Veranet Protocol Specification ============================== ### Version 1.0 (January 23, 2018) Nathan Eppinger ( Gordon Hall ( --- 0 License ------------- Copyright (C) 2017 Verady, LLC Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the "LICENSE" file. 1 Introduction ------------------ This specification documents the Veranet protocol in its entirety for the purpose of enabling its implementation in other languages. Described here, is the protocol base - the minimum specification for compatibility with Veranet. Additional optional extensions to this work may be defined in a future specification. 2 Identities ---------------- Every node (host computer speaking the Veranet protocol) on the network possesses a unique cryptographic identity. This identity is used to derive a special 160 bit identifier for the purpose of organizaing the overlay structure and routing messages _(3.1: Kademlia)_. In order for a node to join the network it must generate an identity. Identities are described as **hierarchically deterministic** and serve the purpose of running a cluster of nodes that can all share the same parent identity and act on behalf of each other in the network. The specification extends Bitcoin ECDSA derivation standard [BIP32]( and [BIP43]( Key derivation must match the specification of Bitcoin Hierarchical Deterministic Wallets (BIP32) with the purpose field described in Bitcoin Purpose Field for Deterministic Wallets (BIP43). We define the following levels in BIP32 path: ``` m / purpose' / group_index' / node_index ``` The apostrophe in the path indicates that BIP32 hardened derivation is used. Purpose is a constant set to 3000, so as to not collide with any bitcoin related proposals which recommends to use the BIP number. ``` m / 3000' / group_index' / node_index ``` The `group_index` for all purposes will be 0. The `node_index` can be a number from 0 through 2 ^ 31 - 1, so that it's using a non-hardened paths and it's always possible to derive the public key for a node using the `m / 3000' / group_index'` derived extended public key. This gives a total of 2.147 billion possible nodes to run in a group cluster. > As noted in BIP32, a compromised private key at the `node_index` level in > combination with the extended public key at the `group_index` level will > compromise all descending private keys derived from the `group_index` level, > this is the rationale for a hardened path for the `group_index`. In every message exchanged on the network, each party will include a tuple structure which includes enough information to locate and authenticate each party. ``` ["", { /* */ }] ``` ### 2.1 Node ID Generation Once a HD identity has been generated, a child identity should be derived and used for a single node. The resulting public key from that child identity is used to derive the Node ID. The node's identifier is the `RIPEMD160( SHA256( CHILD_PUBLIC_KEY ) )` encoded in hexidecimal. This value is inserted as the first item in the identity tuple. ``` ["705e93f855e60847fda4c48adff0dc1b1f7c40ef", { /* */ }] ``` ### 2.2 Contact Hash Map The second entry in the identity tuple contains additional information specific to addressing the node on the network as well as indicating the chains _(6.1: Chain Modules)_ it supports audits against. This includes: ``` { "hostname": "", "port": 8443, "protocol": "https:", "xpub": "", "index": "", "chains": ["BTC", "ETH"] } ``` Additional properties may be included based on individual use cases within the network, however the properties above are **required**. 3 Network Structure ---------------------- Veranet employs a **structured** network, meaning that nodes are organized and route messages based on a deterministic metric. The network uses a [Kademlia]( distributed hash table as the basis for the network overlay. In addition to Kademlia, Veranet also employs other extensions to mitigate issues and attacks defined by the work on [S/Kademlia]( ### 3.1 Kademlia Once a Veranet node has completed generating its identity, it bootstraps its routing table by following the Kademlia "join" procedure. This involves querying a single known "seed" node for contact information about other nodes that possess a Node ID that is close (XOR distance) to its own _(4.4 FIND_NODE)_. This is done iteratively, sending the same query to the `ALPHA` (3) results that are closest, until the further queries no longer yield results that are closer or the routing table is sufficiently bootstrapped. ### 3.2 Transport Veranet operates entirely over HTTPS. TLS *must* be used - there is no cleartext supported. In general this means that certificates are self-signed and you must accept them in order to communicate with others on the network. Each Veranet node exposes endpoints to other nodes; one for receiving RPC messages _(4. Remote Procedure Calls)_ and one for delivering identity metadata to requesters _(3.3 Root Endpoint)_. Requests sent to the RPC endpoint require a special HTTP header `x-kad-message-id` to be included that matches the `id` parameter in the associated RPC message _(4.1 Structure and Authentication)_. ### 3.3 Root Endpoint Whenver a Veranet node receives a GET request at the root path (`/`), it must respond with it's contact metadata: ``` ["705e93f855e60847fda4c48adff0dc1b1f7c40ef", { /* */ }] ``` This is to enable new nodes who have yet to discover this information to query seeds for it before bootstrapping their routing table. 