# ASCII Decorator
[Features](https://github.com/viisual/ASCII-Decorator#features) | [Installation](https://github.com/viisual/ASCII-Decorator#installation) | [Usage](https://github.com/viisual/ASCII-Decorator#usage) | [Configuration](https://github.com/viisual/ASCII-Decorator#configuration) | [Credits](https://github.com/viisual/ASCII-Decorator#credits)
ASCII Decorator is a simple plugin implementation of [**pyfiglet**](https://github.com/pwaller/pyfiglet) for [**Sublime Text 3**](https://www.sublimetext.com/3). `pyfiglet` is a full port of [**FIGlet**](http://www.figlet.org/) into pure python. `FIGlet` is a program that generates text banners, in a variety of typefaces, composed of letters made up of conglomerations of smaller ASCII characters.
Or simply:
__________________ __ __ __ __ _
/ ____/ _/ ____/ /__ / /_ ____/ /___ ___ _____ / /_/ /_ (_)____
/ /_ / // / __/ / _ \/ __/ / __ / __ \/ _ \/ ___/ / __/ __ \/ / ___/
/ __/ _/ // /_/ / / __/ /_ / /_/ / /_/ / __(__ ) / /_/ / / / (__ ) _ _
/_/ /___/\____/_/\___/\__/ \__,_/\____/\___/____/ \__/_/ /_/_/____(_|_|_)
# Features
### Font Selector & Font Favorites
See a live preview of the first selected region and convert all selected regions to the chosen font upon execution.
`Font Selector` shows all fonts by name, while `Font Favorites` shows your customized list of frequently used fonts.
By default, `Font Favorites` comes with a list of searchable header styles that can be used in the following ways:
**─── By Size ───**
**─── By Style ───**
### Generate Font Test
Creates a new document which shows your selected text ( *or "Lorem Ipsum"* ) in all available fonts, so you can choose the one you like best!
# Installation
Install via [**Package Control**](https://packagecontrol.io/installation) for [**Sublime Text 3**](https://www.sublimetext.com/3) (*Preferred*)
* Bring up the command palette:
* Cmd + Shift + P (*OSX & Linux*)
* Ctrl + Shift + P (*Windows*)
* Select option: `Package Control: Install Package`
* Select `ASCII Decorator` from the list
Install via `git`
* In a shell: navigate to the Sublime Text `Packages` directory
* Type: `git clone https://github.com/viisual/ASCII-Decorator.git`
# Usage
### Command Palette
Bring up the command palette:
* Cmd + Shift + P (*OSX & Linux*)
* Ctrl + Shift + P (*Windows*)
* `ASCII Decorator: Default Font`
* `ASCII Decorator: Font Selector`
* `ASCII Decorator: Font Favorites`
* `ASCII Decorator: Generate Font Test (Selected Text)`
* `ASCII Decorator: Generate Font Test (Lorem Ipsum)`
### Context Menu
Right-click on your document to access the context menu.
The `ASCII Decorator` sub-menu contains:
* `Default Font`
* `Font Selector`
* `Font Favorites`
* `Generate Font Test (Selected Text)`
### Key Bindings
One key binding is included for `Default Font`:
* Super + Shift + K (*OSX & Linux*)
* Alt + Shift + K (*Windows*)
See [**sublime-commands**](https://github.com/viisual/ASCII-Decorator/blob/master/Default.sublime-commands) for a list of additional commands that can be mapped to key bindings.
### Selections
Each command will convert all selected regions to ASCII text.
Regions are handled in the following ways:
* Caret with no selection:
* the entire line's text will be converted
* Selection on a single line:
* only selected text will be converted.
* Selection that spans multiple lines:
* each line that contains text will be converted
# Configuration
You can define your [**sublime-settings**](https://github.com/viisual/ASCII-Decorator/blob/master/ASCII%20Decorator.sublime-settings) preferences @:
`Menu > Preferences > Package Settings > ASCII Decorator > Settings - User`
Custom key bindings can be set @:
`Menu > Preferences > Package Settings > ASCII Decorator > Key Bindings - User`
# Credits
Primary development & documentation by: [**Christopher Jones**](mailto:cjones@insub.org)
Packaging of `pyfiglet` by: [**Peter Waller**](mailto:peter.waller@gmail.com)
Various enhancements by: [**Stefano Rivera**](mailto:stefano@rivera.za.net) & [**Enteleform**](https://packagecontrol.io/browse/authors/Enteleform)
Ported to `Sublime Text 3` by: [**Sascha Wolf**](mailto:swolf.dev@gmail.com)
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_|_|_| _|_|_| _| _| _|_|_| _| _|_|_| _|_|
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