method( $this->get_shipping_method() ); } return is_null( $this->shipping_method_instance ) ? false : $this->shipping_method_instance; } /** * @return false|Labels\ConfigurationSet */ public function get_label_configuration_set() { if ( is_null( $this->label_configuration_set ) ) { $this->label_configuration_set = false; if ( $packaging = $this->get_packaging() ) { if ( $method_set = $packaging->get_configuration_set( $this ) ) { $this->label_configuration_set = $method_set; } } if ( ! $this->label_configuration_set && ( $method = $this->get_shipping_method_instance() ) ) { if ( $method_set = $method->get_configuration_set( $this ) ) { $this->label_configuration_set = $method_set; } } if ( ! $this->label_configuration_set && ( $provider = $this->get_shipping_provider_instance() ) ) { if ( is_a( $provider, 'Vendidero\Germanized\Shipments\Interfaces\LabelConfigurationSet' ) ) { if ( $provider_set = $provider->get_configuration_set( $this ) ) { $this->label_configuration_set = $provider_set; } } } } return apply_filters( "{$this->get_hook_prefix()}label_configuration_set", $this->label_configuration_set, $this ); } /** * Returns the shipment weight. In case view context was chosen and weight is not yet set, returns the content weight. * * @param string $context What the value is for. Valid values are 'view' and 'edit'. * @return string */ public function get_weight( $context = 'view' ) { $weight = $this->get_prop( 'weight', $context ); if ( 'view' === $context && '' === $weight ) { return $this->get_content_weight(); } return $weight; } public function get_total_weight() { $weight = $this->get_weight() + $this->get_packaging_weight(); return $weight; } public function get_packaging_weight( $context = 'view' ) { $weight = $this->get_prop( 'packaging_weight', $context ); if ( 'view' === $context && '' === $weight ) { $weight = wc_format_decimal( 0 ); if ( $packaging = $this->get_packaging() ) { if ( ! empty( $packaging->get_weight() ) ) { $weight = wc_get_weight( $packaging->get_weight(), $this->get_weight_unit(), wc_gzd_get_packaging_weight_unit() ); } } } return $weight; } /** * @return ShipmentItem[]|ItemList */ public function get_items_to_pack() { if ( ! Package::is_packing_supported() ) { return $this->get_items(); } else { if ( is_null( $this->items_to_pack ) ) { $this->items_to_pack = new ItemList(); foreach ( $this->get_items() as $item ) { $box_item = new Packing\ShipmentItem( $item ); $this->items_to_pack->insert( $box_item, $item->get_quantity() ); } } return apply_filters( "{$this->get_hook_prefix()}items_to_pack", $this->items_to_pack, $this ); } } /** * Returns the shipment weight unit. * * @param string $context What the value is for. Valid values are 'view' and 'edit'. * @return string */ public function get_weight_unit( $context = 'view' ) { $unit = $this->get_prop( 'weight_unit', $context ); if ( 'view' === $context && '' === $unit ) { return get_option( 'woocommerce_weight_unit' ); } return $unit; } /** * Returns the shipment dimension unit. * * @param string $context What the value is for. Valid values are 'view' and 'edit'. * @return string */ public function get_dimension_unit( $context = 'view' ) { $unit = $this->get_prop( 'dimension_unit', $context ); if ( 'view' === $context && '' === $unit ) { return get_option( 'woocommerce_dimension_unit' ); } return $unit; } /** * Returns the shipment length. In case view context was chosen and length is not yet set, returns the content length. * * @param string $context What the value is for. Valid values are 'view' and 'edit'. * @return string */ public function get_length( $context = 'view' ) { $length = $this->get_prop( 'length', $context ); if ( 'view' === $context && '' === $length ) { return $this->get_content_length(); } return $length; } public function get_package_length() { $length = $this->get_length(); // Older versions did not sync dimensions with packaging dimensions if ( '' === $this->get_version() ) { if ( $packaging = $this->get_packaging() ) { $length = wc_get_dimension( $packaging->get_length(), $this->get_dimension_unit(), wc_gzd_get_packaging_dimension_unit() ); } } return $length; } public function has_packaging() { return ( $this->get_packaging_id() > 0 && $this->get_packaging() ) ? true : false; } /** * Returns the shipment width. In case view context was chosen and width is not yet set, returns the content width. * * @param string $context What the value is for. Valid values are 'view' and 'edit'. * @return string */ public function get_width( $context = 'view' ) { $width = $this->get_prop( 'width', $context ); if ( 'view' === $context && '' === $width ) { return $this->get_content_width(); } return $width; } public function get_package_width() { $width = $this->get_width(); if ( '' === $this->get_version() ) { if ( $packaging = $this->get_packaging() ) { $width = wc_get_dimension( $packaging->get_width(), $this->get_dimension_unit(), wc_gzd_get_packaging_dimension_unit() ); } } return $width; } /** * Returns the shipment height. In case view context was chosen and height is not yet set, returns the content height. * * @param string $context What the value is for. Valid values are 'view' and 'edit'. * @return string */ public function get_height( $context = 'view' ) { $height = $this->get_prop( 'height', $context ); if ( 'view' === $context && '' === $height ) { return $this->get_content_height(); } return $height; } public function get_package_height() { $height = $this->get_height(); if ( '' === $this->get_version() ) { if ( $packaging = $this->get_packaging() ) { $height = wc_get_dimension( $packaging->get_height(), $this->get_dimension_unit(), wc_gzd_get_packaging_dimension_unit() ); } } return $height; } public function has_dimensions() { $width = $this->get_width(); $length = $this->get_length(); $height = $this->get_height(); return ( ! empty( $width ) && ! empty( $length ) && ! empty( $height ) ); } /** * Returns the calculated weights for included items. * * @return float[] */ public function get_item_weights() { if ( is_null( $this->weights ) ) { $this->weights = array(); foreach ( $this->get_items() as $item ) { $this->weights[ $item->get_id() ] = ( ( $item->get_weight() === '' ? 0 : $item->get_weight() ) * $item->get_quantity() ); } if ( empty( $this->weights ) ) { $this->weights = array( 0 ); } } return $this->weights; } /** * Returns the calculated lengths for included items. * * @return float[] */ public function get_item_lengths() { if ( is_null( $this->lengths ) ) { $this->lengths = array(); foreach ( $this->get_items() as $item ) { $this->lengths[ $item->get_id() ] = $item->get_length() === '' ? 0 : $item->get_length(); } if ( empty( $this->lengths ) ) { $this->lengths = array( 0 ); } } return $this->lengths; } public function get_item_volumes() { if ( is_null( $this->volumes ) ) { $this->volumes = array(); foreach ( $this->get_items() as $item ) { $dimensions = $item->get_dimensions(); $volume = ( '' !== $dimensions['length'] ? (float) $dimensions['length'] : 0 ) * ( '' !== $dimensions['width'] ? (float) $dimensions['width'] : 0 ) * ( '' !== $dimensions['height'] ? (float) $dimensions['height'] : 0 ); $this->volumes[ $item->get_id() ] = $volume * (float) $item->get_quantity(); } if ( empty( $this->volumes ) ) { $this->volumes = array( 0 ); } } return $this->volumes; } /** * Returns the calculated widths for included items. * * @return float[] */ public function get_item_widths() { if ( is_null( $this->widths ) ) { $this->widths = array(); foreach ( $this->get_items() as $item ) { $this->widths[ $item->get_id() ] = $item->get_width() === '' ? 0 : $item->get_width(); } if ( empty( $this->widths ) ) { $this->widths = array( 0 ); } } return $this->widths; } /** * Returns the calculated heights for included items. * * @return float[] */ public function get_item_heights() { if ( is_null( $this->heights ) ) { $this->heights = array(); foreach ( $this->get_items() as $item ) { $this->heights[ $item->get_id() ] = ( $item->get_height() === '' ? 