4 Remote Procedure Calls --------------------------- * **Method:** `POST` * **Path:** `/rpc/` * **Content Type:** `application/json` * **Headers:** `x-kad-message-id` ### 4.1 Structure and Authentication Each remote procedure call sent and received between nodes is composed in the same structure. Messages are formatted as a [JSON-RPC 2.0]( *batch* payload containing 3 objects. These objects are positional, so ordering matters. The anatomy of a message takes the form of: ``` [{ /* rpc */ },{ /* notification */ },{ /* notification */ }] ``` At position 0 is the RPC request/response object, which must follow the JSON-RPC specification for such an object. It must contain the properties: `jsonrpc`, `id`, `method`, and `params` if it is a request. It must contain the properties: `jsonrpc`, `id`, and one of `result` or `error` if it is a response. At positions 1 and 2 are a JSON-RPC notification object, meaning that it is not required to contain an `id` property since no response is required. These two notifications always assert methods `IDENTIFY` and `AUTHENTICATE` respectively. Together, these objects provide the recipient with information regarding the identity and addressing information of the sender as well as a cryptographic signature to authenticate the payload. At position 3, if the individual RPC method being invoked requires it, a [hashcash proof-of-work stamp]( must be included. This is to prevent spam and denial of service attacks from flooding segments of the network with queries. > Positions 4 and beyond in this structure are reserved for future protocol > extensions related to global message processing. #### Example: Request ``` [ { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "", "method": "", "params": ["", ""] }, { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "IDENTIFY", "params": [ "", { "hostname": "sender.hostname", "port": 8443, "protocol": "https:", "xpub": "", "index": "", "chains": ["BTC", "ETH"] } ] }, { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "AUTHENTICATE", "params": [ "", "", ["", ""] ] }, { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "HASHCASH", "params": [""] } ] ``` #### Example: Response ``` [ { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "", "result": ["", ""] }, { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "IDENTIFY", "params": [ "", { "hostname": "receiver.hostname", "port": 8443, "protocol": "https:", "xpub": "", "index": "", "chains": ["BTC", "ETH"] } ] }, { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "AUTHENTICATE", "params": [ "", "", ["", ""] ] } ] ``` In the examples above, `public_key_hash` and `child_public_key` must be encoded as hexidecimal strings, `public_extended_key` must be encoded as a base58 string (in accordance with BIP32), and `payload_signature` must be encoded as a base64 string which is the concatenation of the public key recovery number with the actual signature of the payload - excluding the object at index 2 (`AUTHENTICATE`). This means that the message to be signed is `[rpc, identify]`. > Note the exclusion of a timestamp or incrementing nonce in the payload means > that a man-in-the-middle could carry out a replay attack. To combat this, it > is urged that the `id` parameter of the RPC message (which is a universally > unique identifier) be stored for a reasonable period of time and nodes should > reject messages that attempt to use a duplicate UUID. The rest of this section describes each individual method in the base protocol and defines the parameter and result signatures that are expected. If any RPC message yields an error, then an `error` property including `code` and `message` should be send in place of the `result` property. ### 4.2 `PING` This RPC involves one node sending a `PING` message to another, which presumably replies. This has a two-fold effect: the recipient of the `PING` must update the bucket corresponding to the sender; and, if there is a reply, the sender must update the bucket appropriate to the recipient. Parameters: `[]` Results: `[]` ### 4.3 `FIND_NODE` Basic kademlia lookup operation that builds a set of K contacts closest to the the given key. The `FIND_NODE` RPC includes a 160-bit key. The recipient of the RPC returns up to K contacts that it knows to be closest to the key. The recipient must return K contacts if at all possible. It may only return fewer than K if it is returning all of the contacts that it has knowledge of. Parameters: `[key_160_hex]` Results: `[contact_0, contact_1, ...contactN]` ### 