#!/bin/sh # shellcheck disable=SC3043 disable=SC2086 disable=SC2059 disable=SC2039 disable=SC2034 disable=SC2317 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Utility function library for Virtualmin installation scripts # slib v1.0.8 (https://github.com/virtualmin/slib) # Copyright 2017-2024 Joe Cooper # slog logging library Copyright Fred Palmer and Joe Cooper # Licensed under the BSD 3 clause license #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ cleanup () { exit_code=$1 stty echo # Make super duper sure we reap all the spinners # This is ridiculous, and I still don't know why spinners stick around. if [ -n "$allpids" ]; then for pid in $allpids; do kill "$pid" 1>/dev/null 2>&1 done tput sgr0 fi tput cnorm if [ -n "$VIRTUALMIN_INSTALL_TEMPDIR" ]; then if echo "$VIRTUALMIN_INSTALL_TEMPDIR" | grep -q "virtualmin-"; then rm -rf $VIRTUALMIN_INSTALL_TEMPDIR fi fi if [ "$exit_code" -ne 0 ]; then echo fi exit $exit_code } # This tries to catch any exit, whether normal or forced (e.g. Ctrl-C) if [ "${INTERACTIVE_MODE}" != "off" ]; then trap 'cleanup 2' INT trap 'cleanup 3' QUIT trap 'cleanup 15' TERM trap 'cleanup 0' EXIT fi # scolors - Color constants # canonical source http://github.com/swelljoe/scolors # do we have tput? if command -pv 'tput' > /dev/null; then # do we have a terminal? if [ -t 1 ]; then # does the terminal have colors? ncolors=$(tput colors) if [ "$ncolors" -ge 8 ]; then BLACK="$(tput setaf 0)" RED=$(tput setaf 1) GREEN=$(tput setaf 2) YELLOW=$(tput setaf 3) BLUE=$(tput setaf 4) MAGENTA=$(tput setaf 5) CYAN=$(tput setaf 6) WHITE=$(tput setaf 7) REDBG=$(tput setab 1) GREENBG=$(tput setab 2) YELLOWBG=$(tput setab 3) BLUEBG=$(tput setab 4) MAGENTABG=$(tput setab 5) CYANBG=$(tput setab 6) WHITEBG=$(tput setab 7) # Do we have support # for bright colors? if [ "$ncolors" -ge 16 ]; then BLACK="$(tput setaf 16)" WHITE=$(tput setaf 15) WHITEBG=$(tput setab 15) fi BOLD=$(tput bold) UNDERLINE=$(tput smul) # Many terminals don't support this NORMAL=$(tput sgr0) fi fi else echo "tput not found, colorized output disabled." BLACK='' RED='' GREEN='' YELLOW='' BLUE='' MAGENTA='' CYAN='' WHITE='' REDBG='' GREENBG='' YELLOWBG='' BLUEBG='' MAGENTABG='' CYANBG='' BOLD='' UNDERLINE='' NORMAL='' fi # slog - logging library # canonical source http://github.com/swelljoe/slog # LOG_PATH - Define $LOG_PATH in your script to log to a file, otherwise # just writes to STDOUT. # LOG_LEVEL_STDOUT - Define to determine above which level goes to STDOUT. # By default, all log levels will be written to STDOUT. LOG_LEVEL_STDOUT="INFO" # LOG_LEVEL_LOG - Define to determine which level goes to LOG_PATH. # By default all log levels will be written to LOG_PATH. LOG_LEVEL_LOG="INFO" # Useful global variables that users may wish to reference SCRIPT_ARGS="$*" SCRIPT_NAME="$0" SCRIPT_NAME="${SCRIPT_NAME#\./}" SCRIPT_NAME="${SCRIPT_NAME##/*/}" #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Begin Logging Section if [ "${INTERACTIVE_MODE}" = "off" ] then # Then we don't care about log colors LOG_DEFAULT_COLOR="" LOG_ERROR_COLOR="" LOG_INFO_COLOR="" LOG_SUCCESS_COLOR="" LOG_WARN_COLOR="" LOG_DEBUG_COLOR="" else LOG_DEFAULT_COLOR=$(tput sgr0) LOG_ERROR_COLOR=$(tput setaf 1) LOG_INFO_COLOR=$(tput setaf 6) LOG_SUCCESS_COLOR=$(tput setaf 2) LOG_WARN_COLOR=$(tput setaf 3) LOG_DEBUG_COLOR=$(tput setaf 4) fi # This function scrubs the output of any control characters used in colorized output # It's designed to be piped through with text that needs scrubbing. The scrubbed # text will come out the other side! prepare_log_for_nonterminal() { # Essentially