@startuml !include https://raw.githubusercontent.com/plantuml-stdlib/C4-PlantUML/master/C4_Context.puml LAYOUT_WITH_LEGEND() title Context of our Awesome Online Store Person(ecommCustomer, Customer, Customer of our online store) System_Ext(customerBroser, "Customer's Web Browser", "Either a desktop or mobile Web Browser") System_Ext(paymentBroker, "Third party Payment Broker", "Responsible for processing digital transfers in several forms like credit, debit, etc") System_Ext(shipmentCompany, "Third party Shipment Company", "Responsible for delivering goods from our store to our customers") System(awesomeOnlineStore, "Awesome Online Store", "An awesome online store, even better than Amazon or Alibaba") Rel(ecommCustomer, customerBroser, uses) Rel(customerBroser, awesomeOnlineStore, makes requests to, "HTTP") Rel(awesomeOnlineStore, paymentBroker, sends payments requests, "HTTP/Json") Rel(awesomeOnlineStore, shipmentCompany, sends delivering orders requests, "HTTP/Json") @enduml