# SublimeCobra # ## Overview ## My [Cobra][cobra] settings for [Sublime Text][st]. Based on BOOMER's [original work][wiki] from the Cobra Wiki. [cobra]: http://cobra-language.com [st]: http://www.sublimetext.com [wiki]: http://cobra-language.com/trac/cobra/wiki/SublimeText ## Installing ## ### Using Package Manager ### The easiest way to install is to use the excellent [Package Control][pc] extension. Once this is installed, simply select 'Package Control: Install Package' from the command pallette and search for 'Cobra'. ### Manually ### Within Sublime Text, click `Preferences > Browse Packages...` and create a folder named Cobra. Clone this repo into the folder. [pc]: https://sublime.wbond.net/installation ## Contributing ## This project is now using AAAPackageDev's YAML to Plist compiler, so any contributions would preferably be added to the `.YAML-tmLanguage` file and compiled down. ## Caveats ## I'm totally new to Cobra itself, as well as writing Sublime configs, so any contributions and corrections are very welcome. I am currently testing much more in ST3 than 2, but hopefully things should be fine in both.