/* w2ui 2.0.x (nightly) (11/30/2024, 8:44:57 AM) (c) http://w2ui.com, vitmalina@gmail.com */ /** * Part of w2ui 2.0 library * - Dependencies: w2utils * - on/off/trigger methods id not showing in help * - refactored with event object * * Chanes in 2.0.+ * - added unmount that cleans up the box * */ class w2event { constructor(owner, edata) { Object.assign(this, { type: edata.type ?? null, detail: edata, owner, target: edata.target ?? null, phase: edata.phase ?? 'before', object: edata.object ?? null, execute: null, isStopped: false, isCancelled: false, onComplete: null, listeners: [] }) delete edata.type delete edata.target delete edata.object this.complete = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this._resolve = resolve this._reject = reject }) // needed empty catch function so that promise will not show error in the console this.complete.catch(() => {}) } finish(detail) { if (detail) { w2utils.extend(this.detail, detail) } this.phase = 'after' this.owner.trigger.call(this.owner, this) } done(func) { this.listeners.push(func) } preventDefault() { this._reject() this.isCancelled = true } stopPropagation() { this.isStopped = true } } class w2base { /** * Initializes base object for w2ui, registers it with w2ui object * * @param {string} name - name of the object * @returns */ constructor(name) { this.activeEvents = [] // events that are currently processing this.listeners = [] // event listeners // register globally if (typeof name !== 'undefined') { if (!w2utils.checkName(name)) return w2ui[name] = this } this.debug = false // if true, will trigger all events } /** * Adds event listener, supports event phase and event scoping * * @param {*} edata - an object or string, if string "eventName:phase.scope" * @param {*} handler * @returns itself */ on(events, handler) { if (typeof events == 'string') { events = events.split(/[,\s]+/) // separate by comma or space } else { events = [events] } events.forEach(edata => { let name = typeof edata == 'string' ? edata : (edata.type + ':' + edata.execute + '.' + edata.scope) if (typeof edata == 'string') { let [eventName, scope] = edata.split('.') let [type, execute] = eventName.replace(':complete', ':after').replace(':done', ':after').split(':') edata = { type, execute: execute ?? 'before', scope } } edata = w2utils.extend({ type: null, execute: 'before', onComplete: null }, edata) // errors if (!edata.type) { console.log('ERROR: You must specify event type when calling .on() method of '+ this.name); return } if (!handler) { console.log('ERROR: You must specify event handler function when calling .on() method of '+ this.name); return } if (!Array.isArray(this.listeners)) this.listeners = [] this.listeners.push({ name, edata, handler }) if (this.debug) { console.log('w2base: add event', { name, edata, handler }) } }) return this } /** * Removes event listener, supports event phase and event scoping * * @param {*} edata - an object or string, if string "eventName:phase.scope" * @param {*} handler * @returns itself */ off(events, handler) { if (typeof events == 'string') { events = events.split(/[,\s]+/) // separate by comma or space } else { events = [events] } events.forEach(edata => { let name = typeof edata == 'string' ? edata : (edata.type + ':' + edata.execute + '.' + edata.scope) if (typeof edata == 'string') { let [eventName, scope] = edata.split('.') let [type, execute] = eventName.replace(':complete', ':after').replace(':done', ':after').split(':') edata = { type: type || '*', execute: execute || '', scope: scope || '' } } edata = w2utils.extend({ type: null, execute: null, onComplete: null }, edata) // errors if (!edata.type && !edata.scope) { console.log('ERROR: You must specify event type when calling .off() method of '+ this.name); return } if (!handler) { handler = null } let count = 0 // remove listener this.listeners = this.listeners.filter(curr => { if ( (edata.type === '*' || edata.type === curr.edata.type) && (edata.execute === '' || edata.execute === curr.edata.execute) && (edata.scope === '' || edata.scope === curr.edata.scope) && (edata.handler == null || edata.handler === curr.edata.handler) ) { count++ // how many listeners removed return false } else { return true } }) if (this.debug) { console.log(`w2base: remove event (${count})`, { name, edata, handler }) } }) return this // needed for chaining } /** * Triggers even listeners for a specific event, loops through this.listeners * * @param {Object} edata - Object * @returns modified edata */ trigger(eventName, edata) { if (arguments.length == 1) { if (typeof eventName == 'string') { edata = { type: eventName, target: this } } else { edata = eventName } } else { edata.type = eventName edata.target = edata.target ?? this } if (w2utils.isPlainObject(edata) && edata.phase == 'after') { // find event edata = this.activeEvents.find(event => { if (event.type == edata.type && event.target == edata.target) { return true } return false }) if (!edata) { console.log(`ERROR: Cannot find even handler for "${edata.type}" on "${edata.target}".`) return } console.log('NOTICE: This syntax "edata.trigger({ phase: \'after\' })" is outdated. Use edata.finish() instead.') } else if (!(edata instanceof w2event)) { edata = new w2event(this, edata) this.activeEvents.push(edata) } let args, fun, tmp if (!Array.isArray(this.listeners)) this.listeners = [] if (this.debug) { console.log(`w2base: trigger "${edata.type}:${edata.phase}"`, edata) } // process events in REVERSE order for (let h = this.listeners.length-1; h >= 0; h--) { let item = this.listeners[h] if (item != null && (item.edata.type === edata.type || item.edata.type === '*') && (item.edata.target === edata.target || item.edata.target == null) && (item.edata.execute === edata.phase || item.edata.execute === '*' || item.edata.phase === '*')) { // add extra params if there Object.keys(item.edata).forEach(key => { if (edata[key] == null && item.edata[key] != null) { edata[key] = item.edata[key] } }) // check handler arguments args = [] tmp = new RegExp(/\((.*?)\)/).exec(String(item.handler).split('=>')[0]) if (tmp) args = tmp[1].split(/\s*,\s*/) if (args.length === 2) { item.handler.call(this, edata.target, edata) // old way for back compatibility if (this.debug) console.log(' - call (old)', item.handler) } else { item.handler.call(this, edata) // new way if (this.debug) console.log(' - call', item.handler) } if (edata.isStopped === true || edata.stop === true) return edata // back compatibility edata.stop === true } } // main object events let funName = 'on' + edata.type.substr(0,1).toUpperCase() + edata.type.substr(1) if (edata.phase === 'before' && typeof this[funName] === 'function') { fun = this[funName] // check handler arguments args = [] tmp = new RegExp(/\((.*?)\)/).exec(String(fun).split('=>')[0]) if (tmp) args = tmp[1].split(/\s*,\s*/) if (args.length === 2) { fun.call(this, edata.target, edata) // old way for back compatibility if (this.debug) console.log(' - call: on[Event] (old)', fun) } else { fun.call(this, edata) // new way if (this.debug) console.log(' - call: on[Event]', fun) } if (edata.isStopped === true || edata.stop === true) return edata // back compatibility edata.stop === true } // item object events if (edata.object != null && edata.phase === 'before' && typeof edata.object[funName] === 'function') { fun = edata.object[funName] // check handler arguments args = [] tmp = new RegExp(/\((.*?)\)/).exec(String(fun).split('=>')[0]) if (tmp) args = tmp[1].split(/\s*,\s*/) if (args.length === 2) { fun.call(this, edata.target, edata) // old way for back compatibility if (this.debug) console.log(' - call: edata.object (old)', fun) } else { fun.call(this, edata) // new way if (this.debug) console.log(' - call: edata.object', fun) } if (edata.isStopped === true || edata.stop === true) return edata } // execute onComplete if (edata.phase === 'after') { if (typeof edata.onComplete === 'function') edata.onComplete.call(this, edata) for (let i = 0; i < edata.listeners.length; i++) { if (typeof edata.listeners[i] === 'function') { edata.listeners[i].call(this, edata) if (this.debug) console.log(' - call: done', fun) } } edata._resolve(edata) if (this.debug) { console.log(`w2base: trigger "${edata.type}:${edata.phase}"`, edata) } // clean up activeEvents let ind = this.activeEvents.indexOf(edata) if (ind !== -1) this.activeEvents.splice(ind, 1) } return edata } /** * This method renders component into the box. It is overwritten in descendents and in this base * component it is empty. */ render(box) { // intentionally left blank } /** * Removes all classes that start with w2ui-* and sets box to null. It is needed so that control will * release the box to be used for other widgets */ unmount() { let edata = this.trigger('unmount', { target: this.name }) if (edata.isCancelled) { return } let remove = [] // find classes that start with "w2ui-*" if (this.box instanceof HTMLElement) { this.box.classList.forEach(cl => { if (cl.startsWith('w2ui-')) remove.push(cl) }) } query(this.box) .off() // removes all events attached to this box previously .removeClass(remove) .removeAttr('name') .html('') this.box = null // event after edata.finish() } } /** * Part of w2ui 2.0 library * - Dependencies: none * * These are the master locale settings that will be used by w2utils * * "locale" should be the IETF language tag in the form xx-YY, * where xx is the ISO 639-1 language code ( see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_639-1 ) and * YY is the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code ( see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-2 ) */ const w2locale = { 'locale' : 'en-US', 'dateFormat' : 'm/d/yyyy', 'timeFormat' : 'hh:mi pm', 'datetimeFormat' : 'm/d/yyyy|hh:mi pm', 'currencyPrefix' : '$', 'currencySuffix' : '', 'currencyPrecision' : 2, 'groupSymbol' : ',', // aka "thousands separator" 'decimalSymbol' : '.', 'shortmonths' : ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'], 'fullmonths' : ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'], 'shortdays' : ['M', 'T', 'W', 'T', 'F', 'S', 'S'], 'fulldays' : ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday'], 'weekStarts' : 'S', // can be "M" for Monday or "S" for Sunday // phrases used in w2ui, should be empty for original language // keep these up-to-date and in sorted order // value = "---" to easier see what to translate 'phrases': { '${count} letters or more...': '---', 'Add new record': '---', 'Add New': '---', 'Advanced Search': '---', 'after': '---', 'AJAX error. See console for more details.': '---', 'All Fields': '---', 'All': '---', 'Any': '---', 'Are you sure you want to delete ${count} ${records}?': '---', 'Attach files by dragging and dropping or Click to Select': '---', 'before': '---', 'begins with': '---', 'begins': '---', 'between': '---', 'buffered': '---', 'Cancel': '---', 'Close': '---', 'Column': '---', 'Confirmation': '---', 'contains': '---', 'Copied': '---', 'Copy to clipboard': '---', 'Current Date & Time': '---', 'Delete selected records': '---', 'Delete': '---', 'Do you want to delete search item "${item}"?': '---', 'Edit selected record': '---', 'Edit': '---', 'Empty list': '---', 'ends with': '---', 'ends': '---', 'Field should be at least ${count} characters.': '---', 'Hide': '---', 'in': '---', 'is not': '---', 'is': '---', 'less than': '---', 'Line #': '---', 'Load ${count} more...': '---', 'Loading...': '---', 'Maximum number of files is ${count}': '---', 'Maximum total size is ${count}': '---', 'Modified': '---', 'more than': '---', 'Multiple Fields': '---', 'Name': '---', 'No items found': '---', 'No matches': '---', 'No': '---', 'none': '---', 'Not a float': '---', 'Not a hex number': '---', 'Not a valid date': '---', 'Not a valid email': '---', 'Not alpha-numeric': '---', 'Not an integer': '---', 'Not in money format': '---', 'not in': '---', 'Notification': '---', 'of': '---', 'Ok': '---', 'Opacity': '---', 'Record ID': '---', 'record': '---', 'records': '---', 'Refreshing...': '---', 'Reload data in the list': '---', 'Remove': '---', 'Remove This Field': '---', 'Request aborted.': '---', 'Required field': '---', 'Reset': '---', 'Restore Default State': '---', 'Returned data is not in valid JSON format.': '---', 'Save changed records': '---', 'Save Grid State': '---', 'Save': '---', 'Saved Searches': '---', 'Saving...': '---', 'Search took ${count} seconds': '---', 'Search': '---', 'Select Hour': '---', 'Select Minute': '---', 'selected': '---', 'Server Response ${count} seconds': '---', 'Show/hide columns': '---', 'Show': '---', 'Size': '---', 'Skip': '---', 'Sorting took ${count} seconds': '---', 'Type to search...': '---', 'Type': '---', 'Yes': '---', 'Yesterday': '---', 'Your remote data source record count has changed, reloading from the first record.': '---' } } /* mQuery 0.7 (nightly) (8/15/2023, 11:44:12 AM), vitmalina@gmail.com */ class Query { static version = 0.8 constructor(selector, context) { this.context = context ?? document let nodes = [] if (Array.isArray(selector)) { nodes = selector } else if (selector instanceof Node || selector instanceof Window) { // any html element or Window nodes = [selector] } else if (selector instanceof Query) { nodes = selector.nodes } else if (typeof selector == 'string') { if (typeof this.context.querySelector != 'function') { throw new Error('Invalid context') } nodes = Array.from(this.context.querySelectorAll(selector)) } else if (selector == null) { nodes = [] } else { // if selector is itterable, then try to create nodes from it, also supports jQuery let arr = Array.from(selector ?? []) if (typeof selector == 'object' && Array.isArray(arr)) { nodes = arr } else { throw new Error(`Invalid selector "${selector}"`) } } this.nodes = nodes this.length = nodes.length // map nodes to object propoerties this.each((node, ind) => { this[ind] = node }) } static _fragment(html) { let tmpl = document.createElement('template') tmpl.innerHTML = html tmpl.content.childNodes.forEach(node => { let newNode = Query._scriptConvert(node) if (newNode != node) { tmpl.content.replaceChild(newNode, node) } }) return tmpl.content } // innerHTML, append, etc. script tags will not be executed unless they are proper script tags static _scriptConvert(node) { let convert = (txtNode) => { let doc = txtNode.ownerDocument let scNode = doc.createElement('script') scNode.text = txtNode.text let attrs = txtNode.attributes for (let i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) { scNode.setAttribute(attrs[i].name, attrs[i].value) } return scNode } if (node.tagName == 'SCRIPT') { node = convert(node) } if (node.querySelectorAll) { node.querySelectorAll('script').forEach(textNode => { textNode.parentNode.replaceChild(convert(textNode), textNode) }) } return node } static _fixProp(name) { let fixes = { cellpadding: 'cellPadding', cellspacing: 'cellSpacing', class: 'className', colspan: 'colSpan', contenteditable: 'contentEditable', for: 'htmlFor', frameborder: 'frameBorder', maxlength: 'maxLength', readonly: 'readOnly', rowspan: 'rowSpan', tabindex: 'tabIndex', usemap: 'useMap' } return fixes[name] ? fixes[name] : name } _insert(method, html) { let nodes = [] let len = this.length if (len < 1) return let self = this // TODO: need good unit test coverage for this function if (typeof html == 'string') { this.each(node => { let clone = Query._fragment(html) nodes.push(...clone.childNodes) node[method](clone) }) } else if (html instanceof Query) { let single = (len == 1) // if inserting into a single container, then move it there html.each(el => { this.each(node => { // if insert before a single node, just move new one, else clone and move it let clone = (single ? el : el.cloneNode(true)) nodes.push(clone) node[method](clone) Query._scriptConvert(clone) }) }) if (!single) html.remove() } else if (html instanceof Node) { // any HTML element this.each(node => { // if insert before a single node, just move new one, else clone and move it let clone = (len === 1 ? html : Query._fragment(html.outerHTML)) nodes.push(...(len === 1 ? [html] : clone.childNodes)) node[method](clone) }) if (len > 1) html.remove() } else { throw new Error(`Incorrect argument for "${method}(html)". It expects one string argument.`) } if (method == 'replaceWith') { self = new Query(nodes, this.context) // must return a new collection } return self } _save(node, name, value) { node._mQuery = node._mQuery ?? {} if (Array.isArray(value)) { node._mQuery[name] = node._mQuery[name] ?? [] node._mQuery[name].push(...value) } else if (value != null) { node._mQuery[name] = value } else { delete node._mQuery[name] } } get(index) { if (index < 0) index = this.length + index let node = this[index] if (node) { return node } if (index != null) { return null } return this.nodes } eq(index) { if (index < 0) index = this.length + index let nodes = [this[index]] if (nodes[0] == null) nodes = [] return new Query(nodes, this.context) // must return a new collection } then(fun) { let ret = fun(this) return ret != null ? ret : this } find(selector) { let nodes = [] this.each(node => { let nn = Array.from(node.querySelectorAll(selector)) if (nn.length > 0) { nodes.push(...nn) } }) return new Query(nodes, this.context) // must return a new collection } filter(selector) { let nodes = [] this.each(node => { if (node === selector || (typeof selector == 'string' && node.matches && node.matches(selector)) || (typeof selector == 'function' && selector(node)) ) { nodes.push(node) } }) return new Query(nodes, this.context) // must return a new collection } next() { let nodes = [] this.each(node => { let nn = node.nextElementSibling if (nn) { nodes.push(nn) } }) return new Query(nodes, this.context) // must return a new collection } prev() { let nodes = [] this.each(node => { let nn = node.previousElementSibling if (nn) { nodes.push(nn)} }) return new Query(nodes, this.context) // must return a new collection } shadow(selector) { let nodes = [] this.each(node => { // select shadow root if available if (node.shadowRoot) nodes.push(node.shadowRoot) }) let col = new Query(nodes, this.context) return selector ? col.find(selector) : col } closest(selector) { let nodes = [] this.each(node => { let nn = node.closest(selector) if (nn) { nodes.push(nn) } }) return new Query(nodes, this.context) // must return a new collection } host(all) { let nodes = [] // find shadow root or body let top = (node) => { if (node.parentNode) { return top(node.parentNode) } else { return node } } let fun = (node) => { let nn = top(node) nodes.push(nn.host ? nn.host : nn) if (nn.host && all) fun(nn.host) } this.each(node => { fun(node) }) return new Query(nodes, this.context) // must return a new collection } parent(selector) { return this.parents(selector, true) } parents(selector, firstOnly) { let nodes = [] let add = (node) => { if (nodes.indexOf(node) == -1) { nodes.push(node) } if (!firstOnly && node.parentNode) { return add(node.parentNode) } } this.each(node => { if (node.parentNode) add(node.parentNode) }) let col = new Query(nodes, this.context) return selector ? col.filter(selector) : col } add(more) { let nodes = more instanceof Query ? more.nodes : (Array.isArray(more) ? more : [more]) return new Query(this.nodes.concat(nodes), this.context) // must return a new collection } each(func) { this.nodes.forEach((node, ind) => { func(node, ind, this) }) return this } append(html) { return this._insert('append', html) } prepend(html) { return this._insert('prepend', html) } after(html) { return this._insert('after', html) } before(html) { return this._insert('before', html) } replace(html) { return this._insert('replaceWith', html) } remove() { // remove from dom, but keep in current query this.each(node => { node.remove() }) return this } css(key, value) { let css = key let len = arguments.length if (len === 0 || (len === 1 && typeof key == 'string')) { if (this[0]) { let st = this[0].style // do not do computedStyleMap as it is not what on immediate element if (typeof key == 'string') { let pri = st.getPropertyPriority(key) return st.getPropertyValue(key) + (pri ? '!' + pri : '') } else { return Object.fromEntries( this[0].style.cssText .split(';') .filter(a => !!a) // filter non-empty .map(a => { return a.split(':').map(a => a.trim()) // trim strings }) ) } } else { return undefined } } else { if (typeof key != 'object') { css = {} css[key] = value } this.each((el, ind) => { Object.keys(css).forEach(key => { let imp = String(css[key]).toLowerCase().includes('!important') ? 'important' : '' el.style.setProperty(key, String(css[key]).replace(/\!important/i, ''), imp) }) }) return this } } addClass(classes) { this.toggleClass(classes, true) return this } removeClass(classes) { this.toggleClass(classes, false) return this } toggleClass(classes, force) { // split by comma or space if (typeof classes == 'string') classes = classes.split(/[,\s]+/) this.each(node => { let classes2 = classes // if not defined, remove all classes if (classes2 == null && force === false) classes2 = Array.from(node.classList) classes2.forEach(className => { if (className !== '') { let act = 'toggle' if (force != null) act = force ? 'add' : 'remove' node.classList[act](className) } }) }) return this } hasClass(classes) { // split by comma or space if (typeof classes == 'string') classes = classes.split(/[,\s]+/) if (classes == null && this.length > 0) { return Array.from(this[0].classList) } let ret = false this.each(node => { ret = ret || classes.every(className => { return Array.from(node.classList ?? []).includes(className) }) }) return ret } on(events, options, callback) { if (typeof options == 'function') { callback = options options = undefined } let delegate if (options?.delegate) { delegate = options.delegate delete options.delegate // not to pass to addEventListener } events = events.split(/[,\s]+/) // separate by comma or space events.forEach(eventName => { let [ event, scope ] = String(eventName).toLowerCase().split('.') if (delegate) { let fun = callback callback = (event) => { // event.target or any ancestors match delegate selector let parent = query(event.target).parents(delegate) if (parent.length > 0) { event.delegate = parent[0] } else { event.delegate = event.target } if (event.target.matches(delegate) || parent.length > 0) { fun(event) } } } this.each(node => { this._save(node, 'events', [{ event, scope, callback, options }]) node.addEventListener(event, callback, options) }) }) return this } off(events, options, callback) { if (typeof options == 'function') { callback = options options = undefined } events = (events ?? '').split(/[,\s]+/) // separate by comma or space events.forEach(eventName => { let [ event, scope ] = String(eventName).toLowerCase().split('.') this.each(node => { if (Array.isArray(node._mQuery?.events)) { for (let i = node._mQuery.events.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { let evt = node._mQuery.events[i] if (scope == null || scope === '') { // if no scope, has to be exact match if ((evt.event == event || event === '') && (evt.callback == callback || callback == null)) { node.removeEventListener(evt.event, evt.callback, evt.options) node._mQuery.events.splice(i, 1) } } else { if ((evt.event == event || event === '') && evt.scope == scope) { node.removeEventListener(evt.event, evt.callback, evt.options) node._mQuery.events.splice(i, 1) } } } } }) }) return this } trigger(name, options) { let event, mevent = ['click', 'dblclick', 'mousedown', 'mouseup', 'mousemove'], kevent = ['keydown', 'keyup', 'keypress'] if (name instanceof Event || name instanceof CustomEvent) { // MouseEvent and KeyboardEvent are instances of Event, no need to explicitly add event = name } else if (mevent.includes(name)) { event = new MouseEvent(name, options) } else if (kevent.includes(name)) { event = new KeyboardEvent(name, options) } else { event = new Event(name, options) } this.each(node => { node.dispatchEvent(event) }) return this } attr(name, value) { if (value === undefined && typeof name == 'string') { return this[0] ? this[0].getAttribute(name) : undefined } else { let obj = {} if (typeof name == 'object') obj = name; else obj[name] = value this.each(node => { Object.entries(obj).forEach(([nm, val]) => { node.setAttribute(nm, val) }) }) return this } } removeAttr() { this.each(node => { Array.from(arguments).forEach(attr => { node.removeAttribute(attr) }) }) return this } prop(name, value) { if (value === undefined && typeof name == 'string') { return this[0] ? this[0][name] : undefined } else { let obj = {} if (typeof name == 'object') obj = name; else obj[name] = value this.each(node => { Object.entries(obj).forEach(([nm, val]) => { let prop = Query._fixProp(nm) node[prop] = val if (prop == 'innerHTML') { Query._scriptConvert(node) } }) }) return this } } removeProp() { this.each(node => { Array.from(arguments).forEach(prop => { delete node[Query._fixProp(prop)] }) }) return this } data(key, value) { if (key instanceof Object) { Object.entries(key).forEach(item => { this.data(item[0], item[1]) }) return } if (key && key.indexOf('-') != -1) { console.error(`Key "${key}" contains "-" (dash). Dashes are not allowed in property names. Use camelCase instead.`) } if (arguments.length < 2) { if (this[0]) { let data = Object.assign({}, this[0].dataset) Object.keys(data).forEach(key => { if (data[key].startsWith('[') || data[key].startsWith('{')) { try { data[key] = JSON.parse(data[key]) } catch (e) {} } }) return key ? data[key] : data } else { return undefined } } else { this.each(node => { if (value != null) { node.dataset[key] = value instanceof Object ? JSON.stringify(value) : value } else { delete node.dataset[key] } }) return this } } removeData(key) { if (typeof key == 'string') key = key.split(/[,\s]+/) this.each(node => { key.forEach(k => { delete node.dataset[k] }) }) return this } show() { return this.toggle(true) } hide() { return this.toggle(false) } toggle(force) { return this.each(node => { let prev = node.style.display let dsp = getComputedStyle(node).display let isHidden = (prev == 'none' || dsp == 'none') if (isHidden && (force == null || force === true)) { // show let def = node instanceof HTMLTableRowElement ? 'table-row' : node instanceof HTMLTableCellElement ? 'table-cell' : 'block' node.style.display = node._mQuery?.prevDisplay ?? (prev == dsp && dsp != 'none' ? '' : def) this._save(node, 'prevDisplay', null) } if (!isHidden && (force == null || force === false)) { // hide if (dsp != 'none') this._save(node, 'prevDisplay', dsp) node.style.setProperty('display', 'none') } }) } empty() { return this.html('') } html(html) { if (html instanceof HTMLElement) { return this.empty().append(html) } else { return this.prop('innerHTML', html) } } text(text) { return this.prop('textContent', text) } val(value) { return this.prop('value', value) // must be prop } change() { return this.trigger('change') } click() { return this.trigger('click') } } // create a new object each time let query = function (selector, context) { // if a function, use as onload event if (typeof selector == 'function') { if (document.readyState == 'complete') { selector() } else { window.addEventListener('load', selector) } } else { return new Query(selector, context) } } // str -> doc-fragment query.html = (str) => { let frag = Query._fragment(str); return query(frag.children, frag) } query.version = Query.version /** * Part of w2ui 2.0 library * - Dependencies: mQuery, w2utils, w2base, w2locale * * == TODO == * - add w2utils.lang wrap for all captions in all buttons. * - check transition (also with layout) * - deprecate w2utils.tooltip * * == 2.0 changes * - CSP - fixed inline events (w2utils.tooltip still has it) * - transition returns a promise * - removed jQuery * - refactores w2utils.message() * - added w2utils.confirm() * - added isPlainObject * - added stripSpaces * - implemented marker - can now take an element or just html * - cssPrefix - deprecated * - w2utils.debounce * - w2utils.prepareParams * - w2utils.getStrHeight */ // variable that holds all w2ui objects let w2ui = {} class Utils { constructor () { this.version = '2.0.x' this.tmp = {} this.settings = this.extend({}, { 'dataType' : 'HTTPJSON', // can be HTTP, HTTPJSON, RESTFULL, JSON (case sensitive) 'dateStartYear' : 1950, // start year for date-picker 'dateEndYear' : 2030, // end year for date picker 'macButtonOrder' : false, // if true, Yes on the right side 'warnNoPhrase' : false, // call console.warn if lang() encounters a missing phrase }, w2locale, { phrases: null }), // if there are no phrases, then it is original language this.i18nCompare = Intl.Collator().compare this.hasLocalStorage = testLocalStorage() // some internal variables this.isMac = /Mac/i.test(navigator.platform) this.isMobile = /(iphone|ipod|mobile|android)/i.test(navigator.userAgent) this.isIOS = /(iphone|ipod|ipad)/i.test(navigator.platform) this.isAndroid = /(android)/i.test(navigator.userAgent) this.isSafari = /^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i.test(navigator.userAgent) this.isFirefox = /(Firefox)/i.test(navigator.userAgent) // Formatters: Primarily used in grid this.formatters = { 'number'(record, extra) { if (extra == undefined) extra = record let { value, params } = extra if (parseInt(params) > 20) params = 20 if (parseInt(params) < 0) params = 0 if (value == null || value === '') return '' return w2utils.formatNumber(parseFloat(value), params, true) }, 'float'(record, extra) { return w2utils.formatters.number(record, extra) }, 'int'(record, extra) { return w2utils.formatters.number(record, extra) }, 'money'(record, extra) { if (extra == undefined) extra = record let { value, params } = extra if (value == null || value === '') return '' let data = w2utils.formatNumber(Number(value), w2utils.settings.currencyPrecision, true) return (w2utils.settings.currencyPrefix || '') + data + (w2utils.settings.currencySuffix || '') }, 'currency'(record, extra) { return w2utils.formatters.money(record, extra) }, 'percent'(record, extra) { if (extra == undefined) extra = record let { value, params } = extra if (value == null || value === '') return '' return w2utils.formatNumber(value, params || 1) + '%' }, 'size'(record, extra) { if (extra == undefined) extra = record let { value, params } = extra if (value == null || value === '') return '' return w2utils.formatSize(parseInt(value)) }, 'date'(record, extra) { if (extra == undefined) extra = record let { value, params } = extra if (params === '') params = w2utils.settings.dateFormat if (value == null || value === 0 || value === '') return '' let dt = w2utils.isDateTime(value, params, true) if (dt === false) dt = w2utils.isDate(value, params, true) return '' + w2utils.formatDate(dt, params) + '' }, 'datetime'(record, extra) { if (extra == undefined) extra = record let { value, params } = extra if (params === '') params = w2utils.settings.datetimeFormat if (value == null || value === 0 || value === '') return '' let dt = w2utils.isDateTime(value, params, true) if (dt === false) dt = w2utils.isDate(value, params, true) return '' + w2utils.formatDateTime(dt, params) + '' }, 'time'(record, extra) { if (extra == undefined) extra = record let { value, params } = extra if (params === '') params = w2utils.settings.timeFormat if (params === 'h12') params = 'hh:mi pm' if (params === 'h24') params = 'h24:mi' if (value == null || value === 0 || value === '') return '' let dt = w2utils.isDateTime(value, params, true) if (dt === false) dt = w2utils.isDate(value, params, true) return '' + w2utils.formatTime(value, params) + '' }, 'timestamp'(record, extra) { if (extra == undefined) extra = record let { value, params } = extra if (params === '') params = w2utils.settings.datetimeFormat if (value == null || value === 0 || value === '') return '' let dt = w2utils.isDateTime(value, params, true) if (dt === false) dt = w2utils.isDate(value, params, true) return dt.toString ? dt.toString() : '' }, 'gmt'(record, extra) { if (extra == undefined) extra = record let { value, params } = extra if (params === '') params = w2utils.settings.datetimeFormat if (value == null || value === 0 || value === '') return '' let dt = w2utils.isDateTime(value, params, true) if (dt === false) dt = w2utils.isDate(value, params, true) return dt.toUTCString ? dt.toUTCString() : '' }, 'age'(record, extra) { if (extra == undefined) extra = record let { value, params } = extra if (value == null || value === 0 || value === '') return '' let dt = w2utils.isDateTime(value, null, true) if (dt === false) dt = w2utils.isDate(value, null, true) return '' + w2utils.age(value) + (params ? (' ' + params) : '') + '' }, 'interval'(record, extra) { if (extra == undefined) extra = record let { value, params } = extra if (value == null || value === 0 || value === '') return '' return w2utils.interval(value) + (params ? (' ' + params) : '') }, 'toggle'(record, extra) { if (extra == undefined) extra = record let { value, params } = extra return (value ? w2utils.lang('Yes') : '') }, 'password'(record, extra) { if (extra == undefined) extra = record let { value, params } = extra let ret = '' if (!value) return ret for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) { ret += '*' } return ret } } return function testLocalStorage() { // test if localStorage is available, see issue #1282 let str = 'w2ui_test' try { localStorage.setItem(str, str) localStorage.removeItem(str) return true } catch (e) { return false } } } isBin(val) { let re = /^[0-1]+$/ return re.test(val) } isInt(val) { let re = /^[-+]?[0-9]+$/ return re.test(val) } isFloat(val) { if (typeof val === 'string') { val = val.replace(this.settings.groupSymbol, '') .replace(this.settings.decimalSymbol, '.') } return (typeof val === 'number' || (typeof val === 'string' && val !== '')) && !isNaN(Number(val)) } isMoney(val) { if (typeof val === 'object' || val === '') return false if (this.isFloat(val)) return true let se = this.settings let re = new RegExp('^'+ (se.currencyPrefix ? '\\' + se.currencyPrefix + '?' : '') + '[-+]?'+ (se.currencyPrefix ? '\\' + se.currencyPrefix + '?' : '') + '[0-9]*[\\'+ se.decimalSymbol +']?[0-9]+'+ (se.currencySuffix ? '\\' + se.currencySuffix + '?' : '') +'$', 'i') if (typeof val === 'string') { val = val.replace(new RegExp(se.groupSymbol, 'g'), '') } return re.test(val) } isHex(val) { let re = /^(0x)?[0-9a-fA-F]+$/ return re.test(val) } isAlphaNumeric(val) { let re = /^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$/ return re.test(val) } isEmail(val) { let email = /^[a-zA-Z0-9._%\-+]+@[а-яА-Яa-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[а-яА-Яa-zA-Z]+$/ return email.test(val) } isIpAddress(val) { let re = new RegExp('^' + '((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}' + '(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)' + '$') return re.test(val) } isDate(val, format, retDate) { if (!val) return false let dt = 'Invalid Date' let month, day, year if (format == null) format = this.settings.dateFormat if (typeof val.getFullYear === 'function') { // date object year = val.getFullYear() month = val.getMonth() + 1 day = val.getDate() } else if (parseInt(val) == val && parseInt(val) > 0) { val = new Date(parseInt(val)) year = val.getFullYear() month = val.getMonth() + 1 day = val.getDate() } else { val = String(val) // convert month formats if (new RegExp('mon', 'ig').test(format)) { format = format.replace(/month/ig, 'm').replace(/mon/ig, 'm').replace(/dd/ig, 'd').replace(/[, ]/ig, '/').replace(/\/\//g, '/').toLowerCase() val = val.replace(/[, ]/ig, '/').replace(/\/\//g, '/').toLowerCase() for (let m = 0, len = this.settings.fullmonths.length; m < len; m++) { let t = this.settings.fullmonths[m] val = val.replace(new RegExp(t, 'ig'), (parseInt(m) + 1)).replace(new RegExp(t.substr(0, 3), 'ig'), (parseInt(m) + 1)) } } // format date let tmp = val.replace(/-/g, '/').replace(/\./g, '/').toLowerCase().split('/') let tmp2 = format.replace(/-/g, '/').replace(/\./g, '/').toLowerCase() if (tmp2 === 'mm/dd/yyyy') { month = tmp[0]; day = tmp[1]; year = tmp[2] } if (tmp2 === 'm/d/yyyy') { month = tmp[0]; day = tmp[1]; year = tmp[2] } if (tmp2 === 'dd/mm/yyyy') { month = tmp[1]; day = tmp[0]; year = tmp[2] } if (tmp2 === 'd/m/yyyy') { month = tmp[1]; day = tmp[0]; year = tmp[2] } if (tmp2 === 'yyyy/dd/mm') { month = tmp[2]; day = tmp[1]; year = tmp[0] } if (tmp2 === 'yyyy/d/m') { month = tmp[2]; day = tmp[1]; year = tmp[0] } if (tmp2 === 'yyyy/mm/dd') { month = tmp[1]; day = tmp[2]; year = tmp[0] } if (tmp2 === 'yyyy/m/d') { month = tmp[1]; day = tmp[2]; year = tmp[0] } if (tmp2 === 'mm/dd/yy') { month = tmp[0]; day = tmp[1]; year = tmp[2] } if (tmp2 === 'm/d/yy') { month = tmp[0]; day = tmp[1]; year = parseInt(tmp[2]) + 1900 } if (tmp2 === 'dd/mm/yy') { month = tmp[1]; day = tmp[0]; year = parseInt(tmp[2]) + 1900 } if (tmp2 === 'd/m/yy') { month = tmp[1]; day = tmp[0]; year = parseInt(tmp[2]) + 1900 } if (tmp2 === 'yy/dd/mm') { month = tmp[2]; day = tmp[1]; year = parseInt(tmp[0]) + 1900 } if (tmp2 === 'yy/d/m') { month = tmp[2]; day = tmp[1]; year = parseInt(tmp[0]) + 1900 } if (tmp2 === 'yy/mm/dd') { month = tmp[1]; day = tmp[2]; year = parseInt(tmp[0]) + 1900 } if (tmp2 === 'yy/m/d') { month = tmp[1]; day = tmp[2]; year = parseInt(tmp[0]) + 1900 } } if (!this.isInt(year)) return false if (!this.isInt(month)) return false if (!this.isInt(day)) return false year = +year month = +month day = +day dt = new Date(year, month - 1, day) dt.setFullYear(year) // do checks if (month == null) return false if (String(dt) === 'Invalid Date') return false if ((dt.getMonth() + 1 !== month) || (dt.getDate() !== day) || (dt.getFullYear() !== year)) return false if (retDate === true) return dt; else return true } isTime(val, retTime) { // Both formats 10:20pm and 22:20 if (val == null) return false let max, am, pm // -- process american format val = String(val) val = val.toUpperCase() am = val.indexOf('AM') >= 0 pm = val.indexOf('PM') >= 0 let ampm = (pm || am) if (ampm) max = 12; else max = 24 val = val.replace('AM', '').replace('PM', '').trim() // --- let tmp = val.split(':') let h = parseInt(tmp[0] || 0), m = parseInt(tmp[1] || 0), s = parseInt(tmp[2] || 0) // accept edge case: 3PM is a good timestamp, but 3 (without AM or PM) is NOT: if ((!ampm || tmp.length !== 1) && tmp.length !== 2 && tmp.length !== 3) { return false } if (tmp[0] === '' || h < 0 || h > max || !this.isInt(tmp[0]) || tmp[0].length > 2) { return false } if (tmp.length > 1 && (tmp[1] === '' || m < 0 || m > 59 || !this.isInt(tmp[1]) || tmp[1].length !== 2)) { return false } if (tmp.length > 2 && (tmp[2] === '' || s < 0 || s > 59 || !this.isInt(tmp[2]) || tmp[2].length !== 2)) { return false } // check the edge cases: 12:01AM is ok, as is 12:01PM, but 24:01 is NOT ok while 24:00 is (midnight; equivalent to 00:00). // meanwhile, there is 00:00 which is ok, but 0AM nor 0PM are okay, while 0:01AM and 0:00AM are. if (!ampm && max === h && (m !== 0 || s !== 0)) { return false } if (ampm && tmp.length === 1 && h === 0) { return false } if (retTime === true) { if (pm && h !== 12) h += 12 // 12:00pm - is noon if (am && h === 12) h += 12 // 12:00am - is midnight return { hours: h, minutes: m, seconds: s } } return true } isDateTime(val, format, retDate) { if (typeof val.getFullYear === 'function') { // date object if (retDate !== true) return true return val } let intVal = parseInt(val) if (intVal === val) { if (intVal < 0) return false else if (retDate !== true) return true else return new Date(intVal) } let tmp = String(val).indexOf(' ') if (tmp < 0) { if (String(val).indexOf('T') < 0 || String(new Date(val)) == 'Invalid Date') return false else if (retDate !== true) return true else return new Date(val) } else { if (format == null) format = this.settings.datetimeFormat let formats = format.split('|') let values = [val.substr(0, tmp), val.substr(tmp).trim()] formats[0] = formats[0].trim() if (formats[1]) formats[1] = formats[1].trim() // check let tmp1 = this.isDate(values[0], formats[0], true) let tmp2 = this.isTime(values[1], true) if (tmp1 !== false && tmp2 !== false) { if (retDate !== true) return true tmp1.setHours(tmp2.hours) tmp1.setMinutes(tmp2.minutes) tmp1.setSeconds(tmp2.seconds) return tmp1 } else { return false } } } age(dateStr) { let d1 if (dateStr === '' || dateStr == null) return '' if (typeof dateStr.getFullYear === 'function') { // date object d1 = dateStr } else if (parseInt(dateStr) == dateStr && parseInt(dateStr) > 0) { d1 = new Date(parseInt(dateStr)) } else { d1 = new Date(dateStr) } if (String(d1) === 'Invalid Date') return '' let d2 = new Date() let sec = (d2.getTime() - d1.getTime()) / 1000 let amount = '' let type = '' if (sec < 0) { amount = 0 type = 'sec' } else if (sec < 60) { amount = Math.floor(sec) type = 'sec' if (sec < 0) { amount = 0; type = 'sec' } } else if (sec < 60*60) { amount = Math.floor(sec/60) type = 'min' } else if (sec < 24*60*60) { amount = Math.floor(sec/60/60) type = 'hour' } else if (sec < 30*24*60*60) { amount = Math.floor(sec/24/60/60) type = 'day' } else if (sec < 365*24*60*60) { amount = Math.floor(sec/30/24/60/60*10)/10 type = 'month' } else if (sec < 365*4*24*60*60) { amount = Math.floor(sec/365/24/60/60*10)/10 type = 'year' } else if (sec >= 365*4*24*60*60) { // factor in leap year shift (only older then 4 years) amount = Math.floor(sec/365.25/24/60/60*10)/10 type = 'year' } return amount + ' ' + type + (amount > 1 ? 's' : '') } interval(value) { let ret = '' if (value < 100) { ret = '< 0.01 sec' } else if (value < 1000) { ret = (Math.floor(value / 10) / 100) + ' sec' } else if (value < 10000) { ret = (Math.floor(value / 100) / 10) + ' sec' } else if (value < 60000) { ret = Math.floor(value / 1000) + ' secs' } else if (value < 3600000) { ret = Math.floor(value / 60000) + ' mins' } else if (value < 86400000) { ret = Math.floor(value / 3600000 * 10) / 10 + ' hours' } else if (value < 2628000000) { ret = Math.floor(value / 86400000 * 10) / 10 + ' days' } else if (value < 3.1536e+10) { ret = Math.floor(value / 2628000000 * 10) / 10 + ' months' } else { ret = Math.floor(value / 3.1536e+9) / 10 + ' years' } return ret } date(dateStr) { if (dateStr === '' || dateStr == null || (typeof dateStr === 'object' && !dateStr.getMonth)) return '' let d1 = new Date(dateStr) if (this.isInt(dateStr)) d1 = new Date(Number(dateStr)) // for unix timestamps if (String(d1) === 'Invalid Date') return '' let months = this.settings.shortmonths let d2 = new Date() // today let d3 = new Date() d3.setTime(d3.getTime() - 86400000) // yesterday let dd1 = months[d1.getMonth()] + ' ' + d1.getDate() + ', ' + d1.getFullYear() let dd2 = months[d2.getMonth()] + ' ' + d2.getDate() + ', ' + d2.getFullYear() let dd3 = months[d3.getMonth()] + ' ' + d3.getDate() + ', ' + d3.getFullYear() let time = (d1.getHours() - (d1.getHours() > 12 ? 12 :0)) + ':' + (d1.getMinutes() < 10 ? '0' : '') + d1.getMinutes() + ' ' + (d1.getHours() >= 12 ? 'pm' : 'am') let time2 = (d1.getHours() - (d1.getHours() > 12 ? 12 :0)) + ':' + (d1.getMinutes() < 10 ? '0' : '') + d1.getMinutes() + ':' + (d1.getSeconds() < 10 ? '0' : '') + d1.getSeconds() + ' ' + (d1.getHours() >= 12 ? 'pm' : 'am') let dsp = dd1 if (dd1 === dd2) dsp = time if (dd1 === dd3) dsp = this.lang('Yesterday') return ''+ dsp +'' } formatSize(sizeStr) { if (!this.isFloat(sizeStr) || sizeStr === '') return '' sizeStr = parseFloat(sizeStr) if (sizeStr === 0) return 0 let sizes = ['Bt', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB'] let i = parseInt( Math.floor( Math.log(sizeStr) / Math.log(1024) ) ) return (Math.floor(sizeStr / Math.pow(1024, i) * 10) / 10).toFixed(i === 0 ? 0 : 1) + ' ' + (sizes[i] || '??') } formatNumber(val, fraction, useGrouping) { if (val == null || val === '' || typeof val === 'object') return '' let options = { minimumFractionDigits: parseInt(fraction), maximumFractionDigits: parseInt(fraction), useGrouping: !!useGrouping } if (fraction == null || fraction < 0) { options.minimumFractionDigits = 0 options.maximumFractionDigits = 20 } return parseFloat(val).toLocaleString(this.settings.locale, options) } formatDate(dateStr, format) { // IMPORTANT dateStr HAS TO BE valid JavaScript Date String if (!format) format = this.settings.dateFormat if (dateStr === '' || dateStr == null || (typeof dateStr === 'object' && !dateStr.getMonth)) return '' let dt = new Date(dateStr) if (this.isInt(dateStr)) dt = new Date(Number(dateStr)) // for unix timestamps if (String(dt) === 'Invalid Date') return '' let year = dt.getFullYear() let month = dt.getMonth() let date = dt.getDate() return format.toLowerCase() .replace('month', this.settings.fullmonths[month]) .replace('mon', this.settings.shortmonths[month]) .replace(/yyyy/g, ('000' + year).slice(-4)) .replace(/yyy/g, ('000' + year).slice(-4)) .replace(/yy/g, ('0' + year).slice(-2)) .replace(/(^|[^a-z$])y/g, '$1' + year) // only y's that are not preceded by a letter .replace(/mm/g, ('0' + (month + 1)).slice(-2)) .replace(/dd/g, ('0' + date).slice(-2)) .replace(/th/g, (date == 1 ? 'st' : 'th')) .replace(/th/g, (date == 2 ? 'nd' : 'th')) .replace(/th/g, (date == 3 ? 'rd' : 'th')) .replace(/(^|[^a-z$])m/g, '$1' + (month + 1)) // only y's that are not preceded by a letter .replace(/(^|[^a-z$])d/g, '$1' + date) // only y's that are not preceded by a letter } formatTime(dateStr, format) { // IMPORTANT dateStr HAS TO BE valid JavaScript Date String if (!format) format = this.settings.timeFormat if (dateStr === '' || dateStr == null || (typeof dateStr === 'object' && !dateStr.getMonth)) return '' let dt = new Date(dateStr) if (this.isInt(dateStr)) dt = new Date(Number(dateStr)) // for unix timestamps if (this.isTime(dateStr)) { let tmp = this.isTime(dateStr, true) dt = new Date() dt.setHours(tmp.hours) dt.setMinutes(tmp.minutes) } if (String(dt) === 'Invalid Date') return '' if (format == 'h12') format = 'hh:mi pm' let type = 'am' let hour = dt.getHours() let h24 = dt.getHours() let min = dt.getMinutes() let sec = dt.getSeconds() if (min < 10) min = '0' + min if (sec < 10) sec = '0' + sec if (format.indexOf('am') !== -1 || format.indexOf('pm') !== -1) { if (hour >= 12) type = 'pm' if (hour > 12) hour = hour - 12 if (hour === 0) hour = 12 } return format.toLowerCase() .replace('am', type) .replace('pm', type) .replace('hhh', (hour < 10 ? '0' + hour : hour)) .replace('hh24', (h24 < 10 ? '0' + h24 : h24)) .replace('h24', h24) .replace('hh', hour) .replace('mm', min) .replace('mi', min) .replace('ss', sec) .replace(/(^|[^a-z$])h/g, '$1' + hour) // only y's that are not preceded by a letter .replace(/(^|[^a-z$])m/g, '$1' + min) // only y's that are not preceded by a letter .replace(/(^|[^a-z$])s/g, '$1' + sec) // only y's that are not preceded by a letter } formatDateTime(dateStr, format) { let fmt if (dateStr === '' || dateStr == null || (typeof dateStr === 'object' && !dateStr.getMonth)) return '' if (typeof format !== 'string') { fmt = [this.settings.dateFormat, this.settings.timeFormat] } else { fmt = format.split('|') fmt[0] = fmt[0].trim() fmt[1] = (fmt.length > 1 ? fmt[1].trim() : this.settings.timeFormat) } // older formats support if (fmt[1] === 'h12') fmt[1] = 'h:m pm' if (fmt[1] === 'h24') fmt[1] = 'h24:m' return this.formatDate(dateStr, fmt[0]) + ' ' + this.formatTime(dateStr, fmt[1]) } stripSpaces(html) { if (html == null) return html switch (typeof html) { case 'number': break case 'string': html = String(html).replace(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/g, ' ').replace(/\s\s+/g, ' ').trim() break case 'object': // does not modify original object, but creates a copy if (Array.isArray(html)) { html = this.extend([], html) html.forEach((key, ind) => { html[ind] = this.stripSpaces(key) }) } else { html = this.extend({}, html) Object.keys(html).forEach(key => { html[key] = this.stripSpaces(html[key]) }) } break } return html } stripTags(html) { if (html == null) return html switch (typeof html) { case 'number': break case 'string': html = String(html).replace(/<(?:[^>=]|='[^']*'|="[^"]*"|=[^'"][^\s>]*)*>/ig, '') break case 'object': // does not modify original object, but creates a copy if (Array.isArray(html)) { html = this.extend([], html) html.forEach((key, ind) => { html[ind] = this.stripTags(key) }) } else { html = this.extend({}, html) Object.keys(html).forEach(key => { html[key] = this.stripTags(html[key]) }) } break } return html } encodeTags(html) { if (html == null) return html switch (typeof html) { case 'number': break case 'string': html = String(html).replace(/&/g, '&').replace(/>/g, '>').replace(/ { html[ind] = this.encodeTags(key) }) } else { html = this.extend({}, html) Object.keys(html).forEach(key => { html[key] = this.encodeTags(html[key]) }) } break } return html } decodeTags(html) { if (html == null) return html switch (typeof html) { case 'number': break case 'string': html = String(html).replace(/>/g, '>').replace(/</g, '<').replace(/"/g, '"').replace(/&/g, '&') break case 'object': // does not modify original object, but creates a copy if (Array.isArray(html)) { html = this.extend([], html) html.forEach((key, ind) => { html[ind] = this.decodeTags(key) }) } else { html = this.extend({}, html) Object.keys(html).forEach(key => { html[key] = this.decodeTags(html[key]) }) } break } return html } escapeId(id) { // This logic is borrowed from jQuery if (id === '' || id == null) return '' let re = /([\0-\x1f\x7f]|^-?