-*- mode: org -*- * TODO file.recurse & file.managed don't do symlinks https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/39939 https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/5645 ** this bug seems to be fixed for 2016.3.4, but hitting it on systems that don't have an up-to-date salt-minion version is a pain. This seems like a general problem of salt architecture.. Switch to ansible? ** Solution?: file.recurse doesn't copy symlinks, copies the files, even with `keep_symlinks: True`. `rsync.synchronized` doesn't have a `runas: localuser`, so it fails short for my case. `cmd.run: \nrunas: localuser` doesn't work for me. `cmd.run: su - {{ user }} -c "rsync -a {{ slspath }}/files/ /home/{{ user }}/"` doesn't do the trick because of slspath. * TODO check all chmod of files * DONE append instead of substitute, workaround around bug https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/25006 * DONE pillar.get used in pillar/top.sls only works in masterless setups https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/37893 CLOSED: [2017-05-21 dom 08:54] ** This triggered the major refactoring, see 170f48c commit message * TODO parametrize mail and name * TODO fix peppered TODOs throughout