import asyncio import os from viam.robot.client import RobotClient from viam.rpc.dial import Credentials, DialOptions from viam.components.sensor import Sensor from viam.components.base import Base from import VisionClient robot_api_key = os.getenv('ROBOT_API_KEY') or '' robot_api_key_id = os.getenv('ROBOT_API_KEY_ID') or '' robot_address = os.getenv("ROBOT_ADDRESS") or "" # change this if you named your base differently in your robot configuration base_name = os.getenv("ROBOT_BASE") or "tipsy-base" # change this if you named your camera differently in your robot configuration camera_name = os.getenv("ROBOT_CAMERA") or "cam" # change this if you named your sensors differently in your robor configuration sensor_names = (os.getenv("ROBOT_SENSORS") or "ultrasonic,ultrasonic2").split(",") # change this if you named your detector differently in your robot configuration detector_name = os.getenv("ROBOT_DETECTOR") or "myPeopleDetector" pause_interval = os.getenv("PAUSE_INTERVAL") or 3 if isinstance(pause_interval, str): pause_interval = int(pause_interval) base_state = "stopped" async def connect(): opts = RobotClient.Options.with_api_key( api_key=robot_api_key, api_key_id=robot_api_key_id ) return await RobotClient.at_address(robot_address, opts) async def obstacle_detect(sensor: Sensor): reading = (await sensor.get_readings())["distance"] return reading async def gather_obstacle_readings(sensors: list[Sensor]): return await asyncio.gather(*[obstacle_detect(sensor) for sensor in sensors]) async def obstacle_detect_loop(sensors: list[Sensor], base: Base): while True: distances = await gather_obstacle_readings(sensors) if any(distance < 0.4 for distance in distances): # stop the base if moving straight if base_state == "straight": await base.stop() print("obstacle in front") await asyncio.sleep(0.01) async def person_detect(detector: VisionClient, sensors: list[Sensor], base: Base): while True: # look for person found = False global base_state print("will detect") detections = await detector.get_detections_from_camera(camera_name) for d in detections: if d.confidence > 0.7: print(d.class_name) if d.class_name == "Person": found = True if found: print("I see a person") # first manually call obstacle_detect - don't even start moving if someone is in the way distances = await gather_obstacle_readings(sensors) if all(distance > 0.4 for distance in distances): print("will move straight") base_state = "straight" await base.move_straight(distance=800, velocity=250) base_state = "stopped" else: print("I will turn and look for a person") base_state = "spinning" await base.spin(45, 45) base_state = "stopped" await asyncio.sleep(pause_interval) async def main(): robot = await connect() base = Base.from_robot(robot, base_name) sensors = [Sensor.from_robot(robot, sensor_name) for sensor_name in sensor_names] detector = VisionClient.from_robot(robot, name=detector_name) # create a background task that looks for obstacles and stops the base if its moving obstacle_task = asyncio.create_task(obstacle_detect_loop(sensors, base)) # create a background task that looks for a person and moves towards them, or turns and keeps looking person_task = asyncio.create_task(person_detect(detector, sensors, base)) results = await asyncio.gather(obstacle_task, person_task, return_exceptions=True) print(results) await robot.close() if __name__ == "__main__":