\d)|^-$|[^\0-\x1f\x7f-\uFFFF\w-]/g return (id + '').replace(re, (ch, asCodePoint) => { if (asCodePoint) { if (ch === '\0') return '\uFFFD' return ch.slice( 0, -1 ) + '\\' + ch.charCodeAt( ch.length - 1 ).toString( 16 ) + ' ' } return '\\' + ch }) } unescapeId(id) { // This logic is borrowed from jQuery if (id === '' || id == null) return '' let re = /\\[\da-fA-F]{1,6}[\x20\t\r\n\f]?|\\([^\r\n\f])/g return id.replace(re, (escape, nonHex) => { let high = '0x' + escape.slice( 1 ) - 0x10000 return nonHex ? nonHex : high < 0 ? String.fromCharCode(high + 0x10000 ) : String.fromCharCode(high >> 10 | 0xD800, high & 0x3FF | 0xDC00) }) } base64encode(str) { // Fast Native support in Chrome since 2010 let utf8Bytes = new TextEncoder().encode(str) let binaryString = '' for (let byte of utf8Bytes) { binaryString += String.fromCharCode(byte) } return btoa(binaryString) } base64decode(encodedStr) { // Fast Native support in Chrome since 2010 let binaryString = atob(encodedStr) let utf8Bytes = new Uint8Array(binaryString.length) for (let i = 0; i < binaryString.length; i++) { utf8Bytes[i] = binaryString.charCodeAt(i) } return new TextDecoder().decode(utf8Bytes) } async sha256(str) { const utf8 = new TextEncoder().encode(str) return crypto.subtle.digest('SHA-256', utf8).then((hashBuffer) => { const hashArray = Array.from(new Uint8Array(hashBuffer)) return hashArray.map((bytes) => bytes.toString(16).padStart(2, '0')).join('') }) } transition(div_old, div_new, type, callBack) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let styles = getComputedStyle(div_old) let width = parseInt(styles.width) let height = parseInt(styles.height) let time = 0.5 if (!div_old || !div_new) { console.log('ERROR: Cannot do transition when one of the divs is null') return } div_old.parentNode.style.cssText += 'perspective: 900px; overflow: hidden;' div_old.style.cssText += '; position: absolute; z-index: 1019; backface-visibility: hidden' div_new.style.cssText += '; position: absolute; z-index: 1020; backface-visibility: hidden' switch (type) { case 'slide-left': // init divs div_old.style.cssText += 'overflow: hidden; transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0)' div_new.style.cssText += 'overflow: hidden; transform: translate3d('+ width + 'px, 0, 0)' query(div_new).show() // -- need a timing function because otherwise not working setTimeout(() => { div_new.style.cssText += 'transition: '+ time +'s; transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0)' div_old.style.cssText += 'transition: '+ time +'s; transform: translate3d(-'+ width +'px, 0, 0)' }, 1) break case 'slide-right': // init divs div_old.style.cssText += 'overflow: hidden; transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0)' div_new.style.cssText += 'overflow: hidden; transform: translate3d(-'+ width +'px, 0, 0)' query(div_new).show() // -- need a timing function because otherwise not working setTimeout(() => { div_new.style.cssText += 'transition: '+ time +'s; transform: translate3d(0px, 0, 0)' div_old.style.cssText += 'transition: '+ time +'s; transform: translate3d('+ width +'px, 0, 0)' }, 1) break case 'slide-down': // init divs div_old.style.cssText += 'overflow: hidden; z-index: 1; transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0)' div_new.style.cssText += 'overflow: hidden; z-index: 0; transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0)' query(div_new).show() // -- need a timing function because otherwise not working setTimeout(() => { div_new.style.cssText += 'transition: '+ time +'s; transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0)' div_old.style.cssText += 'transition: '+ time +'s; transform: translate3d(0, '+ height +'px, 0)' }, 1) break case 'slide-up': // init divs div_old.style.cssText += 'overflow: hidden; transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0)' div_new.style.cssText += 'overflow: hidden; transform: translate3d(0, '+ height +'px, 0)' query(div_new).show() // -- need a timing function because otherwise not working setTimeout(() => { div_new.style.cssText += 'transition: '+ time +'s; transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0)' div_old.style.cssText += 'transition: '+ time +'s; transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0)' }, 1) break case 'flip-left': // init divs div_old.style.cssText += 'overflow: hidden; transform: rotateY(0deg)' div_new.style.cssText += 'overflow: hidden; transform: rotateY(-180deg)' query(div_new).show() // -- need a timing function because otherwise not working setTimeout(() => { div_new.style.cssText += 'transition: '+ time +'s; transform: rotateY(0deg)' div_old.style.cssText += 'transition: '+ time +'s; transform: rotateY(180deg)' }, 1) break case 'flip-right': // init divs div_old.style.cssText += 'overflow: hidden; transform: rotateY(0deg)' div_new.style.cssText += 'overflow: hidden; transform: rotateY(180deg)' query(div_new).show() // -- need a timing function because otherwise not working setTimeout(() => { div_new.style.cssText += 'transition: '+ time +'s; transform: rotateY(0deg)' div_old.style.cssText += 'transition: '+ time +'s; transform: rotateY(-180deg)' }, 1) break case 'flip-down': // init divs div_old.style.cssText += 'overflow: hidden; transform: rotateX(0deg)' div_new.style.cssText += 'overflow: hidden; transform: rotateX(180deg)' query(div_new).show() // -- need a timing function because otherwise not working setTimeout(() => { div_new.style.cssText += 'transition: '+ time +'s; transform: rotateX(0deg)' div_old.style.cssText += 'transition: '+ time +'s; transform: rotateX(-180deg)' }, 1) break case 'flip-up': // init divs div_old.style.cssText += 'overflow: hidden; transform: rotateX(0deg)' div_new.style.cssText += 'overflow: hidden; transform: rotateX(-180deg)' query(div_new).show() // -- need a timing function because otherwise not working setTimeout(() => { div_new.style.cssText += 'transition: '+ time +'s; transform: rotateX(0deg)' div_old.style.cssText += 'transition: '+ time +'s; transform: rotateX(180deg)' }, 1) break case 'pop-in': // init divs div_old.style.cssText += 'overflow: hidden; transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0)' div_new.style.cssText += 'overflow: hidden; transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); transform: scale(.8); opacity: 0;' query(div_new).show() // -- need a timing function because otherwise not working setTimeout(() => { div_new.style.cssText += 'transition: '+ time +'s; transform: scale(1); opacity: 1;' div_old.style.cssText += 'transition: '+ time +'s;' }, 1) break case 'pop-out': // init divs div_old.style.cssText += 'overflow: hidden; transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); transform: scale(1); opacity: 1;' div_new.style.cssText += 'overflow: hidden; transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); opacity: 0;' query(div_new).show() // -- need a timing function because otherwise not working setTimeout(() => { div_new.style.cssText += 'transition: '+ time +'s; opacity: 1;' div_old.style.cssText += 'transition: '+ time +'s; transform: scale(1.7); opacity: 0;' }, 1) break default: // init divs div_old.style.cssText += 'overflow: hidden; transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0)' div_new.style.cssText += 'overflow: hidden; translate3d(0, 0, 0); opacity: 0;' query(div_new).show() // -- need a timing function because otherwise not working setTimeout(() => { div_new.style.cssText += 'transition: '+ time +'s; opacity: 1;' div_old.style.cssText += 'transition: '+ time +'s' }, 1) break } setTimeout(() => { if (type === 'slide-down') { query(div_old).css('z-index', '1019') query(div_new).css('z-index', '1020') } if (div_new) { query(div_new) .css({ 'opacity': '1' }) .css({ 'transition': '', 'transform' : '' }) } if (div_old) { query(div_old) .css({ 'opacity': '1' }) .css({ 'transition': '', 'transform' : '' }) } if (typeof callBack === 'function') callBack() resolve() }, time * 1000) }) } lock(box, options = {}) { if (box == null) return if (typeof options == 'string') { options = { msg: options } } if (arguments[2]) { options.spinner = arguments[2] } options = this.extend({ spinner: false }, options) // for backward compatibility if (box?.[0] instanceof Node) { box = Array.isArray(box) ? box : box.get() } if (!options.msg && options.msg !== 0) options.msg = '' this.unlock(box) let el = query(box).get(0) let pWidth = el.scrollWidth let pHeight = el.scrollHeight // if it is body and only has absolute elements, its height will be 0, need to lock entire window let style = `height: ${pHeight}px; width: ${pWidth}px` if (el.tagName == 'BODY') { style = 'position: fixed; right: 0; bottom: 0;' } query(box).prepend( `
` + '
' ) let $lock = query(box).find('.w2ui-lock') let $mess = query(box).find('.w2ui-lock-msg') if (!options.msg) { $mess.css({ 'background-color': 'transparent', 'background-image': 'none', 'border': '0px', 'box-shadow': 'none' }) } if (options.spinner === true) { options.msg = `
` + options.msg } if (options.msg) { $mess.html(options.msg).css('display', 'block') } else { $mess.remove() } if (options.opacity != null) { $lock.css('opacity', options.opacity) } $lock.css({ display: 'block' }) if (options.bgColor) { $lock.css({ 'background-color': options.bgColor }) } let styles = getComputedStyle($lock.get(0)) let opacity = styles.opacity ?? 0.15 $lock .on('mousedown', function() { if (typeof options.onClick == 'function') { options.onClick() } else { $lock.css({ 'transition': '.2s', 'opacity': opacity * 1.5 }) } }) .on('mouseup', function() { if (typeof options.onClick !== 'function') { $lock.css({ 'transition': '.2s', 'opacity': opacity }) } }) .on('mousewheel', function(event) { if (event) { event.stopPropagation() event.preventDefault() } }) } unlock(box, speed) { if (box == null) return clearTimeout(box._prevUnlock) // for backward compatibility if (box?.[0] instanceof Node) { box = Array.isArray(box) ? box : box.get() } if (this.isInt(speed) && speed > 0) { query(box).find('.w2ui-lock').css({ transition: (speed/1000) + 's', opacity: 0, }) let _box = query(box).get(0) clearTimeout(_box._prevUnlock) _box._prevUnlock = setTimeout(() => { query(box).find('.w2ui-lock').remove() }, speed) query(box).find('.w2ui-lock-msg').remove() } else { query(box).find('.w2ui-lock').remove() query(box).find('.w2ui-lock-msg').remove() } } /** * Opens a context message, similar in parameters as w2popup.open() * * Sample Calls * w2utils.message({ box: '#div' }, 'message').ok(() => {}) * w2utils.message({ box: '#div' }, { text: 'message', width: 300 }).ok(() => {}) * w2utils.message({ box: '#div' }, { text: 'message', actions: ['Save'] }).Save(() => {}) * * Used in w2grid, w2form, w2layout (should be in w2popup too) * should be called with .call(...) method * * @param where = { * box, // where to open * after, // title if any, adds title heights * param // additional parameters, used in layouts for panel * } * @param options { * width, // (int), width in px, if negative, then it is maxWidth - width * height, // (int), height in px, if negative, then it is maxHeight - height * text, // centered text * body, // body of the message * buttons, // buttons of the message * html, // if body & buttons are not defined, then html is the entire message * focus, // int or id with a selector, default is 0 * hideOn, // ['esc', 'click'], default is ['esc'] * actions, // array of actions (only if buttons is not defined) * onOpen, // event when opened * onClose, // event when closed * onAction, // event on action * } */ message(where, options) { let closeTimer, openTimer, edata let removeLast = () => { let msgs = query(where?.box).find('.w2ui-message') if (msgs.length == 0) return // no messages already options = msgs.get(0)._msg_options || {} if (typeof options?.close == 'function') { options.close() } } let closeComplete = (options) => { let focus = options.box._msg_prevFocus if (query(where.box).find('.w2ui-message').length <= 1) { if (where.owner) { where.owner.unlock(where.param, 150) } else { this.unlock(where.box, 150) } } else { query(where.box).find(`#w2ui-message-${where.owner?.name}-${options.msgIndex-1}`).css('z-index', 1500) } if (focus) { let msg = query(focus).closest('.w2ui-message') if (msg.length > 0) { let opt = msg.get(0)._msg_options opt.setFocus(focus) } else { focus.focus() } } else { if (typeof where.owner?.focus == 'function') where.owner.focus() } query(options.box).remove() if (options.msgIndex === 0) { head.css('z-index', options.tmp.zIndex) query(where.box).css('overflow', options.tmp.overflow) } // event after if (options.trigger) { edata.finish() } } if (typeof options == 'string' || typeof options == 'number') { options = { width : (String(options).length < 300 ? 350 : 550), height: (String(options).length < 300 ? 170: 250), text : String(options), } } if (typeof options != 'object') { removeLast() return } if (options.text != null) options.body = `
` if (options.width == null) options.width = 350 if (options.height == null) options.height = 170 if (options.hideOn == null) options.hideOn = ['esc'] // mix in events if (options.on == null) { let opts = options options = new w2base() w2utils.extend(options, opts) // needs to be w2utils } options.on('open', (event) => { w2utils.bindEvents(query(options.box).find('.w2ui-eaction'), options) // options is w2base object query(event.detail.box).find('button, input, textarea, [name=hidden-first]') .off('.message') .on('keydown.message', function(evt) { if (evt.keyCode == 27 && options.hideOn.includes('esc')) { if (options.cancelAction) { options.action(options.cancelAction) } else { options.close() } } }) // timeout is needed because messages opens over 0.3 seconds setTimeout(() => options.setFocus(options.focus), 300) }) options.off('.prom') let prom = { self: options, action(callBack) { options.on('action.prom', callBack) return prom }, close(callBack) { options.on('close.prom', callBack) return prom }, open(callBack) { options.on('open.prom', callBack) return prom }, then(callBack) { options.on('open:after.prom', callBack) return prom } } if (options.actions == null && options.buttons == null && options.html == null) { options.actions = { Ok(event) { event.detail.self.close() }} } options.off('.buttons') if (options.actions != null) { options.buttons = '' Object.keys(options.actions).forEach((action) => { let handler = options.actions[action] let btnAction = action if (typeof handler == 'function') { options.buttons += `` } if (typeof handler == 'object') { options.buttons += `` btnAction = Array.isArray(options.actions) ? handler.text : action } if (typeof handler == 'string') { options.buttons += `` btnAction = handler } if (typeof btnAction == 'string') { btnAction = btnAction[0].toLowerCase() + btnAction.substr(1).replace(/\s+/g, '') } prom[btnAction] = function (callBack) { options.on('action.buttons', (event) => { let target = event.detail.action[0].toLowerCase() + event.detail.action.substr(1).replace(/\s+/g, '') if (target == btnAction) callBack(event) }) return prom } }) } // trim if any Array('html', 'body', 'buttons').forEach(param => { options[param] = String(options[param] ?? '').trim() }) if (options.body !== '' || options.buttons !== '') { options.html = `
${options.body || ''}
${options.buttons || ''}
` } let styles = getComputedStyle(query(where.box).get(0)) let pWidth = parseFloat(styles.width) let pHeight = parseFloat(styles.height) let titleHeight = 0 if (query(where.after).length > 0) { styles = getComputedStyle(query(where.after).get(0)) titleHeight = parseInt(styles.display != 'none' ? parseInt(styles.height) : 0) } if (options.width > pWidth) options.width = pWidth - 10 if (options.height > pHeight - titleHeight) options.height = pHeight - 10 - titleHeight options.originalWidth = options.width options.originalHeight = options.height if (parseInt(options.width) < 0) options.width = pWidth + options.width if (parseInt(options.width) < 10) options.width = 10 if (parseInt(options.height) < 0) options.height = pHeight + options.height - titleHeight if (parseInt(options.height) < 10) options.height = 10 // negative value means margin if (options.originalHeight < 0) options.height = pHeight + options.originalHeight - titleHeight if (options.originalWidth < 0) options.width = pWidth + options.originalWidth * 2 // x 2 because there is left and right margin let head = query(where.box).find(where.after) // needed for z-index manipulations if (!options.tmp) { options.tmp = { zIndex: head.css('z-index'), overflow: styles.overflow } } // remove message if (options.html === '' && options.body === '' && options.buttons === '') { removeLast() } else { options.msgIndex = query(where.box).find('.w2ui-message').length if (options.msgIndex === 0 && typeof this.lock == 'function') { query(where.box).css('overflow', 'hidden') if (where.owner) { // where.praram is used in the panel where.owner.lock(where.param) } else { this.lock(where.box) } } // send back previous messages query(where.box).find('.w2ui-message').css('z-index', 1390) head.css('z-index', 1501) // add message let content = `
` if (query(where.after).length > 0) { query(where.box).find(where.after).after(content) } else { query(where.box).prepend(content) } options.box = query(where.box).find(`#w2ui-message-${where.owner?.name}-${options.msgIndex}`)[0] w2utils.bindEvents(options.box, this) query(options.box) .addClass('animating') // remember options and prev focus options.box._msg_options = options options.box._msg_prevFocus = document.activeElement // timeout is needs so that callBacks are setup setTimeout(() => { // before event edata = options.trigger('open', { target: this.name, box: options.box, self: options }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) { query(where.box).find(`#w2ui-message-${where.owner?.name}-${options.msgIndex}`).remove() if (options.msgIndex === 0) { head.css('z-index', options.tmp.zIndex) query(where.box).css('overflow', options.tmp.overflow) } return } // slide down query(options.box).css({ transition: '0.3s', transform: 'translateY(0px)' }) }, 0) // timeout is needed so that animation can finish openTimer = setTimeout(() => { // has to be on top of lock query(where.box) .find(`#w2ui-message-${where.owner?.name}-${options.msgIndex}`) .removeClass('animating') .css({ 'transition': '0s' }) // event after edata.finish() }, 300) } // action handler options.action = (action, event) => { let click = options.actions[action] if (click instanceof Object && click.onClick) click = click.onClick // event before let edata = options.trigger('action', { target: this.name, action, self: options, originalEvent: event, value: options.input ? options.input.value : null }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // default actions if (typeof click === 'function') click(edata) // event after edata.finish() } options.close = () => { edata = options.trigger('close', { target: 'self', box: options.box, self: options }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return clearTimeout(openTimer) if (query(options.box).hasClass('animating')) { clearTimeout(closeTimer) closeComplete(options) return } // default behavior query(options.box) .addClass('w2ui-closing animating') .css({ 'transition': '0.15s', 'transform': 'translateY(-' + options.height + 'px)' }) if (options.msgIndex !== 0) { // previous message query(where.box).find(`#w2ui-message-${where.owner?.name}-${options.msgIndex-1}`).css('z-index', 1499) } closeTimer = setTimeout(() => { closeComplete(options) }, 150) } options.setFocus = (focus) => { // in message or popup let cnt = query(where.box).find('.w2ui-message').length - 1 let box = query(where.box).find(`#w2ui-message-${where.owner?.name}-${cnt}`) let sel = 'input, button, select, textarea, [contentEditable], .w2ui-input' if (focus != null) { let el = isNaN(focus) ? box.find(sel).filter(focus).get(0) : box.find(sel).get(focus) el?.focus() } else { box.find('[name=hidden-first]').get(0)?.focus() } // clear focus if there are other messages query(where.box) .find('.w2ui-message') .find(sel + ',[name=hidden-first],[name=hidden-last]') .off('.keep-focus') // keep focus/blur inside popup query(box) .find(sel + ',[name=hidden-first],[name=hidden-last]') .on('blur.keep-focus', function (event) { setTimeout(() => { let focus = document.activeElement let inside = query(box).find(sel).filter(focus).length > 0 let name = query(focus).attr('name') if (!inside && focus && focus !== document.body) { query(box).find(sel).get(0)?.focus() } if (name == 'hidden-last') { query(box).find(sel).get(0)?.focus() } if (name == 'hidden-first') { query(box).find(sel).get(-1)?.focus() } }, 1) }) } return prom } /** * Shows small notification message at the bottom of the page, or containter that you specify * in options.where (could be element or a selector) * * w2utils.notify('Document saved') * w2utils.notify('Mesage sent ${udon}', { actions: { undo: function () {...} }}) * * @param {String/Object} options can be { * text: string, // message, can be html * where: el/selector, // element or selector where to show, default is document.body * timeout: int, // timeout when to hide, if 0 - indefinite * error: boolean, // add error clases * class: string, // additional class strings * actions: object // object with action functions, it should correspot to templated text: '... ${action} ...' * } * @returns promise */ notify(text, options) { return new Promise(resolve => { if (typeof text == 'object') { options = text text = options.text } options = options || {} options.where = options.where ?? document.body options.timeout = options.timeout ?? 15_000 // 15 secodns or will be hidden on route change if (typeof this.tmp.notify_resolve == 'function') { this.tmp.notify_resolve() query(this.tmp.notify_where).find('#w2ui-notify').remove() } this.tmp.notify_resolve = resolve this.tmp.notify_where = options.where clearTimeout(this.tmp.notify_timer) if (text) { if (typeof options.actions == 'object') { let actions = {} Object.keys(options.actions).forEach(action => { actions[action] = `${action}` }) text = this.execTemplate(text, actions) } let html = `
` query(options.where).append(html) query(options.where).find('#w2ui-notify').find('.w2ui-notify-close') .on('click', event => { query(options.where).find('#w2ui-notify').remove() resolve() }) if (options.actions) { query(options.where).find('#w2ui-notify .w2ui-notify-link') .on('click', event => { let value = query(event.target).attr('value') options.actions[value]() query(options.where).find('#w2ui-notify').remove() resolve() }) } if (options.timeout > 0) { this.tmp.notify_timer = setTimeout(() => { query(options.where).find('#w2ui-notify').remove() resolve() }, options.timeout) } } }) } confirm(where, options) { if (typeof options == 'string') { options = { text: options } } w2utils.normButtons(options, { yes: 'Yes', no: 'No' }) let prom = w2utils.message(where, options) if (prom) { prom.action(event => { event.detail.self.close() }) } return prom } /** * Normalizes yes, no buttons for confirmation dialog * * @param {*} options * @returns options */ normButtons(options, btn) { options.actions = options.actions ?? {} let btns = Object.keys(btn) btns.forEach(name => { let action = options['btn_' + name] if (action) { btn[name] = { text: w2utils.lang(action.text ?? btn[name] ?? ''), class: action.class ?? '', style: action.style ?? '', attrs: action.attrs ?? '' } delete options['btn_' + name] } Array('text', 'class', 'style', 'attrs').forEach(suffix => { if (options[name + '_' + suffix]) { if (typeof btn[name] == 'string') { btn[name] = { text: btn[name] } } btn[name][suffix] = options[name + '_' + suffix] delete options[name + '_' + suffix] } }) }) if (btns.includes('yes') && btns.includes('no')) { if (w2utils.settings.macButtonOrder) { w2utils.extend(options.actions, { no: btn.no, yes: btn.yes }) } else { w2utils.extend(options.actions, { yes: btn.yes, no: btn.no }) } } if (btns.includes('ok') && btns.includes('cancel')) { if (w2utils.settings.macButtonOrder) { w2utils.extend(options.actions, { cancel: btn.cancel, ok: btn.ok }) } else { w2utils.extend(options.actions, { ok: btn.ok, cancel: btn.cancel }) } } return options } getSize(el, type) { el = query(el) // for backward compatibility let ret = 0 if (el.length > 0) { el = el[0] let styles = getComputedStyle(el) switch (type) { case 'width' : ret = parseFloat(styles.width) if (styles.width === 'auto') ret = 0 break case 'height' : ret = parseFloat(styles.height) if (styles.height === 'auto') ret = 0 break default: ret = parseFloat(styles[type] ?? 0) || 0 break } } return ret } getStrWidth(str, styles, raw) { let div = query('body > #_tmp_width') if (div.length === 0) { query('body').append('
') div = query('body > #_tmp_width') } div.html(raw ? str : this.encodeTags(str ?? '')).attr('style', `position: absolute; top: -9000px; ${styles || ''}`) return div[0].clientWidth } getStrHeight(str, styles, raw) { let div = query('body > #_tmp_width') if (div.length === 0) { query('body').append('
') div = query('body > #_tmp_width') } div.html(raw ? str : this.encodeTags(str ?? '')).attr('style', `position: absolute; top: -9000px; ${styles || ''}`) return div[0].clientHeight } execTemplate(str, replace_obj) { if (typeof str !== 'string' || !replace_obj || typeof replace_obj !== 'object') { return str } return str.replace(/\${([^}]+)?}/g, function($1, $2) { return replace_obj[$2]||$2 }) } marker(el, items, options = { onlyFirst: false, wholeWord: false }) { options.tag ??= 'span' options.class ??= 'w2ui-marker' options.raplace = (matched) => `<${options.tag} class="${options.class}">${matched}` if (!Array.isArray(items)) { if (items != null && items !== '') { items = [items] } else { items = [] } } if (typeof el == 'string') { _clearMerkers(el) items.forEach(item => { el = _replace(el, item, options.raplace) }) } else { query(el).each(el => { _clearMerkers(el) items.forEach(item => { el.innerHTML = _replace(el.innerHTML, item, options.raplace) }) }) } return el function _replace(html, term, replaceWith) { let ww = options.wholeWord if (typeof term !== 'string') term = String(term) // escape regex special chars term = term .replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, '\\$&') .replace(/&/g, '&') .replace(//g, '<') // only outside tags let regex = new RegExp((ww ? '\\b' : '') + term + (ww ? '\\b' : '')+ '(?!([^<]+)?>)', 'i' + (!options.onlyFirst ? 'g' : '')) return html = html.replace(regex, replaceWith) } function _clearMerkers(el) { let markerRE = new RegExp(`<${options.tag}[^>]*class=["']${options.class.replace(/-/g, '\\-')}["'][^>]*>([\\s\\S]*?)<\\/${options.tag}>`, 'ig') if (typeof el == 'string') { while (el.indexOf(`<${options.tag} class="${options.class}"`) !== -1) { el = el.replace(markerRE, '$1') // unmark } } else { while (el.innerHTML.indexOf(`<${options.tag} class="${options.class}"`) !== -1) { el.innerHTML = el.innerHTML.replace(markerRE, '$1') // unmark } } } } lang(phrase, params) { if (!phrase || this.settings.phrases == null // if no phrases at all || typeof phrase !== 'string' || '<=>='.includes(phrase)) { return this.execTemplate(phrase, params) } let translation = this.settings.phrases[phrase] if (translation == null) { translation = phrase if (this.settings.warnNoPhrase) { if (!this.settings.missing) { this.settings.missing = {} } this.settings.missing[phrase] = '---' // collect phrases for translation, warn once this.settings.phrases[phrase] = '---' console.log(`Missing translation for "%c${phrase}%c", see %c w2utils.settings.phrases %c with value "---"`, 'color: orange', '', 'color: #999', '') } } else if (translation === '---' && !this.settings.warnNoPhrase) { translation = phrase } if (translation === '---') { translation = `---` } return this.execTemplate(translation, params) } locale(locale, keepPhrases, noMerge) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // if locale is an array we call this function recursively and merge the results if (Array.isArray(locale)) { this.settings.phrases = {} let proms = [] let files = {} locale.forEach((file, ind) => { if (file.length === 5) { file = 'locale/'+ file.toLowerCase() +'.json' locale[ind] = file } proms.push(this.locale(file, true, false)) }) Promise.allSettled(proms) .then(res => { // order of files is important to merge res.forEach(r => { if (r.value) files[r.value.file] = r.value.data }) locale.forEach(file => { this.settings = this.extend({}, this.settings, files[file]) }) resolve() }) return } if (!locale) locale = 'en-us' // if locale is an object, then merge it with w2utils.settings if (locale instanceof Object) { this.settings = this.extend({}, this.settings, w2locale, locale) return } if (locale.length === 5) { locale = 'locale/'+ locale.toLowerCase() +'.json' } // load from the file fetch(locale, { method: 'GET' }) .then(res => res.json()) .then(data => { if (noMerge !== true) { if (keepPhrases) { // keep phrases, useful for recursive calls this.settings = this.extend({}, this.settings, data) } else { // clear phrases from language before merging this.settings = this.extend({}, this.settings, w2locale, { phrases: {} }, data) } } resolve({ file: locale, data }) }) .catch((err) => { console.log('ERROR: Cannot load locale '+ locale) reject(err) }) }) } scrollBarSize() { if (this.tmp.scrollBarSize) return this.tmp.scrollBarSize let html = `
` query('body').append(html) this.tmp.scrollBarSize = 100 - query('#_scrollbar_width > div')[0].clientWidth query('#_scrollbar_width').remove() return this.tmp.scrollBarSize } checkName(name) { if (name == null) { console.log('ERROR: Property "name" is required but not supplied.') return false } if (w2ui[name] != null) { console.log(`ERROR: Object named "${name}" is already registered as w2ui.${name}.`) return false } if (!this.isAlphaNumeric(name)) { console.log('ERROR: Property "name" has to be alpha-numeric (a-z, 0-9, dash and underscore).') return false } return true } checkUniqueId(id, items, desc, obj) { if (!Array.isArray(items)) items = [items] let isUnique = true items.forEach(item => { if (item.id === id) { console.log(`ERROR: The item id="${id}" is not unique within the ${desc} "${obj}".`, items) isUnique = false } }) return isUnique } /** * Takes an object and encodes it into params string to be passed as a url * { a: 1, b: 'str'} => "a=1&b=str" * { a: 1, b: { c: 2 }} => "a=1&b[c]=2" * { a: 1, b: {c: { k: 'dfdf' } } } => "a=1&b[c][k]=dfdf" */ encodeParams(obj, prefix = '') { let str = '' Object.keys(obj).forEach(key => { if (str != '') str += '&' if (typeof obj[key] == 'object') { str += this.encodeParams(obj[key], prefix + key + (prefix ? ']' : '') + '[') } else { str += `${prefix}${key}${prefix ? ']' : ''}=${obj[key]}` } }) return str } parseRoute(route) { let keys = [] let path = route .replace(/\/\(/g, '(?:/') .replace(/\+/g, '__plus__') .replace(/(\/)?(\.)?:(\w+)(?:(\(.*?\)))?(\?)?/g, (_, slash, format, key, capture, optional) => { keys.push({ name: key, optional: !! optional }) slash = slash || '' return '' + (optional ? '' : slash) + '(?:' + (optional ? slash : '') + (format || '') + (capture || (format && '([^/.]+?)' || '([^/]+?)')) + ')' + (optional || '') }) .replace(/([\/.])/g, '\\$1') .replace(/__plus__/g, '(.+)') .replace(/\*/g, '(.*)') return { path : new RegExp('^' + path + '$', 'i'), keys : keys } } getCursorPosition(input) { if (input == null) return null let caretOffset = 0 let doc = input.ownerDocument || input.document let win = doc.defaultView || doc.parentWindow let sel if (['INPUT', 'TEXTAREA'].includes(input.tagName)) { caretOffset = input.selectionStart } else { if (win.getSelection) { sel = win.getSelection() if (sel.rangeCount > 0) { let range = sel.getRangeAt(0) let preCaretRange = range.cloneRange() preCaretRange.selectNodeContents(input) preCaretRange.setEnd(range.endContainer, range.endOffset) caretOffset = preCaretRange.toString().length } } else if ( (sel = doc.selection) && sel.type !== 'Control') { let textRange = sel.createRange() let preCaretTextRange = doc.body.createTextRange() preCaretTextRange.moveToElementText(input) preCaretTextRange.setEndPoint('EndToEnd', textRange) caretOffset = preCaretTextRange.text.length } } return caretOffset } setCursorPosition(input, pos, posEnd) { if (input == null) return let range = document.createRange() let el, sel = window.getSelection() if (['INPUT', 'TEXTAREA'].includes(input.tagName)) { input.setSelectionRange(pos, posEnd ?? pos) } else { for (let i = 0; i < input.childNodes.length; i++) { let tmp = query(input.childNodes[i]).text() if (input.childNodes[i].tagName) { tmp = query(input.childNodes[i]).html() tmp = tmp.replace(/</g, '<') .replace(/>/g, '>') .replace(/&/g, '&') .replace(/"/g, '"') .replace(/ /g, ' ') } if (pos <= tmp.length) { el = input.childNodes[i] if (el.childNodes && el.childNodes.length > 0) el = el.childNodes[0] if (el.childNodes && el.childNodes.length > 0) el = el.childNodes[0] break } else { pos -= tmp.length } } if (el == null) return if (pos > el.length) pos = el.length range.setStart(el, pos) if (posEnd) { range.setEnd(el, posEnd) } else { range.collapse(true) } sel.removeAllRanges() sel.addRange(range) } } parseColor(str) { if (typeof str !== 'string') return null; else str = str.trim().toUpperCase() if (str[0] === '#') str = str.substr(1) let color = {} if (str.length === 3) { color = { r: parseInt(str[0] + str[0], 16), g: parseInt(str[1] + str[1], 16), b: parseInt(str[2] + str[2], 16), a: 1 } } else if (str.length === 6) { color = { r: parseInt(str.substr(0, 2), 16), g: parseInt(str.substr(2, 2), 16), b: parseInt(str.substr(4, 2), 16), a: 1 } } else if (str.length === 8) { color = { r: parseInt(str.substr(0, 2), 16), g: parseInt(str.substr(2, 2), 16), b: parseInt(str.substr(4, 2), 16), a: Math.round(parseInt(str.substr(6, 2), 16) / 255 * 100) / 100 // alpha channel 0-1 } } else if (str.length > 4 && str.substr(0, 4) === 'RGB(') { let tmp = str.replace('RGB', '').replace(/\(/g, '').replace(/\)/g, '').split(',') color = { r: parseInt(tmp[0], 10), g: parseInt(tmp[1], 10), b: parseInt(tmp[2], 10), a: 1 } } else if (str.length > 5 && str.substr(0, 5) === 'RGBA(') { let tmp = str.replace('RGBA', '').replace(/\(/g, '').replace(/\)/g, '').split(',') color = { r: parseInt(tmp[0], 10), g: parseInt(tmp[1], 10), b: parseInt(tmp[2], 10), a: parseFloat(tmp[3]) } } else { // word color return null } return color } colorContrast(color1, color2) { let lum1 = calcLumens(color1) let lum2 = calcLumens(color2) let ratio = (Math.max(lum1, lum2) + 0.05) / (Math.min(lum1, lum2) + 0.05) return ratio.toFixed(2) function calcLumens(color) { let { r, g, b } = w2utils.parseColor(color) ?? { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 } let gamma = 2.2 let normR = r / 255 let normG = g / 255 let normB = b / 255 let sR = (normR <= 0.03928) ? normR / 12.92 : Math.pow((normR + 0.055) / 1.055, gamma) let sG = (normG <= 0.03928) ? normG / 12.92 : Math.pow((normG + 0.055) / 1.055, gamma) let sB = (normB <= 0.03928) ? normB / 12.92 : Math.pow((normB + 0.055) / 1.055, gamma) return 0.2126 * sR + 0.7152 * sG + 0.0722 * sB } } // h=0..360, s=0..100, v=0..100 hsv2rgb(h, s, v, a) { let r, g, b, i, f, p, q, t if (arguments.length === 1) { s = h.s; v = h.v; a = h.a; h = h.h } h = h / 360 s = s / 100 v = v / 100 i = Math.floor(h * 6) f = h * 6 - i p = v * (1 - s) q = v * (1 - f * s) t = v * (1 - (1 - f) * s) switch (i % 6) { case 0: r = v, g = t, b = p; break case 1: r = q, g = v, b = p; break case 2: r = p, g = v, b = t; break case 3: r = p, g = q, b = v; break case 4: r = t, g = p, b = v; break case 5: r = v, g = p, b = q; break } return { r: Math.round(r * 255), g: Math.round(g * 255), b: Math.round(b * 255), a: (a != null ? a : 1) } } // r=0..255, g=0..255, b=0..255 rgb2hsv(r, g, b, a) { if (arguments.length === 1) { g = r.g; b = r.b; a = r.a; r = r.r } let max = Math.max(r, g, b), min = Math.min(r, g, b), d = max - min, h, s = (max === 0 ? 0 : d / max), v = max / 255 switch (max) { case min: h = 0; break case r: h = (g - b) + d * (g < b ? 6: 0); h /= 6 * d; break case g: h = (b - r) + d * 2; h /= 6 * d; break case b: h = (r - g) + d * 4; h /= 6 * d; break } return { h: Math.round(h * 360), s: Math.round(s * 100), v: Math.round(v * 100), a: (a != null ? a : 1) } } tooltip(html, options) { let actions let showOn = 'mouseenter' let hideOn = 'mouseleave' if (typeof html == 'object') { options = html } options = options || {} if (typeof html == 'string') { options.html = html } if (options.showOn) { showOn = options.showOn delete options.showOn } if (options.hideOn) { hideOn = options.hideOn delete options.hideOn } if (!options.name) options.name = 'no-name' // base64 is needed to avoid '"<> and other special chars conflicts actions = ` on${showOn}="w2tooltip.show(this, ` + `JSON.parse(w2utils.base64decode('${this.base64encode(JSON.stringify(options))}')))" ` + `on${hideOn}="w2tooltip.hide('${options.name}')"` return actions } // determins if it is plain Object, not DOM element, nor a function, event, etc. isPlainObject(value) { if (value == null) { // null or undefined return false } if (Object.prototype.toString.call(value) !== '[object Object]') { return false } if (value.constructor === undefined) { return true } let proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(value) return proto === null || proto === Object.prototype } /** * Deep copy of an object or an array. Function, events and HTML elements will not be cloned, * you can choose to include them or not, by default they are included. * You can also exclude certain elements from final object if used with options: { exclude } */ clone(obj, options) { let ret options = Object.assign({ functions: true, elements: true, events: true, exclude: [] }, options ?? {}) if (Array.isArray(obj)) { ret = Array.from(obj) ret.forEach((value, ind) => { ret[ind] = this.clone(value, options) }) } else if (this.isPlainObject(obj)) { ret = {} Object.assign(ret, obj) if (options.exclude) { options.exclude.forEach(key => { delete ret[key] }) // delete excluded keys } Object.keys(ret).forEach(key => { ret[key] = this.clone(ret[key], options) if (ret[key] === undefined) delete ret[key] // do not include undefined elements }) } else { if ((obj instanceof Function && !options.functions) || (obj instanceof Node && !options.elements) || (obj instanceof Event && !options.events) ) { // do not include these objects, otherwise include them uncloned } else { // primitive variable or function, event, dom element, etc, - all these are not cloned ret = obj } } return ret } /** * Deep extend an object, if an array, it overwrrites it, cloning objects in the process * target, source1, source2, ... */ extend(target, source) { if (Array.isArray(target)) { if (Array.isArray(source)) { target.splice(0, target.length) // empty array but keep the reference source.forEach(s => { target.push(this.clone(s)) }) } else { throw new Error('Arrays can be extended with arrays only') } } else if (target instanceof Node || target instanceof Event) { throw new Error('HTML elmenents and events cannot be extended') } else if (target && typeof target == 'object' && source != null) { if (typeof source != 'object') { throw new Error('Object can be extended with other objects only.') } Object.keys(source).forEach(key => { if (target[key] != null && typeof target[key] == 'object' && source[key] != null && typeof source[key] == 'object') { let src = this.clone(source[key]) // do not extend HTML elements and events, but overwrite them if (target[key] instanceof Node || target[key] instanceof Event) { target[key] = src } else { // if an array needs to be extended with an object, then convert it to empty object if (Array.isArray(target[key]) && this.isPlainObject(src)) { target[key] = {} } this.extend(target[key], src) } } else { target[key] = this.clone(source[key]) } }) } else if (source != null) { throw new Error('Object is not extendable, only {} or [] can be extended.') } // other arguments if (arguments.length > 2) { for (let i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++) { this.extend(target, arguments[i]) } } return target } /* * @author Lauri Rooden (https://github.com/litejs/natural-compare-lite) * @license MIT License */ naturalCompare(a, b) { let i, codeA , codeB = 1 , posA = 0 , posB = 0 , alphabet = String.alphabet function getCode(str, pos, code) { if (code) { for (i = pos; code = getCode(str, i), code < 76 && code > 65;) ++i return +str.slice(pos - 1, i) } code = alphabet && alphabet.indexOf(str.charAt(pos)) return code > -1 ? code + 76 : ((code = str.charCodeAt(pos) || 0), code < 45 || code > 127) ? code : code < 46 ? 65 // - : code < 48 ? code - 1 : code < 58 ? code + 18 // 0-9 : code < 65 ? code - 11 : code < 91 ? code + 11 // A-Z : code < 97 ? code - 37 : code < 123 ? code + 5 // a-z : code - 63 } if ((a+='') != (b+='')) for (;codeB;) { codeA = getCode(a, posA++) codeB = getCode(b, posB++) if (codeA < 76 && codeB < 76 && codeA > 66 && codeB > 66) { codeA = getCode(a, posA, posA) codeB = getCode(b, posB, posA = i) posB = i } if (codeA != codeB) return (codeA < codeB) ? -1 : 1 } return 0 } normMenu(menu, el) { if (Array.isArray(menu)) { menu.forEach((it, m) => { if (typeof it === 'string' || typeof it === 'number') { menu[m] = { id: it, text: String(it) } } else if (it != null) { if (it.caption != null && it.text == null) it.text = it.caption if (it.text != null && it.id == null) it.id = it.text if (it.text == null && it.id != null) it.text = it.id } else { menu[m] = { id: null, text: 'null' } } }) return menu } else if (typeof menu === 'function') { let newMenu = menu.call(this, menu, el) return w2utils.normMenu.call(this, newMenu) } else if (typeof menu === 'object') { return Object.keys(menu).map(key => { return { id: key, text: menu[key] } }) } } /** * Takes Url object and fetchOptions and changes it in place applying selected user dataType. Since * dataType is in w2utils. This method is used in grid, form and tooltip to prepare fetch parameters */ prepareParams(url, fetchOptions, defDataType) { let dataType = defDataType ?? w2utils.settings.dataType let postParams = fetchOptions.body switch (dataType) { case 'HTTPJSON': postParams = { request: postParams } if (['PUT', 'DELETE'].includes(fetchOptions.method)) { fetchOptions.method = 'POST' } body2params() break case 'HTTP': if (['PUT', 'DELETE'].includes(fetchOptions.method)) { fetchOptions.method = 'POST' } body2params() break case 'RESTFULL': if (['PUT', 'DELETE'].includes(fetchOptions.method)) { fetchOptions.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' } else { body2params() } break case 'JSON': if (fetchOptions.method == 'GET') { postParams = { request: postParams } body2params() } else { fetchOptions.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' fetchOptions.method = 'POST' } break } fetchOptions.body = typeof fetchOptions.body == 'string' ? fetchOptions.body : JSON.stringify(fetchOptions.body) return fetchOptions function body2params() { Object.keys(postParams).forEach(key => { let param = postParams[key] if (typeof param == 'object') param = JSON.stringify(param) url.searchParams.append(key, param) }) delete fetchOptions.body } } bindEvents(selector, subject) { // format is //
='["","param1","param2",...]'> -- should be valid JSON (no undefined) //
="|param1|param2"> // -- can have "event", "this", "stop", "stopPrevent", "alert" - as predefined objects if (selector.length == 0) return // for backward compatibility if (selector?.[0] instanceof Node) { selector = Array.isArray(selector) ? selector : selector.get() } query(selector).each((el) => { let actions = query(el).data() Object.keys(actions).forEach(name => { let events = ['click', 'dblclick', 'mouseenter', 'mouseleave', 'mouseover', 'mouseout', 'mousedown', 'mousemove', 'mouseup', 'contextmenu', 'focus', 'focusin', 'focusout', 'blur', 'input', 'change', 'keydown', 'keyup', 'keypress'] if (events.indexOf(String(name).toLowerCase()) == -1) { return } let params = actions[name] if (typeof params == 'string') { params = params.split('|').map(key => { if (key === 'true') key = true if (key === 'false') key = false if (key === 'undefined') key = undefined if (key === 'null') key = null if (parseFloat(key) == key) key = parseFloat(key) let quotes = ['\'', '"', '`'] if (typeof key == 'string' && quotes.includes(key[0]) && quotes.includes(key[key.length-1])) { key = key.substring(1, key.length-1) } return key }) } let method = params[0] params = params.slice(1) // should be new array query(el) .off(name + '.w2utils-bind') .on(name + '.w2utils-bind', function(event) { switch (method) { case 'alert': alert(params[0]) // for testing purposes break case 'stop': event.stopPropagation() break case 'prevent': event.preventDefault() break case 'stopPrevent': event.stopPropagation() event.preventDefault() return false break default: if (subject[method] == null) { throw new Error(`Cannot dispatch event as the method "${method}" does not exist.`) } subject[method].apply(subject, params.map((key, ind) => { switch (String(key).toLowerCase()) { case 'event': return event case 'this': return this default: return key } })) } }) }) }) } debounce(func, wait = 250) { let timeout return (...args) => { clearTimeout(timeout) timeout = setTimeout(() => { func(...args) }, wait) } } } var w2utils = new Utils() // eslint-disable-line -- needs to be functional/module scope variable /** * Part of w2ui 2.0 library * - Dependencies: mQuery, w2utils, w2base * * == 2.0 changes * - CSP - fixed inline events * - removed jQuery dependency * - popup.open - returns promise like object * - popup.confirm - refactored * - popup.message - refactored * - removed popup.options.mutliple * - refactores w2alert, w2confirm, w2prompt * - add w2popup.open().on('') * - removed w2popup.restoreTemplate * - deprecated onMsgOpen and onMsgClose * - deprecated options.bgColor * - rename focus -> setFocus * - added center() // will auto center on window resize * - close(immediate), also refactored if popup is closed when opening * - options.resizable * - actions in popup can be just html (for example separator) */ class Dialog extends w2base { constructor() { super() this.defaults = { title: '', text: '', // just a text (will be centered) body: '', buttons: '', width: 450, height: 250, focus: null, // brings focus to the element, can be a number or selector actions: null, // actions object style: '', // style of the message div speed: 0.3, blockPage: true, modal: false, maximized: false, // this is a flag to show the state - to open the popup maximized use openMaximized instead keyboard: true, // will close popup on esc if not modal showClose: true, showMax: false, resizable: false, transition: null, openMaximized: false, moved: false } this.name = 'popup' this.status = 'closed' // string that describes current status this.onOpen = null this.onClose = null this.onMax = null this.onMin = null this.onToggle = null this.onKeydown = null this.onAction = null this.onMove = null this.tmp = {} // event handler for resize this.handleResize = (event) => { // if it was moved by the user, do not auto resize if (!this.options.moved) { this.center(undefined, undefined, true) } } } /** * Sample calls * - w2popup.open('ddd').ok(() => { w2popup.close() }) * - w2popup.open('ddd', { height: 120 }).ok(() => { w2popup.close() }) * - w2popup.open({ body: 'text', title: 'caption', actions: ["Close"] }).close(() => { w2popup.close() }) * - w2popup.open({ body: 'text', title: 'caption', actions: { Close() { w2popup.close() }} }) */ open(options) { let self = this if (this.status == 'closing' || query('#w2ui-popup').hasClass('animating')) { // if called when previous is closing this.close(true) } // get old options and merge them let old_options = this.options if (['string', 'number'].includes(typeof options)) { options = w2utils.extend({ title: 'Notification', body: `
`, actions: { Ok() { self.close() }}, cancelAction: 'ok' }, arguments[1] ?? {}) } if (options.text != null) options.body = `
` options = Object.assign({}, this.defaults, old_options, { title: '', body : '' }, options, { maximized: false }) this.options = options // if new - reset event handlers if (query('#w2ui-popup').length === 0) { this.off('*') Object.keys(this).forEach(key => { if (key.startsWith('on') && key != 'on') this[key] = null }) } // reassign events Object.keys(options).forEach(key => { if (key.startsWith('on') && key != 'on' && options[key]) { this[key] = options[key] } }) options.width = parseInt(options.width) options.height = parseInt(options.height) let edata, msg, tmp let { top, left } = this.center() let prom = { self: this, action(callBack) { self.on('action.prom', callBack) return prom }, close(callBack) { self.on('close.prom', callBack) return prom }, then(callBack) { self.on('open:after.prom', callBack) return prom } } // convert action arrays into buttons if (options.actions != null && !options.buttons) { options.buttons = '' Object.keys(options.actions).forEach((action) => { let handler = options.actions[action] let btnAction = action if (typeof handler == 'function') { options.buttons += `` } if (typeof handler == 'object') { options.buttons += `` btnAction = Array.isArray(options.actions) ? handler.text : action } if (typeof handler == 'string') { if (handler.trim().startsWith('<')) { btnAction = 'none' options.buttons += handler } else { btnAction = handler[0].toLowerCase() + handler.substr(1).replace(/\s+/g, '') options.buttons += `` } } if (typeof btnAction == 'string') { btnAction = btnAction[0].toLowerCase() + btnAction.substr(1).replace(/\s+/g, '') } prom[btnAction] = function (callBack) { self.on('action.buttons', (event) => { let target = event.detail.action[0].toLowerCase() + event.detail.action.substr(1).replace(/\s+/g, '') if (target == btnAction) callBack(event) }) return prom } }) } // check if message is already displayed let titleBtns = '' if (options.showClose) { titleBtns += `