this strips all the control characters for log colors sed "s/[[:cntrl:]]\\[[0-9;]*m//g" } log() { local log_text="$1" local log_level="$2" local log_color="$3" # Levels for comparing against LOG_LEVEL_STDOUT and LOG_LEVEL_LOG local LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG=0 local LOG_LEVEL_INFO=1 local LOG_LEVEL_SUCCESS=2 local LOG_LEVEL_WARNING=3 local LOG_LEVEL_ERROR=4 # Default level to "info" [ -z "${log_level}" ] && log_level="INFO"; [ -z "${log_color}" ] && log_color="${LOG_INFO_COLOR}"; # Validate LOG_LEVEL_STDOUT and LOG_LEVEL_LOG since they'll be eval-ed. case $LOG_LEVEL_STDOUT in DEBUG|INFO|SUCCESS|WARNING|ERROR) ;; *) LOG_LEVEL_STDOUT=INFO ;; esac case $LOG_LEVEL_LOG in DEBUG|INFO|SUCCESS|WARNING|ERROR) ;; *) LOG_LEVEL_LOG=INFO ;; esac # Check LOG_LEVEL_STDOUT to see if this level of entry goes to STDOUT. # XXX This is the horror that happens when your language doesn't have a hash data struct. eval log_level_int="\$LOG_LEVEL_${log_level}"; eval log_level_stdout="\$LOG_LEVEL_${LOG_LEVEL_STDOUT}" # shellcheck disable=SC2154 if [ "$log_level_stdout" -le "$log_level_int" ]; then # STDOUT printf "%s[%s]%s %s\\n" "$log_color" "$log_level" "$LOG_DEFAULT_COLOR" "$log_text"; fi # This is all very tricky; figures out a numeric value to compare. eval log_level_log="\$LOG_LEVEL_${LOG_LEVEL_LOG}" # Check LOG_LEVEL_LOG to see if this level of entry goes to LOG_PATH # shellcheck disable=SC2154 if [ "$log_level_log" -le "$log_level_int" ]; then # LOG_PATH minus fancypants colors if [ -n "$LOG_PATH" ]; then today=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z") printf "[%s] [%s] %s\\n" "$today" "$log_level" "$log_text" >> "$LOG_PATH" fi fi return 0; } log_info() { log "$@"; } log_success() { log "$1" "SUCCESS" "${LOG_SUCCESS_COLOR}"; } log_error() { log "$1" "ERROR" "${LOG_ERROR_COLOR}"; } log_warning() { log "$1" "WARNING" "${LOG_WARN_COLOR}"; } log_debug() { log "$1" "DEBUG" "${LOG_DEBUG_COLOR}"; } # End Logging Section #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # spinner - Log to provide spinners when long-running tasks happen # Canonical source http://github.com/swelljoe/spinner # Config variables, set these after sourcing to change behavior. SPINNER_COLORNUM=2 # What color? Irrelevent if COLORCYCLE=1. SPINNER_COLORCYCLE=1 # Does the color cycle? SPINNER_DONEFILE="stopspinning" # Path/name of file to exit on. SPINNER_SYMBOLS="WIDE_ASCII_PROG" # Name of the variable containing the symbols. SPINNER_CLEAR=1 # Blank the line when done. spinner () { # Safest option are one of these. Doesn't need Unicode, at all. local WIDE_ASCII_PROG="[>-] [->] [--] [--]" local WIDE_UNI_GREYSCALE2="▒▒▒ █▒▒ ██▒ ███ ▒██ ▒▒█ ▒▒▒" local SPINNER_NORMAL SPINNER_NORMAL=$(tput sgr0) eval SYMBOLS=\$${SPINNER_SYMBOLS} # Get the parent PID SPINNER_PPID=$(ps -p "$$" -o ppid=) while :; do tput civis for c in ${SYMBOLS}; do if [ $SPINNER_COLORCYCLE -eq 1 ]; then if [ $SPINNER_COLORNUM -eq 7 ]; then SPINNER_COLORNUM=1 else SPINNER_COLORNUM=$((SPINNER_COLORNUM+1)) fi fi local SPINNER_COLOR SPINNER_COLOR=$(tput setaf ${SPINNER_COLORNUM}) tput sc env printf "${SPINNER_COLOR}${c}${SPINNER_NORMAL}" tput rc if [ -f "${SPINNER_DONEFILE}" ]; then if [ ${SPINNER_CLEAR} -eq 1 ]; then tput el fi rm -f ${SPINNER_DONEFILE} break 2 fi # This is questionable. sleep with fractional seconds is not # always available, but seems to not break things, when not. env sleep .2 # Check to be sure parent is still going; handles sighup/kill if [ -n "$SPINNER_PPID" ]; then # This is ridiculous. ps prepends a space in the ppid call, which breaks # this ps