0 : $item->get_height() ) * $item->get_quantity(); } if ( empty( $this->heights ) ) { $this->heights = array( 0 ); } } return $this->heights; } /** * Returns the calculated weight for included items. * * @return float */ public function get_content_weight() { return wc_format_decimal( array_sum( $this->get_item_weights() ) ); } public function get_content_dimensions() { return array( 'length' => $this->get_content_length(), 'width' => $this->get_content_width(), 'height' => $this->get_content_height(), ); } /** * Returns the calculated length for included items. * * @return float */ public function get_content_length() { $default = max( $this->get_item_lengths() ); return wc_format_decimal( $default, false, true ); } /** * Returns the calculated width for included items. * * @return float */ public function get_content_width() { $default = max( $this->get_item_widths() ); return wc_format_decimal( $default, false, true ); } /** * Returns the calculated volume for included items. * * @return float */ public function get_content_volume() { $default = array_sum( $this->get_item_volumes() ); return wc_format_decimal( $default, false, true ); } /** * Returns the calculated height for included items. * * @return float */ public function get_content_height() { $default_height = array_sum( $this->get_item_heights() ); return wc_format_decimal( $default_height, false, true ); } /** * Returns the shipping address properties. * * @param string $context What the value is for. Valid values are 'view' and 'edit'. * @return string[] */ public function get_address( $context = 'view' ) { return $this->get_prop( 'address', $context ); } /** * Returns the shipment total. * * @param string $context What the value is for. Valid values are 'view' and 'edit'. * @return float */ public function get_total( $context = 'view' ) { return $this->get_prop( 'total', $context ); } /** * Returns the shipment total. * * @param string $context What the value is for. Valid values are 'view' and 'edit'. * @return float */ public function get_subtotal( $context = 'view' ) { $subtotal = $this->get_prop( 'subtotal', $context ); if ( 'view' === $context && empty( $subtotal ) ) { $subtotal = $this->get_total(); } return $subtotal; } /** * Returns the additional total amount containing shipping and fee costs. * Only one of the shipments related to an order should include additional total. * * @param string $context What the value is for. Valid values are 'view' and 'edit'. * @return float */ public function get_additional_total( $context = 'view' ) { return $this->get_prop( 'additional_total', $context ); } /** * Default shipment incoterms, e.g. DAP. * * @return string */ public function get_incoterms() { return wc_strtoupper( apply_filters( "{$this->get_hook_prefix()}incoterms", '', $this ) ); } public function has_tracking() { $has_tracking = true; if ( ! $this->has_tracking_instruction() && ! $this->get_tracking_url() ) { $has_tracking = false; } /** * Check whether the label supports tracking or not */ if ( $this->has_label() && ( $label = $this->get_label() ) ) { if ( ! $label->is_trackable() ) { $has_tracking = false; } } return apply_filters( "{$this->get_general_hook_prefix()}has_tracking", $has_tracking, $this ); } /** * Returns the shipment tracking id. * * @param string $context What the value is for. Valid values are 'view' and 'edit'. * @return string */ public function get_tracking_id( $context = 'view' ) { return $this->get_prop( 'tracking_id', $context ); } /** * Retrieves the pickup location code, in case existent. * * @param string $context What the value is for. Valid values are 'view' and 'edit'. * @return string */ public function get_pickup_location_code( $context = 'view' ) { return $this->get_prop( 'pickup_location_code', $context ); } /** * Retrieves the pickup location customer number, in case existent. * * @param string $context What the value is for. Valid values are 'view' and 'edit'. * @return string */ public function get_pickup_location_customer_number( $context = 'view' ) { return $this->get_prop( 'pickup_location_customer_number', $context ); } public function has_pickup_location() { $code = $this->get_pickup_location_code(); return apply_filters( "{$this->get_general_hook_prefix()}has_pickup_location", ! empty( $code ), $this ); } /** * @return false|PickupLocation */ public function get_pickup_location() { if ( is_null( $this->pickup_location ) ) { $this->pickup_location = false; if ( $this->has_pickup_location() ) { if ( $provider = $this->get_shipping_provider_instance() ) { if ( is_a( $provider, 'Vendidero\Germanized\Shipments\Interfaces\ShippingProviderAuto' ) ) { $this->pickup_location = $provider->get_pickup_location_by_code( $this->get_pickup_location_code(), $this->get_address() ); } } } } return $this->pickup_location; } /** * Returns the shipment tracking URL. * * @return string */ public function get_tracking_url() { $tracking_url = ''; if ( $provider = $this->get_shipping_provider_instance() ) { $tracking_url = $provider->get_tracking_url( $this ); } /** * Filter to adjust a Shipment's tracking URL. * * The dynamic portion of this hook, `$this->get_hook_prefix()` is used to construct a * unique hook for a shipment type. * * Example hook name: woocommerce_gzd_shipment_get_tracking_url * * @param string $tracking_url The tracking URL. * @param Shipment $shipment The shipment object. * * @since 3.0.0 * @package Vendidero/Germanized/Shipments */ return apply_filters( "{$this->get_hook_prefix()}tracking_url", $tracking_url, $this ); } /** * Returns the shipment tracking instruction. * * @return string */ public function get_tracking_instruction( $plain = false ) { $instruction = ''; if ( $provider = $this->get_shipping_provider_instance() ) { $instruction = $provider->get_tracking_desc( $this, $plain ); } /** * Filter to adjust a Shipment's tracking instruction. * * The dynamic portion of this hook, `$this->get_hook_prefix()` is used to construct a * unique hook for a shipment type. * * Example hook name: woocommerce_gzd_shipment_get_tracking_instruction * * @param string $instruction The tracking instruction. * @param Shipment $this The shipment object. * * @since 3.0.0 * @package Vendidero/Germanized/Shipments */ return apply_filters( "{$this->get_hook_prefix()}tracking_instruction", $instruction, $this ); } /** * Returns whether the current shipment has tracking instructions available or not. * * @return boolean */ public function has_tracking_instruction() { $instruction = $this->get_tracking_instruction( true ); return ( ! empty( $instruction ) ) ? true : false; } /** * Returns the shipment shipping provider. * * @param string $context What the value is for. Valid values are 'view' and 'edit'. * @return string */ public function get_shipping_provider( $context = 'view' ) { return $this->get_prop( 'shipping_provider', $context ); } public function get_shipping_provider_title() { if ( $provider = $this->get_shipping_provider_instance() ) { return $provider->get_title(); } return ''; } public function get_shipping_provider_instance() { $provider = $this->get_shipping_provider(); if ( ! empty( $provider ) ) { return wc_gzd_get_shipping_provider( $provider ); } return false; } /** * Returns the formatted shipping address. * * @param string $empty_content Content to show if no address is present. * @return string */ public function get_formatted_address( $empty_content = '' ) { $address = WC()->countries->get_formatted_address( $this->get_address() ); return $address ? $address : $empty_content; } /** * Get a formatted shipping address for the order. * * @return string */ public function get_address_map_url( $address ) { // Remove name and company before generate the Google Maps URL. unset( $address['first_name'], $address['last_name'], $address['company'], $address['email'], $address['phone'], $address['title'] ); /** * Filter to adjust a Shipment's address parts used for constructing the Google maps URL. * * The dynamic portion of this hook, `$this->get_hook_prefix()` is used to construct a * unique hook for a shipment type. * * Example hook name: woocommerce_gzd_shipment_get_address_map_url_parts * * @param string[] $address The address parts used. * @param Shipment $this The shipment object. * * @since 3.0.6 * @package Vendidero/Germanized/Shipments */ $address = apply_filters( "{$this->get_hook_prefix()}address_map_url_parts", $address, $this ); $address = array_filter( $address ); /** * Filter to adjust a Shipment's address Google maps URL. * * The dynamic portion of this hook, `$this->get_hook_prefix()` is used to construct a * unique hook for a shipment type. * * Example hook name: woocommerce_gzd_shipment_get_address_map_url * * @param string $url The address url. * @param Shipment $this The shipment object. * * @since 3.0.6 * @package Vendidero/Germanized/Shipments */ return apply_filters( "{$this->get_hook_prefix()}address_map_url", '' . rawurlencode( implode( ', ', $address ) ) . '&z=16', $this ); } /** * Returns the shipment address phone number. * * @param string $context What the value is for. Valid values are 'view' and 'edit'. * @return string */ public function get_phone( $context = 'view' ) { return $this->get_address_prop( 'phone', $context ); } /** * Returns the shipment address email. * * @param string $context What the value is for. Valid values are 'view' and 'edit'. * @return string */ public function get_email( $context = 'view' ) { return $this->get_address_prop( 'email', $context ); } /** * Returns the shipment address first line. * * @param string $context What the value is for. Valid values are 'view' and 'edit'. * @return string */ public function get_address_1( $context = 'view' ) { return $this->get_address_prop( 'address_1', $context ); } /** * Returns the shipment address second line. * * @param string $context What the value is for. Valid values are 'view' and 'edit'. * @return string */ public function get_address_2( $context = 'view' ) { return $this->get_address_prop( 'address_2', $context ); } /** * Returns the shipment address street number by splitting the address. * * @param string $type The address type e.g. address_1 or address_2. * * @return string */ public function get_address_street_number( $type = 'address_1' ) { $split = wc_gzd_split_shipment_street( $this->{"get_$type"}() ); /** * Filter to adjust the shipment address street number. * * @param string $number The shipment address street number. * @param Shipment $shipment The shipment object. * * @since 3.0.6 * @package Vendidero/Germanized/Shipments */ return apply_filters( 'woocommerce_gzd_get_shipment_address_street_number', $split['number'], $this ); } /** * Returns the shipment address street without number by splitting the address. * * @param string $type The address type e.g. address_1 or address_2. * * @return string */ public function get_address_street( $type = 'address_1' ) { $split = wc_gzd_split_shipment_street( $this->{"get_$type"}() ); /** * Filter to adjust the shipment address street. * * @param string $street The shipment address street without street number. * @param Shipment $shipment The shipment object. * * @since 3.0.6 * @package Vendidero/Germanized/Shipments */ return apply_filters( 'woocommerce_gzd_get_shipment_address_street', $split['street'], $this ); } public function get_address_street_addition( $type = 'address_1' ) { $split = wc_gzd_split_shipment_street( $this->{"get_$type"}() ); /** * Filter to adjust the shipment address street addition. * * @param string $addition The shipment address street addition e.g. EG14. * @param Shipment $shipment The shipment object. * * @since 3.0.6 * @package Vendidero/Germanized/Shipments */ return apply_filters( 'woocommerce_gzd_get_shipment_address_street_addition', $split['addition'], $this ); } public function get_address_street_addition_2( $type = 'address_1' ) { $split = wc_gzd_split_shipment_street( $this->{"get_$type"}() ); /** * Filter to adjust the shipment address street addition. * * @param string $addition The shipment address street addition e.g. EG14. * @param Shipment $shipment The shipment object. * * @since 3.0.6 * @package Vendidero/Germanized/Shipments */ return apply_filters( 'woocommerce_gzd_get_shipment_address_street_addition_2', $split['addition_2'], $this ); } /** * Returns the shipment address company. * * @param string $context What the value is for. Valid values are 'view' and 'edit'. * @return string */ public function get_company( $context = 'view' ) { return $this->get_address_prop( 'company', $context ); } /** * Returns the shipment address first name. * * @param string $context What the value is for. Valid values are 'view' and 'edit'. * @return string */ public function get_first_name( $context = 'view' ) { return $this->get_address_prop( 'first_name', $context ); } /** * Returns the shipment address last name. * * @param string $context What the value is for. Valid values are 'view' and 'edit'. * @return string */ public function get_last_name( $context = 'view' ) { return $this->get_address_prop( 'last_name', $context ); } /** * Returns the shipment address formatted full name. * * @return string */ public function get_formatted_full_name() { return sprintf( _x( '%1$s %2$s', 'full name', 'woocommerce-germanized-shipments' ), $this->get_first_name(), $this->get_last_name() ); } /** * Returns the shipment address postcode. * * @param string $context What the value is for. Valid values are 'view' and 'edit'. * @return string */ public function get_postcode( $context = 'view' ) { return $this->get_address_prop( 'postcode', $context ); } /** * Returns the shipment address city. * * @param string $context What the value is for. Valid values are 'view' and 'edit'. * @return string */ public function get_city( $context = 'view' ) { return $this->get_address_prop( 'city', $context ); } /** * Returns the shipment address state. * * @param string $context What the value is for. Valid values are 'view' and 'edit'. * @return string */ public function get_state( $context = 'view' ) { return $this->get_address_prop( 'state', $context ); } public function get_formatted_state() { if ( '' === $this->get_state() || '' === $this->get_country() ) { return ''; } return wc_gzd_get_formatted_state( $this->get_state(), $this->get_country() ); } /** * Returns the shipment address country. * * @param string $context What the value is for. Valid values are 'view' and 'edit'. * @return string */ public function get_country( $context = 'view' ) { return $this->get_address_prop( 'country', $context ) ? $this->get_address_prop( 'country', $context ) : ''; } /** * Returns the shipment address customs reference number. * * @param string $context What the value is for. Valid values are 'view' and 'edit'. * @return string */ public function get_customs_reference_number( $context = 'view' ) { return $this->get_address_prop( 'customs_reference_number', $context ) ? $this->get_address_prop( 'customs_reference_number', $context ) : ''; } /** * Returns a sender address prop by checking the corresponding provider and falling back to * global sender address setting data. * * @param string $prop * @param string $context * * @return null|string */ protected function get_sender_address_prop( $prop, $context = 'view' ) { $value = null; if ( $provider = $this->get_shipping_provider_instance() ) { $getter = "get_shipper_{$prop}"; if ( is_callable( array( $provider, $getter ) ) ) { $value = $provider->$getter( $context ); } } else { $key = "woocommerce_gzd_shipments_shipper_address_{$prop}"; $value = get_option( $key, '' ); if ( 'country' === $prop ) { $value = wc_format_country_state_string( $value )['country']; } elseif ( 'state' === $prop ) { $key = 'woocommerce_gzd_shipments_shipper_address_country'; $value = get_option( $key, '' ); $value = wc_format_country_state_string( $value )['state']; } } if ( 'view' === $context ) { /** * Filter to adjust a shipment's sender address property e.g. first_name. * * The dynamic portion of this hook, `$this->get_hook_prefix()` is used to construct a * unique hook for a shipment type. `$prop` refers to the actual address property e.g. first_name. * * Example hook name: woocommerce_gzd_shipment_get_sender_address_first_name * * @param string $value The address property value. * @param Shipment $this The shipment object. * * @since 3.0.0 * @package Vendidero/Germanized/Shipments */ $value = apply_filters( "{$this->get_hook_prefix()}sender_address_{$prop}", $value, $this ); } return $value; } /** * Returns the formatted sender address. * * @param string $empty_content Content to show if no address is present. * @return string */ public function get_formatted_sender_address( $empty_content = '' ) { $address = WC()->countries->get_formatted_address( $this->get_sender_address() ); return $address ? $address : $empty_content; } /** * Returns the address of the sender e.g. customer. * * @param string $context What the value is for. Valid values are 'view' and 'edit'. * @return string[] */ public function get_sender_address( $context = 'view' ) { return apply_filters( "{$this->get_hook_prefix()}sender_address", array( 'company' => $this->get_sender_company( $context ), 'first_name' => $this->get_sender_first_name( $context ), 'last_name' => $this->get_sender_last_name( $context ), 'address_1' => $this->get_sender_address_1( $context ), 