` } if (options.showMax) { titleBtns += `
` } if (query('#w2ui-popup').length === 0) { // trigger event edata = this.trigger('open', { target: 'popup', present: false }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return this.status = 'opening' // output message if (options.blockPage) { w2utils.lock(document.body, { opacity: 0.3, onClick: options.modal ? null : () => { this.close() } }) } // first insert just body let styles = ` left: ${left}px; top: ${top}px; width: ${parseInt(options.width)}px; height: ${parseInt(options.height)}px; transition: ${options.speed}s ` msg = `
` query('body').append(msg) query('#w2ui-popup')[0]._w2popup = { self: this, created: new Promise((resolve) => { this._promCreated = resolve }), opened: new Promise((resolve) => { this._promOpened = resolve }), closing: new Promise((resolve) => { this._promClosing = resolve }), closed: new Promise((resolve) => { this._promClosed = resolve }), } // then content styles = `${!options.title ? 'top: 0px !important;' : ''} ${!options.buttons ? 'bottom: 0px !important;' : ''}` msg = `
` query('#w2ui-popup').html(msg) if (options.title) query('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-popup-title').append(w2utils.lang(options.title)) if (options.buttons) query('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-popup-buttons').append(options.buttons) if (options.body) query('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-popup-body').append(options.body) // allow element to render setTimeout(() => { query('#w2ui-popup') .css('transition', options.speed + 's') .removeClass('w2ui-anim-open') w2utils.bindEvents('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-eaction', this) query('#w2ui-popup').find('.w2ui-popup-body').show() this._promCreated() }, 1) // clean transform clearTimeout(this._timer) this._timer = setTimeout(() => { this.status = 'open' self.setFocus(options.focus) // event after edata.finish() this._promOpened() query('#w2ui-popup').removeClass('animating') }, options.speed * 1000) } else { // trigger event edata = this.trigger('open', { target: 'popup', present: true }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // check if size changed this.status = 'opening' if (old_options != null) { if (!old_options.maximized && (old_options.width != options.width || old_options.height != options.height)) { this.resize(options.width, options.height) } options.prevSize = options.width + 'px:' + options.height + 'px' options.maximized = old_options.maximized } // show new items let cloned = query('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-box').get(0).cloneNode(true) query(cloned).removeClass('w2ui-box').addClass('w2ui-box-temp').find('.w2ui-popup-body').empty().append(options.body) query('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-box').after(cloned) if (options.buttons) { query('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-popup-buttons').show().html('').append(options.buttons) query('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-popup-body').removeClass('w2ui-popup-no-buttons') query('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-box, #w2ui-popup .w2ui-box-temp').css('bottom', '') } else { query('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-popup-buttons').hide().html('') query('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-popup-body').addClass('w2ui-popup-no-buttons') query('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-box, #w2ui-popup .w2ui-box-temp').css('bottom', '0px') } if (options.title) { query('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-popup-title') .show() .html(w2utils.lang(options.title)) query('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-popup-body').removeClass('w2ui-popup-no-title') query('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-box, #w2ui-popup .w2ui-box-temp').css('top', '') } else { query('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-popup-title').hide().html('') query('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-popup-body').addClass('w2ui-popup-no-title') query('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-box, #w2ui-popup .w2ui-box-temp').css('top', '0px') } if (titleBtns) { query('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-popup-title-btns') .show() .html(titleBtns) } else { query('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-popup-title-btns') .hide() } // transition let div_old = query('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-box')[0] let div_new = query('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-box-temp')[0] query('#w2ui-popup').addClass('animating') w2utils.transition(div_old, div_new, options.transition, () => { // clean up query(div_old).remove() query(div_new).removeClass('w2ui-box-temp').addClass('w2ui-box') let $body = query(div_new).find('.w2ui-popup-body') if ($body.length == 1) { $body[0].style.cssText = options.style $body.show() } // focus on first button self.setFocus(options.focus) query('#w2ui-popup').removeClass('animating') }) // call event onOpen this.status = 'open' edata.finish() w2utils.bindEvents('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-eaction', this) query('#w2ui-popup').find('.w2ui-popup-body').show() } if (options.openMaximized) { this.max() } // save new options options._last_focus = document.activeElement // keyboard events if (options.keyboard) { query(document.body) .off('.w2popup') .on('keydown.w2popup', (event) => { this.keydown(event) }) } query(window).on('resize', this.handleResize) // initialize move tmp = { changing : false, mvMove : mvMove, mvStop : mvStop } query('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-popup-title') .off('mousedown') .on('mousedown', function(event) { if (!self.options.maximized) mvStart(event) }) if (options.resizable) { query('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-popup-resizer').show() query('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-popup-resizer') .off('mousedown') .on('mousedown', event => { mvStart(event, true) }) } else { query('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-popup-resizer').hide() } return prom // handlers function mvStart(evt, resizer) { if (!evt) evt = window.event self.status = resizer ? 'resizing' : 'moving' let rect = query('#w2ui-popup').get(0).getBoundingClientRect() Object.assign(tmp, { changing: true, isLocked: query('#w2ui-popup > .w2ui-lock').length == 1 ? true : false, x : evt.screenX, y : evt.screenY, pos_x : rect.x, pos_y : rect.y, width : rect.width, height : rect.height }) if (!tmp.isLocked) self.lock({ opacity: 0 }) query(document.body) .on('mousemove.w2ui-popup', tmp.mvMove) .on('mouseup.w2ui-popup', tmp.mvStop) if (evt.stopPropagation) evt.stopPropagation(); else evt.cancelBubble = true if (evt.preventDefault) evt.preventDefault(); else return false } function mvMove(evt) { if (tmp.changing != true) return if (!evt) evt = window.event tmp.div_x = evt.screenX - tmp.x tmp.div_y = evt.screenY - tmp.y // trigger event let edata = self.trigger('move', { target: 'popup', div_x: tmp.div_x, div_y: tmp.div_y, originalEvent: evt }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // default behavior if (self.status == 'moving') { query('#w2ui-popup').css({ 'transition': 'none', 'transform' : 'translate3d('+ tmp.div_x +'px, '+ tmp.div_y +'px, 0px)' }) self.options.moved = true } else { query('#w2ui-popup').css({ transition: 'none', width: (tmp.width + tmp.div_x) + 'px', height: (tmp.height + tmp.div_y) + 'px' }) } // event after edata.finish() } function mvStop(evt) { if (tmp.changing != true) return if (!evt) evt = window.event tmp.div_x = (evt.screenX - tmp.x) tmp.div_y = (evt.screenY - tmp.y) if (self.status == 'moving') { query('#w2ui-popup') .css({ 'left': (tmp.pos_x + tmp.div_x) + 'px', 'top' : (tmp.pos_y + tmp.div_y) + 'px' }) .css({ 'transition': 'none', 'transform' : 'translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px)' }) } else { query('#w2ui-popup').css({ transition: 'none', width: (tmp.width + tmp.div_x) + 'px', height: (tmp.height + tmp.div_y) + 'px' }) self.resizeMessages() } tmp.changing = false self.status = 'open' query(document.body).off('.w2ui-popup') if (!tmp.isLocked) self.unlock() } } load(options) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (typeof options == 'string') { options = { url: options } } if (options.url == null) { console.log('ERROR: The url is not defined.') reject('The url is not defined') return } this.status = 'loading' let [url, selector] = String(options.url).split('#') if (url) { fetch(url).then(res => res.text()).then(html => { resolve(this.template(html, selector, options)) }) } }) } template(data, id, options = {}) { let html try { html = query(data) } catch (e) { html = query.html(data) } if (id) html = html.filter('#' + id) Object.assign(options, { width: parseInt(query(html).css('width')), height: parseInt(query(html).css('height')), title: query(html).find('[rel=title]').html(), body: query(html).find('[rel=body]').html(), buttons: query(html).find('[rel=buttons]').html(), style: query(html).find('[rel=body]').get(0).style.cssText, }) return this.open(options) } action(action, event) { let click = this.options.actions[action] if (click instanceof Object && click.onClick) click = click.onClick // event before let edata = this.trigger('action', { action, target: 'popup', self: this, originalEvent: event, value: this.input ? this.input.value : null }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // default actions if (typeof click === 'function') click.call(this, event) // event after edata.finish() } keydown(event) { if (this.options && !this.options.keyboard) return // trigger event let edata = this.trigger('keydown', { target: 'popup', originalEvent: event }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // default behavior switch (event.keyCode) { case 27: event.preventDefault() if (query('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-message').length == 0) { if (this.options.cancelAction) { this.action(this.options.cancelAction) } else { this.close() } } break } // event after edata.finish() } close(immediate) { // trigger event let edata = this.trigger('close', { target: 'popup' }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return let cleanUp = () => { // return template query('#w2ui-popup').remove() // restore active if (this.options._last_focus && this.options._last_focus.length > 0) this.options._last_focus.focus() this.status = 'closed' this.options = {} // event after edata.finish() this._promClosed() } if (query('#w2ui-popup').length === 0 || this.status == 'closed') { // already closed return } if (this.status == 'opening') { // if it is opening immediate = true } if (this.status == 'closing' && immediate === true) { cleanUp() clearTimeout(this.tmp.closingTimer) w2utils.unlock(document.body, 0) return } // default behavior this.status = 'closing' query('#w2ui-popup') .css('transition', this.options.speed + 's') .addClass('w2ui-anim-close animating') w2utils.unlock(document.body, 300) this._promClosing() if (immediate) { cleanUp() } else { this.tmp.closingTimer = setTimeout(cleanUp, this.options.speed * 1000) } // remove keyboard events if (this.options.keyboard) { query(document.body).off('keydown', this.keydown) } query(window).off('resize', this.handleResize) } toggle() { let edata = this.trigger('toggle', { target: 'popup' }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // default action if (this.options.maximized === true) this.min(); else this.max() // event after setTimeout(() => { edata.finish() }, (this.options.speed * 1000) + 50) } max() { if (this.options.maximized === true) return // trigger event let edata = this.trigger('max', { target: 'popup' }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // default behavior this.status = 'resizing' let rect = query('#w2ui-popup').get(0).getBoundingClientRect() this.options.prevSize = rect.width + ':' + rect.height // do resize this.resize(10000, 10000, () => { this.status = 'open' this.options.maximized = true edata.finish() }) } min() { if (this.options.maximized !== true) return let size = this.options.prevSize.split(':') // trigger event let edata = this.trigger('min', { target: 'popup' }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // default behavior this.status = 'resizing' // do resize this.options.maximized = false this.resize(parseInt(size[0]), parseInt(size[1]), () => { this.status = 'open' this.options.prevSize = null edata.finish() }) } clear() { query('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-popup-title').html('') query('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-popup-body').html('') query('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-popup-buttons').html('') } reset() { this.open(this.defaults) } message(options) { return w2utils.message({ owner: this, box : query('#w2ui-popup').get(0), after: '.w2ui-popup-title' }, options) } confirm(options) { return w2utils.confirm({ owner: this, box : query('#w2ui-popup'), after: '.w2ui-popup-title' }, options) } setFocus(focus) { let box = query('#w2ui-popup') let sel = 'input, button, select, textarea, [contentEditable], [tabindex], .w2ui-input' if (focus != null) { let el = isNaN(focus) ? box.find(sel).filter(focus).filter(':not([name=hidden-first])').get(0) : box.find(sel).filter(':not([name=hidden-first])').get(focus) el?.focus() } else { let el = box.find('[name=hidden-first]').get(0) if (el) el.focus() } // keep focus/blur inside popup query(box).find(sel) .off('.keep-focus') .on('blur.keep-focus', function (event) { setTimeout(() => { let focus = document.activeElement let inside = query(box).find(sel).filter(focus).length > 0 let name = query(focus).attr('name') if (!inside && focus && focus !== document.body) { query(box).find(sel).get(0)?.focus() } if (name == 'hidden-last') { query(box).find(sel).get(1)?.focus() } if (name == 'hidden-first') { query(box).find(sel).get(-2)?.focus() } }, 1) }) } lock(msg, showSpinner) { let args = Array.from(arguments) args.unshift(query('#w2ui-popup')) w2utils.lock(...args) } unlock(speed) { w2utils.unlock(query('#w2ui-popup'), speed) } center(width, height, force) { let maxW, maxH if (window.innerHeight == undefined) { maxW = parseInt(document.documentElement.offsetWidth) maxH = parseInt(document.documentElement.offsetHeight) } else { maxW = parseInt(window.innerWidth) maxH = parseInt(window.innerHeight) } width = parseInt(width ?? this.options.width) height = parseInt(height ?? this.options.height) if (this.options.maximized === true) { width = maxW height = maxH } if (maxW - 10 < width) width = maxW - 10 if (maxH - 10 < height) height = maxH - 10 let top = (maxH - height) / 3 // it is my oppinion that it is more estatic to show closer to top then in exact middle let left = (maxW - width) / 2 if (force) { query('#w2ui-popup').css({ 'transition': 'none', 'top' : top + 'px', 'left' : left + 'px', 'width' : width + 'px', 'height': height + 'px' }) this.resizeMessages() // then messages resize nicely } return { top, left, width, height } } resize(newWidth, newHeight, callBack) { let self = this if (this.options.speed == null) this.options.speed = 0 // calculate new position let { top, left, width, height } = this.center(newWidth, newHeight) let speed = this.options.speed query('#w2ui-popup').css({ 'transition': `${speed}s width, ${speed}s height, ${speed}s left, ${speed}s top`, 'top' : top + 'px', 'left' : left + 'px', 'width' : width + 'px', 'height': height + 'px' }) let tmp_int = setInterval(() => { self.resizeMessages() }, 10) // then messages resize nicely setTimeout(() => { clearInterval(tmp_int) self.resizeMessages() if (typeof callBack == 'function') callBack() }, (this.options.speed * 1000) + 50) // give extra 50 ms } // internal function resizeMessages() { // see if there are messages and resize them query('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-message').each(msg => { let mopt = msg._msg_options let popup = query('#w2ui-popup') if (parseInt(mopt.width) < 10) mopt.width = 10 if (parseInt(mopt.height) < 10) mopt.height = 10 let rect = popup[0].getBoundingClientRect() let titleHeight = parseInt(popup.find('.w2ui-popup-title')[0].clientHeight) let pWidth = parseInt(rect.width) let pHeight = parseInt(rect.height) // re-calc width mopt.width = mopt.originalWidth if (mopt.width > pWidth - 10) { mopt.width = pWidth - 10 } // re-calc height mopt.height = mopt.originalHeight if (mopt.height > pHeight - titleHeight - 5) { mopt.height = pHeight - titleHeight - 5 } if (mopt.originalHeight < 0) mopt.height = pHeight + mopt.originalHeight - titleHeight if (mopt.originalWidth < 0) mopt.width = pWidth + mopt.originalWidth * 2 // x 2 because there is left and right margin query(msg).css({ left : ((pWidth - mopt.width) / 2) + 'px', width : mopt.width + 'px', height : mopt.height + 'px' }) }) } } function w2alert(msg, title, callBack) { let prom let options = { title: w2utils.lang(title ?? 'Notification'), body: `
`, showClose: false, actions: { ok: w2utils.lang('Ok') }, cancelAction: 'ok' } if (query('#w2ui-popup').length > 0 && w2popup.status != 'closing') { prom = w2popup.message(options) } else { prom = w2popup.open(options) } prom.ok(event => { if (typeof event.detail.self?.close == 'function') { event.detail.self.close() } if (typeof callBack == 'function') callBack() }) return prom } function w2confirm(msg, title, callBack) { let prom let options = msg if (['string', 'number'].includes(typeof options)) { options = { msg: options } } if (options.msg) { options.body = `
`, delete options.msg } if (typeof title == 'function' && callBack == null) { callBack = title title = undefined } w2utils.extend(options, { title: w2utils.lang(title ?? options.title ?? 'Confirmation'), showClose: false, modal: true, cancelAction: 'no' }) if (callBack == null && options.callBack != null) { callBack = options.callBack } w2utils.normButtons(options, { yes: w2utils.lang('Yes'), no: w2utils.lang('No') }) if (query('#w2ui-popup').length > 0 && w2popup.status != 'closing') { prom = w2popup.message(options) } else { prom = w2popup.open(options) } prom.self .off('.confirm') .on('action:after.confirm', (event) => { if (typeof event.detail.self?.close == 'function') { event.detail.self.close() } if (typeof callBack == 'function') callBack(event.detail.action) }) return prom } function w2prompt(label, title, callBack) { let prom let options = label if (['string', 'number'].includes(typeof options)) { options = { label: options } } if (options.label) { options.focus = 0 // the input should be in focus, which is first in the popup options.body = (options.textarea ? `
` : `
` ) } w2utils.extend(options, { title: w2utils.lang(title ?? options.title ?? 'Notification'), showClose: false, modal: true, cancelAction: 'cancel' }) w2utils.normButtons(options, { ok: w2utils.lang('Ok'), cancel: w2utils.lang('Cancel') }) if (query('#w2ui-popup').length > 0 && w2popup.status != 'closing') { prom = w2popup.message(options) } else { prom = w2popup.open(options) } if (prom.self.box) { prom.self.input = query(prom.self.box).find('#w2prompt').get(0) } else { prom.self.input = query('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-popup-body #w2prompt').get(0) } if (options.value != null) { prom.self.input.value = options.value prom.self.input.select() } prom.change = function (callback) { prom.self.on('change', callback) return this } prom.self .off('.prompt') .on('open:after.prompt', (event) => { let box = event.detail.box ? event.detail.box : query('#w2ui-popup .w2ui-popup-body').get(0) w2utils.bindEvents(query(box).find('#w2prompt'), { keydown(evt) { if (evt.keyCode == 27) evt.stopPropagation() }, change(evt) { let edata = prom.self.trigger('change', { target: 'prompt', originalEvent: evt }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return if (evt.keyCode == 13 && (evt.ctrlKey || evt.metaKey || evt.target.tagName != 'TEXTAREA')) { prom.self.action('Ok', evt) } if (evt.keyCode == 27) { prom.self.action('Cancel', evt) } edata.finish() } }) query(box).find('.w2ui-eaction').trigger('keyup') }) .on('action:after.prompt', (event) => { if (typeof event.detail.self?.close == 'function') { event.detail.self.close() } if (typeof callBack == 'function') callBack(event.detail.action) }) return prom } let w2popup = new Dialog() /** * Part of w2ui 2.0 library * - Dependencies: mQuery, w2utils, w2base * * TODO: * - need help pages * * 2.0 Changes * - multiple tooltips to the same anchor * - options.contextMenu * - options.prefilter - if true, it will show prefiltered items for w2menu, otherwise all * - menu.item.help, menu.item.hotkey, menu.item.extra */ class Tooltip { // no need to extend w2base, as each individual tooltip extends it static active = {} // all defined tooltips constructor() { this.defaults = { name : null, // name for the overlay, otherwise input id is used html : '', // text or html style : '', // additional style for the overlay class : '', // add class for w2ui-tooltip-body position : 'top|bottom', // can be left, right, top, bottom draggable : false, // if true, then tooltip can be move with mouse align : '', // can be: both, both:XX left, right, both, top, bottom anchor : null, // element it is attached to, if anchor is body, then it is context menu contextMenu : false, // if true, then it is context menu anchorClass : '', // add class for anchor when tooltip is shown anchorStyle : '', // add style for anchor when tooltip is shown autoShow : false, // if autoShow true, then tooltip will show on mouseEnter and hide on mouseLeave autoShowOn : null, // when options.autoShow = true, mouse event to show on autoHideOn : null, // when options.autoShow = true, mouse event to hide on arrowSize : 8, // size of the carret screenMargin : 2, // min margin from screen to tooltip autoResize : true, // auto resize based on content size and available size margin : 1, // distance from the anchor offsetX : 0, // delta for left coordinate offsetY : 0, // delta for top coordinate maxWidth : null, // max width maxHeight : null, // max height watchScroll : null, // attach to onScroll event // TODO: watchResize : null, // attach to onResize event // TODO: hideOn : null, // events when to hide tooltip, ['click', 'change', 'key', 'focus', 'blur'], onThen : null, // called when displayed onShow : null, // callBack when shown onHide : null, // callBack when hidden onUpdate : null, // callback when tooltip gets updated onMove : null // callback when tooltip is moved } } static observeRemove = new MutationObserver((mutations) => { let cnt = 0 Object.keys(Tooltip.active).forEach(name => { let overlay = Tooltip.active[name] if (overlay.displayed) { if (!overlay.anchor || !overlay.anchor.isConnected) { overlay.hide() } else { cnt++ } } }) // remove observer, as there is no active tooltips if (cnt === 0) { Tooltip.observeRemove.disconnect() } }) trigger(event, data) { if (arguments.length == 2) { let type = event event = data data.type = type } if (event.overlay) { return event.overlay.trigger(event) } else { console.log('ERROR: cannot find overlay where to trigger events') } } get(name) { if (arguments.length == 0) { return Object.keys(Tooltip.active) } else if (name === true) { return Tooltip.active } else { return Tooltip.active[name.replace(/[\s\.#]/g, '_')] } } attach(anchor, text) { let options, overlay let self = this if (arguments.length == 0) { return } else if (arguments.length == 1 && anchor instanceof Object) { options = anchor anchor = options.anchor } else if (arguments.length === 2 && typeof text === 'string') { options = { anchor, html: text } text = options.html } else if (arguments.length === 2 && text != null && typeof text === 'object') { options = text text = options.html } options = w2utils.extend({}, this.defaults, options || {}) if (!text && options.text) text = options.text if (!text && options.html) text = options.html // anchor is func var delete options.anchor // define tooltip let name = (options.name ? options.name : anchor?.id) if (anchor == document || anchor == null) { anchor = document.body } if (options.contextMenu) { anchor = document.body name = name ?? 'context-menu' } if (!name) { name = 'noname-' + Object.keys(Tooltip.active).length console.log('NOTICE: name property is not defined for tooltip, could lead to too many instances') } // clean name as it is used as id and css selector name = name.replace(/[\s\.#]/g, '_') if (Tooltip.active[name]) { overlay = Tooltip.active[name] overlay.prevOptions = overlay.options overlay.options = options // do not merge or extend, otherwiser menu items get merged too // overlay.options = w2utils.extend({}, overlay.options, options) overlay.anchor = anchor // as HTML elements are not copied if (overlay.prevOptions.html != overlay.options.html || overlay.prevOptions.class != overlay.options.class || overlay.prevOptions.style != overlay.options.style) { overlay.needsUpdate = true } options = overlay.options // it was recreated // clear all previous overlay events Object.keys(overlay).forEach(key => { let val = overlay[key] if (key.startsWith('on') && typeof val == 'function') { delete overlay[key] } }) } else { overlay = new w2base() Object.assign(overlay, { id: 'w2overlay-' + name, name, options, anchor, self, displayed: false, tmp: { observeTooltipResize: new ResizeObserver(() => { this.resize(overlay.name) }), observeAnchorResize: new ResizeObserver(() => { this.resize(overlay.name) }), observeAnchorMove: new MutationObserver((mutations) => { let target = mutations[0].target // all targets are the same let currRect = target.getBoundingClientRect() let lastRect = target._lastBoundingRect if (!target._lastBoundingRect) { target._lastBoundingRect = currRect } else if (currRect.left !== lastRect.left || currRect.top !== lastRect.top) { this.resize(overlay.name) target._lastBoundingRect = currRect } }) }, hide() { self.hide(name) } }) Tooltip.active[name] = overlay } // move events on to overlay layer Object.keys(overlay.options).forEach(key => { let val = overlay.options[key] if (key.startsWith('on') && typeof val == 'function') { overlay[key] = val delete overlay.options[key] } }) // add event for auto show/hide if (options.autoShow === true) { options.autoShowOn = options.autoShowOn ?? 'mouseenter' options.autoHideOn = options.autoHideOn ?? 'mouseleave' options.autoShow = false options._keep = true } if (options.autoShowOn) { let scope = 'autoShow-' + overlay.name query(anchor) .off(`.${scope}`) .on(`${options.autoShowOn}.${scope}`, event => { self.show(overlay.name) event.stopPropagation() }) delete options.autoShowOn options._keep = true } if (options.autoHideOn) { let scope = 'autoHide-' + overlay.name query(anchor) .off(`.${scope}`) .on(`${options.autoHideOn}.${scope}`, event => { self.hide(overlay.name) event.stopPropagation() }) delete options.autoHideOn options._keep = true } overlay.off('.attach') let ret = { overlay, then: (callback) => { overlay.on('show:after.attach', event => { callback(event) }) return ret }, show: (callback) => { overlay.on('show.attach', event => { callback(event) }) return ret }, hide: (callback) => { overlay.on('hide.attach', event => { callback(event) }) return ret }, update: (callback) => { overlay.on('update.attach', event => { callback(event) }) return ret }, move: (callback) => { overlay.on('move.attach', event => { callback(event) }) return ret } } return ret } update(name, html) { let overlay = Tooltip.active[name] if (overlay) { overlay.needsUpdate = true overlay.options.html = html this.show(name) } else { console.log(`Tooltip "${name}" is not displayed. Cannot update it.`) } } show(name) { if (name instanceof HTMLElement || name instanceof Object) { let options = name if (name instanceof HTMLElement) { options = arguments[1] || {} options.anchor = name } let ret = this.attach(options) ret.overlay.tmp.hidden = false query(ret.overlay.anchor) .off('.autoShow-' + ret.overlay.name) .off('.autoHide-' + ret.overlay.name) /** * Need a timer, so that events in the 'return ret` would be preperty set as it is using chaning mechanism * to set listeners: w2tooltip.show({}).then(...).show(...). Since it could be hidden before timer kick in * to show it, need the check in the timeout. */ setTimeout(() => { if (!ret.overlay.tmp.hidden) { this.show(ret.overlay.name) if (this.initControls) { this.initControls(ret.overlay) } } }, 1) return ret } let edata let self = this let overlay = Tooltip.active[name.replace(/[\s\.#]/g, '_')] if (!overlay) return let options = overlay.options if (!overlay || (overlay.displayed && !overlay.needsUpdate)) { this.resize(overlay?.name) return } let position = options.position.split('|') let isVertical = ['top', 'bottom'].includes(position[0]) // enforce nowrap only when align=both and vertical let overlayStyles = (options.align == 'both' && isVertical ? '' : 'white-space: nowrap;') if (options.maxWidth && w2utils.getStrWidth(options.html, '') > options.maxWidth) { overlayStyles = 'width: '+ options.maxWidth + 'px; white-space: inherit; overflow: auto;' } overlayStyles += ' max-height: '+ (options.maxHeight ? options.maxHeight : window.innerHeight - 4) + 'px;' // if empty content - then hide it if (options.html === '' || options.html == null) { self.hide(name) return } else if (overlay.box) { // if already present, update it edata = this.trigger('update', { target: name, overlay }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) { // restore previous options if (overlay.prevOptions) { overlay.options = overlay.prevOptions delete overlay.prevOptions } return } query(overlay.box) .find('.w2ui-overlay-body') .attr('style', (options.style || '') + '; ' + overlayStyles) .removeClass() // removes all classes .addClass('w2ui-overlay-body ' + options.class + (options.draggable ? ' w2ui-draggable' : '')) .html(options.html) this.resize(overlay.name) } else { // event before edata = this.trigger('show', { target: name, overlay }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // normal processing query('body').append( // pointer-events will be re-enabled leter ``) overlay.box = query('#' + w2utils.escapeId(overlay.id))[0] overlay.displayed = true let names = query(overlay.anchor).data('tooltipName') ?? [] names.push(name) query(overlay.anchor).data('tooltipName', names) // make available to element overlay attached to w2utils.bindEvents(overlay.box, {}) // remember anchor's original styles overlay.tmp.originalCSS = '' if (query(overlay.anchor).length > 0) { overlay.tmp.originalCSS = query(overlay.anchor)[0].style.cssText } this.resize(overlay.name) } if (options.anchorStyle) { overlay.anchor.style.cssText += ';' + options.anchorStyle } if (options.anchorClass) { // do not add w2ui-focus to body if (!(options.anchorClass == 'w2ui-focus' && overlay.anchor == document.body)) { query(overlay.anchor).addClass(options.anchorClass) } } // add on hide events if (typeof options.hideOn == 'string') options.hideOn = [options.hideOn] if (!Array.isArray(options.hideOn)) options.hideOn = [] // initial scroll Object.assign(overlay.tmp, { scrollLeft: document.body.scrollLeft, scrollTop: document.body.scrollTop }) addHideEvents() addWatchEvents(document.body) // first show empty tooltip, so it will popup up in the right position query(overlay.box).show() overlay.tmp.observeTooltipResize.observe(overlay.box) overlay.tmp.observeAnchorResize.observe(overlay.anchor) overlay.tmp.observeAnchorMove.observe(overlay.anchor, { attributes: true }) // observer element removal from DOM Tooltip.observeRemove.observe(document.body, { subtree: true, childList: true }) // then insert html and it will adjust query(overlay.box) .css('opacity', 1) .find('.w2ui-overlay-body') .html(options.html) /** * pointer-events: none is needed to avoid cases when popup is shown right under the cursor * or it will trigger onmouseout, onmouseleave and other events. */ setTimeout(() => { query(overlay.box).css({ 'pointer-events': 'auto' }).data('ready', 'yes') }, 100) // bind events w2utils.bindEvents(query(overlay.box).find('.w2ui-eaction'), this) delete overlay.needsUpdate // expose overlay to DOM element overlay.box.overlay = overlay // event after if (edata) edata.finish() return { overlay } function addWatchEvents(el) { let scope = 'tooltip-' + overlay.name let queryEl = el if (el.tagName == 'BODY') { queryEl = el.ownerDocument } query(queryEl) .off(`.${scope}`) .on(`scroll.${scope}`, event => { Object.assign(overlay.tmp, { scrollLeft: el.scrollLeft, scrollTop: el.scrollTop }) self.resize(overlay.name) }) } function addHideEvents() { let hide = (event) => { self.hide(overlay.name) } let $anchor = query(overlay.anchor) let scope = 'tooltip-' + overlay.name // document click query('html').off(`.${scope}`) if (options.hideOn.includes('doc-click')) { if (['INPUT', 'TEXTAREA'].includes(overlay.anchor.tagName)) { // otherwise hides on click to focus $anchor .off(`.${scope}-doc`) .on(`click.${scope}-doc`, (event) => { event.stopPropagation() }) } query('html').on(`click.${scope}`, hide) } if (options.hideOn.includes('focus-change')) { query('html') .on(`focusin.${scope}`, (e) => { if (document.activeElement != overlay.anchor) { self.hide(overlay.name) } }) } if (['INPUT', 'TEXTAREA'].includes(overlay.anchor.tagName)) { $anchor.off(`.${scope}`) options.hideOn.forEach(event => { if (['doc-click', 'focus-change'].indexOf(event) == -1) { $anchor.on(`${event}.${scope}`, { once: true }, hide) } }) } } } hide(name) { let overlay if (arguments.length == 0) { // hide all tooltips Object.keys(Tooltip.active).forEach(name => { this.hide(name) }) return } if (name instanceof HTMLElement) { let names = query(name).data('tooltipName') ?? [] names.forEach(name => { this.hide(name) }) return } if (typeof name == 'string') { name = name.replace(/[\s\.#]/g, '_') overlay = Tooltip.active[name] } if (overlay?.tmp) overlay.tmp.hidden = true // it could be hidden before it is actually shown if (!overlay || !overlay.box) return // event before let edata = this.trigger('hide', { target: name, overlay }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // normal processing if (!overlay.options._keep) delete Tooltip.active[name] let scope = 'tooltip-' + overlay.name overlay.tmp.observeTooltipResize?.disconnect() overlay.tmp.observeAnchorResize?.disconnect() overlay.tmp.observeAnchorMove?.disconnect() if (overlay.options.watchScroll) { query(overlay.options.watchScroll) .off('.w2scroll-' + overlay.name) } // if no active tooltip then disable observeRemove let cnt = 0 Object.keys(Tooltip.active).forEach(key => { let overlay = Tooltip.active[key] if (overlay.displayed) { cnt++ } }) if (cnt == 0) { Tooltip.observeRemove.disconnect() } query('html').off(`.${scope}`) // hide to click event here query(document).off(`.${scope}`) // scroll event here // remove element overlay.box?.remove() overlay.box = null overlay.displayed = false // remove name from anchor properties let names = query(overlay.anchor).data('tooltipName') ?? [] let ind = names.indexOf(overlay.name) if (ind != -1) names.splice(names.indexOf(overlay.name), 1) if (names.length == 0) { query(overlay.anchor).removeData('tooltipName') } else { query(overlay.anchor).data('tooltipName', names) } // restore original CSS, only if anchor styles where extended if (overlay.options.anchorStyle) { overlay.anchor.style.cssText = overlay.tmp.originalCSS } query(overlay.anchor) .off(`.${scope}`) .removeClass(overlay.options.anchorClass) // for remote data source if (overlay.options.url) { // remove all cached items overlay.options.items.splice(0) overlay.tmp.remote.hasMore = true overlay.tmp.remote.search = null } // event after edata.finish() } resize(name) { let state = { moved: false, resize: false } if (arguments.length == 0) { Object.keys(Tooltip.active).forEach(key => { let overlay = Tooltip.active[key] if (overlay.displayed) this.resize(overlay.name) }) return { multiple: true } } let overlay = Tooltip.active[name.replace(/[\s\.#]/g, '_')] let pos = this.getPosition(overlay.name) let newPos = pos.left + 'x' + pos.top let newSize = pos.width + 'x' + pos.height let edata1, edata2 if (overlay.tmp.lastPos != newPos) { edata1 = this.trigger('move', { target: name, overlay, pos }) state.moved = true } if (overlay.tmp.lastSize != newSize) { edata2 = this.trigger('resize', { target: name, overlay, pos }) state.moved = true } query(overlay.box) .css({ left: pos.left + 'px', top : pos.top + 'px' }) .then(query => { if (pos.width != null) { query.css('width', pos.width + 'px') .find('.w2ui-overlay-body') .css('width', '100%') } if (pos.height != null) { query.css('height', pos.height + 'px') .find('.w2ui-overlay-body') .css('height', '100%') } }) .find('.w2ui-overlay-body') .removeClass('w2ui-arrow-right w2ui-arrow-left w2ui-arrow-top w2ui-arrow-bottom') .addClass(pos.arrow.class) .closest('.w2ui-overlay') .find('style') .text(pos.arrow.style) if (overlay.tmp.lastPos != newPos && edata1) { overlay.tmp.lastPos = newPos edata1.finish() } if (overlay.tmp.lastSize != newSize && edata2) { overlay.tmp.lastSize = newSize edata2.finish() } return state } getPosition(name) { let overlay = Tooltip.active[name.replace(/[\s\.#]/g, '_')] if (!overlay || !overlay.box) { return } let options = overlay.options if (overlay.tmp.resizedY || overlay.tmp.resizedX) { query(overlay.box).css({ width: '', height: '', scroll: 'auto' }) } let scrollSize = w2utils.scrollBarSize() let hasScrollBarX = !(document.body.scrollWidth == document.body.clientWidth) let hasScrollBarY = !(document.body.scrollHeight == document.body.clientHeight) let max = { width: window.innerWidth - (hasScrollBarY ? scrollSize : 0), height: window.innerHeight - (hasScrollBarX ? scrollSize : 0) } let position = options.position == 'auto' ? 'top|bottom|right|left'.split('|') : Array.isArray(options.position) ? options.position : options.position.split('|') let isVertical = ['top', 'bottom'].includes(position[0]) let content = overlay.box.getBoundingClientRect() let anchor = overlay.anchor?.getBoundingClientRect?.() if (overlay.anchor == document.body) { // context menu let evt = options.originalEvent while (evt?.originalEvent) { evt = evt.originalEvent } let { x, y, width, height } = evt ?? { x: options.x, y: options.y, width: 0, height: 10 } anchor = { left: x - (options.contextMenu ? 4: 0), top: y - (options.contextMenu ? 4: 0), width: width ?? 0, height: height ?? 10, arrow: options.contextMenu ? 'none' : null } } let arrowSize = options.arrowSize if (anchor.arrow == 'none') arrowSize = 0 if (isNaN(arrowSize)) arrowSize = this.defaults.arrowSize // space available let available = { // tipsize adjustment should be here, not in max.width/max.height top: anchor.top - arrowSize, bottom: max.height - arrowSize - (anchor.top + anchor.height) - (hasScrollBarX ? scrollSize : 0) - 2, left: anchor.left, right: max.width - (anchor.left + anchor.width) + (hasScrollBarY ? scrollSize : 0), } // size of empty tooltip if (content.width < 22) content.width = 22 if (content.height < 14) content.height = 14 let left, top, width, height // tooltip position let found = '' let arrow = { offset: 0, class: '', style: `#${overlay.id} { --tip-size: ${arrowSize}px; }` } let adjust = { left: 0, top: 0 } let bestFit = { posX: '', x: 0, posY: '', y: 0 } // find best position position.forEach(pos => { if (['top', 'bottom'].includes(pos)) { if (!found && (content.height + arrowSize/1.893) < available[pos]) { // 1.893 = 1 + sin(90) found = pos } if (available[pos] > bestFit.y) { Object.assign(bestFit, { posY: pos, y: available[pos] }) } } if (['left', 'right'].includes(pos)) { if (!found && (content.width + arrowSize/1.893) < available[pos]) { // 1.893 = 1 + sin(90) found = pos } if (available[pos] > bestFit.x) { Object.assign(bestFit, { posX: pos, x: available[pos] }) } } }) // if not found, use best (greatest available space) position if (!found) { if (isVertical) { found = bestFit.posY } else { found = bestFit.posX } } if (options.autoResize) { if (['top', 'bottom'].includes(found)) { if (content.height > available[found]) { height = available[found] overlay.tmp.resizedY = true } else { overlay.tmp.resizedY = false } } if (['left', 'right'].includes(found)) { if (content.width > available[found]) { width = available[found] overlay.tmp.resizedX = true } else { overlay.tmp.resizedX = false } } } usePosition(found) if (isVertical) anchorAlignment() // user offset top += parseFloat(options.offsetY * (found == 'top' ? -1 : 1)) // offset will always move from original position left += parseFloat(options.offsetX * (found == 'left' ? -1 : 1)) // offset will always move from original position // make sure it is inside visible screen area screenAdjust() // adjust for scrollbar let extraTop = (found == 'top' ? -options.margin : (found == 'bottom' ? options.margin : 0)) let extraLeft = (found == 'left' ? -options.margin : (found == 'right' ? options.margin : 0)) top = Math.floor((top + parseFloat(extraTop)) * 100) / 100 left = Math.floor((left + parseFloat(extraLeft)) * 100) / 100 return { left, top, arrow, adjust, width, height, pos: found } function usePosition(pos) { arrow.class = anchor.arrow ? anchor.arrow : `w2ui-arrow-${pos}` switch (pos) { case 'top': { left = anchor.left + (anchor.width - (width ?? content.width)) / 2 top = anchor.top - (height ?? content.height) - arrowSize / 1.5 + 1 break } case 'bottom': { left = anchor.left + (anchor.width - (width ?? content.width)) / 2 top = anchor.top + anchor.height + arrowSize / 1.25 + 1 break } case 'left': { left = anchor.left - (width ?? content.width) - arrowSize / 1.2 - 1 top = anchor.top + (anchor.height - (height ?? content.height)) / 2 break } case 'right': { left = anchor.left + anchor.width + arrowSize / 1.2 + 1 top = anchor.top + (anchor.height - (height ?? content.height)) / 2 break } } } function anchorAlignment() { // top/bottom alignments if (options.align == 'left') { adjust.left = anchor.left - left left = anchor.left } if (options.align == 'right') { adjust.left = (anchor.left + anchor.width - (width ?? content.width)) - left left = anchor.left + anchor.width - (width ?? content.width) } if (['top', 'bottom'].includes(found) && options.align.startsWith('both')) { let minWidth = options.align.split(':')[1] ?? 50 if (anchor.width >= minWidth) { left = anchor.left width = anchor.width } } // left/right alignments if (options.align == 'top') { adjust.top = anchor.top - top top = anchor.top } if (options.align == 'bottom') { adjust.top = (anchor.top + anchor.height - (height ?? content.height)) - top top = anchor.top + anchor.height - (height ?? content.height) } if (['left', 'right'].includes(found) && options.align.startsWith('both')) { let minHeight = options.align.split(':')[1] ?? 50 if (anchor.height >= minHeight) { top = anchor.top height = anchor.height } } } function screenAdjust() { let adjustArrow // adjust tip if needed after alignment if ((['left', 'right'].includes(options.align) && anchor.width < (width ?? content.width)) || (['top', 'bottom'].includes(options.align) && anchor.height < (height ?? content.height)) ) { adjustArrow = true } // if off screen then adjust let minLeft = (found == 'right' ? arrowSize : options.screenMargin) let minTop = (found == 'bottom' ? arrowSize : options.screenMargin) let maxLeft = max.width - (width ?? content.width) - (found == 'left' ? arrowSize : options.screenMargin) let maxTop = max.height - (height ?? content.height) - (found == 'top' ? arrowSize : options.screenMargin) + 3 // adjust X if (['top', 'bottom'].includes(found) || options.autoResize) { if (left < minLeft) { adjustArrow = true adjust.left -= left left = minLeft } if (left > maxLeft) { adjustArrow = true adjust.left -= left - maxLeft left += maxLeft - left } } // adjust Y if (['left', 'right'].includes(found) || options.autoResize) { if (top < minTop) { adjustArrow = true adjust.top -= top top = minTop } if (top > maxTop) { adjustArrow = true adjust.top -= top - maxTop top += maxTop - top } } // moves carret to adjust it with element width if (adjustArrow) { let aType = isVertical ? 'left' : 'top' let sType = isVertical ? 'width' : 'height' arrow.offset = -adjust[aType] let maxOffset = content[sType] / 2 - arrowSize if (Math.abs(arrow.offset) > maxOffset + arrowSize) { arrow.class = '' // no arrow } if (Math.abs(arrow.offset) > maxOffset) { arrow.offset = arrow.offset < 0 ? -maxOffset : maxOffset } arrow.style = w2utils.stripSpaces(`#${overlay.id} .w2ui-overlay-body:after, #${overlay.id} .w2ui-overlay-body:before { --tip-size: ${arrowSize}px; margin-${aType}: ${arrow.offset}px; }`) } } } startDrag(event) { let initial let el = query(event.target).closest('.w2ui-overlay') initial = { el, x: parseFloat(el.css('left')), y: parseFloat(el.css('top')), pageX: event.pageX, pageY: event.pageY, } query('html') .off('.w2color') .on('mousemove.w2color', mouseMove) .on('mouseup.w2color', mouseUp) function mouseUp(event) { query('html').off('.w2color') } function mouseMove(event) { let divX = event.pageX - initial.pageX let divY = event.pageY - initial.pageY initial.el.css({ left: initial.x + divX + 'px', top: initial.y + divY + 'px' }) if (!initial._removed) { initial._removed = true initial.el.find(':scope > .w2ui-overlay-body') .removeClass('w2ui-arrow-right w2ui-arrow-left w2ui-arrow-top w2ui-arrow-bottom') } } } } class ColorTooltip extends Tooltip { static custom_colors = [] constructor() { super() this.palette = [ ['000000', '333333', '555555', '777777', '888888', '999999', 'AAAAAA', 'CCCCCC', 'DDDDDD', 'EEEEEE', 'F7F7F7', 'FFFFFF'], ['FF011B', 'FF9838', 'FFC300', 'FFFD59', '86FF14', '14FF7A', '2EFFFC', '2693FF', '006CE7', '9B24F4', 'FF21F5', 'FF0099'], ['FFEAEA', 'FCEFE1', 'FCF4DC', 'FFFECF', 'EBFFD9', 'D9FFE9', 'E0FFFF', 'E8F4FF', 'ECF4FC', 'EAE6F4', 'FFF5FE', 'FCF0F7'], ['F4CCCC', 'FCE5CD', 'FFF1C2', 'FFFDA1', 'D5FCB1', 'B5F7D0', 'BFFFFF', 'D6ECFF', 'CFE2F3', 'D9D1E9', 'FFE3FD', 'FFD9F0'], ['EA9899', 'F9CB9C', 'FFE48C', 'F7F56F', 'B9F77E', '84F0B1', '83F7F7', 'B5DAFF', '9FC5E8', 'B4A7D6', 'FAB9F6', 'FFADDE'], ['E06666', 'F6B26B', 'DEB737', 'E0DE51', '8FDB48', '52D189', '4EDEDB', '76ACE3', '6FA8DC', '8E7CC3', 'E07EDA', 'F26DBD'], ['CC0814', 'E69138', 'AB8816', 'B5B20E', '6BAB30', '27A85F', '1BA8A6', '3C81C7', '3D85C6', '674EA7', 'A14F9D', 'BF4990'], ['99050C', 'B45F17', '80650E', '737103', '395E14', '10783D', '13615E', '094785', '0A5394', '351C75', '780172', '782C5A'] ] this.defaults = w2utils.extend({}, this.defaults, { advanced : false, transparent : true, position : 'top|bottom', class : 'w2ui-white', color : '', updateInput : true, arrowSize : 12, autoResize : false, anchorClass : 'w2ui-focus', autoShowOn : 'focus', hideOn : ['doc-click', 'focus-change'], onSelect : null, onLiveUpdate: null }) } attach(anchor, text) { let options if (arguments.length == 1 && anchor instanceof Object) { options = anchor anchor = options.anchor } else if (arguments.length === 2 && text != null && typeof text === 'object') { options = text options.anchor = anchor } let prevHideOn = options.hideOn options = w2utils.extend({}, this.defaults, options || {}) if (prevHideOn) { options.hideOn = prevHideOn } options.style += '; padding: 0;' // add remove transparent color if (options.transparent && this.palette[0][1] == '333333') { this.palette[0].splice(1, 1) this.palette[0].push('TRANSPARENT') } if (!options.transparent && this.palette[0][1] != '333333') { this.palette[0].splice(1, 0, '333333') this.palette[0].pop() } if (options.color) options.color = String(options.color).toUpperCase() if (typeof options.color === 'string' && options.color.substr(0,1) === '#') options.color = options.color.substr(1) // needed for keyboard navigation this.index = [-1, -1] let ret = super.attach(options) let overlay = ret.overlay overlay.options.html = this.getColorHTML(overlay.name, options) overlay.on('show.attach', event => { let overlay = event.detail.overlay let anchor = overlay.anchor let options = overlay.options if (['INPUT', 'TEXTAREA'].includes(anchor.tagName) && !options.color && anchor.value) { overlay.tmp.initColor = anchor.value } delete overlay.newColor }) overlay.on('show:after.attach', event => { if (ret.overlay?.box) { let actions = query(ret.overlay.box).find('.w2ui-eaction') w2utils.bindEvents(actions, this) this.initControls(ret.overlay) } }) overlay.on('update:after.attach', event => { if (ret.overlay?.box) { let actions = query(ret.overlay.box).find('.w2ui-eaction') w2utils.bindEvents(actions, this) this.initControls(ret.overlay) } }) overlay.on('hide.attach', event => { let overlay = event.detail.overlay let anchor = overlay.anchor let color = overlay.newColor ?? overlay.options.color ?? '' // color has been selected if (color !== '') { if (['INPUT', 'TEXTAREA'].includes(anchor.tagName) && anchor.value != color && overlay.options.updateInput) { anchor.value = color } let edata = this.trigger('select', { color, target: overlay.name, overlay }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // event after edata.finish() } }) ret.liveUpdate = (callback) => { overlay.on('liveUpdate.attach', (event) => { callback(event) }) return ret } ret.select = (callback) => { overlay.on('select.attach', (event) => { callback(event) }) return ret } return ret } // regular panel handler, adds selection class select(color, name) { let target this.index = [-1, -1] if (typeof name != 'string') { target = name.target this.index = query(target).attr('index').split(':') name = query(target).closest('.w2ui-overlay').attr('name') } let overlay = this.get(name) // event before let edata = this.trigger('liveUpdate', { color, target: name, overlay, param: arguments[1] }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // if anchor is input - live update if (['INPUT', 'TEXTAREA'].includes(overlay.anchor.tagName) && overlay.options.updateInput) { query(overlay.anchor).val(color) } overlay.newColor = color query(overlay.box).find('.w2ui-color.w2ui-selected').removeClass('w2ui-selected') if (target) { query(target).addClass('w2ui-selected') } // event after edata.finish() } // used for keyboard navigation, if any nextColor(direction) { // TODO: check it let pal = this.palette switch (direction) { case 'up': this.index[0]-- break case 'down': this.index[0]++ break case 'right': this.index[1]++ break case 'left': this.index[1]-- break } if (this.index[0] < 0) this.index[0] = 0 if (this.index[0] > pal.length - 2) this.index[0] = pal.length - 2 if (this.index[1] < 0) this.index[1] = 0 if (this.index[1] > pal[0].length - 1) this.index[1] = pal[0].length - 1 return pal[this.index[0]][this.index[1]] } tabClick(index, name) { if (typeof name != 'string') { name = query(name.target).closest('.w2ui-overlay').attr('name') } let overlay = this.get(name) let tab = query(overlay.box).find(`.w2ui-color-tab:nth-child(${index})`) query(overlay.box).find('.w2ui-color-tab').removeClass('w2ui-selected') query(tab).addClass('w2ui-selected') query(overlay.box) .find('.w2ui-tab-content') .hide() .closest('.w2ui-colors') .find('.tab-'+ index) .show() } // generate HTML with color pallent and controls getColorHTML(name, options) { let html = `