with a "garbage option" error. # XXX Potential gotcha if ps produces weird output. # shellcheck disable=SC2086 SPINNER_PARENTUP=$(ps --no-headers $SPINNER_PPID) if [ -z "$SPINNER_PARENTUP" ]; then break 2 fi fi done done tput rc tput cnorm return 0 } # run_ok - function to run a command or function, start a spinner and print a confirmation # indicator when done. # Canonical source - http://github.com/swelljoe/run_ok RUN_LOG="run.log" # Check for unicode support in the shell # This is a weird function, but seems to work. Checks to see if a unicode char can be # written to a file and can be read back. shell_has_unicode () { # Write a unicode character to a file...read it back and see if it's handled right. env printf "\\u2714"> unitest.txt read -r unitest < unitest.txt rm -f unitest.txt if [ ${#unitest} -le 3 ]; then return 0 else return 1 fi } # Setup spinner with our prefs. SPINNER_COLORCYCLE=0 SPINNER_COLORNUM=6 if shell_has_unicode; then SPINNER_SYMBOLS="WIDE_UNI_GREYSCALE2" else SPINNER_SYMBOLS="WIDE_ASCII_PROG" fi SPINNER_CLEAR=0 # Don't blank the line, so our check/x can simply overwrite it. # Perform an action, log it, and print a colorful checkmark or X if failed # Returns 0 if successful, $? if failed. run_ok () { # Shell is really clumsy with passing strings around. # This passes the unexpanded $1 and $2, so subsequent users get the # whole thing. local cmd="${1}" local msg="${2}" local columns if [ "${INTERACTIVE_MODE}" != "off" ];then columns=$(tput cols) if [ "$columns" -ge 80 ]; then columns=79 fi else columns=79 fi # shellcheck disable=SC2004 COL=$((${columns}-${#msg}-3 )) printf "%s%${COL}s" "$2" # Make sure there some unicode action in the shell; there's no # way to check the terminal in a POSIX-compliant way, but terms # are mostly ahead of shells. # Unicode checkmark and x mark for run_ok function CHECK='\u2714' BALLOT_X='\u2718' if [ "${INTERACTIVE_MODE}" != "off" ];then spinner & spinpid=$! allpids="$allpids $spinpid" echo "Spin pid is: $spinpid" >> ${RUN_LOG} fi eval "${cmd}" 1>> ${RUN_LOG} 2>&1 local res=$? touch ${SPINNER_DONEFILE} env sleep .4 # It's possible to have a race for stdout and spinner clobbering the next bit # Just in case the spinner survived somehow, kill it. if [ "${INTERACTIVE_MODE}" != "off" ];then pidcheck=$(ps --no-headers ${spinpid}) if [ -n "$pidcheck" ]; then echo "Made it here...why?" >> ${RUN_LOG} kill $spinpid 2>/dev/null rm -rf ${SPINNER_DONEFILE} 2>/dev/null 2>&1 tput rc tput cnorm fi fi # Log what we were supposed to be running printf "${msg}: " >> ${RUN_LOG} if shell_has_unicode; then if [ $res -eq 0 ]; then printf "Success.\\n" >> ${RUN_LOG} env printf "${GREENBG} ${CHECK} ${NORMAL}\\n" return 0 else log_error "Failed with error: ${res}" env printf "${REDBG} ${BALLOT_X} ${NORMAL}\\n" if [ "$RUN_ERRORS_FATAL" ]; then echo log_fatal "Something went wrong. Exiting." log_fatal "The last few log entries were:" tail -15 ${RUN_LOG} exit 1 fi return ${res} fi else if [ $res -eq 0 ]; then printf "Success.\\n" >> ${RUN_LOG} env printf "${GREENBG} OK ${NORMAL}\\n" return 0 else printf "Failed with error: ${res}\\n" >> ${RUN_LOG} env printf "${REDBG} ER ${NORMAL}\\n" if [ "$RUN_ERRORS_FATAL" ]; then log_fatal "Something went wrong with the previous command. Exiting." exit 1 fi return ${res} fi fi } # Ask a yes or no question # if $skipyesno is 1, always Y # if NONINTERACTIVE environment variable is 1, always N, and print error message to use --force yesno () { # XXX skipyesno is a global set in the calling script # shellcheck disable=SC2154 if [ "$skipyesno" = "1" ]; then return 0 fi if [ "$VIRTUALMIN_NONINTERACTIVE" = "1" ]; then return 0 fi if [ "$NONINTERACTIVE" = "1" ]; then echo "Non-interactive shell detected. Cannot continue, as the script may need to ask questions." echo "If you're running this from a script and want to install with default options, use '--force'." echo "Never run this script on a system already running Virtualmin." return 1 fi stty echo while read -r line; do stty -echo case $line in y|Y|Yes|YES|yes|yES|yEs|YeS|yeS) return 0 ;; n|N|No|NO|no|nO) return 1 ;; *) stty echo printf "\\n${YELLOW}Please enter ${CYAN}[y]${YELLOW} or ${CYAN}[n]${YELLOW}:${NORMAL} " ;; esac done stty -echo } # mkdir if it doesn't exist testmkdir () { if [ ! -d "$1" ]; then mkdir -p "$1" fi } # Copy a file if the destination doesn't exist testcp () { if [ ! -e "$2" ]; then cp "$1" "$2" fi } # Set a Webmin directive or add it if it doesn't exist setconfig () { sc_config="$2" sc_value="$1" sc_directive=$(echo "$sc_value" | cut -d'=' -f1) if grep -q "$sc_directive $2"; then sed -i -e "s#$sc_directive.*#$sc_value#" "$sc_config" else echo "$1" >> "$2" fi } # Detect the primary IP address # works across most Linux and FreeBSD (maybe) detect_ip () { defaultdev=$(ip ro ls|grep default|head -1|sed -e 's/.*\sdev\s//g'|awk '{print $1}') primaryaddr=$(ip -f inet addr show dev "$defaultdev" | grep 'inet ' | awk '{print $2}' | head -1 | cut -d"/" -f1 | cut -f1) if [ "$primaryaddr" ]; then log_debug "Primary address detected as $primaryaddr" address=$primaryaddr return 0 else log_warning "Unable to determine IP address of primary interface." echo "Please enter the name of your primary network interface: " stty echo read -r primaryinterface stty -echo #primaryaddr=`/sbin/ifconfig $primaryinterface|grep 'inet addr'|cut -d: -f2|cut -d" " -f1` primaryaddr=$(/sbin/ip -f inet -o -d addr show dev "$primaryinterface" | head -1 | awk '{print $4}' | head -1 | cut -d"/" -f1) if [ "$primaryaddr" = "" ]; then # Try again with FreeBSD format primaryaddr=$(/sbin/ifconfig "$primaryinterface"|grep 'inet' | awk '{ print $2 }') fi if [ "$primaryaddr" ]; then log_debug "Primary address detected as $primaryaddr" address=$primaryaddr else fatal "Unable to determine IP address of selected interface. Cannot continue." fi return 0 fi } # Set the hostname in cloud-init set_hostname_cloud () { # If cloud-init is installed, preserve the hostname Virtualmin sets if [ -f "/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg" ]; then if grep "^preserve_hostname: false" /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg >/dev/null; then log_debug "Setting preserve_hostname to true in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg" sed -i "s/^preserve_hostname: false/preserve_hostname: true/" /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg fi fi } # Set the hostname set_hostname () { local i=0 local forcehostname if [ -n "$1" ]; then forcehostname=$1 fi while [ $i -le 3 ]; do if [ -z "$forcehostname" ]; then local name name=$(hostname -f) log_error "Your system hostname $name is not fully qualified." printf "Please enter a fully qualified hostname (e.g.: host.example.com): " stty echo read -r line stty -echo else log_debug "Setting hostname to $forcehostname" line=$forcehostname fi if ! is_fully_qualified "$line"; then i=$((i + 1)) log_warning "Hostname $line is not fully qualified." if [ "$i" = "4" ]; then fatal "Unable to set fully qualified hostname." fi else hostname "$line" echo "$line" > /etc/hostname hostnamectl set-hostname "$line" 1>/dev/null 2>&1 set_hostname_cloud detect_ip shortname=$(echo "$line" | cut -d"." -f1) if grep "^$address" /etc/hosts >/dev/null; then log_debug "Entry for IP $address exists in /etc/hosts." log_debug "Updating with new hostname." sed -i "s/^$address.