'address_2' => $this->get_sender_address_2( $context ), 'postcode' => $this->get_sender_postcode( $context ), 'city' => $this->get_sender_city( $context ), 'country' => $this->get_sender_country( $context ), 'state' => $this->get_sender_state( $context ), ), $this ); } /** * Returns the sender address phone number. * * @param string $context What the value is for. Valid values are 'view' and 'edit'. * @return string */ public function get_sender_phone( $context = 'view' ) { return $this->get_sender_address_prop( 'phone', $context ); } /** * Returns the sender address email. * * @param string $context What the value is for. Valid values are 'view' and 'edit'. * @return string */ public function get_sender_email( $context = 'view' ) { return $this->get_sender_address_prop( 'email', $context ); } /** * Returns the sender address first line. * * @param string $context What the value is for. Valid values are 'view' and 'edit'. * @return string */ public function get_sender_address_1( $context = 'view' ) { return $this->get_sender_address_prop( 'address_1', $context ); } /** * Returns the sender address second line. * * @param string $context What the value is for. Valid values are 'view' and 'edit'. * @return string */ public function get_sender_address_2( $context = 'view' ) { return $this->get_sender_address_prop( 'address_2', $context ); } /** * Returns the sender address street number by splitting the address. * * @param string $type The address type e.g. address_1 or address_2. * * @return string */ public function get_sender_address_street_number( $type = 'address_1' ) { $split = wc_gzd_split_shipment_street( $this->{"get_sender_$type"}() ); return $split['number']; } /** * Returns the sender address street without number by splitting the address. * * @param string $type The address type e.g. address_1 or address_2. * * @return string */ public function get_sender_address_street( $type = 'address_1' ) { $split = wc_gzd_split_shipment_street( $this->{"get_sender_$type"}() ); return $split['street']; } /** * Returns the sender address street addition by splitting the address. * * @param string $type The address type e.g. address_1 or address_2. * * @return string */ public function get_sender_address_street_addition( $type = 'address_1' ) { $split = wc_gzd_split_shipment_street( $this->{"get_sender_$type"}() ); return $split['addition']; } public function get_sender_address_street_addition_2( $type = 'address_1' ) { $split = wc_gzd_split_shipment_street( $this->{"get_sender_$type"}() ); return $split['addition_2']; } /** * Returns the sender address company. * * @param string $context What the value is for. Valid values are 'view' and 'edit'. * @return string */ public function get_sender_company( $context = 'view' ) { return $this->get_sender_address_prop( 'company', $context ); } /** * Returns the sender address first name. * * @param string $context What the value is for. Valid values are 'view' and 'edit'. * @return string */ public function get_sender_first_name( $context = 'view' ) { return $this->get_sender_address_prop( 'first_name', $context ); } /** * Returns the shipment address last name. * * @param string $context What the value is for. Valid values are 'view' and 'edit'. * @return string */ public function get_sender_last_name( $context = 'view' ) { return $this->get_sender_address_prop( 'last_name', $context ); } /** * Returns the sender address formatted full name. * * @return string */ public function get_formatted_sender_full_name() { return sprintf( _x( '%1$s %2$s', 'full name', 'woocommerce-germanized-shipments' ), $this->get_sender_first_name(), $this->get_sender_last_name() ); } /** * Returns the sender address postcode. * * @param string $context What the value is for. Valid values are 'view' and 'edit'. * @return string */ public function get_sender_postcode( $context = 'view' ) { return $this->get_sender_address_prop( 'postcode', $context ); } /** * Returns the sender address city. * * @param string $context What the value is for. Valid values are 'view' and 'edit'. * @return string */ public function get_sender_city( $context = 'view' ) { return $this->get_sender_address_prop( 'city', $context ); } /** * Returns the sender address state. * * @param string $context What the value is for. Valid values are 'view' and 'edit'. * @return string */ public function get_sender_state( $context = 'view' ) { return $this->get_sender_address_prop( 'state', $context ); } /** * Returns the sender address customs reference number. * * @param string $context What the value is for. Valid values are 'view' and 'edit'. * @return string */ public function get_sender_customs_reference_number( $context = 'view' ) { return $this->get_sender_address_prop( 'customs_reference_number', $context ) ? $this->get_sender_address_prop( 'customs_reference_number', $context ) : ''; } /** * Returns the sender address customs reference number. * * @param string $context What the value is for. Valid values are 'view' and 'edit'. * @return string */ public function get_sender_customs_uk_vat_id( $context = 'view' ) { return $this->get_sender_address_prop( 'customs_uk_vat_id', $context ) ? $this->get_sender_address_prop( 'customs_uk_vat_id', $context ) : ''; } public function get_formatted_sender_state() { if ( '' === $this->get_sender_state() || '' === $this->get_sender_country() ) { return ''; } return wc_gzd_get_formatted_state( $this->get_sender_state(), $this->get_sender_country() ); } /** * Returns the sender address country. * * @param string $context What the value is for. Valid values are 'view' and 'edit'. * @return string */ public function get_sender_country( $context = 'view' ) { return $this->get_sender_address_prop( 'country', $context ) ? $this->get_sender_address_prop( 'country', $context ) : ''; } /** * Return the date this shipment is estimated to be delivered. * * @param string $context What the value is for. Valid values are 'view' and 'edit'. * @return WC_DateTime|null object if the date is set or null if there is no date. */ public function get_est_delivery_date( $context = 'view' ) { return $this->get_prop( 'est_delivery_date', $context ); } /** * Decides whether the shipment is sent to an external pickup or not. * * @param string[]|string $types * * @return boolean */ public function send_to_external_pickup( $types = array() ) { $types = is_array( $types ) ? $types : array( $types ); $has_pickup = $this->has_pickup_location(); if ( ! empty( $types ) ) { $has_pickup = false; if ( $location = $this->get_pickup_location() ) { $has_pickup = in_array( $location->get_type(), $types, true ); } } /** * Filter to decide whether a Shipment is to be sent to a external pickup location * e.g. packstation. * * @param boolean $external True if the Shipment goes to a pickup location. * @param array $types Array containing the types to be checked against, or empty. * @param Shipment $this The shipment object. * * @since 3.0.0 * @package Vendidero/Germanized/Shipments */ return apply_filters( 'woocommerce_gzd_shipment_send_to_external_pickup', $has_pickup, $types, $this ); } /** * Returns an address prop. * * @param string $prop * @param string $context * * @return null|string */ protected function get_address_prop( $prop, $context = 'view' ) { $value = null; if ( isset( $this->changes['address'][ $prop ] ) || isset( $this->data['address'][ $prop ] ) ) { $value = isset( $this->changes['address'][ $prop ] ) ? $this->changes['address'][ $prop ] : $this->data['address'][ $prop ]; if ( 'view' === $context ) { /** * Filter to adjust a Shipment's shipping address property e.g. first_name. * * The dynamic portion of this hook, `$this->get_hook_prefix()` is used to construct a * unique hook for a shipment type. `$prop` refers to the actual address property e.g. first_name. * * Example hook name: woocommerce_gzd_shipment_get_address_first_name * * @param string $value The address property value. * @param Shipment $this The shipment object. * * @since 3.0.0 * @package Vendidero/Germanized/Shipments */ $value = apply_filters( "{$this->get_hook_prefix()}address_{$prop}", $value, $this ); } } return $value; } /** * Returns dimensions. * * @return string|array */ public function get_dimensions( $context = 'view' ) { return array( 'length' => $this->get_length( $context ), 'width' => $this->get_width( $context ), 'height' => $this->get_height( $context ), ); } /** * Returns dimensions. * * @return string|array */ public