# [Ciapre](https://github.com/vinhnx/Ciapre.tmTheme) # Ciapre - an easy on the eyes Sublime Text/TextMate color scheme. + https://github.com/vinhnx/Ciapre.tmTheme + https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Ciapre%20Color%20Scheme 🎨 Check out my [Ciapre theme suite](https://github.com/vinhnx/Ciapre) 👈 ##### *Installation* ##### Just search for `Ciapre` in Sublime Text's [Package Control Manager](https://sublime.wbond.net/installation) & install it. Then, in menu bar, browse to `Preferences > Color Scheme` and choose your desired one! ## Comes with two different colors ## ##### :star: Dark ![Ciapre Black](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vinhnx/Ciapre.tmTheme/master/screenshot/ciapredark.png) * [Color Pallete](https://kuler.adobe.com/Ciapre-dark-color-theme-2695140/) `#D9487D #262626 #BFB38F #D99A4E #BF4545` ![ciapredark-pallete](https://f.cloud.github.com/assets/1097578/781886/ccdefca4-ea2f-11e2-9740-d20b201f27aa.PNG) ##### :star: Blue ![Ciapre](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vinhnx/Ciapre.tmTheme/master/screenshot/ciapreblue.png) * [Pallete](https://kuler.adobe.com/Ciapre-blue-color-theme-2695141/) `#D9487D #383B73 #171C26 #BFB38F #A63333` ![ciapreblue-theme](https://f.cloud.github.com/assets/1097578/781904/5091bae6-ea30-11e2-9f7d-2b99f6de5160.PNG) *sample code from jQuery source* ## Credit ## + [MOON: Color](https://kuler.adobe.com/#themeID/2320307) ##### *Tips* ##### -- * Great companion [Aqua](https://github.com/cafarm/aqua-theme) theme - Prokit. * There is also a better fork of it -> [Refined](https://github.com/danro/refined-theme). * Font used `Consolas` - comes with Windows, but alternatively, the open-sourced [Inconsolata](http://www.levien.com/type/myfonts/inconsolata.html) is pretty close to it * For more programming fonts, visit [http://slant.co/topics/67/~what-are-the-best-programming-fonts](http://slant.co/topics/67/~what-are-the-best-programming-fonts). ## SublimeText 3 ## Tested on ST3. It's just some HEX strings within messy XML, so no problem found. :) **NOTE on SublimeText 3 build 3143** Press `COMMAND+D` to open preferences editor insert or modify "color_scheme" property to point to the installed Ciapre package ```xml "color_scheme": "Packages/Ciapre Color Scheme/Ciapre.tmTheme" ``` If the theme is not found or not working, open this folder and check if it exists. `~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/Ciapre Color Scheme` If it doesn't exist, please try to install from Package Control and try again. ## Contribution ## Contributton are very welcome. If you come across to port to another platform based on the color pallete above, please consider sending me a Pull Request. Thank you! # Ciapre on Other Platforms # + [CotEditor themes by Naotaka Morimoto](http://www.naotaka.com/coteditorthemes/#Vinh-Nguyen) + [Ciapre for emacs](https://github.com/emacsfodder/tmtheme-to-emacs/blob/master/generatedThemes/ciapre-theme.el) + [Ciapre for Jetbrains (IDEA) and iTerm2](https://github.com/zdj/themes#ciapreitermcolors) + [Red Planet - A Sublime Text 2 color scheme based off of the "Ciapre Dark" theme with slight mods.](https://github.com/eliquious/Red-Planet-Theme) + [My own Xcode theme](https://github.com/vinhnx/Ciapre-Xcode-theme) + [Ciapre theme for Visual Studio Code](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=konart.ciapre) :rocket: + [macOS Terminal theme](https://github.com/lysyi3m/macos-terminal-themes#ciapre) Thanks all for your works! :beer: ## What's With The Name? ## Just random, really! ## Patreon ## I also have a Patreon in case you want to support my work. Thank you in advance! https://www.patreon.com/vinhnx ## Footnote ## I really really love this theme, I was just a stoke in inspriration a long while ago. So please help me spread this to the world if you like this theme. Thank you!