` for (let i = 0; i < this.palette.length; i++) { html += '
' for (let j = 0; j < this.palette[i].length; j++) { let color = this.palette[i][j] let border = '' if (color === 'FFFFFF') border = '; border: 1px solid #efefef' html += `
` } html += '
' if (i < 2) html += '
' } // custom colors html += `
` html += '
' // advanced tab html += ` ` // color tabs on the bottom html += `
${(typeof options.html == 'string' ? options.html : '')}
` return html } getCustomColorsHTML(name) { let options = this.get(name)?.options let html = '
' ColorTooltip.custom_colors.forEach((color, i) => { let border = '' if (color === 'FFFFFF') border = '; border: 1px solid #efefef' html += `
` }) html += `
` return html } // bind advanced tab controls initControls(overlay) { let initial // used for mouse events let self = this let options = overlay.options let color = options.color || overlay.tmp.initColor let rgb = w2utils.parseColor(color) if (rgb == null) { rgb = { r: 140, g: 150, b: 160, a: 1 } } let hsv = w2utils.rgb2hsv(rgb) if (options.advanced === true) { this.tabClick(2, overlay.name) } setColor(hsv, true, color ?? '') // should not be null or undefined // even for rgb, hsv inputs query(overlay.box) .off('.w2color') .on('contextmenu.w2color', event => { event.preventDefault() // prevent browser context menu }) .find('input') .off('.w2color') .on('change.w2color', (event) => { let el = query(event.target) let val = parseFloat(el.val()) let max = parseFloat(el.attr('max')) if (isNaN(val)) { val = 0 el.val(0) } if (max > 1) val = parseInt(val) // trancate fractions if (max > 0 && val > max) { el.val(max) val = max } if (val < 0) { el.val(0) val = 0 } let name = el.attr('name') let color = {} if (['r', 'g', 'b', 'a'].indexOf(name) !== -1) { rgb[name] = val hsv = w2utils.rgb2hsv(rgb) } else if (['h', 's', 'v'].indexOf(name) !== -1) { color[name] = val } setColor(color, true) }) // click on original color resets it query(overlay.box).find('.color-original') .off('.w2color') .on('click.w2color', (event) => { let tmp = w2utils.parseColor(query(event.target).css('background-color')) if (tmp != null) { rgb = tmp hsv = w2utils.rgb2hsv(rgb) setColor(hsv, true) } }) // color sliders events let mDown = `${!w2utils.isMobile ? 'mousedown' : 'touchstart'}.w2color` let mUp = `${!w2utils.isMobile ? 'mouseup' : 'touchend'}.w2color` let mMove = `${!w2utils.isMobile ? 'mousemove' : 'touchmove'}.w2color` query(overlay.box).find('.palette, .rainbow, .alpha') .off('.w2color') .on(`${mDown}.w2color`, mouseDown) this.setColor = setColor return function setColor(color, fullUpdate, initial) { if (color.h != null) hsv.h = color.h if (color.s != null) hsv.s = color.s if (color.v != null) hsv.v = color.v if (color.a != null) { rgb.a = color.a; hsv.a = color.a } rgb = w2utils.hsv2rgb(hsv) let rgba = 'rgba('+ rgb.r +','+ rgb.g +','+ rgb.b +','+ rgb.a +')' let cl = [ Number(rgb.r).toString(16).toUpperCase(), Number(rgb.g).toString(16).toUpperCase(), Number(rgb.b).toString(16).toUpperCase(), (Math.round(Number(rgb.a)*255)).toString(16).toUpperCase() ] cl.forEach((item, ind) => { if (item.length === 1) cl[ind] = '0' + item }) let newColor = cl[0] + cl[1] + cl[2] + cl[3] if (rgb.a === 1) { newColor = cl[0] + cl[1] + cl[2] } query(overlay.box).find('.color-preview').css('background-color', '#' + newColor) query(overlay.box).find('input').each(el => { if (el.name) { if (rgb[el.name] != null) el.value = rgb[el.name] if (hsv[el.name] != null) el.value = hsv[el.name] if (el.name === 'a') el.value = rgb.a if (el.name == 'hex') el.value = newColor if (el.name == 'rgb') el.value = rgba } }) // if it is in pallette if (initial != null) { let color = overlay.tmp.initColor || newColor query(overlay.box).find('.color-original') .css('background-color', '#' + color) query(overlay.box).find('.w2ui-color.w2ui-selected') .removeClass('w2ui-selected') query(overlay.box).find(`.w2ui-colors [name="${color}"], .w2ui-colors [name="${initial}"]`) // color conversion might be slightly off .addClass('w2ui-selected') // if has transparent color, open advanced tab if (newColor.length == 8) { self.tabClick(2, overlay.name) } } else { self.select(newColor, overlay.name) } if (fullUpdate) { updateSliders() refreshPalette() } } function updateSliders() { let el1 = query(overlay.box).find('.palette .value1') let el2 = query(overlay.box).find('.rainbow .value2') let el3 = query(overlay.box).find('.alpha .value2') if (!el1[0] || !el2[0] || !el3[0]) return let offset1 = parseInt(el1[0].clientWidth) / 2 let offset2 = parseInt(el2[0].clientWidth) / 2 el1.css({ 'left': (hsv.s * 150 / 100 - offset1) + 'px', 'top': ((100 - hsv.v) * 125 / 100 - offset1) + 'px' }) el2.css('left', (hsv.h/(360/150) - offset2) + 'px') el3.css('left', (rgb.a*150 - offset2) + 'px') } function refreshPalette() { let cl = w2utils.hsv2rgb(hsv.h, 100, 100) let rgb = `${cl.r},${cl.g},${cl.b}` query(overlay.box).find('.palette') .css('background-image', `linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(${rgb},0) 0%, rgba(${rgb},1) 100%)`) } function mouseDown(event) { let el = query(this).find('.value1, .value2') let offset = parseInt(el.prop('clientWidth')) / 2 if (el.hasClass('move-x')) el.css({ left: (event.offsetX - offset) + 'px' }) if (el.hasClass('move-y')) el.css({ top: (event.offsetY - offset) + 'px' }) initial = { el: el, x: event.pageX, y: event.pageY, width: el.prop('parentNode').clientWidth, height: el.prop('parentNode').clientHeight, left: parseInt(el.css('left')), top: parseInt(el.css('top')) } mouseMove(event) query('html') .off('.w2color') .on(mMove, mouseMove) .on(mUp, mouseUp) } function mouseUp(event) { query('html').off('.w2color') } function mouseMove(event) { let el = initial.el let divX = event.pageX - initial.x let divY = event.pageY - initial.y let newX = initial.left + divX let newY = initial.top + divY let offset = parseInt(el.prop('clientWidth')) / 2 if (newX < -offset) newX = -offset if (newY < -offset) newY = -offset if (newX > initial.width - offset) newX = initial.width - offset if (newY > initial.height - offset) newY = initial.height - offset if (el.hasClass('move-x')) el.css({ left : newX + 'px' }) if (el.hasClass('move-y')) el.css({ top : newY + 'px' }) // move let name = query(el.get(0).parentNode).attr('name') let x = parseInt(el.css('left')) + offset let y = parseInt(el.css('top')) + offset if (name === 'palette') { setColor({ s: Math.round(x / initial.width * 100), v: Math.round(100 - (y / initial.height * 100)) }) } if (name === 'rainbow') { let h = Math.round(360 / 150 * x) setColor({ h: h }) refreshPalette() } if (name === 'alpha') { setColor({ a: parseFloat(Number(x / 150).toFixed(2)) }) } } } addCustomColor(color, name) { if (typeof color == 'string' && color.substr(0, 1) == '#' && [7, 9].includes(color.length)) { color = color.substr(1).toUpperCase() let custom = ColorTooltip.custom_colors if (custom.includes(color)) { custom.splice(custom.indexOf(color), 1) } if (custom.length >= 5) { custom.pop() // removes last one } custom.unshift(color) } return color } async pickAndSelect(name, event) { let color = await this.pickColor() if (typeof color == 'string' && color.substr(0, 1) == '#' && [7, 9].includes(color.length)) { this.addCustomColor(color, name) let cnt = query(event.target).closest('.w2ui-colors-custom') cnt.html(this.getCustomColorsHTML(name)) w2utils.bindEvents(cnt.find('.w2ui-eaction'), this) this.select(color.substr(1), name) // this.hide(name) } } async pickAndUse(name) { let color = await this.pickColor() if (typeof color == 'string' && color.substr(0, 1) == '#' && [7, 9].includes(color.length)) { let hsv = w2utils.rgb2hsv(w2utils.parseColor(color)) this.setColor(hsv, true) } } async pickColor() { if (!window.EyeDropper) { console.error('EyeDropper API is not supported in this browser.') return } let eyeDropper = new EyeDropper() try { const result = await eyeDropper.open() return result.sRGBHex } catch (err) { console.error('Error picking color:', err) } return '' } } class MenuTooltip extends Tooltip { constructor() { super() // ITEM STRUCTURE // item : { // id : null, // text : '', // style : '', // icon : '', // count : '', // tooltip : '', // hotkey : '', // removable: false, // help : '', // text for help tooltip // hotkey ; '', // hotkey text for the items // items : [] // indent : 0, // type : null, // check/radio // group : false, // groupping for checks // expanded : false, // hidden : false, // checked : null, // disabled : false // ... // } this.defaults = w2utils.extend({}, this.defaults, { type : 'normal', // can be normal, radio, check items : [], index : null, // current selected render : null, spinner : false, msgNoItems : w2utils.lang('No items found'), topHTML : '', menuStyle : '', filter : false, markSearch : false, prefilter : false, match : 'contains', // is, begins, ends, contains search : false, // top search TODO: Check altRows : false, arrowSize : 10, align : 'left', position : 'bottom|top', class : 'w2ui-white', anchorClass : 'w2ui-focus', autoShowOn : 'focus', hideOn : ['doc-click', 'focus-change', 'select'], // also can 'item-remove' onSelect : null, onSubMenu : null, onRemove : null }) } attach(anchor, text) { let options if (arguments.length == 1 && anchor instanceof Object) { options = anchor anchor = options.anchor } else if (arguments.length === 2 && text != null && typeof text === 'object') { options = text options.anchor = anchor } let prevHideOn = options.hideOn options = w2utils.extend({}, this.defaults, options || {}) if (prevHideOn) { options.hideOn = prevHideOn } options.style += '; padding: 0;' if (options.items == null) { options.items = [] } if (options.cacheMax <= 0) { console.log(`The option "cacheMax" is ${options.cacheMax} but should be more than 0`) } options.items = w2utils.normMenu(options.items) options.html = this.getMenuHTML(options) let ret = super.attach(options) let overlay = ret.overlay overlay.on('show:after.attach, update:after.attach', event => { if (ret.overlay?.box) { let search = '' // reset selected and active chain overlay.selected = null if (['INPUT', 'TEXTAREA'].includes(overlay.anchor.tagName)) { search = overlay.anchor.value overlay.selected = overlay.anchor.dataset.selectedIndex } let actions = query(ret.overlay.box).find('.w2ui-eaction') w2utils.bindEvents(actions, this) this.applyFilter(overlay.name, null, search) .then(data => { if (!Tooltip.active[overlay.name].displayed) { // if toolitp is not visible, do not proceed as it would make it visible return } overlay.tmp.searchCount = data.count overlay.tmp.search = data.search if (options.prefilter) { this.refreshSearch(overlay.name) } this.initControls(ret.overlay) this.refreshIndex(overlay.name, true) }) } }) overlay.next = () => { let chain = this.getActiveChain(overlay.name) if (overlay.selected == null || overlay.selected?.length == 0) { overlay.selected = chain[0] } else { let ind = chain.indexOf(overlay.selected) // selected not in chain of items if (ind == -1) { overlay.selected = chain[0] } // not the last item if (ind < chain.length - 1) { overlay.selected = chain[ind + 1] } } this.refreshIndex(overlay.name) } overlay.prev = () => { let chain = this.getActiveChain(overlay.name) if (overlay.selected == null || overlay.selected?.length == 0) { overlay.selected = chain[chain.length-1] } else { let ind = chain.indexOf(overlay.selected) // selected not in chain of items if (ind == -1) { overlay.selected = chain[chain.length-1] } // not first item if (ind > 0) { overlay.selected = chain[ind - 1] } } this.refreshIndex(overlay.name) } overlay.click = () => { $(overlay.box).find('.w2ui-selected').click() } overlay.on('hide:after.attach', event => { w2tooltip.hide(overlay.name + '-tooltip') }) ret.select = (callback) => { overlay.on('select.attach', (event) => { callback(event) }) return ret } ret.remove = (callback) => { overlay.on('remove.attach', (event) => { callback(event) }) return ret } ret.subMenu = (callback) => { overlay.on('subMenu.attach', (event) => { callback(event) }) return ret } return ret } update(name, items) { let overlay = Tooltip.active[name] if (overlay) { let options = overlay.options if (options.items != items) { options.items = items } let menuHTML = this.getMenuHTML(options) if (options.html != menuHTML) { options.html = menuHTML overlay.needsUpdate = true this.show(name) } } else { console.log(`Tooltip "${name}" is not displayed. Cannot update it.`) } } initControls(overlay) { let mdown = 'mousedown' let mclick = 'click' if (w2utils.isMobile) { mdown = 'touchstart' mclick = 'touchend' } query(overlay.box).find('.w2ui-menu:not(.w2ui-sub-menu)') .off('.w2menu') .on('contextmenu.w2menu', event => { event.preventDefault() // prevent browser context menu }) .on(`${mdown}.w2menu`, { delegate: '.w2ui-menu-item' }, event => { let dt = event.delegate.dataset this.menuDown(overlay, event, dt.index, dt.parents) if (w2utils.isMobile) { // need it for mobile so that it would not generate onclick (items under menu receive focus) event.preventDefault() } }) .on(`${mclick}.w2menu`, { delegate: '.w2ui-menu-item' }, event => { let dt = event.delegate.dataset this.menuClick(overlay, event, parseInt(dt.index), dt.parents) }) .find('.w2ui-menu-item') .off('.w2menu') .on('mouseEnter.w2menu', event => { let dt = event.target.dataset let tooltip = overlay.options.items[dt.index]?.tooltip if (tooltip) { w2tooltip.show({ name: overlay.name + '-tooltip', anchor: event.target, html: tooltip, position: 'right|left', hideOn: ['doc-click'] }) } // hide previous sub-menu if any let _menu = query(event.target).closest('.w2ui-menu').get(0) if (_menu._evt && _menu._evt.target != event.target) { this.closeSubMenu(_menu._evt) } // show new sub-menu if (dt.hassubmenu == 'yes') { let _evt = { index: parseInt(dt.index), parents: _menu.dataset.parents !== '' ? _menu.dataset.parents.split('-').map(ind => parseInt(ind)) : [], target: event.target, originalEvent: event, overlay } _menu._evt = _evt this.openSubMenu(_evt) } }) .on('mouseLeave.w2menu', event => { w2tooltip.hide(overlay.name + '-tooltip') }) .find('.menu-help') .off('.w2menu') .on('mouseEnter.w2menu', event => { let dt = event.target.parentNode.parentNode.dataset let tooltip = overlay.options.items[dt.index]?.help if (tooltip) { w2tooltip.show({ name: overlay.name + '-help-tp', anchor: event.target, html: tooltip, position: 'right|left', hideOn: ['doc-click'] }) } }) .on('mouseLeave.w2menu', event => { w2tooltip.hide(overlay.name + '-help-tp') }) if (['INPUT', 'TEXTAREA'].includes(overlay.anchor.tagName)) { query(overlay.anchor) .off('.w2menu') .on('input.w2menu', event => { // if user types, clear selection // let dt = event.target.dataset // delete dt.selected // delete dt.selectedIndex }) .on('keyup.w2menu', event => { event._searchType = 'filter' this.keyUp(overlay, event) }) } if (overlay.options.search) { query(overlay.box).find('#menu-search') .off('.w2menu') .on('keyup.w2menu', event => { event._searchType = 'search' this.keyUp(overlay, event) }) } } getCurrent(name, id) { let overlay = Tooltip.active[name.replace(/[\s\.#]/g, '_')] let options = overlay.options let selected = (id ? id : overlay.selected ?? '').split('-') let last = selected.length-1 let index = selected[last] let parents = selected.slice(0, selected.length-1).join('-') index = w2utils.isInt(index) ? parseInt(index) : 0 // items let items = options.items selected.forEach((id, ind) => { // do not go to the last one if (ind < selected.length - 1) { items = items[id].items } }) return { last, index, items, item: items[index], parents } } getMenuHTML(options) { if (options.spinner) { return `
` } let parents = options.parents ?? [] let items = options.items if (!Array.isArray(items)) items = [] let count = 0 let icon = null let topHTML = '' if (options.search) { topHTML += ` ` items.forEach(item => item.hidden = false) } if (options.topHTML) { topHTML += `
` } let menu_html = ` ${topHTML}
` items.forEach((mitem, f) => { icon = mitem.icon let index = (parents.length > 0 ? parents.join('-') + '-' : '') + f if (icon == null) icon = null // icon might be undefined if (['radio', 'check'].indexOf(options.type) != -1 && !Array.isArray(mitem.items) && mitem.group !== false) { if (mitem.checked === true) icon = 'w2ui-icon-check'; else icon = 'w2ui-icon-empty' } if (mitem.hidden !== true) { let txt = mitem.text let icon_dsp = '' if (typeof options.render === 'function') txt = options.render(mitem, options) if (typeof txt == 'function') txt = txt(mitem, options) if (icon) { if (String(icon).slice(0, 1) !== '<') { icon = `` } icon_dsp = `` } // for backward compatibility if (mitem.removable == null && mitem.remove != null) { mitem.removable = mitem.remove } // render only if non-empty if (mitem.type !== 'break' && txt != null && txt !== '' && String(txt).substr(0, 2) != '--') { let classes = ['w2ui-menu-item'] if (options.altRows == true) { classes.push(count % 2 === 0 ? 'w2ui-even' : 'w2ui-odd') } let colspan = 1 if (icon_dsp === '') colspan++ if (mitem.count == null && mitem.hotkey == null && mitem.removable !== true && mitem.items == null) colspan++ if (mitem.tooltip == null && mitem.hint != null) mitem.tooltip = mitem.hint // for backward compatibility let count_dsp = '' if (mitem.removable === true) { count_dsp = 'x' } else if (mitem.items != null) { classes.push('has-sub-menu') count_dsp = '' // used as drop arrow } else { if (mitem.count != null) count_dsp += '' + mitem.count + '' if (mitem.hotkey != null) count_dsp += '' + mitem.hotkey + '' if (mitem.help != null) count_dsp += '?' } if (mitem.disabled === true) classes.push('w2ui-disabled') if (mitem._noSearchInside === true) classes.push('w2ui-no-search-inside') menu_html += `
` count++ } else { // horizontal line let divText = (txt ?? '').replace(/^-+/g, '') menu_html += `
${divText ? `
` : ''}
` } } items[f] = mitem }) if (count === 0 && options.msgNoItems) { let overlay = Tooltip.active[options.name.replace(/[\s\.#]/g, '_')] let remote = overlay?.tmp.remote let msg = options.msgNoItems if (options.url) { if (count == 0 && remote?.hasMore === false) { // if search is applied, but there are no items msg = options.msgNoItems } else { msg = options.msgSearch } } menu_html += `
` } menu_html += '
' return menu_html } openSubMenu(event) { let anchor = query(event.originalEvent.target).get(0) let { overlay } = event let { items } = overlay.options // build sub-items list let mitem = items[event.index] let _items = [] if (typeof mitem.items == 'function') { _items = mitem.items(mitem) } else if (Array.isArray(mitem.items)) { _items = mitem.items } let prev = w2menu.get(overlay.name + '-submenu') if (prev) { prev.hide() } query(event.target).addClass('expanded') w2menu.show({ name: overlay.name + '-submenu', anchor: anchor, items: _items, class: overlay.options.class, offsetX: -7, arrowSize: 0, parentOverlay: overlay, parents: [...event.parents, event.index], position: 'right|left', hideOn: ['doc-click'] }) .hide(evt => { query(event.target).removeClass('expanded') }) .select(evt => { // overlay - is the top overlay, evt.detail.overlay -- current submenu let parents = evt.detail.overlay.options.parents let _overlay = overlay while (_overlay.options.parentOverlay) { _overlay = _overlay.options.parentOverlay } this.menuClick(_overlay, evt.detail.originalEvent, parseInt(evt.detail.index), parents) }) .remove(evt => { // overlay - is the top overlay, evt.detail.overlay -- current submenu let parents = evt.detail.overlay.options.parents let _overlay = overlay while (_overlay.options.parentOverlay) { _overlay = _overlay.options.parentOverlay } this.menuClick(_overlay, evt.detail.originalEvent, parseInt(evt.detail.index), parents) }) // indicates if user cursor is over sub menu setTimeout(() => { query('#w2overlay-' + overlay.name + '-submenu') .on('mouseenter', event => { event.target._keepSubOpen = true }) .on('mouseleave', event => { event.target._keepSubOpen = false }) }, 10) } closeSubMenu(event) { let { overlay } = event if (event.target._keepSubOpen !== true) { let prev = w2menu.get(overlay.name + '-submenu') if (prev) { prev.hide() } } } // Refreshed only selected item highligh, used in keyboard navigation refreshIndex(name, instant) { let overlay = Tooltip.active[name.replace(/[\s\.#]/g, '_')] if (!overlay) return if (!overlay.displayed) { this.show(overlay.name) } let view = query(overlay.box).find('.w2ui-overlay-body').get(0) let search = query(overlay.box).find('.w2ui-menu-search, .w2ui-menu-top').get(0) query(overlay.box).find('.w2ui-menu-item.w2ui-selected') .removeClass('w2ui-selected') let el = query(overlay.box).find(`.w2ui-menu-item[index="${overlay.selected}"]`) .addClass('w2ui-selected') .get(0) if (el) { if (el.offsetTop + el.clientHeight > view.clientHeight + view.scrollTop) { el.scrollIntoView({ behavior: instant ? 'instant' : 'smooth', block: instant ? 'center' : 'start', inline: instant ? 'center' : 'start' }) } if (el.offsetTop < view.scrollTop + (search ? search.clientHeight : 0)) { el.scrollIntoView({ behavior: instant ? 'instant' : 'smooth', block: instant ? 'center' : 'end', inline: instant ? 'center' : 'end' }) } } } // show/hide searched items refreshSearch(name) { let overlay = Tooltip.active[name.replace(/[\s\.#]/g, '_')] if (!overlay) return if (!overlay.displayed) { this.show(overlay.name) } query(overlay.box).find('.w2ui-no-items').hide() query(overlay.box).find('.w2ui-menu-item, .w2ui-menu-divider').each(el => { let cur = this.getCurrent(name, el.getAttribute('index')) if (cur.item?.hidden) { query(el).hide() } else { let search = overlay.tmp?.search if (overlay.options.markSearch) { w2utils.marker(el, search, { onlyFirst: overlay.options.match == 'begins' }) } query(el).show() } }) // hide empty menus query(overlay.box).find('.w2ui-sub-menu').each(sub => { let hasItems = query(sub).find('.w2ui-menu-item').get().some(el => { return el.style.display != 'none' ? true : false }) let parent = this.getCurrent(name, sub.dataset.parent) // only if parent is expaneded if (parent.item.expanded) { if (!hasItems) { query(sub).parent().hide() } else { query(sub).parent().show() } } }) // show empty message if (overlay.tmp.searchCount == 0 || overlay.options?.items?.length == 0) { if (query(overlay.box).find('.w2ui-no-items').length == 0) { query(overlay.box).find('.w2ui-menu:not(.w2ui-sub-menu)').append(`
`) } query(overlay.box).find('.w2ui-no-items').show() } } /** * Loops through the items and markes item.hidden = true for those that need to be hidden, and item.hidden = false * for those that are visible. Return a promise (since items can be on the server) with the number of visible items. */ applyFilter(name, items, search, debounce) { let count = 0 let overlay = Tooltip.active[name.replace(/[\s\.#]/g, '_')] let options = overlay.options let resolve, reject let prom = new Promise((res, rej) => { resolve = res reject = rej }) if (search == null) { if (['INPUT', 'TEXTAREA'].includes(overlay.anchor.tagName)) { search = overlay.anchor.value } else { search = '' } } let selectedIds = [] if (options.selected) { if (Array.isArray(options.selected)) { selectedIds = options.selected.map(item => { return item?.id ?? item }) } else if (options.selected?.id) { selectedIds = [options.selected.id] } } overlay.tmp.activeChain = null // if url is defined, get items from it let remote = overlay.tmp.remote ?? { hasMore: true, emptySet: false, search: null, cached: -1 } if (remote.hasMore == false) { let len = remote.hasMore_search.length if (search.substr(0, len) != remote.hasMore_search) { remote.hasMore = true } } if (items == null && options.url && remote.hasMore && remote.search !== search) { let proceed = true // only when items == null because it is case of nested items let msg = w2utils.lang('Loading...') if (search.length < options.minLength && remote.emptySet !== true) { msg = w2utils.lang('${count} letters or more...', { count: options.minLength }) proceed = false if (search === '') { msg = w2utils.lang(options.msgSearch) } // if there are items - then clear them if (options.items?.length > 0) { this.update(name, []) this.applyFilter(name, null, search) } } query(overlay.box).find('.w2ui-no-items').html(msg) remote.search = search options.items = [] overlay.tmp.remote = remote if (proceed) { this.request(overlay, search, debounce) .then(remoteItems => { this.update(name, remoteItems) this.applyFilter(name, null, search).then(data => { resolve(data) }) }) .catch(error => { console.log('Server Request error', error) }) } return prom } let edata // only trigger search event when data is present and for the top level if (items == null) { edata = this.trigger('search', { search, overlay, prom, resolve, reject }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) { return prom } } if (items == null) { items = overlay.options.items } if (options.filter === false) { resolve({ count: -1, search }) return prom } items.forEach(item => { let prefix = '' let suffix = '' if (['is', 'begins', 'begins with'].indexOf(options.match) !== -1) prefix = '^' if (['is', 'ends', 'ends with'].indexOf(options.match) !== -1) suffix = '$' try { let re = new RegExp(prefix + search + suffix, 'i') if (re.test(item.text) || item.text === '...') { item.hidden = false } else { item.hidden = true } } catch (e) {} // do not show selected items if (options.hideSelected && selectedIds.includes(item.id)) { item.hidden = true } // search nested items if (Array.isArray(item.items) && item.items.length > 0) { delete item._noSearchInside this.applyFilter(name, item.items, search).then(data => { let subCount = data.count if (subCount > 0) { count += subCount if (item.hidden) item._noSearchInside = true // only expand items if search is not empty if (search) item.expanded = true item.hidden = false } }) } if (item.hidden !== true) count++ }) resolve({ count, search }) edata?.finish() return prom } request(overlay, search, debounce) { let options = overlay.options let remote = overlay.tmp.remote let resolve, reject // promise functions if ((options.items.length === 0 && remote.cached !== 0) || (remote.cached == options.cacheMax && search.length > remote.search.length) || (search.length >= remote.search.length && search.substr(0, remote.search.length) !== remote.search) || (search.length < remote.search.length)) { // Aabort previous request if any if (remote.controller) { remote.controller.abort() } remote.loading = true clearTimeout(remote.timeout) remote.timeout = setTimeout(() => { let url = options.url let postData = { search, max: options.cacheMax } Object.assign(postData, options.postData) // trigger event let edata = this.trigger('request', { search, overlay, url, postData, httpMethod: options.method ?? 'GET', httpHeaders: {} }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // if event updated url and postData, use it url = new URL(edata.detail.url, location) let fetchOptions = w2utils.prepareParams(url, { method: edata.detail.httpMethod, headers: edata.detail.httpHeaders, body: edata.detail.postData }) // Create new abort controller remote.controller = new AbortController() fetchOptions.signal = remote.controller.signal // send request fetch(url, fetchOptions) .then(resp => resp.json()) .then(data => { remote.controller = null // trigger event let edata = overlay.trigger('load', { search: postData.search, overlay, data }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // default behavior data = edata.detail.data if (typeof data === 'string') data = JSON.parse(data) // if server just returns array if (Array.isArray(data)) { data = { records: data } } // needed for backward compatibility if (data.records == null && data.items != null) { data.records = data.items delete data.items } // handles Golang marshal of empty arrays to null if (!data.error && data.records == null) { data.records = [] } if (!Array.isArray(data.records)) { console.error('ERROR: server did not return proper data structure', '\n', ' - it should return', { records: [{ id: 1, text: 'item' }] }, '\n', ' - or just an array ', [{ id: 1, text: 'item' }], '\n', ' - or if errorr ', { error: true, message: 'error message' }) return } // remove all extra items if more then needed for cache if (data.records.length >= options.cacheMax) { data.records.splice(options.cacheMax, data.records.length) remote.hasMore = true } else { remote.hasMore = false remote.hasMore_search = search } // map id and text if (options.recId == null && options.recid != null) options.recId = options.recid // since lower-case recid is used in grid if (options.recId || options.recText) { data.records.forEach((item) => { if (typeof options.recId === 'string') item.id = item[options.recId] if (typeof options.recId === 'function') item.id = options.recId(item) if (typeof options.recText === 'string') item.text = item[options.recText] if (typeof options.recText === 'function') item.text = options.recText(item) }) } // remember stats remote.loading = false remote.search = search remote.cached = data.records.length == 0 ? -1 : data.records.length remote.lastError = '' remote.emptySet = (search === '' && data.records.length === 0 ? true : false) // event after edata.finish() resolve(w2utils.normMenu(data.records)) }) .catch(error => { let edata = this.trigger('error', { overlay, search, error }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // default behavior if (error?.name !== 'AbortError') { console.error('ERROR: Server communication failed.', '\n', ' - it should return', { records: [{ id: 1, text: 'item' }] }, '\n', ' - or just an array ', [{ id: 1, text: 'item' }], '\n', ' - or if errorr ', { error: true, message: 'error message' }) } // reset stats remote.loading = false remote.search = '' remote.cached = -1 remote.emptySet = true remote.lastError = (edata.detail.error || 'Server communication failed') options.items = [] // event after edata.finish() reject() }) // event after edata.finish() }, debounce ? (options.debounce ?? 350) : 0) } return new Promise((res, rej) => { resolve = res reject = rej }) } /** * Builds an array of item ids that sequencial in navigation with up/down keys. * Skips hidden and disabled items and goes into nested structures. */ getActiveChain(name, items, parents = [], res = [], noSave) { let overlay = Tooltip.active[name.replace(/[\s\.#]/g, '_')] if (overlay.tmp.activeChain != null) { return overlay.tmp.activeChain } if (items == null) items = overlay.options.items items.forEach((item, ind) => { if (!item.hidden && !item.disabled && !item?.text?.startsWith('--')) { res.push(parents.concat([ind]).join('-')) if (Array.isArray(item.items) && item.items.length > 0 && item.expanded) { parents.push(ind) this.getActiveChain(name, item.items, parents, res, true) parents.pop() } } }) if (noSave == null) { overlay.tmp.activeChain = res } return res } menuDown(overlay, event, index, parents) { let options = overlay.options let items = options.items let icon = query(event.delegate).find('.w2ui-icon') let menu = query(event.target).closest('.w2ui-menu:not(.w2ui-sub-menu)') if (typeof parents == 'string' && parents !== '') { let ids = parents.split('-') ids.forEach(id => { items = items[id].items }) } if (typeof items == 'function') { items = items({ overlay, index, parents, event }) } let item = items[index] if (item == null || item.disabled) { return } let uncheck = (items, parent) => { items.forEach((other, ind) => { if (other.id == item.id) return if (other.group === item.group && other.checked) { menu .find(`.w2ui-menu-item[index="${(parent ? parent + '-' : '') + ind}"] .w2ui-icon`) .removeClass('w2ui-icon-check') .addClass('w2ui-icon-empty') items[ind].checked = false } if (Array.isArray(other.items)) { uncheck(other.items, ind) } }) } if ((options.type === 'check' || options.type === 'radio') && item.group !== false && !query(event.target).hasClass('menu-remove') && !query(event.target).hasClass('menu-help') && !query(event.target).closest('.w2ui-menu-item').hasClass('has-sub-menu')) { item.checked = options.type == 'radio' ? true : !item.checked if (item.checked) { if (options.type === 'radio') { query(event.target).closest('.w2ui-menu').find('.w2ui-icon') .removeClass('w2ui-icon-check') .addClass('w2ui-icon-empty') } if (options.type === 'check' && item.group != null) { uncheck(options.items) } icon.removeClass('w2ui-icon-empty').addClass('w2ui-icon-check') } else if (options.type === 'check') { icon.removeClass('w2ui-icon-check').addClass('w2ui-icon-empty') } } // highlight record if (!query(event.target).hasClass('menu-remove') && !query(event.target).hasClass('menu-help')) { menu.find('.w2ui-menu-item').removeClass('w2ui-selected') // click on the item that has submenu will not select the item if (!query(event.delegate).hasClass('has-sub-menu')) { query(event.delegate).addClass('w2ui-selected') } } } menuClick(overlay, event, index, parents) { let options = overlay.options let items = options.items let $item = query(event.delegate).closest('.w2ui-menu-item') let keepOpen = options.hideOn.includes('select') ? false : true if (event.shiftKey || event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey) { keepOpen = true } if (typeof parents == 'string' && parents !== '') { parents = parents.split('-') } else if (!Array.isArray(parents)) { parents = null } // parse through parents to get to right items if (parents) { parents.forEach(id => { items = items[id].items }) } if (typeof items == 'function') { items = items({ overlay, index, parents, event }) } let item = items[index] if (!item || (item.disabled && !query(event.target).hasClass('menu-remove'))) { return } let edata if (query(event.target).hasClass('menu-remove')) { edata = this.trigger('remove', { originalEvent: event, target: overlay.name, overlay, item, index, parents, el: $item[0] }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) { return } keepOpen = !options.hideOn.includes('item-remove') $item.remove() } else if ($item.hasClass('has-sub-menu')) { edata = this.trigger('subMenu', { originalEvent: event, target: overlay.name, overlay, item, index, parents, el: $item[0] }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) { return } keepOpen = true } else { // find items that are selected let selected = this.findChecked(options.items) overlay.selected = parseInt($item.attr('index')) edata = this.trigger('select', { originalEvent: event, target: overlay.name, overlay, item, index, parents, selected, keepOpen, el: $item[0] }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) { return } if (item.keepOpen != null) { keepOpen = item.keepOpen } if (['INPUT', 'TEXTAREA'].includes(overlay.anchor.tagName)) { overlay.anchor.dataset.selected = item.id overlay.anchor.dataset.selectedIndex = overlay.selected } } if (!keepOpen) { this.hide(overlay.name) } // if (['INPUT', 'TEXTAREA'].includes(overlay.anchor.tagName)) { // overlay.anchor.focus() // } // event after edata.finish() } findChecked(items) { let found = [] items.forEach(item => { if (item.checked) found.push(item) if (Array.isArray(item.items)) { found = found.concat(this.findChecked(item.items)) } }) return found } keyUp(overlay, event) { let options = overlay.options let search = event.target.value let filter = true let refreshIndex = false switch (event.keyCode) { case 46: // delete case 8: { // backspace // if search empty and delete is clicked, do not filter nor show overlay if (search === '' && !overlay.displayed) filter = false break } case 13: { // enter if (!overlay.displayed || !overlay.selected) return let { index, parents } = this.getCurrent(overlay.name) event.delegate = query(overlay.box).find('.w2ui-selected').get(0) // reset active chain for folders this.menuClick(overlay, event, parseInt(index), parents) filter = false break } case 27: { // escape filter = false if (overlay.displayed) { this.hide(overlay.name) } else { // clear selected let el = overlay.anchor if (['INPUT', 'TEXTAREA'].includes(el.tagName)) { el.value = '' delete el.dataset.selected delete el.dataset.selectedIndex } } break } case 37: { // left if (!overlay.displayed) return let { item, index, parents } = this.getCurrent(overlay.name) // collapse parent if any if (parents) { item = options.items[parents] index = parseInt(parents) parents = '' refreshIndex = true } if (Array.isArray(item?.items) && item.items.length > 0 && item.expanded) { event.delegate = query(overlay.box).find(`.w2ui-menu-item[index="${index}"]`).get(0) overlay.selected = index this.menuClick(overlay, event, parseInt(index), parents) } filter = false break } case 39: { // right if (!overlay.displayed) return let { item, index, parents } = this.getCurrent(overlay.name) if (Array.isArray(item?.items) && item.items.length > 0 && !item.expanded) { event.delegate = query(overlay.box).find('.w2ui-selected').get(0) this.menuClick(overlay, event, parseInt(index), parents) } filter = false break } case 38: { // up if (!overlay.displayed) { break } overlay.prev() filter = false event.preventDefault() break } case 40: { // down if (!overlay.displayed) { break } overlay.next() filter = false event.preventDefault() break } } // filter if (filter && overlay.displayed && ((options.filter && event._searchType == 'filter') || (options.search && event._searchType == 'search'))) { this.applyFilter(overlay.name, null, search, true) .then(data => { overlay.tmp.searchCount = data.count overlay.tmp.search = data.search // if selected is not in searched items if (data.count === 0 || !this.getActiveChain(overlay.name).includes(overlay.selected)) { overlay.selected = null } this.refreshSearch(overlay.name) }) } if (refreshIndex) { this.refreshIndex(overlay.name) } } } class DateTooltip extends Tooltip { constructor() { super() let td = new Date() this.daysCount = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31] this.today = td.getFullYear() + '/' + (Number(td.getMonth()) + 1) + '/' + td.getDate() this.defaults = w2utils.extend({}, this.defaults, { position : 'top|bottom', class : 'w2ui-calendar', type : 'date', // can be date/time/datetime value : '', // initial date (in w2utils.settings format) format : '', start : null, end : null, btnNow : false, blockDates : [], // array of blocked dates blockWeekdays : [], // blocked weekdays 0 - sunday, 1 - monday, etc colored : {}, // ex: { '3/13/2022': 'bg-color|text-color' } arrowSize : 12, autoResize : false, anchorClass : 'w2ui-focus', autoShowOn : 'focus', hideOn : ['doc-click', 'focus-change'], onSelect : null }) } attach(anchor, text) { let options if (arguments.length == 1 && anchor instanceof Object) { options = anchor anchor = options.anchor } else if (arguments.length === 2 && text != null && typeof text === 'object') { options = text options.anchor = anchor } let prevHideOn = options.hideOn options = w2utils.extend({}, this.defaults, options || {}) if (prevHideOn) { options.hideOn = prevHideOn } if (!options.format) { let df = w2utils.settings.dateFormat let tf = w2utils.settings.timeFormat if (options.type == 'date') { options.format = df } else if (options.type == 'time') { options.format = tf } else { options.format = df + '|' + tf } } let cal = options.type == 'time' ? this.getHourHTML(options) : this.getMonthHTML(options) options.style += '; padding: 0;' options.html = cal.html let ret = super.attach(options) let overlay = ret.overlay Object.assign(overlay.tmp, cal) overlay.on('show.attach', event => { let overlay = event.detail.overlay let anchor = overlay.anchor let options = overlay.options if (['INPUT', 'TEXTAREA'].includes(anchor.tagName) && !options.value && anchor.value) { overlay.tmp.initValue = anchor.value } delete overlay.newValue delete overlay.newDate }) overlay.on('show:after.attach', event => { if (ret.overlay?.box) { this.initControls(ret.overlay) } }) overlay.on('update:after.attach', event => { if (ret.overlay?.box) { this.initControls(ret.overlay) } }) overlay.on('hide.attach', event => { let overlay = event.detail.overlay let anchor = overlay.anchor if (overlay.newValue != null) { if (overlay.newDate) { overlay.newValue = overlay.newDate + ' ' + overlay.newValue } if (['INPUT', 'TEXTAREA'].includes(anchor.tagName) && anchor.value != overlay.newValue) { anchor.value = overlay.newValue } let edata = this.trigger('select', { date: overlay.newValue, target: overlay.name, overlay }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // event after edata.finish() } }) ret.select = (callback) => { overlay.on('select.attach', (event) => { callback(event) }) return ret } return ret } initControls(overlay) { let options = overlay.options let moveMonth = (inc) => { let { month, year } = overlay.tmp month += inc if (month > 12) { month = 1 year++ } if (month < 1 ) { month = 12 year-- } let cal = this.getMonthHTML(options, month, year) Object.assign(overlay.tmp, cal) query(overlay.box).find('.w2ui-overlay-body').html(cal.html) this.initControls(overlay) } let checkJump = (event, dblclick) => { query(event.target).parent().find('.w2ui-jump-month, .w2ui-jump-year') .removeClass('w2ui-selected') query(event.target).addClass('w2ui-selected') let dt = new Date() let { jumpMonth, jumpYear } = overlay.tmp if (dblclick) { if (jumpYear == null) jumpYear = dt.getFullYear() if (jumpMonth == null) jumpMonth = dt.getMonth() + 1 } if (jumpMonth && jumpYear) { let cal = this.getMonthHTML(options, jumpMonth, jumpYear) Object.assign(overlay.tmp, cal) query(overlay.box).find('.w2ui-overlay-body').html(cal.html) overlay.tmp.jump = false this.initControls(overlay) } } // events for next/prev buttons and title query(overlay.box) .find('.w2ui-cal-title') .off('.calendar') // click on title .on('click.calendar', event => { Object.assign(overlay.tmp, { jumpYear: null, jumpMonth: null }) if (overlay.tmp.jump) { let { month, year } = overlay.tmp let cal = this.getMonthHTML(options, month, year) query(overlay.box).find('.w2ui-overlay-body').html(cal.html) overlay.tmp.jump = false } else { query(overlay.box).find('.w2ui-overlay-body .w2ui-cal-days') .replace(this.getYearHTML()) let el = query(overlay.box).find(`[name="${overlay.tmp.year}"]`).get(0) if (el) el.scrollIntoView(true) overlay.tmp.jump = true } this.initControls(overlay) event.stopPropagation() }) // prev button .find('.w2ui-cal-previous') .off('.calendar') .on('click.calendar', event => { moveMonth(-1) event.stopPropagation() }) .parent() // next button .find('.w2ui-cal-next') .off('.calendar') .on('click.calendar', event => { moveMonth(1) event.stopPropagation() }) // now button query(overlay.box).find('.w2ui-cal-now') .off('.calendar') .on('click.calendar', event => { if (options.type == 'datetime') { if (overlay.newDate) { overlay.newValue = w2utils.formatTime(new Date(), options.format.split('|')[1]) } else { overlay.newValue = w2utils.formatDateTime(new Date(), options.format) } } else if (options.type == 'date') { overlay.newValue = w2utils.formatDate(new Date(), options.format) } else if (options.type == 'time') { overlay.newValue = w2utils.formatTime(new Date(), options.format) } this.hide(overlay.name) }) // events for dates query(overlay.box) .off('.calendar') .on('contextmenu.calendar', event => { event.preventDefault() // prevent browser context menu }) .on('click.calendar', { delegate: '.w2ui-day.w2ui-date' }, event => { if (options.type == 'datetime') { overlay.newDate = query(event.target).attr('date') query(overlay.box).find('.w2ui-overlay-body').html(this.getHourHTML(overlay.options).html) this.initControls(overlay) } else { overlay.newValue = query(event.target).attr('date') this.hide(overlay.name) } }) // click on month .on('click.calendar', { delegate: '.w2ui-jump-month' }, event => { overlay.tmp.jumpMonth = parseInt(query(event.target).attr('name')) checkJump(event) }) // double click on month .on('dblclick.calendar', { delegate: '.w2ui-jump-month' }, event => { overlay.tmp.jumpMonth = parseInt(query(event.target).attr('name')) checkJump(event, true) }) // click on year .on('click.calendar', { delegate: '.w2ui-jump-year' }, event => { overlay.tmp.jumpYear = parseInt(query(event.target).attr('name')) checkJump(event) }) // dbl click on year .on('dblclick.calendar', { delegate: '.w2ui-jump-year' }, event => { overlay.tmp.jumpYear = parseInt(query(event.target).attr('name')) checkJump(event, true) }) // click on hour .on('click.calendar', { delegate: '.w2ui-time.hour' }, event => { let hour = query(event.target).attr('hour') let min = this.str2min(options.value) % 60 if (overlay.tmp.initValue && !options.value) { min = this.str2min(overlay.tmp.initValue) % 60 } if (options.noMinutes) { overlay.newValue = this.min2str(hour * 60, options.format) this.hide(overlay.name) } else { overlay.newValue = hour + ':' + min let html = this.getMinHTML(hour, options).html query(overlay.box).find('.w2ui-overlay-body').html(html) this.initControls(overlay) } }) // click on minute .on('click.calendar', { delegate: '.w2ui-time.min' }, event => { let hour = Math.floor(this.str2min(overlay.newValue) / 60) let time = (hour * 60) + parseInt(query(event.target).attr('min')) overlay.newValue = this.min2str(time, options.format) this.hide(overlay.name) }) } getMonthHTML(options, month, year) { let days = w2utils.settings.fulldays.slice() // creates copy of the array let sdays = w2utils.settings.shortdays.slice() // creates copy of the array if (w2utils.settings.weekStarts !== 'M') { days.unshift(days.pop()) sdays.unshift(sdays.pop()) } let DT = new Date() let dayLengthMil = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 let selected = options.type === 'datetime' ? w2utils.isDateTime(options.value, options.format, true) : w2utils.isDate(options.value, options.format, true) let selected_dsp = w2utils.formatDate(selected) // normalize date if (month == null || year == null) { year = selected ? selected.getFullYear() : DT.getFullYear() month = selected ? selected.getMonth() + 1 : DT.getMonth() + 1 } if (month > 12) { month -= 12; year++ } if (month < 1 || month === 0) { month += 12; year-- } if (year/4 == Math.floor(year/4)) { this.daysCount[1] = 29 } else { this.daysCount[1] = 28 } options.current = month + '/' + year let weekDaysHeaderHTML = '' let st = w2utils.settings.weekStarts for (let i = 0; i < sdays.length; i++) { let isSat = (st == 'M' && i == 5) || (st != 'M' && i == 6) ? true : false let isSun = (st == 'M' && i == 6) || (st != 'M' && i == 0) ? true : false weekDaysHeaderHTML += `
` } let html = `
${w2utils.settings.fullmonths[month-1]}, ${year}