function get_package_dimensions() { return array( 'length' => $this->get_package_length(), 'width' => $this->get_package_width(), 'height' => $this->get_package_height(), ); } public function get_formatted_dimensions() { return wc_gzd_format_shipment_dimensions( $this->get_dimensions(), $this->get_dimension_unit() ); } public function get_formatted_package_dimensions() { return wc_gzd_format_shipment_dimensions( $this->get_package_dimensions(), $this->get_dimension_unit() ); } /** * Returns whether the shipment is editable or not. * * @return boolean */ public function is_editable() { /** * Filter to dedice whether the current Shipment is still editable or not. * * @param boolean $is_editable Whether the Shipment is editable or not. * @param Shipment $this The shipment object. * * @since 3.0.0 * @package Vendidero/Germanized/Shipments */ return apply_filters( 'woocommerce_gzd_shipment_is_editable', $this->has_status( wc_gzd_get_shipment_editable_statuses() ), $this ); } /** * Returns the shipment number. * * @return string */ public function get_shipment_number() { /** * Filter to adjust a Shipment's number. * * The dynamic portion of this hook, `$this->get_hook_prefix()` is used to construct a * unique hook for a shipment type. * * Example hook name: woocommerce_gzd_shipment_get_shipment_number * * @param string $number The shipment number. * @param Shipment $this The shipment object. * * @since 3.0.0 * @package Vendidero/Germanized/Shipments */ return (string) apply_filters( "{$this->get_hook_prefix()}shipment_number", $this->get_id(), $this ); } /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Setters |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Set shipment status. * * @param string $new_status Status to change the shipment to. No internal gzd- prefix is required. * @param boolean $manual_update Whether it is a manual status update or not. * @return array details of change */ public function set_status( $new_status, $manual_update = false ) { $old_status = $this->get_status(); $new_status = 'gzd-' === substr( $new_status, 0, 4 ) ? substr( $new_status, 4 ) : $new_status; $this->set_prop( 'status', $new_status ); $result = array( 'from' => $old_status, 'to' => $new_status, ); if ( true === $this->object_read && ! empty( $result['from'] ) && $result['from'] !== $result['to'] ) { $this->status_transition = array( 'from' => ! empty( $this->status_transition['from'] ) ? $this->status_transition['from'] : $result['from'], 'to' => $result['to'], 'manual' => (bool) $manual_update, ); if ( $manual_update ) { /** * Action that fires after a shipment status has been updated manually. * * @param integer $shipment_id The shipment id. * @param string $status The new shipment status. * * @since 3.0.0 * @package Vendidero/Germanized/Shipments */ do_action( 'woocommerce_gzd_shipment_edit_status', $this->get_id(), $result['to'] ); } $this->maybe_set_date_sent(); } return $result; } public function is_shipped() { $is_shipped = $this->has_status( wc_gzd_get_shipment_sent_statuses() ); return apply_filters( $this->get_hook_prefix() . 'is_shipped', $is_shipped, $this ); } /** * Maybe set date sent. * * Sets the date sent variable when transitioning to the shipped shipment status. * Date sent is set once in this manner - only when it is not already set. */ public function maybe_set_date_sent() { // This logic only runs if the date_sent prop has not been set yet. if ( ! $this->get_date_sent( 'edit' ) ) { if ( $this->is_shipped() ) { // If payment complete status is reached, set paid now. $this->set_date_sent( time() ); } } } /** * Updates status of shipment immediately. * * @uses Shipment::set_status() * * @param string $new_status Status to change the shipment to. No internal gzd- prefix is required. * @param bool $manual Is this a manual order status change? * @return bool */ public function update_status( $new_status, $manual = false ) { if ( ! $this->get_id() ) { return false; } try { $this->set_status( $new_status, $manual ); $this->save(); } catch ( Exception $e ) { $logger = wc_get_logger(); $logger->error( sprintf( 'Error updating status for shipment #%d', $this->get_id() ), array( 'shipment' => $this, 'error' => $e, ) ); return false; } return true; } /** * Set the date this shipment was created. * * @param string|integer|null $date UTC timestamp, or ISO 8601 DateTime. If the DateTime string has no timezone or offset, WordPress site timezone will be assumed. Null if their is no date. */ public function set_date_created( $date = null ) { $this->set_date_prop( 'date_created', $date ); } /** * Set the date this shipment was sent. * * @param string|integer|null $date UTC timestamp, or ISO 8601 DateTime. If the DateTime string has no timezone or offset, WordPress site timezone will be assumed. Null if their is no date. */ public function set_date_sent( $date = null ) { $this->set_date_prop( 'date_sent', $date ); } /** * Set shipment weight in kg. * * @param string $weight The weight. */ public function set_weight( $weight ) { $this->set_prop( 'weight', '' === $weight ? '' : wc_format_decimal( $weight ) ); } public function set_packaging_weight( $weight ) { $this->set_prop( 'packaging_weight', '' === $weight ? '' : wc_format_decimal( $weight ) ); } /** * Set shipment total weight. * * @param string $weight The weight. */ public function set_total_weight( $weight ) { $this->set_prop( 'total_weight', '' === $weight ? '' : wc_format_decimal( $weight ) ); } /** * Set shipment width. * * @param string $width The width. */ public function set_width( $width ) { $this->set_prop( 'width', '' === $width ? '' : wc_format_decimal( $width ) ); } public function set_weight_unit( $unit ) { $this->set_prop( 'weight_unit', $unit ); } public function set_dimension_unit( $unit ) { $this->set_prop( 'dimension_unit', $unit ); } /** * Set shipment length. * * @param string $length The length. */ public function set_length( $length ) { $this->set_prop( 'length', '' === $length ? '' : wc_format_decimal( $length ) ); } /** * Set shipment height. * * @param string $height The height. */ public function set_height( $height ) { $this->set_prop( 'height', '' === $height ? '' : wc_format_decimal( $height ) ); } /** * Set shipment address. * * @param string[] $address The address props. */ public function set_address( $address ) { $this->set_prop( 'address', empty( $address ) ? array() : (array) $address ); } /** * Set shipment shipping method. * * @param string $method The shipping method. */ public function set_shipping_method( $method ) { $this->shipping_method_instance = null; $this->set_prop( 'shipping_method', $method ); } /** * Set shipment version. * * @param string $version The version. */ public function set_version( $version ) { $this->set_prop( 'version', $version ); } /** * Set the date this shipment will be delivered. * * @param string|integer|null $date UTC timestamp, or ISO 8601 DateTime. If the DateTime string has no timezone or offset, WordPress site timezone will be assumed. Null if their is no date. */ public function set_est_delivery_date( $date = null ) { $this->set_date_prop( 'est_delivery_date', $date ); } /** * Set shipment total. * * @param float|string $value The shipment total. */ public function set_total( $value ) { $value = wc_format_decimal( $value ); if ( ! is_numeric( $value ) ) { $value = 0; } $this->set_prop( 'total', $value ); } /** * Set shipment total. * * @param float|string $value The shipment total. */ public function set_subtotal( $value ) { $value = wc_format_decimal( $value ); if ( ! is_numeric( $value ) ) { $value = 0; } $this->set_prop( 'subtotal', $value ); } /** * Set shipment additional total. * * @param float|string $value The shipment total. */ public function set_additional_total( $value ) { $value = wc_format_decimal( $value ); if ( ! is_numeric( $value ) ) { $value = 0; } $this->set_prop( 'additional_total', $value ); } /** * Set shipment shipping country. * * @param string $country The country in ISO format. */ public function set_country( $country ) { $this->set_address_prop( 'country', $country ); } /** * Update a specific address prop. * * @param $prop * @param $value */ protected function set_address_prop( $prop, $value ) { $address = $this->get_address(); $address[ $prop ] = $value; $this->set_address( $address ); } /** * Set shipment tracking id. * * @param string $tracking_id The trakcing id. */ public function set_tracking_id( $tracking_id ) { $this->set_prop( 