function vtbud % Displays updates to Engineering Vibration Toolbox after 1/1/98 % Launches browser to show current updates available online % % Prompts for automated upating and installation % % If Matlab is not set up to launch your browser, connect to % web % manually. % % type vtbud.txt % Copyright Joseph C. Slater, October 2006 head = ''; sourcehead = ''; ziploc = ''; webpageloc= ''; if ~strcmp(java.lang.System.getProperty( 'java.awt.headless' ),'true') % Location of Engineering Vibration Toolbox Installation vtbdir=which('vtb1_1.m'); curdir=pwd; license='No'; if isempty(vtbdir) answer=questdlg('Do you want to install the Engineering Vibration Toolbox?'); if strcmp(answer,'Yes') license=['LICENSE The Engineering Vibration Toolbox is licensed free of charge for educational use '... 'For professional use, users should contact the Engineering Vibration Toolbox' ... 'author directly. Joseph C. Slater is the copyright holder of the Engineering '... 'Vibration Toolbox. Neither the author, Prentice Hall, nor Wright State University '... 'make any warranty with regard to merchantability or fitness for any given '... 'purpose with regard to the software. All rights are retained. No '... 'permission is given to anyone other than myself, the MathWorks and '... 'Prentice Hall to distribute this software in any manner whatsoever. '... 'Usage without ownership of Engineering Vibration by Daniel Inman is prohibited without '... 'the express permission of the author of the software.']; license=questdlg(license,'Do you agree?','No'); end if strcmp(answer,'Yes')&&strcmp(license,'Yes') vtbupdir = uigetdir(pwd,'Choose a directory to install the Engineering Vibration Toolbox in.') ; if ~isempty(findstr(lower(vtbupdir),'matlab')) ans1=questdlg('Installation of the Engineering Vibration Toolbox inside the Matlab application directory can cuase it to be deleted during future matlab updates. Are you sure you want to install here?','Are you sure?','No'); if strcmp(ans1,'No') vtbupdir = uigetdir(pwd,'Choose a directory to install the Engineering Vibration Toolbox in.') ; end end end else vtbdir=vtbdir(1:(length(vtbdir)-8)); vtbupdir=vtbdir(1:length(vtbdir)-9); % web vtbud.txt insdatestamp=urlread(['file:///' fullfile(vtbdir,'vtbdatestamp.txt')]); curdatestamp=urlread([sourcehead 'vtbdatestamp.txt']); if str2num(insdatestamp)> ~/startup.m']; eval(ucommand); msgbox('The last line of the file startup.m in your home directory should now be set to add vtoolbox to your path each time you run Matlab. In order for the Engineering Vibration Toolbox to work, you must always run Matlab from your home directory. '); else msgbox('You must add the command ''''addpath ''vtoolbox'' -end'''' to your startup.m file in order to use the Engineering Vibration Toolbox.'); end else warndlg('Path not saved. You will have to manually set your startup path to include the vtoolbox directory.'); pathtool end end end cd(curdir) msgbox(['Installation of the Engineering Vibration Toolbox in ' vtbdir ' is complete. Please delete all copies of vtbud.m that are not in the vtoolbox directory.'],'Install Complete'); end if strcmp(license,'No')&&~(strcmp(answer,'Cancel')||strcmp(answer,'Remove')) msgbox('Please note that usage without agreement to the license is prohibited.','Usage prohibited.'); else if ~strcmp(answer,'Cancel') doc vtoolbox end end else disp('vtbud only works when you have a GUI running. Sorry.') end