# Functions for creating backups and managing schedules # list_scheduled_backups() # Returns a list of all scheduled backups sub list_scheduled_backups { local @rv; # Add old single schedule, from config file if ($config{'backup_dest'}) { local %backup = ( 'id' => 1, 'dest' => $config{'backup_dest'}, 'fmt' => $config{'backup_fmt'}, 'mkdir' => $config{'backup_mkdir'}, 'errors' => $config{'backup_errors'}, 'increment' => $config{'backup_increment'}, 'compression' => $config{'backup_compression'}, 'strftime' => $config{'backup_strftime'}, 'onebyone' => $config{'backup_onebyone'}, 'parent' => $config{'backup_parent'}, 'all' => $config{'backup_all'}, 'doms' => $config{'backup_doms'}, 'plan' => $config{'backup_plan'}, 'reseller' => $config{'backup_reseller'}, 'feature_all' => $config{'backup_feature_all'}, 'email' => $config{'backup_email'}, 'email_err' => $config{'backup_email_err'}, 'email_doms' => $config{'backup_email_doms'}, 'virtualmin' => $config{'backup_virtualmin'}, 'purge' => $config{'backup_purge'}, 'before' => $config{'backup_before'}, 'after' => $config{'backup_after'}, 'exclude' => $config{'backup_exclude'}, 'key' => $config{'backup_key'}, ); local @bf; foreach $f (&get_available_backup_features(), &list_backup_plugins()) { push(@bf, $f) if ($config{'backup_feature_'.$f}); $backup{'opts_'.$f} = $config{'backup_opts_'.$f}; } for(my $i=1; $config{'backup_dest'.$i}; $i++) { $backup{'dest'.$i} = $config{'backup_dest'.$i}; $backup{'purge'.$i} = $config{'backup_purge'.$i}; } $backup{'features'} = join(" ", @bf); push(@rv, \%backup); } # Add others from backups dir opendir(BACKUPS, $scheduled_backups_dir); foreach my $b (readdir(BACKUPS)) { if ($b ne "." && $b ne "..") { local %backup; &read_file("$scheduled_backups_dir/$b", \%backup); $backup{'id'} = $b; $backup{'file'} = "$scheduled_backups_dir/$b"; delete($backup{'enabled'}); # Worked out below push(@rv, \%backup); } } closedir(BACKUPS); # Merge in classic cron jobs to see which are enabled &foreign_require("cron"); local @jobs = &cron::list_cron_jobs(); foreach my $j (@jobs) { if ($j->{'user'} eq 'root' && $j->{'command'} =~ /^\Q$backup_cron_cmd\E(\s+\-\-id\s+(\d+))?/) { local $id = $2 || 1; local ($backup) = grep { $_->{'id'} eq $id } @rv; if ($backup) { $backup->{'enabled'} = 1; ©_cron_sched_keys($j, $backup); } } } # Also merge in webmincron jobs &foreign_require("webmincron"); local @jobs = &webmincron::list_webmin_crons(); foreach my $j (@jobs) { if ($j->{'module'} eq $module_name && $j->{'func'} eq 'run_cron_script' && $j->{'args'}->[0] eq 'backup.pl') { local $id = $j->{'args'}->[1] =~ /--id\s+(\d+)/ ? $1 : 1; local ($backup) = grep { $_->{'id'} eq $id } @rv; if ($backup) { $backup->{'enabled'} = 2; ©_cron_sched_keys($j, $backup); } } } @rv = sort { $a->{'id'} <=> $b->{'id'} } @rv; return @rv; } # save_scheduled_backup(&backup) # Create or update a scheduled backup. Also creates any needed cron job. sub save_scheduled_backup { local ($backup) = @_; local $wasnew = !$backup->{'id'}; if ($backup->{'id'} == 1) { # Update schedule in Virtualmin config $config{'backup_dest'} = $backup->{'dest'}; $config{'backup_fmt'} = $backup->{'fmt'}; $config{'backup_mkdir'} = $backup->{'mkdir'}; $config{'backup_errors'} = $backup->{'errors'}; $config{'backup_increment'} = $backup->{'increment'}; $config{'backup_compression'} = $backup->{'compression'}; $config{'backup_strftime'} = $backup->{'strftime'}; $config{'backup_onebyone'} = $backup->{'onebyone'}; $config{'backup_parent'} = $backup->{'parent'}; $config{'backup_all'} = $backup->{'all'}; $config{'backup_doms'} = $backup->{'doms'}; $config{'backup_plan'} = $backup->{'plan'}; $config{'backup_reseller'} = $backup->{'reseller'}; $config{'backup_feature_all'} = $backup->{'feature_all'}; $config{'backup_email'} = $backup->{'email'}; $config{'backup_email_err'} = $backup->{'email_err'}; $config{'backup_email_doms'} = $backup->{'email_doms'}; $config{'backup_virtualmin'} = $backup->{'virtualmin'}; $config{'backup_purge'} = $backup->{'purge'}; $config{'backup_before'} = $backup->{'before'}; $config{'backup_after'} = $backup->{'after'}; $config{'backup_exclude'} = $backup->{'exclude'}; $config{'backup_key'} = $backup->{'key'}; local @bf = split(/\s+/, $backup->{'features'}); foreach $f (&get_available_backup_features(), &list_backup_plugins()) { $config{'backup_feature_'.$f} = &indexof($f, @bf) >= 0 ? 1 : 0; $config{'backup_opts_'.$f} = $backup->{'opts_'.$f}; } foreach my $k (keys %config) { if ($k =~ /^backup_(dest|purge)\d+$/) { delete($config{$k}); } } for(my $i=1; $backup->{'dest'.$i}; $i++) { $config{'backup_dest'.$i} = $backup->{'dest'.$i}; $config{'backup_purge'.$i} = $backup->{'purge'.$i}; } &lock_file($module_config_file); &save_module_config(); &unlock_file($module_config_file); } else { # Update or create separate file &make_dir($scheduled_backups_dir, 0700) if (!-d $scheduled_backups_dir); $backup->{'id'} ||= &domain_id(); $backup->{'file'} = "$scheduled_backups_dir/$backup->{'id'}"; &lock_file($backup->{'file'}); &write_file($backup->{'file'}, $backup); &unlock_file($backup->{'file'}); } # Update or delete cron job &foreign_require("cron"); local $cmd = $backup_cron_cmd; $cmd .= " --id $backup->{'id'}" if ($backup->{'id'} != 1); local $job; if (!$wasnew) { local @jobs = &find_cron_script($cmd); if ($backup->{'id'} == 1) { # The find_module_cron_job function will match # backup.pl --id xxx when looking for backup.pl, so we have # to filter it out @jobs = grep { $_->{'command'} !~ /\-\-id/ } @jobs; } $job = $jobs[0]; } if ($backup->{'enabled'} && $job) { # Fix job schedule ©_cron_sched_keys($backup, $job); if ($job->{'module'}) { # Webmin cron &setup_cron_script($job); } else { # Classic cron &cron::change_cron_job($job); } } elsif ($backup->{'enabled'} && !$job) { # Create webmincron job $job = { 'user' => 'root', 'active' => 1, 'command' => $cmd }; ©_cron_sched_keys($backup, $job); &setup_cron_script($job); } elsif (!$backup->{'enabled'} && $job) { # Delete cron job if ($job->{'module'}) { # Webmin cron &delete_cron_script($job); } else { # Classic cron &cron::delete_cron_job($job); } } &cron::create_wrapper($backup_cron_cmd, $module_name, "backup.pl"); } # delete_scheduled_backup(&backup) # Remove one existing backup, and its cron job. sub delete_scheduled_backup { local ($backup) = @_; $backup->{'id'} == 1 && &error("The default backup cannot be deleted!"); &unlink_file($backup->{'file'}); # Delete cron too local $cmd = $backup_cron_cmd." --id $backup->{'id'}"; local @jobs = &find_cron_script($cmd); if ($backup->{'id'} == 1) { @jobs = grep { $_->{'command'} !~ /\-\-id/ } @jobs; } if (@jobs) { &delete_cron_script($jobs[0]); } # Also delete logs of this backup if ($config{'delete_logs'}) { my @del; foreach my $log (&list_backup_logs()) { if ($log->{'sched'} && $log->{'sched'} eq $backup->{'id'}) { my $id = $log->{'id'}; next if (!$id); push(@del, $backups_log_dir."/".$id); push(@del, $backups_log_dir."/".$id.".out"); } } if (@del) { &unlink_file(@del); } } } # get_backup_as_domain(&domains) # Returns the domain whose user should be used to run backups sub get_backup_as_domain { my ($doms) = @_; my ($asd) = grep { !$_->{'parent'} } @$doms; $asd ||= $doms->[0]; return $asd; } # backup_domains(file, &domains, &features, dir-format, skip-errors, &options, # home-format, &virtualmin-backups, mkdir, onebyone, as-owner, # &callback-func, differential, on-schedule, &key, kill-running, # compression-format) # Perform a backup of one or more domains into a single tar.gz file. Returns # an OK flag, the size of the backup file, and a list of domains for which # something went wrong. sub backup_domains { local ($desturls, $doms, $features, $dirfmt, $skip, $opts, $homefmt, $vbs, $mkdir, $onebyone, $asowner, $cbfunc, $increment, $onsched, $key, $kill, $compression) = @_; $opts->{'skip'} = $skip; $desturls = [ $desturls ] if (!ref($desturls)); local $backupdir; local $transferred_sz; # Work out the compression format if (!$dirfmt && !$homefmt) { # If backing up to a single file, use the extension to determine the # compression format my $c = &suffix_to_compression($desturls->[0]); if ($c >= 0) { $compression = $c; } } if (!defined($compression) || $compression eq '') { # Use global config option for compression format $compression = $config{'compression'} } $opts->{'dir'}->{'compression'} = $compression; # Make sure differential mode is supported with the compression format if ($compression == 3 && $increment) { &$first_print($text{'backup_eincrzip'}); return (0, 0, $doms); } # Check if the limit on running backups has been hit local $err = &check_backup_limits($asowner, $onsched, $desturl); if ($err) { &$first_print($err); return (0, 0, $doms); } # Work out who the backup is running as local $asd = $asowner ? &get_backup_as_domain($doms) : undef; local $asuser = $asd ? $asd->{'user'} : undef; # Find the tar command if (!&get_tar_command()) { &$first_print($text{'backup_etarcmd'}); return (0, 0, $doms); } # Check for clash between encryption and backup format if ($key && $compression == 3) { &$first_print($text{'backup_ezipkey'}); return (0, 0, $doms); } # Order destinations to put local ones first @$desturls = sort { ($a =~ /^\// ? 0 : 1) <=> ($b =~ /^\// ? 0 : 1) } @$desturls; # See if we can actually connect to the remote server local $anyremote; local $anylocal; local $rsh; # Rackspace cloud files handle local @okurls; foreach my $desturl (@$desturls) { local ($mode, $user, $pass, $server, $path, $port) = &parse_backup_url($desturl); if ($mode == 0) { $desturl = $path; # Canonicalize path } if ($mode < 0) { &$first_print(&text('backup_edesturl', &nice_backup_url($desturl), $user)); return (0, 0, $doms); } local $starpass = "*" x length($pass); if ($mode == 0 && $asd) { # Always create virtualmin-backup directory $mkdir = 1; } &$first_print(&text('backup_desttest', &nice_backup_url($desturl))); if ($mode == 1) { # Try FTP login local $ftperr; &ftp_onecommand($server, "PWD", \$ftperr, $user, $pass, $port); if ($ftperr) { $ftperr =~ s/\Q$pass\E/$starpass/g; &$second_print(&text('backup_eftptest', $ftperr)); next; } if ($dirfmt) { # Also create the destination directory and all parents # (ignoring any error, as it may already exist) local @makepath = split(/\//, $path); local $prefix; if ($makepath[0] eq '') { # Remove leading / $prefix = '/'; shift(@makepath); } for(my $i=0; $i<@makepath; $i++) { local $makepath = $prefix. join("/", @makepath[0..$i]); local $mkdirerr; &ftp_onecommand($server, "MKD $makepath", \$mkdirerr, $user, $pass, $port); $mkdirerr =~ s/\Q$pass\E/$starpass/g; } } } elsif ($mode == 2) { # Extract destination directory and filename $path =~ /^(.*)\/([^\/]+)\/?$/; local ($pathdir, $pathfile) = ($1, $2); # Try a dummy SCP local $scperr; local $qserver = &check_ip6address($server) ? "[$server]" : $server; local $testuser = $user || "root"; local $testfile = "/tmp/virtualmin-copy-test.$testuser"; local $r = ($user ? "$user\@" : "").$qserver.":".$testfile; local $temp = &transname(); open(TEMP, ">$temp"); close(TEMP); &scp_copy($temp, $r, $pass, \$scperr, $port, $asuser); if ($scperr) { # Copy to /tmp failed .. try current dir instead $scperr = undef; $testfile = "virtualmin-copy-test.$testuser"; $r = ($user ? "$user\@" : "").$qserver.":".$testfile; &scp_copy($temp, $r, $pass, \$scperr, $port, $asuser); } if ($scperr) { # Copy to ~ failed .. try target dir instead $scperr = undef; if ($dirfmt) { $testfile = "$path/virtualmin-copy-test.$testuser"; } else { $testfile = "$pathdir/virtualmin-copy-test.$testuser"; } $r = ($user ? "$user\@" : "").$qserver.":".$testfile; &scp_copy($temp, $r, $pass, \$scperr, $port, $asuser); } if ($scperr) { $scperr =~ s/\Q$pass\E/$starpass/g; &$second_print(&text('backup_escptest', $scperr)); next; } # Clean up dummy file if possible local $sshcmd = "ssh".($port ? " -p $port" : "")." ". $config{'ssh_args'}." ". ($user ? "$user\@" : "").$server; local $rmcmd = $sshcmd." rm -f ".quotemeta($testfile); local $rmerr; &run_ssh_command($rmcmd, $pass, \$rmerr); if ($dirfmt && $path ne "/") { # Also create the destination directory now, by running # mkdir via ssh or scping an empty dir # ssh mkdir first local $mkcmd = $sshcmd." 'mkdir -p $path'"; local $err; local $lsout = &run_ssh_command($mkcmd, $pass, \$err, $asuser); if ($err) { # Try scping an empty dir local $empty = &transname($pathfile); local $mkdirerr; &make_dir($empty, 0700); local $r = ($user ? "$user\@" : ""). "$server:$pathdir"; &scp_copy($empty, $r, $pass, \$mkdirerr, $port, $asuser); &unlink_file($empty); } } } elsif ($mode == 3) { # Connect to S3 service and create bucket if (!$path && !$dirfmt) { &$first_print($text{'backup_es3nopath'}); next; } local $err = &init_s3_bucket($user, $pass, $server, $s3_upload_tries, $config{'s3_location'}); if ($err) { &$second_print($err); next; } } elsif ($mode == 6) { # Connect to Rackspace cloud files and create container if (!$path && !$dirfmt) { &$second_print($text{'backup_ersnopath'}); next; } $rsh = &rs_connect($config{'rs_endpoint'}, $user, $pass); if (!ref($rsh)) { &$second_print($rsh); next; } local $err = &rs_create_container($rsh, $server); if ($err) { &$second_print($err); next; } } elsif ($mode == 7) { # Connect to Google and create the bucket local $buckets = &list_gcs_buckets(); if (!ref($buckets)) { &$second_print($buckets); next; } my ($already) = grep { $_->{'name'} eq $server } @$buckets; if (!$already) { local $err = &create_gcs_bucket( $server, $config{'google_location'}); if ($err) { &$second_print($err); next; } } } elsif ($mode == 8) { # Connect to Dropbox and create the folder if needed if ($server) { my $parent = "/".$server; $parent =~ s/\/([^\/]+)$//; $parent =~ s/^\///; my $files = &list_dropbox_files($parent); if (!ref($files)) { &$first_print($files); next; } my ($already) = grep { $_->{'path_display'} eq "/".$server } @$files; if (!$already) { my $err = &create_dropbox_dir("/".$server); if ($err) { &$second_print($err); next; } } } } elsif ($mode == 9) { # Connect to the remote Webmin server local $w = &dest_to_webmin($desturl); eval { local $main::error_must_die = 1; &remote_foreign_require($w, "webmin"); if ($dirfmt && $path ne "/") { # Remotely create the destination dir &remote_foreign_call($w, "webmin", "make_dir", $path, undef, 1); } }; if ($@) { my $err = $@; $err =~ s/\s+at\s+\S+\s+line\s+\d+.*//g; &$second_print($err); next; } } elsif ($mode == 10) { # Connect to Backblaze and create the bucket local $already = &get_bb_bucket($server); if ($already && !ref($already)) { &$second_print($already); next; } if (!$already) { local $err = &create_bb_bucket($server); if ($err) { &$second_print($err); next; } } } elsif ($mode == 11) { # Connect to Azure and create the container local $containers = &list_azure_containers(); if (!ref($containers)) { &$second_print($containers); next; } my ($already) = grep { $_->{'name'} eq $server } @$containers; if (!$already) { local $err = &create_azure_container($server); if ($err) { &$second_print($err); next; } } } elsif ($mode == 12) { # Connect to Drive and create the folder my $folders = &list_drive_folders(); if (!ref($folders)) { &$second_print($folders); next; } if (!$path && !$homefmt && !$dirfmt) { &$second_print($text{'backup_edesthomedir'}); next; } my $already = &get_drive_folder($server); if (!ref($already)) { local $err = &create_drive_folder($server); if ($err) { &$second_print($err); next; } } } elsif ($mode == 0) { # Make sure target is / is not a directory if ($dirfmt && !-d $desturl) { # Looking for a directory my $destdir = $desturl; $destdir =~ s/\/[^\/]+$//; my $derr; if ($mkdir) { # Create the directory as the domain # user, and check that it worked $derr = &make_backup_dir( $desturl, 0700, 1, $asd); } elsif ($destdir && -d $destdir && $opts->{'dir'}->{'strftime'}) { # Caller didn't request that the destination # directory be created, but since the last part # of the path is date-formatted, create it # anyway $derr = &make_backup_dir( $desturl, 0700, 1, $asd); } else { # Destination directory doesn't exist yet &$second_print(&text('backup_edirtest', "$desturl")); next; } if ($derr) { &$second_print(&text('backup_emkdir', "$desturl", $derr)); next; } } elsif (!$dirfmt && -d $desturl) { # Destination already exists and is a directory, but # we're expecting to write a file &$second_print(&text('backup_enotdirtest', "$desturl")); next; } if (!$dirfmt && $mkdir) { # Create parent directories for a file backup local $dirdest = $desturl; $dirdest =~ s/\/[^\/]+$//; if ($dirdest && !-d $dirdest) { local $derr = &make_backup_dir( $dirdest, 0700, 0, $asd); if ($derr) { &$second_print(&text('backup_emkdir', "$dirdest", $derr)); next; } } } } &$second_print($text{'setup_done'}); # If we made it this far, the URL is valid push(@okurls, $desturl); $anyremote = 1 if ($mode > 0); $anylocal = 1 if ($mode == 0); } if (!@okurls) { # No URLs were valid return (0, 0, $doms); } @$desturls = @okurls; if (!$anyremote) { # If all backups are local, there is no point transferring one by one $onebyone = 0; } if ($homefmt && $dirfmt && &indexof("dir", @$features) < 0) { # A home-format backup was requested, but the home directory was not # included. Silently switch to dir-format so that it still works. $homefmt = 0; } if (!$homefmt) { # Create a temp dir for the backup, to be tarred up later $backupdir = &transname(); if (!-d $backupdir) { &make_dir($backupdir, 0700); } } if ($homefmt && !$dirfmt) { # Home format must imply one-per-domain format &$first_print($text{'backup_ehomeformat'}); return (0, 0, $doms); } # Work out where to write the final tar files to local ($dest, @destfiles, %destfiles_map); local ($mode0, $user0, $pass0, $server0, $path0, $port0) = &parse_backup_url($desturls->[0]); if (!$anylocal) { # Write archive to temporary file/dir first, for later upload $path0 =~ /^(.*)\/([^\/]+)\/?$/; local ($pathdir, $pathfile) = ($1, $2); $dest = &transname($$."-".$pathfile); } else { # Can write direct to destination (which we might also upload from) $dest = $path0; } if ($dirfmt && !-d $dest) { # If backing up to a directory that doesn't exist yet, create it local $derr = &make_backup_dir($dest, 0700, 1, $asd); if ($derr) { &$first_print(&text('backup_emkdir', "$dest", $derr)); return (0, 0, $doms); } } elsif (!$dirfmt && $anyremote && $asd) { # Backing up to a temp file as domain owner .. create first &open_tempfile(DEST, ">$dest"); &close_tempfile(DEST); &set_ownership_permissions($asd->{'uid'}, $asd->{'gid'}, undef, $dest); } # For a home-format backup, the home has to be last local @backupfeatures = @$features; local $hfsuffix; if ($homefmt) { @backupfeatures = ((grep { $_ ne "dir" } @$features), "dir"); $hfsuffix = &compression_to_suffix($compression); } # Take a lock on the backup destination, to avoid concurrent backups to # the same dest local @lockfiles; foreach my $desturl (@$desturls) { local $lockname = $desturl; $lockname =~ s/\//_/g; $lockname =~ s/\s/_/g; if (!-d $backup_locks_dir) { &make_dir($backup_locks_dir, 0700); } local $lockfile = $backup_locks_dir."/".$lockname; local $lpid = &test_lock($lockfile); if ($kill == 2 && $lpid) { # Destination is locked, wait for it to free up &$first_print(&text('backup_waitlock', $lpid)); while($lpid = &test_lock($lockfile)) { sleep(1); } &$second_print($text{'backup_donelock'}); } elsif ($kill != 2 && $lpid) { # Destination is already locked if ($kill == 1 && $lpid != $$) { # Kill the current backup &kill_logged('TERM', $lpid); sleep(2); if (&test_lock($lockfile)) { &kill_logged('KILL', $lpid); } &$second_print(&text('backup_ekilllock', $lpid)); } else { # Exit immediately &$second_print(&text('backup_esamelock', $lpid)); return (0, 0, $doms); } } &lock_file($lockfile); push(@lockfiles, $lockfile); } # Go through all the domains, and for each feature call the backup function # to add it to the backup directory local $d; local $ok = 1; local @donedoms; local ($okcount, $errcount) = (0, 0); local @errdoms; local %donefeatures; # Map from domain name->features local @cleanuphomes; # Temporary homes local %donedoms; # Map from domain name->hash local $failalldoms; DOMAIN: foreach $d (sort { $a->{'dom'} cmp $b->{'dom'} } @$doms) { # Force lock and re-read the domain in case it has changed &obtain_lock_everything($d); &lock_domain($d); my $reread_d = &get_domain($d->{'id'}, undef, 1); if ($reread_d) { $d = $reread_d; } else { # Has been deleted! &$second_print(&text('backup_deleteddom', &show_domain_name($d))); $dok = 0; goto DOMAINFAILED_NOQUOTAS; } my $parent = $d->{'parent'} ? &get_domain($d->{'parent'}) : undef; if ($parent) { my $reread_parent = &get_domain($parent->{'id'}, undef, 1); if (!$reread_parent) { # Parent has been deleted! &$second_print(&text('backup_deleteddom', &show_domain_name($parent))); $dok = 0; goto DOMAINFAILED_NOQUOTAS; } &obtain_lock_everything($parent); } # Ensure the backup dest dir is writable by this domain if (!$homefmt) { &set_ownership_permissions($d->{'uid'}, $d->{'gid'}, undef, $backupdir); } # Make sure there are no databases that don't really exist, as these # can cause database feature backups to fail. my @alldbs = &all_databases($d); &resync_all_databases($d, \@alldbs); my $dstart = time(); # Begin doing this domain &$cbfunc($d, 0, $backupdir) if ($cbfunc); &$first_print(&text('backup_fordomain', &show_domain_name($d) || $d->{'id'})); if (!$d->{'dom'} || !$d->{'home'}) { # Has no domain name! &$second_print($text{'backup_emptydomain'}); $dok = 0; goto DOMAINFAILED_NOQUOTAS; } local $f; local $dok = 1; local @donefeatures; if ($homefmt && !-d $d->{'home'}) { # Create home directory if (&has_domain_user($d) && $d->{'parent'}) { # As domain user (sub-server, likely an alias) &make_dir_as_domain_user($d, $d->{'home'}, 0755, 1); &set_permissions_as_domain_user($d, 0755, $d->{'home'}); } else { # As root (top-level, which should never happen) &make_dir($d->{'home'}, 0755); &set_ownership_permissions( $d->{'uid'}, $d->{'gid'}, undef, $d->{'home'}); } if (!