*/$address $line $shortname/" /etc/hosts else log_debug "Adding new entry for hostname $line on $address to /etc/hosts." printf "%s\\t%s\\t%s\\n" "$address" "$line" "$shortname" >> /etc/hosts fi i=4 fi done } is_fully_qualified () { case $1 in localhost.localdomain) log_warning "Hostname cannot be localhost.localdomain." return 1 ;; *.localdomain) log_warning "Hostname cannot be *.localdomain." return 1 ;; *.internal) log_warning "Hostname cannot be *.internal." return 1 ;; *.*) log_debug "Hostname is fully qualified as $1" return 0 ;; esac return 1 } # sets up distro version globals os_type, os_version, os_major_version, os_real # returns 1 if something fails. get_distro () { os=$(uname -o) # Make sure we're Linux if echo "$os" | grep -iq linux; then if [ -f /etc/cloudlinux-release ]; then # Oracle local os_string os_string=$(cat /etc/cloudlinux-release) os_real='CloudLinux' os_pretty=$os_string os_type='cloudlinux' os_version=$(echo "$os_string" | grep -o '[0-9\.]*') os_major_version=$(echo "$os_version" | cut -d '.' -f1) elif [ -f /etc/oracle-release ]; then # Oracle local os_string os_string=$(cat /etc/oracle-release) os_real='Oracle Linux' os_pretty=$os_string os_type='ol' os_version=$(echo "$os_string" | grep -o '[0-9\.]*') os_major_version=$(echo "$os_version" | cut -d '.' -f1) elif [ -f /etc/redhat-release ]; then # RHEL/CentOS/Alma/Rocky local os_string os_string=$(cat /etc/redhat-release) isrhel=$(echo "$os_string" | grep 'Red Hat') iscentosstream=$(echo "$os_string" | grep 'CentOS Stream') if [ -n "$isrhel" ]; then os_real='RHEL' elif [ -n "$iscentosstream" ]; then os_real='CentOS Stream' else os_real=$(echo "$os_string" | cut -d' ' -f1) # Doesn't work for Scientific fi os_pretty=$os_string os_type=$(echo "$os_real" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | tr ' ' '_') os_version=$(echo "$os_string" | grep -o '[0-9\.]*') os_major_version=$(echo "$os_version" | cut -d '.' -f1) elif [ -f /etc/os-release ]; then # Debian/Ubuntu # Source it, so we can check VERSION_ID # shellcheck disable=SC1091 . /etc/os-release # Not technically correct, but os-release does not have 7.xxx for centos # shellcheck disable=SC2153 os_real=$NAME os_pretty=$PRETTY_NAME os_type=$ID os_version=$VERSION_ID os_major_version=$(echo "${os_version}" | cut -d'.' -f1) else printf "${RED}No /etc/*-release file found, this OS is probably not supported.${NORMAL}\\n" return 1 fi else printf "${RED}Failed to detect a supported operating system.${NORMAL}\\n" return 1 fi if [ -n "$1" ]; then case $1 in real) echo "$os_real" ;; type) echo "$os_type" ;; version) echo "$os_version" ;; major) echo "$os_major_version" ;; *) printf "${RED}Unknown argument${NORMAL}\\n" return 1 ;; esac fi return 0 } # memory_ok - Function to check for enough memory. Will fix it, if not, by # adding a swap file. memory_ok () { min_mem=$1 disk_space_required=$2 # If Virtualmin swap hasn't been setup yet, try doing it is_swap=$(swapon -s|grep /swap.vm) if [ -n "$is_swap" ]; then if [ -z "$min_mem" ]; then min_mem=1048576 fi # Check the available RAM and swap mem_total=$(awk '/MemTotal/ {print $2}' /proc/meminfo) swap_total=$(awk '/SwapTotal/ {print $2}' /proc/meminfo) all_mem=$((mem_total + swap_total)) swap_min=$(( 1286144 - all_mem )) if [ "$swap_min" -lt '262144' ]; then swap_min=262144 fi min_mem_h=$((min_mem / 1024)) if [ "$all_mem" -gt "$min_mem" ]; then log_debug "Memory is greater than ${min_mem_h} MB, which should