(This file, NEWS, lists new features and enhancements. See CHANGES for fixes.) * Bracketed paste now consults the AutoIndent flag to determine whether to preserve the cursor's initial horizontal offset. It's like a block level AutoIndent rather than a line-by-line (and therefore cumulative) AutoIndent. Being created internally by the Shift command, the introduced leading space also honors the Tabs and ShiftTabs flags. Like leading space introduced by AutoIndent, a single Undo removes the bracketed paste's auto indented space; a second Undo removes the pasted text itself. Bracketed pastes now act like "normal" pastes, setting the '<' and '>' bookmarks, and leaving the cursor at the head of the paste. 3.3.3 2023-10-19 * BracketedPaste support has been added; turns off AutoIndent when pasting text from the system clipboard. 3.3.2 2022-09-13 * Paste and PasteVert now set two bookmarks designated '<' and '>' which are set to the start and end of the most recently pasted text. Accessed by the "GotoBookmark <" and "GotoBookmark >" commands. Two associated menu items have been added to the "Search" menu. * Added toml.jsf syntax. * Support '_' in numeric constants, binary and hex constants, imaginary numbers in go.jsf syntax. * Now there is an uninstall target that uninstalls ne. * Additionally load key bindings from ~/.ne/.keys-${TERM} 3.3.1 2021-05-16 * The makefile has been made more distro friendly by making it possible to override all compiler and linker options. * A workaround has been implemented to make --ansi (mostly) work when compiling with ncurses. A change to ncurses in 2012 made tgoto() not working unless tgetent()/setupterm() are called first. 3.3.0 2020-02-27 * You can now Save (^A) named documents from within the SelectDoc (F4) requester. * The mark, if set, is visible. * Warning about opening a document with the same name as an existing document now considers the fully qualified canonical path and name of each rather than just their basenames. * Status bar Modified flag (*) may also be underlined, indicating the corresponding file's modification time has changed since the document was loaded or saved. 3.2.0 2019-09-30 * Macros: They now work across multiple documents. You can cancel macro recording, and append new recorded commands to your current macro. * New documents inherit their predecessor's current macro, search, and replace strings. * Saving of read-only documents requires confirmation. * Word completion now does not consider the word the cursor is currently in, which helps in disambiguating. * The option -h is now an alias for --help. Thanks to Lonnie Abelbeck for implementing this feature. * Add asterisk.jsf syntax. * FIND in string inputs brings up a requester with your input history. Use Enter to replace, TAB to insert into your input line; Escape to exit. * Enhanced commands: MoveEOW, NextWord, and PrevWord can now move to either end of the indicated word via optional '<' and '>' parameter modifiers. * Requesters make better use of white space. 3.1.2 2018-10-06 * RepeatLast now accepts "Find" or "Replace" after its optional number so you can explicitly repeat either operation even if the other was most recently performed. * We now use the xenl property to detect whether we can write on the last column of the last line, thus making the status bar complete. 3.1.1 2017-06-04 * You can now CloseDoc (^Q) unmodified documents from within the SelectDoc (F4) requester. 3.1.0 2017-04-29 * Large files that do not fit into memory are memory-mapped transparently if enough disk space is available. * Determine a "virtual extension" based on document contents and patterns from ~/.ne/.extensions. Allows overrides of specified extensions only. If no match, use .default#ap prefs. * Status flag "!" indicates the last line of document is not empty, thus the last line of the resulting saved file will not be terminated. * Requesters by default no longer remove non-matching entries as you enter characters. Use Insert or Delete keys within a requester to toggle between these behaviors. * Documents loaded through file requesters now have relative instead of absolute paths. * New NameConvert command (NC for short) changes current document's file name from relative to absolute path or absolute to relative path. * "SetBookmark ?" and "GotoBookmark ?" now prompt for the bookmark you want to set/goto. The prompt also indicates which bookmarks are set. * Command line option "--read-only" opens next document in read-only mode. * Options "--read-only" and "+N,M" can be applied to piped input: ls -l | ne --read-only +3,5 - * Warn if SaveAs would overwrite an existing file. * Suspend (Crtl-Z) works in prompts, requesters. * "KeyCode" now takes optional parameter. * Immediately/only after "Not Found", RepeatLast wraps around to the other end of the document. 