$d->{'dir'}) { # Only temporary $d->{'dir'} = 1; push(@cleanuphomes, $d); } } elsif ($homefmt && !$d->{'dir'} && -d $d->{'home'}) { # Home directory actually exists, so enable it on the domain $d->{'dir'} = 1; } # Turn off quotas for the domain so that writes as the domain owner # don't fail &disable_quotas($d); local $lockdir; if ($homefmt) { # Backup for most features goes to a sub-dir of the home, which # is then included in a tar of the home directory $lockdir = $backupdir = "$d->{'home'}/.backup"; &lock_file($lockdir); &execute_command("rm -rf ".quotemeta($backupdir)); &disable_quotas($asd) if ($asd); local $derr = &make_backup_dir($backupdir, 0777, 0, $asd); &enable_quotas($asd) if ($asd); if ($derr) { &$second_print(&text('backup_ebackupdir', "$backupdir", $derr)); $dok = 1; goto DOMAINFAILED; } # If this script exits unexpectedly, cleaup the temporary dir push(@main::temporary_files, $backupdir); } &$indent_print(); my @bplugins = &list_backup_plugins(); foreach $f (@backupfeatures) { my $bfunc = "backup_$f"; my $fok; my $ffile = "$backupdir/$d->{'dom'}_$f"; if (&indexof($f, @bplugins) < 0 && defined(&$bfunc) && ($d->{$f} || $f eq "virtualmin" || $f eq "mail" && &can_domain_have_users($d))) { # Call core feature backup function if ($homefmt && $f eq "dir") { # For a home format backup, write the home # itself to the backup destination $ffile = "$dest/$d->{'dom'}.$hfsuffix"; } eval { local $main::error_must_die = 1; $fok = &$bfunc( $d, $ffile, $opts->{$f}, $homefmt, $increment, $asd, $opts, $key); }; if ($@) { my $err = $@; $err =~ s/\s+at\s+\S+\s+line\s+\d+.*//g; &$second_print(&text('backup_efeatureeval', $f, $err)); $fok = 0; } } elsif (&indexof($f, @bplugins) >= 0 && $d->{$f}) { # Call plugin backup function $fok = &plugin_call($f, "feature_backup", $d, $ffile, $opts->{$f}, $homefmt, $increment, $asd, $opts); } elsif (&indexof($f, @bplugins) >= 0) { # Call plugin always backup function $fok = &plugin_call($f, "feature_always_backup", $d, $ffile, $opts->{$f}, $homefmt, $increment, $asd, $opts); } if (defined($fok)) { # See if it worked or not if (!$fok) { # Didn't work .. remove failed file, so we # don't have partial data if ($ffile && $f ne "dir" && $f ne "mysql" && $f ne "postgres") { foreach my $ff ($ffile, glob("${ffile}_*")) { &unlink_file($ff); } } $dok = 0; } if (!$fok && (!$skip || $homefmt && $f eq "dir")) { # If this feature failed and errors aren't being # skipped, stop the backup. Also stop if this # was the directory step of a home-format backup $ok = 0; $errcount++; push(@errdoms, $d); $failalldoms = 1; goto DOMAINFAILED; } push(@donedoms, &clean_domain_passwords($d)); } if ($fok) { push(@donefeatures, $f); } } # At this point the .backup directory is in a tar file, so we can # remove it to save disk space if ($homefmt && $backupdir && &is_under_directory($d->{'home'}, $backupdir)) { &execute_command("rm -rf ".quotemeta($backupdir)); } DOMAINFAILED: &enable_quotas($d); DOMAINFAILED_NOQUOTAS: if ($lockdir) { &unlock_file($lockdir); } last if ($failalldoms); $donefeatures{$d->{'dom'}} = \@donefeatures; $donedoms{$d->{'dom'}} = $d; if ($dok) { $okcount++; } else { $errcount++; push(@errdoms, $d); } if ($onebyone && $homefmt && $dok && $anyremote) { # Transfer this domain now local $df = "$d->{'dom'}.$hfsuffix"; &$cbfunc($d, 1, "$dest/$df") if ($cbfunc); local $tstart = time(); local $binfo = { $d->{'dom'} => $donefeatures{$d->{'dom'}} }; local $bdom = { $d->{'dom'} => &clean_domain_passwords($d) }; local $infotemp = &transname(); &uncat_file($infotemp, &serialise_variable($binfo)); local $domtemp = &transname(); &uncat_file($domtemp, &serialise_variable($bdom)); local $done_transferred_sz = 0; foreach my $desturl (@$desturls) { local ($mode, $user, $pass, $server, $path, $port) = &parse_backup_url($desturl); local $starpass = "*" x length($pass); local $err; if ($mode == 0 && $path ne $path0) { # Copy to another local directory &$first_print(&text('backup_copy', "$path/$df")); local $ok; if ($asd) { ($ok, $err) = ©_source_dest_as_domain_user( $asd, "$path0/$df", "$path/$df"); ($ok, $err) = ©_source_dest_as_domain_user( $asd, $infotemp, "$path/$df.info") if (!$err); ($ok, $err) = ©_source_dest_as_domain_user( $asd, $domtemp, "$path/$df.dom") if (!$err); } else { ($ok, $err) = ©_source_dest( "$path0/$df", "$path/$df"); ($ok, $err) = ©_source_dest( $infotemp, "$path/$df.info") if (!$err); ($ok, $err) = ©_source_dest( $domtemp, "$path/$df.dom") if (!$err); } if (!$ok) { &$second_print( &text('backup_copyfailed', $err)); } else { &$second_print($text{'setup_done'}); $err = undef; } } elsif ($mode == 0 && $path eq $path0) { # Just silently write out .info and .dom files # for this directory local $ok; if ($asd) { ($ok, $err) = ©_source_dest_as_domain_user( $asd, $infotemp, "$path/$df.info") if (!$err); ($ok, $err) = ©_source_dest_as_domain_user( $asd, $domtemp, "$path/$df.dom") if (!$err); } else { ($ok, $err) = ©_source_dest( $infotemp, "$path/$df.info") if (!$err); ($ok, $err) = ©_source_dest( $domtemp, "$path/$df.dom") if (!$err); } } elsif ($mode == 1) { # Via FTP &$first_print(&text('backup_upload', "$server")); &ftp_tryload($server, "$path/$df", "$dest/$df", \$err, undef, $user, $pass, $port, $ftp_upload_tries); &ftp_tryload($server, "$path/$df.info", $infotemp, \$err, undef, $user, $pass, $port, $ftp_upload_tries) if (!$err); &ftp_tryload($server, "$path/$df.dom", $domtemp, \$err, undef, $user, $pass, $port, $ftp_upload_tries) if (!$err); $err =~ s/\Q$pass\E/$starpass/g; } elsif ($mode == 2) { # Via SCP &$first_print(&text('backup_upload2', "$server")); local $qserver = &check_ip6address($server) ? "[$server]" : $server; local $r = ($user ? "$user\@" : ""). "$qserver:$path"; &scp_copy("$dest/$df", $r, $pass, \$err, $port, $asuser); &scp_copy($infotemp, "$r/$df.info", $pass, \$err, $port, $asuser) if (!$err); &scp_copy($domtemp, "$r/$df.dom", $pass, \$err, $port, $asuser) if (!$err); $err =~ s/\Q$pass\E/$starpass/g; } elsif ($mode == 9) { # Via Webmin file transfer &$first_print(&text('backup_upload9', "$server")); local $w = &dest_to_webmin($desturl); eval { local $main::error_must_die = 1; &remote_write($w, "$dest/$df", "$path/$df"); &remote_write($w, $infotemp, "$path/$df.info"); &remote_write($w, $domtemp, "$path/$df.dom"); }; $err = $@; $err =~ s/\s+at\s+\S+\s+line\s+\d+.*//g; } elsif ($mode == 3) { # Via S3 upload &$first_print($text{'backup_upload3'}); $err = &s3_upload($user, $pass, $server, "$dest/$df", $path ? $path."/".$df : $df, $binfo, $bdom, $s3_upload_tries, $port); } elsif ($mode == 6) { # Via rackspace upload &$first_print($text{'backup_upload6'}); local $dfpath = $path ? $path."/".$df : $df; $err = &rs_upload_object($rsh, $server, $dfpath, "$dest/$df"); $err = &rs_upload_object($rsh, $server, $dfpath.".info", $infotemp) if (!$err); $err = &rs_upload_object($rsh, $server, $dfpath.".dom", $domtemp) if (!$err); } elsif ($mode == 7 || $mode == 8 || $mode == 10 || $mode == 11 || $mode == 12) { # Via Google, Dropbox or Backblaze upload &$first_print($text{'backup_upload'.$mode}); my $dfpath = $path ? $path."/".$df : $df; my $func = $mode == 7 ? \&upload_gcs_file : $mode == 8 ? \&upload_dropbox_file : $mode == 11 ? \&upload_azure_file : $mode == 12 ? \&upload_drive_file : \&upload_bb_file; my $tries = $mode == 7 ? $gcs_upload_tries : $mode == 8 ? $dropbox_upload_tries : $rr_upload_tries; $err = &$func($server, $dfpath, "$dest/$df", $tries); $err = &$func($server, $dfpath.".info", $infotemp, $tries) if (!$err); $err = &$func($server, $dfpath.".dom", $domtemp, $tries) if (!$err); } if ($err) { &$second_print(&text('backup_uploadfailed', $err)); push(@errdoms, $d); $ok = 0; } else { &$second_print($text{'setup_done'}); local @tst = stat("$dest/$df"); if ($mode != 0 && !$done_transferred_sz++) { $transferred_sz += $tst[7]; } if ($asd && $mode != 0) { &record_backup_bandwidth( $d, 0, $tst[7], $tstart, time()); } } } &unlink_file($infotemp); &unlink_file($domtemp); # If none of the backups are to a local destination, remove the # local temp copy if (!$anylocal) { &execute_command("rm -rf ".quotemeta("$dest/$df")); } } # Delete .backup directory, because its contents will already have # been tarred up &execute_command("rm -rf ".quotemeta("$d->{'home'}/.backup")); &$outdent_print(); my $dtime = time() - $dstart; &$second_print(&text('backup_donedomain', &nice_hour_mins_secs($dtime, 1, 1))); &$cbfunc($d, 2, "$dest/$df") if ($cbfunc); if ($parent) { &release_lock_everything($parent); } &unlock_domain($d); &release_lock_everything($d); } # Remove duplicate done domains local %doneseen; @donedoms = grep { !$doneseen{$_->{'id'}}++ } @donedoms; # Add all requested Virtualmin config information local $vcount = 0; if (@$vbs) { &$first_print($text{'backup_global'}); &$indent_print(); if ($homefmt) { # Need to make a backup dir, as we cannot use one of the # previous domains' dirs $backupdir = &transname(); &make_dir($backupdir, 0755); } foreach my $v (@$vbs) { local $vfile = "$backupdir/virtualmin_".$v; local $vfunc = "virtualmin_backup_".$v; if (defined(&$vfunc)) { &$vfunc($vfile, $vbs); $vcount++; } } &$outdent_print(); &$second_print($text{'setup_done'}); } if ($ok) { # Work out command for writing to backup destination (which may use # su, so that permissions are correct) local ($out, $err); if ($homefmt) { # No final step is needed for home-format backups, because # we have already reached it! if (!$onebyone) { foreach $d (@donedoms) { push(@destfiles, "$d->{'dom'}.$hfsuffix"); $destfiles_map{$destfiles[$#destfiles]} = $d; } } } elsif ($dirfmt) { # Create one tar file in the destination for each domain &$first_print($text{'backup_final2'}); if (!-d $dest) { &make_backup_dir($dest, 0755, 0, $asd); } foreach $d (@donedoms) { # Work out dest file and compression command local $destfile = "$d->{'dom'}.tar"; local $comp = "cat"; if ($compression == 0) { $destfile .= ".gz"; $comp = &get_gzip_command(); } elsif ($compression == 1) { $destfile .= ".bz2"; $comp = &get_bzip2_command(); } elsif ($compression == 3) { $destfile =~ s/\.tar$/\.zip/; } # Create command that writes to the final file local $qf = quotemeta("$dest/$destfile"); local $writer = "cat >$qf"; if ($asd) { $writer = &command_as_user( $asd->{'user'}, 0, $writer); } # If encrypting, add gpg to the pipeline if ($key) { $writer = &backup_encryption_command($key). " | ".$writer; } # Create the dest file with strict permissions local $toucher = "touch $qf && chmod 600 $qf"; if ($asd) { $toucher = &command_as_user( $asd->{'user'}, 0, $toucher); } &execute_command($toucher); # Start the tar command my @dfiles = &expand_glob_to_files( $backupdir, "$d->{'dom'}_*"); if ($compression == 3) { # ZIP does both archiving and compression &execute_command("cd $backupdir && ". &make_zip_command("", "-", @dfiles)." | ". $writer, undef, \$out, \$err); } else { &execute_command( "cd $backupdir && ". "(".&make_tar_command( "cf", "-", @dfiles)." | ". "$comp) 2>&1 | $writer", undef, \$out, \$err); } push(@destfiles, $destfile); $destfiles_map{$destfile} = $d; if ($? || !-s "$dest/$destfile") { $out ||= $err; &unlink_file("$dest/$destfile"); &$second_print(&text('backup_finalfailed', "
")); $ok = 0; last; } } &$second_print($text{'setup_done'}) if ($ok); } else { # Tar up the directory into the final file local $comp = "cat"; if ($dest =~ /\.(gz|tgz)$/i) { $comp = &get_gzip_command(); } elsif ($dest =~ /\.(bz2|tbz2)$/i) { $comp = &get_bzip2_command(); } # Create writer command, which may run as the domain user local $writer = "cat >$dest"; if ($asd) { &open_tempfile_as_domain_user( $asd, DEST, ">$dest", 0, 1); &close_tempfile_as_domain_user($asd, DEST); $writer = &command_as_user( $asd->{'user'}, 0, $writer); &set_ownership_permissions(undef, undef, 0600, $dest); } else { &open_tempfile(DEST, ">$dest", 0, 1); &close_tempfile(DEST); } # If encrypting, add gpg to the pipeline if ($key) { $writer = &backup_encryption_command($key). " | ".$writer; } # Start the tar command &$first_print($text{'backup_final'}); if ($dest =~ /\.zip$/i) { # Use zip command to archive and compress &execute_command("cd $backupdir && ". &make_zip_command("", "-", ".")." | $writer", undef, \$out, \$err); } else { &execute_command("cd $backupdir && ". "(".&make_tar_command("cf", "-", "."). " | $comp) 2>&1 | $writer", undef, \$out, \$err); } if ($? || !-s $dest) { $out ||= $err; &$second_print(&text('backup_finalfailed', "
")); $ok = 0; } else { &$second_print($text{'setup_done'}); } } } # Create a separate file in the destination directory for Virtualmin # config backups if (@$vbs && ($homefmt || $dirfmt)) { local $comp; local $vdestfile; local ($out, $err); if (&has_command("gzip")) { $comp = &get_gzip_command(); $vdestfile = "virtualmin.tar.gz"; } else { $comp = "cat"; $vdestfile = "virtualmin.tar"; } # If encrypting, add gpg to the pipeline if ($key) { $comp = $comp." | ".&backup_encryption_command($key); } my @vfiles = &expand_glob_to_files($backupdir, "virtualmin_*"); &execute_command( "cd $backupdir && ". "(".&make_tar_command("cf", "-", @vfiles). " | $comp > $dest/$vdestfile) 2>&1", undef, \$out, \$out); &set_ownership_permissions(undef, undef, 0600, $dest."/".$vdestfile); push(@destfiles, $vdestfile); $destfiles_map{$vdestfile} = "virtualmin"; } $donefeatures{"virtualmin"} = $vbs; # Remove any temporary home dirs foreach my $d (@cleanuphomes) { &unlink_file($d->{'home'}); $d->{'dir'} = 0; &save_domain($d); # In case it was saved during the backup } if (!$homefmt) { # Remove the global backup temp directory &execute_command("rm -rf ".quotemeta($backupdir)); } elsif (!$onebyone) { # For each domain, remove it's .backup directory foreach $d (sort { $a->{'dom'} cmp $b->{'dom'} } @$doms) { my $backupdir = "$d->{'home'}/.backup"; if (-d $backupdir) { &lock_file($backupdir); &execute_command("rm -rf ".quotemeta($backupdir)); &unlock_file($backupdir); } } } # Work out backup size, including files already transferred and deleted local $sz = 0; if ($dirfmt) { # Multiple files foreach my $f (@destfiles) { local @st = stat("$dest/$f"); $sz += $st[7]; } } else { # One file local @st = stat($dest); $sz = $st[7]; } $sz += $transferred_sz; foreach my $desturl (@$desturls) { local ($mode, $user, $pass, $server, $path, $port) = &parse_backup_url($desturl); if ($ok && $mode == 1 && (@destfiles || !$dirfmt)) { # Upload file(s) to FTP server &$first_print(&text('backup_upload', "$server")); local $err; local $infotemp = &transname(); local $domtemp = &transname(); if ($dirfmt) { # Need to upload entire directory .. which has to be # created first foreach my $df (@destfiles) { local $tstart = time(); local $d = $destfiles_map{$df}; local $n = $d eq "virtualmin" ? "virtualmin" : $d->{'dom'}; local $binfo = { $n => $donefeatures{$n} }; local $bdom = { $n => &clean_domain_passwords($d) }; &uncat_file($infotemp, &serialise_variable($binfo)); &uncat_file($domtemp, &serialise_variable($bdom)); &ftp_tryload($server, "$path/$df", "$dest/$df", \$err, undef, $user, $pass, $port, $ftp_upload_tries); &ftp_tryload($server, "$path/$df.info", $infotemp, \$err, undef, $user, $pass, $port, $ftp_upload_tries) if (!$err); &ftp_tryload($server, "$path/$df.dom", $domtemp, \$err, undef, $user, $pass, $port, $ftp_upload_tries) if (!$err); if ($err) { $err =~ s/\Q$pass\E/$starpass/g; &$second_print( &text('backup_uploadfailed', $err)); $ok = 0; last; } elsif ($asd && $d) { # Log bandwidth used by this domain local @tst = stat("$dest/$df"); &record_backup_bandwidth( $d, 0, $tst[7], $tstart, time()); } } } else { # Just a single file local $tstart = time(); &uncat_file($infotemp, &serialise_variable(\%donefeatures)); &uncat_file($domtemp, &serialise_variable(\%donedoms)); &ftp_tryload($server, $path, $dest, \$err, undef, $user, $pass, $port, $ftp_upload_tries); &ftp_tryload($server, $path.".info", $infotemp, \$err, undef, $user, $pass, $port, $ftp_upload_tries) if (!$err); &ftp_tryload($server, $path.".dom", $domtemp, \$err, undef, $user, $pass, $port, $ftp_upload_tries) if (!$err); if ($err) { $err =~ s/\Q$pass\E/$starpass/g; &$second_print(&text('backup_uploadfailed', $err)); $ok = 0; } elsif ($asd) { # Log bandwidth used by whole transfer local @tst = stat($dest); &record_backup_bandwidth($asd, 0, $tst[7], $tstart, time()); } } &unlink_file($infotemp); &unlink_file($domtemp); &$second_print($text{'setup_done'}) if ($ok); } elsif ($ok && $mode == 2 && (@destfiles || !$dirfmt)) { # Upload to SSH server with scp &$first_print(&text('backup_upload2', "$server")); local $err; local $qserver = &check_ip6address($server) ? "[$server]" : $server; local $r = ($user ? "$user\@" : "")."$qserver:$path"; local $infotemp = &transname(); local $domtemp = &transname(); if ($dirfmt) { # Need to upload all backup files in the directory $err = undef; local $tstart = time(); foreach my $df (@destfiles) { &scp_copy("$dest/$df", "$r/$df", $pass, \$err, $port, $asuser); last if ($err); } if ($err) { # Target dir didn't exist, so scp just the # directory and all files $err = undef; &scp_copy($dest, $r, $pass, \$err, $port, $asuser); } # Upload each domain's .info and .dom files foreach my $df (@destfiles) { local $d = $destfiles_map{$df}; local $n = $d eq "virtualmin" ? "virtualmin" : $d->{'dom'}; local $binfo = { $n => $donefeatures{$n} }; local $bdom = { $n => $d }; &uncat_file($infotemp, &serialise_variable($binfo)); &uncat_file($domtemp, &serialise_variable($bdom)); &scp_copy($infotemp, $r."/$df.info", $pass, \$err, $port, $asuser) if (!$err); &scp_copy($domtemp, $r."/$df.dom", $pass, \$err, $port, $asuser) if (!$err); } $err =~ s/\Q$pass\E/$starpass/g; if (!$err && $asd) { # Log bandwidth used by domain foreach my $df (@destfiles) { local $d = $destfiles_map{$df}; if ($d) { local @tst = stat("$dest/$df"); &record_backup_bandwidth( $d, 0, $tst[7], $tstart, time()); } } } } else { # Just a single file local $tstart = time(); &uncat_file($infotemp, &serialise_variable(\%donefeatures)); &uncat_file($domtemp, &serialise_variable(\%donedoms)); &scp_copy($dest, $r, $pass, \$err, $port, $asuser); &scp_copy($infotemp, $r.".info", $pass, \$err, $port, $asuser) if (!$err); &scp_copy($domtemp, $r.".dom", $pass, \$err, $port, $asuser) if (!$err); $err =~ s/\Q$pass\E/$starpass/g; if ($asd && !$err) { # Log bandwidth used by whole transfer local @tst = stat($dest); &record_backup_bandwidth($asd, 0, $tst[7], $tstart, time()); } } if ($err) { &$second_print(&text('backup_uploadfailed', $err)); $ok = 0; } &unlink_file($infotemp); &unlink_file($domtemp); &$second_print($text{'setup_done'}) if ($ok); } elsif ($ok && $mode == 3 && (@destfiles || !$dirfmt)) { # Upload to S3 server local $err; &$first_print($text{'backup_upload3'}); if ($dirfmt) { # Upload an entire directory of files foreach my $df (@destfiles) { local $tstart = time(); local $d = $destfiles_map{$df}; local $n = $d eq "virtualmin" ? "virtualmin" : $d->{'dom'}; local $binfo = { $n => $donefeatures{$n} }; local $bdom = $d eq "virtualmin" ? undef : { $n => &clean_domain_passwords($d) }; $err = &s3_upload($user, $pass, $server, "$dest/$df", $path ? $path."/".$df : $df, $binfo, $bdom, $s3_upload_tries, $port); if ($err) { &$second_print( &text('backup_uploadfailed', $err)); $ok = 0; last; } elsif ($asd && $d) { # Log bandwidth used by this domain local @tst = stat("$dest/$df"); &record_backup_bandwidth( $d, 0, $tst[7], $tstart,time()); } } } else { # Upload one file to the bucket local %donebydname; local $tstart = time(); $err = &s3_upload($user, $pass, $server, $dest, $path, \%donefeatures, \%donedoms, $s3_upload_tries, $port); if ($err) { &$second_print(&text('backup_uploadfailed', $err)); $ok = 0; } elsif ($asd) { # Log bandwidth used by whole transfer local @tst = stat($dest); &record_backup_bandwidth($asd, 0, $tst[7], $tstart, time()); } } &$second_print($text{'setup_done'}) if ($ok); } elsif ($ok && $mode == 6 && (@destfiles || !$dirfmt)) { # Upload to Rackspace cloud files local $err; &$first_print($text{'backup_upload6'}); local $infotemp = &transname(); local $domtemp = &transname(); if ($dirfmt) { # Upload an entire directory of files local $tstart = time(); foreach my $df (@destfiles) { local $d = $destfiles_map{$df}; local $n = $d eq "virtualmin" ? "virtualmin" : $d->{'dom'}; local $binfo = { $n => $donefeatures{$n} }; local $bdom = { $n => $d }; &uncat_file($infotemp, &serialise_variable($binfo)); &uncat_file($domtemp, &serialise_variable($bdom)); local $dfpath = $path ? $path."/".$df : $df; $err = &rs_upload_object($rsh, $server, $dfpath, $dest."/".$df); $err = &rs_upload_object($rsh, $server, $dfpath.".info", $infotemp) if (!$err); $err = &rs_upload_object($rsh, $server, $dfpath.".dom", $domtemp) if (!$err); } if (!$err && $asd) { # Log bandwidth used by domain foreach my $df (@destfiles) { local $d = $destfiles_map{$df}; if ($d) { local @tst = stat("$dest/$df"); &record_backup_bandwidth( $d, 0, $tst[7], $tstart, time()); } } } } else { # Upload one file to the container local $tstart = time(); &uncat_file($infotemp, &serialise_variable(\%donefeatures)); &uncat_file($domtemp, &serialise_variable(\%donedoms)); $err = &rs_upload_object($rsh, $server, $path, $dest); $err = &rs_upload_object($rsh, $server, $path.".info", $infotemp) if (!$err); $err = &rs_upload_object($rsh, $server, $path.".dom", $domtemp) if (!$err); if ($asd && !$err) { # Log bandwidth used by whole transfer local @tst = stat($dest); &record_backup_bandwidth($asd, 0, $tst[7], $tstart, time()); } } if ($err) { &$second_print(&text('backup_uploadfailed', $err)); $ok = 0; } &unlink_file($infotemp); &unlink_file($domtemp); &$second_print($text{'setup_done'}) if ($ok); } elsif ($ok && ($mode == 7 || $mode == 8 || $mode == 10 || $mode == 11 || $mode == 12) && (@destfiles || !$dirfmt)) { # Upload to Google cloud storage, Dropbox or Backblaze local $err; &$first_print($text{'backup_upload'.