${weekDaysHeaderHTML} ` // start with the required date DT = new Date(year, month-1, 1) /** * Move to noon, instead of midnight. If not, then the date when time saving happens * will be duplicated in the calendar */ DT = new Date(DT.getTime() + dayLengthMil * 0.5) // calendar offset let weekDayOffset = DT.getDay() if (w2utils.settings.weekStarts == 'M') { // offset should be 1 day more, but not negative (Sunday) weekDayOffset = weekDayOffset > 0 ? weekDayOffset - 1 : 6 } // apply the offset for the first day in the calendar DT = new Date(DT.getTime() - (weekDayOffset * dayLengthMil)) const DaySat = 6, DaySun = 0 for (let ci = 0; ci < 42; ci++) { let className = [] let dt = `${DT.getFullYear()}/${DT.getMonth()+1}/${DT.getDate()}` if (DT.getDay() === DaySat) className.push('w2ui-saturday') if (DT.getDay() === DaySun) className.push('w2ui-sunday') if (DT.getMonth() + 1 !== month) className.push('outside') if (dt == this.today) className.push('w2ui-today') let dspDay = DT.getDate() let col = '' let bgcol = '' let tmp_dt, tmp_dt_fmt if (options.type === 'datetime') { tmp_dt = w2utils.formatDateTime(dt, options.format) tmp_dt_fmt = w2utils.formatDate(dt, w2utils.settings.dateFormat) } else { tmp_dt = w2utils.formatDate(dt, options.format) tmp_dt_fmt = tmp_dt } if (options.colored && options.colored[tmp_dt_fmt] !== undefined) { // if there is predefined colors for dates let tmp = options.colored[tmp_dt_fmt].split('|') bgcol = 'background-color: ' + tmp[0] + ';' col = 'color: ' + tmp[1] + ';' } html += `
` DT = new Date(DT.getTime() + dayLengthMil) } html += '
' if (options.btnNow) { let label = w2utils.lang('Today' + (options.type == 'datetime' ? ' & Now' : '')) html += `
` } return { html, month, year } } getYearHTML() { let mhtml = '' let yhtml = '' for (let m = 0; m < w2utils.settings.fullmonths.length; m++) { mhtml += `
` } for (let y = w2utils.settings.dateStartYear; y <= w2utils.settings.dateEndYear; y++) { yhtml += `
` } return `
` } getHourHTML(options) { options = options ?? {} if (!options.format) options.format = w2utils.settings.timeFormat let h24 = (options.format.indexOf('h24') > -1) let value = options.value ? options.value : (options.anchor ? options.anchor.value : '') let tmp = [] for (let a = 0; a < 24; a++) { let time = (a >= 12 && !h24 ? a - 12 : a) + ':00' + (!h24 ? (a < 12 ? ' am' : ' pm') : '') if (a == 12 && !h24) time = '12:00 pm' if (!tmp[Math.floor(a/8)]) tmp[Math.floor(a/8)] = '' let tm1 = this.min2str(this.str2min(time)) let tm2 = this.min2str(this.str2min(time) + 59) if (options.type === 'datetime') { let dt = w2utils.isDateTime(value, options.format, true) let fm = options.format.split('|')[0].trim() tm1 = w2utils.formatDate(dt, fm) + ' ' + tm1 tm2 = w2utils.formatDate(dt, fm) + ' ' + tm2 } let valid = this.inRange(tm1, options) || this.inRange(tm2, options) tmp[Math.floor(a/8)] += `${time}` } let html = `
${w2utils.lang('Select Hour')}
${options.btnNow ? `
` : '' }
` return { html } } getMinHTML(hour, options) { if (hour == null) hour = 0 options = options ?? {} if (!options.format) options.format = w2utils.settings.timeFormat let h24 = (options.format.indexOf('h24') > -1) let value = options.value ? options.value : (options.anchor ? options.anchor.value : '') let tmp = [] for (let a = 0; a < 60; a += 5) { let time = (hour > 12 && !h24 ? hour - 12 : hour) + ':' + (a < 10 ? 0 : '') + a + ' ' + (!h24 ? (hour < 12 ? 'am' : 'pm') : '') let tm = time let ind = a < 20 ? 0 : (a < 40 ? 1 : 2) if (!tmp[ind]) tmp[ind] = '' if (options.type === 'datetime') { let dt = w2utils.isDateTime(value, options.format, true) let fm = options.format.split('|')[0].trim() tm = w2utils.formatDate(dt, fm) + ' ' + tm } tmp[ind] += `${time}` } let html = `
${w2utils.lang('Select Minute')}
${options.btnNow ? `
` : '' }
` return { html } } // checks if date is in range (loost at start, end, blockDates, blockWeekdays) inRange(str, options, dateOnly) { let inRange = false if (options.type === 'date') { let dt = w2utils.isDate(str, options.format, true) if (dt) { // enable range if (options.start || options.end) { let st = (typeof options.start === 'string' ? options.start : query(options.start).val()) let en = (typeof options.end === 'string' ? options.end : query(options.end).val()) let start = w2utils.isDate(st, options.format, true) let end = w2utils.isDate(en, options.format, true) let current = new Date(dt) if (!start) start = current if (!end) end = current if (current >= start && current <= end) inRange = true } else { inRange = true } // block predefined dates if (Array.isArray(options.blockDates) && options.blockDates.includes(str)) inRange = false // block weekdays if (Array.isArray(options.blockWeekdays) && options.blockWeekdays.includes(dt.getDay())) inRange = false } } else if (options.type === 'time') { if (options.start || options.end) { let tm = this.str2min(str) let tm1 = this.str2min(options.start) let tm2 = this.str2min(options.end) if (!tm1) tm1 = tm if (!tm2) tm2 = tm if (tm >= tm1 && tm <= tm2) inRange = true } else { inRange = true } } else if (options.type === 'datetime') { let dt = w2utils.isDateTime(str, options.format, true) if (dt) { let format = options.format.split('|').map(format => format.trim()) if (dateOnly) { let date = w2utils.formatDate(dt, format[0]) let opts = w2utils.extend({}, options, { type: 'date', format: format[0] }) if (this.inRange(date, opts)) inRange = true } else { let time = w2utils.formatTime(dt, format[1]) let opts = { type: 'time', format: format[1], start: options.startTime, end: options.endTime } if (this.inRange(time, opts)) inRange = true } } } return inRange } // converts time into number of minutes since midnight -- '11:50am' => 710 str2min(str) { if (typeof str !== 'string') return null let tmp = str.split(':') if (tmp.length === 2) { tmp[0] = parseInt(tmp[0]) tmp[1] = parseInt(tmp[1]) if (str.indexOf('pm') !== -1 && tmp[0] !== 12) tmp[0] += 12 if (str.includes('am') && tmp[0] == 12) tmp[0] = 0 // 12:00am - is midnight } else { return null } return tmp[0] * 60 + tmp[1] } // converts minutes since midnight into time str -- 710 => '11:50am' min2str(time, format) { let ret = '' if (time >= 24 * 60) time = time % (24 * 60) if (time < 0) time = 24 * 60 + time let hour = Math.floor(time/60) let min = ((time % 60) < 10 ? '0' : '') + (time % 60) if (!format) { format = w2utils.settings.timeFormat} if (format.indexOf('h24') !== -1) { ret = hour + ':' + min } else { ret = (hour <= 12 ? hour : hour - 12) + ':' + min + ' ' + (hour >= 12 ? 'pm' : 'am') } return ret } } let w2tooltip = new Tooltip() let w2menu = new MenuTooltip() let w2color = new ColorTooltip() let w2date = new DateTooltip() /** * Part of w2ui 2.0 library * - Dependencies: mQuery, w2utils, w2base, w2tooltip, w2color, w2menu * * == TODO == * - tab navigation (index state) * - vertical toolbar * - w2menu on second click of tb button should hide * - button display groups for each show/hide, possibly add state: { single: t/f, multiple: t/f, type: 'font' } * - item.count - should just support html, so a custom block can be created, such as a colored line * * == 2.0 changes * - CSP - fixed inline events * - removed jQuery dependency * - item.icon - can be class or or * - new w2tooltips and w2menu * - scroll returns promise * - added onMouseEntter, onMouseLeave, onMouseDown, onMouseUp events * - add(..., skipRefresh), insert(..., skipRefresh) * - item.items can be a function * - item.icon_style - style for the icon * - item.icon - can be a function * - item.type = 'label', item.type = 'input' * - item.placeholder * - item.input: { spinner, style, min, max, step, precision, suffix } * - item.backColor * - onLiveUpdate - for colors */ class w2toolbar extends w2base { constructor(options) { super(options.name) this.box = null // DOM Element that holds the element this.name = null // unique name for w2ui this.routeData = {} // data for dynamic routes this.items = [] this.right = '' // HTML text on the right of toolbar this.tooltip = 'top|left'// can be top, bottom, left, right this.onClick = null this.onChange = null this.onMouseDown = null this.onMouseUp = null this.onMouseEnter = null // mouse enter the button event this.onMouseLeave = null this.onRender = null this.onRefresh = null this.onResize = null this.onDestroy = null this.onLiveUpdate = null this.item_template = { id: null, // command to be sent to all event handlers type: 'button', // button, check, radio, drop, menu, menu-radio, menu-check, break, html, label, input spacer text: null, html: '', tooltip: null, // w2toolbar.tooltip should be count: null, hidden: false, disabled: false, checked: false, // used for radio buttons icon: null, route: null, // if not null, it is route to go arrow: null, // arrow down for drop/menu types style: null, // extra css style for caption group: null, // used for radio buttons items: null, // for type menu* it is an array of items in the menu selected: null, // used for menu-check, menu-radio color: null, // color value - used in color pickers backColor: null, // background color value for color pickter overlay: { // additional options for overlay anchorClass: '' }, onClick: null, onRefresh: null } this.last = { badge: {}, pendingRefresh: {} // what should be refreshed with a debounce } /** * This _refresh function is needed for speed. It will store what should be refreshed in this.last.refesh * obect and then call _refreshDebounced(), which will do it withing 15 ms. However, if new items are added * they will not cause multiple unnecessary refreshes */ this._refresh = ({ effected, resize, refreshTooltip }) => { let options = this.last.pendingRefresh options.ids ??= [] options.ids.push(...effected) Object.assign(options, { resize, refreshTooltip }) this._refreshDebounced() } this._refreshDebounced = w2utils.debounce(() => { let options = this.last.pendingRefresh // new Set will make array unique new Set(options.ids).forEach(id => { this.refresh(id) if (options.hideTooltip) this.tooltipHide(id) }) if (options.resize) this.resize() // once refresh is complete, then clear refresh object this.last.pendingRefresh = {} }, 15) // mix in options, w/o items let items = options.items delete options.items Object.assign(this, options) // add item via method to makes sure item_template is applied if (Array.isArray(items)) this.add(items, true) // need to reassign back to keep it in config options.items = items // render if box specified if (typeof this.box == 'string') this.box = query(this.box).get(0) if (this.box) this.render(this.box) } add(items, skipRefresh) { this.insert(null, items, skipRefresh) } insert(id, items, skipRefresh) { if (!Array.isArray(items)) items = [items] items.forEach((item, idx, arr) => { if (typeof item === 'string') { item = arr[idx] = { id: item, text: item } } // checks let valid = ['button', 'check', 'radio', 'drop', 'menu', 'menu-radio', 'menu-check', 'color', 'text-color', 'html', 'label', 'input', 'group', 'break', 'spacer', 'new-line'] if (!valid.includes(String(item.type))) { console.log('ERROR: The parameter "type" should be one of the following:', valid, `, but ${item.type} is supplied.`, item) return } if (item.id == null && !['break', 'spacer', 'new-line'].includes(item.type)) { console.log('ERROR: The parameter "id" is required but not supplied.', item) return } if (item.type == null) { console.log('ERROR: The parameter "type" is required but not supplied.', item) return } if (!w2utils.checkUniqueId(item.id, this.items, 'toolbar', this.name)) return // add item let newItem = w2utils.extend({}, this.item_template, item) if (newItem.type == 'group' && Array.isArray(newItem.items)) { newItem.items.forEach((it, ind) => { newItem.items[ind] = w2utils.extend({}, this.item_template, newItem.items[ind]) }) } if (newItem.type == 'menu-check') { if (!Array.isArray(newItem.selected)) newItem.selected = [] if (Array.isArray(newItem.items)) { newItem.items.forEach(it => { if (typeof it === 'string') { it = arr[idx] = { id: it, text: it } } if (it.checked && !newItem.selected.includes(it.id)) newItem.selected.push(it.id) if (!it.checked && newItem.selected.includes(it.id)) it.checked = true if (it.checked == null) it.checked = false }) } } else if (newItem.type == 'menu-radio') { if (Array.isArray(newItem.items)) { newItem.items.forEach((it, idx, arr) => { if (typeof it === 'string') { it = arr[idx] = { id: it, text: it } } if (it.checked && newItem.selected == null) newItem.selected = it.id; else it.checked = false if (!it.checked && newItem.selected == it.id) it.checked = true if (it.checked == null) it.checked = false }) } } if (id == null) { this.items.push(newItem) } else { let middle = this.get(id, true) this.items = this.items.slice(0, middle).concat([newItem], this.items.slice(middle)) } newItem.line = newItem.line ?? 1 if (skipRefresh !== true) this.refresh(newItem.id) }) if (skipRefresh !== true) this.resize() } remove() { let effected = 0 Array.from(arguments).forEach(item => { let it = this.get(item) if (!it || String(item).indexOf(':') != -1) return effected++ // remove from screen query(this.box).find('#tb_'+ this.name +'_item_'+ w2utils.escapeId(it.id)).remove() // remove from array let ind = this.get(it.id, true) if (ind != null) this.items.splice(ind, 1) }) this.resize() return effected } set(id, newOptions) { let item = this.get(id) if (item == null) return false Object.assign(item, newOptions) this.refresh(String(id).split(':')[0]) return true } get(id, returnIndex, items) { if (arguments.length === 0) { let all = [] for (let i1 = 0; i1 < this.items.length; i1++) { let it = this.items[i1] if (it.id != null) all.push(it.id) if (it.type == 'group') { for (let i2 = 0; i2 < it.items.length; i2++) { if (it.items[i2].id != null) all.push(it.items[i2].id) } } } return all } let tmp = String(id).split(':') if (items == null) items = this.items for (let i1 = 0; i1 < items.length; i1++) { let it = items[i1] // find a menu item if (['menu', 'menu-radio', 'menu-check'].includes(it.type) && tmp.length == 2 && it.id == tmp[0]) { let subItems = it.items if (typeof subItems == 'function') subItems = subItems(this) for (let i = 0; i < subItems.length; i++) { let item = subItems[i] if (item.id == tmp[1] || (item.id == null && item.text == tmp[1])) { if (returnIndex == true) return i; else return item } if (Array.isArray(item.items)) { for (let j = 0; j < item.items.length; j++) { if (item.items[j].id == tmp[1] || (item.items[j].id == null && item.items[j].text == tmp[1])) { if (returnIndex == true) return i; else return item.items[j] } } } } } else if (it.id == tmp[0]) { if (returnIndex == true) return i1; else return it } else if (it.type == 'group') { let sub = this.get(id, returnIndex, it.items) if (sub != null) return sub } } return null } setCount(id, count, className, style) { let btn = query(this.box).find(`#tb_${this.name}_item_${w2utils.escapeId(id)} .w2ui-tb-count > span`) if (btn.length > 0) { btn.removeClass() .addClass(className ?? '') .text(count) .get(0).style.cssText = style ?? '' this.last.badge[id] = { className: className ?? '', style: style ?? '' } let item = this.get(id) item.count = count } else { this.set(id, { count: count }) this.setCount(...arguments) // to update styles } } show() { let effected = [] Array.from(arguments).forEach(item => { let it = this.get(item) if (!it) return // since group can have style, it should still be shown it.hidden = false effected.push(String(item).split(':')[0]) if (it.type == 'group') { it.items.forEach(itm => this.show(itm.id)) } }) this._refresh({ effected, resize: true }) // debounced, needed for speed return effected } hide() { let effected = [] Array.from(arguments).forEach(item => { let it = this.get(item) if (!it) return // since group can have style, it should still be hidden it.hidden = true effected.push(String(item).split(':')[0]) if (it.type == 'group') { it.items.forEach(itm => this.hide(itm.id)) } }) this._refresh({ effected, hideTooltip: true, resize: true }) // debounced, needed for speed return effected } enable() { let effected = [] Array.from(arguments).forEach(item => { let it = this.get(item) if (!it) return if (it.type == 'group') { it.items.forEach(itm => this.enable(itm.id)) } else { it.disabled = false effected.push(String(item).split(':')[0]) } }) this._refresh({ effected }) // debounced, needed for speed return effected } disable() { let effected = [] Array.from(arguments).forEach(item => { let it = this.get(item) if (!it) return if (it.type == 'group') { it.items.forEach(itm => this.disable(itm.id)) } else { it.disabled = true effected.push(String(item).split(':')[0]) } }) this._refresh({ effected, hideTooltip: true }) // debounced, needed for speed return effected } check() { let effected = [] Array.from(arguments).forEach(item => { let it = this.get(item) if (!it || String(item).indexOf(':') != -1) return if (it.type == 'group') { it.items.forEach(itm => this.check(itm.id)) } else { it.checked = true effected.push(String(item).split(':')[0]) } }) this._refresh({ effected }) // debounced, needed for speed return effected } uncheck() { let effected = [] Array.from(arguments).forEach(item => { let it = this.get(item) if (!it || String(item).indexOf(':') != -1) return // remove overlay if (['menu', 'menu-radio', 'menu-check', 'drop', 'color', 'text-color'].includes(it.type) && it.checked) { w2tooltip.hide(this.name + '-drop') } if (it.type == 'group') { it.items.forEach(itm => this.uncheck(itm.id)) } else { it.checked = false effected.push(String(item).split(':')[0]) } }) this._refresh({ effected }) // debounced, needed for speed return effected } click(id, event) { // click on menu items let tmp = String(id).split(':') let it = this.get(tmp[0]) let items = (it && it.items ? w2utils.normMenu.call(this, it.items, it) : []) if (tmp.length > 1) { let subItem = this.get(id) if (subItem && !subItem.disabled) { this.menuClick({ name: this.name, item: it, subItem: subItem, originalEvent: event }) } return } if (it && !it.disabled) { // event before let edata = this.trigger('click', { target: (id != null ? id : this.name), item: it, object: it, originalEvent: event }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // read items again, they might have been changed in the click event handler items = (it && it.items ? w2utils.normMenu.call(this, it.items, it) : []) let btn = '#tb_'+ this.name +'_item_'+ w2utils.escapeId(it.id) query(this.box).find(btn).removeClass('down') // need to re-query at the moment -- as well as elsewhere in this function if (it.type == 'radio') { for (let i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) { let itt = this.items[i] if (itt.type == 'group') { for (let i1 = 0; i1 < itt.items.length; i1++) { let itt1 = itt.items[i1] if (itt1 == null || itt1.id == it.id || itt1.type !== 'radio') continue if (itt1.group == it.group && itt1.checked) { itt1.checked = false this.refresh(itt1.id) } } } if (itt == null || itt.id == it.id || itt.type !== 'radio') continue if (itt.group == it.group && itt.checked) { itt.checked = false this.refresh(itt.id) } } it.checked = true query(this.box).find(btn).addClass('checked') } if (['menu', 'menu-radio', 'menu-check', 'drop', 'color', 'text-color'].includes(it.type)) { this.tooltipHide(id) if (it.checked) { w2tooltip.hide(this.name + '-drop') return } else { /** * Need to clear all previous event listeners, since tooltip name is reused and it finds the old configuration and * extends it. If events are not cleared, it would trigger old listeners too. */ let overlay = w2tooltip.get(this.name + '-drop') if (overlay?.displayed) overlay.hide() overlay?.listeners?.splice(0) // timeout is needed to make sure previous overlay hides setTimeout(() => { let hideDrop = (id, btn) => { // need a closure to capture id variable let self = this return function () { self.set(id, { checked: false }) } } let el = query(this.box).find('#tb_'+ this.name +'_item_'+ w2utils.escapeId(it.id)) if (!w2utils.isPlainObject(it.overlay)) it.overlay = {} if (it.type == 'drop') { w2tooltip.show(w2utils.extend({ html: it.html, class: 'w2ui-white', hideOn: ['doc-click'] }, it.overlay, { anchor: el[0], name: this.name + '-drop', data: { item: it, btn } })) .hide(hideDrop(it.id, btn)) } if (['menu', 'menu-radio', 'menu-check'].includes(it.type)) { let menuType = 'normal' if (it.type == 'menu-radio') { menuType = 'radio' items.forEach((item) => { if (it.selected == item.id) item.checked = true; else item.checked = false }) } if (it.type == 'menu-check') { menuType = 'check' items.forEach((item) => { if (Array.isArray(it.selected) && it.selected.includes(item.id)) item.checked = true; else item.checked = false }) } w2menu.show(w2utils.extend({ items, align: it.text ? 'left' : 'none', // if there is no text, then no alignent }, it.overlay, { type: menuType, name : this.name + '-drop', anchor: el[0], data: { item: it, btn } })) .hide(hideDrop(it.id, btn)) .remove(event => { this.menuClick({ name: this.name, remove: true, item: it, subItem: event.detail.item, originalEvent: event }) }) .select(event => { this.menuClick({ name: this.name, item: it, subItem: event.detail.item, originalEvent: event }) }) } if (['color', 'text-color'].includes(it.type)) { w2color.show(w2utils.extend({ color: it.color }, it.overlay, { anchor: el[0], name: this.name + '-drop', data: { item: it, btn } })) .hide(hideDrop(it.id, btn)) .liveUpdate(event => { let edata = this.trigger('liveUpdate', { name: this.name, item: it, color: event.detail.color }) edata.finish() }) .select(event => { if (event.detail.color != null) { this.colorClick({ name: this.name, item: it, color: event.detail.color }) } }) } }, 0) } } if (['check', 'menu', 'menu-radio', 'menu-check', 'drop', 'color', 'text-color'].includes(it.type)) { it.checked = !it.checked if (it.checked) { query(this.box).find(btn).addClass('checked') } else { query(this.box).find(btn).removeClass('checked') } } // route processing if (it.route) { let route = String('/'+ it.route).replace(/\/{2,}/g, '/') let info = w2utils.parseRoute(route) if (info.keys.length > 0) { for (let k = 0; k < info.keys.length; k++) { route = route.replace((new RegExp(':'+ info.keys[k].name, 'g')), this.routeData[info.keys[k].name]) } } setTimeout(() => { window.location.hash = route }, 1) } // need to refresh toolbar as it might be dynamic this.tooltipShow(id) // event after edata.finish() } } scroll(direction, line, instant) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let scrollBox = query(this.box).find(`.w2ui-tb-line:nth-child(${line}) .w2ui-scroll-wrapper`) let scrollLeft = scrollBox.get(0).scrollLeft let right = scrollBox.find('.w2ui-tb-right').get(0) let width1 = scrollBox.parent().get(0).getBoundingClientRect().width let width2 = scrollLeft + parseInt(right.offsetLeft) + parseInt(right.clientWidth ) switch (direction) { case 'left': { scroll = scrollLeft - width1 + 50 // 35 is width of both button if (scroll <= 0) scroll = 0 scrollBox.get(0).scrollTo({ top: 0, left: scroll, behavior: instant ? 'atuo' : 'smooth' }) break } case 'right': { scroll = scrollLeft + width1 - 50 // 35 is width of both button if (scroll >= width2 - width1) scroll = width2 - width1 scrollBox.get(0).scrollTo({ top: 0, left: scroll, behavior: instant ? 'atuo' : 'smooth' }) break } } /** * Timeout is needed because browser animates scroll. Also, I found that 500ms is not enough * as it could take longer then that, but animation seems to be around 500ms */ setTimeout(() => { this.resize(); resolve() }, instant ? 0 : 600) }) } render(box) { let time = Date.now() if (typeof box == 'string') box = query(box).get(0) // event before let edata = this.trigger('render', { target: this.name, box: box ?? this.box }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // defaul action if (box != null) { this.unmount() // clean previous control this.box = box } if (!this.box) return if (!Array.isArray(this.right)) { this.right = [this.right] } // render all buttons let html = '' let line = 0 for (let i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) { let it = this.items[i] if (it == null) continue if (it.id == null) it.id = 'item_' + i if (it.caption != null) { console.log('NOTICE: toolbar item.caption property is deprecated, please use item.text. Item -> ', it) } if (it.hint != null) { console.log('NOTICE: toolbar item.hint property is deprecated, please use item.tooltip. Item -> ', it) } if (i === 0 || it.type == 'new-line') { line++ html += `
${this.right[line-1] ?? ''}
` } it.line = line } query(this.box) .attr('name', this.name) .addClass('w2ui-reset w2ui-toolbar') .html(html) if (query(this.box).length > 0) { query(this.box)[0].style.cssText += this.style } // overflow buttons w2utils.bindEvents(query(this.box).find('.w2ui-tb-line .w2ui-eaction'), this) // observe div resize this.last.observeResize = new ResizeObserver(() => { this.resize() }) this.last.observeResize.observe(this.box) // refresh all this.refresh() this.resize() // event after edata.finish() return Date.now() - time } refresh(id) { let time = Date.now() // event before let edata = this.trigger('refresh', { target: (id != null ? id : this.name), item: this.get(id) }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return let edata2 // refresh all if (id == null) { for (let i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) { let it1 = this.items[i] if (it1.id == null) it1.id = 'item_' + i this.refresh(it1.id) } return } // create or refresh only one item let it = this.get(id) if (it == null) return false if (typeof it.onRefresh == 'function') { edata2 = this.trigger('refresh', { target: id, item: it, object: it }) if (edata2.isCancelled === true) return } let selector = `#tb_${this.name}_item_${w2utils.escapeId(it.id)}` let btn = query(this.box).find(selector) let html = this.getItemHTML(it) // hide tooltip this.tooltipHide(id) // if there is a spacer, then right HTML is not 100% if (it.type == 'spacer') { query(this.box).find(`.w2ui-tb-line:nth-child(${it.line ?? 1})`).find('.w2ui-tb-right').css('width', 'auto') } if (btn.length === 0) { let next = parseInt(this.get(id, true)) + 1 let $next = query(this.box).find(`#tb_${this.name}_item_${w2utils.escapeId(this.items[next] ? this.items[next].id : '--')}`) // "--" is needed or it will insert wrong if ($next.length == 0) { $next = query(this.box).find(`.w2ui-tb-line:nth-child(${it.line}`).find('.w2ui-tb-right').before(html) } else { $next.after(html) } w2utils.bindEvents(query(this.box).find(`${selector}, ${selector} .w2ui-eaction`), this) } else { // refresh query(this.box).find(selector).replace(query.html(html)) let newBtn = query(this.box).find(selector) w2utils.bindEvents(newBtn, this) w2utils.bindEvents(newBtn.find('.w2ui-eaction'), this) // update overlay's anchor if changed let overlays = w2tooltip.get(true) Object.keys(overlays).forEach(key => { if (overlays[key].anchor == btn.get(0)) { overlays[key].anchor = newBtn.get(0) } }) } if (['menu', 'menu-radio', 'menu-check'].includes(it.type) && it.checked) { // check selected items let selected = Array.isArray(it.selected) ? it.selected : [it.selected] let items = typeof it.items == 'function' ? it.items(it) : [...it.items] items.forEach((item) => { if (selected.includes(item.id)) item.checked = true; else item.checked = false }) w2menu.update(this.name + '-drop', items) } // event after if (typeof it.onRefresh == 'function') { edata2.finish() } edata.finish() return Date.now() - time } resize() { let time = Date.now() // event before let edata = this.trigger('resize', { target: this.name }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return query(this.box).find('.w2ui-tb-line').each(el => { // show hide overflow buttons let box = query(el) box.find('.w2ui-scroll-left, .w2ui-scroll-right').hide() let scrollBox = box.find('.w2ui-scroll-wrapper').get(0) let $right = box.find('.w2ui-tb-right') let boxWidth = box.get(0).getBoundingClientRect().width // Do not use $right[0].getBoundingClientRect(). right box is the most left div let itemsWidth = ($right.length > 0 ? $right[0].offsetLeft + $right[0].clientWidth : 0) if (boxWidth < itemsWidth) { // we have overflown content if (scrollBox.scrollLeft > 0) { box.find('.w2ui-scroll-left').show() } if (boxWidth < itemsWidth - scrollBox.scrollLeft) { box.find('.w2ui-scroll-right').show() } } }) // event after edata.finish() return Date.now() - time } destroy() { // event before let edata = this.trigger('destroy', { target: this.name }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // clean up if (query(this.box).find('.w2ui-scroll-wrapper').length > 0) { this.unmount() } delete w2ui[this.name] // event after edata.finish() } unmount() { super.unmount() this.last.observeResize?.disconnect() } // ======================================== // --- Internal Functions getItemHTML(item) { let html = '' if (item.caption != null && item.text == null) item.text = item.caption // for backward compatibility if (item.text == null) item.text = '' if (item.tooltip == null && item.hint != null) item.tooltip = item.hint // for backward compatibility if (item.tooltip == null) item.tooltip = '' if (typeof item.get !== 'function' && (Array.isArray(item.items) || typeof item.items == 'function')) { item.get = function get(id) { // need scope, cannot be arrow func let tmp = item.items if (typeof tmp == 'function') tmp = item.items(item) return tmp.find(it => it.id == id ? true : false) } } let icon = '' let text = (typeof item.text == 'function' ? item.text.call(this, item) : item.text) if (item.icon) { icon = item.icon if (typeof item.icon == 'function') { icon = item.icon.call(this, item) } if (String(icon).slice(0, 1) !== '<') { icon = `` } icon = `
` } let classes = ['w2ui-tb-button', 'w2ui-eaction'] if (item.checked) classes.push('checked') if (item.disabled) classes.push('disabled') if (item.hidden) classes.push('hidden') if (!icon) classes.push('no-icon') switch (item.type) { case 'color': case 'text-color': if (typeof item.color == 'string') { if (item.color.slice(0, 1) == '#') item.color = item.color.slice(1) if ([3, 6, 8].includes(item.color.length)) item.color = '#' + item.color } if (item.type == 'color') { text = ` ${(item.text ? `
` : '')}` } if (item.type == 'text-color') { let color = (item.color != null ? item.color : '#444') let bcolor = item.backColor if (item.backColor === true) { bcolor = '#fff' if (w2utils.colorContrast('#fff', color) < 2) { bcolor = '#555' } } text = `${item.text ? w2utils.lang(item.text) : (item.backColor ? `Ab` : 'Ab' ) }` } case 'menu': case 'menu-check': case 'menu-radio': case 'button': case 'check': case 'radio': case 'label': case 'drop': { let arrow = (item.arrow === true || (item.arrow !== false && ['menu', 'menu-radio', 'menu-check', 'drop', 'color', 'text-color'].includes(item.type))) html = `
${ icon } ${ (text != '' && text != null) || item.count != null || arrow ? `
${ w2utils.lang(text) } ${ item.count != null ? w2utils.stripSpaces(` ${item.count} `) : '' } ${ arrow ? `` : '' }
` : '' }
` break } case 'break': { html = `
` break } case 'spacer': { html = `
` break } case 'html': { html = `
${(typeof item.html == 'function' ? item.html.call(this, item) : item.html)}
` break } case 'input': { let ph = item.placeholder let val = item.value // For backword compatibility if (item.spinner && typeof item.spinner == 'object') { item.input ??= {} Object.assign(item.input, item.spinner, { spinner: true }) } // round to step if (val != null && String(val).trim() !== '' && item.input?.spinner) { let step = item.input?.step ?? 1 let prec = item.input?.precision ?? String(step).split('.')[1]?.length ?? 0 val = isNaN(val) ? val : Number(val).toFixed(prec) } html = `
${item.text ?? ''} ${item.input?.spinner ? `` : ''} ${item.input?.spinner ? ` + ` : ''}
` break } case 'group': { html = `
` if (Array.isArray(item.items)) { item.items.forEach(it => { html += this.getItemHTML(it) }) } else { console.log('ERROR: toolbar group is empty') } html += '
' } } return html } spinner(id, action, event) { let it = this.get(id) let inc = 0 switch (action) { case 'inc': { inc = (it.input?.step ?? 1) break } case 'dec': { inc = -(it.input?.step ?? 1) break } case 'key': { if (it.input?.spinner || it.input?.step != null) { let mult = 1 if (event.shiftKey || event.metaKey) mult = 10 if (event.altKey) mult = 0.1 switch (event.key) { case 'ArrowUp': { inc = (it.input?.step ?? 1) * mult event.preventDefault() break } case 'ArrowDown': { inc = -(it.input?.step ?? 1) * mult event.preventDefault() break } } } break } } if (inc !== 0) { this.change(id, parseFloat(it.value ?? 0) + inc) } } change(id, value, dynamic) { let it = this.get(id) let input = query(this.box).find('#tb_'+ this.name +'_item_'+ w2utils.escapeId(id)).find('input.w2ui-toolbar-input') if (value instanceof HTMLInputElement) { value = value.value } if (value == null) value = input.val() if (it.input?.spinner || it.input?.min != null || it.input?.max != null || it.input?.step != null) { value = parseFloat(value) } // remove suffix if it is there if (it.input?.suffix != null && String(value).substr(-it.input.suffix.length) == it.input.suffix) { value = String(value).substr(0, value.length - it.input.suffix.length) } // min/max if (it.input?.min != null && it.input.min > value) { value = it.input.min } if (it.input?.max != null && it.input.max < value) { value = it.input.max } // round to step if (it.input?.step != null) { if (isNaN(value)) value = it.input.min ?? 0 let step = it.input.step ?? 1 let prec = it.input.precision ?? String(step).split('.')[1]?.length ?? 0 value = Number(value).toFixed(prec) } // event beofre let edata = this.trigger(dynamic ? 'input' : 'change', { target: id, id, value, item: it }) if (edata.isCancelled) { return } it.value = value let suffix = '' if (it.input?.suffix != null && String(value).substr(-it.input.suffix.length) != it.input.suffix) { suffix = it.input.suffix } if (!dynamic) input.val(value + suffix) // event after edata.finish() } tooltipShow(id) { if (this.tooltip == null) return let el = query(this.box).find('#tb_'+ this.name + '_item_'+ w2utils.escapeId(id)).get(0) let item = this.get(id) let overlay = (typeof this.tooltip == 'string' ? { position: this.tooltip } : this.tooltip) let txt = item.tooltip if (typeof txt == 'function') txt = txt.call(this, item) // not for opened drop downs if (['menu', 'menu-radio', 'menu-check', 'drop', 'color', 'text-color'].includes(item.type) && item.checked == true) { return } w2tooltip.show({ anchor: el, name: this.name + '-tooltip', html: txt, ...overlay }) return } tooltipHide(id) { if (this.tooltip == null) return w2tooltip.hide(this.name + '-tooltip') } menuClick(event) { if (event.item && !event.item.disabled) { // event before let edata = this.trigger((event.remove !== true ? 'click' : 'remove'), { target: event.item.id + ':' + event.subItem.id, item: event.item, subItem: event.subItem, originalEvent: event.originalEvent }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // route processing let it = event.subItem let item = this.get(event.item.id) let items = item.items if (typeof items == 'function') items = item.items() if (item.type == 'menu') { item.selected = it.id } if (item.type == 'menu-radio') { item.selected = it.id if (Array.isArray(items)) { items.forEach((item) => { if (item.checked === true) delete item.checked if (Array.isArray(item.items)) { item.items.forEach((item) => { if (item.checked === true) delete item.checked }) } }) } it.checked = true } if (item.type == 'menu-check') { if (!Array.isArray(item.selected)) item.selected = [] if (it.group == null) { let ind = item.selected.indexOf(it.id) if (ind == -1) { item.selected.push(it.id) it.checked = true } else { item.selected.splice(ind, 1) it.checked = false } } else if (it.group === false) { // if group is false, then it is not part of checkboxes } else { let unchecked = [] let ind = item.selected.indexOf(it.id) let checkNested = (items) => { items.forEach((sub) => { if (sub.group === it.group) { let ind = item.selected.indexOf(sub.id) if (ind != -1) { if (sub.id != it.id) unchecked.push(sub.id) item.selected.splice(ind, 1) } } if (Array.isArray(sub.items)) checkNested(sub.items) }) } checkNested(items) if (ind == -1) { item.selected.push(it.id) it.checked = true } } } if (typeof it.route == 'string') { let route = it.route !== '' ? String('/'+ it.route).replace(/\/{2,}/g, '/') : '' let info = w2utils.parseRoute(route) if (info.keys.length > 0) { for (let k = 0; k < info.keys.length; k++) { if (this.routeData[info.keys[k].name] == null) continue route = route.replace((new RegExp(':'+ info.keys[k].name, 'g')), this.routeData[info.keys[k].name]) } } setTimeout(() => { window.location.hash = route }, 1) } this.refresh(event.item.id) // event after edata.finish() } } colorClick(event) { let obj = this if (event.item && !event.item.disabled) { // event before let edata = this.trigger('click', { target: event.item.id, item: event.item, color: event.color, final: true }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // default behavior event.item.color = event.color obj.refresh(event.item.id) // event after edata.finish() } } mouseAction(event, target, action, id) { let btn = this.get(id) let edata = this.trigger('mouse' + action, { target: id, item: btn, object: btn, originalEvent: event }) if (edata.isCancelled === true || btn.disabled || btn.hidden) return switch (action) { case 'Enter': if (!['label', 'input'].includes(btn.type)) { query(target).addClass('over') } this.tooltipShow(id) break case 'Leave': if (!['label', 'input'].includes(btn.type)) { query(target).removeClass('over down') } this.tooltipHide(id) break case 'Down': if (!['label', 'input'].includes(btn.type)) { query(target).addClass('down') } break case 'Up': if (!['label', 'input'].includes(btn.type)) { query(target).removeClass('down') } break } edata.finish() } } /** * Part of w2ui 2.0 library * - Dependencies: mQuery, w2utils, w2base, w2tooltip, w2menu * * == TODO == * - dbl click should be like it is in grid (with timer not HTML dbl click event) * - node.style is misleading - should be there to apply color for example * - node.plus - is not working * * == 2.0 changes * - remove jQuery dependency * - deprecarted obj.img, node.img * - CSP - fixed inline events * - observeResize for the box * - search(..., compare) - comparison function * - editable = true * - edit(id) - new method * - onEdit, onRename - new events * - reorder = true - to allow reorder * - mouseDown - for reorder * - onReorder, onDragStart, onDragOver - events * - this.mutlti - for multi select (ctrl for one at a time and shift for range) * - onSelect, onUnselect - new events * - prev(), next(), getChain() */ class w2sidebar extends w2base { constructor(options) { super(options.name) this.name = null this.box = null this.sidebar = null this.parent = null this.nodes = [] // Sidebar child nodes this.menu = [] this.routeData = {} // data for dynamic routes this.selected = null // current selected node (readonly) this.icon = null this.style = '' this.topHTML = '' this.bottomHTML = '' this.multi = false this.editable = false this.reorder = false this.flatButton = false this.keyboard = true this.flat = false this.hasFocus = false this.levelPadding = 12 this.toggleAlign = 'right' // can be left or right this.skipRefresh = false this.tabIndex = null // will only be set if > 0 and not null this.handle = { width: 0, style: '', text: '', tooltip: '' }, this.badge = null this.onClick = null // Fire when user click on Node Text this.onSelect = null this.onUnselect = null this.onDblClick = null // Fire when user dbl clicks this.onMouseEnter = null // mouse enter/leave over an item this.onMouseLeave = null this.onContextMenu = null this.onMenuClick = null // when context menu item selected this.onExpand = null // Fire when node expands this.onCollapse = null // Fire when node collapses this.onKeydown = null this.onRender = null this.onRefresh = null this.onResize = null this.onDestroy = null this.onFocus = null this.onBlur = null this.onFlat = null this.onEdit = null this.onRename = null this.onReorder = null this.onDragStart = null this.onDragOver = null this.node_template = { id: null, text: '', order: null, count: null, icon: null, nodes: [], style: '', // additional style for subitems route: null, selected: false, expanded: false, hidden: false, disabled: false, group: false, // if true, it will build as a group groupShowHide: true, collapsible: false, plus: false, // if true, plus will be shown even if there is no sub nodes childOffset: 0, // events onClick: null, onDblClick: null, onContextMenu: null, onExpand: null, onCollapse: null, // internal parent: null, // node object sidebar: null } this.last = { badge: {}, renaming: false, move: null, // object, move details } let nodes = options.nodes delete options.nodes // mix in options Object.assign(this, options) // add item via method to makes sure item_template is applied if (Array.isArray(nodes)) this.add(nodes) // need to reassign back to keep it in config options.nodes = nodes // render if box specified if (typeof this.box == 'string') this.box = query(this.box).get(0) if (this.box) this.render(this.box) } add(parent, nodes) { if (arguments.length == 1) { // need to be in reverse order nodes = arguments[0] parent = this } if (typeof parent == 'string') parent = this.get(parent) if (parent == null || parent == '') parent = this return this.insert(parent, null, nodes) } insert(parent, before, nodes) { let txt, ind, tmp, node, nd if (arguments.length == 2 && typeof parent == 'string') { // need to be in reverse order nodes = arguments[1] before = arguments[0] if (before != null) { ind = this.get(before) if (ind == null) { if (!Array.isArray(nodes)) nodes = [nodes] if (nodes[0].caption != null && nodes[0].text == null) { console.log('NOTICE: sidebar node.caption property is deprecated, please use node.text. Node -> ', nodes[0]) nodes[0].text = nodes[0].caption } txt = nodes[0].text console.log('ERROR: Cannot insert node "'+ txt +'" because cannot find node "'+ before +'" to insert before.') return null } parent = this.get(before).parent } else { parent = this } } if (typeof parent == 'string') parent = this.get(parent) if (parent == null || parent == '') parent = this if (!Array.isArray(nodes)) nodes = [nodes] for (let o = 0; o < nodes.length; o++) { node = nodes[o] if (node.caption != null && node.text == null) { console.log('NOTICE: sidebar node.caption property is deprecated, please use node.text') node.text = node.caption } if (typeof node.id == null) { txt = node.text console.log('ERROR: Cannot insert node "'+ txt +'" because it has no id.') continue } if (this.get(this, node.id) != null) { console.log('ERROR: Cannot insert node with id='+ node.id +' (text: '+ node.text + ') because another node with the same id already exists.') continue } tmp = Object.assign({}, this.node_template, node) tmp.sidebar = this tmp.parent = parent nd = tmp.nodes || [] tmp.nodes = [] // very important to re-init empty nodes array if (before == null) { // append to the end parent.nodes.push(tmp) } else { ind = this.get(parent, before, true) if (ind == null) { console.log('ERROR: Cannot insert node "'+ node.text +'" because cannot find node "'+ before +'" to insert before.') return null } parent.nodes.splice(ind, 0, tmp) } if (nd.length > 0) { this.insert(tmp, null, nd) } } if (!this.skipRefresh) this.refresh(parent.id) return tmp } remove() { // multiple arguments let effected = 0 let node Array.from(arguments).forEach(arg => { node = this.get(arg) if (node == null) return if (this.selected != null) { if (Array.isArray(this.selected)) { this.selected.splice(this.selected.indexOf(node.id), 1) } else if (this.selected === node.id) { this.selected = null } } let ind = this.get(node.parent, arg, true) if (ind == null) return if (node.parent.nodes[ind].selected) node.sidebar.unselect(node.id) node.parent.nodes.splice(ind, 1) node.parent.collapsible = node.parent.nodes.length > 0 effected++ }) if (!this.skipRefresh) { if (effected > 0 && arguments.length == 1) this.refresh(node.parent.id); else this.refresh() } return effected } set(parent, id, node) { if (arguments.length == 2) { // need to be in reverse order node = id id = parent parent = this } // searches all nested nodes if (typeof parent == 'string') parent = this.get(parent) if (parent.nodes == null) return null for (let i = 0; i < parent.nodes.length; i++) { if (parent.nodes[i].id === id) { // see if quick update is possible let res = this.update(id, node) if (Object.keys(res).length != 0) { // make sure nodes inserted correctly let nodes = node.nodes w2utils.extend(parent.nodes[i], node, (nodes != null ? { nodes: [] } : {})) if (nodes != null) { this.add(parent.nodes[i], nodes) } if (!this.skipRefresh) this.refresh(id) } return true } else { let rv = this.set(parent.nodes[i], id, node) if (rv) return true } } return false } get(parent, id, returnIndex) { // can be just called get(id) or get(id, true) if (arguments.length === 0) { let all = [] let tmp = this.find({}) for (let t = 0; t < tmp.length; t++) { if (tmp[t].id != null) all.push(tmp[t].id) } return all } else { if (arguments.length == 1 || (arguments.length == 2 && id === true) ) { // need to be in reverse order returnIndex = id id = parent parent = this } // searches all nested nodes if (typeof parent == 'string') parent = this.get(parent) if (parent.nodes == null) return null for (let i = 0; i < parent.nodes.length; i++) { if (parent.nodes[i].id == id) { if (returnIndex === true) return i; else return parent.nodes[i] } else { let rv = this.get(parent.nodes[i], id, returnIndex) if (rv || rv === 0) return rv } } return null } } setCount(id, count, options = {}) { let btn = query(this.box).find(`#node_${w2utils.escapeId(id)} .w2ui-node-badge`) if (btn.length > 0) { btn.removeClass() .addClass(`w2ui-node-badge ${options.className ?? 'w2ui-node-count'}`) .text(count) .get(0).style.cssText = options.style || '' this.last.badge[id] = { className: options.className ?? '', style: options.style ?? '' } let item = this.get(id) item.count = count } else { this.set(id, { count }) this.setCount(...arguments) // to update styles } } find(parent, params, results) { // can be just called find({ selected: true }) // TODO: rewrite with this.each() if (arguments.length == 1) { // need to be in reverse order params = parent parent = this } if (!results) results = [] // searches all nested nodes if (typeof parent == 'string') parent = this.get(parent) if (parent.nodes == null) return results for (let i = 0; i < parent.nodes.length; i++) { let match = true for (let prop in params) { // params is an object if (parent.nodes[i][prop] != params[prop]) match = false } if (match) results.push(parent.nodes[i]) if (parent.nodes[i].nodes.length > 0) results = this.find(parent.nodes[i], params, results) } return results } sort(options, nodes) { // default options if (!options || typeof options != 'object') options = {} if (options.foldersFirst == null) options.foldersFirst = true if (options.caseSensitive == null) options.caseSensitive = false if (options.reverse == null) options.reverse = false if (nodes == null) { nodes = this.nodes } nodes.sort((a, b) => { // folders first let isAfolder = (a.nodes && a.nodes.length > 0) let isBfolder = (b.nodes && b.nodes.length > 0) // both folder or both not folders if (options.foldersFirst === false || (!isAfolder && !isBfolder) || (isAfolder && isBfolder)) { let aText = a.text let bText = b.text if (a.order != null) aText = a.order if (b.order != null) bText = b.order if (!options.caseSensitive) { aText = aText.toLowerCase() bText = bText.toLowerCase() } let cmp = w2utils.naturalCompare(aText, bText) return (cmp === 1 || cmp === -1) & options.reverse ? -cmp : cmp } if (isAfolder && !isBfolder) { return !options.reverse ? -1 : 1 } if (!isAfolder && isBfolder) { return !options.reverse ? 1 : -1 } }) nodes.forEach(node => { if (node.nodes && node.nodes.length > 0) { this.sort(options, node.nodes) } }) } each(fn, nodes) { if (nodes == null) nodes = this.nodes nodes.forEach((node) => { fn.call(this, node) if (node.nodes && node.nodes.length > 0) { this.each(fn, node.nodes) } }) } search(str, compare = null) { let count = 0 let str2 = str.toLowerCase() this.each((node) => { let match = false if (typeof compare == 'function') { match = compare(str, node) } else { match = !