4.4 `FIND_VALUE` Kademlia search operation that is conducted as a node lookup and builds a list of K closest contacts. If at any time during the lookup the value is returned, the search is abandoned. If no value is found, the K closest contacts are returned. Upon success, we must store the value at the nearest node seen during the search that did not return the value. A `FIND_VALUE` RPC includes a B=160-bit key. If a corresponding value is present on the recipient, the associated data is returned. Otherwise the RPC is equivalent to a `FIND_NODE` and a set of K contacts is returned. If a value is returned, it must be in the form of an object with properties: `timestamp` as a UNIX timestamp in milliseconds, `publisher` as a 160 bit public key hash in hexidecimal of the original publisher, and `value` which may be of mixed type that is valid JSON. Parameters: `[key_160_hex]` Results: `{ timestamp, publisher, value }` or `[...contactN]` ### 4.5 `STORE` The sender of the `STORE` RPC provides a key and a block of data and requires that the recipient store the data and make it available for later retrieval by that key. Parameters: `[key_160_hex, { timestamp, publisher, value }]` Results: `[key_160_hex, { timestamp, publisher, value }]` ### 4.6 `CREATE_SNAPSHOT` > This RPC method requires a valid hashcash stamp with a difficulty of 5 > _(4.1: Structure and Authentication)_. The sender of the `CREATE_SNAPSHOT` RPC seeks for the target node to perform a scan of the blockchain, using a chain module _(6.1: Chain Modules)_ specified by the included `chain_code`. This work is identified uniquely from the job description. A job description is a list structure containing the `address` to audit, a `from` UNIX timestamp, and a `to` UNIX timestamp. To create the unique work identifier, we derive the Merkle root given the input leaves of the tree are `RIPEMD160(SHA256(address:from:to))`. The Merkle tree is constructed using the same hash function. Generally some multiple verifiers are selected to perform the same work for accuracy cross-checking. How these nodes are selected is implementation specific _(6.2: Verifier Selection)_. Upon receipt of a snapshot creation request, a verifier node must: 1. Ensure that the requested `chain_code` matches a supported chain module 2. Ensure that the `merkle_root_160` doesn't reference work already completed 3. If work result is already complete, do not invoke the chain module 4. Otherwise, invoke the chain module and acknowledge the sender After the work has been acknowledged, the sender waits for a `REPORT_SNAPSHOT` RPC message from any verifiers sent this request to further process results _(6: Implementation)_. Parameters: `[merkle_root_160, chain_code, [...{ address, from, to }]]` Results: `[]` ### 4.7 `REPORT_SNAPSHOT` When a chain module has completed some work in service of a `CREATE_SNAPSHOT` request, the results are delivered to the originator in a `REPORT_SNAPSHOT` RPC message. The payload includes a two-dimensional list structure, where each nested list is positioned as a map to the original work request and contains parsed transaction objects _(5: Transaction Report Schema)_ along with a destination payment address for work reward. Parameters: `[merkle_root_160, chain_code, [...[...transactionN]], payment_dest]` Results: `[]` 5 Transaction Report Schema ------------------------------ A transaction report is an individual result included in a `REPORT_SNAPSHOT` result list that corresponds to an individual `{ address, to, from }` item included in a `CREATE_SNAPSHOT` message. Transaction reports follow a common schema across all chains and include an additional metadata field that may include any chain-specific information. ``` { "address": "", "from": , "to": , "transactions": [ { tx: { hash: "" from: [ { address: "
", amounts: [ { symbol: "", amount: , decimals: , } ] } ], to: [ { address: "
", amounts: [ { symbol: "", amount: , decimals: , } ] } ], timestamp: , blockNumber: , blockHash: "", amount: } ] } }, meta: {} } ] } ``` 6 Implementation ------------------- The Veranet daemon process itself is responsible for connecting to Veranet and both processing any work requests for which a corresponding chain module is registered and dispatching work requests to the network. The latter responsibility is carried out by listening for authenticated requests from the node operator via a local JSON-RPC server _(6.4: Veranet API)_, while the former responsibility is handled via the Veranet daemon connecting to a registered chain module via bi-directional stream, either TCP or UNIX domain socket _(6.1: Chain Modules)_. ### 6.1 Chain Modules A chain module is a standalone piece of software that communicates with the Veranet daemon process and implements a standard API for receiving audit jobs and providing results of those jobs back to the Veranet daemon. The purpose of a chain module is to implement specific blockchains that may be used for audit and verification of