$mode}); local $func = $mode == 7 ? \&upload_gcs_file : $mode == 8 ? \&upload_dropbox_file : $mode == 11 ? \&upload_azure_file : $mode == 12 ? \&upload_drive_file : \&upload_bb_file; local $tries = $mode == 7 ? $gcs_upload_tries : $mode == 8 ? $dropbox_upload_tries : $rr_upload_tries; local $infotemp = &transname(); local $domtemp = &transname(); if ($dirfmt) { # Upload an entire directory of files local $tstart = time(); foreach my $df (@destfiles) { local $d = $destfiles_map{$df}; local $n = $d eq "virtualmin" ? "virtualmin" : $d->{'dom'}; local $binfo = { $n => $donefeatures{$n} }; local $bdom = { $n => $d }; &uncat_file($infotemp, &serialise_variable($binfo)); &uncat_file($domtemp, &serialise_variable($bdom)); local $dfpath = $path ? $path."/".$df : $df; $err = &$func($server, $dfpath, $dest."/".$df, $tries); $err = &$func($server, $dfpath.".info", $infotemp, $tries) if (!$err); $err = &$func($server, $dfpath.".dom", $domtemp, $tries) if (!$err); } if (!$err && $asd) { # Log bandwidth used by domain foreach my $df (@destfiles) { local $d = $destfiles_map{$df}; if ($d) { local @tst = stat("$dest/$df"); &record_backup_bandwidth( $d, 0, $tst[7], $tstart, time()); } } } } else { # Upload one file to the container local $tstart = time(); &uncat_file($infotemp, &serialise_variable(\%donefeatures)); &uncat_file($domtemp, &serialise_variable(\%donedoms)); $err = &$func($server, $path, $dest, $tries); $err = &$func($server, $path.".info", $infotemp, $tries) if (!$err); $err = &$func($server, $path.".dom", $domtemp, $tries) if (!$err); if ($asd && !$err) { # Log bandwidth used by whole transfer local @tst = stat($dest); &record_backup_bandwidth($asd, 0, $tst[7], $tstart, time()); } } if ($err) { &$second_print(&text('backup_uploadfailed', $err)); $ok = 0; } &unlink_file($infotemp); &unlink_file($domtemp); &$second_print($text{'setup_done'}) if ($ok); } elsif ($ok && $mode == 9 && (@destfiles || !$dirfmt)) { # Upload to Webmin server &$first_print(&text('backup_upload9', "$server")); local $w = &dest_to_webmin($desturl); local $infotemp = &transname(); local $domtemp = &transname(); if ($dirfmt) { # Need to upload all backup files in the directory local $tstart = time(); eval { local $main::error_must_die = 1; foreach my $df (@destfiles) { &remote_write($w, "$dest/$df","$path/$df"); } }; $err = $@; $err =~ s/\s+at\s+\S+\s+line\s+\d+.*//g; # Upload each domain's .info and .dom files foreach my $df (@destfiles) { local $d = $destfiles_map{$df}; local $n = $d eq "virtualmin" ? "virtualmin" : $d->{'dom'}; local $binfo = { $n => $donefeatures{$n} }; local $bdom = { $n => $d }; &uncat_file($infotemp, &serialise_variable($binfo)); &uncat_file($domtemp, &serialise_variable($bdom)); eval { local $main::error_must_die = 1; &remote_write($w, $infotemp, $path."/$df.info"); &remote_write($w, $domtemp, $path."/$df.dom"); }; } if (!$err && $asd) { # Log bandwidth used by domain foreach my $df (@destfiles) { local $d = $destfiles_map{$df}; if ($d) { local @tst = stat("$dest/$df"); &record_backup_bandwidth( $d, 0, $tst[7], $tstart, time()); } } } } else { # Just a single file local $tstart = time(); &uncat_file($infotemp, &serialise_variable(\%donefeatures)); &uncat_file($domtemp, &serialise_variable(\%donedoms)); eval { local $main::error_must_die = 1; &remote_write($w, $dest, $path); &remote_write($w, $infotemp, $path.".info"); &remote_write($w, $domtemp, $path.".dom"); }; $err = $@; $err =~ s/\s+at\s+\S+\s+line\s+\d+.*//g; if ($asd && !$err) { # Log bandwidth used by whole transfer local @tst = stat($dest); &record_backup_bandwidth($asd, 0, $tst[7], $tstart, time()); } } if ($err) { &$second_print(&text('backup_uploadfailed', $err)); $ok = 0; } &unlink_file($infotemp); &unlink_file($domtemp); &$second_print($text{'setup_done'}) if ($ok); } elsif ($ok && $mode == 0 && (@destfiles || !$dirfmt) && $path ne $path0) { # Copy to another local directory &$first_print(&text('backup_copy', "$path")); my ($lok, $lerr); if ($asd && $dirfmt) { # Copy separate files as doman owner foreach my $df (@destfiles) { ($lok,$lerr) = ©_source_dest_as_domain_user( $asd, "$path0/$df", "$path/$df"); last if (!$lok); } } elsif ($asd && !$dirfmt) { # Copy one file as domain owner ($lok, $lerr) = ©_source_dest_as_domain_user( $asd, $path0, $path); } elsif (!$asd && $dirfmt) { # Copy separate files as root foreach my $df (@destfiles) { ($lok, $lerr) = ©_source_dest( "$path0/$df", "$path/$df"); last if (!$lok); } } elsif (!$asd && !$dirfmt) { # Copy one file as root ($lok, $lerr) = ©_source_dest($path0, $path); } if (!$lok) { &$second_print(&text('backup_copyfailed', $err)); $ok = 0; } else { &$second_print($text{'setup_done'}); } } if ($ok && $mode == 0 && (@destfiles || !$dirfmt)) { # Write out .info and .dom files, even for initial destination if ($dirfmt) { # One .info and .dom file per domain foreach my $df (@destfiles) { local $d = $destfiles_map{$df}; local $n = $d eq "virtualmin" ? "virtualmin" : $d->{'dom'}; local $binfo = { $n => $donefeatures{$n} }; local $bdom = { $n => $d }; local $wcode = sub { &uncat_file("$dest/$df.info", &serialise_variable($binfo)); if ($d ne "virtualmin") { &uncat_file("$dest/$df.dom", &serialise_variable($bdom)); } }; if ($asd) { &write_as_domain_user($asd, $wcode); } else { &$wcode(); } } } else { # A single file local $wcode = sub { &uncat_file("$dest.info", &serialise_variable(\%donefeatures)); &uncat_file("$dest.dom", &serialise_variable(\%donedoms)); }; if ($asd) { &write_as_domain_user($asd, $wcode); } else { &$wcode(); } } } } if (!$anylocal) { # Delete the temporary location, as long as there are no local backups &execute_command("rm -rf ".quotemeta($dest)); } # Each domain can only fail once my %doneerrdom; @errdoms = grep { !$doneerrdom{$_->{'id'}}++ } @errdoms; # Show some status if ($ok) { &$first_print( ($okcount || $errcount ? &text('backup_finalstatus', $okcount, $errcount) : "")."\n". ($vcount ? &text('backup_finalstatus2', $vcount) : "")); if ($errcount) { &$first_print(&text('backup_errorsites', join(" ", map { $_->{'dom'} } @errdoms))); } } # Release lock on dest file foreach my $lockfile (@lockfiles) { &unlock_file($lockfile); } # For any domains that failed and were full backups, clear the differential # file so that future differential backups aren't diffs against it if ($increment == 0 && &has_incremental_tar()) { foreach my $d (@errdoms) { if ($d->{'id'}) { &unlink_file("$incremental_backups_dir/$d->{'id'}"); } } } return ($ok, $sz, \@errdoms); } # make_backup_dir(dir, perms, recursive, &as-domain) # Create the directory for a backup destination, perhaps as the domain owner. # Returns undef if OK, or an error message if failed. # If under the temp directory, this is always done as root. sub make_backup_dir { local ($dir, $perms, $recur, $d) = @_; local $cmd = "mkdir".($recur ? " -p" : "")." ".quotemeta($dir)." 2>&1"; local $out; local $tempbase = $gconfig{'tempdir_'.$module_name} || $gconfig{'tempdir'} || "/tmp/.webmin"; if ($d && !&is_under_directory($tempbase, $dir)) { # As domain owner if not under temp base $out = &run_as_domain_user($d, $cmd, 0, 1); } else { # As root, but make owned by user if given $out = &backquote_command($cmd); if (!$? && $d) { &set_ownership_permissions($d->{'uid'}, $d->{'ugid'}, undef, $dir); } } # Set requested permissions if (!$?) { if ($d) { &set_permissions_as_domain_user($d, $perms, $dir); } else { &set_ownership_permissions(undef, undef, $perms, $dir); } } return $? ? $out : undef; } # restore_domains(file, &domains, &features, &options, &vbs, # [only-backup-features], [&ip-address-info], [as-owner], # [skip-warnings], [&key], [continue-on-errors], [delete-first]) # Restore multiple domains from the given file sub restore_domains { local ($file, $doms, $features, $opts, $vbs, $onlyfeats, $ipinfo, $asowner, $skipwarnings, $key, $continue, $delete_existing) = @_; # Find owning domain local $asd = $asowner ? &get_backup_as_domain($doms) : undef; local $asuser = $asd ? $asd->{'user'} : undef; # Work out where the backup is located local $ok = 1; local $backup; local ($mode, $user, $pass, $server, $path, $port) = &parse_backup_url($file); if ($mode < 0) { &$second_print(&text('backup_edesturl', $file, $user)); return 0; } if ($mode == 0) { # Canonicalize path $file = $path; } local $starpass = "*" x length($pass); if ($mode > 0) { # Need to download to temp file/directory first &$first_print($mode == 1 ? $text{'restore_download'} : $mode == 3 ? $text{'restore_downloads3'} : $mode == 6 ? $text{'restore_downloadrs'} : $mode == 7 ? $text{'restore_downloadgc'} : $mode == 8 ? $text{'restore_downloaddb'} : $mode == 9 ? $text{'restore_downloadwebmin'} : $mode == 10 ? $text{'restore_downloadbb'} : $mode == 11 ? $text{'restore_downloadaz'} : $mode == 12 ? $text{'restore_downloaddr'} : $text{'restore_downloadssh'}); $backup = &transname_owned($asd); local $tstart = time(); local $derr = &download_backup($_[0], $backup, [ map { $_->{'dom'} } @$doms ], $vbs, 0, $asd); if ($derr) { $derr =~ s/\Q$pass\E/$starpass/g; &$second_print(&text('restore_downloadfailed', $derr)); $ok = 0; } else { # Done .. account for bandwidth if ($asd && $asd->{'id'}) { local $sz = &disk_usage_kb($backup)*1024; &record_backup_bandwidth($asd, $sz, 0, $tstart, time()); } &$second_print($text{'setup_done'}); } } else { $backup = $file; } local $restoredir; local %homeformat; if ($ok) { # Create a temp dir for the backup archive contents $restoredir = &transname(); &make_dir($restoredir, 0711); local @files; if (-d $backup) { # Extracting a directory of backup files &$first_print($text{'restore_first2'}); opendir(DIR, $backup); @files = map { "$backup/$_" } grep { $_ ne "." && $_ ne ".." && !/\.(info|dom)$/ } readdir(DIR); closedir(DIR); } else { # Extracting one backup file &$first_print($text{'restore_first'}); @files = ( $backup ); } # Extract each of the files local $f; foreach $f (@files) { local $out; local $q = quotemeta($f); # Make sure file is for a domain we want to restore, unless # we are restoring templates or from a single file, in which # case all files need to be extracted. if (-r $f.".info" && !@$vbs && -d $backup) { local $info = &unserialise_variable( &read_file_contents($f.".info")); if ($info) { local @wantdoms = grep { $info->{$_->{'dom'}} } @$doms; next if (!@wantdoms); } } # See if this is a home-format backup, by looking for a .backup # sub-directory local ($lout, $lerr, @lines, $reader); local $cf = &compression_format($f, $key); # Create command to read the file, as the correct user and # possibly with decryption local $catter = "cat $q"; if ($asowner && $mode == 0) { $catter = &command_as_user( $doms[0]->{'user'}, 0, $catter); } if ($key) { $catter = $catter." | ". &backup_decryption_command($key); } if ($cf == 4) { # ZIP files are extracted with a single command $reader = "unzip -l $q"; if (!&has_command("unzip")) { &$second_print(&text('restore_zipcmd', "unzip")); $ok = 0; last; } if ($asowner && $mode == 0) { # Read as domain owner, to prevent access to # other files $reader = &command_as_user( $doms[0]->{'user'}, 0, $reader); } &execute_command($reader, undef, \$lout, \$lerr); foreach my $l (split(/\r?\n/, $lout)) { if ($l =~ /^\s*(\d+)\s*\d+\-\d+\-\d+\s+\d+:\d+\s+(.*)/) { push(@lines, $2); } } } else { # Other formats use uncompress | tar local $comp = $cf == 1 ? &get_gunzip_command()." -c" : $cf == 2 ? "uncompress -c" : $cf == 3 ? &get_bunzip2_command()." -c" : "cat"; local ($compcmd) = &split_quoted_string($comp); if (!&has_command($compcmd)) { &$second_print(&text('restore_zipcmd', "$compcmd")); $ok = 0; last; } $reader = $catter." | ".$comp; &execute_command("$reader | ". &make_tar_command("tf", "-"), undef, \$lout, \$lerr); @lines = split(/\n/, $lout); } local $extract; if (&indexof("./.backup/", @lines) >= 0 || &indexof("./.backup", @lines) >= 0) { # Home format! Only extract the .backup directory, as it # contains the feature files $homeformat{$f} = $f; $extract = "./.backup"; } elsif (&indexof(".backup", @lines) >= 0) { # Also home format, but with slightly different # directory name $homeformat{$f} = $f; $extract = ".backup"; } elsif (&indexof(".backup/", @lines) >= 0) { # Home format as in ZIP file $homeformat{$f} = $f; $extract = ".backup/*"; } # If encrypted, check signature too if ($key) { my $keyok = 0; $lerr =~ s/\r/ /g; my $l = length($key->{'key'}); if ($lerr =~ /Good\s+signature\s+from/) { if ($lerr =~ /(key,\s+ID|using\s+\S+\s+key)\s+([A-Za-z0-9]+)/ && substr($2, -$l) eq $key->{'key'}) { $keyok = 1; } elsif ($lerr =~ /(key\s+ID)\s+([A-Za-z0-9]+)/ && substr($2, -$l) eq $key->{'key'}) { $keyok = 1; } } if (!$keyok) { &$second_print(&text('restore_badkey', $key->{'key'}, "
")); $ok = 0; last; } } # Do the actual extraction if ($cf == 4) { # Using unzip command $reader = "unzip $q $extract"; if ($asowner && $mode == 0) { $reader = &command_as_user( $doms[0]->{'user'}, 0, $reader); } &execute_command("cd ".quotemeta($restoredir)." && ". $reader, undef, \$out, \$out); } else { # Using tar pipeline &execute_command( "cd ".quotemeta($restoredir)." && ". "($reader | ". &make_tar_command("xf", "-", $extract).")", undef, \$out, \$out); } if ($?) { &$second_print(&text('restore_firstfailed', "$f", "
")); $ok = 0; last; } &set_ownership_permissions(undef, undef, 0711, $restoredir); if ($homeformat{$f}) { # Move the .backup contents to the restore dir, as # expected by later code &execute_command( "mv ".quotemeta("$restoredir/.backup")."/* ". quotemeta($restoredir)); } } &$second_print($text{'setup_done'}) if ($ok); } # Make sure any domains we need to re-create have a Virtualmin info file foreach $d (@$doms) { if ($d->{'missing'}) { if (!-r "$restoredir/$d->{'dom'}_virtualmin") { &$second_print(&text('restore_missinginfo', &show_domain_name($d))); $ok = 0; last; } } } # Lock user DB for UID re-allocation if ($opts->{'reuid'}) { &obtain_lock_unix($d); } # Clear left-frame links cache, as the restore may change them &clear_links_cache(); local $vcount = 0; local %restoreok; # Which domain IDs were restored OK? if ($ok) { # Restore any Virtualmin settings if (@$vbs) { &$first_print($text{'restore_global2'}); &$indent_print(); foreach my $v (@$vbs) { local $vfile = "$restoredir/virtualmin_".$v; if (-r $vfile) { local $vfunc = "virtualmin_restore_".$v; if (defined(&$vfunc)) { $ok = &$vfunc($vfile, $vbs); $vcount++; } } } &$outdent_print(); &$second_print($text{'setup_done'}); } # Fill in missing domain details foreach $d (grep { $_->{'missing'} } @$doms) { $d = &get_domain(undef, "$restoredir/$d->{'dom'}_virtualmin"); if ($opts->{'fix'}) { # We can just use the domains file from the # backup and import it &save_domain($d, 1); } else { # We will be re-creating the server $d->{'missing'} = 1; } } # Now restore each of the domain/feature files local $d; local @bplugins = &list_backup_plugins(); DOMAIN: foreach $d (sort { $a->{'parent'} <=> $b->{'parent'} || $a->{'alias'} <=> $b->{'alias'} } @$doms) { if ($delete_existing && !$d->{'missing'}) { # Delete the domain first in preparation for re-create. &$first_print(&text('restore_deletefirst', &show_domain_name($d))); &$indent_print(); &delete_virtual_server($d); &$outdent_print(); &$second_print($text{'setup_done'}); $d->{'missing'} = 1; # For domains being re-created (not missing, but the # user has requested deletion and re-creation), use the # features from the backup if ($delete_existing) { my $bd = &get_domain(undef, "$restoredir/$d->{'dom'}_virtualmin"); foreach my $f (@$features) { if ($bd->{$f} && !$d->{$f}) { $d->{$f} = $bd->{$f}; } } } } if ($d->{'missing'}) { # This domain doesn't exist yet - need to re-create it &$first_print(&text('restore_createdomain', &show_domain_name($d))); # Check if licence limits are exceeded local ($dleft, $dreason, $dmax) = &count_domains( $d->{'alias'} ? "aliasdoms" : $d->{'parent'} ? "realdoms" : "topdoms"); if ($dleft == 0) { &$second_print(&text('restore_elimit', $dmax)); $ok = 0; if ($continue) { next DOMAIN; } else { last DOMAIN; } } # Only re-create the domain with features that are # included in the backup if ($onlyfeats) { foreach my $f (@backup_features, @bplugins) { if ($d->{$f} && &indexof($f, @$features) < 0) { $d->{$f} = 0; } } } # If the domain originally had a different webserver # enabled, use the one from this system instead local $oldweb = $d->{'backup_web_type'}; my $changedweb = 0; if (!$oldweb && $d->{'web'}) { $oldweb = 'web'; } elsif (!$oldweb && $d->{'virtualmin-nginx'}) { $oldweb = 'virtualmin-nginx'; } if ($oldweb && &indexof($oldweb, @config_features, @plugins) < 0) { $d->{$oldweb} = 0; my $newweb = &domain_has_website(); $d->{$newweb} = 1 if ($newweb); $changedweb = 1; } local $oldssl = $d->{'backup_ssl_type'}; if (!$oldssl && $d->{'ssl'}) { $oldssl = 'ssl'; } elsif (!$oldssl && $d->{'virtualmin-nginx-ssl'}) { $oldssl = 'virtualmin-nginx-ssl'; } if ($oldssl && &indexof($oldssl, @config_features, @plugins) < 0) { $d->{$oldssl} = 0; my $newssl = &domain_has_ssl(); $d->{$newssl} = 1 if ($newssl); } local ($parentdom, $parentuser); if ($d->{'parent'}) { # Does the parent exist? $parentdom = &get_domain($d->{'parent'}); if (!$parentdom && $d->{'backup_parent_dom'}) { # Domain with same name exists, but ID # has changed. $parentdom = &get_domain_by( "dom", $d->{'backup_parent_dom'}); if ($parentdom) { $d->{'parent'} = $parentdom->{'id'}; } } if (!$parentdom) { &$second_print( $d->{'backup_parent_dom'} ? &text('restore_epardom', $d->{'backup_parent_dom'}) : $text{'restore_epar'}); $ok = 0; if ($continue) { next DOMAIN; } else { last DOMAIN; } } $parentuser = $parentdom->{'user'}; } # Does the template exist? local $tmpl = &get_template($d->{'template'}); if (!$tmpl) { # No .. does the backup have it? local $tmplfile = "$restoredir/$d->{'dom'}_virtualmin_template"; if (-r $tmplfile) { # Yes - create on this system and use &make_dir($templates_dir, 0700); ©_source_dest( $tmplfile, "$templates_dir/$d->{'template'}"); undef(@list_templates_cache); $tmpl = &get_template($d->{'template'}); } } if (!$tmpl) { &$second_print(&text('restore_etemplate', $d->{'template'})); $ok = 0; if ($continue) { next DOMAIN; } else { last DOMAIN; } } # Does the plan exist? If not, get it from the backup local $plan = &get_plan($d->{'plan'}); if (!$plan) { local $planfile = "$restoredir/$d->{'dom'}_virtualmin_plan"; if (-r $planfile) { &make_dir($plans_dir, 0700); ©_source_dest( $planfile, "$plans_dir/$d->{'plan'}"); undef(@list_plans_cache); } } # Do all the resellers exist? If not, fail if ($d->{'reseller'} && defined(&get_reseller)) { my @existing; foreach my $rname (split(/\s+/, $d->{'reseller'})) { my $resel = &get_reseller($rname); if (!$resel && $skipwarnings) { &$second_print( &text('restore_eresel2', $rname)); } elsif (!$resel) { &$second_print( &text('restore_eresel', $rname)); $ok = 0; if ($continue) { next DOMAIN; } else { last DOMAIN; } } else { push(@existing, $rname); } } $d->{'reseller'} = join(" ", @existing); } # Does the remote MySQL server module exist? If not, # use the default. However, if this is a sub-server, # always use the setting from parent. if ($parentdom) { $d->{'mysql_module'} = $parentdom->{'mysql_module'}; } elsif ($d->{'mysql_module'}) { my @mymods = &list_remote_mysql_modules(); my ($mod) = grep { $_->{'minfo'}->{'dir'} eq $d->{'mysql_module'} } @mymods; if (!$mod) { delete($d->{'mysql_module'}); } } # Is the Cloud DNS provider valid? If not, forget it if ($d->{'dns_cloud'}) { my ($c) = &get_domain_dns_cloud($d); if (!$c) { delete($d->{'dns_cloud'}); } else { my $sfunc = "dnscloud_".$c->{'id'}. "_get_state"; my $s = defined(&$sfunc) ? &$sfunc() : undef; if (!$s || !$s->{'ok'}) { delete($d->{'dns_cloud'}); } } } # Is the remote DNS server valid? if ($d->{'dns_remote'}) { if (!defined(&list_remote_dns)) { delete($d->{'dns_remote'}); } else { my $r = &get_domain_remote_dns($d); if (!$r || $r->{'id'} == 0) { delete($d->{'dns_remote'}); } } } # If this was a DNS sub-domain and the parent no longer # exists, use a separate zone file if ($d->{'dns_subof'}) { my $dnsparent = &get_domain($d->{'dns_subof'}); if (!$dnsparent) { delete($d->{'dns_subof'}); delete($d->{'dns_submode'}); } } # If the domain had a custom ugroup before, make sure # it exists on the new system if (!$parentdom && $d->{'gid'} != $d->{'ugid'} && !getgrnam($d->{'ugroup'})) { if ($skipwarnings) { &$second_print(&text('restore_eugroup2', $d->{'ugroup'})); $d->{'ugroup'} = $d->{'group'}; $d->{'ugid'} = $d->{'gid'}; } else { &$second_print(&text('restore_eugroup', $d->{'ugroup'})); $ok = 0; if ($continue) { next DOMAIN; } else { last DOMAIN; } } } # If the domain was syncing the SSL cert with another # domain, make sure it exists if ($d->{'ssl_same'} && !&get_domain($d->{'ssl_same'})) { if ($skipwarnings) { &$second_print( $text{'restore_esslsame2'}); foreach my $t (&list_ssl_file_types()) { delete($d->{'ssl_'.$t}); } delete($d->{'ssl_same'}); } else { &$second_print( $text{'restore_esslsame'}); $ok = 0; if ($continue) { next DOMAIN; } else { last DOMAIN; } } } # Build maps of used UIDs and GIDs local (%gtaken, %taken, %usertaken, %grouptaken); &build_group_taken(\%gtaken, \%grouptaken); &build_taken(\%taken, \%usertaken); &$indent_print(); if ($parentdom) { # UID and GID always come from parent $d->{'uid'} = $parentdom->{'uid'}; $d->{'gid'} = $parentdom->{'gid'}; $d->{'ugid'} = $parentdom->{'ugid'}; } elsif ($opts->{'reuid'}) { # Re-allocate the UID and GID &$first_print($text{'restore_reuiding'}); local ($samegid) = ($d->{'gid'}==$d->{'ugid'}); $d->{'gid'} = &allocate_gid(\%gtaken); $d->{'ugid'} = $d->{'gid'}; $d->{'uid'} = &allocate_uid(\%taken); if (!$samegid) { # Old ugid was custom, so set from old # group name local @ginfo = getgrnam($d->{'ugroup'}); if (@ginfo) { $d->{'ugid'} = $ginfo[2]; } } &$second_print(&text('restore_reuiddone', $d->{'uid'}, $d->{'gid'})); } else { # UID and GID are the same - but check for a # clash with existing users (unless replicating, # in which case they may be in shared storage) if ($taken{$d->{'uid'}} && $taken{$d->{'uid'}} ne 'old' && !$opts->{'repl'}) { &$second_print(&text('restore_euid', $d->{'uid'})); $ok = 0; if ($continue) { next DOMAIN; } else { last DOMAIN; } } if ($gtaken{$d->{'gid'}} && $gtaken{$d->{'gid'}} ne 'old' && !