# Sublime Text 3/4 Gitignore plugin ### Sublime Text 3/4 plugin for compiling gitignore templates from [GitHub's collection](https://github.com/github/gitignore) ### How it works Open the command Pallet with ```Cmd + Shift + P``` for Mac or ```Ctrl + Shift + P``` for Linux/Windows Type ```Gitignore``` and select ```Gitignore: new gitignore``` Select templates from the list and select `Done` to create your new gitignore. Save it to your repo, add it, and you're good to go! ## Installation Look for `Gitignore` on package control! ### Or #### Linux ``` git clone https://github.com/vilhelmen/Sublime-Gitignore ~/.config/sublime-text/Packages/Gitignore ``` #### Windows ``` git clone https://github.com/vilhelmen/Sublime-Gitignore %APPDATA%/Sublime\ Text/Packages/Gitignore ``` #### Mac ``` git clone https://github.com/vilhelmen/Sublime-Gitignore ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text/Packages/Gitignore ``` --- This month's cool number: 247