snapshots for sets of addresses and timeframes. Chain modules must expose an endpoint in the form of either a TCP socket or a UNIX domain socket that reads newline terminated JSON-RPC payloads containing a variable number of `{ address, from, to }` parameters to process. When the job is complete, the chain module writes the JSON-RPC result in the form of a positional list structure containing the reports _(5: Transaction Report Schema)_ back to the connected daemon which in turn dispatches the corresponding `REPORT_SNAPSHOT` back to the requesting node. ### 6.2 Verifier Selection When an end user wishes to enlist a set of verifiers (`N`) to perform some work, a consensus metric is supplied that includes the total number of nodes to enlist and the total number of nodes who must supply matching results to be considered trustworthy (`M`). To ensure even distribution of work, `N * 2` nodes are selected from the routing table that are closest the the 160 bit merkle root identifier of the work to be performed, where `N` is equal to the total nodes to enlist. These nodes are sorted by their distance from the merkle root and filtered using any implementation specific rules that track how frequently a given node has provided inconsistent results within previous work sets. If the resulting node selection after filtering is less than `N`, the missing nodes should be filled by randomly selected nodes from the routing table that satisfy implementation specific metrics for trust/past consistency. Once `N` verifier nodes are collected, each is sent the `CREATE_SNAPSHOT` RPC message. If a target verifier is offline or otherwise cannot be reached, it is replaced using the aforementioned random node selection. Once a work snapshot request is dispatched and acknowledged by the target, the sending node must track the job's pending status until a matching `REPORT_SNAPSHOT` is received from the target node, at which time the results are collected until `M` matching results are received. When `M` matching results are received, implementations may pre-emptively process the results, however must continue to wait for remaining nodes to report results or timeout, so that consistency metrics can be recorded for future verifier selection and payments can be prepared for issuance _(6.3: Payment Issuance)_. ### 6.3 Payment Issuance > This section is reserved for future work and is likely to change. Upon the exchange of a `REPORT_SNAPSHOT` message, both the issuer and verifier must store a record of the exchange. The issuer may choose to collect all payments it is responsible for within a reasonable timeframe and issue a single transaction on a regular interval to pay verifier nodes to save on transaction fees. Conversely, verifiers must record all expected payments for past `REPORT_SNAPSHOT` messages sent (each having a unique payment address generated) and monitor funds sent to that address. Once a payment is received for a `REPORT_SNAPSHOT`, the verifier should record that a payment was received to build trust metrics with other peers. Depending on implementation, nodes who pay higher or more promptly may be given priority for the service of `CREATE_SNAPSHOT` messages. ### 6.4 Veranet API The Veranet daemon exposes a local RPC server via UNIX domain socket and will accept JSON-RPC payloads as newline terminated strings. The use of domain sockets allows for improved security, leveraging POSIX file ownership and users to prevent unauthorized control of the daemon from other users or processes on the same system and prevents remote intrusion. The JSON-RPC message format is the same as described in _4: Remote Procedure Calls_. #### `AUDIT_SELECTION` Instructs the daemon to dispatch a series of `CREATE_SNAPSHOT` RPC messages to verifier nodes, which are processed and validated before the final result is written back to the socket. **Parameters:** `{ consensus: [consistency, total], chain, selection: [{ address, from, to }] }` **Results:** `[...transactionN]` #### `REGISTER_MODULE` Registers the chain module service with the daemon, instructing the daemon to begin advertising its support for the chain and passing any work requests to the module via the `endpoint` defined for the `chain` _(6.1: Chain Modules)_. The `endpoint` parameter must be a valid URI to a TCP or UNIX domain socket, such as `tcp://localhost:1234` or `unix:///path/to/module.sock`. When the chain module has completed the work, it writes the result back to the connected client that initiated it (the Veranet daemon), which in turn dispatches a `REPORT_SNAPSHOT` to the node that originated the request. The module will automatically be unregistered in the event the connection to the module closes (the module crashes or restarts), so it's the responsibility of chain modules to connect to the daemon upon startup. **Parameters:** `[chain, endpoint]` **Results:** `[]` 7 References --------------- * BIP32 (``) * BIP43 (``) * Kademlia (``) * S/Kademlia (``) * Kad HashCash (``)