$opts->{'repl'}) { &$second_print(&text('restore_egid', $d->{'gid'})); $ok = 0; if ($continue) { next DOMAIN; } else { last DOMAIN; } } } my $changeduser = 0; if (!$parentdom && $opts->{'reuser'} && $usertaken{$d->{'user'}}) { # Re-allocated user name if there is a clash &$first_print($text{'restore_reusering'}); my ($newuser) = &unixuser_name($d->{'dom'}); if ($newuser) { $d->{'restoreolduser'} = $d->{'user'}; $d->{'user'} = $newuser; $changeduser = 1; } } if (!$parentdom && $opts->{'reuser'} && $grouptaken{$d->{'group'}}) { # Re-allocated group name if there is a clash &$first_print($text{'restore_reusering'}) if (!$changeduser); my ($newgroup) = &unixgroup_name($d->{'dom'}); if ($newgroup) { $d->{'restoreoldgroup'} = $d->{'group'}; $d->{'group'} = $newgroup; $d->{'ugroup'} = $newgroup; $changeduser = 1; } } if ($changeduser) { &$second_print(&text('restore_reusered', $d->{'user'}, $d->{'group'})); } &$outdent_print(); # Set the home directory to match this system's base, # but only if the old one is not compatible with this # system, or the username changed &require_useradmin(); local $newhome = &server_home_directory($d, $parentdom); local $oldhome = $d->{'home'}; if (($oldhome !~ /^\Q$home_base\E\// || $changeduser) && $newhome ne $oldhome) { &change_home_directory($d, $newhome); } # Fix up the IPv4 address if needed $d->{'old_ip'} = $d->{'ip'}; local $defip = &get_default_ip($d->{'reseller'}); if ($d->{'alias'}) { # Alias domains always have same IP as parent local $alias = &get_domain($d->{'alias'}); $d->{'ip'} = $alias->{'ip'}; } elsif ($ipinfo && $ipinfo->{'mode'} == 5) { # Allocate IP if the domain had one before, # use shared IP otherwise if ($d->{'virt'}) { # Try to allocate, assuming template # defines an IP range local %taken =&interface_ip_addresses(); if ($tmpl->{'ranges'} eq "none") { &$second_print( &text('setup_evirttmpl')); $ok = 0; if ($continue) { next DOMAIN; } else { last DOMAIN; } } $d->{'virtalready'} = 0; if (&ip_within_ranges( $d->{'ip'}, $tmpl->{'ranges'}) && !$taken{$d->{'ip'}} && !&ping_ip_address($d->{'ip'})) { # Old IP is within local range, # so keep it } else { # Actually allocate from range ($d->{'ip'}, $d->{'netmask'}) = &free_ip_address($tmpl); if (!$d->{'ip'}) { &$second_print(&text('setup_evirtalloc')); $ok = 0; if ($continue) { next DOMAIN; } else { last DOMAIN; } } } } elsif (&indexof($d->{'ip'}, &list_shared_ips()) >= 0) { # IP is on shared list, so keep it } else { # Use shared IP $d->{'ip'} = $defip; if (!$d->{'ip'}) { &$second_print( $text{'restore_edefip'}); $ok = 0; if ($continue) { next DOMAIN; } else { last DOMAIN; } } } } elsif ($ipinfo && $ipinfo->{'ip'}) { # Use IP specified on backup form $d->{'ip'} = $ipinfo->{'ip'}; $d->{'virt'} = $ipinfo->{'virt'}; $d->{'virtalready'} = $ipinfo->{'virtalready'}; $d->{'netmask'} = $ipinfo->{'netmask'}; if ($ipinfo->{'mode'} == 2) { # Re-allocate an IP, as we might be # doing several domains ($d->{'ip'}, $d->{'netmask'}) = &free_ip_address($tmpl); } if (!$d->{'ip'}) { &$second_print( &text('setup_evirtalloc')); $ok = 0; if ($continue) { next DOMAIN; } else { last DOMAIN; } } } elsif (!$d->{'virt'}) { # Use this system's default IP $d->{'ip'} = $defip; if (!$d->{'ip'}) { &$second_print($text{'restore_edefip'}); $ok = 0; if ($continue) { next DOMAIN; } else { last DOMAIN; } } } # Fix up the IPv6 address if needed $d->{'old_ip6'} = $d->{'ip6'}; local $defip6 = &get_default_ip6($d->{'reseller'}); if ($d->{'alias'}) { # Alias domains always have same IP as parent local $alias = &get_domain($d->{'alias'}); $d->{'ip6'} = $alias->{'ip6'}; } elsif ($ipinfo && $ipinfo->{'mode6'} == -2) { # User requested no IPv6 address $d->{'ip6'} = undef; $d->{'virt6'} = 0; } elsif ($ipinfo && $ipinfo->{'mode6'} == 5) { # Allocate IPv6 if the domain had one before, # use shared IPv6 otherwise if ($d->{'virt6'}) { # Try to allocate, assuming template # defines an IPv6 range local %taken = &interface_ip_addresses(); if ($tmpl->{'ranges6'} eq "none") { &$second_print( &text('setup_evirt6tmpl')); $ok = 0; if ($continue) { next DOMAIN; } else { last DOMAIN; } } $d->{'virt6already'} = 0; if (&ip_within_ranges( $d->{'ip6'}, $tmpl->{'ranges6'}) && !$taken{$d->{'ip6'}} && !&ping_ip_address($d->{'ip6'})) { # Old IPv6 is within local range, # so keep it } else { # Actually allocate from range ($d->{'ip6'}, $d->{'netmask6'}) = &free_ip6_address($tmpl); if (!$d->{'ip6'}) { &$second_print(&text('setup_evirtalloc')); $ok = 0; if ($continue) { next DOMAIN; } else { last DOMAIN; } } } } elsif (&indexof($d->{'ip6'}, &list_shared_ip6s()) >= 0) { # IP is on shared list, so keep it } elsif (!$config{'ip6enabled'}) { # IPv6 for new domains is disabled $d->{'ip6'} = undef; } elsif ($defip6) { # Use default shared IP $d->{'ip6'} = $defip6; } else { # No IPv6 address found, so turn it off $d->{'ip6'} = undef; $d->{'virt6'} = 0; } } elsif ($ipinfo && $ipinfo->{'ip6'}) { # Use IPv6 specified on backup form $d->{'ip6'} = $ipinfo->{'ip6'}; $d->{'virt6'} = $ipinfo->{'virt6'}; $d->{'virt6already'} = $ipinfo->{'virt6already'}; $d->{'netmask6'} = $netmaskinfo->{'netmask6'}; if ($ipinfo->{'mode'} == 2) { # Re-allocate an IP, as we might be # doing several domains ($d->{'ip6'}, $d->{'netmask6'}) = &free_ip6_address($tmpl); } if (!$d->{'ip6'}) { &$second_print( &text('setup_evirt6alloc')); $ok = 0; if ($continue) { next DOMAIN; } else { last DOMAIN; } } } elsif (!$d->{'virt6'} && !$config{'ip6enabled'}) { # IPv6 for new domains is disabled $d->{'ip6'} = undef; } elsif (!$d->{'virt6'}) { # Use this system's default IPv6 address, if # there is one if ($defip6) { $d->{'ip6'} = $defip6; } else { $d->{'ip6'} = undef; } } # DNS external IP is always reset to match this system, # as the old setting is unlikely to be correct. $d->{'old_dns_ip'} = $d->{'dns_ip'}; $d->{'dns_ip'} = $virt ? undef : &get_dns_ip($d->{'reseller'}); # Change provisioning settings to match this system foreach my $f (&list_provision_features()) { $d->{'provision_'.$f} = 0; } delete($d->{'dns_cloud'}); delete($d->{'dns_remote'}); &set_provision_features($d); # Check for clashes $d->{'wasmissing'} = 1; local $cerr = &virtual_server_clashes( $d, undef, undef, $opts->{'repl'}); if ($cerr) { &$second_print(&text('restore_eclash', $cerr)); $ok = 0; if ($continue) { next DOMAIN; } else { last DOMAIN; } } # Check for warnings if (!$skipwarnings) { local @warns = &virtual_server_warnings( $d, undef, $opts->{'repl'}); if (@warns) { &$second_print( $text{'restore_ewarnings'}); &$indent_print(); foreach my $w (@warns) { &$second_print($w); } &$outdent_print(); $ok = 0; if ($continue) { next DOMAIN; } else { last DOMAIN; } } } # Finally, create it &$indent_print(); delete($d->{'missing'}); $d->{'nocreationmail'} = 1; $d->{'nocreationscripts'} = 1; $d->{'nocopyskel'} = 1; $d->{'notmplcgimode'} = 1 if (!$changedweb); $d->{'auto_letsencrypt'} = 0; $d->{'no_mysql_db'} = 1; my $err = &create_virtual_server($d, $parentdom, $parentdom ? $parentdom->{'user'} : undef, 1); &$outdent_print(); if ($err) { &$second_print( &text('restore_erecreate', $err)); $ok = 0; if ($continue) { next DOMAIN; } else { last DOMAIN; } } # If the domain was disabled in the backup, disable it # again now if ($d->{'disabled'}) { &$first_print(&text('restore_disabledomain', &show_domain_name($d))); &$indent_print(); my $err = &disable_virtual_server($d, $d->{'disabled_reason'}, $d->{'disabled_why'}); &$outdent_print(); } } else { # Make sure there are no databases that don't really # exist, to avoid failures on restore. my @alldbs = &all_databases($d); &resync_all_databases($d, \@alldbs); } # Users need to be restored last local @rfeatures = @$features; if (&indexof("mail", @rfeatures) >= 0) { @rfeatures =((grep { $_ ne "mail" } @$features),"mail"); } &$first_print(&text('restore_fordomain', &show_domain_name($d))); # Run the before command &set_domain_envs($dom, "RESTORE_DOMAIN"); local $merr = &making_changes(); &reset_domain_envs($d); if (defined($merr)) { &$second_print(&text('setup_emaking',"$merr")); } else { # Disable quotas for this domain, so that restores work my $qd = $d->{'parent'} ? &get_domain($d->{'parent'}) : $d; if (&has_home_quotas()) { &set_server_quotas($qd, 0, 0); } # Now do the actual restore, feature by feature &$indent_print(); local $f; local %oldd; my $domain_failed = 0; foreach $f (@rfeatures) { # Restore features my $rfunc = "restore_$f"; my $fok; my $ffile = "$restoredir/$d->{'dom'}_$f"; if (&indexof($f, @bplugins) < 0 && defined(&$rfunc) && ($d->{$f} || $f eq "virtualmin" || $f eq "mail" && &can_domain_have_users($d))) { local $p = "$backup/$d->{'dom'}"; local $hft = $homeformat{"$p.tar.gz"} || $homeformat{"$p.tar.bz2"}|| $homeformat{"$p.tar"} || $homeformat{"$p.zip"} || $homeformat{$backup}; local @fopts; if ($hft && $f eq "dir") { # For a home-format backup, the # backup itself is the home $ffile = $hft; @fopts = ( $ffile ); } else { @fopts = ( $ffile, glob("$ffile.*") ); } if ($f eq "virtualmin") { # If restoring the virtualmin # info, keep old feature file &read_file($ffile, \%oldd); } my @fany = grep { -r $_ } @fopts; if (@fany) { # Call the restore function $fok = &$rfunc($d, $ffile, $opts->{$f}, $opts, $hft, \%oldd, $asowner, $key); } } elsif (&indexof($f, @bplugins) >= 0 && $d->{$f} && -r $ffile) { # Restoring a plugin feature $fok = &plugin_call($f, "feature_restore", $d, $ffile, $opts->{$f}, $opts, $hft, \%oldd, $asowner); } elsif (&indexof($f, @bplugins) >= 0 && -r $ffile) { # Restoring a plugin $fok = &plugin_call($f, "feature_always_restore", $d, $ffile, $opts->{$f}, $opts, $hft, \%oldd, $asowner); } if (defined($fok) && !$fok) { # Handle feature failure $ok = 0; &$outdent_print(); $domain_failed = 1; last; } } &save_domain($d); # Re-enable quotas for this domain, or parent if (&has_home_quotas()) { &set_server_quotas($qd); } # Make site the default if it was before if ($d->{'web'} && $d->{'backup_web_default'}) { &set_default_website($d); } # Run the post-restore command &set_domain_envs($d, "RESTORE_DOMAIN", undef, \%oldd); local $merr = &made_changes(); &$second_print(&text('setup_emade', "$merr")) if (defined($merr)); &reset_domain_envs($d); if ($domain_failed) { if ($continue) { next DOMAIN; } else { last DOMAIN; } } else { $restoreok{$d->{'id'}} = 1; } } # Re-setup Webmin user &refresh_webmin_user($d); &$outdent_print(); } } # Find domains that were restored OK if ($continue) { $doms = [ grep { $restoreok{$_->{'id'}} } @$doms ]; } elsif (!$ok) { $doms = [ ]; } # If any created restored domains had scripts, re-verify their dependencies local @wasmissing = grep { $_->{'wasmissing'} } @$doms; if (defined(&list_domain_scripts) && scalar(@wasmissing)) { &$first_print($text{'restore_phpmods'}); local %scache; local (@phpinstalled, $phpanyfailed, @phpbad); foreach my $d (@wasmissing) { local @sinfos = &list_domain_scripts($d); foreach my $sinfo (@sinfos) { # Get the script, with caching local $script = $scache{$sinfo->{'name'}}; if (!$script) { $script = $scache{$sinfo->{'name'}} = &get_script($sinfo->{'name'}); } next if (!$script); next if (&indexof('php', @{$script->{'uses'}}) < 0); # Work out PHP version for this particular install. Use # the version recorded at script install time first, # then that from it's directory. local $phpver = $sinfo->{'opts'}->{'phpver'}; local @dirs = &list_domain_php_directories($d); foreach my $dir (@dirs) { if ($dir->{'dir'} eq $sinfo->{'dir'}) { $phpver ||= $dir->{'version'}; } } foreach my $dir (@dirs) { if ($dir->{'dir'} eq &public_html_dir($d)) { $phpver ||= $dir->{'version'}; } } local @allvers = map { $_->[0] } &list_available_php_versions($d); $phpver ||= $allvers[0]; # Is this PHP version supported on the new system? if (&indexof($phpver, @allvers) < 0) { push(@phpbad, [ $d, $sinfo, $script, $phpver ]); next; } # Re-activate it's PHP modules &push_all_print(); local $pok = &setup_php_modules($d, $script, $sinfo->{'version'}, $phpver, $sinfo->{'opts'}, \@phpinstalled); &pop_all_print(); $phpanyfailed++ if (!$pok); } } if ($anyfailed) { &$second_print($text{'restore_ephpmodserr'}); } elsif (@phpinstalled) { &$second_print(&text('restore_phpmodsdone', join(" ", &unique(@phpinstalled)))); } else { &$second_print($text{'restore_phpmodsnone'}); } if (@phpbad) { # Some scripts needed missing PHP versions! my $badlist = $text{'restore_phpbad'}."
\n"; foreach my $b (@phpbad) { $badlist .= &text('restore_phpbad2', &show_domain_name($b->[0]), $b->[2]->{'desc'}, $b->[3])."
\n"; } &$second_print($badlist); } } # Apply symlink and security restrictions on restored domains if (!$config{'allow_symlinks'}) { &fix_symlink_security($doms); } # Clear any missing flags foreach my $d (@$doms) { if ($d->{'wasmissing'}) { delete($d->{'wasmissing'}); delete($d->{'old_ip'}); delete($d->{'old_dns_ip'}); &save_domain($d); } } if ($opts->{'reuid'}) { &release_lock_unix($d); } &execute_command("rm -rf ".quotemeta($restoredir)); if ($mode > 0) { # Clean up downloaded file &execute_command("rm -rf ".quotemeta($backup)); } return $ok; } # backup_contents(file, [want-domains], [&key], [&as-domain]) # Returns a hash ref of domains and features in a backup file, or an error # string if it is invalid. If the want-domains flag is given, the domain # structures are also returned as a list of hash refs (except for S3). sub backup_contents { local ($file, $wantdoms, $key, $asd) = @_; local $backup; local ($mode, $user, $pass, $server, $path, $port) = &parse_backup_url($file); local $doms; if ($mode == 0) { # Canonicalize path $file = $path; } local @fst = stat($file); local @ist = stat($file.".info"); local @dst = stat($file.".dom"); # First download the .info file(s) always local %info; if ($mode == 3) { # For S3, just download the .info backup contents files local $s3b = &s3_list_backups($user, $pass, $server, $path); return $s3b if (!ref($s3b)); foreach my $b (keys %$s3b) { $info{$b} = $s3b->{$b}->{'features'}; } } elsif ($mode > 0) { # Download info files via SSH or FTP local $infotemp = &transname_owned($asd); local $infoerr = &download_backup($file, $infotemp, undef, undef, 1, $asd); if (!$infoerr) { if (-d $infotemp) { # Got a whole dir of .info files opendir(INFODIR, $infotemp); foreach my $f (readdir(INFODIR)) { next if ($f !~ /\.(info|dom)$/); local $oneinfo = &unserialise_variable( &read_file_contents("$infotemp/$f")); foreach my $dname (keys %$oneinfo) { $info{$dname} = $oneinfo->{$dname}; } } closedir(INFODIR); &unlink_file($infotemp); } else { # One file local $oneinfo = &unserialise_variable( &read_file_contents($infotemp)); &unlink_file($infotemp); %info = %$oneinfo if (%$oneinfo); } } } elsif (@ist && $ist[9] >= $fst[9]) { # Local .info file exists, and is new local $oneinfo = &unserialise_variable( &read_file_contents($file.".info")); %info = %$oneinfo if (%$oneinfo); } # If all we want is the .info data and we have it, can return now if (!$wantdoms && %info) { return \%info; } # Try to download .dom files, which contain full domain hashes local %dom; if ($mode == 3) { # For S3, just download the .dom files local $s3b = &s3_list_domains($user, $pass, $server, $path); if (ref($s3b)) { foreach my $b (keys %$s3b) { $dom{$b} = $s3b->{$b}; } } } elsif ($mode > 0) { # Download .dom files via SSH or FTP local $domtemp = &transname_owned($asd); local $domerr = &download_backup($file, $domtemp, undef, undef, 2, $asd); if (!$domerr) { if (-d $domtemp) { # Got a whole dir of .dom files opendir(INFODIR, $domtemp); foreach my $f (readdir(INFODIR)) { next if ($f !~ /\.dom$/); local $onedom = &unserialise_variable( &read_file_contents("$domtemp/$f")); foreach my $dname (keys %$onedom) { $dom{$dname} = $onedom->{$dname}; } } closedir(INFODIR); &unlink_file($domtemp); } else { # One file local $onedom = &unserialise_variable( &read_file_contents($domtemp)); &unlink_file($domtemp); %dom = %$onedom if (%$onedom); } } } elsif (@dst && $dst[9] >= $fst[9]) { # Local .dom file exists, and is new local $onedom = &unserialise_variable( &read_file_contents($file.".dom")); %dom = %$onedom if (%$onedom); } # If we got all the needed .dom files, can return now my %nvinfo = %info; delete($nvinfo{'virtualmin'}); if (%dom && %nvinfo && keys(%dom) >= keys(%nvinfo)) { if ($wantdoms) { # Fill in missing field for domains that don't exist locally foreach my $d (values %dom) { if (!&get_domain_by("dom", $d->{'dom'})) { $d->{'missing'} = 1; } } return (\%info, [ values %dom ]); } else { return \%info; } } if ($mode > 0) { # Need to download the whole file $backup = &transname_owned($asd); local $derr = &download_backup($file, $backup, undef, undef, 0, $asd); return $derr if ($derr); } else { # Use local backup file $backup = $file; } local %rv; if (-d $backup) { # A directory of backup files, one per domain opendir(DIR, $backup); foreach my $f (readdir(DIR)) { next if ($f =~ /^\./ || $f =~ /\.(info|dom)$/); local ($cont, $fdoms); if ($wantdoms) { ($cont, $fdoms) = &backup_contents( "$backup/$f", 1, $key, $asd); } else { $cont = &backup_contents("$backup/$f", 0, $key, $asd); } if (ref($cont)) { # Merge in contents of file local $d; foreach $d (keys %$cont) { if ($rv{$d}) { return &text('restore_edup', $d); } else { $rv{$d} = $cont->{$d}; } } if ($fdoms) { $doms ||= [ ]; push(@$doms, @$fdoms); } } else { # Failed to read this file return $backup."/".$f." : ".$cont; } } closedir(DIR); } else { # A single file local $err; local $out; local $q = quotemeta($backup); local $cf = &compression_format($backup, $key); local $comp; if ($cf == 4) { # Special handling for zip if (!&has_command("unzip")) { return &text('restore_ezipcmd', "unzip"); } $out = &backquote_command("unzip -l $q 2>&1"); } else { local $catter; if ($key) { $catter = &backup_decryption_command($key)." ".$q; } else { $catter = "cat $q"; } $comp = $cf == 1 ? &get_gunzip_command()." -c" : $cf == 2 ? "uncompress -c" : $cf == 3 ? &get_bunzip2_command()." -c" : "cat"; local ($compcmd) = &split_quoted_string($comp); if (!&has_command($compcmd)) { return &text('restore_ezipcmd', "$compcmd"); } $out = &backquote_command( "($catter | $comp | ". &make_tar_command("tf", "-").") 2>&1"); } if ($?) { return $text{'restore_etar'}; } # Look for a home-format backup first local ($l, %done, $dotbackup, @virtfiles); foreach $l (split(/\n/, $out)) { if ($l =~ /(^|\s)(.\/)?.backup\/([^_ ]+)_([a-z0-9\-]+)$/) { # Found a .backup/domain_feature file push(@{$rv{$3}}, $4) if (!$done{$3,$4}++); push(@{$rv{$3}}, "dir") if (!$done{$3,"dir"}++); if ($4 eq 'virtualmin') { push(@virtfiles, $l); } $dotbackup = 1; } } if (!$dotbackup) { # Look for an old-format backup foreach $l (split(/\n/, $out)) { if ($l =~ /(^|\s)(.\/)?([^_ ]+)_([a-z0-9\-]+)$/) { # Found a domain_feature file push(@{$rv{$3}}, $4) if (!$done{$3,$4}++); if ($4 eq 'virtualmin') { push(@virtfiles, $l); } } } } # Extract and read domain files if ($wantdoms) { local $vftemp = &transname(); &make_dir($vftemp, 0711); local $qvirtfiles = join(" ", map { quotemeta($_) } @virtfiles); if ($cf == 4) { $out = &backquote_command("cd $vftemp && ". "unzip $q $qvirtfiles 2>&1"); } else { $out = &backquote_command( "cd $vftemp && ". "($comp $q | ". &make_tar_command("xvf", "-", $qvirtfiles). ") 2>&1"); } if (!$?) { $doms = [ ]; foreach my $f (@virtfiles) { local %d; &read_file("$vftemp/$f", \%d); push(@$doms, \%d); } } } } if ($wantdoms) { # Fill in missing field for domains from the backup that don't exist foreach my $d (@$doms) { if (!&get_domain_by("dom", $d->{'dom'})) { $d->{'missing'} = 1; } } return (\%rv, $doms); } else { return \%rv; } } # missing_restore_features(&contents, [&domains]) # Returns a list of features that are in a backup, but not supported on # this system. sub missing_restore_features { local ($cont, $doms) = @_; # Work out all features in the backup local @allfeatures; foreach my $dname (keys %$cont) { if ($dname ne "virtualmin") { push(@allfeatures, @{$cont->{$dname}}); } } if ($doms) { foreach my $d (@$doms) { foreach my $f (@features, @plugins) { # Look for known features and plugins push(@allfeatures, $f) if ($d->{$f}); } foreach my $k (keys %$d) { # Look for plugins not on this system push(@allfeatures, $k) if ($d->{$k} && $k =~ /^virtualmin-([a-z0-9\-\_]+)$/ && $k !~ /limit$/); } } } @allfeatures = &unique(@allfeatures); local @rv; foreach my $f (@allfeatures) { next if ($f eq 'virtualmin'); if (&indexof($f, @features) >= 0) { if (!$config{$f}) { # Missing feature push(@rv, { 'feature' => $f, 'desc' => $text{'feature_'.$f} }); } } elsif (&indexof($f, @plugins) < 0) { # Assume missing plugin local $desc = "Plugin $f"; if (&foreign_check($f)) { # Plugin exists, but isn't enabled eval { local $main::error_must_die = 1; &foreign_require($f, "virtual_feature.pl"); $desc = &plugin_call($f, "feature_name"); }; } push(@rv, { 'feature' => $f, 'plugin' => 1, 'critical' => 0, 'desc' => $desc }); } } # Check if any domains use IPv6, but this system doesn't support it if ($doms && !&supports_ip6()) { foreach my $d (@$doms) { if ($d->{'virt6'}) { push(@rv, { 'feature' => 'virt6', 'critical' => 1, 'desc' => $text{'restore_evirt6'} }); last; } } } return @rv; } # check_restore_errors(&contents, [&domains]) # Returns a list of errors that would prevent this backup from being restored. # Each if a hash ref with 'critical' and 'desc' fields. sub check_restore_errors { my ($conts, $doms) = @_; my @rv; if ($doms) { foreach my $d (@$doms) { # If domain has a reseller, make sure it exists now (unless # the restore also includes resellers, in which case we assume # that it will included) if ($d->{'missing'} && $d->{'reseller'} && defined(&get_reseller) && (!$conts->{'virtualmin'} || &indexof('resellers', @{$conts->{'virtualmin'}}) < 0)) { foreach my $rname (split(/\s+/, $d->{'reseller'})) { my $resel = &get_reseller($rname); if (!$resel) { push(@rv, { 'critical' => 0, 'desc' => &text('restore_ereseller', $rname), 'dom' => $d }); } } } # If some is a sub-server, make sure parent exists (or is in # this backup) if ($d->{'missing'} && $d->{'parent'}) { my $parent = &get_domain($d->{'parent'}) || &get_domain_by("dom", $d->{'backup_parent_dom'}); if (!