be sufficient." return 0 else log_error "Memory is below ${min_mem_h} MB. A full installation may not be possible." fi # We'll need swap, so ask and turn some on. swap_min_h=$((swap_min / 1024)) echo echo " Your system has less than ${min_mem_h} MB of available memory and swap." echo " Installation is likely to fail, especially on Debian/Ubuntu systems (apt-get" echo " grows very large when installing large lists of packages). You could exit" echo " and re-install with the --minimal flag to install a more compact selection" echo " of packages, or we can try to create a swap file for you. To create a swap" echo " file, you'll need ${swap_min_h} MB free disk space, in addition to $disk_space_required GB of free space" echo " for packages installation." echo echo " Would you like to continue? If you continue, you will be given the option to" printf " create a swap file. (y/n) " if ! yesno; then return 1 # Should exit when this function returns 1 fi echo echo " Would you like for me to try to create a swap file? This will require" echo " at least ${swap_min_h} MB of free space, in addition to $disk_space_required GB for the" printf " installation. (y/n) " if ! yesno; then log_warning "Proceeding without creating a swap file. Installation may fail." return 0 fi # Check for btrfs, because it can't host a swap file safely. root_fs_type=$(grep -v "^$\\|^\\s*#" /etc/fstab | awk '{print $2 " " $3}' | grep "/ " | cut -d' ' -f2) if [ "$root_fs_type" = "btrfs" ]; then log_fatal "Your root filesystem appears to be running btrfs. It is unsafe to create" log_fatal "a swap file on a btrfs filesystem. You'll either need to use the --minimal" log_fatal "installation or create a swap file manually (on some other filesystem)." return 2 fi # Check for enough space. root_fs_avail=$(df /|grep -v Filesystem|awk '{print $4}') if [ "$root_fs_avail" -lt $((swap_min + 358400)) ]; then root_fs_avail_h=$((root_fs_avail / 1024)) log_fatal "Root filesystem only has $root_fs_avail_h MB available, which is too small." log_fatal "You'll either need to use the --minimal installation of add more space to '/'." return 3 fi # Create a new file if ! dd if=/dev/zero of=/swap.vm bs=1024 count=$swap_min 1>>${RUN_LOG} 2>&1; then log_fatal "Creating swap file /swap.vm failed." return 4 fi chmod 0600 /swap.vm 1>>${RUN_LOG} 2>&1 mkswap /swap.vm 1>>${RUN_LOG} 2>&1 if ! swapon /swap.vm 1>>${RUN_LOG} 2>&1; then log_fatal "Enabling swap file failed. If this is a VM, it may be prohibited by your provider." return 5 fi echo "/swap.vm swap swap defaults 0 0" >> /etc/fstab fi return 0 } # serial_ok $serial $key # Does the serial number and licnese key look correct? serial_ok () { serial_num=$1 license_key=$2 i=0 while [ $i -eq 0 ]; do if res=$(echo "$serial_num" |grep "[^a-z^A-Z^0-9]"); then printf "Serial number ${RED}$serial_num${NORMAL} contains invalid characters.\\n" get_serial elif [ -z "$serial_num" ]; then printf "${RED}Serial number cannot be blank.${NORMAL}\\n" get_serial elif res=$(echo "$license_key" |grep "[^a-z^A-Z^0-9]"); then printf "License key ${RED}$license_key${NORMAL} contains invalid characters.\\n" get_serial elif [ -z "$license_key" ]; then printf "${RED}License key cannot be blank.${NORMAL}\\n" get_serial else i=1 fi done export SERIAL=$serial_num export KEY=$license_key } # Ask the user for a new serial number and license key get_serial () { printf "${YELLOW}Please enter your serial number or 'GPL': ${NORMAL}" stty echo read -r serial_num stty -echo printf "${YELLOW}Please enter your license key or 'GPL': ${NORMAL}" stty echo read -r license_key stty -echo }