(node.text.toLowerCase().indexOf(str2) === -1) } if (match) { count++ showParents(node) node.hidden = false } else { node.hidden = true } }) this.refresh() return count function showParents(node) { if (node.parent) { node.parent.hidden = false showParents(node.parent) } } } show() { // multiple arguments let effected = [] Array.from(arguments).forEach(it => { let node = this.get(it) if (node == null || node.hidden === false) return node.hidden = false effected.push(node.id) }) if (effected.length > 0) { if (arguments.length == 1) this.refresh(arguments[0]); else this.refresh() } return effected } hide() { // multiple arguments let effected = [] Array.from(arguments).forEach(it => { let node = this.get(it) if (node == null || node.hidden === true) return node.hidden = true effected.push(node.id) }) if (effected.length > 0) { if (arguments.length == 1) this.refresh(arguments[0]); else this.refresh() } return effected } enable() { // multiple arguments let effected = [] Array.from(arguments).forEach(it => { let node = this.get(it) if (node == null || node.disabled === false) return node.disabled = false effected.push(node.id) }) if (effected.length > 0) { if (arguments.length == 1) this.refresh(arguments[0]); else this.refresh() } return effected } disable() { // multiple arguments let effected = [] Array.from(arguments).forEach(it => { let node = this.get(it) if (node == null || node.disabled === true) return node.disabled = true if (node.selected) this.unselect(node.id) effected.push(node.id) }) if (effected.length > 0) { if (arguments.length == 1) this.refresh(arguments[0]); else this.refresh() } return effected } select(id) { if (Array.isArray(id)) { [...id].forEach(id => this.select(id)) return } let new_node = this.get(id) if (!new_node) return false // event before let edata = this.trigger('select', { target: id, id, node: new_node }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) { return true } // if already selected if (!this.multi && this.selected == id && new_node.selected) { return false } let $el = query(this.box).find('#node_'+ w2utils.escapeId(id)) $el.addClass('w2ui-selected') .find('.w2ui-icon') .addClass('w2ui-icon-selected') if ($el.length > 0) { if (!this.inView(id)) this.scrollIntoView(id) } new_node.selected = true if (this.multi) { if (!Array.isArray(this.selected)) { this.selected = this.selected ? [this.selected] : [] } this.selected.push(id) } else { this.selected = this.multi ? [id] : id } edata.finish() return true } unselect(id) { // if no arguments provided, unselect selected node if (arguments.length === 0) { id = this.selected } if (Array.isArray(id)) { [...id].forEach(id => this.unselect(id)) return } let current = this.get(id) if (!current) return false // event before let edata = this.trigger('unselect', { target: id, id, node: current }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) { return true } current.selected = false query(this.box).find('#node_'+ w2utils.escapeId(id)) .removeClass('w2ui-selected') .find('.w2ui-icon').removeClass('w2ui-icon-selected') if (typeof this.selected == 'string' && this.selected == id) { this.selected = null } if (this.multi && Array.isArray(this.selected)) { let ind = this.selected.indexOf(id) if (ind != -1) this.selected.splice(ind, 1) } edata.finish() return true } toggle(id) { let nd = this.get(id) if (nd == null) return false if (nd.plus) { this.set(id, { plus: false }) this.expand(id) this.refresh(id) return } if (nd.nodes.length === 0) return false if (!nd.collapsible) return false if (this.get(id).expanded) return this.collapse(id); else return this.expand(id) } collapse(id) { let nd = this.get(id) if (nd == null) return false // event before let edata = this.trigger('collapse', { target: id, object: nd, node: nd }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // default action query(this.box).find('#node_'+ w2utils.escapeId(id) +'_sub').hide() query(this.box).find('#node_'+ w2utils.escapeId(id) +' .w2ui-expanded') .removeClass('w2ui-expanded') .addClass('w2ui-collapsed') nd.expanded = false // event after edata.finish() this.refresh(id) return true } expand(id) { let nd = this.get(id) // event before let edata = this.trigger('expand', { target: id, object: nd, node: nd }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // default action query(this.box).find('#node_'+ w2utils.escapeId(id) +'_sub') .show() query(this.box).find('#node_'+ w2utils.escapeId(id) +' .w2ui-collapsed') .removeClass('w2ui-collapsed') .addClass('w2ui-expanded') nd.expanded = true // event after edata.finish() this.refresh(id) return true } collapseAll(parent) { if (parent == null) parent = this if (typeof parent == 'string') parent = this.get(parent) if (parent.nodes == null) return false for (let i = 0; i < parent.nodes.length; i++) { if (parent.nodes[i].expanded === true) parent.nodes[i].expanded = false if (parent.nodes[i].nodes && parent.nodes[i].nodes.length > 0) this.collapseAll(parent.nodes[i]) } this.refresh(parent.id) return true } expandAll(parent) { if (parent == null) parent = this if (typeof parent == 'string') parent = this.get(parent) if (parent.nodes == null) return false for (let i = 0; i < parent.nodes.length; i++) { if (parent.nodes[i].expanded === false) parent.nodes[i].expanded = true if (parent.nodes[i].nodes && parent.nodes[i].nodes.length > 0) this.expandAll(parent.nodes[i]) } this.refresh(parent.id) } expandParents(id) { let node = this.get(id) if (node == null) return false if (node.parent) { if (!node.parent.expanded) { node.parent.expanded = true this.refresh(node.parent.id) } this.expandParents(node.parent.id) } return true } click(id, event) { let obj = this let nd = this.get(id) if (nd == null) return if (nd.disabled || nd.group) { // even if disabled, it should still emit click event let edata = obj.trigger('click', { target: id, originalEvent: event, node: nd, object: nd }) edata.finish() return } // select new one let newNode = query(obj.box).find('#node_'+ w2utils.escapeId(id)) newNode.addClass('w2ui-selected').find('.w2ui-icon').addClass('w2ui-icon-selected') // need timeout to allow rendering setTimeout(() => { // event before let edata = obj.trigger('click', { target: id, originalEvent: event, node: nd, object: nd }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) { // restore selection newNode.removeClass('w2ui-selected').find('.w2ui-icon').removeClass('w2ui-icon-selected') return } // default action if (this.multi) { /** * Multi select with shift or ctrl/meta */ let isShift = event?.shiftKey ?? false let isCtrl = (event?.ctrlKey || event?.metaKey) ?? false if (typeof this.selected == 'string') { this.selected = [this.selected] } if (isCtrl && !isShift) { // only Ctrl if (this.selected?.includes(id)) { this.unselect(id) return } else { this.select(id) } } else if (!isCtrl && isShift) { // only Shift // select range in between let chain = this.getChain() let ind1 = Math.min(this.selected.map(sel => chain.indexOf(sel))) // first item in selection let ind2 = chain.indexOf(id) for (let i = Math.min(ind1, ind2); i < chain.length && i <= Math.max(ind1, ind2); i++) { let node = this.get(chain[i]) if (!this.selected.includes(chain[i]) && node.hidden != true) { this.select(chain[i]) } } } else { // neither let ids = this.selected?.filter(sid => sid != id && this.selected.includes(sid)) this.unselect(ids) // only select if it is not selected if (!this.selected?.includes(id)) { this.select(id) } } } else if (this.selected !== id) { /** * Single selection at a time */ if (this.selected != null) this.unselect(this.selected) this.select(id) // route processing if (typeof nd.route == 'string') { let route = nd.route !== '' ? String('/'+ nd.route).replace(/\/{2,}/g, '/') : '' let info = w2utils.parseRoute(route) if (info.keys.length > 0) { for (let k = 0; k < info.keys.length; k++) { if (obj.routeData[info.keys[k].name] == null) continue route = route.replace((new RegExp(':'+ info.keys[k].name, 'g')), obj.routeData[info.keys[k].name]) } } setTimeout(() => { window.location.hash = route }, 1) } // if sidebar is flat - show menu if (this.flat) { let items = _getItems(nd.nodes) if (items.length > 0) { this.flatMenu(newNode, items) } function _getItems(nodes) { let items = nodes.map(it => { let items = it.nodes.length > 0 ? _getItems(it.nodes) : null return { id: it.id, text: it.text, icon: it.icon, items } }) return items } } } // event after edata.finish() }, 1) } flatMenu(el, items) { let self = this let $el = query(el).find('.w2ui-node-data') w2menu.show({ anchor: $el.get(0), name: this.name + '_flat-menu', items, // class: 'w2ui-dark', position: 'right|left', onSelect(event) { self.unselect() self.click(event.detail.item.id, event.detail.originalEvent) }, onHide(event) { self.unselect() } }) w2tooltip.hide(this.name + '_tooltip') } focus(event) { let self = this // event before let edata = this.trigger('focus', { target: this.name, originalEvent: event }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return false // default behaviour this.hasFocus = true query(this.box).find('.w2ui-sidebar-body').addClass('w2ui-focus') setTimeout(() => { let input = query(self.box).find('#sidebar_'+ self.name + '_focus').get(0) if (document.activeElement != input) input.focus() }, 10) // event after edata.finish() } blur(event) { // event before let edata = this.trigger('blur', { target: this.name, originalEvent: event }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return false // default behaviour this.hasFocus = false query(this.box).find('.w2ui-sidebar-body').removeClass('w2ui-focus') // event after edata.finish() } next(node, noSubs) { if (node == null) return null let parent = node.parent let ind = this.get(node.id, true) let nextNode = null // jump inside if (node.expanded && node.nodes.length > 0 && noSubs !== true) { let nd = node.nodes[0] if (nd.hidden || nd.disabled || nd.group) nextNode = this.next(nd); else nextNode = nd } else { if (parent && ind + 1 < parent.nodes.length) { nextNode = parent.nodes[ind + 1] } else { nextNode = this.next(parent, true) // jump to the parent } } if (nextNode != null && (nextNode.hidden || nextNode.disabled || nextNode.group)) nextNode = this.next(nextNode) return nextNode } prev(node) { if (node == null) return null let parent = node.parent let ind = this.get(node.id, true) let lastChild = (node) => { if (node.expanded && node.nodes.length > 0) { let nd = node.nodes[node.nodes.length - 1] if (nd.hidden || nd.disabled || nd.group) return this.prev(nd); else return lastChild(nd) } return node } let prevNode = (ind > 0) ? lastChild(parent.nodes[ind - 1]) : parent if (prevNode != null && (prevNode.hidden || prevNode.disabled || prevNode.group)) prevNode = this.prev(prevNode) return prevNode } // returns ids of expanded elements as a flat array getChain(nodes, options = {}) { options.returnDisabled ??= false options.returnGroups ??= false let ids = [] if (nodes == null) nodes = this.nodes nodes.forEach(node => { // can skip disabled if needed if ((!node.disabled && !node.group) || (node.disabled && options.returnDisabled) || (node.group && options.returnGroups)) { ids.push(node.id) } if (Array.isArray(node.nodes) && node.expanded) { ids.push(...this.getChain(node.nodes, options)) } }) return ids } keydown(event) { let self = this let first = Array.isArray(this.selected) ? this.selected[0] : this.selected let nd = self.get(first) if (this.keyboard !== true) return if (!nd) nd = this.nodes[0] // if user hits esc and there is active move if (event.keyCode == 27) { let mv = this.last.move if (mv?.reorder && mv?.moved) { mv.restore() return } } // trigger event let edata = this.trigger('keydown', { target: this.name, originalEvent: event }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // default behaviour if (event.keyCode == 13 || event.keyCode == 32) { // enter or space if (event.keyCode == 13 && this.editable && !event.ctrlKey && !event.metaKey) { this.edit(first) } else { if (nd.nodes.length > 0) { this.toggle(first) } } } if (event.keyCode == 37) { // left if (nd.nodes.length > 0 && nd.expanded) { this.collapse(first) } else { selectNode(nd.parent) if (!nd.parent.group) this.collapse(nd.parent.id) } } if (event.keyCode == 39) { // right if ((nd.nodes.length > 0 || nd.plus) && !nd.expanded) this.expand(first) } if (event.keyCode == 38) { // up if (this.get(first) == null) { selectNode(this.nodes[0] || null) } else { selectNode(neighbor(nd, this.prev)) } } if (event.keyCode == 40) { // down if (this.get(first) == null) { selectNode(this.nodes[0] || null) } else { selectNode(neighbor(nd, this.next)) } } // cancel event if needed if ([13, 32, 37, 38, 39, 40].includes(event.keyCode)) { if (event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault() if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation() } // event after edata.finish() function selectNode(node, event) { if (node != null && !node.hidden && !node.disabled && !node.group) { self.click(node.id, event) if (!self.inView(node.id)) self.scrollIntoView(node.id) } } function neighbor(node, neighborFunc) { node = neighborFunc.call(self, node) while (node != null && (node.hidden || node.disabled)) { if (node.group) break; else node = neighborFunc(node) } return node } } inView(id) { let item = query(this.box).find('#node_'+ w2utils.escapeId(id)).get(0) if (!item) { return false } let div = query(this.box).find('.w2ui-sidebar-body').get(0) if (item.offsetTop < div.scrollTop || (item.offsetTop + item.clientHeight > div.clientHeight + div.scrollTop)) { return false } return true } scrollIntoView(id, instant) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (id == null) id = Array.isArray(this.selected) ? this.selected[0] : this.selected let nd = this.get(id) if (nd == null) return let item = query(this.box).find('#node_'+ w2utils.escapeId(id)).get(0) item.scrollIntoView({ block: 'center', inline: 'center', behavior: instant ? 'atuo' : 'smooth' }) setTimeout(() => { this.resize(); resolve() }, instant ? 0 : 500) }) } dblClick(id, event) { let nd = this.get(id) // event before let edata = this.trigger('dblClick', { target: id, originalEvent: event, object: nd }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // default action if (this.editable) { this.edit(id) } else if (!this.flat) { this.toggle(id) } // event after edata.finish() } /** * This is needed for not reorder */ mouseDown(id, event) { let self = this if (this.reorder) { this.last.move = { x: event.screenX, y: event.screenY, divX: 0, divY: 0, reorder: true, moved: false } // display empty record and ghost record let mv = this.last.move let body = query(this.box).find('.w2ui-sidebar-body') if (!mv.ghost) { let node = query(this.box).find(`#node_${w2utils.escapeId(id)}`) mv.offsetY = event.offsetY mv.target = id mv.pos = { top: node.get(0).offsetTop - 1, left: node.get(0).offsetLeft } // ghost content let clone = query(node.find('.w2ui-node-data').get(0).cloneNode(true)) mv.node = node mv.nodeSub = node.next() body.append('') query(this.box).find('#sidebar_'+ this.name + '_ghost').append(clone) mv.ghost = query(this.box).find('#sidebar_'+ this.name + '_ghost') mv.ghost.css({ display: 'none' }) mv.restore = () => { mv.resetReorder() this.refresh() } mv.resetReorder = () => { this.last.move = null query(this.box).find(`#sidebar_${this.name}_ghost`).remove() query(document).off(`.w2ui-${this.name}-reorder`) } } // add mouse move and stop events query(document) .on(`mousemove.w2ui-${this.name}-reorder`, _mouseMove) .on(`mouseup.w2ui-${this.name}-reorder`, _mouseStop) } function _mouseMove(event) { if (!event.target.tagName) { // element has no tagName - most likely the target is the #document itself // this can happen is you click+drag and move the mouse out of the DOM area, // e.g. into the browser's toolbar area return } let mv = self.last.move mv.divX = (event.screenX - mv.x) mv.divY = (event.screenY - mv.y) if (Math.abs(mv.divX) <= 1 && Math.abs(mv.divY) <= 1) return // only if moved more then 1px if (self.reorder == true && mv.reorder && !mv.moved) { let edata = self.trigger('dragStart', { target: mv.target, moved: true, node: self.get(mv.target), mv, originalEvent: event }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) { mv.restore() return } let rect = mv.node.get(0).getBoundingClientRect() mv.moved = true mv.node.html('') .removeAttr('id', 'data-id') .addClass('w2ui-reorder-empty') .css({ height: rect.height + 'px' }) // if there are children if (mv.node.next().css('display') !== 'none') { let rect = mv.node.next().get(0).getBoundingClientRect() mv.node.next() .html('
') .css({ height: rect.height + 'px' }) } mv.ghost.css({ display: 'block' }) // event after edata.finish() } // move ghost mode mv.ghost.css({ top: (mv.pos.top + mv.divY) + 'px', left: 0 }) let over = query(event.target).closest('.w2ui-node, .w2ui-node-group') let id = over.attr('data-id') // append to the end if (query(event.target).hasClass('w2ui-sidebar-body') && event.layerY > 5 && !mv.append) { let edata = self.trigger('dragOver', { target: mv.target, append: true, mv, originalEvent: event }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) { return } mv.ghost.before(mv.node) mv.ghost.before(mv.nodeSub) mv.append = true mv.moveBefore = null // event after edata.finish() } else if (id != null && id != mv.moveBefore) { mv.append = false mv.moveBefore = id // reorder nodes let edata = self.trigger('dragOver', { target: mv.target, moveBefore: id, mv, originalEvent: event }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) { return } let el = query(self.box).find(`#node_${w2utils.escapeId(id)}`) el.before(mv.node) el.before(mv.nodeSub) // event after edata.finish() } } function _mouseStop(event) { let mv = self.last.move mv.resetReorder() if (mv.moved) { if (((mv.moveBefore != null && mv.target != mv.moveBefore) || mv.append)) { let edata = self.trigger('reorder', { target: mv.target, moveBefore: mv.moveBefore, append: mv.append, originalEvent: event }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) { self.refresh() return } // remove let target = self.get(mv.target) let targetInd = target.parent.nodes.indexOf(target) let cut = target.parent.nodes.splice(targetInd, 1) // insert if (mv.append) { self.nodes.push(...cut) cut.forEach(nd => nd.parent = self) } else { let before = self.get(mv.moveBefore) let beforeInd = before.parent.nodes.indexOf(before) cut.forEach(nd => nd.parent = before.parent) before.parent.nodes.splice(beforeInd, 0, ...cut) } // refresh self.refresh() // event after edata.finish() } else { self.refresh() } } } } edit(id) { let self = this let node = query(this.box).find('#node_'+ w2utils.escapeId(id)) let text = node.find('.w2ui-node-text') // event before let edata = this.trigger('edit', { target: id, el: node, textEl: text }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) { return } this.last.renaming = true node.addClass('w2ui-editing') text.addClass('w2ui-focus') .css('pointer-events', 'all') .attr('contenteditable', w2utils.isFirefox ? 'true' : 'plaintext-only') .on('blur.node-editing', event => { // timeout is needed to add to the end of the event loop setTimeout(_rename, 0) }) .on('keydown.node-editing', event => { if (event.keyCode == 13) _rename(event) if (event.keyCode == 27) _rename(event, true) }) .get(0).focus() let original = text.text() // select everything inside w2utils.setCursorPosition(text[0], 0, text.text().length) // event after edata.finish() return text.get(0) // return editable input function _rename(event, cancel) { let renameTo = text.text() node.removeClass('w2ui-editing') text.removeClass('w2ui-focus') .css('pointer-events', 'none') .removeAttr('contenteditable') .off('.node-editing') // send event if it was not cancelled if (!cancel && self.last.renaming && original !== renameTo) { let edata = self.trigger('rename', { target: id, text_previous: original, text_new: renameTo, originalEvent: event }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) { text.text(original) self.last.renaming = false self.focus() return } self.set(id, { text: renameTo }) edata.finish() } if (cancel) { self.set(id, { text: original }) } self.last.renaming = false self.focus() } } contextMenu(id, event) { let nd = this.get(id) if (Array.isArray(this.selected)) { if (!this.selected.includes(id)) this.click(id) } else { if (id != this.selected) this.click(id) } // event before let edata = this.trigger('contextMenu', { target: id, originalEvent: event, object: nd, allowOnDisabled: false }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // default action if (nd.disabled && !edata.allowOnDisabled) return if (this.menu.length > 0) { w2menu.hide(this.name + '_menu') // hide previous if any needed when other item's menu is shown w2menu.show({ name: this.name + '_menu', anchor: document.body, contextMenu: true, items: this.menu, originalEvent: event }) .select(evt => { this.menuClick(id, parseInt(evt.detail.index), event) }) } // prevent default context menu if (event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault() // event after edata.finish() } menuClick(itemId, index, event) { // event before let edata = this.trigger('menuClick', { target: itemId, originalEvent: event, menuIndex: index, menuItem: this.menu[index] }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // default action // -- empty // event after edata.finish() } goFlat() { // event before let edata = this.trigger('flat', { goFlat: !this.flat }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // default action this.flat = !this.flat this.refresh() if (this.flat) { // collapse all unless it is a group this.nodes.forEach(node => { if (!node.group) { this.collapse(node.id) this.collapseAll(node.id) // sub items too } }) this.unselect() // unselects all } else { // expand all unless it is a group this.nodes.forEach(node => { if (!node.group) { this.expand(node.id) this.expandAll(node.id) // sub items too } }) } // event after edata.finish() } render(box) { let time = Date.now() let obj = this if (typeof box == 'string') box = query(box).get(0) // event before let edata = this.trigger('render', { target: this.name, box: box ?? this.box }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // default action if (box != null) { this.unmount() // clean previous control this.box = box } if (!this.box) return query(this.box) .attr('name', this.name) .addClass('w2ui-reset w2ui-sidebar') .html(`
`) let rect = query(this.box).get(0).getBoundingClientRect() query(this.box).find(':scope > div').css({ width : rect.width + 'px', height : rect.height + 'px' }) query(this.box).get(0).style.cssText += this.style // focus let kbd_timer query(this.box).find('#sidebar_'+ this.name + '_focus') .on('focus', function(event) { clearTimeout(kbd_timer) if (!obj.hasFocus) obj.focus(event) }) .on('blur', function(event) { kbd_timer = setTimeout(() => { if (obj.hasFocus) { obj.blur(event) } }, 100) }) .on('keydown', function(event) { // do not cancel tab key (keyCode=9) so that event is dispatched to self w2ui[obj.name].keydown.call(w2ui[obj.name], event) }) query(this.box).off('mousedown') .on('mousedown', function(event) { // set focus to sidebar setTimeout(() => { // if input then do not focus if (['INPUT', 'TEXTAREA', 'SELECT'].indexOf(event.target.tagName.toUpperCase()) == -1) { let $input = query(obj.box).find('#sidebar_'+ obj.name + '_focus') if (document.activeElement != $input.get(0) && $input.length > 0) { $input.get(0).focus() } } }, 1) }) /** * FlatHTML is always present and in .refresh() it is just refreshed. However topHTML and buttomHTML should be here * because it should never be refreshed, as it could create recursive refresh loop */ let flatHTML = `
` if (this.topHTML !== '' || flatHTML !== '') { query(this.box).find('.w2ui-sidebar-top').html(this.topHTML + flatHTML) query(this.box).find('.w2ui-sidebar-body') .css('top', query(this.box).find('.w2ui-sidebar-top').get(0)?.clientHeight + 'px') query(this.box).find('.w2ui-flat') .off('click') .on('click', event => { this.goFlat() }) } if (this.bottomHTML !== '') { query(this.box).find('.w2ui-sidebar-bottom').html(this.bottomHTML) query(this.box).find('.w2ui-sidebar-body') .css('bottom', query(this.box).find('.w2ui-sidebar-bottom').get(0)?.clientHeight + 'px') } // observe div resize this.last.observeResize = new ResizeObserver(() => { this.resize() }) this.last.observeResize.observe(this.box) // event after edata.finish() // --- this.refresh() return Date.now() - time } update(id, options = {}) { // quick function to refresh just this item (not sub nodes) // - icon, class, style, text, count let nd = this.get(id) let level if (nd) { let $el = query(this.box).find('#node_'+ w2utils.escapeId(nd.id)) if (nd.group) { if (options.text) { nd.text = options.text $el.find('.w2ui-group-text').replace(typeof nd.text == 'function' ? nd.text.call(this, nd) : ''+ nd.text +'') delete options.text } if (options.class) { nd.class = options.class level = $el.data('level') $el.get(0).className = 'w2ui-node-group w2ui-level-'+ level +(nd.class ? ' ' + nd.class : '') delete options.class } if (options.style) { nd.style = options.style $el.get(0).nextElementSibling.style = nd.style +';'+ (!nd.hidden && nd.expanded ? '' : 'display: none;') delete options.style } } else { if (options.icon) { let $icon = $el.find('.w2ui-node-image > span') if ($icon.length > 0) { nd.icon = options.icon $icon[0].className = (typeof nd.icon == 'function' ? nd.icon.call(this, nd) : nd.icon) delete options.icon } } if (options.count) { nd.count = options.count // update counts let txt = nd.count ?? this.badge.text let style = this.badge.style let last = this.last.badge[nd.id] if (typeof txt == 'function') txt = txt.call(this, nd, level) $el.find('.w2ui-node-badge') .html(txt) .attr('style', `${style}; ${last?.style ?? ''}`) if ($el.find('.w2ui-node-badge').length > 0) delete options.count } if (options.class && $el.length > 0) { nd.class = options.class level = $el.data('level') $el[0].className = 'w2ui-node w2ui-level-'+ level + (nd.selected ? ' w2ui-selected' : '') + (nd.disabled ? ' w2ui-disabled' : '') + (nd.class ? ' ' + nd.class : '') delete options.class } if (options.text) { nd.text = options.text $el.find('.w2ui-node-text').html(typeof nd.text == 'function' ? nd.text.call(this, nd) : nd.text) delete options.text } if (options.style && $el.length > 0) { let $txt = $el.find('.w2ui-node-text') nd.style = options.style $txt[0].style = nd.style delete options.style } } } // return what was not set return options } refresh(id, options = {}) { if (this.box == null) return let body = query(this.box).find(':scope > div > .w2ui-sidebar-body').get(0) let { scrollTop, scrollLeft } = body ?? {} let time = Date.now() let self = this // event before let edata = this.trigger('refresh', { target: (id != null ? id : this.name), nodeId: (id != null ? id : null), fullRefresh: (id != null ? false : true) }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return if (this.flatButton == true) { query(this.box).find('.w2ui-sidebar-top .w2ui-flat').show() .removeClass('w2ui-flat-left w2ui-flat-right') .addClass(` w2ui-flat-${(this.flat ? 'right' : 'left')}`) } else { query(this.box).find('.w2ui-sidebar-top .w2ui-flat').hide() } // default action query(this.box).find(':scope > div').removeClass('w2ui-sidebar-flat').addClass(this.flat ? 'w2ui-sidebar-flat' : '').css({ width : query(this.box).get(0)?.clientWidth + 'px', height: query(this.box).get(0)?.clientHeight + 'px' }) // if no parent - reset nodes if (this.nodes.length > 0 && this.nodes[0].parent == null) { let tmp = this.nodes this.nodes = [] this.add(this, tmp) } let obj = this let node let nodeSubId if (id == null) { node = this nodeSubId = '.w2ui-sidebar-body' } else { node = this.get(id) if (node == null) return nodeSubId = '#node_'+ w2utils.escapeId(node.id) + '_sub' } let nodeId = '#node_'+ w2utils.escapeId(node.id) let nodeHTML if (node !== this) { nodeHTML = getNodeHTML(node) query(this.box).find(nodeId).before('') query(this.box).find(nodeId).remove() query(this.box).find(nodeSubId).remove() query(this.box).find('#sidebar_'+ this.name + '_tmp').before(nodeHTML) query(this.box).find('#sidebar_'+ this.name + '_tmp').remove() } // remember scroll position let div = query(this.box).find(':scope > div').get(0) let scroll = { top: div?.scrollTop, left: div?.scrollLeft } // refresh sub nodes query(this.box).find(nodeSubId).html('') for (let i = 0; i < node.nodes.length; i++) { let subNode = node.nodes[i] nodeHTML = getNodeHTML(subNode) query(this.box).find(nodeSubId).append(nodeHTML) if (subNode.nodes.length !== 0) { // TODO: here this.refresh(subNode.id, { recursive: true, }) } else { // trigger event let edata2 = this.trigger('refresh', { target: subNode.id }) if (edata2.isCancelled === true) return // event after edata2.finish() } } // reset scroll if (div) { div.scrollTop = scroll.top div.scrollLeft = scroll.left } // bind events if (!options.recursive) { let els = query(this.box).find(`${nodeId}, ${nodeId} .w2ui-eaction, ${nodeSubId} .w2ui-eaction`) w2utils.bindEvents(els, this) // restore scroll position query(body).prop({ scrollLeft, scrollTop }) } // event after edata.finish() return Date.now() - time function getNodeHTML(nd) { let html = '' let icon = nd.icon if (icon == null) icon = obj.icon // -- find out level let tmp = nd.parent let level = 0 while (tmp && tmp.parent != null) { // if (tmp.group) level--; tmp = tmp.parent level++ } if (nd.caption != null && nd.text == null) nd.text = nd.caption if (nd.caption != null) { console.log('NOTICE: sidebar node.caption property is deprecated, please use node.text. Node -> ', nd) nd.text = nd.caption } if (Array.isArray(nd.nodes) && nd.nodes.length > 0) nd.collapsible = true if (nd.group) { let text = w2utils.lang(typeof nd.text == 'function' ? nd.text.call(obj, nd, level) : nd.text) if (String(text).substr(0, 5) != '${text}` } html = `
${nd.groupShowHide && nd.collapsible ? `${!nd.hidden && nd.expanded ? w2utils.lang('Hide') : w2utils.lang('Show')}` : '' } ${text}
` if (obj.flat) { html = `
` } } else { if (nd.selected && !nd.disabled) { if (obj.multi) { obj.selected ??= [] if (!obj.selected.includes(nd.id)) { obj.selected.push(nd.id) } } else { obj.selected = nd.id } } // icon or image let image = '' if (icon) { if (icon instanceof Object) { let text = (typeof icon.text == 'function' ? (icon.text.call(obj, nd, level) ?? '') : icon.text) image = `
` } else { image = `
` } } let expand = '' let counts = '' if (self.badge != null || nd.count != null) { let txt = nd.count ?? self.badge?.text let style = self.badge?.style let last = obj.last.badge[nd.id] if (typeof txt == 'function') txt = txt.call(self, nd, level) if (txt) { counts = `
` } } // array with classes let classes = ['w2ui-node', `w2ui-level-${level}`, 'w2ui-eaction'] if (nd.selected) classes.push('w2ui-selected') if (nd.disabled) classes.push('w2ui-disabled') if (nd.class) classes.push(nd.class) // collapsible if (nd.collapsible === true) { let toggleClasses = ['w2ui-sb-toggle', 'w2ui-eaction', (nd.expanded ? 'w2ui-expanded' : 'w2ui-collapsed')] if (self.toggleAlign == 'left') toggleClasses.push('w2ui-left-toggle') expand = `
` classes.push('w2ui-has-children') } let text = w2utils.lang(typeof nd.text == 'function' ? nd.text.call(obj, nd, level) : nd.text) let nodeOffset = nd.parent?.childOffset ?? 0 if (level === 0 && nd.collapsible === true && self.toggleAlign == 'left') { nodeOffset += 12 } html = `
${obj.handle.text ? `
${typeof obj.handle.text == 'function' ? obj.handle.text.call(obj, nd, level) ?? '' : obj.handle.text}
` : '' }
${expand} ${image} ${counts}
` if (obj.flat) { html = `
` } } return html } } mouseAction(action, anchor, nodeId, event, type) { let edata let node = this.get(nodeId) if (type == null) { edata = this.trigger('mouse' + action, { target: node.id, node, originalEvent: event }) } if (type == 'tooltip') { // this tooltip shows for flat sidebars let text = w2utils.lang(typeof node.text == 'function' ? node.text.call(this, node) : node.text) let tooltip = text + (node.count || node.count === 0 ? ' - '+ node.count +'' : '') if (action == 'Leave' || this.selected == node.id) tooltip = '' this.tooltip(anchor, tooltip) } if (type == 'handle') { if (action == 'click') { let onClick = this.handle.onClick if (typeof onClick == 'function') { onClick.call(this, node, event) } } else { let tooltip = this.handle.tooltip if (typeof tooltip == 'function') { tooltip = tooltip.call(this, node, event) } if (action == 'Leave') tooltip = '' this.otherTooltip(anchor, tooltip) } } if (type == 'icon') { if (action == 'click') { let onClick = this.icon.onClick if (typeof onClick == 'function') { onClick.call(this, node, event) } } else { let tooltip = this.icon.tooltip if (typeof tooltip == 'function') { tooltip = tooltip.call(this, node, event) } if (action == 'Leave') tooltip = '' this.otherTooltip(anchor, tooltip) } } if (type == 'badge') { if (action == 'click') { let onClick = this.badge?.onClick if (typeof onClick == 'function') { onClick.call(this, node, event) } } else { let tooltip = this.badge?.tooltip if (typeof tooltip == 'function') { tooltip = tooltip.call(this, node, event) } if (action == 'Leave') tooltip = '' this.otherTooltip(anchor, tooltip) } } edata?.finish() } tooltip(el, text) { let $el = query(el).find('.w2ui-node-data') if (text !== '') { w2tooltip.show({ anchor: $el.get(0), name: this.name + '_tooltip', html: text, position: 'right|left' }) } else { w2tooltip.hide(this.name + '_tooltip') } } otherTooltip(el, text) { if (text !== '') { w2tooltip.show({ anchor: el, name: this.name + '_tooltip', html: text, position: 'top|bottom' }) } else { w2tooltip.hide(this.name + '_tooltip') } } showPlus(el, color) { query(el).find('span:nth-child(1)').css('color', color) } resize() { let time = Date.now() // event before let edata = this.trigger('resize', { target: this.name }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // default action if (this.box != null) { let rect = query(this.box).get(0).getBoundingClientRect() query(this.box).css('overflow', 'hidden') // container should have no overflow query(this.box).find(':scope > div').css({ width : rect.width + 'px', height : rect.height + 'px' }) } // event after edata.finish() return Date.now() - time } destroy() { // event before let edata = this.trigger('destroy', { target: this.name }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // clean up if (query(this.box).find('.w2ui-sidebar-body').length > 0) { this.unmount() } delete w2ui[this.name] // event after edata.finish() } unmount() { super.unmount() this.last.observeResize?.disconnect() } lock(msg, showSpinner) { let args = Array.from(arguments) args.unshift(this.box) w2utils.lock(...args) } unlock(speed) { w2utils.unlock(this.box, speed) } } /** * Part of w2ui 2.0 library * - Dependencies: mQuery, w2utils, w2base, w2tooltip * * == 2.0 changes * - CSP - fixed inline events * - removed jQuery dependency * - observeResize for the box * - refactored w2events * - scrollIntoView - removed callback * - scroll, scrollIntoView return promise * - animateInsert, animateClose - returns a promise * - add, insert return a promise * - onMouseEnter, onMouseLeave, onMouseDown, onMouseUp */ class w2tabs extends w2base { constructor(options) { super(options.name) this.box = null // DOM Element that holds the element this.name = null // unique name for w2ui this.active = null this.reorder = false this.flow = 'down' // can be down or up this.tooltip = 'top|left' // can be top, bottom, left, right this.tabs = [] this.routeData = {} // data for dynamic routes this.last = {} // placeholder for internal variables this.right = '' this.style = '' this.onClick = null this.onMouseEnter = null // mouse enter and lease this.onMouseLeave = null this.onMouseDown = null this.onMouseUp = null this.onClose = null this.onRender = null this.onRefresh = null this.onResize = null this.onDestroy = null this.tab_template = { id: null, text: null, route: null, hidden: false, disabled: false, closable: false, tooltip: null, style: '', onClick: null, onRefresh: null, onClose: null } let tabs = options.tabs delete options.tabs // mix in options Object.assign(this, options) // add item via method to makes sure item_template is applied if (Array.isArray(tabs)) this.add(tabs) // need to reassign back to keep it in config options.tabs = tabs // render if box specified if (typeof this.box == 'string') this.box = query(this.box).get(0) if (this.box) this.render(this.box) } add(tab) { return this.insert(null, tab) } insert(id, tabs) { if (!Array.isArray(tabs)) tabs = [tabs] // assume it is array let proms = [] tabs.forEach(tab => { // checks if (tab.id == null) { console.log(`ERROR: The parameter "id" is required but not supplied. (obj: ${this.name})`) return } if (!w2utils.checkUniqueId(tab.id, this.tabs, 'tabs', this.name)) return // add tab let it = Object.assign({}, this.tab_template, tab) if (id == null) { this.tabs.push(it) proms.push(this.animateInsert(null, it)) } else { let middle = this.get(id, true) let before = this.tabs[middle].id this.tabs.splice(middle, 0, it) proms.push(this.animateInsert(before, it)) } }) return Promise.all(proms) } remove() { let effected = 0 Array.from(arguments).forEach(it => { let tab = this.get(it) if (!tab) return effected++ // remove from array this.tabs.splice(this.get(tab.id, true), 1) // remove from screen query(this.box).find(`#tabs_${this.name}_tab_${w2utils.escapeId(tab.id)}`).remove() }) this.resize() return effected } select(id) { if (this.active == id || this.get(id) == null) return false this.active = id this.refresh() return true } set(id, tab) { let index = this.get(id, true) if (index == null) return false w2utils.extend(this.tabs[index], tab) this.refresh(id) return true } get(id, returnIndex) { if (arguments.length === 0) { let all = [] for (let i1 = 0; i1 < this.tabs.length; i1++) { if (this.tabs[i1].id != null) { all.push(this.tabs[i1].id) } } return all } else { for (let i2 = 0; i2 < this.tabs.length; i2++) { if (this.tabs[i2].id == id) { // need to be == since id can be numeric return (returnIndex === true ? i2 : this.tabs[i2]) } } } return null } show() { let effected = [] Array.from(arguments).forEach(it => { let tab = this.get(it) if (!tab || tab.hidden === false) return tab.hidden = false effected.push(tab.id) }) setTimeout(() => { effected.forEach(it => { this.refresh(it); this.resize() }) }, 15) // needs timeout return effected } hide() { let effected = [] Array.from(arguments).forEach(it => { let tab = this.get(it) if (!tab || tab.hidden === true) return tab.hidden = true effected.push(tab.id) }) setTimeout(() => { effected.forEach(it => { this.refresh(it); this.resize() }) }, 15) // needs timeout return effected } enable() { let effected = [] Array.from(arguments).forEach(it => { let tab = this.get(it) if (!tab || tab.disabled === false) return tab.disabled = false effected.push(tab.id) }) setTimeout(() => { effected.forEach(it => { this.refresh(it) }) }, 15) // needs timeout return effected } disable() { let effected = [] Array.from(arguments).forEach(it => { let tab = this.get(it) if (!tab || tab.disabled === true) return tab.disabled = true effected.push(tab.id) }) setTimeout(() => { effected.forEach(it => { this.refresh(it) }) }, 15) // needs timeout return effected } dragMove(event) { if (!this.last.reordering) return let self = this let info = this.last.moving let tab = this.tabs[info.index] let next = _find(info.index, 1) let prev = _find(info.index, -1) let $el = query(this.box).find('#tabs_'+ this.name + '_tab_'+ w2utils.escapeId(tab.id)) if (info.divX > 0 && next) { let $nextEl = query(this.box).find('#tabs_'+ this.name + '_tab_'+ w2utils.escapeId(next.id)) let width1 = parseInt($el.get(0).clientWidth) let width2 = parseInt($nextEl.get(0).clientWidth) if (width1 < width2) { width1 = Math.floor(width1 / 3) width2 = width2 - width1 } else { width1 = Math.floor(width2 / 3) width2 = width2 - width1 } if (info.divX > width2) { let index = this.tabs.indexOf(next) this.tabs.splice(info.index, 0, this.tabs.splice(index, 1)[0]) // reorder in the array info.$tab.before($nextEl.get(0)) info.$tab.css('opacity', 0) Object.assign(this.last.moving, { index: index, divX: -width1, x: event.pageX + width1, left: info.left + info.divX + width1 }) return } } if (info.divX < 0 && prev) { let $prevEl = query(this.box).find('#tabs_'+ this.name + '_tab_'+ w2utils.escapeId(prev.id)) let width1 = parseInt($el.get(0).clientWidth) let width2 = parseInt($prevEl.get(0).clientWidth) if (width1 < width2) { width1 = Math.floor(width1 / 3) width2 = width2 - width1 } else { width1 = Math.floor(width2 / 3) width2 = width2 - width1 } if (Math.abs(info.divX) > width2) { let index = this.tabs.indexOf(prev) this.tabs.splice(info.index, 0, this.tabs.splice(index, 1)[0]) // reorder in the array $prevEl.before(info.$tab) info.$tab.css('opacity', 0) Object.assign(info, { index: index, divX: width1, x: event.pageX - width1, left: info.left + info.divX - width1 }) return } } function _find(ind, inc) { ind += inc let tab = self.tabs[ind] if (tab && tab.hidden) { tab = _find(ind, inc) } return tab } } mouseAction(action, id, event) { let tab = this.get(id) let edata = this.trigger('mouse' + action, { target: id, tab, object: tab, originalEvent: event }) if (edata.isCancelled === true || tab?.disabled || tab?.hidden) return switch (action) { case 'Enter': this.tooltipShow(id) break case 'Leave': this.tooltipHide(id) break case 'Down': this.initReorder(id, event) break case 'Up': break } edata.finish() } tooltipShow(id) { let tab = this.get(id) let el = query(this.box).find('#tabs_'+ this.name + '_tab_'+ w2utils.escapeId(id)).get(0) if (this.tooltip == null || tab?.disabled || this.last.reordering) { return } let pos = this.tooltip let txt = tab?.tooltip if (typeof txt == 'function') txt = txt.call(this, tab) w2tooltip.show({ anchor: el, name: this.name + '_tooltip', html: txt, position: pos }) } tooltipHide(id) { if (this.tooltip == null) return w2tooltip.hide(this.name + '_tooltip') } getTabHTML(id) { let index = this.get(id, true) let tab = this.tabs[index] if (tab == null) return false if (tab.text == null && tab.caption != null) tab.text = tab.caption if (tab.tooltip == null && tab.hint != null) tab.tooltip = tab.hint // for backward compatibility if (tab.caption != null) { console.log('NOTICE: tabs tab.caption property is deprecated, please use tab.text. Tab -> ', tab) } if (tab.hint != null) { console.log('NOTICE: tabs tab.hint property is deprecated, please use tab.tooltip. Tab -> ', tab) } let text = tab.text if (typeof text == 'function') text = text.call(this, tab) if (text == null) text = '' let closable = '' let addStyle = '' if (tab.hidden) { addStyle += 'display: none;' } if (tab.disabled) { addStyle += 'opacity: 0.2;' } if (tab.closable && !tab.disabled) { closable = `
` } return `
${w2utils.lang(text) + closable}
` } refresh(id) { let time = Date.now() if (this.flow == 'up') { query(this.box).addClass('w2ui-tabs-up') } else { query(this.box).removeClass('w2ui-tabs-up') } // event before let edata = this.trigger('refresh', { target: (id != null ? id : this.name), object: this.get(id) }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return if (id == null) { // refresh all for (let i = 0; i < this.tabs.length; i++) { this.refresh(this.tabs[i].id) } } else { // create or refresh only one item let selector = '#tabs_'+ this.name +'_tab_'+ w2utils.escapeId(id) let $tab = query(this.box).find(selector) let tabHTML = this.getTabHTML(id) if ($tab.length === 0) { query(this.box).find('#tabs_'+ this.name +'_right').before(tabHTML) } else { if (query(this.box).find('.tab-animate-insert').length == 0) { $tab.replace(tabHTML) } } w2utils.bindEvents(query(this.box).find(`${selector}, ${selector} .w2ui-eaction`), this) } // right html query(this.box).find('#tabs_'+ this.name +'_right').html(this.right) // event after edata.finish() // this.resize(); return Date.now() - time } render(box) { let time = Date.now() if (typeof box == 'string') box = query(box).get(0) // event before let edata = this.trigger('render', { target: this.name, box: box ?? this.box }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // default action if (box != null) { this.unmount() // clean previous control this.box = box } if (!this.box) return false // render all buttons let html =`
` query(this.box) .attr('name', this.name) .addClass('w2ui-reset w2ui-tabs') .html(html) if (query(this.box).length > 0) { query(this.box)[0].style.cssText += this.style } w2utils.bindEvents(query(this.box).find('.w2ui-eaction'), this) // observe div resize this.last.observeResize = new ResizeObserver(() => { this.resize() }) this.last.observeResize.observe(this.box) // event after edata.finish() this.refresh() this.resize() return Date.now() - time } initReorder(id, event) { if (!this.reorder) return let self = this let $tab = query(this.box).find('#tabs_' + this.name + '_tab_' + w2utils.escapeId(id)) let tabIndex = this.get(id, true) let $ghost = query($tab.get(0).cloneNode(true)) let edata $ghost.attr('id', '#tabs_' + this.name + '_tab_ghost') this.last.moving = { index: tabIndex, indexFrom: tabIndex, $tab: $tab, $ghost: $ghost, divX: 0, left: $tab.get(0).getBoundingClientRect().left, parentX: query(this.box).get(0).getBoundingClientRect().left, x: event.pageX, opacity: $tab.css('opacity') } query(document) .off('.w2uiTabReorder') .on('mousemove.w2uiTabReorder', function (event) { if (!self.last.reordering) { // event before edata = self.trigger('reorder', { target: self.tabs[tabIndex].id, indexFrom: tabIndex, tab: self.tabs[tabIndex] }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return w2tooltip.hide(this.name + '_tooltip') self.last.reordering = true $ghost.addClass('moving') $ghost.css({ 'pointer-events': 'none', 'position': 'absolute', 'left': $tab.get(0).getBoundingClientRect().left }) $tab.css('opacity', 0) query(self.box).find('.w2ui-scroll-wrapper').append($ghost.get(0)) query(self.box).find('.w2ui-tab-close').hide() } self.last.moving.divX = event.pageX - self.last.moving.x $ghost.css('left', (self.last.moving.left - self.last.moving.parentX + self.last.moving.divX) + 'px') self.dragMove(event) }) .on('mouseup.w2uiTabReorder', function () { query(document).off('.w2uiTabReorder') $ghost.css({ 'transition': '0.1s', 'left': self.last.moving.$tab.get(0).getBoundingClientRect().left - self.last.moving.parentX }) query(self.box).find('.w2ui-tab-close').show() $ghost.remove() $tab.css({ opacity: self.last.moving.opacity }) // self.render() if (self.last.reordering) { edata.finish({ indexTo: self.last.moving.index }) } self.last.reordering = false }) } scroll(direction, instant) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let scrollBox = query(this.box).find('.w2ui-scroll-wrapper') let scrollLeft = scrollBox.get(0).scrollLeft let right = scrollBox.find('.w2ui-tabs-right').get(0) let width1 = scrollBox.parent().get(0).getBoundingClientRect().width let width2 = scrollLeft + parseInt(right.offsetLeft) + parseInt(right.clientWidth ) switch (direction) { case 'left': { let scroll = scrollLeft - width1 + 50 // 35 is width of both button if (scroll <= 0) scroll = 0 scrollBox.get(0).scrollTo({ top: 0, left: scroll, behavior: instant ? 'atuo' : 'smooth' }) break } case 'right': { let scroll = scrollLeft + width1 - 50 // 35 is width of both button if (scroll >= width2 - width1) scroll = width2 - width1 scrollBox.get(0).scrollTo({ top: 0, left: scroll, behavior: instant ? 'atuo' : 'smooth' }) break } } setTimeout(() => { this.resize(); resolve() }, instant ? 0 : 350) }) } scrollIntoView(id, instant) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (id == null) id = this.active let tab = this.get(id) if (tab == null) return let tabEl = query(this.box).find('#tabs_' + this.name + '_tab_' + w2utils.escapeId(id)).get(0) tabEl.scrollIntoView({ block: 'start', inline: 'center', behavior: instant ? 'atuo' : 'smooth' }) setTimeout(() => { this.resize(); resolve() }, instant ? 0 : 500) }) } resize() { let time = Date.now() if (this.box == null) return // event before let edata = this.trigger('resize', { target: this.name }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // show hide overflow buttons if (this.box != null) { let box = query(this.box) box.find('.w2ui-scroll-left, .w2ui-scroll-right').hide() let scrollBox = box.find('.w2ui-scroll-wrapper').get(0) let $right = box.find('.w2ui-tabs-right') let boxWidth = box.get(0).getBoundingClientRect().width let itemsWidth = ($right.length > 0 ? $right[0].offsetLeft + $right[0].clientWidth : 0) if (boxWidth < itemsWidth) { // we have overflown content if (scrollBox.scrollLeft > 0) { box.find('.w2ui-scroll-left').show() } if (boxWidth < itemsWidth - scrollBox.scrollLeft) { box.find('.w2ui-scroll-right').show() } } } // event after edata.finish() return Date.now() - time } destroy() { // event before let edata = this.trigger('destroy', { target: this.name }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // clean up if (query(this.box).find('#tabs_'+ this.name + '_right').length > 0) { this.unmount() } delete w2ui[this.name] // event after edata.finish() } unmount() { super.unmount() this.last.observeResize?.disconnect() } // =================================================== // -- Internal Event Handlers click(id, event) { let tab = this.get(id) if (tab == null || tab.disabled || this.last.reordering) return false // event before let edata = this.trigger('click', { target: id, tab: tab, object: tab, originalEvent: event }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // default action query(this.box).find('#tabs_'+ this.name +'_tab_'+ w2utils.escapeId(this.active)).removeClass('active') this.active = tab.id query(this.box).find('#tabs_'+ this.name +'_tab_'+ w2utils.escapeId(this.active)).addClass('active') // route processing if (typeof tab.route == 'string') { let route = tab.route !== '' ? String('/'+ tab.route).replace(/\/{2,}/g, '/') : '' let info = w2utils.parseRoute(route) if (info.keys.length > 0) { for (let k = 0; k < info.keys.length; k++) { if (this.routeData[info.keys[k].name] == null) continue route = route.replace((new RegExp(':'+ info.keys[k].name, 'g')), this.routeData[info.keys[k].name]) } } setTimeout(() => { window.location.hash = route }, 1) } // event after edata.finish() } clickClose(id, event) { let tab = this.get(id) if (tab == null || tab.disabled) return false // event before let edata = this.trigger('close', { target: id, object: tab, tab, originalEvent: event }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return this.animateClose(id).then(() => { this.remove(id) edata.finish() this.refresh() }) if (event) event.stopPropagation() } animateClose(id) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let $tab = query(this.box).find('#tabs_'+ this.name +'_tab_'+ w2utils.escapeId(id)) let width = parseInt($tab.get(0).clientWidth || 0) let anim = `