$parent) { ($parent) = grep { $_->{'id'} eq $d->{'parent'} || $_->{'dom'} eq $d->{'backup_parent_dom'} } @$doms; } if (!$parent) { push(@rv, { 'critical' => 1, 'desc' => &text('restore_eparent', $d->{'backup_parent_dom'}), 'dom' => $d }); } } } } return @rv; } # download_backup(url, tempfile, [&domain-names], [&config-features], # [info-files-only], [&as-domain]) # Downloads a backup file or directory to a local temp file or directory. # Returns undef on success, or an error message. sub download_backup { local ($url, $temp, $domnames, $vbs, $infoonly, $asd) = @_; local $asuser = $asd ? $asd->{'user'} : undef; local $cache = $main::download_backup_cache{$url}; if ($cache && -r $cache && !$infoonly) { # Already got the file .. no need to re-download link($cache, $temp) || symlink($cache, $temp); return undef; } local ($mode, $user, $pass, $server, $path, $port) = &parse_backup_url($url); local $sfx = $infoonly == 1 ? ".info" : $infoonly == 2 ? ".dom" : ""; if ($mode == 1) { # Download from FTP server local $cwderr; local $isdir = &ftp_onecommand($server, "CWD $path", \$cwderr, $user, $pass, $port); local $err; if ($isdir) { # Need to download entire directory. # In info-only mode, skip files that don't end with .info / .dom &make_dir($temp, 0711); local $list = &ftp_listdir($server, $path, \$err, $user, $pass, $port); return $err if (!$list); foreach $f (@$list) { $f =~ s/^$path[\\\/]//; next if ($f =~ /^\./ || $f eq ""); next if ($infoonly && $f !~ /\Q$sfx\E$/); if (@$domnames && $f =~ /^(\S+)\.(tar.*|zip)$/i && $f !~ /^virtualmin\.(tar.*|zip)$/i) { # Make sure file is for a domain we want next if (&indexof($1, @$domnames) < 0); } &ftp_download($server, "$path/$f", "$temp/$f", \$err, undef, $user, $pass, $port, 1); return $err if ($err); } } else { # Can just download a single file. # In info-only mode, just get the .info and .dom files. &ftp_download($server, $path.$sfx, $temp, \$err, undef, $user, $pass, $port, 1); return $err if ($err); } } elsif ($mode == 2) { # Download from SSH server local $qserver = &check_ip6address($server) ? "[$server]" : $server; if ($infoonly) { # First try file with .info or .dom extension &scp_copy(($user ? "$user\@" : "")."$qserver:$path".$sfx, $temp, $pass, \$err, $port, $asuser); if ($err) { # Fall back to .info or .dom files in directory &make_dir($temp, 0700); &scp_copy(($user ? "$user\@" : ""). $qserver.":".$path."/*".$sfx, $temp, $pass, \$err, $port, $asuser); $err = undef; } } else { # If a list of domain names was given, first try to scp down # only the files for those domains in the directory local $gotfiles = 0; if (@$domnames) { &unlink_file($temp); &make_dir($temp, 0711); local $domfiles = "{".join(",", @$domnames, "virtualmin")."}"; &scp_copy(($user ? "$user\@" : ""). "$qserver:$path/$domfiles.*", $temp, $pass, \$err, $port, $asuser); $gotfiles = 1 if (!$err); $err = undef; } if (!$gotfiles) { # Download the whole file or directory &unlink_file($temp); # Must remove so that recursive # scp doesn't copy into it &scp_copy(($user ? "$user\@" : "")."$qserver:$path", $temp, $pass, \$err, $port, $asuser); } } return $err if ($err); } elsif ($mode == 3) { # Download from S3 server $infoonly && return "Info-only mode is not supported by the ". "download_backup function for S3"; local $s3b = &s3_list_backups($user, $pass, $server, $path); return $s3b if (!ref($s3b)); local @wantdoms; push(@wantdoms, @$domnames) if (@$domnames); push(@wantdoms, "virtualmin") if (@$vbs); @wantdoms = (keys %$s3b) if (!@wantdoms); &make_dir($temp, 0711); foreach my $dname (@wantdoms) { local $si = $s3b->{$dname}; if (!$si) { return &text('restore_es3info', $dname); } local $tempfile = $si->{'file'}; $tempfile =~ s/^(\S+)\///; local $err = &s3_download($user, $pass, $server, $si->{'file'}, "$temp/$tempfile"); return $err if ($err); } } elsif ($mode == 6) { # Download from Rackspace cloud files local $rsh = &rs_connect($config{'rs_endpoint'}, $user, $pass); if (!ref($rsh)) { return $rsh; } local $files = &rs_list_objects($rsh, $server); return "Failed to list $server : $files" if (!ref($files)); local $pathslash = $path ? $path."/" : ""; if ($infoonly) { # First try file with .info or .dom extension $err = &rs_download_object($rsh, $server, $path.$sfx, $temp); if ($err) { # Doesn't exist .. but maybe path is a sub-directory # full of .info and .dom files? &make_dir($temp, 0700); foreach my $f (@$files) { if ($f =~ /\Q$sfx\E$/ && $f =~ /^\Q$pathslash\E([^\/]*)$/) { my $fname = $1; &rs_download_object($rsh, $server, $f, $temp."/".$fname); } } } } else { # If a list of domain names was given, first try to download # only the files for those domains in the directory local $gotfiles = 0; if (@$domnames) { &unlink_file($temp); &make_dir($temp, 0711); foreach my $f (@$files) { my $want = 0; my $fname; if ($f =~ /^\Q$pathslash\E([^\/]*)$/ && $f !~ /\.\d+$/) { $fname = $1; foreach my $d (@$domnames) { $want++ if ($fname =~ /^\Q$d\E\./); } } if ($want) { $err = &rs_download_object( $rsh, $server, $f, $temp."/".$fname); $gotfiles++ if (!$err); } else { $err = undef; } } } if (!$gotfiles && $path && &indexof($path, @$files) >= 0) { # Download the file &unlink_file($temp); $err = &rs_download_object( $rsh, $server, $path, $temp); } elsif (!$gotfiles) { # Download the directory &unlink_file($temp); &make_dir($temp, 0711); foreach my $f (@$files) { if ($f =~ /^\Q$pathslash\E([^\/]*)$/ && $f !~ /\.\d+$/) { my $fname = $1; $err = &rs_download_object( $rsh, $server, $f, $temp."/".$fname); } } } return $err if ($err); } } elsif ($mode == 7 || $mode == 8 || $mode == 10 || $mode == 11 || $mode == 12) { # Download from Google cloud storage, Dropbox or Backblaze local $files; local $func; if ($mode == 7) { # Get files under bucket from Google $files = &list_gcs_files($server); return "Failed to list $server : $files" if (!ref($files)); $files = [ map { $_->{'name'} } @$files ]; $func = \&download_gcs_file; } elsif ($mode == 11) { # Get files under container from Azure $files = &list_azure_files($server); return "Failed to list $server : $files" if (!ref($files)); $files = [ map { $_->{'name'} } @$files ]; $func = \&download_azure_file; } elsif ($mode == 12) { # Get files under folder from Google drive $files = &list_drive_files($server); return "Failed to list $server : $files" if (!ref($files)); $files = [ map { $_->{'name'} } @$files ]; $func = \&download_drive_file; } elsif ($mode == 8 || $mode == 10) { # Get files under dir from Dropbox or Backblaze. These have to # be converted to be relative to the top-level dir, as that's # how GCS behaves and what subsequent code expects. my $fullpath; my $prepend; my $pathdir; if ($path =~ /\.(gz|zip|bz2)$/i) { # A file was requested - list only the parent dir $pathdir = $path =~ /^(.*)\// ? $1 : ""; $fullpath = "/".$server. ($server && $pathdir ? "/" : "").$pathdir; $prepend = ($pathdir ? $pathdir."/" : ""); } else { # Assume source is a dir $pathdir = $path; $fullpath = "/".$server.($server ? "/" : "").$path; $prepend = ($path ? $path."/" : ""); } if ($mode == 8) { # For Dropbox, need to prepend directory under bucket $files = &list_dropbox_files($fullpath); return "Failed to list $fullpath : $files" if (!ref($files)); $files = [ map { my $n = $_->{'path_display'}; $n =~ s/^.*\///; $prepend.$n } @$files ]; $func = \&download_dropbox_file; } else { # For Backblaze, it's already prepended $files = &list_bb_files($server, $pathdir); return "Failed to list $pathdir : $files" if (!ref($files)); $files = [ map { $_->{'name'} } @$files ]; $func = \&download_bb_file; } } local $pathslash = $path ? $path."/" : ""; if ($infoonly) { # First try file with .info or .dom extension $err = &$func($server, $path.$sfx, $temp); if ($err) { # Doesn't exist .. but maybe path is a sub-directory # full of .info and .dom files? &make_dir($temp, 0700); foreach my $f (@$files) { if ($f =~ /\Q$sfx\E$/ && $f =~ /^\Q$pathslash\E([^\/]*)$/) { my $fname = $1; &$func($server, $f, $temp."/".$fname); } } } } else { # If a list of domain names was given, first try to download # only the files for those domains in the directory local $gotfiles = 0; if (@$domnames) { &unlink_file($temp); &make_dir($temp, 0711); foreach my $f (@$files) { my $want = 0; my $fname; if ($f =~ /^\Q$pathslash\E([^\/]*)$/ && $f !~ /\.\d+$/) { $fname = $1; foreach my $d (@$domnames) { $want++ if ($fname =~ /^\Q$d\E\./); } } if ($want) { $err = &$func($server, $f, $temp."/".$fname); $gotfiles++ if (!$err); } else { $err = undef; } } } if (!$gotfiles && $path && &indexof($path, @$files) >= 0) { # Download the file &unlink_file($temp); $err = &$func($server, $path, $temp); } elsif (!$gotfiles) { # Download the directory &unlink_file($temp); &make_dir($temp, 0711); foreach my $f (@$files) { if ($f =~ /^\Q$pathslash\E([^\/]*)$/ && $f !~ /\.\d+$/) { my $fname = $1; $err = &$func($server, $f, $temp."/".$fname); } } } return $err if ($err); } } elsif ($mode == 9) { # Download from Webmin server my $w = &dest_to_webmin($url); if ($infoonly) { # First try file with .info or .dom extension eval { local $main::error_must_die = 1; &remote_read($w, $temp, $path.$sfx); }; $err = $@; $err =~ s/\s+at\s+\S+\s+line\s+\d+.*//g; if ($err) { # Fall back to all .info or .dom files in directory &make_dir($temp, 0700); eval { local $main::error_must_die = 1; my $fls = &remote_eval($w, "webmin", "[ glob('$path/*$sfx') ]"); foreach my $f (@$fls) { $f =~ s/^.*\///; &remote_read($w, "$temp/$f", "$path/$f"); } }; $err = $@; $err =~ s/\s+at\s+\S+\s+line\s+\d+.*//g; } } else { # If a list of domain names was given, first try to scp down # only the files for those domains in the directory local $gotfiles = 0; if (@$domnames) { &unlink_file($temp); &make_dir($temp, 0711); eval { local $main::error_must_die = 1; foreach my $dn (@$domnames) { my $fn = $dn.".tar.gz"; &remote_read($w, "$temp/$fn$sfx", "$path/$fn$sfx"); if (!-s "$temp/$fn$sfx") { # Can happen if path is a dir &unlink_file("$temp/$fn$sfx"); die "Empty file"; } } }; $gotfiles = 1 if (!$@); } if (!$gotfiles) { # Download the whole file or directory eval { local $main::error_must_die = 1; my $fls = &remote_eval($w, "webmin", "[ glob('$path/*') ]"); foreach my $f (@$fls) { $f =~ s/^.*\///; &remote_read($w, "$temp/$f", "$path/$f"); } if (!@$fls) { # Glob returned nothing, so it's a file &unlink_file($temp); &remote_read($w, $temp, $path); } }; $err = $@; $err =~ s/\s+at\s+\S+\s+line\s+\d+.*//g; } } return $err if ($err); } $main::download_backup_cache{$url} = $temp if (!$infoonly); return undef; } # backup_strftime(path) # Replaces stftime-style % codes in a path with the current time sub backup_strftime { local ($dest) = @_; local @tm = localtime(time()); &clear_time_locale() if (defined(&clear_time_locale)); local $rv; if ($dest =~ /^(.*)\@([^\@]+)$/) { # Only modify hostname and path part $rv = $1."\@".strftime($2, @tm); } else { # Fix up whole dest $rv = strftime($dest, @tm); } &reset_time_locale() if (defined(&reset_time_locale)); return $rv; } # parse_backup_url(string) # Converts a URL like ftp:// or a filename into its components. These will be # protocol (1 for FTP, 2 for SSH, 0 for local, 3 for S3, 4 for download, # 5 for upload, 6 for rackspace, 7 for GCS, 8 for Dropbox, 9 for Webmin, # 10 for Backblaze, 11 for Azure, 12 for Drive), login, password, host, path # and port sub parse_backup_url { my ($url) = @_; my @rv; my $defs3 = &get_default_s3_account(); if ($url =~ /^ftp:\/\/([^:]*):(.*)\@\[([^\]]+)\](:\d+)?:?(\/.*)$/ || $url =~ /^ftp:\/\/([^:]*):(.*)\@\[([^\]]+)\](:\d+)?:(.+)$/ || $url =~ /^ftp:\/\/([^:]*):(.*)\@([^\/:\@]+)(:\d+)?:?(\/.*)$/ || $url =~ /^ftp:\/\/([^:]*):(.*)\@([^\/:\@]+)(:\d+)?:(.+)$/) { # FTP URL @rv = (1, $1, $2, $3, $5, $4 ? substr($4, 1) : 21); } elsif ($url =~ /^ssh:\/\/([^:]*):(.*)\@\[([^\]]+)\](:\d+)?:?(\/.*)$/ || $url =~ /^ssh:\/\/([^:]*):(.*)\@\[([^\]]+)\](:\d+)?:(.+)$/ || $url =~ /^ssh:\/\/([^:]*):(.*)\@([^\/:\@]+)(:\d+)?:?(\/.*)$/ || $url =~ /^ssh:\/\/([^:]*):(.*)\@([^\/:\@]+)(:\d+)?:(.+)$/) { # SSH url with no @ in password @rv = (2, $1, $2, $3, $5, $4 ? substr($4, 1) : 22); if ($rv[2] =~ /^\|/) { # Actually a path with / escaped to | $rv[2] =~ s/\|/\//g; } } elsif ($url =~ /^webmin:\/\/([^:]*):(.*)\@\[([^\]]+)\](:\d+)?:?(\/.*)$/ || $url =~ /^webmin:\/\/([^:]*):(.*)\@\[([^\]]+)\](:\d+)?:(.+)$/ || $url =~ /^webmin:\/\/([^:]*):(.*)\@([^\/:\@]+)(:\d+)?:?(\/.*)$/ || $url =~ /^webmin:\/\/([^:]*):(.*)\@([^\/:\@]+)(:\d+)?:(.+)$/) { # Webmin URL with username and password @rv = (9, $1, $2, $3, $5, $4 ? substr($4, 1) : 10000); } elsif ($url =~ /^webmin:\/\/([^\/:\@]+)(:\d+)?:?(\/.*)$/ || $url =~ /^webmin:\/\/([^\/:\@]+)(:\d+)?:(.+)$/) { # Webmin URL with no login @rv = (9, undef, undef, $1, $3, $2 ? substr($2, 1) : 10000); } elsif ($url =~ /^(s3|s3rrs):\/\/([^:]*):([^\@]*)\@([^\/]+)(\/(.*))?$/) { # S3 with an access key and secret key @rv = (3, $2, $3, $4, $6, $1 eq "s3rrs" ? 1 : 0); } elsif ($url =~ /^(s3|s3rrs):\/\/([^:]*)\@([^\/]+)(\/(.*))?$/) { # S3 with an access key only @rv = (3, $2, undef, $3, $5, $1 eq "s3rrs" ? 1 : 0); } elsif ($url =~ /^(s3|s3rrs):\/\/([^\/]+)(\/(.*))?$/ && $defs3 && &can_use_cloud("s3")) { # S3 with the default account return (3, $defs3->{'access'}, $defs3->{'secret'}, $2, $4, $1 eq "s3rrs" ? 1 : 0); } elsif ($url =~ /^(s3|s3rrs):\/\/([^\/]+)(\/(.*))?$/ && &can_use_cloud("s3")) { # S3 with default credentials return (3, undef, undef, $2, $4, $1 eq "s3rrs" ? 1 : 0); } elsif ($url =~ /^rs:\/\/([^:]*):([^\@]*)\@([^\/]+)(\/(.*))?$/) { # Rackspace cloud files with a username and password @rv = (6, $1, $2, $3, $5, 0); } elsif ($url =~ /^rs:([^\/]+)(\/(.*))?$/ && $config{'rs_user'} && &can_use_cloud("rs")) { # Rackspace with the default login @rv = (6, $config{'rs_user'}, $config{'rs_key'}, $1, $3); } elsif ($url =~ /^gcs:\/\/([^\/]+)(\/(\S+))?$/) { # Google cloud storage my $st = &cloud_google_get_state(); if ($st->{'ok'}) { @rv = (7, undef, undef, $1, $3, undef); } else { @rv = (-1, "Google Cloud Storage has not been configured"); } } elsif ($url =~ /^dropbox:\/\/([^\/]+\.(gz|zip|bz2|tar))$/) { # Dropbox file at the top level @rv = (8, undef, undef, "", $1, undef); } elsif ($url =~ /^dropbox:\/\/([^\/]+)(\/(\S+))?$/) { # Dropbox folder @rv = (8, undef, undef, $1, $3, undef); } elsif ($url =~ /^bb:\/\/([^\/]*)(\/(\S+))?$/) { # Backblaze bucket and file my $st = &cloud_bb_get_state(); if ($st->{'ok'}) { @rv = (10, undef, undef, $1, $3, undef); } else { @rv = (-1, "Backblaze has not been configured"); } } elsif ($url =~ /^azure:\/\/([^\/]+)(\/(\S+))?$/) { # Azure container and file my $st = &cloud_azure_get_state(); if ($st->{'ok'}) { @rv = (11, undef, undef, $1, $3, undef); } else { @rv = (-1, "Azure Blob Storage has not been configured"); } } elsif ($url =~ /^drive:\/\/(.*\.(gz|zip|bz2|tar))$/) { # Google drive folder and file my @w = split(/\//, $1); my $st = &cloud_drive_get_state(); if ($st->{'ok'}) { my $f = pop(@w); return (12, undef, undef, join("/", @w), $f, undef); } else { @rv = (-1, "Google Drive has not been configured"); } } elsif ($url =~ /^drive:\/\/(.*)$/) { # Google drive folder my $st = &cloud_drive_get_state(); if ($st->{'ok'}) { @rv = (12, undef, undef, $1, undef, undef); } else { @rv = (-1, "Google Drive has not been configured"); } } elsif ($url eq "download:") { @rv = (4, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef); } elsif ($url eq "downloadlink:") { @rv = (44, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef); } elsif ($url eq "upload:") { @rv = (5, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef); } elsif (!$url || $url =~ /^\//) { # Absolute path @rv = (0, undef, undef, undef, $url, undef); $rv[4] =~ s/\/+$//; # No need for trailing / } else { # Relative to current dir local $pwd = $ENV{'WRAPPER_ORIGINAL_PWD'} || &get_current_dir(); @rv = (0, undef, undef, undef, $pwd."/".$url, undef); $rv[4] =~ s/\/+$//; } return @rv; } # join_backup_url(mode, user, pass, host, path, port) # Convert the parts returned by parse_backup_url back into a backup URL sub join_backup_url { my ($mode, $user, $pass, $host, $path, $port) = @_; my $rv; if ($mode == 0) { # Local file $rv = $path; } elsif ($mode == 1) { # FTP server $rv .= "ftp://".$user.":".$pass."\@"; if (&check_ip6address($host)) { $rv .= "[".$host."]"; } else { $rv .= $host; } if ($port != 21) { $rv .= ":".$port; } $rv .= $path; } elsif ($mode == 2) { # SSH server $rv .= "ssh://".$user.":".$pass."\@"; if (&check_ip6address($host)) { $rv .= "[".$host."]"; } else { $rv .= $host; } if ($port != 22) { $rv .= ":".$port; } $rv .= $path; } elsif ($mode == 9) { # Webmin URL $rv .= "webmin://"; if ($user) { $rv .= $user.":".$pass."\@"; } $rv .= $host.":".$port.$path; } elsif ($mode == 3) { # S3 URL $rv .= ($port ? "s3rrs" : "s3")."://"; if ($user && $pass) { $rv .= $user.":".$pass."\@"; } elsif ($user) { $rv .= $user."\@"; } $rv .= $host; $rv .= "/".$path if ($path); } elsif ($mode == 6) { # Rackspace URL $rv .= "rs://"; if ($user) { $rs .= $user.":".$pass."\@"; } $rv .= $host; $rv .= "/".$path if ($path); } elsif ($mode == 7) { # Google cloud URL $rv .= "gcs://"; $rv .= $host; $rv .= "/".$path if ($path); } elsif ($mode == 8) { # Dropbox URL $rv .= "dropbox://"; $rv .= $host."/" if ($host); $rv .= $path; } elsif ($mode == 10) { # Backblaze URL $rv .= "bb://"; $rv .= $host; $rv .= "/".$path if ($path); } elsif ($mode == 11) { # Azure URL $rv .= "azure://"; $rv .= $host; $rv .= "/".$path if ($path); } elsif ($mode == 12) { # Google Drive URL $rv .= "drive://"; $rv .= $host."/" if ($host); $rv .= $path; } elsif ($mode == 4) { # Download file $rv .= "download:"; } elsif ($mode == 44) { # Download via link $rv .= "downloadlink:"; } elsif ($mode == 5) { # Upload file $rv .= "upload:"; } return $rv; } # nice_backup_url(string, [caps-first]) # Converts a backup URL to a nice human-readable format sub nice_backup_url { local ($url, $caps) = @_; local ($proto, $user, $pass, $host, $path, $port) = &parse_backup_url($url); local $rv; if ($proto == 1) { $rv = &text('backup_niceftp', "$path", "$host"); } elsif ($proto == 2) { $rv = &text('backup_nicescp', "$path", "$host"); } elsif ($proto == 3) { my $s3 = $user ? &get_s3_account($user) : &get_default_s3_account(); my $desc = $s3 ? $s3->{'desc'} || &text('backup_nices3akey', $s3->{'access'}) : undef; $desc ||= &text('backup_nices3akey', $user) if ($user); $desc ||= $text{'backup_nices3unknown'}; $rv = $path ? &text('backup_nices3pa', "$host", "$path", $desc) : &text('backup_nices3a', "$host", $desc); } elsif ($proto == 0) { $rv = &text('backup_nicefile', "$path"); } elsif ($proto == 4) { $rv = $text{'backup_nicedownload'}; } elsif ($proto == 44) { $rv = $text{'backup_nicedownloadlink'}; } elsif ($proto == 5) { $rv = $text{'backup_niceupload'}; } elsif ($proto == 6) { $rv = $path ? &text('backup_nicersp', "$host", "$path") : &text('backup_nicers', "$host"); } elsif ($proto == 7) { $rv = $path ? &text('backup_nicegop', "$host", "$path") : &text('backup_nicego', "$host"); } elsif ($proto == 8) { $rv = $path ? &text('backup_nicedbp', "$host", "$path") : &text('backup_nicedb', "$host"); } elsif ($proto == 9) { $rv = &text('backup_nicewebmin', "$path", "$host"); } elsif ($proto == 10) { $rv = $path ? &text('backup_nicebbp', "$host", "$path") : $host ? &text('backup_nicebb', "$host") : &text('backup_nicebbt'); } elsif ($proto == 11) { $rv = $path ? &text('backup_niceazp', "$host", "$path") : &text('backup_niceaz', "$host"); } elsif ($proto == 12) { $rv = $path ? &text('backup_nicedrivep', "$host", "$path") : $host ? &text('backup_nicedrive', "$host") : &text('backup_nicedrivet'); } else { $rv = $url; } if ($caps && (!$current_lang_info->{'charset'} || $current_lang =~ /^en/) && $rv ne $url) { # Make first letter upper case $rv = ucfirst($rv); } return $rv; } # nice_backup_doms(&backup) # Returns a human-friendly HTML description of what is included in a backup sub nice_backup_doms { local ($s) = @_; if ($s->{'all'} == 1) { if ($s->{'plan'}) { # All on some plans my @plans = split(/\s+/, $s->{'plan'}); if (@plans == 1) { my $plan = &get_plan($plans[0]); return &text('sched_allplan', "".($plan ? $plan->{'name'} : $plans[0]).""); } else { return &text('sched_allplans', scalar(@plans)); } } elsif ($s->{'reseller'}) { # All owned by some resellers my @resellers = split(/\s+/, $s->{'reseller'}); if (@resellers == 1) { return &text('sched_allreseller', "".$resellers[0].""); } else { return &text('sched_allresellers', scalar(@resellers)); } } else { return "$text{'sched_all'}"; } } elsif ($s->{'doms'}) { local @dnames; foreach my $did (split(/\s+/, $s->{'doms'})) { local $d = &get_domain($did); push(@dnames, &show_domain_name($d)) if ($d); } local $msg = @dnames > 4 ? join(", ", @dnames).", ..." : join(", ", @dnames); return $s->{'all'} == 2 ? &text('sched_except', $msg) : $msg; } elsif ($s->{'virtualmin'}) { return $text{'sched_virtualmin'}; } else { return $text{'sched_nothing'}; } } # show_backup_destination(name, value, no-local, [&domain], [no-download], # [no-upload], [show-remove-option]) # Returns HTML for fields for selecting a local or FTP file sub show_backup_destination { local ($name, $value, $nolocal, $d, $nodownload, $noupload, $remove) = @_; local ($mode, $user, $pass, $server, $path, $port) = &parse_backup_url($value); $mode = 1 if (!$value && $nolocal); # Default to FTP local $defport = $mode == 1 ? 21 : $mode == 2 ? 22 : $mode == 9 ? 10000 : undef; $server = "[$server]" if (&check_ip6address($server)); local $serverport = $port && $port != $defport ? "$server:$port" : $server; local $rv; local @opts; if ($remove) { # Remove this destination push(@opts, [ -1, $text{'backup_moderemove'} ]); } if ($d && $d->{'dir'}) { # Limit local file to under virtualmin-backups local $bdir = "$d->{'home'}/$home_virtualmin_backup"; $bdir =~ s/\.\///g; # Fix /./ in directory path push(@opts, [ 0, $text{'backup_mode0a'}, &ui_textbox($name."_file", $mode == 0 && $path =~ /\Q$home_virtualmin_backup\E\/(.*)$/ ? $1 : "", 50)." ". &file_chooser_button($name."_file", 0, 0, $bdir)."
