#!/bin/sh +x # script to help meshnodes make an autoupdate # a node which looses connection (because a uplink mesh node is talking newer # batman v15) try to log in as client in a network with well known essid # and forces a autoupdate (if it is turned on in general) # # this script do not do any harm if running for years, we suggest running once a day # more Info: https://github.com/viisauksena/gluon-v14tov15-helper # # maybe you have to adjust nameservers, etc/hosts entry and fallback-ffssid # below # some cron debug help , write in ram echo "$0 successfully start at $(date +%y%m%d_%H%M)" > /tmp/v14_lastrun # if your script is dependend on autoupdater, do only uptate if its realy enabled! if [ $(uci get autoupdater.settings.enabled) = 0 ]; then echo "autoupdater not active - exit" > /tmp/v14_lastrun exit 1 fi # check gw # quick and dirty do it 4 times every 30 seconds # to highly prevent false positives gwl=$(batctl gwl -H -n |grep gateways | wc -l) if [ $gwl -eq 0 ]; then echo "find batctl gwl - exit1" >> /tmp/v14_lastrun; exit 11; fi ; sleep 30 gwl=$(batctl gwl -H -n |grep gateways | wc -l) if [ $gwl -eq 0 ]; then echo "find batctl gwl - exit2" >> /tmp/v14_lastrun; exit 12; fi ; sleep 30 gwl=$(batctl gwl -H -n |grep gateways | wc -l) if [ $gwl -eq 0 ]; then echo "find batctl gwl - exit3" >> /tmp/v14_lastrun; exit 13; fi ; sleep 30 gwl=$(batctl gwl -H -n |grep gateways | wc -l) if [ $gwl -eq 0 ]; then echo "find batctl gwl - exit4" >> /tmp/v14_lastrun; exit 14; fi # check if freifunk as we know it is nearby # ffssid=$(uci get wireless.client_radio0.ssid) # fail with simplified ssid offline changer : ${ffssid:=freiburg.freifunk.net} # if for whatever reason ffssid is NULL, obviously not generic many=$(iwinfo phy0 scan |grep "$ffssid" | wc -l) # connect to freifunk and get dhcp lease if [ $many != 0 ]; then # generate foo mac, and alternative if failing foomac=42:42:$(iwinfo | grep Acc |head -n1 |grep -oE '[^ ]+$' |cut -d":" -f 3-6) : ${foomac:=42:42:23:$(date +%H:%M:%S)} # install new if in /etc/config/wireless if needed if [ $(uci get wireless.update_radio0.ifname) != "update" ];then echo "insert update IF via uci try wifi restart" >> /tmp/v14_lastrun uci set wireless.update_radio0=wifi-iface uci set wireless.update_radio0.ifname=update uci set wireless.update_radio0.network=update uci set wireless.update_radio0.disabled=0 uci set wireless.update_radio0.device=radio0 uci set wireless.update_radio0.mode=sta uci set wireless.update_radio0.macaddr=$foomac uci set wireless.update_radio0.ssid=$ffssid else echo "reactivate known update if and restart wifi" >> /tmp/v14_lastrun uci set wireless.update_radio0.disabled=0 fi # restart wifi and get ip wifi; sleep 5; echo "accept ra on update if and try to get ip" >> /tmp/v14_lastrun echo 2 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/update/accept_ra udhcpc -B -b -i update else echo "no ssid : __ $ffssid __ found, exit" >> /tmp/v14_lastrun exit 33 fi # in case dns doesnt work correctly # (sorry, not generic - so please adjust) echo "nameserver" >> /tmp/resolv.conf echo "nameserver" >> /tmp/resolv.conf echo "nameserver" >> /tmp/resolv.conf # failsafe hardcoded ip for updateservers # (sorry, not generic - so please adjust) if [ $(cat /etc/hosts|grep "fdf0:9bb:7814:a630::007"|wc -l) = 0 ]; then echo "fdf0:9bb:7814:a630::007 firmware.fffr" >> /etc/hosts fi #if [ $(cat /etc/hosts|grep "2001:470:25:713::2"|wc -l) = 0 ]; then # echo "2001:470:25:713::2 openfreiburg.de" >> /etc/hosts #fi if [ $(cat /etc/hosts|grep ""|wc -l) = 0 ]; then echo openfreiburg.de >> /etc/hosts fi if [ $(cat /etc/hosts|grep "fdf0:9bb:7814:a630::b45b"|wc -l) = 0 ]; then echo "fdf0:9bb:7814:a630::b45b 1.updates.services.fffr" >> /etc/hosts fi # here comes the funny part, regular # also means update server MUST be reachable as client autoupdater -f # if autoupdater and first checks above run correct you should never reach this point # better safe than sorry - taking new IF down # could be while download and/or manifest-signing or checksum check fails # fails also if device memory is/was_ever full : i/o error if [ $(uci get wireless.update_radio0.disabled) = 0 ]; then uci set wireless.update_radio0.disabled=1 fi wifi logger "something strange happens - could not autoupdate via $0" exit 21