3.0 2015-06-18 * ne is now fully 64-bit, and needs to be compiled by a C99-compliant compiler. Files can be of any size, provided that enough core memory is available. * ne is able to read from named pipes. You can even pipe content into ne: it will be opened as the first document. * It is now possible to interrupt searches (it used to be possible just to interrupt global replace actions). * Word wrap has been reverted to pre-2.5: it preserves just whitespace, and it doesn't reparagraph at each line split or join. Paragraph keeps the usual smart features preserving comments, etc. 2.6 2015-04-17 * Requesters (filenames, help, autocompletions, etc.) do progressive "fuzzy match" by typed characters, backspace. * Document requester (F4) opens with cursor on the current document. Docs with unsaved changes are bold, flagged with "*". F2/F3 reorder documents. * Tab in Syntax command displays requester of extant syntax recognizers. * You can now use AutoComplete in command line prompts. * New SaveAll command saves all modified documents. * Warns before saving over a file that was modified since the buffer was last loaded or saved. * `' joins (), {}, [], and <> as character pairs known to MatchBracket. * New example macros: aspell, DeleteSOL. * Add % to special leading characters for re-wrapping Paragraphs. * WordWrap no longer waits for the cursor to hit the right margin; it wraps on insertions and deletions now. * Updates to ruby, erb, python, conf, many other syntax recognizers. Added these recognizers from the Joe project: ant batch classic_pascal comment_todo csharp debian differences elixir erlang git-commit go haml htmlerb ini iptables js json md powershell pp prolog properties sieve typescript whitespace yaml 2.5 2012-12-24 * New DelTabs flag, function separated from Tabs flag. * Reformatting with the Paragraph command is now aware of common leading characters used in comments: > # / * and spaces. * WordWrap preserves leading characters identically to Paragraph. 2.4 2012-04-10 * New Shift command indents/outdents selected lines. * Recorded macros preserve comments; indicate other included macros. * New AtomicUndo command groups changes to be undone/redone as a group instead of individually. * For commands that have key bindings, Help displays them. * New syntax highlighting for texinfo files. 2.3 2011-10-28 * Takes 'SEQ "sequence" KEYCODE' in ~/.ne/.keys to bind character sequences to key codes. 2.2 2011-01-23 * Now ne is distributed under the GPLv3. * Added AutoMatchBracket mode to indicate visible matching of {}, (), [], <> pairs. Mode is 1 (brightness) by default. * Bookmarks now remember/restore their vertical offsets in the window. * Bookmark commands take -1/+1 to cycle through your bookmarks; Use "UnsetBookmark *" to unset all bookmarks. * New --binary command line option loads next listed file in binary mode. May appear multiple times on the command line. * +[N[,M]] command line option moves to N-th line, M-th column of next file loaded. May appear multiple times on the command line. * Mention http://groups.google.com/group/niceeditor in splash screen. * About now displays splash screen in addition to its status bar message. * In FastGUI mode, when highlighting menu items the cursor is now positioned on the border of the menu rather than on the first letter of menu items. * New "tabs" syntax definition makes tabs visibly distinct from spaces. * Recognize C99 integer types from and highlight accordingly. 2.1 2010-03-17 * New commands: KeyCode, DeleteNextWord, DeletePrevWord, AutoComplete, InsertTab, Tabs, RequestOrder. * Now we set the syntax when a file is saved with a (different) name. * Now we correctly highlight control characters in the command line. * Display request lists by columns ("RequestOrder 1") or rows ("RequestOrder 0"). * Allow window resizing during requests (file selection, help, AutoComplete). * Sort filenames in dictionary order ("aa", "Ab", "ac", ...). * Enter in Help places you on the right command in the command list. * Only prompt once about identical filenames on startup. * Consider "_" as a word character for word-oriented commands. * Built-in filename extension to syntax mapping updates: dtx -> tex, latex -> tex, sage -> python. * Include new txt2tags syntax file from http://txt2tags.sourceforge.net/ * Replace reports the number of replacements (again). * Display the global directory on startup even if it is not found. * Default global directory changed from /usr/local/lib/ne to /usr/local/share/ne. * Aborting an OpenNew doesn't leave you in a new blank document. * AdjustView now takes optional number of lines or columns to adjust by; swapped meaning of AdjustView 'C' and 'M' parameters. * Read .keys and possibly .menus files from NE_GLOBAL_DIR on startup. * More defensive reading of lines/columns from terminfo to avoid crashes with XTerm on Mac OS X. * More portable and robust window-size change detection. * More parsimonious status-bar updates. * StatusBar, FastGUI, VerboseMacros, and RequestOrder are not buffer specific, are only saved in ~/.ne/.default#ap. * Current syntax name is buffer specific; only saved in autoprefs, not ~/.ne/.default#ap. * The Amiga is officially no longer supported (well, not exactly an improvement...).