\n" ]); } elsif (!$nolocal) { # Local file field (can be anywhere) push(@opts, [ 0, $text{'backup_mode0'}, &ui_textbox($name."_file", $mode == 0 ? $path : "", 50)." ". &file_chooser_button($name."_file")."
\n" ]); } my $tablestart = sub { return "\n" }; # FTP file fields local $noac = "autocomplete=off"; local $ft = &$tablestart('ftp'); $ft .= "\n"; $ft .= "\n"; $ft .= "\n"; $ft .= "\n"; $ft .= "
$text{'backup_ftpserver'} ". &ui_textbox($name."_server", $mode == 1 ? $serverport : undef, 20, undef, undef, "placeholder='example.com:21'"). "
$text{'backup_path'} ". &ui_textbox($name."_path", $mode == 1 ? $path : undef, 50). "
$text{'backup_login'} ". &ui_textbox($name."_user", $mode == 1 ? $user : undef, 15, 0, undef, $noac). "
$text{'backup_pass'} ". &ui_password($name."_pass", $mode == 1 ? $pass : undef, 15, 0, undef, $noac). "
\n"; push(@opts, [ 1, $text{'backup_mode1'}, $ft ]); # SCP file fields local $st = &$tablestart('ssh'); $st .= " $text{'backup_sshserver'} ". &ui_textbox($name."_sserver", $mode == 2 ? $serverport : undef, 20, undef, undef, "placeholder='example.com:22'"). " \n"; $st .= " $text{'backup_path'} ". &ui_textbox($name."_spath", $mode == 2 ? $path : undef, 50). " \n"; $st .= " $text{'backup_login'} ". &ui_textbox($name."_suser", $mode == 2 ? $user : undef, 15, 0, undef, $noac). " \n"; $st .= " $text{'backup_pass4'} ". "" . &ui_password($name."_spass", $mode == 2 && $pass !~ /\// ? $pass : undef, 25, 0, undef, "$noac placeholder=\"$text{'backup_pass41_desc'}\""). " $text{'backup_pass4_or'}  " . &ui_filebox($name."_sshkey", $mode == 2 && $pass =~ /\// ? $pass : undef, 25, 0, undef, "$noac placeholder=\"$text{'backup_pass42_desc'}\"")."". " \n"; $st .= "\n"; push(@opts, [ 2, $text{'backup_mode2'}, $st ]); # Webmin RPC fields local $wt = &$tablestart('webmin'); $wt .= " $text{'backup_webminserver'} ". &ui_textbox($name."_wserver", $mode == 9 ? $serverport : undef, 20, undef, undef, "placeholder='example.com:10000'"). " \n"; $wt .= " $text{'backup_path'} ". &ui_textbox($name."_wpath", $mode == 9 ? $path : undef, 50). " \n"; $wt .= " $text{'backup_login'} ". &ui_textbox($name."_wuser", $mode == 9 ? $user : undef, 15, 0, undef, $noac). " \n"; $wt .= " $text{'backup_pass'} ". &ui_password($name."_wpass", $mode == 9 ? $pass : undef, 15, 0, undef, $noac). " \n"; $wt .= "\n"; push(@opts, [ 9, $text{'backup_mode9'}, $wt ]); # S3 backup fields (bucket, account and file) my @s3s; if (&can_use_cloud("s3") && (@s3s = &list_s3_accounts())) { local $s3user = $mode == 3 ? $user : undef; local $s3pass = $mode == 3 ? $pass : undef; local $st = &$tablestart('s3'); my ($s3) = grep { ($_->{'access'} eq $s3user || $_->{'id'} eq $s3user) && (!$s3pass || $_->{'secret'} eq $s3pass) } @s3s; $st .= " $text{'backup_as3'} "; $st .= "".&ui_select($name."_as3", $s3 ? $s3->{'id'} : undef, [ map { [ $_->{'id'}, $_->{'desc'} || $_->{'access'} ] } @s3s ])." \n"; $st .= " $text{'backup_s3path'} ". &ui_textbox($name."_s3path", $mode != 3 ? "" : $server.($path ? "/".$path : ""), 50). " \n"; $st .= " ". &ui_checkbox($name."_rrs", 1, $text{'backup_s3rrs'}, $port == 1). " \n"; $st .= "\n"; push(@opts, [ 3, $text{'backup_mode3'}, $st ]); } # Rackspace backup fields (username, API key and bucket/file) if (&can_use_cloud("rs")) { local $rsuser = $mode == 6 ? $user : undef; local $rspass = $mode == 6 ? $pass : undef; $rsuser ||= $config{'rs_user'}; $rspass ||= $config{'rs_key'}; local $st = &$tablestart('rs'); $st .= " $text{'backup_rsuser'} ". &ui_textbox($name."_rsuser", $rsuser, 40, 0, undef, $noac). " \n"; $st .= " $text{'backup_rskey'} ". &ui_password($name."_rskey", $rspass, 40, 0, undef, $noac). " \n"; $st .= " $text{'backup_rspath'} ". &ui_textbox($name."_rspath", $mode != 6 ? undef : $server.($path ? "/".$path : ""), 50). " \n"; $st .= "\n"; push(@opts, [ 6, $text{'backup_mode6'}, $st ]); } # Google cloud files my $state = &cloud_google_get_state(); if ($state->{'ok'} && &can_use_cloud("google")) { local $st = &$tablestart('gc'); $st .= " $text{'backup_gcpath'} ". &ui_textbox($name."_gcpath", $mode != 7 ? undef : $server.($path ? "/".$path : ""), 50). " \n"; $st .= "\n"; push(@opts, [ 7, $text{'backup_mode7'}, $st ]); } # Dropbox $state = &cloud_dropbox_get_state(); if ($state->{'ok'} && &can_use_cloud("dropbox")) { local $st = &$tablestart('db'); $st .= " $text{'backup_dbpath'} ". &ui_textbox($name."_dbpath", $mode != 8 ? undef : $server.($path ? "/".$path : ""), 50). " \n"; $st .= "\n"; push(@opts, [ 8, $text{'backup_mode8'}, $st ]); } # Backblaze my $state = &cloud_bb_get_state(); if ($state->{'ok'} && &can_use_cloud("bb")) { local $st = &$tablestart('bb'); $st .= " $text{'backup_bbpath'} ". &ui_textbox($name."_bbpath", $mode != 10 ? undef : $server.($path ? "/".$path : ""), 50). " \n"; $st .= "\n"; push(@opts, [ 10, $text{'backup_mode10'}, $st ]); } # Azure blob storage my $state = &cloud_azure_get_state(); if ($state->{'ok'} && &can_use_cloud("azure")) { local $st = &$tablestart('az'); $st .= " $text{'backup_azpath'} ". &ui_textbox($name."_azpath", $mode != 11 ? undef : $server.($path ? "/".$path : ""), 50). " \n"; $st .= "\n"; push(@opts, [ 11, $text{'backup_mode11'}, $st ]); } # Google drive storage my $state = &cloud_drive_get_state(); if ($state->{'ok'} && &can_use_cloud("drive")) { local $st = &$tablestart('dr'); $st .= " $text{'backup_drpath'} ". &ui_textbox($name."_drpath", $mode != 12 ? undef : $server.($path ? "/".$path : ""), 50). " \n"; $st .= "\n"; push(@opts, [ 12, $text{'backup_mode12'}, $st ]); } if (!$nodownload) { # Show mode to download in browser push(@opts, [ 44, $text{'backup_mode44'}, $text{'backup_mode44desc'}."

" ]); } if (!$noupload) { # Show mode to upload to server push(@opts, [ 5, $text{'backup_mode5'}, &ui_upload($name."_upload", 40) ]); } return &ui_radio_selector(\@opts, $name."_mode", $mode, 1); } # parse_backup_destination(name, &in, no-local, [&domain], format) # Returns a backup destination string, or calls error sub parse_backup_destination { local ($name, $in, $nolocal, $d, $fmt) = @_; local %in = %$in; local $mode = $in{$name."_mode"}; if ($mode == -1) { # Removing this one return undef; } if ($mode == 0 && defined($fmt) && $fmt == 0) { # For a single-file backup, make sure the filename makes sense $in{$name."_file"} =~ /\.(gz|zip|tar|bz2|Z)$/i || &error($text{'backup_edestext'}); } if ($mode == 0 && $d) { # Local file under virtualmin-backup directory $in{$name."_file"} =~ /^\S+$/ || &error($text{'backup_edest2'}); $in{$name."_file"} =~ /\.\./ && &error($text{'backup_edest3'}); $in{$name."_file"} =~ s/\/+$//; $in{$name."_file"} =~ s/^\/+//; return "$d->{'home'}/$home_virtualmin_backup/".$in{$name."_file"}; } elsif ($mode == 0 && !$nolocal) { # Any local file $in{$name."_file"} =~ /^\/\S/ || &error($text{'backup_edest'}); $in{$name."_file"} =~ s/\/+$//; # No need for trailing / return $in{$name."_file"}; } elsif ($mode == 1) { # FTP server local ($server, $port); if ($in{$name."_server"} =~ /^\[([^\]]+)\](:(\d+))?$/) { ($server, $port) = ($1, $3); } elsif ($in{$name."_server"} =~ /^([A-Za-z0-9\.\-\_]+)(:(\d+))?$/) { ($server, $port) = ($1, $3); } else { &error($text{'backup_eserver1'}); } &to_ipaddress($server) || defined(&to_ip6address) && &to_ip6address($server) || &error($text{'backup_eserver1a'}); $port =~ /^\d*$/ || &error($text{'backup_eport'}); $in{$name."_path"} =~ /\S/ || &error($text{'backup_epath'}); $in{$name."_user"} =~ /^[^:\/ ]*$/ || &error($text{'backup_euser'}); if ($in{$name."_path"} ne "/") { # Strip trailing / $in{$name."_path"} =~ s/\/+$//; } local $sep = $in{$name."_path"} =~ /^\// ? "" : ":"; return "ftp://".$in{$name."_user"}.":".$in{$name."_pass"}."\@". $in{$name."_server"}.$sep.$in{$name."_path"}; } elsif ($mode == 2) { # SSH server local ($server, $port); if ($in{$name."_sserver"} =~ /^\[([^\]]+)\](:(\d+))?$/) { ($server, $port) = ($1, $3); } elsif ($in{$name."_sserver"} =~ /^([A-Za-z0-9\.\-\_]+)(:(\d+))?$/) { ($server, $port) = ($1, $3); } else { &error($text{'backup_eserver2'}); } &to_ipaddress($server) || defined(&to_ip6address) && &to_ip6address($server) || &error($text{'backup_eserver2a'}); $port =~ /^\d*$/ || &error($text{'backup_eport'}); $in{$name."_spath"} =~ /\S/ || &error($text{'backup_epath'}); $in{$name."_suser"} =~ /^[^:\/ ]*$/ || &error($text{'backup_euser2'}); if ($in{$name."_spath"} ne "/") { # Strip trailing / $in{$name."_spath"} =~ s/\/+$//; } my $pass = $in{$name."_spass"}; if ($pass eq "") { $pass = $in{$name."_sshkey"}; $pass =~ s/\//\|/g; } return "ssh://".$in{$name."_suser"}.":".$pass."\@". $in{$name."_sserver"}.":".$in{$name."_spath"}; } elsif ($mode == 3) { # Amazon S3 service $in{$name.'_s3path'} =~ /^\S+$/ || &error($text{'backup_es3path'}); $in{$name.'_s3path'} =~ /\\/ && &error($text{'backup_es3pathslash'}); ($in{$name.'_s3path'} =~ /^\// || $in{$name.'_s3path'} =~ /\/$/) && &error($text{'backup_es3path2'}); local $proto = $in{$name.'_rrs'} ? 's3rrs' : 's3'; my @s3s = &list_s3_accounts(); my ($s3) = grep { $_->{'id'} eq $in{$name."_as3"} } @s3s; $s3 || &error($text{'backup_eas3'}); return $proto."://".$s3->{'id'}."\@".$in{$name.'_s3path'}; } elsif ($mode == 4) { # Just download return "download:"; } elsif ($mode == 44) { # Generate download link return "downloadlink:"; } elsif ($mode == 5) { # Uploaded file $in{$name."_upload"} || &error($text{'backup_eupload'}); return "upload:"; } elsif ($mode == 6) { # Rackspace cloud files $in{$name.'_rsuser'} =~ /^\S+$/i || &error($text{'backup_ersuser'}); $in{$name.'_rskey'} =~ /^\S+$/i || &error($text{'backup_erskey'}); $in{$name.'_rspath'} =~ /^\S+$/i || &error($text{'backup_erspath'}); ($in{$name.'_rspath'} =~ /^\// || $in{$name.'_rspath'} =~ /\/$/) && &error($text{'backup_erspath2'}); return "rs://".$in{$name.'_rsuser'}.":".$in{$name.'_rskey'}."\@". $in{$name.'_rspath'}; } elsif ($mode == 7 && &can_use_cloud("google")) { # Google cloud storage $in{$name.'_gcpath'} =~ /^\S+$/i || &error($text{'backup_egcpath'}); ($in{$name.'_gcpath'} =~ /^\// || $in{$name.'_gcpath'} =~ /\/$/) && &error($text{'backup_egcpath2'}); return "gcs://".$in{$name.'_gcpath'}; } elsif ($mode == 8 && &can_use_cloud("dropbox")) { # Dropbox $in{$name.'_dbpath'} =~ /^\S+$/i || &error($text{'backup_edbpath'}); ($in{$name.'_dbpath'} =~ /^\// || $in{$name.'_dbpath'} =~ /\/$/) && &error($text{'backup_edbpath2'}); return "dropbox://".$in{$name.'_dbpath'}; } elsif ($mode == 10 && &can_use_cloud("bb")) { # Backblaze $in{$name.'_bbpath'} =~ /^\S+$/i || &error($text{'backup_ebbpath'}); ($in{$name.'_bbpath'} =~ /^\// || $in{$name.'_bbpath'} =~ /\/$/) && &error($text{'backup_ebbpath2'}); return "bb://".$in{$name.'_bbpath'}; } elsif ($mode == 11 && &can_use_cloud("azure")) { # Azure blob storage $in{$name.'_azpath'} =~ /^\S+$/i || &error($text{'backup_eazpath'}); ($in{$name.'_azpath'} =~ /^\// || $in{$name.'_azpath'} =~ /\/$/) && &error($text{'backup_eazpath2'}); return "azure://".$in{$name.'_azpath'}; } elsif ($mode == 12 && &can_use_cloud("drive")) { # Google Drive $in{$name.'_drpath'} =~ /^\S+$/i || &error($text{'backup_edrpath'}); ($in{$name.'_drpath'} =~ /^\// || $in{$name.'_drpath'} =~ /\/$/) && &error($text{'backup_edrpath2'}); return "drive://".$in{$name.'_drpath'}; } elsif ($mode == 9) { # Webmin server local ($server, $port); if ($in{$name."_wserver"} =~ /^\[([^\]]+)\](:(\d+))?$/) { ($server, $port) = ($1, $3); } elsif ($in{$name."_wserver"} =~ /^([A-Za-z0-9\.\-\_]+)(:(\d+))?$/) { ($server, $port) = ($1, $3); } else { &error($text{'backup_eserver9'}); } &to_ipaddress($server) || defined(&to_ip6address) && &to_ip6address($server) || &error($text{'backup_eserver9a'}); $port =~ /^\d*$/ || &error($text{'backup_eport'}); $in{$name."_wpath"} =~ /\S/ || &error($text{'backup_epath'}); $in{$name."_wuser"} =~ /^[^:\/ ]*$/ || &error($text{'backup_euser2'}); if ($in{$name."_wpath"} ne "/") { # Strip trailing / $in{$name."_spath"} =~ s/\/+$//; } return "webmin://".$in{$name."_wuser"}.":".$in{$name."_wpass"}."\@". $in{$name."_wserver"}.":".$in{$name."_wpath"}; } else { &error($text{'backup_emode'}); } } # can_backup_sched([&sched]) # Returns 1 if the current user can create scheduled backups, or edit some # existing schedule. If sched is set, checks if the user is allowed to create # schedules at all. sub can_backup_sched { local ($sched) = @_; if (&master_admin()) { # Master admin can do anything return 1; } elsif (&reseller_admin()) { # Resellers can edit schedules for their domains' users return 0 if ($access{'backups'} != 2); if ($sched) { return 0 if (!$sched->{'owner'}); # Master admin's backup return 1 if ($sched->{'owner'} eq $base_remote_user); foreach my $d (&get_reseller_domains($base_remote_user)) { return 1 if ($d->{'id'} eq $sched->{'owner'}); } return 0; } return 1; } else { # Regular users can only edit their own schedules return 0 if (!$access{'edit_sched'}); if ($sched) { return 0 if (!$sched->{'owner'}); # Master admin's backup local $myd = &get_domain_by_user($base_remote_user); return 0 if (!$myd || $myd->{'id'} ne $sched->{'owner'}); } return 1; } } # Returns 1 if the current user can define pre and post-backup commands sub can_backup_commands { return &master_admin(); } # Returns 1 if the current user can configure Amazon S3 buckets sub can_backup_buckets { return &master_admin(); } # Returns 1 if the current user can configure Cloud storage providers sub can_cloud_providers { return &master_admin(); } # can_use_cloud(name) # Returns 1 if the current user has permission to use the default login of # some cloud provider sub can_use_cloud { my ($name) = @_; if (&master_admin()) { return 1; } elsif (&reseller_admin()) { return $config{'cloud_'.$name.'_reseller'}; } else { return $config{'cloud_'.$name.'_owner'}; } } # has_incremental_format([compression]) # Returns 1 if the configured backup format supports differential backups sub has_incremental_format { my ($compression) = @_; $compression = $config{'compression'} if (!defined($compression) || $compression eq ''); return $compression != 3; } # Returns 1 if tar supports differential backups sub has_incremental_tar { return 0 if ($config{'tar_args'} =~ /--acls/); my $tar = &get_tar_command(); my $out = &backquote_command("$tar --help 2>&1 &1 &1 = 1.23; } # get_tar_command() # Returns the full path to the tar command, which may be 'gtar' on BSD sub get_tar_command { my @cmds; if ($config{'tar_cmd'}) { @cmds = ( $config{'tar_cmd'} ); } else { @cmds = ( "tar" ); if ($gconfig{'os_type'} eq 'freebsd' || $gconfig{'os_type'} eq 'netbsd' || $gconfig{'os_type'} eq 'openbsd' || $gconfig{'os_type'} eq 'solaris') { unshift(@cmds, "gtar"); } else { push(@cmds, "gtar"); } } foreach my $c (@cmds) { my ($bin, @args) = split(/\s+/, $c); my $p = &has_command($bin); return join(" ", $p, @args) if ($p); } return undef; } # make_tar_command(flags, output, file, ...) # Returns a tar command using the given flags writing to the given output sub make_tar_command { my ($flags, $output, @files) = @_; my $cmd = &get_tar_command(); if ($config{'tar_args'}) { $cmd .= " ".$config{'tar_args'}; $flags = "-".$flags; if ($flags =~ s/X//) { # In -flag mode, need to move -X after the output name and # before the exclude filename. unshift(@files, "-X"); } } $cmd .= " ".$flags; $cmd .= " ".quotemeta($output); $cmd .= " ".join(" ", map { quotemeta($_) } @files) if (@files); if (&has_no_file_changed()) { # Don't fail if a file was changed while read $cmd .= " --warning=no-file-changed"; } return $cmd; } # make_zip_command(flags, output, file, ...) # Returns a ZIP command using the given flags writing to the given output sub make_zip_command { my ($flags, $output, @files) = @_; my $zip = &has_command("zip") || "zip"; my $cmd = $zip." -r ".quotemeta($output). " ".join(" ", map { quotemeta($_) } @files); if ($flags) { $cmd .= " ".$flags; } return $cmd; } # make_archive_command(compression, directory, output, file, ...) # Returns a command to create an archive of the given files sub make_archive_command { my ($compression, $dir, $out, @files) = @_; if ($compression == 3) { return "cd ".quotemeta($dir)." && ". &make_zip_command("", $out, @files); } else { return "cd ".quotemeta($dir)." && ". &make_tar_command("cf", $out, @files); } } # make_unarchive_command(directory, input, [@files]) # Returns a command to extract an archive, possibly for just some files sub make_unarchive_command { my ($dir, $out, @files) = @_; my $cf = &compression_format($out); if ($cf == 4) { my $qfiles = join(" ", map { quotemeta($_) } @files); return "cd ".quotemeta($dir)." && ". "unzip -o ".quotemeta($out)." ".$qfiles; } else { return "cd ".quotemeta($dir)." && ". &make_tar_command("xf", $out, @files); } } # get_bzip2_command() # Returns the full path to the bzip2-compatible command sub get_bzip2_command { local $cmd = $config{'pbzip2'} ? 'pbzip2' : 'bzip2'; local $fullcmd = &has_command($cmd) || $cmd; $fullcmd .= " -c $config{'zip_args'}"; return $fullcmd; } # get_bunzip2_command() # Returns the full path to the bunzip2-compatible command sub get_bunzip2_command { if (!$config{'pbzip2'}) { return &has_command('bunzip2') || 'bunzip2'; } elsif (&has_command('pbunzip2')) { return &has_command('pbunzip2'); } else { # Fall back to using -d option return (&has_command('pbzip2') || 'pbzip2').' -d'; } } # get_gzip_command() # Returns the full path to the gzip-compatible command sub get_gzip_command { local $cmd = $config{'pigz'} ? 'pigz' : 'gzip'; local $fullcmd = &has_command($cmd) || $cmd; $fullcmd .= " -c $config{'zip_args'}"; return $fullcmd; } # get_gunzip_command() # Returns the full path to the gunzip-compatible command sub get_gunzip_command { if (!$config{'pigz'}) { return (&has_command('gunzip') || 'gunzip').' -f'; } elsif (&has_command('unpigz')) { return &has_command('unpigz').' -f'; } else { # Fall back to using -d option return (&has_command('pigz') || 'pigz').' -d'; } } # get_backup_actions() # Returns a list of arrays for backup / restore actions that the current # user is allowed to do. The first is links, the second titles, the third # long descriptions, the fourth is codes. sub get_backup_actions { local (@links, @titles, @descs, @codes); if (&can_backup_domain()) { if (&can_backup_sched()) { # Can do scheduled backups, so show list push(@links, "list_sched.cgi"); push(@titles, $text{'index_scheds'}); push(@descs, $text{'index_schedsdesc'}); push(@codes, 'sched'); # Also show any running backups push(@links, "list_running.cgi"); push(@titles, $text{'index_running'}); push(@descs, $text{'index_runningdesc'}); push(@codes, 'running'); } # Can do immediate push(@links, "backup_form.cgi"); push(@titles, $text{'index_backup'}); push(@descs, $text{'index_backupdesc'}); push(@codes, 'backup'); } if (&can_backup_log()) { # Show logged backups push(@links, "backuplog.cgi"); push(@titles, $text{'index_backuplog'}); push(@descs, $text{'index_backuplogdesc'}); push(@codes, 'backuplog'); } if (&can_restore_domain()) { # Show restore form push(@links, "restore_form.cgi"); push(@titles, $text{'index_restore'}); push(@descs, $text{'index_restoredesc'}); push(@codes, 'restore'); } if (&can_backup_keys()) { # Show list of backup keys push(@links, "pro/list_bkeys.cgi"); push(@titles, $text{'index_bkeys'}); push(@descs, $text{'index_bkeysdesc'}); push(@codes, 'bkeys'); } if (&can_cloud_providers()) { # Show a list of Cloud file provider settings pages push(@links, "list_clouds.cgi"); push(@titles, $text{'index_clouds'}); push(@descs, $text{'index_cloudsdesc'}); push(@codes, 'clouds'); # Also Amazon S3 accounts push(@links, "list_s3s.cgi"); push(@titles, $text{'index_s3s'}); push(@descs, $text{'index_s3sdesc'}); push(@codes, 's3s'); } if (&can_backup_buckets()) { # Show list of S3 buckets push(@links, "list_buckets.cgi"); push(@titles, $text{'index_buckets'}); push(@descs, $text{'index_bucketsdesc'}); push(@codes, 'buckets'); } return (\@links, \@titles, \@descs, \@codes); } # Returns 1 if the user can backup and restore all domains # Deprecated, but kept for old theme users sub can_backup_domains { return &master_admin(); } # Returns 1 if the user can backup and restore core Virtualmin settings, like # the config, resellers and so on sub can_backup_virtualmin { return &master_admin(); } # can_backup_domain([&domain], [user]) # Returns 0 if no backups are allowed, 1 if they are, 2 if only backups to # remote or a file under the domain are allowed, 3 if only remote is allowed. # If a domain is given, checks if backups of that domain are allowed. sub can_backup_domain { local ($d, $acluser) = @_; $acluser ||= $base_remote_user; local $base_remote_user = $acluser; local %access = &get_module_acl($acluser); # Use local for scoping if (&master_admin()) { # Master admin can do anything return 1; } elsif (&reseller_admin()) { # Resellers can only backup their domains, to remote return 0 if (!$access{'backups'}); if ($d) { return 0 if (!&can_edit_domain($d)); } return 3; } else { # Domain owners can only backup to their dir, or remote return 0 if (!$access{'edit_backup'}); if ($d) { return 0 if (!