#!/usr/bin/env perl
# usage: gpp <c++flags> <source_file>
# example: gpp -I../.. sertest.cc
# which will generate sertest-x.cc and sertest-x.h

use strict;

open(my $h, "-|", "g++", "-E", @ARGV) or die;

$/ = undef;
$_ = <$h>;

my $logfile = '/dev/null';

if (defined $ENV{'GPP_DEBUG'}) {
  print { open my $gh, ">", "gpp-$$.input"; $gh or die } $_;
  $logfile = "gpp-$$.log";

sub cleanup {
  local($_) = shift;
  s/^#.*//mg;   # remove preprocessing directives
  s/;/;\n/g;    # add a newline after ; to workaround a problem in bcpp
  return $_;

if (/([\s\S]*\n# \d+ "([^"]+)"[^\n]*\n)([\s\S]*)/) {
  my $fname = $2;
  my $header = cleanup($1);
  my $body = cleanup($3);
  (my $hfile = $fname) =~ s/(.*)(\.\w+)$/$1-x.h/;
  (my $xfile = $fname) =~ s/(.*)\./$1-x./;
  print "Writing $hfile and $xfile...\n";
  # the pragma is needed for certain template constructs in headers
  print { open my $hh, "|bcpp -i 2 -bcl > $hfile 2>>$logfile"; $hh or die }
      "#pragma GCC system_header\n", $header;
  print { open my $fh, "|bcpp -i 2 -bcl > $xfile 2>>$logfile"; $fh or die } 
      "#include \"$hfile\"\n", $body;
else {
  print "Found nothing to work with!\n"