'tracking_id', $tracking_id ); } /** * Set shipment pickup location code. * * @param string $location_code The location code. */ public function set_pickup_location_code( $location_code ) { $this->set_prop( 'pickup_location_code', $location_code ); $this->pickup_location = null; } /** * Set shipment pickup location customer number. * * @param string $customer_number The customer number. */ public function set_pickup_location_customer_number( $customer_number ) { $this->set_prop( 'pickup_location_customer_number', $customer_number ); } /** * Set shipment shipping provider. * * @param string $provider The shipping provider. */ public function set_shipping_provider( $provider ) { $this->set_prop( 'shipping_provider', wc_gzd_get_shipping_provider_slug( $provider ) ); } /** * Set packaging id. * * @param integer $packaging_id The packaging id. */ public function set_packaging_id( $packaging_id ) { $this->set_prop( 'packaging_id', absint( $packaging_id ) ); $this->packaging = null; } public function sync_packaging() { $available_packaging = $this->get_selectable_packaging(); $default_packaging = $this->get_default_packaging(); $packaging_id = $this->get_packaging_id( 'edit' ); if ( ! empty( $packaging_id ) ) { $exists = false; foreach ( $available_packaging as $packaging ) { if ( (int) $packaging_id === (int) $packaging->get_id() ) { $exists = true; break; } } if ( ! $exists && $default_packaging ) { $this->set_packaging_id( $default_packaging->get_id() ); } } elseif ( empty( $packaging_id ) && $default_packaging ) { $this->set_packaging_id( $default_packaging->get_id() ); } } public function update_packaging() { if ( $packaging = $this->get_packaging() ) { $packaging_dimension = wc_gzd_get_packaging_dimension_unit(); $props = array( 'width' => wc_get_dimension( $packaging->get_width( 'edit' ), $this->get_dimension_unit(), $packaging_dimension ), 'length' => wc_get_dimension( $packaging->get_length( 'edit' ), $this->get_dimension_unit(), $packaging_dimension ), 'height' => wc_get_dimension( $packaging->get_height( 'edit' ), $this->get_dimension_unit(), $packaging_dimension ), 'packaging_weight' => wc_get_weight( $packaging->get_weight( 'edit' ), $this->get_weight_unit(), wc_gzd_get_packaging_weight_unit() ), ); $this->set_props( $props ); } else { $props = array( 'packaging_weight' => '' ); $changes = $this->get_changes(); /** * Maybe reset dimensions in case they've not been explicitly set */ if ( array_key_exists( 'packaging_id', $changes ) ) { foreach ( array( 'length', 'width', 'height' ) as $dim_prop ) { if ( ! array_key_exists( $dim_prop, $changes ) ) { $props = array_merge( $props, array( $dim_prop => '' ) ); } } } // Reset $this->set_props( $props ); } return true; } /** * Return an array of items within this shipment. * * @return ShipmentItem[] */ public function get_items() { $items = array(); if ( is_null( $this->items ) ) { $this->items = array_filter( $this->data_store->read_items( $this ) ); $items = (array) $this->items; } else { $items = (array) $this->items; } /** * Filter to adjust items belonging to a Shipment. * * The dynamic portion of this hook, `$this->get_hook_prefix()` is used to construct a * unique hook for a shipment type. * * Example hook name: woocommerce_gzd_shipment_get_items * * @param string $number The shipment number. * @param Shipment $this The shipment object. * * @since 3.0.0 * @package Vendidero/Germanized/Shipments */ return apply_filters( "{$this->get_hook_prefix()}items", $items, $this ); } /** * Get's the URL to edit the shipment in the backend. * * @return string */ abstract public function get_edit_shipment_url(); public function get_view_shipment_url() { /** * Filter to adjust the URL being used to access the view shipment page on the customer account page. * * The dynamic portion of this hook, `$this->get_hook_prefix()` is used to construct a * unique hook for a shipment type. * * Example hook name: woocommerce_gzd_shipment_view_shipment_url * * @param string $url The URL pointing to the view page. * @param Shipment $this The shipment object. * * @since 3.0.0 * @package Vendidero/Germanized/Shipments */ return apply_filters( "{$this->get_hook_prefix()}_view_shipment_url", wc_get_endpoint_url( 'view-shipment', $this->get_id(), wc_get_page_permalink( 'myaccount' ) ), $this ); } /** * Get an item object. * * @param int $item_id ID of item to get. * * @return ShipmentItem|false */ public function get_item( $item_id ) { $items = $this->get_items(); if ( isset( $items[ $item_id ] ) ) { return $items[ $item_id ]; } return false; } /** * Remove item from the shipment. * * @param int $item_id Item ID to delete. * * @return false|void */ public function remove_item( $item_id ) { $item = $this->get_item( $item_id ); // Unset and remove later. $this->items_to_delete[] = $item; unset( $this->items[ $item->get_id() ] ); $this->reset_content_data(); $this->calculate_totals(); $this->sync_packaging(); } public function update_item_quantity( $item_id, $quantity = 1 ) { if ( $item = $this->get_item( $item_id ) ) { $item->set_quantity( $quantity ); if ( array_key_exists( 'quantity', $item->get_changes() ) ) { $this->sync_packaging(); } return true; } return false; } /** * Adds a shipment item to this shipment. The shipment item will not persist until save. * * @since 3.0.0 * @param ShipmentItem $item Shipment item object. * * @return false|void */ public function add_item( $item ) { // Make sure that items are loaded $items = $this->get_items(); // Set parent. $item->set_shipment_id( $this->get_id() ); // Append new row with generated temporary ID. $item_id = $item->get_id(); if ( $item_id ) { $this->items[ $item_id ] = $item; } else { $this->items[ 'new:' . count( $this->items ) ] = $item; } $this->items_to_pack = null; $this->reset_content_data(); $this->calculate_totals(); $this->sync_packaging(); } /** * Reset item content data. */ protected function reset_content_data() { $this->weights = null; $this->lengths = null; $this->widths = null; $this->heights = null; $this->volumes = null; } /** * Handle the status transition. */ protected function status_transition() { $status_transition = $this->status_transition; // Reset status transition variable. $this->status_transition = false; if ( $status_transition ) { try { /** * Action that fires before a shipment status transition happens. * * @param integer $shipment_id The shipment id. * @param Shipment $shipment The shipment object. * @param array $status_transition The status transition data. * * @since 3.0.0 * @package Vendidero/Germanized/Shipments */ do_action( 'woocommerce_gzd_shipment_before_status_change', $this->get_id(), $this, $this->status_transition ); $status_to = $status_transition['to']; $status_hook_prefix = 'woocommerce_gzd_' . ( 'simple' === $this->get_type() ? '' : $this->get_type() . '_' ) . 'shipment_status'; /** * Action that indicates shipment status change to a specific status. * * The dynamic portion of the hook name, `$status_hook_prefix` constructs a unique prefix * based on the shipment type. `$status_to` refers to the new shipment status. * * Example hook name: `woocommerce_gzd_return_shipment_status_processing` * * @param integer $shipment_id The shipment id. * @param Shipment $shipment The shipment object. * * @see wc_gzd_get_shipment_statuses() * * @since 3.0.0 * @package Vendidero/Germanized/Shipments */ do_action( "{$status_hook_prefix}_$status_to", $this->get_id(), $this ); if ( ! empty( $status_transition['from'] ) ) { $status_from = $status_transition['from']; /** * Action that indicates shipment status change from a specific status to a specific status. * * The dynamic portion of the hook name, `$status_hook_prefix` constructs a unique prefix * based on the shipment type. `$status_from` refers to the old shipment status. * `$status_to` refers to the new status. * * Example hook name: `woocommerce_gzd_return_shipment_status_processing_to_shipped` * * @param integer $shipment_id The shipment id. * @param Shipment $shipment The shipment object. * * @see wc_gzd_get_shipment_statuses() * * @since 3.0.0 * @package Vendidero/Germanized/Shipments */ do_action( "{$status_hook_prefix}_{$status_from}_to_{$status_to}", $this->get_id(), $this ); /** * Action that indicates shipment status change. * * @param integer $shipment_id The shipment id. * @param string $status_from The old shipment status. * @param string $status_to The new shipment status. * @param Shipment $shipment The shipment object. * * @see wc_gzd_get_shipment_statuses() * * @since 3.0.0 * @package Vendidero/Germanized/Shipments */ do_action( 'woocommerce_gzd_shipment_status_changed', $this->get_id(), $status_from, $status_to, $this ); } } catch ( Exception $e ) { $logger = wc_get_logger(); $logger->error( sprintf( 'Status transition of shipment #%d errored!', $this->get_id() ), array( 'shipment' => $this, 'error' => $e, ) ); } } } /** * Remove all items from the shipment. */ public function remove_items() { $this->data_store->delete_items( $this ); $this->items = array(); $this->items_to_pack = null; $this->reset_content_data(); $this->calculate_totals(); $this->sync_packaging(); } /** * Save all items which are part of this shipment. */ protected function save_items() { $items_changed = false; foreach ( $this->items_to_delete as $item ) { $item->delete(); $items_changed = true; } $this->items_to_delete = array(); foreach ( $this->get_items() as $item_key => $item ) { $item->set_shipment_id( $this->get_id() ); $item_id = $item->save(); // If ID changed (new item saved to DB)... if ( $item_id !