` let $anim = $tab.replace(anim) setTimeout(() => { $anim.css({ width: '0px' }) }, 1) setTimeout(() => { $anim.remove() this.resize() resolve() }, 500) }) } animateInsert(id, tab) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let $before = query(this.box).find('#tabs_'+ this.name +'_tab_'+ w2utils.escapeId(id)) let $tab = query.html(this.getTabHTML(tab.id)) if ($before.length == 0) { $before = query(this.box).find('#tabs_tabs_right') $before.before($tab) this.resize() } else { $tab.css({ opacity: 0 }) // first insert tab on the right to get its proper dimentions query(this.box).find('#tabs_tabs_right').before($tab.get(0)) let $tmp = query(this.box).find('#' + $tab.attr('id')) let width = $tmp.get(0)?.clientWidth ?? 0 // insert animation div let $anim = query.html('
') $before.before($anim) // hide tab and move it in the right position $tab.hide() $anim.before($tab[0]) setTimeout(() => { $anim.css({ width: width + 'px' }) }, 1) setTimeout(() => { $anim.remove() $tab.css({ opacity: 1 }).show() this.refresh(tab.id) this.resize() resolve() }, 500) } }) } } /** * Part of w2ui 2.0 library * - Dependencies: mQuery, w2utils, w2base, w2tabs, w2toolbar * * == 2.0 changes * - CSP - fixed inline events * - remove jQuery dependency * - layout.confirm - refactored * - layout.message - refactored * - panel.removed */ let w2panels = ['top', 'left', 'main', 'preview', 'right', 'bottom'] class w2layout extends w2base { constructor(options) { super(options.name) this.box = null // DOM Element that holds the element this.name = null // unique name for w2ui this.panels = [] this.last = {} this.padding = 1 // panel padding this.resizer = 4 // resizer width or height this.style = '' this.onShow = null this.onHide = null this.onResizing = null this.onResizerClick = null this.onRender = null this.onRefresh = null this.onChange = null this.onResize = null this.onDestroy = null this.panel_template = { type: null, // left, right, top, bottom title: '', size: 100, // width or height depending on panel name minSize: 20, maxSize: false, hidden: false, resizable: false, overflow: 'auto', style: '', html: '', // can be String or Object with .render(box) method tabs: null, toolbar: null, width: null, // read only height: null, // read only show: { toolbar: false, tabs: false }, removed: null, // function to call when content is overwritten onRefresh: null, onShow: null, onHide: null } // mix in options Object.assign(this, options) if (!Array.isArray(this.panels)) this.panels = [] // add defined panels this.panels.forEach((panel, ind) => { this.panels[ind] = w2utils.extend({}, this.panel_template, panel) if (w2utils.isPlainObject(panel.tabs) || Array.isArray(panel.tabs)) initTabs(this, panel.type) if (w2utils.isPlainObject(panel.toolbar) || Array.isArray(panel.toolbar)) initToolbar(this, panel.type) }) // add all other panels w2panels.forEach(tab => { if (this.get(tab) != null) return this.panels.push(w2utils.extend({}, this.panel_template, { type: tab, hidden: (tab !== 'main'), size: 50 })) }) // render if box specified if (typeof this.box == 'string') this.box = query(this.box).get(0) if (this.box) this.render(this.box) function initTabs(object, panel, tabs) { let pan = object.get(panel) if (pan != null && tabs == null) tabs = pan.tabs if (pan == null || tabs == null) return false // instantiate tabs if (Array.isArray(tabs)) tabs = { tabs: tabs } let name = object.name + '_' + panel + '_tabs' if (w2ui[name]) w2ui[name].destroy() // destroy if existed pan.tabs = new w2tabs(w2utils.extend({}, tabs, { owner: object, name: object.name + '_' + panel + '_tabs' })) pan.show.tabs = true return true } function initToolbar(object, panel, toolbar) { let pan = object.get(panel) if (pan != null && toolbar == null) toolbar = pan.toolbar if (pan == null || toolbar == null) return false // instantiate toolbar if (Array.isArray(toolbar)) toolbar = { items: toolbar } let name = object.name + '_' + panel + '_toolbar' if (w2ui[name]) w2ui[name].destroy() // destroy if existed pan.toolbar = new w2toolbar(w2utils.extend({}, toolbar, { owner: object, name: object.name + '_' + panel + '_toolbar' })) pan.show.toolbar = true return true } } html(panel, data, transition) { let p = this.get(panel) let promise = { panel: panel, html: p.html, error: false, cancelled: false, removed(cb) { if (typeof cb == 'function') { p.removed = cb } } } if (typeof p.removed == 'function') { p.removed({ panel: panel, html: p.html, html_new: data, transition: transition || 'none' }) p.removed = null // this is one time call back only } // if it is CSS panel if (panel == 'css') { query(this.box).find('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_css').html('') promise.status = true return promise } if (p == null) { console.log('ERROR: incorrect panel name. Panel name can be main, left, right, top, bottom, preview or css') promise.error = true return promise } if (data == null) { return promise } // event before let edata = this.trigger('change', { target: panel, panel: p, html_new: data, transition: transition }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) { promise.cancelled = true return promise } let pname = '#layout_'+ this.name + '_panel_'+ p.type let current = query(this.box).find(pname + '> [data-role="panel-content"]') let panelTop = 0 if (current.length > 0) { query(this.box).find(pname).get(0).scrollTop = 0 panelTop = query(current).css('top') } // clean up previous content if (typeof p.html.unmount == 'function') p.html.unmount() current.addClass('w2ui-panel-content') current.removeAttr('style') // styles could have added manually, but all necessary will be added by resizeBoxes this.resizeBoxes(panel) if (p.html === '') { p.html = data this.refresh(panel) } else { p.html = data if (!p.hidden) { if (transition != null && transition !== '') { // apply transition query(this.box).addClass('animating') let div1 = query(this.box).find(pname + '> [data-role="panel-content"]') div1.after('
') let div2 = query(this.box).find(pname + '> [data-role="panel-content"].new-panel') div1.css('top', panelTop) div2.css('top', panelTop) if (typeof data == 'object') { data.box = div2[0] // do not do .render(box); data.render() } else { div2.hide().html(data) } w2utils.transition(div1[0], div2[0], transition, () => { div1.remove() div2.removeClass('new-panel') div2.css('overflow', p.overflow) // make sure only one content left query(query(this.box).find(pname + '> [data-role="panel-content"]').get(1)).remove() query(this.box).removeClass('animating') this.refresh(panel) }) } else { this.refresh(panel) } } } // event after edata.finish() return promise } message(panel, options) { let p = this.get(panel) let box = query(this.box).find('#layout_'+ this.name + '_panel_'+ p.type) let oldOverflow = box.css('overflow') box.css('overflow', 'hidden') let prom = w2utils.message({ owner: this, box : box.get(0), after: '.w2ui-panel-title', param: panel }, options) if (prom) { prom.self.on('close:after', () => { box.css('overflow', oldOverflow) }) } return prom } confirm(panel, options) { let p = this.get(panel) let box = query(this.box).find('#layout_'+ this.name + '_panel_'+ p.type) let oldOverflow = box.css('overflow') box.css('overflow', 'hidden') let prom = w2utils.confirm({ owner : this, box : box.get(0), after : '.w2ui-panel-title', param : panel }, options) if (prom) { prom.self.on('close:after', () => { box.css('overflow', oldOverflow) }) } return prom } load(panel, url, transition) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if ((panel == 'css' || this.get(panel) != null) && url != null) { fetch(url) .then(resp => resp.text()) .then(text => { this.resize() resolve(this.html(panel, text, transition)) }) } else { reject() } }) } sizeTo(panel, size, instant) { let pan = this.get(panel) if (pan == null) return false // resize query(this.box).find(':scope > div > .w2ui-panel') .css('transition', (instant !== true ? '.2s' : '0s')) setTimeout(() => { this.set(panel, { size: size }) }, 1) // clean setTimeout(() => { query(this.box).find(':scope > div > .w2ui-panel').css('transition', '0s') this.resize() }, 300) return true } show(panel, immediate) { // event before let edata = this.trigger('show', { target: panel, thisect: this.get(panel), immediate: immediate }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return let p = this.get(panel) if (p == null) return false p.hidden = false if (immediate === true) { query(this.box).find('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_'+panel) .css({ 'opacity': '1' }) edata.finish() this.resize() } else { // resize query(this.box).addClass('animating') query(this.box).find('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_'+panel) .css({ 'opacity': '0' }) query(this.box).find(':scope > div > .w2ui-panel') .css('transition', '.2s') setTimeout(() => { this.resize() }, 1) // show setTimeout(() => { query(this.box).find('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_'+ panel).css({ 'opacity': '1' }) }, 250) // clean setTimeout(() => { query(this.box).find(':scope > div > .w2ui-panel') .css('transition', '0s') query(this.box).removeClass('animating') edata.finish() this.resize() }, 300) } return true } hide(panel, immediate) { // event before let edata = this.trigger('hide', { target: panel, object: this.get(panel), immediate: immediate }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return let p = this.get(panel) if (p == null) return false p.hidden = true if (immediate === true) { query(this.box).find('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_'+panel) .css({ 'opacity': '0' }) edata.finish() this.resize() } else { // hide query(this.box).addClass('animating') query(this.box).find(':scope > div > .w2ui-panel') .css('transition', '.2s') query(this.box).find('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_'+panel) .css({ 'opacity': '0' }) setTimeout(() => { this.resize() }, 1) // clean setTimeout(() => { query(this.box).find(':scope > div > .w2ui-panel') .css('transition', '0s') query(this.box).removeClass('animating') edata.finish() this.resize() }, 300) } return true } toggle(panel, immediate) { let p = this.get(panel) if (p == null) return false if (p.hidden) return this.show(panel, immediate); else return this.hide(panel, immediate) } set(panel, options) { let ind = this.get(panel, true) if (ind == null) return false w2utils.extend(this.panels[ind], options) // refresh only when content changed if (options.html != null || options.resizable != null) { this.refresh(panel) } // show/hide resizer this.resize() // resize is needed when panel size is changed return true } get(panel, returnIndex) { for (let p = 0; p < this.panels.length; p++) { if (this.panels[p].type == panel) { if (returnIndex === true) return p; else return this.panels[p] } } return null } el(panel) { let el = query(this.box).find('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_'+ panel +'> [data-role="panel-content"]') if (el.length != 1) return null return el[0] } hideToolbar(panel) { let pan = this.get(panel) if (!pan) return pan.show.toolbar = false query(this.box).find(`#layout_${this.name}_panel_${panel} > [data-role="panel-toolbar"]`).hide() this.resize() } showToolbar(panel) { let pan = this.get(panel) if (!pan) return pan.show.toolbar = true query(this.box).find(`#layout_${this.name}_panel_${panel} > [data-role="panel-toolbar"]`).show() this.resize() } toggleToolbar(panel) { let pan = this.get(panel) if (!pan) return if (pan.show.toolbar) this.hideToolbar(panel); else this.showToolbar(panel) } assignToolbar(panel, toolbar) { if (typeof toolbar == 'string' && w2ui[toolbar] != null) toolbar = w2ui[toolbar] let pan = this.get(panel) pan.toolbar = toolbar let tmp = query(this.box).find(panel +'> [data-role="panel-toolbar"]') if (pan.toolbar != null) { if (tmp.attr('name') != pan.toolbar.name) { pan.toolbar.render(tmp.get(0)) } else if (pan.toolbar != null) { pan.toolbar.refresh() } toolbar.owner = this this.showToolbar(panel) this.refresh(panel) } else { tmp.html('') this.hideToolbar(panel) } } hideTabs(panel) { let pan = this.get(panel) if (!pan) return pan.show.tabs = false query(this.box).find('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_'+ panel +'> [data-role="panel-tabs"]').hide() this.resize() } showTabs(panel) { let pan = this.get(panel) if (!pan) return pan.show.tabs = true query(this.box).find('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_'+ panel +'> [data-role="panel-tabs"]').show() this.resize() } toggleTabs(panel) { let pan = this.get(panel) if (!pan) return if (pan.show.tabs) this.hideTabs(panel); else this.showTabs(panel) } render(box) { let time = Date.now() let self = this if (typeof box == 'string') box = query(box).get(0) // if (window.getSelection) window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); // clear selection // event before let edata = this.trigger('render', { target: this.name, box: box ?? this.box }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // default action if (box != null) { this.unmount() // clean previous control this.box = box } if (!this.box) return false // render layout query(this.box) .attr('name', this.name) .addClass('w2ui-layout') .html('
') if (query(this.box).length > 0) { query(this.box)[0].style.cssText += this.style } // create all panels for (let p1 = 0; p1 < w2panels.length; p1++) { let html = '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
' query(this.box).find(':scope > div').append(html) } query(this.box).find(':scope > div') .append('
') this.refresh() // if refresh is not called here, the layout will not be available right after initialization // observe div resize this.last.observeResize = new ResizeObserver(() => { this.resize() }) this.last.observeResize.observe(this.box) // process event edata.finish() // re-init events setTimeout(() => { // needed this timeout to allow browser to render first if there are tabs or toolbar self.last.events = { resizeStart, mouseMove, mouseUp } this.resize() }, 0) return Date.now() - time function resizeStart(type, evnt) { if (!self.box) return if (!evnt) evnt = window.event query(document) .off('mousemove', self.last.events.mouseMove) .on('mousemove', self.last.events.mouseMove) query(document) .off('mouseup', self.last.events.mouseUp) .on('mouseup', self.last.events.mouseUp) self.last.resize = { type : type, x : evnt.screenX, y : evnt.screenY, diff_x : 0, diff_y : 0, value : 0 } // lock all panels w2panels.forEach(panel => { let $tmp = query(self.el(panel)).find('.w2ui-lock') if ($tmp.length > 0) { $tmp.data('locked', 'yes') } else { self.lock(panel, { opacity: 0 }) } }) let el = query(self.box).find('#layout_'+ self.name +'_resizer_'+ type).get(0) if (type == 'left' || type == 'right') { self.last.resize.value = parseInt(el.style.left) } if (type == 'top' || type == 'preview' || type == 'bottom') { self.last.resize.value = parseInt(el.style.top) } } function mouseUp(evnt) { if (!self.box) return if (!evnt) evnt = window.event query(document).off('mousemove', self.last.events.mouseMove) query(document).off('mouseup', self.last.events.mouseUp) if (self.last.resize == null) return // unlock all panels w2panels.forEach(panel => { let $tmp = query(self.el(panel)).find('.w2ui-lock') if ($tmp.data('locked') == 'yes') { $tmp.removeData('locked') } else { self.unlock(panel) } }) // set new size if (self.last.diff_x !== 0 || self.last.resize.diff_y !== 0) { // only recalculate if changed let ptop = self.get('top') let pbottom = self.get('bottom') let panel = self.get(self.last.resize.type) let width = w2utils.getSize(query(self.box), 'width') let height = w2utils.getSize(query(self.box), 'height') let str = String(panel.size) let ns, nd switch (self.last.resize.type) { case 'top': ns = parseInt(panel.sizeCalculated) + self.last.resize.diff_y nd = 0 break case 'bottom': ns = parseInt(panel.sizeCalculated) - self.last.resize.diff_y nd = 0 break case 'preview': ns = parseInt(panel.sizeCalculated) - self.last.resize.diff_y nd = (ptop && !ptop.hidden ? ptop.sizeCalculated : 0) + (pbottom && !pbottom.hidden ? pbottom.sizeCalculated : 0) break case 'left': ns = parseInt(panel.sizeCalculated) + self.last.resize.diff_x nd = 0 break case 'right': ns = parseInt(panel.sizeCalculated) - self.last.resize.diff_x nd = 0 break } // set size if (str.substr(str.length-1) == '%') { panel.size = Math.floor(ns * 100 / (panel.type == 'left' || panel.type == 'right' ? width : height - nd) * 100) / 100 + '%' } else { if (String(panel.size).substr(0, 1) == '-') { panel.size = parseInt(panel.size) - panel.sizeCalculated + ns } else { panel.size = ns } } self.resize() } query(self.box) .find('#layout_'+ self.name + '_resizer_'+ self.last.resize.type) .removeClass('active') delete self.last.resize } function mouseMove(evnt) { if (!self.box) return if (!evnt) evnt = window.event if (self.last.resize == null) return let panel = self.get(self.last.resize.type) // event before let tmp = self.last.resize let edata = self.trigger('resizing', { target: self.name, object: panel, originalEvent: evnt, panel: tmp ? tmp.type : 'all', diff_x: tmp ? tmp.diff_x : 0, diff_y: tmp ? tmp.diff_y : 0 }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return let p = query(self.box).find('#layout_'+ self.name + '_resizer_'+ tmp.type) let resize_x = (evnt.screenX - tmp.x) let resize_y = (evnt.screenY - tmp.y) let mainPanel = self.get('main') if (!p.hasClass('active')) p.addClass('active') switch (tmp.type) { case 'left': if (panel.minSize - resize_x > panel.width) { resize_x = panel.minSize - panel.width } if (panel.maxSize && (panel.width + resize_x > panel.maxSize)) { resize_x = panel.maxSize - panel.width } if (mainPanel.minSize + resize_x > mainPanel.width) { resize_x = mainPanel.width - mainPanel.minSize } break case 'right': if (panel.minSize + resize_x > panel.width) { resize_x = panel.width - panel.minSize } if (panel.maxSize && (panel.width - resize_x > panel.maxSize)) { resize_x = panel.width - panel.maxSize } if (mainPanel.minSize - resize_x > mainPanel.width) { resize_x = mainPanel.minSize - mainPanel.width } break case 'top': if (panel.minSize - resize_y > panel.height) { resize_y = panel.minSize - panel.height } if (panel.maxSize && (panel.height + resize_y > panel.maxSize)) { resize_y = panel.maxSize - panel.height } if (mainPanel.minSize + resize_y > mainPanel.height) { resize_y = mainPanel.height - mainPanel.minSize } break case 'preview': case 'bottom': if (panel.minSize + resize_y > panel.height) { resize_y = panel.height - panel.minSize } if (panel.maxSize && (panel.height - resize_y > panel.maxSize)) { resize_y = panel.height - panel.maxSize } if (mainPanel.minSize - resize_y > mainPanel.height) { resize_y = mainPanel.minSize - mainPanel.height } break } tmp.diff_x = resize_x tmp.diff_y = resize_y switch (tmp.type) { case 'top': case 'preview': case 'bottom': tmp.diff_x = 0 if (p.length > 0) p[0].style.top = (tmp.value + tmp.diff_y) + 'px' break case 'left': case 'right': tmp.diff_y = 0 if (p.length > 0) p[0].style.left = (tmp.value + tmp.diff_x) + 'px' break } // event after edata.finish() } } unmount() { super.unmount() this.panels.forEach(panel => { panel.tabs?.unmount?.() panel.toolbar?.unmount?.() }) this.last.observeResize?.disconnect() } destroy() { // event before let edata = this.trigger('destroy', { target: this.name }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return if (w2ui[this.name] == null) return false // clean up this.panels.forEach(panel => { panel.tabs?.destroy?.() panel.toolbar?.destroy?.() }) if (query(this.box).find('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_main').length > 0) { this.unmount() } delete w2ui[this.name] // event after edata.finish() if (this.last.events && this.last.events.resize) { query(window).off('resize', this.last.events.resize) } return true } refresh(panel) { let self = this // if (window.getSelection) window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); // clear selection if (panel == null) panel = null let time = Date.now() // event before let edata = self.trigger('refresh', { target: (panel != null ? panel : self.name), object: self.get(panel) }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // self.unlock(panel); if (typeof panel == 'string') { let p = self.get(panel) if (p == null) return let pname = '#layout_'+ self.name + '_panel_'+ p.type let rname = '#layout_'+ self.name +'_resizer_'+ p.type // apply properties to the panel query(self.box).find(pname).css({ display: p.hidden ? 'none' : 'block' }) if (p.resizable) { query(self.box).find(rname).show() } else { query(self.box).find(rname).hide() } // insert content if (typeof p.html == 'object' && typeof p.html.render === 'function') { p.html.box = query(self.box).find(pname +'> [data-role="panel-content"]')[0] setTimeout(() => { // need to remove unnecessary classes if (query(self.box).find(pname +'> [data-role="panel-content"]').length > 0) { query(self.box).find(pname +'> [data-role="panel-content"]') .removeClass() .removeAttr('name') .addClass('w2ui-panel-content') .css('overflow', p.overflow)[0].style.cssText += ';' + p.style } if (p.html && typeof p.html.render == 'function') { p.html.render() // do not do .render(box); } }, 1) } else { // need to remove unnecessary classes if (query(self.box).find(pname +'> [data-role="panel-content"]').length > 0) { query(self.box).find(pname +'> [data-role="panel-content"]') .removeClass() .removeAttr('name') .addClass('w2ui-panel-content') .html(p.html) .css('overflow', p.overflow)[0].style.cssText += ';' + p.style } } // if there are tabs and/or toolbar - render it let tmp = query(self.box).find(pname +'> [data-role="panel-tabs"]') if (p.show.tabs) { if (tmp.attr('name') != p.tabs.name && p.tabs != null) { p.tabs.render(tmp.get(0)) } else { p.tabs.refresh() } tmp.addClass('w2ui-panel-tabs') } else { tmp.html('').removeAttr('name').removeClass('w2ui-tabs').hide() } tmp = query(self.box).find(pname +'> [data-role="panel-toolbar"]') if (p.show.toolbar) { if (tmp.attr('name') != p.toolbar.name && p.toolbar != null) { p.toolbar.render(tmp.get(0)) } else { p.toolbar.refresh() } tmp.addClass('w2ui-panel-toolbar') } else { tmp.html('').removeAttr('name').removeClass('w2ui-toolbar').hide() } // show title tmp = query(self.box).find(pname +'> .w2ui-panel-title') if (p.title) { tmp.html(p.title).show() } else { tmp.html('').hide() } } else { if (query(self.box).find('#layout_'+ self.name +'_panel_main').length === 0) { self.render() return } self.resize() // refresh all of them for (let p1 = 0; p1 < this.panels.length; p1++) { self.refresh(this.panels[p1].type) } } edata.finish() return Date.now() - time } resize() { // if (window.getSelection) window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); // clear selection if (!this.box) return false let time = Date.now() // event before let tmp = this.last.resize let edata = this.trigger('resize', { target: this.name, panel: tmp ? tmp.type : 'all', diff_x: tmp ? tmp.diff_x : 0, diff_y: tmp ? tmp.diff_y : 0 }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return if (this.padding < 0) this.padding = 0 // layout itself // width includes border and padding, we need to exclude that so panels // are sized correctly let width = w2utils.getSize(query(this.box), 'width') let height = w2utils.getSize(query(this.box), 'height') let self = this // panels let pmain = this.get('main') let pprev = this.get('preview') let pleft = this.get('left') let pright = this.get('right') let ptop = this.get('top') let pbottom = this.get('bottom') let sprev = (pprev != null && pprev.hidden !== true ? true : false) let sleft = (pleft != null && pleft.hidden !== true ? true : false) let sright = (pright != null && pright.hidden !== true ? true : false) let stop = (ptop != null && ptop.hidden !== true ? true : false) let sbottom = (pbottom != null && pbottom.hidden !== true ? true : false) let l, t, w, h // calculate % for (let p = 0; p < w2panels.length; p++) { if (w2panels[p] === 'main') continue tmp = this.get(w2panels[p]) if (!tmp) continue let str = String(tmp.size || 0) if (str.substr(str.length-1) == '%') { let tmph = height if (tmp.type == 'preview') { tmph = tmph - (ptop && !ptop.hidden ? ptop.sizeCalculated : 0) - (pbottom && !pbottom.hidden ? pbottom.sizeCalculated : 0) } tmp.sizeCalculated = parseInt((tmp.type == 'left' || tmp.type == 'right' ? width : tmph) * parseFloat(tmp.size) / 100) } else { tmp.sizeCalculated = parseInt(tmp.size) } tmp.sizeCalculated = Math.max(tmp.sizeCalculated, parseInt(tmp.minSize)) } // negative size if (String(pright.size).substr(0, 1) == '-') { if (sleft && String(pleft.size).substr(0, 1) == '-') { console.log('ERROR: you cannot have both left panel.size and right panel.size be negative.') } else { pright.sizeCalculated = width - (sleft ? pleft.sizeCalculated : 0) + parseInt(pright.size) } } if (String(pleft.size).substr(0, 1) == '-') { if (sright && String(pright.size).substr(0, 1) == '-') { console.log('ERROR: you cannot have both left panel.size and right panel.size be negative.') } else { pleft.sizeCalculated = width - (sright ? pright.sizeCalculated : 0) + parseInt(pleft.size) } } // top if any if (ptop != null && ptop.hidden !== true) { l = 0 t = 0 w = width h = ptop.sizeCalculated query(this.box).find('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_top') .css({ 'display': 'block', 'left': l + 'px', 'top': t + 'px', 'width': w + 'px', 'height': h + 'px' }) ptop.width = w ptop.height = h // resizer if (ptop.resizable) { t = ptop.sizeCalculated - (this.padding === 0 ? this.resizer : 0) h = (this.resizer > this.padding ? this.resizer : this.padding) query(this.box).find('#layout_'+ this.name +'_resizer_top') .css({ 'display': 'block', 'left': l + 'px', 'top': t + 'px', 'width': w + 'px', 'height': h + 'px', 'cursor': 'ns-resize' }) .off('mousedown') .on('mousedown', function(event) { event.preventDefault() // event before let edata = self.trigger('resizerClick', { target: 'top', originalEvent: event }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // default action w2ui[self.name].last.events.resizeStart('top', event) // event after edata.finish() return false }) } } else { query(this.box).find('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_top').hide() query(this.box).find('#layout_'+ this.name +'_resizer_top').hide() } // left if any if (pleft != null && pleft.hidden !== true) { l = 0 t = 0 + (stop ? ptop.sizeCalculated + this.padding : 0) w = pleft.sizeCalculated h = height - (stop ? ptop.sizeCalculated + this.padding : 0) - (sbottom ? pbottom.sizeCalculated + this.padding : 0) query(this.box).find('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_left') .css({ 'display': 'block', 'left': l + 'px', 'top': t + 'px', 'width': w + 'px', 'height': h + 'px' }) pleft.width = w pleft.height = h // resizer if (pleft.resizable) { l = pleft.sizeCalculated - (this.padding === 0 ? this.resizer : 0) w = (this.resizer > this.padding ? this.resizer : this.padding) query(this.box).find('#layout_'+ this.name +'_resizer_left') .css({ 'display': 'block', 'left': l + 'px', 'top': t + 'px', 'width': w + 'px', 'height': h + 'px', 'cursor': 'ew-resize' }) .off('mousedown') .on('mousedown', function(event) { event.preventDefault() // event before let edata = self.trigger('resizerClick', { target: 'left', originalEvent: event }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // default action w2ui[self.name].last.events.resizeStart('left', event) // event after edata.finish() return false }) } } else { query(this.box).find('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_left').hide() query(this.box).find('#layout_'+ this.name +'_resizer_left').hide() } // right if any if (pright != null && pright.hidden !== true) { l = width - pright.sizeCalculated t = 0 + (stop ? ptop.sizeCalculated + this.padding : 0) w = pright.sizeCalculated h = height - (stop ? ptop.sizeCalculated + this.padding : 0) - (sbottom ? pbottom.sizeCalculated + this.padding : 0) query(this.box).find('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_right') .css({ 'display': 'block', 'left': l + 'px', 'top': t + 'px', 'width': w + 'px', 'height': h + 'px' }) pright.width = w pright.height = h // resizer if (pright.resizable) { l = l - this.padding w = (this.resizer > this.padding ? this.resizer : this.padding) query(this.box).find('#layout_'+ this.name +'_resizer_right') .css({ 'display': 'block', 'left': l + 'px', 'top': t + 'px', 'width': w + 'px', 'height': h + 'px', 'cursor': 'ew-resize' }) .off('mousedown') .on('mousedown', function(event) { event.preventDefault() // event before let edata = self.trigger('resizerClick', { target: 'right', originalEvent: event }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // default action w2ui[self.name].last.events.resizeStart('right', event) // event after edata.finish() return false }) } } else { query(this.box).find('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_right').hide() query(this.box).find('#layout_'+ this.name +'_resizer_right').hide() } // bottom if any if (pbottom != null && pbottom.hidden !== true) { l = 0 t = height - pbottom.sizeCalculated w = width h = pbottom.sizeCalculated query(this.box).find('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_bottom') .css({ 'display': 'block', 'left': l + 'px', 'top': t + 'px', 'width': w + 'px', 'height': h + 'px' }) pbottom.width = w pbottom.height = h // resizer if (pbottom.resizable) { t = t - (this.padding === 0 ? 0 : this.padding) h = (this.resizer > this.padding ? this.resizer : this.padding) query(this.box).find('#layout_'+ this.name +'_resizer_bottom') .css({ 'display': 'block', 'left': l + 'px', 'top': t + 'px', 'width': w + 'px', 'height': h + 'px', 'cursor': 'ns-resize' }) .off('mousedown') .on('mousedown', function(event) { event.preventDefault() // event before let edata = self.trigger('resizerClick', { target: 'bottom', originalEvent: event }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // default action w2ui[self.name].last.events.resizeStart('bottom', event) // event after edata.finish() return false }) } } else { query(this.box).find('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_bottom').hide() query(this.box).find('#layout_'+ this.name +'_resizer_bottom').hide() } // main - always there l = 0 + (sleft ? pleft.sizeCalculated + this.padding : 0) t = 0 + (stop ? ptop.sizeCalculated + this.padding : 0) w = width - (sleft ? pleft.sizeCalculated + this.padding : 0) - (sright ? pright.sizeCalculated + this.padding: 0) h = height - (stop ? ptop.sizeCalculated + this.padding : 0) - (sbottom ? pbottom.sizeCalculated + this.padding : 0) - (sprev ? pprev.sizeCalculated + this.padding : 0) query(this.box) .find('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_main') .css({ 'display': 'block', 'left': l + 'px', 'top': t + 'px', 'width': w + 'px', 'height': h + 'px' }) pmain.width = w pmain.height = h // preview if any if (pprev != null && pprev.hidden !== true) { l = 0 + (sleft ? pleft.sizeCalculated + this.padding : 0) t = height - (sbottom ? pbottom.sizeCalculated + this.padding : 0) - pprev.sizeCalculated w = width - (sleft ? pleft.sizeCalculated + this.padding : 0) - (sright ? pright.sizeCalculated + this.padding : 0) h = pprev.sizeCalculated query(this.box).find('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_preview') .css({ 'display': 'block', 'left': l + 'px', 'top': t + 'px', 'width': w + 'px', 'height': h + 'px' }) pprev.width = w pprev.height = h // resizer if (pprev.resizable) { t = t - (this.padding === 0 ? 0 : this.padding) h = (this.resizer > this.padding ? this.resizer : this.padding) query(this.box).find('#layout_'+ this.name +'_resizer_preview') .css({ 'display': 'block', 'left': l + 'px', 'top': t + 'px', 'width': w + 'px', 'height': h + 'px', 'cursor': 'ns-resize' }) .off('mousedown') .on('mousedown', function(event) { event.preventDefault() // event before let edata = self.trigger('resizerClick', { target: 'preview', originalEvent: event }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // default action w2ui[self.name].last.events.resizeStart('preview', event) // event after edata.finish() return false }) } } else { query(this.box).find('#layout_'+ this.name +'_panel_preview').hide() query(this.box).find('#layout_'+ this.name +'_resizer_preview').hide() } // resizes boxes for header, tabs, toolbar inside the panel this.resizeBoxes() edata.finish() return Date.now() - time } resizeBoxes(panel) { let panels = w2panels if (!panel && typeof panel == 'string') panels = [panel] // display tabs and toolbar if needed panels.forEach((pname, ind) => { let pan = this.get(w2panels[ind]) let tmp2 = `#layout_${this.name}_panel_${pname} > ` let topHeight = 0 if (pan) { if (pan.title) { let el = query(this.box).find(tmp2 + '.w2ui-panel-title').css({ top: topHeight + 'px', display: 'block' }) topHeight += w2utils.getSize(el, 'height') } if (pan.show.tabs) { let el = query(this.box).find(tmp2 + '[data-role="panel-tabs"]').css({ top: topHeight + 'px', display: 'block' }) topHeight += w2utils.getSize(el, 'height') } if (pan.show.toolbar) { let el = query(this.box).find(tmp2 + '[data-role="panel-toolbar"]').css({ top: topHeight + 'px', display: 'block' }) topHeight += w2utils.getSize(el, 'height') } } query(this.box).find(tmp2 + '[data-role="panel-content"]') .css({ display: 'block', top: topHeight + 'px' }) }) } lock(panel, msg, showSpinner) { if (w2panels.indexOf(panel) == -1) { console.log('ERROR: First parameter needs to be the a valid panel name.') return } let args = Array.from(arguments) args[0] = '#layout_'+ this.name + '_panel_' + panel w2utils.lock(...args) } unlock(panel, speed) { if (w2panels.indexOf(panel) == -1) { console.log('ERROR: First parameter needs to be the a valid panel name.') return } let nm = '#layout_'+ this.name + '_panel_' + panel w2utils.unlock(nm, speed) } } /** * Part of w2ui 2.0 library * - Dependencies: jQuery, w2utils, w2base, w2toolbar, w2field * * == TODO == * - problem with .set() and arrays, array get extended too, but should be replaced * - allow functions in routeData (also add routeData to list/enum) * - send parsed URL to the event if there is routeData * - add selectType: 'none' so that no selection can be make but with mouse * - focus/blur for selectType = cell not display grayed out selection * - allow enum in inline edit (see https://github.com/vitmalina/w2ui/issues/911#issuecomment-107341193) * - remote source, but localSort/localSearch * - promise for request, load, save, etc. * - onloadmore event (so it will be easy to implement remote data source with local sort) * - status() - clears on next select, etc. Should not if it is off * * == DEMOS To create == * - batch for disabled buttons * - natural sort * * == 2.0 changes * - toolbarInput - deprecated, toolbarSearch stays * - searchSuggest * - searchSave, searchSelected, savedSearches, defaultSearches, useLocalStorage, searchFieldTooltip * - cache, cacheSave * - onSearchSave, onSearchRemove, onSearchSelect * - show.searchLogic * - show.searchSave * - refreshSearch * - initAllFields -> searchInitInput * - textSearch - deprecated in favor of defaultOperator * - grid.confirm - refactored * - grid.message - refactored * - search.type == 'text' can have 'in' and 'not in' operators, then it will switch to enum * - grid.find(..., displayedOnly) * - column.render(..., this) - added * - observeResize for the box * - remove edit.type == 'select' * - editDone(...) * - liveSearch * - deprecated onUnselect event * - requestComplete(data, action, callBack, resolve, reject) - new argument list * - msgAJAXError -> msgHTTPError * - aded msgServerError * - deleted grid.method * - added mouseEnter/mouseLeave * - grid.show.columnReorder -> grid.reorderRows * - updagte docs search.label (not search.text) * - added columnAutoSize - which resizes column based on text in it * - added grid.replace() * - grid.compareSelection * - this.showContextMenu(event, { recid, column, index }) - arguments changed * - this.parseField */ class w2grid extends w2base { constructor(options) { super(options.name) this.name = null this.box = null // HTML element that hold this element this.columns = [] // { field, text, size, attr, render, hidden, gridMinWidth, editable } this.columnGroups = [] // { span: int, text: 'string', main: true/false, style: 'string' } this.records = [] // { recid: int(required), field1: 'value1', ... fieldN: 'valueN', style: 'string', changes: object } this.summary = [] // array of summary records, same structure as records array this.searches = [] // { type, label, field, attr, text, hidden } this.toolbar = {} // if not empty object; then it is toolbar object this.ranges = [] this.contextMenu = [] this.searchMap = {} // re-map search fields this.searchData = [] this.sortMap = {} // re-map sort fields this.sortData = [] this.savedSearches = [] this.defaultSearches = [] this.total = 0 // server total this.recid = null // field from records to be used as recid // internal this.last = { field : '', // last search field, e.g. 'all' label : '', // last search field label, e.g. 'All Fields' logic : 'AND', // last search logic, e.g. 'AND' or 'OR' search : '', // last search text searchIds : [], // last search IDs selection : { // last selection details indexes : [], columns : {} }, saved_sel : null, // last result of selectionSave() multi : false, // last multi flag, true when searching for multiple fields fetch: { action : '', // last fetch command, e.g. 'load' offset : null, // last fetch offset, integer start : 0, // timestamp of start of last fetch request response : 0, // time it took to complete the last fetch request in seconds options : null, controller: null, loaded : false, // data is loaded from the server hasMore : false // flag to indicate if there are more items to pull from the server }, vscroll: { scrollTop : 0, // last scrollTop position scrollLeft : 0, // last scrollLeft position recIndStart : null, // record index for first record in DOM recIndEnd : null, // record index for last record in DOM colIndStart : 0, // for column virtual scrolling colIndEnd : 0, // for column virtual scrolling pull_more : false, pull_refresh : true, show_extra : 0, // last show extra for virtual scrolling }, sel_ind : null, // last selected cell index sel_col : null, // last selected column sel_type : null, // last selection type, e.g. 'click' or 'key' sel_recid : null, // last selected record id idCache : {}, // object, id cache for get() move : null, // object, move details cancelClick : null, // boolean flag to indicate if the click event should be ignored, set during mouseMove() inEditMode : false, // flag to indicate if we're currently in edit mode during inline editing _edit : null, // object with details on the last edited cell, { value, index, column, recid } kbd_timer : null, // last id of blur() timer marker_timer : null, // last id of markSearch() timer click_time : null, // timestamp of last click click_recid : null, // last clicked record id bubbleEl : null, // last bubble element colResizing : false, // flag to indicate that a column is currently being resized tmp : null, // object with last column resizing details copy_event : null, // last copy event userSelect : '', // last user select type, e.g. 'text' columnDrag : false, // false or an object with a remove() method state : null, // last grid state toolbar_height: 0, // height of grid's toolbar } this.header = '' this.url = '' this.limit = 100 this.offset = 0 // how many records to skip (for infinite scroll) when pulling from server this.postData = {} this.routeData = {} this.httpHeaders = {} this.show = { header : false, toolbar : false, footer : false, columnMenu : true, columnHeaders : true, lineNumbers : false, expandColumn : false, selectColumn : false, emptyRecords : true, toolbarReload : true, toolbarColumns : false, toolbarSearch : true, toolbarAdd : false, toolbarEdit : false, toolbarDelete : false, toolbarSave : false, searchAll : true, searchLogic : true, searchHiddenMsg : false, searchSave : true, statusRange : true, statusBuffered : false, statusRecordID : true, statusSelection : true, statusResponse : true, statusSort : false, statusSearch : false, recordTitles : false, selectionBorder : true, selectionResizer: true, skipRecords : true, saveRestoreState: true } this.stateId = null // Custom state name for stateSave, stateRestore and stateReset this.hasFocus = false this.autoLoad = true // for infinite scroll this.fixedBody = true // if false; then grid grows with data this.recordHeight = 32 this.lineNumberWidth = 34 this.keyboard = true this.selectType = 'row' // can be row|cell this.liveSearch = false // if true, it will auto search if typed in search_all this.multiSearch = true this.multiSelect = true this.multiSort = true this.reorderColumns = false this.reorderRows = false this.showExtraOnSearch = 0 // show extra records before and after on search this.markSearch = true this.columnTooltip = 'top|bottom' // can be top, bottom, left, right this.disableCVS = false // disable Column Virtual Scroll this.nestedFields = true // use field name containing dots as separator to look into object this.vs_start = 150 this.vs_extra = 5 this.style = '' this.tabIndex = null this.dataType = null // if defined, then overwrites w2utils.settings.dataType this.parser = null this.advanceOnEdit = true // automatically begin editing the next cell after submitting an inline edit? this.useLocalStorage = true // default values for the column this.colTemplate = { text : '', // column text (can be a function) field : '', // field name to map the column to a record size : null, // size of column in px or % min : 20, // minimum width of column in px max : null, // maximum width of column in px gridMinWidth : null, // minimum width of the grid when column is visible sizeCorrected : null, // read only, corrected size (see explanation below) sizeCalculated : null, // read only, size in px (see explanation below) sizeOriginal : null, // size as defined sizeType : null, // px or % hidden : false, // indicates if column is hidden sortable : false, // indicates if column is sortable sortMode : null, // sort mode ('default'|'natural'|'i18n') or custom compare function searchable : false, // bool/string: int,float,date,... or an object to create search field resizable : true, // indicates if column is resizable hideable : true, // indicates if column can be hidden autoResize : null, // indicates if column can be auto-resized by double clicking on the resizer attr : '', // string that will be inside the tag style : '', // additional style for the td tag render : null, // string or render function title : null, // string or function for the title property for the column cells tooltip : null, // string for the title property for the column header editable : {}, // editable object (see explanation below) frozen : false, // indicates if the column is fixed to the left info : null, // info bubble, can be bool/object clipboardCopy : false, // if true (or string or function), it will display clipboard copy icon } // these column properties will be saved in stateSave() this.stateColProps = { text : false, field : true, size : true, min : false, max : false, gridMinWidth : false, sizeCorrected : false, sizeCalculated : true, sizeOriginal : true, sizeType : true, hidden : true, sortable : false, sortMode : true, searchable : false, resizable : false, hideable : false, autoResize : false, attr : false, style : false, render : false, title : false, tooltip : false, editable : false, frozen : true, info : false, clipboardCopy : false } this.msgDelete = 'Are you sure you want to delete ${count} ${records}?' this.msgNotJSON = 'Returned data is not in valid JSON format.' this.msgHTTPError = 'HTTP error. See console for more details.' this.msgServerError= 'Server error' this.msgRefresh = 'Refreshing...' this.msgNeedReload = 'Your remote data source record count has changed, reloading from the first record.' this.msgEmpty = '' // if not blank, then it is message when server returns no records this.buttons = { 'reload' : { type: 'button', id: 'w2ui-reload', icon: 'w2ui-icon-reload', tooltip: w2utils.lang('Reload data in the list') }, 'columns' : { type: 'menu-check', id: 'w2ui-column-on-off', icon: 'w2ui-icon-columns', tooltip: w2utils.lang('Show/hide columns'), overlay: { align: 'none' } }, 'search' : { type: 'html', id: 'w2ui-search', html: '' }, 'add' : { type: 'button', id: 'w2ui-add', text: 'Add New', tooltip: w2utils.lang('Add new record'), icon: 'w2ui-icon-plus' }, 'edit' : { type: 'button', id: 'w2ui-edit', text: 'Edit', tooltip: w2utils.lang('Edit selected record'), icon: 'w2ui-icon-pencil', batch: 1, disabled: true }, 'delete' : { type: 'button', id: 'w2ui-delete', text: 'Delete', tooltip: w2utils.lang('Delete selected records'), icon: 'w2ui-icon-cross', batch: true, disabled: true }, 'save' : { type: 'button', id: 'w2ui-save', text: 'Save', tooltip: w2utils.lang('Save changed records'), icon: 'w2ui-icon-check' } } this.operators = { // for search fields 'text' : ['is', 'begins', 'contains', 'ends'], // could have "in" and "not in" 'number' : ['=', 'between', '>', '<', '>=', '<='], 'date' : ['is', { oper: 'less', text: 'before'}, { oper: 'more', text: 'since' }, 'between'], 'list' : ['is'], 'hex' : ['is', 'between'], 'color' : ['is', 'begins', 'contains', 'ends'], 'enum' : ['in', 'not in'] // -- all possible // "text" : ['is', 'begins', 'contains', 'ends'], // "number" : ['is', 'between', 'less:less than', 'more:more than', 'null:is null', 'not null:is not null'], // "list" : ['is', 'null:is null', 'not null:is not null'], // "enum" : ['in', 'not in', 'null:is null', 'not null:is not null'] } this.defaultOperator = { 'text' : 'begins', 'number' : '=', 'date' : 'is', 'list' : 'is', 'enum' : 'in', 'hex' : 'begins', 'color' : 'begins' } // map search field type to operator this.operatorsMap = { 'text' : 'text', 'int' : 'number', 'float' : 'number', 'money' : 'number', 'currency' : 'number', 'percent' : 'number', 'hex' : 'hex', 'alphanumeric' : 'text', 'color' : 'color', 'date' : 'date', 'time' : 'date', 'datetime' : 'date', 'list' : 'list', 'combo' : 'text', 'enum' : 'enum', 'file' : 'enum', 'select' : 'list', 'radio' : 'list', 'checkbox' : 'list', 'toggle' : 'list' } // events this.onAdd = null this.onEdit = null this.onRequest = null // called on any server event this.onLoad = null this.onDelete = null this.onSave = null this.onSelect = null this.onClick = null this.onDblClick = null this.onContextMenu = null this.onContextMenuClick = null // when context menu item selected this.onColumnClick = null this.onColumnDblClick = null this.onColumnContextMenu = null this.onColumnResize = null this.onColumnAutoResize = null this.onSort = null this.onSearch = null this.onSearchOpen = null this.onChange = null // called when editable record is changed this.onRestore = null // called when editable record is restored this.onExpand = null this.onCollapse = null this.onError = null this.onKeydown = null this.onToolbar = null // all events from toolbar this.onColumnOnOff = null this.onCopy = null this.onPaste = null this.onSelectionExtend = null this.onEditField = null this.onRender = null this.onRefresh = null this.onReload = null this.onResize = null this.onDestroy = null this.onStateSave = null this.onStateRestore = null this.onFocus = null this.onBlur = null this.onReorderRow = null this.onSearchSave = null this.onSearchRemove = null this.onSearchSelect = null this.onColumnSelect = null this.onColumnDragStart = null this.onColumnDragEnd = null this.onResizerDblClick = null this.onMouseEnter = null // mouse enter over record event this.onMouseLeave = null // need deep merge, should be extend, not objectAssign w2utils.extend(this, options) // check if there are records without recid if (Array.isArray(this.records)) { let remove = [] // remove from records as they are summary this.records.forEach((rec, ind) => { if (rec[this.recid] != null) { rec.recid = rec[this.recid] } if (rec.recid == null) { console.log('ERROR: Cannot add records without recid. (obj: '+ this.name +')') } if (rec.w2ui?.summary === true) { this.summary.push(rec) remove.push(ind) // cannot remove here as it will mess up array walk thru } }) remove.sort() for (let t = remove.length-1; t >= 0; t--) { this.records.splice(remove[t], 1) } } // add searches if (Array.isArray(this.columns)) { this.columns.forEach((col, ind) => { col = w2utils.extend({}, this.colTemplate, col) this.columns[ind] = col let search = col.searchable if (search == null || search === false || this.getSearch(col.field) != null) return if (w2utils.isPlainObject(search)) { this.addSearch(w2utils.extend({ field: col.field, label: col.text, type: 'text' }, search)) } else { let stype = col.searchable let attr = '' if (col.searchable === true) { stype = 'text' attr = 'size="20"' } this.addSearch({ field: col.field, label: col.text, type: stype, attr: attr }) } }) } // add icon to default searches if not defined if (Array.isArray(this.defaultSearches)) { this.defaultSearches.forEach((search, ind) => { search.id = 'default-'+ ind search.icon ??= 'w2ui-icon-search' }) } // check if there are saved searches in localStorage let data = this.cache('searches') if (Array.isArray(data)) { data.forEach(search => { this.savedSearches.push({ id: search.id ?? 