&can_edit_domain($d)); } return 2; } } # can_restore_domain([&domain]) # Returns 1 if the user is allowed to perform full restores, 2 if only # dir/mysql restores are allowed, 0 if nothing sub can_restore_domain { local ($d) = @_; if (&master_admin()) { # Master admin always can return 1; } else { if (&reseller_admin()) { # Resellers can do limited restores return 2; } else { # Domain owners can only restore if allowed return 0 if (!$access{'edit_restore'}); } if ($d) { return &can_edit_domain($d) ? 2 : 0; } return 2; } } # can_backup_log([&log]) # Returns 1 if the current user can view backup logs, and if given a specific # log entry returns 1 if the user can view that log (or 2 if they can but it # was created by root) sub can_backup_log { local ($log) = @_; return 1 if (&master_admin()); if ($log) { # Only allow non-admins to view their own logs local @dnames = &backup_log_own_domains($log); if (!@dnames) { # None of this user's domains are in the backup return 0; } elsif (&master_admin() || $log->{'user'} eq $base_remote_user) { # Backup was created by this user, or user is root return 1; } elsif ($log->{'ownrestore'}) { # Backup was created by root, but includes this user's domains return 2; } return 0; } else { # Do any schedules that allow restore by the domain owner exist? foreach my $s (&list_scheduled_backups()) { return 1 if ($s->{'ownrestore'}); } } return &can_backup_domain() ? 1 : 0; } # can_backup_keys() # Returns 1 if the current user can access all backup keys, 2 if only his own, # 0 if neither sub can_backup_keys { return 0 if (!$virtualmin_pro); # Pro only feature return 0 if ($access{'admin'}); # Not for extra admins return 0 if (!&can_backup_domain()); # Can't do backups, so can't manage keys return 1 if (&master_admin()); # Master admin can access all keys return 2; # Domain owner / reseller can access own } # backup_log_own_domains(&log, [error-domains-only]) # Given a backup log object, return the domain names that the current user # can restore sub backup_log_own_domains { local ($log, $errormode) = @_; local @dnames = split(/\s+/, $errormode ? $log->{'errdoms'} : $log->{'doms'}); return @dnames if (&master_admin() || $log->{'user'} eq $remote_user); if ($log->{'ownrestore'}) { local @rv; foreach my $d (&get_domains_by_names(@dnames)) { push(@rv, $d->{'dom'}) if (&can_edit_domain($d)); } return @rv; } return ( ); } # extract_purge_path(dest) # Given a backup URL with a path like /backup/%d-%m-%Y, return the base # directory (like /backup) and the regexp matching the date-based filename # (like .*-.*-.*) sub extract_purge_path { local ($dest) = @_; local ($mode, undef, undef, $host, $path) = &parse_backup_url($dest); if (($mode == 0 || $mode == 1 || $mode == 2 || $mode == 9) && $path =~ /^(\S+)\/([^%]*%.*)$/) { # Local, FTP, SSH or Webmin file like /backup/%d-%m-%Y local ($base, $date) = ($1, $2); $date =~ s/%[_\-0\^\#]*\d*[A-Za-z]/\.\*/g; return ($base, $date); } elsif (($mode == 1 || $mode == 2 || $mode == 9) && $path =~ /^([^%\/]+%.*)$/) { # FTP, SSH or Webmin file like backup-%d-%m-%Y local ($base, $date) = ("", $1); $date =~ s/%[_\-0\^\#]*\d*[A-Za-z]/\.\*/g; return ($base, $date); } elsif (($mode == 3 || $mode == 6 || $mode == 7 || $mode == 10 || $mode == 12) && $host =~ /%/) { # S3 / Rackspace / GCS / Drive bucket which is date-based $host =~ s/%[_\-0\^\#]*\d*[A-Za-z]/\.\*/g; return (undef, $host); } elsif (($mode == 3 || $mode == 6 || $mode == 7 || $mode == 10 || $mode == 11 || $mode == 12) && $path =~ /%/) { # S3 / Rackspace / GCS / Azure / Drive filename which is date-based $path =~ s/%[_\-0\^\#]*\d*[A-Za-z]/\.\*/g; return ($host, $path); } elsif ($mode == 8) { my $fullpath = $host.($host ? "/" : "").$path; if ($fullpath =~ /^\/?(\S+)\/([^%]*%.*)$/) { # Dropbox path - has to be handled differently to S3 and GCS, # as it really does support sub-directories local ($base, $date) = ($1, $2); $base = "/".$base if ($base !~ /^\//); $date =~ s/%[_\-0\^\#]*\d*[A-Za-z]/\.\*/g; return ($base, $date); } } return ( ); } # purge_domain_backups(dest, days, [time-now], [&as-domain], [detailed-output]) # Searches a backup destination for backup files or directories older than # same number of days, and deletes them. May print stuff using first_print. sub purge_domain_backups { local ($dest, $days, $start, $asd, $detail) = @_; local $asuser = $asd ? $asd->{'user'} : undef; local ($mode, $user, $pass, $host, $path, $port) = &parse_backup_url($dest); local ($base, $re) = &extract_purge_path($dest); local $nicebase = $base; if ($dest =~ /^(([a-z0-9]+):\/\/[^\/]*\@[^\/]*)/) { # Add protocol prefix back, if formatted like ftp://user:pass@host/dir $nicebase = $1.$nicebase; } elsif ($dest =~ /^(([a-z0-9]+):\/\/)/) { # Add protocol prefix back, if formatted like bb://bucket/dir $nicebase = $1.$nicebase; } &$first_print(&text('backup_purging3', $days, &nice_backup_url($nicebase), "".&html_escape($re)."")); if (!$base && !$re) { &$second_print($text{'backup_purgenobase'}); return 0; } &$indent_print(); $start ||= time(); local $cutoff = $start - $days*24*60*60; local $pcount = 0; local $mcount = 0; local $ok = 1; if ($mode == 0) { # Just search a local directory for matching files, and remove them opendir(PURGEDIR, $base); foreach my $f (readdir(PURGEDIR)) { next if ($f eq "." || $f eq ".."); local $path = "$base/$f"; local @st = stat($path); if ($detail) { &$first_print(&text('backup_purgeposs', $path, &make_date($st[9]))); } if ($f =~ /^$re$/ && $f !~ /\.(dom|info)$/) { # Found one to delete $mcount++; if (!$st[9] || $st[9] >= $cutoff) { if ($detail) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgenew', &make_date($cutoff))); } next; } local $old = int((time() - $st[9]) / (24*60*60)); if ($detail) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgecan', $re, $old)); } &$first_print(&text(-d $path ? 'backup_deletingdir' : 'backup_deletingfile', "$path", $old)); local $sz = &nice_size(&disk_usage_kb($path)*1024); &unlink_file($path.".info") if (!-d $path); &unlink_file($path.".dom") if (!-d $path); &unlink_file($path); &$second_print(&text('backup_deleted', $sz)); $pcount++; } elsif ($detail) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgepat', $re)); } } closedir(PURGEDIR); } elsif ($mode == 1) { # List parent directory via FTP local $err; local $dir = &ftp_listdir($host, $base, \$err, $user, $pass, $port, 1); if ($err) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgeelistdir', $err)); return 0; } $dir = [ grep { $_->[13] ne "." && $_->[13] ne ".." } @$dir ]; if (@$dir && !$dir->[0]->[9]) { # No times in output &$second_print(&text('backup_purgeelisttimes', $base)); return 0; } foreach my $f (@$dir) { if ($detail) { &$first_print(&text('backup_purgeposs', $f->[13], &make_date($f->[9]))); } if ($f->[13] =~ /^$re$/ && $f->[13] !~ /\.(dom|info)$/) { $mcount++; if (!$f->[9] || $f->[9] >= $cutoff) { if ($detail) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgenew', &make_date($cutoff))); } next; } local $old = int((time() - $f->[9]) / (24*60*60)); if ($detail) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgecan', $re, $old)); } &$first_print(&text('backup_deletingftp', "$base/$f->[13]", $old)); local $err; local $sz = $f->[7]; $sz += &ftp_deletefile($host, "$base/$f->[13]", \$err, $user, $pass, $port); local $infoerr; &ftp_deletefile($host, "$base/$f->[13].info", \$infoerr, $user, $pass, $port); local $domerr; &ftp_deletefile($host, "$base/$f->[13].dom", \$domerr, $user, $pass, $port); if ($err) { &$second_print(&text('backup_edelftp', $err)); $ok = 0; } else { &$second_print(&text('backup_deleted', &nice_size($sz))); $pcount++; } } elsif ($detail) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgepat', $re)); } } } elsif ($mode == 2) { # Use ls -l via SSH to list the directory local $sshcmd = "ssh".($port ? " -p $port" : "")." ". $config{'ssh_args'}." ". $user."\@".$host; local $err; local $lscmd = $sshcmd." LANG=C ls -l ".quotemeta($base); local $lsout = &run_ssh_command($lscmd, $pass, \$err, $asuser); if ($err) { # Try again without LANG=C , in case shell isn't bash/sh $err = undef; $lscmd = $sshcmd." ls -l ".quotemeta($base); $lsout = &run_ssh_command($lscmd, $pass, \$err, $asuser); } if ($err) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgeesshls', $err)); return 0; } foreach my $l (split(/\r?\n/, $lsout)) { local @st = &parse_lsl_line($l); next if (!scalar(@st)); next if ($st[13] eq "." || $st[13] eq ".."); if ($detail) { &$first_print(&text('backup_purgeposs', $f->[13], &make_date($f->[9]))); } if ($st[13] =~ /^$re$/ && $st[13] !~ /\.(dom|info)$/) { $mcount++; if (!$st[9] || $st[9] >= $cutoff) { if ($detail) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgenew', &make_date($cutoff))); } next; } local $old = int((time() - $st[9]) / (24*60*60)); if ($detail) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgecan', $re, $old)); } &$first_print(&text('backup_deletingssh', "$base/$st[13]", $old)); local $rmcmd = $sshcmd." rm -rf". " ".quotemeta("$base/$st[13]"). " ".quotemeta("$base/$st[13].info"). " ".quotemeta("$base/$st[13].dom"); local $rmerr; &run_ssh_command($rmcmd, $pass, \$rmerr, $asuser); if ($rmerr) { &$second_print(&text('backup_edelssh', $rmerr)); $ok = 0; } else { &$second_print(&text('backup_deleted', &nice_size($st[7]))); $pcount++; } } elsif ($detail) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgepat', $re)); } } } elsif ($mode == 9) { # Use stat via Webmin RPC to list directory local $err; local $w = &dest_to_webmin($dest); local $files; eval { local $main::error_must_die = 1; &remote_foreign_require($w, "webmin"); $files = &remote_eval($w, "webmin", '$base = "'.quotemeta($base).'"; '. 'opendir(DIR, $base); '. '@f = readdir(DIR); '. 'closedir(DIR); '. '[ map { [ $_, stat("$base/$_") ] } @f ]'); }; my $err = $@; if ($err) { $err =~ s/\s+at\s+\S+\s+line\s+\d+.*//g; &$second_print(&text('backup_purgeewebminls', $err)); return 0; } foreach my $f (@$files) { my ($fn, @st) = @$f; next if ($fn eq "." || $fn eq ".."); if ($detail) { &$first_print(&text('backup_purgeposs', $fn, &make_date($st[9]))); } if ($fn =~ /^$re$/ && $fn !~ /\.(dom|info)$/) { $mcount++; if (!$st[9] || $st[9] >= $cutoff) { if ($detail) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgenew', &make_date($cutoff))); } next; } local $old = int((time() - $st[9]) / (24*60*60)); if ($detail) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgecan', $re, $old)); } &$first_print(&text('backup_deletingwebmin', "$base/$fn", $old)); eval { local $main::error_must_die = 1; &remote_foreign_call($w, "webmin", "unlink_file", "$base/$fn"); &remote_foreign_call($w, "webmin", "unlink_file", "$base/$fn.info"); &remote_foreign_call($w, "webmin", "unlink_file", "$base/$fn.dom"); }; my $err = $@; if ($err) { $err =~ s/\s+at\s+\S+\s+line\s+\d+.*//g; &$second_print(&text('backup_edelwebmin',$err)); $ok = 0; } else { &$second_print(&text('backup_deleted', &nice_size($st[7]))); $pcount++; } } elsif ($detail) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgepat', $re)); } } } elsif ($mode == 3 && $host =~ /\%/) { # Search S3 for S3 buckets matching the regexp local $buckets = &s3_list_buckets($user, $pass); if (!ref($buckets)) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgeebuckets', $buckets)); return 0; } foreach my $b (@$buckets) { if ($detail) { &$first_print(&text('backup_purgeposs2', $b->{'Name'}, $b->{'CreationDate'})); } if ($b->{'Name'} =~ /^$re$/) { # Found one to delete local $ctime = &s3_parse_date($b->{'CreationDate'}); $mcount++; if (!$ctime || $ctime >= $cutoff) { if ($detail) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgenew', &make_date($cutoff))); } next; } local $old = int((time() - $ctime) / (24*60*60)); if ($detail) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgecan', $re, $old)); } &$first_print(&text('backup_deletingbucket', "$b->{'Name'}", $old)); # Sum up size of files local $files = &s3_list_files($user, $pass, $b->{'Name'}); local $sz = 0; if (ref($files)) { foreach my $f (@$files) { $sz += $f->{'Size'}; } } local $err = &s3_delete_bucket($user, $pass, $b->{'Name'}); if ($err) { &$second_print(&text('backup_edelbucket',$err)); $ok = 0; } else { &$second_print(&text('backup_deleted', &nice_size($sz))); $pcount++; } } elsif ($detail) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgepat', $re)); } } } elsif ($mode == 3 && $path =~ /\%/) { # Search for S3 files under the bucket local $files = &s3_list_files($user, $pass, $host); if (!ref($files)) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgeefiles', $files)); return 0; } foreach my $f (@$files) { if ($detail) { &$first_print(&text('backup_purgeposs', $f->{'Key'}, $f->{'LastModified'})); } if (($f->{'Key'} =~ /^$re$/ || $f->{'Key'} =~ /^$re\/.*\.(tar\.gz|tar\.bz2|zip|tar)$/) && $f->{'Key'} !~ /\.(dom|info)$/) { # Found one to delete local $ctime = &s3_parse_date($f->{'LastModified'}); $mcount++; if (!$ctime || $ctime >= $cutoff) { if ($detail) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgenew', &make_date($cutoff))); } next; } local $old = int((time() - $ctime) / (24*60*60)); if ($detail) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgecan', $re, $old)); } &$first_print(&text('backup_deletingfile', "$f->{'Key'}", $old)); local $err = &s3_delete_file($user, $pass, $host, $f->{'Key'}); if ($err) { &$second_print(&text('backup_edelbucket',$err)); $ok = 0; } else { &s3_delete_file($user, $pass, $host, $f->{'Key'}.".info"); &s3_delete_file($user, $pass, $host, $f->{'Key'}.".dom"); &$second_print(&text('backup_deleted', &nice_size($f->{'Size'}))); $pcount++; } } elsif ($detail) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgepat', $re)); } } } elsif ($mode == 6 && $host =~ /\%/) { # Search Rackspace for containers matching the regexp local $rsh = &rs_connect($config{'rs_endpoint'}, $user, $pass); if (!ref($rsh)) { return &text('backup_purgeersh', $rsh); } local $containers = &rs_list_containers($rsh); if (!ref($containers)) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgeecontainers', $containers)); return 0; } foreach my $c (@$containers) { local $st = &rs_stat_container($rsh, $c); next if (!ref($st)); if ($detail) { &$first_print(&text('backup_purgeposs3', $c, $st->{'X-Timestamp'})); } if ($c =~ /^$re$/) { # Found one to delete local $ctime = int($st->{'X-Timestamp'}); $mcount++; if (!$ctime || $ctime >= $cutoff) { if ($detail) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgenew', &make_date($cutoff))); } next; } local $old = int((time() - $ctime) / (24*60*60)); if ($detail) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgecan', $re, $old)); } &$first_print(&text('backup_deletingcontainer', "$c", $old)); local $err = &rs_delete_container($rsh, $c, 1); if ($err) { &$second_print( &text('backup_edelcontainer',$err)); $ok = 0; } else { &$second_print(&text('backup_deleted', &nice_size($st->{'X-Container-Bytes-Used'}))); $pcount++; } } elsif ($detail) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgepat', $re)); } } } elsif ($mode == 6 && $path =~ /\%/) { # Search for Rackspace files under the container local $rsh = &rs_connect($config{'rs_endpoint'}, $user, $pass); if (!ref($rsh)) { return &text('backup_purgeersh', $rsh); } local $files = &rs_list_objects($rsh, $host); if (!ref($files)) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgeefiles2', $files)); return 0; } foreach my $f (@$files) { local $st = &rs_stat_object($rsh, $host, $f); next if (!ref($st)); if ($detail) { &$first_print(&text('backup_purgeposs', $c, $st->{'X-Timestamp'})); } if ($f =~ /^$re($|\/)/ && $f !~ /\.(dom|info)$/ && $f !~ /\.\d+$/) { # Found one to delete local $ctime = int($st->{'X-Timestamp'}); $mcount++; if (!$ctime || $ctime >= $cutoff) { if ($detail) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgenew', &make_date($cutoff))); } next; } local $old = int((time() - $ctime) / (24*60*60)); if ($detail) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgecan', $re, $old)); } &$first_print(&text('backup_deletingfile', "$f", $old)); local $err = &rs_delete_object($rsh, $host, $f); if ($err) { &$second_print(&text('backup_edelbucket',$err)); $ok = 0; } else { &rs_delete_object($rsh, $host, $f.".dom"); &rs_delete_object($rsh, $host, $f.".info"); &$second_print(&text('backup_deleted', &nice_size($st->{'Content-Length'}))); $pcount++; } } elsif ($detail) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgepat', $re)); } } } elsif ($mode == 7 && $host =~ /\%/) { # Search Google for buckets matching the regexp local $buckets = &list_gcs_buckets(); if (!ref($buckets)) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgeegcbuckets', $buckets)); return 0; } foreach my $st (@$buckets) { my $c = $st->{'name'}; if ($detail) { &$first_print(&text('backup_purgeposs2', $c, $st->{'timeCreated'})); } if ($c =~ /^$re$/) { # Found one with a name to delete local $ctime = &google_timestamp($st->{'timeCreated'}); $mcount++; if (!$ctime || $ctime >= $cutoff) { if ($detail) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgenew', &make_date($cutoff))); } next; } local $old = int((time() - $ctime) / (24*60*60)); if ($detail) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgecan', $re, $old)); } &$first_print(&text('backup_deletingbucket', "$c", $old)); local $st2 = &stat_gcs_bucket($c, 1); local $err = &delete_gcs_bucket($c, 1); if ($err) { &$second_print( &text('backup_edelbucket', $err)); $ok = 0; } else { &$second_print(&text('backup_deleted', &nice_size($st2->{'size'}))); $pcount++; } } elsif ($detail) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgepat', $re)); } } } elsif ($mode == 7 && $path =~ /\%/) { # Search for Google files under the bucket local $files = &list_gcs_files($host); if (!ref($files)) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgeefiles3', $files)); return 0; } foreach my $st (@$files) { my $f = $st->{'name'}; if ($detail) { &$first_print(&text('backup_purgeposs', $f, $st->{'updated'})); } if ($f =~ /^$re($|\/)/ && $f !~ /\.(dom|info)$/ && $f !~ /\.\d+$/) { # Found one to delete local $ctime = &google_timestamp($st->{'updated'}); $mcount++; if (!$ctime || $ctime >= $cutoff) { if ($detail) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgenew', &make_date($cutoff))); } next; } local $old = int((time() - $ctime) / (24*60*60)); if ($detail) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgecan', $re, $old)); } &$first_print(&text('backup_deletingfile', "$f", $old)); local $err = &delete_gcs_file($host, $f); if ($err) { &$second_print(&text('backup_edelbucket',$err)); $ok = 0; } else { &delete_gcs_file($host, $f.".dom"); &delete_gcs_file($host, $f.".info"); &$second_print(&text('backup_deleted', &nice_size($st->{'size'}))); $pcount++; } } elsif ($detail) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgepat', $re)); } } } elsif ($mode == 8) { # Search for Dropbox files matching the date pattern local $files = &list_dropbox_files($base); if (!ref($files)) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgeefiles4', $files)); return 0; } foreach my $st (@$files) { my $f = $st->{'path_display'}; $f =~ s/^\/?\Q$base\E\/?// || next; local $ctime; if ($st->{'.tag'} eq 'folder') { # Age is age of the oldest file $ctime = time(); my $subfiles = &list_dropbox_files( $st->{'path_display'}); if (ref($subfiles)) { foreach my $sf (@$subfiles) { my $subctime = &dropbox_timestamp( $sf->{'client_modified'}); $ctime = $subctime if ($subctime && $subctime < $ctime); } } } else { $ctime = &dropbox_timestamp($st->{'client_modified'}); } if ($detail) { &$first_print(&text('backup_purgeposs', $f, &make_date($ctime))); } if ($f =~ /^$re($|\/)/ && $f !~ /\.(dom|info)$/) { # Found one to delete $mcount++; if (!$ctime || $ctime >= $cutoff) { if ($detail) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgenew', &make_date($cutoff))); } next; } local $old = int((time() - $ctime) / (24*60*60)); if ($detail) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgecan', $re, $old)); } &$first_print(&text('backup_deletingfile', "$f", $old)); my $p = $st->{'path'}; $p =~ s/^\///; my $size = $st->{'.tag'} eq 'folder' ? &size_dropbox_directory($p) : $st->{'size'}; local $dropbase = $base; $dropbase =~ s/^\///; local $err = &delete_dropbox_path($dropbase, $f); if ($err) { &$second_print(&text('backup_edelbucket',$err)); $ok = 0; } else { &delete_dropbox_path($dropbase, $f.".dom"); &delete_dropbox_path($dropbase, $f.".info"); &$second_print(&text('backup_deleted', &nice_size($size))); $pcount++; } } elsif ($detail) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgepat', $re)); } } } elsif ($mode == 10 && $host =~ /\%/) { # Search for Backblaze for buckets matching the date pattern my $buckets = &list_bb_buckets(); if (!ref($buckets)) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgeebbbuckets', $buckets)); return 0; } foreach my $st (@$buckets) { my $f = $st->{'name'}; my $info = &get_bb_bucket($f); if ($detail) { &$first_print(&text('backup_purgeposs2a', $f)); } if ($f =~ /^$re$/) { # Found one with a name to delete .. check the age of # the newest file my $ctime = 0; my $files = &list_bb_files($f); next if (!ref($files)); my $totalsize = 0; foreach my $bf (@$files) { $ctime = $bf->{'time'} if ($bf->{'time'} > $ctime); $totalsize += $bf->{'size'}; } $mcount++; if (!