ElixirSublime ============= Features -------- - Code completion for modules and functions. - Go to definition for modules and functions with `Shift+Click` - Errors and warnings via [SublimeLinter3](https://github.com/SublimeLinter/SublimeLinter3). *This package does not offer syntax highlighting. Use the offical [Elixir TextMate bundle](https://github.com/elixir-lang/elixir-tmbundle).* Demo ---- ![Demo](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vishnevskiy/ElixirSublime/master/demo.gif) Caveats ------- This is built by piggybacking on `IEx.Autocomplete` so it can be a little naive. - It does not understand macros, aliases and imports and therefore will not provide completion for them. - Go to definition does not work on local functions. - Since Elixir and Erlang standard library sources tend to not ship with the install it does best effort for go to definition by opening the documentation in the browser. Installation ------------ 1. Install [Sublime Package Control](https://sublime.wbond.net/installation#st3) if you haven't already. 2. Brand up the commands with `CTRL+Shift+P` or `CMD+Shift+P` and type `Package Control: Install Package` then `ElixirSublime`. 3. Repeat the previous step for `SublimeLinter` if you don't already have it. Troubleshooting --------------- If the plugin does not seem to work then it probably cannot find your Elixir installation. Provide the path in the default user settings. ```json { "env": { "PATH": "path to elixir bins" } } ```