== $item_key ) { $this->items[ $item_id ] = $item; unset( $this->items[ $item_key ] ); $items_changed = true; } } } /** * Finds an ShipmentItem based on an order item id. * * @param integer $order_item_id * * @return bool|ShipmentItem */ public function get_item_by_order_item_id( $order_item_id ) { $items = $this->get_items(); foreach ( $items as $item ) { if ( $item->get_order_item_id() === (int) $order_item_id ) { return $item; } } return false; } /** * Returns version. * * @param string $context What the value is for. Valid values are 'view' and 'edit'. * @return integer */ public function get_version( $context = 'view' ) { return $this->get_prop( 'version', $context ); } /** * Returns the packaging id belonging to the shipment. * * @param string $context What the value is for. Valid values are 'view' and 'edit'. * @return integer */ public function get_packaging_id( $context = 'view' ) { return $this->get_prop( 'packaging_id', $context ); } public function get_packaging() { if ( is_null( $this->packaging ) && $this->get_packaging_id() > 0 ) { if ( $packaging = wc_gzd_get_packaging( $this->get_packaging_id() ) ) { // Do only allow load packaging if it does really exist in DB. if ( $packaging->get_id() > 0 ) { $this->packaging = $packaging; } } } return $this->packaging; } /** * Returns a list of available (fitting) packaging options for the current shipment * * @return Packaging[] */ public function get_available_packaging() { $packaging_store = \WC_Data_Store::load( 'packaging' ); return apply_filters( "{$this->get_hook_prefix()}available_packaging", $packaging_store->find_available_packaging_for_shipment( $this ), $this ); } /** * Returns a list of user-selectable packaging options for the current shipment. * * @return Packaging[] */ public function get_selectable_packaging() { $all = wc_gzd_get_packaging_list( array( 'shipping_provider' => $this->get_shipping_provider() ) ); $available = $this->get_available_packaging(); $diff = array_diff( $all, $available ); $selectable = array_merge( $available, $diff ); return apply_filters( "{$this->get_hook_prefix()}selectable_packaging", $selectable, $this ); } public function get_default_packaging() { $packaging_store = \WC_Data_Store::load( 'packaging' ); $default_packaging = $packaging_store->find_best_match_for_shipment( $this ); if ( ! $default_packaging ) { $setting = Package::get_setting( 'default_packaging' ); if ( ! empty( $setting ) && wc_gzd_get_packaging( $setting ) ) { $default_packaging = wc_gzd_get_packaging( $setting ); } } return apply_filters( "{$this->get_hook_prefix()}default_packaging_id", $default_packaging, $this ); } /** * Tries to fetch the order for the current shipment. * * @return bool|WC_Order|null */ abstract public function get_order(); abstract public function get_order_id(); /** * Returns the formatted order number. * * @return string */ public function get_order_number() { if ( $order = $this->get_order() ) { return $order->get_order_number(); } return $this->get_order_id(); } /** * Returns whether the Shipment contains an order item or not. * * @param integer|integer[] $item_id * * @return boolean */ public function contains_order_item( $item_id ) { if ( ! is_array( $item_id ) ) { $item_id = array( $item_id ); } $new_items = $item_id; foreach ( $item_id as $key => $order_item_id ) { if ( is_a( $order_item_id, 'WC_Order_Item' ) ) { $order_item_id = $order_item_id->get_id(); $item_id[ $key ] = $order_item_id; } if ( $this->get_item_by_order_item_id( $order_item_id ) ) { unset( $new_items[ $key ] ); } } $contains = empty( $new_items ) ? true : false; /** * Filter to adjust whether a Shipment contains a specific order item or not. * * @param boolean $contains Whether the Shipment contains the order item or not. * @param integer[] $order_item_id The order item id(s). * @param Shipment $this The shipment object. * * @since 3.0.0 * @package Vendidero/Germanized/Shipments */ return apply_filters( 'woocommerce_gzd_shipment_contains_order_item', $contains, $item_id, $this ); } public function get_shippable_item_count() { return 0; } /** * Finds an ShipmentItem based on an item parent id. * * @param integer $item_parent_id * * @return bool|ShipmentItem */ public function get_item_by_item_parent_id( $item_parent_id ) { $items = $this->get_items(); foreach ( $items as $item ) { if ( $item->get_parent_id() === $item_parent_id ) { return $item; } } return false; } public function needs_items( $available_items = false ) { return false; } public function sync( $args = array() ) { return false; } public function sync_items( $args = array() ) { return false; } /** * Returns a label * * @return boolean|ShipmentLabel|ShipmentReturnLabel */ public function get_label() { $prefix = ''; if ( is_null( $this->label ) ) { $this->label = false; if ( $provider = $this->get_shipping_provider_instance() ) { $prefix = $provider->get_name() . '_'; $this->label = $provider->get_label( $this ); } } /** * Filter for shipping providers to retrieve the `ShipmentLabel` corresponding to a certain shipment. * * The dynamic portion of this hook, `$this->get_hook_prefix()` is used to construct a * unique hook for a shipment type. `$provider` is related to the current shipping provider * for the shipment (slug). * * Example hook name: `woocommerce_gzd_return_shipment_get_dhl_label` * * @param boolean|ShipmentLabel $label The label instance. * @param Shipment $shipment The current shipment instance. * * @since 3.0.6 * @package Vendidero/Germanized/Shipments */ return apply_filters( "{$this->get_hook_prefix()}{$prefix}label", $this->label, $this ); } /** * Output label admin fields. */ public function get_label_settings_html() { $hook_prefix = $this->get_general_hook_prefix(); $html = ''; if ( $provider = $this->get_shipping_provider_instance() ) { $hook_prefix = $hook_prefix . '_' . $provider->get_name(); $html = $provider->get_label_fields_html( $this ); } /** * Action for shipping providers to output available admin settings while creating a label. * * The dynamic portion of this hook, `$hook_prefix` is used to construct a * unique hook for a shipment type. `$provider` is related to the current shipping provider * for the shipment (slug). * * Example hook name: `woocommerce_gzd_return_shipment_print_dhl_label_admin_fields` * * @param Shipment $shipment The current shipment instance. * * @since 3.0.6 * @package Vendidero/Germanized/Shipments */ return apply_filters( "{$hook_prefix}label_settings_html", $html, $this ); } /** * @param $props * * @return true|ShipmentError */ public function create_label( $props = false ) { $hook_prefix = $this->get_general_hook_prefix(); $provider_name = $this->get_shipping_provider() ? $this->get_shipping_provider() . '_' : ''; $error = new ShipmentError(); $this->label = null; /** * Sanitize props */ if ( is_array( $props ) ) { foreach ( $props as $key => $value ) { $props[ $key ] = wc_clean( wp_unslash( $value ) ); } } do_action( "{$hook_prefix}before_create_{$provider_name}label", $props, $this ); if ( $provider = $this->get_shipping_provider_instance() ) { $provider_name = $provider->get_name(); $result = $provider->create_label( $this, $props ); do_action( "{$hook_prefix}after_create_{$provider_name}label", $props, $this, $result ); if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) { $error = wc_gzd_get_shipment_error( $result ); if ( ! $error->is_soft_error() ) { return $error; } } } else { /** * Action for shipping providers to create the `ShipmentLabel` corresponding to a certain shipment. * * The dynamic portion of this hook, `$hook_prefix` is used to construct a * unique hook for a shipment type. `$provider` is related to the current shipping provider * for the shipment (slug). * * Example hook name: `woocommerce_gzd_return_shipment_create_dhl_label` * * @param array|false $props Array containing props extracted from post data (if created manually). * @param WP_Error $error An WP_Error instance useful for returning errors while creating the label. * @param Shipment $shipment The current shipment instance. * * @since 3.0.6 * @package Vendidero/Germanized/Shipments */ do_action( "{$hook_prefix}create_{$provider_name}label", $props, $error, $this ); if ( wc_gzd_shipment_wp_error_has_errors( $error ) && ! $error->is_soft_error() ) { return $error; } } if ( $label = $this->get_label() ) { $this->set_tracking_id( $label->get_number() ); /** * Action for shipping providers to adjust the shipment before updating it after a label has * been successfully generated. * * The dynamic portion of this hook, `$hook_prefix` is used to construct a * unique hook for a shipment type. `$provider` is related to the current shipping provider * for the shipment (slug). * * Example hook name: `woocommerce_gzd_return_shipment_created_dhl_label` * * @param Shipment $shipment The current shipment instance. * @param array $props Array containing props extracted from post data (if created manually) and sanitized via `wc_clean`. * @param array $raw_data Raw post data unsanitized. * * @since 3.1.2 * @package Vendidero/Germanized/Shipments */ do_action( "{$hook_prefix}created_{$provider_name}label", $this, $props ); do_action( "{$hook_prefix}created_label", $this, $props ); $this->save(); } if ( wc_gzd_shipment_wp_error_has_errors( $error ) ) { return $error; } return true; } public function delete_label( $force = false ) { if ( $this->supports_label() && ( $label = $this->get_label() ) ) { $label->delete( $force ); $this->set_tracking_id( '' ); $this->save(); return true; } return false; } /** * Whether or not the current shipments supports labels or not. * * @return bool */ public function supports_label() { if ( $provider = $this->get_shipping_provider_instance() ) { if ( $provider->supports_labels( $this->get_type(), $this ) ) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Whether or not the current shipments needs a label or not. * * @return bool */ public function needs_label( $check_status = true ) { $needs_label = true; $provider = $this->get_shipping_provider(); $hook_prefix = $this->get_general_hook_prefix(); if ( ! empty( $provider ) ) { $provider = $provider . '_'; } if ( $this->has_label() ) { $needs_label = false; } if ( ! $this->supports_label() ) { $needs_label = false; } if ( $shipping_provider = $this->get_shipping_provider_instance() ) { if ( ! $shipping_provider->is_activated() ) { $needs_label = false; } } // If shipment is already delivered if ( $check_status && $this->is_shipped() ) { $needs_label = false; } /** * Filter for shipping providers to decide whether the shipment needs a label or not. * * The dynamic portion of this hook, `$hook_prefix` is used to construct a * unique hook for a shipment type. `$provider` is related to the current shipping provider * for the shipment (slug). * * Example hook name: `woocommerce_gzd_return_shipment_needs_dhl_label` * * @param boolean $needs_label Whether or not the shipment needs a label. * @param boolean $check_status Whether or not checking the shipment status is needed. * @param Shipment $shipment The current shipment instance. * * @since 3.0.6 * @package Vendidero/Germanized/Shipments */ return apply_filters( "{$hook_prefix}needs_{$provider}label", $needs_label, $check_status, $this ); } /** * Whether or not the current shipment has a valid label or not. * * @return bool */ public function has_label() { $label = $this->get_label(); if ( $label && is_a( $label, '\Vendidero\Germanized\Shipments\Interfaces\ShipmentLabel' ) ) { if ( 'return' === $label->get_type() ) { if ( ! is_a( $label, '\Vendidero\Germanized\Shipments\Interfaces\ShipmentReturnLabel' ) ) { return false; } } return true; } else { return false; } } public function get_label_download_url( $args = array() ) { $download_url = ''; $provider = $this->get_shipping_provider(); if ( $label = $this->get_label() ) { $download_url = $label->get_download_url( $args ); } /** * Filter for shipping providers to adjust the label download URL. * * The dynamic portion of this hook, `$this->get_hook_prefix()` is used to construct a * unique hook for a shipment type. `$provider` is related to the current shipping provider * for the shipment (slug). * * Example hook name: `woocommerce_gzd_return_shipment_get_dhl_label_download_url` * * @param string $url The download URL. * @param Shipment $shipment The current shipment instance. * * @since 3.0.6 * @package Vendidero/Germanized/Shipments */ return apply_filters( "{$this->get_hook_prefix()}{$provider}label_download_url", $download_url, $this ); } public function add_note( $note, $added_by_user = false ) { if ( $order = $this->get_order() ) { if ( is_callable( array( $order, 'add_order_note' ) ) ) { $order->add_order_note( $note, 0, $added_by_user ); } } } /** * Calculate totals based on contained items. */ protected function calculate_totals() { $total = 0; $subtotal = 0; foreach ( $this->get_items() as $item ) { $total += round( $item->get_total(), wc_get_price_decimals() ); $subtotal += round( $item->get_subtotal(), wc_get_price_decimals() ); } $this->set_total( $total ); if ( empty( $subtotal ) ) { $subtotal = $total; } $this->set_subtotal( $subtotal ); } public function delete( $force_delete = false ) { $this->delete_label( $force_delete ); return parent::delete( $force_delete ); } /** * Save data to the database. * * @return integer shipment id */ public function save() { try { $this->calculate_totals(); $is_new = false; if ( array_key_exists( 'packaging_id', $this->get_changes() ) || $this->is_editable() ) { $this->update_packaging(); } if ( $this->data_store ) { // Trigger action before saving to the DB. Allows you to adjust object props before save. do_action( 'woocommerce_before_' . $this->object_type . '_object_save', $this, $this->data_store ); if ( $this->get_id() ) { $this->data_store->update( $this ); } else { $this->data_store->create( $this ); $is_new = true; } } $this->save_items(); if ( $cache = Helper::get_cache_object( 'shipments' ) ) { $cache->remove( $this->get_id() ); } /** * Trigger action after saving shipment to the DB. * * @param Shipment $shipment The shipment object being saved. * @param WC_Data_Store_WP $data_store THe data store persisting the data. */ do_action( 'woocommerce_after_' . $this->object_type . '_object_save', $this, $this->data_store ); $hook_postfix = ''; if ( 'simple' !== $this->get_type() ) { $hook_postfix = $this->get_type() . '_'; } /** * Trigger action after saving shipment to the DB. * * The dynamic portion of this hook, `$hook_postfix` is used to construct a * unique hook for a shipment type. * * Example hook name: woocommerce_gzd_shipment_after_save * * @param Shipment $shipment The shipment object being saved. * @param boolean $is_new Indicator to determine whether this is a new shipment or not. * * @since 3.0.0 * @package Vendidero/Germanized/Shipments */ do_action( "woocommerce_gzd_{$hook_postfix}shipment_after_save", $this, $is_new ); $this->status_transition(); $this->reset_content_data(); $this->label = null; } catch ( Exception $e ) { /** * This is a tweak to prevent the WooCommerce PayPal Payments Plugin compatibility script * from breaking our code in case an error occurs while transmitting tracking data to PayPal. * This tweak should only be included as long as the bug persists. * @TODO Check whether the issue persists in next release cycles * * @see */ if ( is_a( $e, 'WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\ApiClient\Exception\PayPalApiException' ) || is_a( $e, 'WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\ApiClient\Exception\RuntimeException' ) ) { $this->status_transition(); $this->reset_content_data(); $this->label = null; } else { $logger = wc_get_logger(); $logger->error( sprintf( 'Error saving shipment #%d', $this->get_id() ), array( 'shipment' => $this, 'error' => $e, ) ); } } return $this->get_id(); } }