$ctime || $ctime >= $cutoff) { if ($detail) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgenew', &make_date($cutoff))); } next; } my $old = int((time() - $ctime) / (24*60*60)); if ($detail) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgecan', $re, $old)); } &$first_print(&text('backup_deletingbucket', "$f", $old)); # Delete all the files in the bucket, then itself my $err; foreach my $bf (@$files) { $err = &delete_bb_file($f, $bf->{'name'}); next if ($err); } $err = &delete_bb_bucket($f) if (!$err); if ($err) { &$second_print( &text('backup_edelbucket', $err)); $ok = 0; } else { &$second_print(&text('backup_deleted', &nice_size($totalsize))); $pcount++; } } elsif ($detail) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgepat', $re)); } } } elsif ($mode == 10 && $path =~ /\%/) { # Search for Backblaze for files matching the date pattern my $dir; if ($re =~ /^(.*)\//) { $dir = $1; } local $files = &list_bb_files($base, $dir); if (!ref($files)) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgeefiles5', $files)); return 0; } foreach my $st (@$files) { my $f = $st->{'name'}; my $ctime; if ($st->{'folder'}) { # Age is age of the oldest file $ctime = time(); my $subfiles = &list_bb_files($base, $f); if (ref($subfiles)) { foreach my $sf (@$subfiles) { $ctime = $sf->{'time'} if ($sf->{'time'} && $sf->{'time'} < $ctime); } } } else { $ctime = $st->{'time'}; } if ($detail) { &$first_print(&text('backup_purgeposs', $f, &make_date($ctime))); } if ($f =~ /^$re($|\/)/ && $f !~ /\.(dom|info)$/) { # Found one to delete $mcount++; if (!$ctime || $ctime >= $cutoff) { if ($detail) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgenew', &make_date($cutoff))); } next; } local $old = int((time() - $ctime) / (24*60*60)); if ($detail) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgecan', $re, $old)); } my ($size, $err); if ($st->{'folder'}) { &$first_print(&text('backup_deletingdir', "$f", $old)); $size = &size_bb_directory($base, $f); $err = &delete_bb_directory($base, $f); } else { &$first_print(&text('backup_deletingfile', "$f", $old)); $size = $st->{'size'}; $err = &delete_bb_file($base, $f); } if ($err) { &$second_print(&text('backup_edelbucket',$err)); $ok = 0; } else { &delete_bb_file($base, $f.".dom"); &delete_bb_file($base, $f.".info"); &$second_print(&text('backup_deleted', &nice_size($size))); $pcount++; } } elsif ($detail) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgepat', $re)); } } } elsif ($mode == 11 && $path =~ /\%/) { # Search for Azure files under the container local $files = &list_azure_files($host); if (!ref($files)) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgeefiles3', $files)); return 0; } foreach my $st (@$files) { my $f = $st->{'name'}; if ($detail) { &$first_print(&text('backup_purgeposs', $f, $st->{'properties'}->{'lastModified'})); } if ($f =~ /^$re($|\/)/ && $f !~ /\.(dom|info)$/ && $f !~ /\.\d+$/) { # Found one to delete local $ctime = &google_timestamp( $st->{'properties'}->{'lastModified'}); $mcount++; if (!$ctime || $ctime >= $cutoff) { if ($detail) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgenew', &make_date($cutoff))); } next; } local $old = int((time() - $ctime) / (24*60*60)); if ($detail) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgecan', $re, $old)); } &$first_print(&text('backup_deletingfile', "$f", $old)); local $err = &delete_azure_file($host, $f); if ($err) { &$second_print(&text('backup_edelbucket',$err)); $ok = 0; } else { &delete_azure_file($host, $f.".dom"); &delete_azure_file($host, $f.".info"); &$second_print(&text('backup_deleted', &nice_size($st->{'properties'}->{'contentLength'}))); $pcount++; } } elsif ($detail) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgepat', $re)); } } } elsif ($mode == 12 && $path =~ /\%/) { # Search for Google drive files under the folder local $files = &list_drive_files($host, 1); if (!ref($files)) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgeefiles6', $files)); return 0; } foreach my $st (@$files) { my $f = $st->{'name'}; my $info; if ($detail) { &$first_print(&text('backup_purgeposs', $f, $st->{'modifiedTime'})); } if ($f =~ /^$re($|\/)/ && $f !~ /\.(dom|info)$/ && $f !~ /\.\d+$/) { # Found one to delete local $ctime = &google_timestamp( $st->{'modifiedTime'}); $mcount++; if (!$ctime || $ctime >= $cutoff) { if ($detail) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgenew', &make_date($cutoff))); } next; } local $old = int((time() - $ctime) / (24*60*60)); if ($detail) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgecan', $re, $old)); } &$first_print(&text('backup_deletingfile', "$f", $old)); local $err = &delete_drive_file($host, $f); if ($err) { &$second_print(&text('backup_edelbucket',$err)); $ok = 0; } else { &delete_drive_file($host, $f.".dom"); &delete_drive_file($host, $f.".info"); &$second_print(&text('backup_deleted', &nice_size($st->{'size'}))); $pcount++; } } elsif ($detail) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgepat', $re)); } } } elsif ($mode == 12 && $host =~ /\%/) { # Search for Google drive folders my $parent; my $pfx = ""; if ($re =~ /^(.*)\/([^\/]+)$/) { my $pname = $1; $re = $2; $parent = &get_drive_folder($pname, 0); return $parent if (!ref($parent)); $pfx = $pname."/"; } local $folders = &list_drive_folders(1, $parent); if (!ref($folders)) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgeefiles6', $folders)); return 0; } foreach my $st (@$folders) { my $f = $st->{'name'}; my $info; if ($detail) { &$first_print(&text('backup_purgeposs4', $f, $st->{'modifiedTime'})); } if ($f =~ /^$re$/) { # Found one to delete local $ctime = &google_timestamp( $st->{'modifiedTime'}); $mcount++; if (!$ctime || $ctime >= $cutoff) { if ($detail) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgenew', &make_date($cutoff))); } next; } local $old = int((time() - $ctime) / (24*60*60)); if ($detail) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgecan', $re, $old)); } &$first_print(&text('backup_deletingdir', "$f", $old)); my $sz = &size_drive_folder($pfx.$f); my $err = &delete_drive_folder($pfx.$f); if ($err) { &$second_print(&text('backup_edelbucket',$err)); $ok = 0; } else { &$second_print(&text('backup_deleted', &nice_size($sz))); $pcount++; } } elsif ($detail) { &$second_print(&text('backup_purgepat', $re)); } } } &$outdent_print(); &$second_print($pcount ? &text('backup_purged', $pcount, $mcount - $pcount) : $mcount ? &text('backup_purgedtime', $mcount) : $text{'backup_purgednone'}); return $ok; } # write_backup_log(&domains, dest, differential?, start, size, ok?, # "cgi"|"sched"|"api", output, &errordoms, [user], [&key], # [schedule-id], [separate-format], [allow-owner-restore], # [compression], [description]) # Record that some backup was made and succeeded or failed sub write_backup_log { local ($doms, $dest, $increment, $start, $size, $ok, $mode, $output, $errdoms, $user, $key, $schedid, $separate, $ownrestore, $compression, $desc) = @_; $compression = $config{'compression'} if (!defined($compression) || $compression eq ''); if (!-d $backups_log_dir) { &make_dir($backups_log_dir, 0700); } local %log = ( 'doms' => join(' ', map { $_->{'dom'} } @$doms), 'errdoms' => join(' ', map { $_->{'dom'} } @$errdoms), 'dest' => $dest, 'increment' => $increment, 'start' => $start, 'end' => time(), 'size' => $size, 'ok' => $ok, 'user' => $user || $remote_user, 'mode' => $mode, 'key' => $key->{'id'}, 'sched' => $schedid, 'compression' => $compression, 'separate' => $separate, 'ownrestore' => $ownrestore, 'desc' => $desc, ); $main::backup_log_id_count++; $log{'id'} = $log{'end'}."-".$$."-".$main::backup_log_id_count; &write_file("$backups_log_dir/$log{'id'}", \%log); if ($output) { &open_tempfile(OUTPUT, ">$backups_log_dir/$log{'id'}.out"); &print_tempfile(OUTPUT, $output); &close_tempfile(OUTPUT); } if ($config{'backuplog_age'}) { # Delete logs older than this number of days my @del; my $cutoff = time() - $config{'backuplog_age'}*86400; opendir(LOGS, $backups_log_dir); while(my $id = readdir(LOGS)) { next if ($id eq "." || $id eq ".."); next if ($id =~ /\.out$/); my ($time, $pid, $count) = split(/\-/, $id); if ($time < $cutoff) { push(@del, $backups_log_dir."/".$id); push(@del, $backups_log_dir."/".$id.".out"); } } closedir(LOGS); if (@del) { &unlink_file(@del); } } } # list_backup_logs([start-time]) # Returns a list of all backup logs, optionally limited to after some time sub list_backup_logs { local ($start) = @_; local @rv; opendir(LOGS, $backups_log_dir); while(my $id = readdir(LOGS)) { next if ($id eq "." || $id eq ".."); next if ($id =~ /\.out$/); my ($time, $pid, $count) = split(/\-/, $id); next if (!$time || !$pid); next if ($start && $time < $start); local %log; &read_file("$backups_log_dir/$id", \%log) || next; $log{'output'} = &read_file_contents("$backups_log_dir/$id.out"); $log{'id'} = $id; push(@rv, \%log); } close(LOGS); return @rv; } # get_backup_log(id) # Read and return a single logged backup sub get_backup_log { local ($id) = @_; local %log; &read_file("$backups_log_dir/$id", \%log) || return undef; $log{'output'} = &read_file_contents("$backups_log_dir/$id.out"); return \%log; } # delete_backup_log(&log) # Deletes the log entry for a backup sub delete_backup_log { my ($log) = @_; $log->{'id'} || return "Backup log to delete has no ID!"; &unlink_logged("$backups_log_dir/$log->{'id'}"); return undef; } # record_backup_bandwidth(&domain, bytes-in, bytes-out, start, end) # Add to the bandwidth files for some domain data transfer used by a backup sub record_backup_bandwidth { local ($d, $inb, $outb, $start, $end) = @_; if ($config{'bw_backup'}) { local $bwinfo = &get_bandwidth($d); local $startday = int($start / (24*60*60)); local $endday = int($end / (24*60*60)); for(my $day=$startday; $day<=$endday; $day++) { $bwinfo->{"backup_".$day} += $outb / ($endday - $startday + 1); $bwinfo->{"restore_".$day} += $inb / ($endday - $startday + 1); } &save_bandwidth($d, $bwinfo); } } # check_backup_limits(as-owner, on-schedule, dest) # Check if the limit on the number of running backups has been exceeded, and # if so either waits or returns an error. Returns undef if OK to proceed. May # print a message if waiting. sub check_backup_limits { local ($asowner, $sched, $dest) = @_; local %maxes; local $start = time(); local $printed; while(1) { # Lock the file listing current backups, clean it up and read it &lock_file($backup_maxes_file); &cleanup_backup_limits(1); %maxes = ( ); &read_file($backup_maxes_file, \%maxes); # Check if we are under the limit, or it doesn't apply local @pids = keys %maxes; local $waiting = time() - $start; if (!$config{'max_backups'} || @pids < $config{'max_backups'} || !$asowner && $config{'max_all'} == 0 || !$sched && $config{'max_manual'} == 0) { # Under the limit, or no limit applies in this case if ($printed) { &$second_print($text{'backup_waited'}); } last; } elsif (!$config{'max_timeout'}) { # Too many, and no timeout is set .. give up now &unlock_file($backup_maxes_file); return &text('backup_maxhit', scalar(@pids), $config{'max_backups'}); } elsif ($waiting < $config{'max_timeout'}) { # Too many, but still under timeout .. wait for a while &unlock_file($backup_maxes_file); if (!$printed) { &$first_print(&text('backup_waiting', $config{'max_backups'})); $printed++; } sleep(10); } else { # Over the timeout .. give up &unlock_file($backup_maxes_file); return &text('backup_waitfailed', $config{'max_timeout'}); } } # Add this job to the file $maxes{$$} = $dest; &write_file($backup_maxes_file, \%maxes); &unlock_file($backup_maxes_file); return undef; } # cleanup_backup_limits([no-lock], [include-this]) # Delete from the backup limits file any entries for PIDs that are not running sub cleanup_backup_limits { local ($nolock, $includethis) = @_; local (%maxes, $changed); &lock_file($backup_maxes_file) if (!$nolock); &read_file($backup_maxes_file, \%maxes); foreach my $pid (keys %maxes) { if (!kill(0, $pid) || ($includethis && $pid == $$)) { delete($maxes{$pid}); $changed++; } } if ($changed) { &write_file($backup_maxes_file, \%maxes); } &unlock_file($backup_maxes_file) if (!$nolock); } # get_scheduled_backup_dests(&sched) # Returns a list of destinations for some scheduled backup sub get_scheduled_backup_dests { local ($sched) = @_; local @dests = ( $sched->{'dest0'} || $sched->{'dest'} ); for(my $i=1; $sched->{'dest'.$i}; $i++) { push(@dests, $sched->{'dest'.$i}); } return @dests; } # get_scheduled_backup_purges(&sched) # Returns a list of purge times for some scheduled backup sub get_scheduled_backup_purges { local ($sched) = @_; local @purges = ( $sched->{'purge0'} || $sched->{'purge'} ); for(my $i=1; exists($sched->{'purge'.$i}); $i++) { push(@purges, $sched->{'purge'.$i}); } return @purges; } # get_scheduled_backup_keys(&sched) # Returns a list of encryption key IDs for some scheduled backup sub get_scheduled_backup_keys { local ($sched) = @_; local @keys = ( $sched->{'key0'} || $sched->{'key'} ); for(my $i=1; exists($sched->{'key'.$i}); $i++) { push(@keys, $sched->{'key'.$i}); } return @keys; } # clean_domain_passwords(&domain) # Removes any passwords or other secure information from a domain hash sub clean_domain_passwords { local ($d) = @_; local $rv = { %$d }; foreach my $f ("pass", "enc_pass", "mysql_pass", "postgres_pass") { delete($rv->{$f}); } return $rv; } # rename_backup_owner(&domain, &old-domain) # Updates all scheduled backups and backup keys to reflect a username change sub rename_backup_owner { local ($d, $oldd) = @_; local $owner = $d->{'parent'} ? &get_domain($d->{'parent'})->{'user'} : $d->{'user'}; local $oldowner = $oldd->{'parent'} ? &get_domain($oldd->{'parent'})->{'user'} : $oldd->{'user'}; if ($owner ne $oldowner) { foreach my $sched (&list_scheduled_backups()) { if ($sched->{'owner'} eq $oldowner) { $sched->{'owner'} = $owner; &save_scheduled_backup($sched); } } if (defined(&list_backup_keys)) { foreach my $key (&list_backup_keys()) { if ($key->{'owner'} eq $oldowner) { $key->{'owner'} = $owner; &save_backup_key($key); } } } } } # merge_ipinfo_domain(&domain, &ipinfo) # Update the IP in a domain based on an ipinfo hash sub merge_ipinfo_domain { local ($d, $ipinfo) = @_; $d->{'virt'} = $ipinfo->{'virt'}; $d->{'ip'} = $ipinfo->{'ip'}; $d->{'virtalready'} = $ipinfo->{'virtalready'}; $d->{'netmask'} = $ipinfo->{'netmask'}; $d->{'name'} = !$ipinfo->{'virt'}; if ($ipinfo->{'ip6'}) { $d->{'virt6'} = $ipinfo->{'virt6'}; $d->{'ip6'} = $ipinfo->{'ip6'}; $d->{'virt6already'} = $ipinfo->{'virt6already'}; $d->{'netmask6'} = $ipinfo->{'netmask6'}; $d->{'name6'} = !$ipinfo->{'virt6'}; } } # start_running_backup(&backup) # Write out a status file indicating that some backup is running sub start_running_backup { my ($sched) = @_; if (!-d $backups_running_dir) { &make_dir($backups_running_dir, 0700); } my $file = $backups_running_dir."/".$sched->{'id'}."-".$$; my %hash = %$sched; $hash{'pid'} = $$; $hash{'scripttype'} = $main::webmin_script_type; $hash{'started'} = time(); if ($main::webmin_script_type eq 'cgi') { $hash{'webminuser'} = $remote_user; } &write_file($file, \%hash); } # stop_running_backup(&backup) # Clear the status file indicating that some backup is running sub stop_running_backup { my ($sched) = @_; my $file = $backups_running_dir."/".$sched->{'id'}."-".$$; unlink($file); } # list_running_backups() # Returns a list of the hash refs for currently running backups sub list_running_backups { my @rv; opendir(RUNNING, $backups_running_dir); my @files = readdir(RUNNING); closedir(RUNNING); foreach my $f (@files) { next if ($f eq "." || $f eq ".."); next if ($f !~ /^(\S+)\-(\d+)$/); my %sched; &read_file("$backups_running_dir/$f", \%sched) || next; if ($sched{'pid'} && kill(0, $sched{'pid'})) { push(@rv, \%sched); } else { unlink("$backups_running_dir/$f"); } } return @rv; } # kill_running_backup(&sched) # Kills one scheduled running backup sub kill_running_backup { my ($sched) = @_; $sched->{'pid'} || &error("Backup has no PID!"); foreach my $pid (&find_backup_subprocesses($sched->{'pid'})) { &kill_logged(9, $pid); } my $file = $backups_running_dir."/".$sched->{'id'}."-".$sched->{'pid'}; unlink($file); } # find_backup_subprocesses(pid, [&procs]) # Returns a list of all subprocesses of the given PID sub find_backup_subprocesses { my ($pid, $procs) = @_; &foreign_require("proc"); $procs ||= [ &proc::list_processes() ]; my @rv = ( $pid ); foreach my $sp (map { $_->{'pid'} } grep { $_->{'ppid'} == $pid } @$procs) { push(@rv, &find_backup_subprocesses($sp, $procs)); } return @rv; } # delete_backup_from_log(&log) # If a backup log used a separate file for each domain, delete them all sub delete_backup_from_log { my ($log) = @_; my $dest = $log->{'dest'}; my $c = defined($log->{'compression'}) ? $log->{'compression'} : $config{'compression'}; my $sfx = &compression_to_suffix($c); if ($log->{'separate'}) { my $err; foreach my $dname (split(/\s+/, $log->{'doms'})) { my $ddest = $dest."/".$dname.".".$sfx; $err ||= &delete_backup($ddest); } return $err; } else { return &delete_backup($dest); } } # delete_backup(dest) # Delete the backup from some destination path, like /backup/foo.com.tar.gz sub delete_backup { my ($dest) = @_; my ($proto, $user, $pass, $host, $path, $port) = &parse_backup_url($dest); my $rsh; foreach my $sfx ("", ".info", ".dom") { my $spath = $path.$sfx; my $err; if ($proto == 0) { # File on this system (but skip if missing) if (-e $spath) { $err = &unlink_logged($spath) ? undef : $!; } } elsif ($proto == 1) { # FTP server &ftp_deletefile($host, $path, \$err, $user, $pass, $port); } elsif ($proto == 2) { # SSH server my $sshcmd = "ssh".($port ? " -p $port" : "")." ". $config{'ssh_args'}." ". $user."\@".$host; my $rmcmd = $sshcmd." rm -rf ".quotemeta($spath); &run_ssh_command($rmcmd, $pass, \$err); } elsif ($proto == 3) { # S3 bucket file $err = &s3_delete_file($user, $pass, $host, $spath); } elsif ($proto == 6) { # Rackspace container file $rsh ||= &rs_connect($config{'rs_endpoint'}, $user, $pass); $err = &rs_delete_object($rsh, $host, $spath); } elsif ($proto == 7) { # GCS bucket file $err = &delete_gcs_file($host, $spath); } elsif ($proto == 8) { # Dropbox file if ($spath =~ /^(.*)\/([^\/]+)$/) { my ($dir, $f) = ($1, $2); $err = &delete_dropbox_path($dir, $f); } else { $err = &delete_dropbox_path($spath); } } elsif ($proto == 10) { # Backblaze bucket file $err = &delete_bb_file($host, $spath); } else { return "Deletion of remote backups is not supported yet"; } if ($err && !$sfx) { return $err; } } return undef; } # compression_to_suffix(format) # Converts a compressioin format integer to a filename suffix sub compression_to_suffix { my ($c) = @_; return $c == 0 ? "tar.gz" : $c == 1 ? "tar.bz2" : $c == 3 ? "zip" : "tar"; } # suffix_to_compression(filename) # Use the suffix of a filename to determine the compression format number sub suffix_to_compression { my ($file) = @_; return $file =~ /\.zip$/i ? 3 : $file =~ /\.tar\.gz$/i ? 0 : $file =~ /\.tar\.bz2$/i ? 1 : $file =~ /\.tar$/i ? 2 : -1; } # set_backup_envs(&backup, &doms, [ok|failed]) # Set environment variables from a backup object sub set_backup_envs { my ($sched, $doms, $status) = @_; foreach my $k (keys %$sched) { $ENV{'BACKUP_'.uc($k)} = $sched->{$k}; } if ($sched->{'strftime'}) { # Expand out date-based paths foreach my $k (keys %$sched) { if ($k eq 'dest' || $k =~ /^dest\d+$/) { $ENV{'BACKUP_'.uc($k)} = &backup_strftime($sched->{$k}); } } } $ENV{'BACKUP_DOMAIN_NAMES'} = join(" ", map { $_->{'dom'} } @$doms); $ENV{'BACKUP_STATUS'} = $status if (defined($status)); } # reset_backup_envs() # Clear variables set by set_backup_envs sub reset_backup_envs { foreach my $e (keys %ENV) { delete($ENV{$e}) if ($e =~ /^(BACKUP_)/); } } # dest_to_webmin(&dest-string) # Converts a backup destination string into a Webmin server object sub dest_to_webmin { my ($dest) = @_; my ($mode, $user, $pass, $server, $path, $port) = &parse_backup_url($dest); # Clear any previous handler that would prefer error from calling die &remote_error_setup(undef); # Find existing registered server, if any &foreign_require("servers"); my @servers = &servers::list_servers(); my ($already) = grep { $_->{'host'} eq $server && $_->{'port'} == $port } @servers; if (!$already) { ($already) = grep { $_->{'host'} eq $server } @servers; } # Construct a server object using provided and stored info $user ||= $already->{'user'} if ($already); $pass ||= $already->{'pass'} if ($already); $port ||= $already->{'port'} if ($already); return { 'host' => $server, 'ip' => $already ? $already->{'ip'} : undef, 'ip6_force' => $already ? $already->{'ip6_force'} : undef, 'port' => $port || 10000, 'ssl' => $already ? $already->{'ssl'} : 1, 'fast' => $already ? $already->{'fast'} : 1, 'user' => $user, 'pass' => $pass }; } # expand_glob_to_files(directory, glob, ...) # Given a list of globs relative to some directory, return the actual files # also relative to that directory sub expand_glob_to_files { my ($dir, @globs) = @_; my @files; foreach my $g (@globs) { push(@files, glob("$dir/$g")); } foreach my $f (@files) { $f =~ s/^\Q$dir\E\///; } return @files; } 1;