'none', text: search.text ?? 'none', icon: 'w2ui-icon-search', remove: true, logic: search.logic ?? 'AND', data: search.data ?? [] }) }) } // init toolbar this.initToolbar() // render if box specified if (typeof this.box == 'string') this.box = query(this.box).get(0) if (this.box) this.render(this.box) } add(record, first) { if (!Array.isArray(record)) record = [record] let added = 0 for (let i = 0; i < record.length; i++) { let rec = record[i] if (rec[this.recid] != null) { rec.recid = rec[this.recid] } if (rec.recid == null) { console.log('ERROR: Cannot add record without recid. (obj: '+ this.name +')') continue } if (rec.w2ui?.summary === true) { if (first) this.summary.unshift(rec); else this.summary.push(rec) } else { if (first) this.records.unshift(rec); else this.records.push(rec) } added++ } let url = this.url?.get ?? this.url if (!url) { this.total = this.records.length this.localSort(false, true) this.localSearch() // only refresh if it is in virtual view let indStart = this.records.length - record.length let indEnd = indStart + record.length if (this.last.vscroll.recIndStart <= indEnd && this.last.vscroll.recIndEnd >= indStart) { this.refresh() } else { // just update total if it it there query(this.box) .find('#grid_'+ this.name + '_footer .w2ui-footer-right .w2ui-total') .html(w2utils.formatNumber(this.total)) } } else { this.refresh() } return added } find(obj, returnIndex, displayedOnly) { if (obj == null) obj = {} let recs = [] let hasDots = false // check if property is nested - needed for speed for (let o in obj) if (String(o).indexOf('.') != -1) hasDots = true // look for an item let start = displayedOnly ? this.last.vscroll.recIndStart : 0 let end = displayedOnly ? this.last.vscroll.recIndEnd + 1: this.records.length if (end > this.records.length) end = this.records.length for (let i = start; i < end; i++) { let match = true for (let o in obj) { let val = this.records[i][o] if (hasDots && String(o).indexOf('.') != -1) val = this.parseField(this.records[i], o) if (obj[o] == 'not-null') { if (val == null || val === '') match = false } else { if (obj[o] != val) match = false } } if (match && returnIndex !== true) recs.push(this.records[i].recid) if (match && returnIndex === true) recs.push(i) } return recs } // does not delete existing, but overrides on top of it set(recid, record, noRefresh) { if ((typeof recid == 'object') && (recid !== null)) { noRefresh = record record = recid recid = null } // update all records if (recid == null) { for (let i = 0; i < this.records.length; i++) { w2utils.extend(this.records[i], record) // recid is the whole record } if (noRefresh !== true) this.refresh() } else { // find record to update let ind = this.get(recid, true) if (ind == null) return false let isSummary = (this.records[ind]?.recid == recid ? false : true) if (isSummary) { w2utils.extend(this.summary[ind], record) } else { w2utils.extend(this.records[ind], record) } if (noRefresh !== true) this.refreshRow(recid, ind) // refresh only that record } return true } // replaces existing record replace(recid, record, noRefresh) { let ind = this.get(recid, true) if (ind == null) return false let isSummary = (this.records[ind]?.recid == recid ? false : true) if (isSummary) { this.summary[ind] = record } else { this.records[ind] = record } if (noRefresh !== true) this.refreshRow(recid, ind) // refresh only that record return true } get(recid, returnIndex) { // search records if (Array.isArray(recid)) { let recs = [] for (let i = 0; i < recid.length; i++) { let v = this.get(recid[i], returnIndex) if (v !== null) recs.push(v) } return recs } else { // get() must be fast, implements a cache to bypass loop over all records // most of the time. let idCache = this.last.idCache if (!idCache) { this.last.idCache = idCache = {} } let i = idCache[recid] if (typeof(i) === 'number') { if (i >= 0 && i < this.records.length && this.records[i].recid == recid) { if (returnIndex === true) return i; else return this.records[i] } // summary indexes are stored as negative numbers, try them now. i = ~i if (i >= 0 && i < this.summary.length && this.summary[i].recid == recid) { if (returnIndex === true) return i; else return this.summary[i] } // wrong index returned, clear cache this.last.idCache = idCache = {} } for (let i = 0; i < this.records.length; i++) { if (this.records[i].recid == recid) { idCache[recid] = i if (returnIndex === true) return i; else return this.records[i] } } // search summary for (let i = 0; i < this.summary.length; i++) { if (this.summary[i].recid == recid) { idCache[recid] = ~i if (returnIndex === true) return i; else return this.summary[i] } } return null } } getFirst(offset) { if (this.records.length == 0) return null let rec = this.records[0] let tmp = this.last.searchIds if (this.searchData.length > 0) { if (Array.isArray(tmp) && tmp.length > 0) { rec = this.records[tmp[offset || 0]] } else { rec = null } } return rec } remove() { let removed = 0 for (let a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) { for (let r = this.records.length-1; r >= 0; r--) { if (this.records[r].recid == arguments[a]) { this.records.splice(r, 1); removed++ } } for (let r = this.summary.length-1; r >= 0; r--) { if (this.summary[r].recid == arguments[a]) { this.summary.splice(r, 1); removed++ } } } let url = this.url?.get ?? this.url if (!url) { this.localSort(false, true) this.localSearch() this.total = this.records.length } this.refresh() return removed } addColumn(before, columns) { let added = 0 if (arguments.length == 1) { columns = before before = this.columns.length } else { if (typeof before == 'string') before = this.getColumn(before, true) if (before == null) before = this.columns.length } if (!Array.isArray(columns)) columns = [columns] for (let i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) { let col = w2utils.extend({}, this.colTemplate, columns[i]) this.columns.splice(before, 0, col) // if column is searchable, add search field if (columns[i].searchable) { let stype = columns[i].searchable let attr = '' if (columns[i].searchable === true) { stype = 'text'; attr = 'size="20"' } this.addSearch({ field: columns[i].field, label: columns[i].text, type: stype, attr: attr }) } before++ added++ } this.refresh() return added } removeColumn() { let removed = 0 for (let a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) { for (let r = this.columns.length-1; r >= 0; r--) { if (this.columns[r].field == arguments[a]) { if (this.columns[r].searchable) this.removeSearch(arguments[a]) this.columns.splice(r, 1) removed++ } } } this.refresh() return removed } getColumn(field, returnIndex) { // no arguments - return fields of all columns if (arguments.length === 0) { let ret = [] for (let i = 0; i < this.columns.length; i++) ret.push(this.columns[i].field) return ret } // find column for (let i = 0; i < this.columns.length; i++) { if (this.columns[i].field == field) { if (returnIndex === true) return i; else return this.columns[i] } } return null } updateColumn(fields, updates) { let effected = 0 fields = (Array.isArray(fields) ? fields : [fields]) fields.forEach((colName) => { this.columns.forEach((col) => { if (col.field == colName) { let _updates = w2utils.clone(updates) Object.keys(_updates).forEach((key) => { // if it is a function if (typeof _updates[key] == 'function') { _updates[key] = _updates[key](col) } if (col[key] != _updates[key]) effected++ }) w2utils.extend(col, _updates) } }) }) if (effected > 0) { this.refresh() // need full refresh due to colgroups not reassigning properly } return effected } toggleColumn() { return this.updateColumn(Array.from(arguments), { hidden(col) { return !col.hidden } }) } showColumn() { return this.updateColumn(Array.from(arguments), { hidden: false }) } hideColumn() { return this.updateColumn(Array.from(arguments), { hidden: true }) } addSearch(before, search) { let added = 0 if (arguments.length == 1) { search = before before = this.searches.length } else { if (typeof before == 'string') before = this.getSearch(before, true) if (before == null) before = this.searches.length } if (!Array.isArray(search)) search = [search] for (let i = 0; i < search.length; i++) { this.searches.splice(before, 0, search[i]) before++ added++ } this.searchClose() return added } removeSearch() { let removed = 0 for (let a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) { for (let r = this.searches.length-1; r >= 0; r--) { if (this.searches[r].field == arguments[a]) { this.searches.splice(r, 1); removed++ } } } this.searchClose() return removed } getSearch(field, returnIndex) { // no arguments - return fields of all searches if (arguments.length === 0) { let ret = [] for (let i = 0; i < this.searches.length; i++) ret.push(this.searches[i].field) return ret } // find search for (let i = 0; i < this.searches.length; i++) { if (this.searches[i].field == field) { if (returnIndex === true) return i; else return this.searches[i] } } return null } toggleSearch() { let effected = 0 for (let a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) { for (let r = this.searches.length-1; r >= 0; r--) { if (this.searches[r].field == arguments[a]) { this.searches[r].hidden = !this.searches[r].hidden effected++ } } } this.searchClose() return effected } showSearch() { let shown = 0 for (let a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) { for (let r = this.searches.length-1; r >= 0; r--) { if (this.searches[r].field == arguments[a] && this.searches[r].hidden !== false) { this.searches[r].hidden = false shown++ } } } this.searchClose() return shown } hideSearch() { let hidden = 0 for (let a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) { for (let r = this.searches.length-1; r >= 0; r--) { if (this.searches[r].field == arguments[a] && this.searches[r].hidden !== true) { this.searches[r].hidden = true hidden++ } } } this.searchClose() return hidden } getSearchData(field) { for (let i = 0; i < this.searchData.length; i++) { if (this.searchData[i].field == field) return this.searchData[i] } return null } localSort(silent, noResetRefresh) { let obj = this let url = this.url?.get ?? this.url if (url) { console.log('ERROR: grid.localSort can only be used on local data source, grid.url should be empty.') return 0 // time it took } if (Object.keys(this.sortData).length === 0) { // restore original sorting let os = this.last.originalSort if (os) { this.records.sort((a, b) => { let aInd = os.indexOf(a.recid) let bInd = os.indexOf(b.recid) // order cann be equal, so, no need to return 0 return aInd > bInd ? 1 : -1 }) } return 0 // time it took } let time = Date.now() // process date fields this.selectionSave() this.prepareData() if (!noResetRefresh) { this.reset() } // process sortData for (let i = 0; i < this.sortData.length; i++) { let column = this.getColumn(this.sortData[i].field) if (!column) return // TODO: ability to sort columns when they are not part of colums array if (typeof column.render == 'string') { if (['date', 'age'].indexOf(column.render.split(':')[0]) != -1) { this.sortData[i].field_ = column.field + '_' } if (['time'].indexOf(column.render.split(':')[0]) != -1) { this.sortData[i].field_ = column.field + '_' } } } // prepare paths and process sort preparePaths() this.records.sort((a, b) => { return compareRecordPaths(a, b) }) cleanupPaths() this.selectionRestore(noResetRefresh) time = Date.now() - time if (silent !== true && this.show.statusSort) { setTimeout(() => { this.status(w2utils.lang('Sorting took ${count} seconds', { count: time/1000 })) }, 10) } return time // grab paths before sorting for efficiency and because calling obj.get() // while sorting 'obj.records' is unsafe, at least on webkit function preparePaths() { for (let i = 0; i < obj.records.length; i++) { let rec = obj.records[i] if (rec.w2ui?.parent_recid != null) { rec.w2ui._path = getRecordPath(rec) } } } // cleanup and release memory allocated by preparePaths() function cleanupPaths() { for (let i = 0; i < obj.records.length; i++) { let rec = obj.records[i] if (rec.w2ui?.parent_recid != null) { rec.w2ui._path = null } } } // compare two paths, from root of tree to given records function compareRecordPaths(a, b) { if ((!a.w2ui || a.w2ui.parent_recid == null) && (!b.w2ui || b.w2ui.parent_recid == null)) { return compareRecords(a, b) // no tree, fast path } let pa = getRecordPath(a) let pb = getRecordPath(b) for (let i = 0; i < Math.min(pa.length, pb.length); i++) { let diff = compareRecords(pa[i], pb[i]) if (diff !== 0) return diff // different subpath } if (pa.length > pb.length) return 1 if (pa.length < pb.length) return -1 console.log('ERROR: two paths should not be equal.') return 0 } // return an array of all records from root to and including 'rec' function getRecordPath(rec) { if (!rec.w2ui || rec.w2ui.parent_recid == null) return [rec] if (rec.w2ui._path) return rec.w2ui._path // during actual sort, we should never reach this point let subrec = obj.get(rec.w2ui.parent_recid) if (!subrec) { console.log('ERROR: no parent record: ' + rec.w2ui.parent_recid) return [rec] } return (getRecordPath(subrec).concat(rec)) } // compare two records according to sortData and finally recid function compareRecords(a, b) { if (a === b) return 0 // optimize, same object for (let i = 0; i < obj.sortData.length; i++) { let fld = obj.sortData[i].field let sortFld = (obj.sortData[i].field_) ? obj.sortData[i].field_ : fld let aa = a[sortFld] let bb = b[sortFld] if (String(fld).indexOf('.') != -1) { aa = obj.parseField(a, sortFld) bb = obj.parseField(b, sortFld) } let col = obj.getColumn(fld) if (col && Object.keys(col.editable).length > 0) { // for drop editable fields and drop downs if (w2utils.isPlainObject(aa) && aa.text) aa = aa.text if (w2utils.isPlainObject(bb) && bb.text) bb = bb.text } let ret = compareCells(aa, bb, i, obj.sortData[i].direction, col.sortMode || 'default') if (ret !== 0) return ret } // break tie for similar records, // required to have consistent ordering for tree paths let ret = compareCells(a.recid, b.recid, -1, 'asc') return ret } // compare two values, aa and bb, producing consistent ordering function compareCells(aa, bb, i, direction, sortMode) { // if both objects are strictly equal, we're done if (aa === bb) return 0 // all nulls, empty and undefined on bottom if ((aa == null || aa === '') && (bb != null && bb !== '')) return 1 if ((aa != null && aa !== '') && (bb == null || bb === '')) return -1 let dir = (direction.toLowerCase() === 'asc') ? 1 : -1 // for different kind of objects, sort by object type if (typeof aa != typeof bb) return (typeof aa > typeof bb) ? dir : -dir // for different kind of classes, sort by classes if (aa.constructor.name != bb.constructor.name) return (aa.constructor.name > bb.constructor.name) ? dir : -dir // if we're dealing with non-null objects, call valueOf(). // this mean that Date() or custom objects will compare properly. if (aa && typeof aa == 'object') aa = aa.valueOf() if (bb && typeof bb == 'object') bb = bb.valueOf() // if we're still dealing with non-null objects that have // a useful Object => String conversion, convert to string. let defaultToString = {}.toString if (aa && typeof aa == 'object' && aa.toString != defaultToString) aa = String(aa) if (bb && typeof bb == 'object' && bb.toString != defaultToString) bb = String(bb) // do case-insensitive string comparison if (typeof aa == 'string') aa = aa.toLowerCase().trim() if (typeof bb == 'string') bb = bb.toLowerCase().trim() switch (sortMode) { case 'natural': sortMode = w2utils.naturalCompare break case 'i18n': sortMode = w2utils.i18nCompare break } if (typeof sortMode == 'function') { return sortMode(aa,bb) * dir } // compare both objects if (aa > bb) return dir if (aa < bb) return -dir return 0 } } localSearch(silent) { let obj = this let url = this.url?.get ?? this.url if (url) { console.log('ERROR: grid.localSearch can only be used on local data source, grid.url should be empty.') return } let time = Date.now() let defaultToString = {}.toString let duplicateMap = {} this.total = this.records.length // mark all records as shown this.last.searchIds = [] // prepare date/time fields this.prepareData() // hide records that did not match if (this.searchData.length > 0 && !url) { this.total = 0 for (let i = 0; i < this.records.length; i++) { let rec = this.records[i] let match = searchRecord(rec) if (match) { if (rec?.w2ui) addParent(rec.w2ui.parent_recid) if (this.showExtraOnSearch > 0) { let before = this.showExtraOnSearch let after = this.showExtraOnSearch if (i < before) before = i if (i + after > this.records.length) after = this.records.length - i if (before > 0) { for (let j = i - before; j < i; j++) { if (this.last.searchIds.indexOf(j) < 0) this.last.searchIds.push(j) } } if (this.last.searchIds.indexOf(i) < 0) this.last.searchIds.push(i) if (after > 0) { for (let j = (i + 1) ; j <= (i + after) ; j++) { if (this.last.searchIds.indexOf(j) < 0) this.last.searchIds.push(j) } } } else { this.last.searchIds.push(i) } } } this.total = this.last.searchIds.length } time = Date.now() - time if (silent !== true && this.show.statusSearch) { setTimeout(() => { this.status(w2utils.lang('Search took ${count} seconds', { count: time/1000 })) }, 10) } return time // check if a record (or one of its closed children) matches the search data function searchRecord(rec) { let fl = 0, val1, val2, val3, tmp let orEqual = false for (let j = 0; j < obj.searchData.length; j++) { let sdata = obj.searchData[j] let search = obj.getSearch(sdata.field) if (sdata == null) continue if (search == null) search = { field: sdata.field, type: sdata.type } let val1b = obj.parseField(rec, search.field) val1 = (val1b != null && (typeof val1b != 'object' || val1b.toString != defaultToString)) ? String(val1b).toLowerCase() : '' // do not match a bogus string if (sdata.value != null) { if (!Array.isArray(sdata.value)) { val2 = String(sdata.value).toLowerCase() } else { val2 = sdata.value[0] val3 = sdata.value[1] } } switch (sdata.operator) { case '=': case 'is': if (obj.parseField(rec, search.field) == sdata.value) fl++ // do not hide record else if (search.type == 'date') { tmp = (obj.parseField(rec, search.field + '_') instanceof Date ? obj.parseField(rec, search.field + '_') : obj.parseField(rec, search.field)) val1 = w2utils.formatDate(tmp, 'yyyy-mm-dd') val2 = w2utils.formatDate(w2utils.isDate(val2, w2utils.settings.dateFormat, true), 'yyyy-mm-dd') if (val1 == val2) fl++ } else if (search.type == 'time') { tmp = (obj.parseField(rec, search.field + '_') instanceof Date ? obj.parseField(rec, search.field + '_') : obj.parseField(rec, search.field)) val1 = w2utils.formatTime(tmp, 'hh24:mi') val2 = w2utils.formatTime(val2, 'hh24:mi') if (val1 == val2) fl++ } else if (search.type == 'datetime') { tmp = (obj.parseField(rec, search.field + '_') instanceof Date ? obj.parseField(rec, search.field + '_') : obj.parseField(rec, search.field)) val1 = w2utils.formatDateTime(tmp, 'yyyy-mm-dd|hh24:mm:ss') val2 = w2utils.formatDateTime(w2utils.isDateTime(val2, w2utils.settings.datetimeFormat, true), 'yyyy-mm-dd|hh24:mm:ss') if (val1 == val2) fl++ } break case 'between': if (['int', 'float', 'money', 'currency', 'percent'].indexOf(search.type) != -1) { if (parseFloat(obj.parseField(rec, search.field)) >= parseFloat(val2) && parseFloat(obj.parseField(rec, search.field)) <= parseFloat(val3)) fl++ } else if (search.type == 'date') { tmp = (obj.parseField(rec, search.field + '_') instanceof Date ? obj.parseField(rec, search.field + '_') : obj.parseField(rec, search.field)) val1 = w2utils.isDate(tmp, w2utils.settings.dateFormat, true) val2 = w2utils.isDate(val2, w2utils.settings.dateFormat, true) val3 = w2utils.isDate(val3, w2utils.settings.dateFormat, true) if (val3 != null) val3 = new Date(val3.getTime() + 86400000) // 1 day if (val1 >= val2 && val1 < val3) fl++ } else if (search.type == 'time') { val1 = (obj.parseField(rec, search.field + '_') instanceof Date ? obj.parseField(rec, search.field + '_') : obj.parseField(rec, search.field)) val2 = w2utils.isTime(val2, true) val3 = w2utils.isTime(val3, true) val2 = (new Date()).setHours(val2.hours, val2.minutes, val2.seconds ? val2.seconds : 0, 0) val3 = (new Date()).setHours(val3.hours, val3.minutes, val3.seconds ? val3.seconds : 0, 0) if (val1 >= val2 && val1 < val3) fl++ } else if (search.type == 'datetime') { val1 = (obj.parseField(rec, search.field + '_') instanceof Date ? obj.parseField(rec, search.field + '_') : obj.parseField(rec, search.field)) val2 = w2utils.isDateTime(val2, w2utils.settings.datetimeFormat, true) val3 = w2utils.isDateTime(val3, w2utils.settings.datetimeFormat, true) if (val3) val3 = new Date(val3.getTime() + 86400000) // 1 day if (val1 >= val2 && val1 < val3) fl++ } break case '<=': orEqual = true case '<': case 'less': if (['int', 'float', 'money', 'currency', 'percent'].indexOf(search.type) != -1) { val1 = parseFloat(obj.parseField(rec, search.field)) val2 = parseFloat(sdata.value) if (val1 < val2 || (orEqual && val1 === val2)) fl++ } else if (search.type == 'date') { tmp = (obj.parseField(rec, search.field + '_') instanceof Date ? obj.parseField(rec, search.field + '_') : obj.parseField(rec, search.field)) val1 = w2utils.isDate(tmp, w2utils.settings.dateFormat, true) val2 = w2utils.isDate(val2, w2utils.settings.dateFormat, true) if (val1 < val2 || (orEqual && val1 === val2)) fl++ } else if (search.type == 'time') { tmp = (obj.parseField(rec, search.field + '_') instanceof Date ? obj.parseField(rec, search.field + '_') : obj.parseField(rec, search.field)) val1 = w2utils.formatTime(tmp, 'hh24:mi') val2 = w2utils.formatTime(val2, 'hh24:mi') if (val1 < val2 || (orEqual && val1 === val2)) fl++ } else if (search.type == 'datetime') { tmp = (obj.parseField(rec, search.field + '_') instanceof Date ? obj.parseField(rec, search.field + '_') : obj.parseField(rec, search.field)) val1 = w2utils.formatDateTime(tmp, 'yyyy-mm-dd|hh24:mm:ss') val2 = w2utils.formatDateTime(w2utils.isDateTime(val2, w2utils.settings.datetimeFormat, true), 'yyyy-mm-dd|hh24:mm:ss') if (val1.length == val2.length && (val1 < val2 || (orEqual && val1 === val2))) fl++ } break case '>=': orEqual = true case '>': case 'more': if (['int', 'float', 'money', 'currency', 'percent'].indexOf(search.type) != -1) { val1 = parseFloat(obj.parseField(rec, search.field)) val2 = parseFloat(sdata.value) if (val1 > val2 || (orEqual && val1 === val2)) fl++ } else if (search.type == 'date') { tmp = (obj.parseField(rec, search.field + '_') instanceof Date ? obj.parseField(rec, search.field + '_') : obj.parseField(rec, search.field)) val1 = w2utils.isDate(tmp, w2utils.settings.dateFormat, true) val2 = w2utils.isDate(val2, w2utils.settings.dateFormat, true) if (val1 > val2 || (orEqual && val1 === val2)) fl++ } else if (search.type == 'time') { tmp = (obj.parseField(rec, search.field + '_') instanceof Date ? obj.parseField(rec, search.field + '_') : obj.parseField(rec, search.field)) val1 = w2utils.formatTime(tmp, 'hh24:mi') val2 = w2utils.formatTime(val2, 'hh24:mi') if (val1 > val2 || (orEqual && val1 === val2)) fl++ } else if (search.type == 'datetime') { tmp = (obj.parseField(rec, search.field + '_') instanceof Date ? obj.parseField(rec, search.field + '_') : obj.parseField(rec, search.field)) val1 = w2utils.formatDateTime(tmp, 'yyyy-mm-dd|hh24:mm:ss') val2 = w2utils.formatDateTime(w2utils.isDateTime(val2, w2utils.settings.datetimeFormat, true), 'yyyy-mm-dd|hh24:mm:ss') if (val1.length == val2.length && (val1 > val2 || (orEqual && val1 === val2))) fl++ } break case 'in': tmp = sdata.value if (sdata.svalue) tmp = sdata.svalue if ((tmp.indexOf(w2utils.isFloat(val1b) ? parseFloat(val1b) : val1b) !== -1) || (tmp.indexOf(val1) !== -1 && val1 !== '')) fl++ break case 'not in': tmp = sdata.value if (sdata.svalue) tmp = sdata.svalue if (!((tmp.indexOf(w2utils.isFloat(val1b) ? parseFloat(val1b) : val1b) !== -1) || (tmp.indexOf(val1) !== -1 && val1 !== ''))) fl++ break case 'begins': case 'begins with': // need for back compatibility if (val1.indexOf(val2) === 0) fl++ // do not hide record break case 'contains': if (val1.indexOf(val2) >= 0) fl++ // do not hide record break case 'null': if (obj.parseField(rec, search.field) == null) fl++ // do not hide record break case 'not null': if (obj.parseField(rec, search.field) != null) fl++ // do not hide record break case 'ends': case 'ends with': // need for back compatibility let lastIndex = val1.lastIndexOf(val2) if (lastIndex !== -1 && lastIndex == val1.length - val2.length) fl++ // do not hide record break } } if ((obj.last.logic == 'OR' && fl !== 0) || (obj.last.logic == 'AND' && fl == obj.searchData.length)) { return true } if (rec.w2ui?.children && rec.w2ui?.expanded !== true) { // there are closed children, search them too. for (let r = 0; r < rec.w2ui.children.length; r++) { let subRec = rec.w2ui.children[r] if (searchRecord(subRec)) { return true } } } return false } // add parents nodes recursively function addParent(recid) { let i = obj.get(recid, true) if (i == null || recid == null || duplicateMap[recid] || obj.last.searchIds.includes(i)) { return } duplicateMap[recid] = true let rec = obj.records[i] if (rec?.w2ui) { addParent(rec.w2ui.parent_recid) } obj.last.searchIds.push(i) } } getRangeData(range, extra) { let rec1 = this.get(range[0].recid, true) let rec2 = this.get(range[1].recid, true) let col1 = range[0].column let col2 = range[1].column let res = [] if (col1 == col2) { // one row for (let r = rec1; r <= rec2; r++) { let record = this.records[r] let dt = record[this.columns[col1].field] || null if (extra !== true) { res.push(dt) } else { res.push({ data: dt, column: col1, index: r, record: record }) } } } else if (rec1 == rec2) { // one line let record = this.records[rec1] for (let i = col1; i <= col2; i++) { let dt = record[this.columns[i].field] || null if (extra !== true) { res.push(dt) } else { res.push({ data: dt, column: i, index: rec1, record: record }) } } } else { for (let r = rec1; r <= rec2; r++) { let record = this.records[r] res.push([]) for (let i = col1; i <= col2; i++) { let dt = record[this.columns[i].field] if (extra !== true) { res[res.length-1].push(dt) } else { res[res.length-1].push({ data: dt, column: i, index: r, record: record }) } } } } return res } addRange(ranges) { let added = 0, first, last if (this.selectType == 'row') return added if (!Array.isArray(ranges)) ranges = [ranges] // if it is selection for (let i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++) { if (typeof ranges[i] != 'object') ranges[i] = { name: 'selection' } if (ranges[i].name == 'selection') { if (this.show.selectionBorder === false) continue let sel = this.getSelection() if (sel.length === 0) { this.removeRange('selection') continue } else { first = sel[0] last = sel[sel.length-1] } } else { // other range first = ranges[i].range[0] last = ranges[i].range[1] } if (first) { let rg = { name: ranges[i].name, range: [{ recid: first.recid, column: first.column }, { recid: last.recid, column: last.column }], style: ranges[i].style || '', class: ranges[i].class } // add range let ind = false for (let j = 0; j < this.ranges.length; j++) if (this.ranges[j].name == ranges[i].name) { ind = j; break } if (ind !== false) { this.ranges[ind] = rg } else { this.ranges.push(rg) } added++ } } this.refreshRanges() return added } removeRange() { let removed = 0 for (let a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) { let name = arguments[a] query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_'+ name).remove() query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_f'+ name).remove() for (let r = this.ranges.length-1; r >= 0; r--) { if (this.ranges[r].name == name) { this.ranges.splice(r, 1) removed++ } } } return removed } refreshRanges() { if (this.ranges.length === 0) return let self = this let range let time = Date.now() let rec1 = query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_frecords`) let rec2 = query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_records`) for (let i = 0; i < this.ranges.length; i++) { let rg = this.ranges[i] let first = rg.range[0] let last = rg.range[1] if (first.index == null) first.index = this.get(first.recid, true) if (last.index == null) last.index = this.get(last.recid, true) let td1 = query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_'+ w2utils.escapeId(first.recid) + ' td[col="'+ first.column +'"]') let td2 = query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_'+ w2utils.escapeId(last.recid) + ' td[col="'+ last.column +'"]') let td1f = query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_frec_'+ w2utils.escapeId(first.recid) + ' td[col="'+ first.column +'"]') let td2f = query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_frec_'+ w2utils.escapeId(last.recid) + ' td[col="'+ last.column +'"]') let _lastColumn = last.column // adjustment due to column virtual scroll if (first.column < this.last.vscroll.colIndStart && last.column > this.last.vscroll.colIndStart) { td1 = query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_'+ w2utils.escapeId(first.recid) + ' td[col="start"]') } if (first.column < this.last.vscroll.colIndEnd && last.column > this.last.vscroll.colIndEnd) { td2 = query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_'+ w2utils.escapeId(last.recid) + ' td[col="end"]') _lastColumn = '"end"' } // if virtual scrolling kicked in let index_top = parseInt(query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_top').next().attr('index')) let index_bottom = parseInt(query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_bottom').prev().attr('index')) let index_ftop = parseInt(query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_frec_top').next().attr('index')) let index_fbottom = parseInt(query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_frec_bottom').prev().attr('index')) if (td1.length === 0 && first.index < index_top && last.index > index_top) { td1 = query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_top').next().find('td[col="'+ first.column +'"]') } if (td2.length === 0 && last.index > index_bottom && first.index < index_bottom) { td2 = query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_bottom').prev().find('td[col="'+ _lastColumn +'"]') } if (td1f.length === 0 && first.index < index_ftop && last.index > index_ftop) { // frozen td1f = query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_frec_top').next().find('td[col="'+ first.column +'"]') } if (td2f.length === 0 && last.index > index_fbottom && first.index < index_fbottom) { // frozen td2f = query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_frec_bottom').prev().find('td[col="'+ last.column +'"]') } // do not show selection cell if it is editable let edit = query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name + '_editable') let tmp = edit.find('.w2ui-input') let tmp_ind = tmp.attr('index') let tmp1 = this.records[tmp_ind]?.recid let tmp2 = tmp.attr('column') if (rg.name == 'selection' && rg.range[0].recid == tmp1 && rg.range[0].column == tmp2) continue // frozen regular columns range range = query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_f'+ rg.name) if (td1f.length > 0 || td2f.length > 0) { if (range.length === 0) { rec1.append('
'+ (rg.name == 'selection' && this.show.selectionResizer ? '
' : '')+ '
') range = query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_f'+ rg.name) } else { range.attr('style', rg.style) range.find('.w2ui-selection-resizer').show() } if (td2f.length === 0) { td2f = query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_frec_'+ w2utils.escapeId(last.recid) +' td:last-child') if (td2f.length === 0) td2f = query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_frec_bottom td:first-child') range.css('border-right', '0px') range.find('.w2ui-selection-resizer').hide() } if (first.recid != null && last.recid != null && td1f.length > 0 && td2f.length > 0) { let style = getComputedStyle(td2f[0]) let top1 = (td1f.prop('offsetTop') - td1f.prop('scrollTop')) let left1 = (td1f.prop('offsetLeft') + td1f.prop('scrollLeft')) let top2 = (td2f.prop('offsetTop') - td2f.prop('scrollTop')) let left2 = (td2f.prop('offsetLeft') + td2f.prop('scrollLeft')) range.show().css({ top : (top1 > 0 ? top1 : 0) + 'px', left : (left1 > 0 ? left1 : 0) + 'px', width : (left2 - left1 + parseFloat(style.width) - 1) + 'px', height : (top2 - top1 + parseFloat(style.height) - 1) + 'px' }) } else { range.hide() } } else { range.hide() } // regular columns range range = query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_'+ rg.name) if (td1.length > 0 || td2.length > 0) { if (range.length === 0) { rec2.append(`
${rg.name == 'selection' && this.show.selectionResizer ? `
` : '' }
`) range = query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_'+ rg.name) } else { range.attr('style', rg.style) } if (td1.length === 0) { td1 = query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_'+ w2utils.escapeId(first.recid) +' td:first-child') if (td1.length === 0) td1 = query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_top td:first-child') } if (td2f.length !== 0) { range.css('border-left', '0px') } if (first.recid != null && last.recid != null && td1.length > 0 && td2.length > 0) { let style = getComputedStyle(td2[0]) let top1 = (td1.prop('offsetTop') - td1.prop('scrollTop')) let left1 = (td1.prop('offsetLeft') + td1.prop('scrollLeft')) let top2 = (td2.prop('offsetTop') - td2.prop('scrollTop')) let left2 = (td2.prop('offsetLeft') + td2.prop('scrollLeft')) range.show().css({ top : (top1 > 0 ? top1 : 0) + 'px', left : (left1 > 0 ? left1 : 0) + 'px', width : (left2 - left1 + parseFloat(style.width) - 1) + 'px', height : (top2 - top1 + parseFloat(style.height) - 1) + 'px' }) } else { range.hide() } } else { range.hide() } } // add resizer events query(this.box).find('.w2ui-selection-resizer') .off('.resizer') .on('mousedown.resizer', mouseStart) .on('dblclick.resizer', (event) => { let edata = this.trigger('resizerDblClick', { target: this.name, originalEvent: event }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return edata.finish() }) // this variables are needed for selection expantion let edata let detail = { target: this.name, originalRange: null, newRange: null } let letters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' return Date.now() - time function mouseStart(event) { let sel = self.getSelection() let first = sel[0] let last = sel[sel.length-1] self.last.move = { type : 'expand', x : event.screenX, y : event.screenY, divX : 0, divY : 0, index : first.index, recid : first.recid, column : first.column, name : letters[first.column] + (first.index + 1) + ':' + letters[last.column] + (last.index + 1), originalRange : [w2utils.clone(first), w2utils.clone(last) ], newRange : [w2utils.clone(first), w2utils.clone(last) ] } detail.originalName = self.last.move.name detail.originalRange = self.last.move.originalRange query('body') .off('.w2ui-' + self.name) .on('mousemove.w2ui-' + self.name, mouseMove) .on('mouseup.w2ui-' + self.name, mouseStop) // do not blur grid event.preventDefault() } function mouseMove(event) { let mv = self.last.move if (!mv || mv.type != 'expand') return mv.divX = (event.screenX - mv.x) mv.divY = (event.screenY - mv.y) // find new cell let recid, index, column let tmp = event.target if (tmp.tagName.toUpperCase() != 'TD') tmp = query(tmp).closest('td')[0] if (query(tmp).attr('col') != null) column = parseInt(query(tmp).attr('col')) if (column == null) { return } tmp = query(tmp).closest('tr')[0] index = parseInt(query(tmp).attr('index')) recid = self.records[index]?.recid // new range if (mv.newRange[1].recid == recid && mv.newRange[1].column == column) { // if range did not change return } let prevNewRange = w2utils.clone(mv.newRange) mv.newRange = [{ recid: mv.recid, index: mv.index, column: mv.column }, { recid, index, column }] // remember update ranges detail.newName = letters[mv.column] + (mv.index + 1) + ':' + letters[column] + (index + 1) detail.newRange = w2utils.clone(mv.newRange) // event before edata = self.trigger('selectionExtend', detail) if (edata.isCancelled === true) { mv.newRange = prevNewRange detail.newRange = prevNewRange return } else { // default behavior self.addRange({ name: 'selection-expand', range: mv.newRange, class: 'w2ui-selection-expand' }) } } function mouseStop(event) { // default behavior self.removeRange('selection-expand') query('body').off('.w2ui-' + self.name) // event after if (self.last.move?.type == 'expand' && edata.finish) { edata.finish() } delete self.last.move } } select() { if (arguments.length === 0) return 0 let selected = 0 let sel = this.last.selection if (!this.multiSelect) this.selectNone(true) // if too many arguments > 150k, then it errors off let args = Array.from(arguments) if (Array.isArray(args[0])) args = args[0] // event before let tmp = { target: this.name } if (args.length == 1) { tmp.multiple = false if (w2utils.isPlainObject(args[0])) { tmp.clicked = { recid: args[0].recid, column: args[0].column } } else { tmp.recid = args[0] } } else { tmp.multiple = true tmp.clicked = { recids: args } } if (this.compareSelection(args).select.length == 0) { // if all needed records are already selected return } let edata = this.trigger('select', tmp) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return 0 // default action if (this.selectType == 'row') { for (let a = 0; a < args.length; a++) { let recid = typeof args[a] == 'object' ? args[a].recid : args[a] let index = this.get(recid, true) if (index == null) continue let recEl1 = null let recEl2 = null if (this.searchData.length !== 0 || (index + 1 >= this.last.vscroll.recIndStart && index + 1 <= this.last.vscroll.recIndEnd)) { recEl1 = query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_frec_'+ w2utils.escapeId(recid)) recEl2 = query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_'+ w2utils.escapeId(recid)) } if (this.selectType == 'row') { if (sel.indexes.indexOf(index) != -1) continue sel.indexes.push(index) if (recEl1 && recEl2) { recEl1.addClass('w2ui-selected').find('.w2ui-col-number').addClass('w2ui-row-selected') recEl2.addClass('w2ui-selected').find('.w2ui-col-number').addClass('w2ui-row-selected') recEl1.find('.w2ui-grid-select-check').prop('checked', true) } selected++ } } } else { // normalize for performance let new_sel = {} for (let a = 0; a < args.length; a++) { let recid = typeof args[a] == 'object' ? args[a].recid : args[a] let column = typeof args[a] == 'object' ? args[a].column : null new_sel[recid] = new_sel[recid] || [] if (Array.isArray(column)) { new_sel[recid] = column } else if (w2utils.isInt(column)) { new_sel[recid].push(column) } else { for (let i = 0; i < this.columns.length; i++) { if (this.columns[i].hidden) continue; new_sel[recid].push(parseInt(i)) } } } // add all let col_sel = [] for (let recid in new_sel) { let index = this.get(recid, true) if (index == null) continue let recEl1 = null let recEl2 = null if (index + 1 >= this.last.vscroll.recIndStart && index + 1 <= this.last.vscroll.recIndEnd) { recEl1 = query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_'+ w2utils.escapeId(recid)) recEl2 = query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_frec_'+ w2utils.escapeId(recid)) } let s = sel.columns[index] || [] // default action if (sel.indexes.indexOf(index) == -1) { sel.indexes.push(index) } // only only those that are new for (let t = 0; t < new_sel[recid].length; t++) { if (s.indexOf(new_sel[recid][t]) == -1) s.push(new_sel[recid][t]) } s.sort((a, b) => { return a-b }) // sort function must be for numerical sort for (let t = 0; t < new_sel[recid].length; t++) { let col = new_sel[recid][t] if (col_sel.indexOf(col) == -1) col_sel.push(col) if (recEl1) { recEl1.find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_data_'+ index +'_'+ col).addClass('w2ui-selected') recEl1.find('.w2ui-col-number').addClass('w2ui-row-selected') recEl1.find('.w2ui-grid-select-check').prop('checked', true) } if (recEl2) { recEl2.find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_data_'+ index +'_'+ col).addClass('w2ui-selected') recEl2.find('.w2ui-col-number').addClass('w2ui-row-selected') recEl2.find('.w2ui-grid-select-check').prop('checked', true) } selected++ } // save back to selection object sel.columns[index] = s } // select columns (need here for speed) for (let c = 0; c < col_sel.length; c++) { query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_column_'+ col_sel[c] +' .w2ui-col-header').addClass('w2ui-col-selected') } } // need to sort new selection for speed sel.indexes.sort((a, b) => { return a-b }) // all selected? let areAllSelected = (this.records.length > 0 && sel.indexes.length == this.records.length), areAllSearchedSelected = (sel.indexes.length > 0 && this.searchData.length !== 0 && sel.indexes.length == this.last.searchIds.length) if (areAllSelected || areAllSearchedSelected) { query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_check_all').prop('checked', true) } else { query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_check_all').prop('checked', false) } this.status() this.addRange('selection') this.updateToolbar(sel, areAllSelected) // event after edata.finish() return selected } unselect() { let unselected = 0 let sel = this.last.selection // if too many arguments > 150k, then it errors off let args = Array.from(arguments) if (Array.isArray(args[0])) args = args[0] // event before let tmp = { target: this.name } if (args.length == 1) { tmp.multiple = false if (w2utils.isPlainObject(args[0])) { tmp.clicked = { recid: args[0].recid, column: args[0].column } } else { tmp.clicked = { recid: args[0] } } } else { tmp.multiple = true tmp.recids = args } if (this.compareSelection(args).unselect.length == 0) { // if all needed records are already unselected return } let edata = this.trigger('select', tmp) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return 0 for (let a = 0; a < args.length; a++) { let recid = typeof args[a] == 'object' ? args[a].recid : args[a] let record = this.get(recid) if (record == null) continue let index = this.get(record.recid, true) let recEl1 = query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_frec_'+ w2utils.escapeId(recid)) let recEl2 = query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_'+ w2utils.escapeId(recid)) if (this.selectType == 'row') { if (sel.indexes.indexOf(index) == -1) continue // default action sel.indexes.splice(sel.indexes.indexOf(index), 1) recEl1.removeClass('w2ui-selected w2ui-inactive').find('.w2ui-col-number').removeClass('w2ui-row-selected') recEl2.removeClass('w2ui-selected w2ui-inactive').find('.w2ui-col-number').removeClass('w2ui-row-selected') if (recEl1.length != 0) { recEl1[0].style.cssText = 'height: '+ this.recordHeight +'px; ' + recEl1.attr('custom_style') recEl2[0].style.cssText = 'height: '+ this.recordHeight +'px; ' + recEl2.attr('custom_style') } recEl1.find('.w2ui-grid-select-check').prop('checked', false) unselected++ } else { let col = args[a].column if (!w2utils.isInt(col)) { // unselect all columns let cols = [] for (let i = 0; i < this.columns.length; i++) { if (this.columns[i].hidden) continue; cols.push({ recid: recid, column: i }) } return this.unselect(cols) } let s = sel.columns[index] if (!Array.isArray(s) || s.indexOf(col) == -1) continue // default action s.splice(s.indexOf(col), 1) query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_rec_${w2utils.escapeId(recid)} > td[col="${col}"]`).removeClass('w2ui-selected w2ui-inactive') query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_frec_${w2utils.escapeId(recid)} > td[col="${col}"]`).removeClass('w2ui-selected w2ui-inactive') // check if any row/column still selected let isColSelected = false let isRowSelected = false let tmp = this.getSelection() for (let i = 0; i < tmp.length; i++) { if (tmp[i].column == col) isColSelected = true if (tmp[i].recid == recid) isRowSelected = true } if (!isColSelected) { query(this.box).find(`.w2ui-grid-columns td[col="${col}"] .w2ui-col-header, .w2ui-grid-fcolumns td[col="${col}"] .w2ui-col-header`).removeClass('w2ui-col-selected') } if (!isRowSelected) { query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_frec_'+ w2utils.escapeId(recid)).find('.w2ui-col-number').removeClass('w2ui-row-selected') } unselected++ if (s.length === 0) { delete sel.columns[index] sel.indexes.splice(sel.indexes.indexOf(index), 1) recEl1.find('.w2ui-grid-select-check').prop('checked', false) } } } // all selected? let areAllSelected = (this.records.length > 0 && sel.indexes.length == this.records.length), areAllSearchedSelected = (sel.indexes.length > 0 && this.searchData.length !== 0 && sel.indexes.length == this.last.searchIds.length) if (areAllSelected || areAllSearchedSelected) { query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_check_all').prop('checked', true) } else { query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_check_all').prop('checked', false) } // show number of selected this.status() this.addRange('selection') this.updateToolbar(sel, areAllSelected) // event after edata.finish() return unselected } compareSelection(newSel) { let sel = this.getSelection() let select = [] let unselect = [] if (this.selectType == 'row') { // normalize newSel.forEach((sel, ind) => { if (typeof sel == 'object') newSel[ind] = sel.recid }) // add items for (let i = 0; i < newSel.length; i++) { if (!sel.includes(newSel[i])) { select.push(newSel[i]) } } // remove items for (let i = 0; i < newSel.length; i++) { if (sel.includes(newSel[i])) { unselect.push(newSel[i]) } } } else { // add more items for (let ns = 0; ns < newSel.length; ns++) { let flag = false for (let s = 0; s < sel.length; s++) if (newSel[ns].recid == sel[s].recid && newSel[ns].column == sel[s].column) flag = true if (!flag) select.push({ recid: newSel[ns].recid, column: newSel[ns].column }) } // remove items for (let s = 0; s < sel.length; s++) { let flag = false for (let ns = 0; ns < newSel.length; ns++) if (newSel[ns].recid == sel[s].recid && newSel[ns].column == sel[s].column) flag = true if (!flag) unselect.push({ recid: sel[s].recid, column: sel[s].column }) } } return { select, unselect } } selectAll() { let time = Date.now() if (this.multiSelect === false) return // default action let url = this.url?.get ?? this.url let sel = w2utils.clone(this.last.selection) let cols = [] for (let i = 0; i < this.columns.length; i++) cols.push(i) // if local data source and searched sel.indexes = [] if (!url && this.searchData.length !== 0) { // local search applied for (let i = 0; i < this.last.searchIds.length; i++) { sel.indexes.push(this.last.searchIds[i]) if (this.selectType != 'row') sel.columns[this.last.searchIds[i]] = cols.slice() // .slice makes copy of the array } } else { let buffered = this.records.length if (this.searchData.length != 0 && !url) buffered = this.last.searchIds.length for (let i = 0; i < buffered; i++) { sel.indexes.push(i) if (this.selectType != 'row') sel.columns[i] = cols.slice() // .slice makes copy of the array } } // event before let edata = this.trigger('select', { target: this.name, multiple: true, all: true, clicked: sel }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return this.last.selection = sel // add selected class if (this.selectType == 'row') { query(this.box).find('.w2ui-grid-records tr:not(.w2ui-empty-record)') .addClass('w2ui-selected').find('.w2ui-col-number').addClass('w2ui-row-selected') query(this.box).find('.w2ui-grid-frecords tr:not(.w2ui-empty-record)') .addClass('w2ui-selected').find('.w2ui-col-number').addClass('w2ui-row-selected') query(this.box).find('input.w2ui-grid-select-check').prop('checked', true) } else { query(this.box).find('.w2ui-grid-columns td .w2ui-col-header, .w2ui-grid-fcolumns td .w2ui-col-header').addClass('w2ui-col-selected') query(this.box).find('.w2ui-grid-records tr .w2ui-col-number').addClass('w2ui-row-selected') query(this.box).find('.w2ui-grid-records tr:not(.w2ui-empty-record)') .find('.w2ui-grid-data:not(.w2ui-col-select)').addClass('w2ui-selected') query(this.box).find('.w2ui-grid-frecords tr .w2ui-col-number').addClass('w2ui-row-selected') query(this.box).find('.w2ui-grid-frecords tr:not(.w2ui-empty-record)') .find('.w2ui-grid-data:not(.w2ui-col-select)').addClass('w2ui-selected') query(this.box).find('input.w2ui-grid-select-check').prop('checked', true) } // enable/disable toolbar buttons sel = this.getSelection(true) this.addRange('selection') query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_check_all').prop('checked', true) this.status() this.updateToolbar({ indexes: sel }, true) // event after edata.finish() return Date.now() - time } selectNone(skipEvent) { let time = Date.now() // event before let edata if (!skipEvent) { edata = this.trigger('select', { target: this.name, clicked: [] }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return } // default action let sel = this.last.selection // remove selected class if (this.selectType == 'row') { query(this.box).find('.w2ui-grid-records tr.w2ui-selected').removeClass('w2ui-selected w2ui-inactive') .find('.w2ui-col-number').removeClass('w2ui-row-selected') query(this.box).find('.w2ui-grid-frecords tr.w2ui-selected').removeClass('w2ui-selected w2ui-inactive') .find('.w2ui-col-number').removeClass('w2ui-row-selected') query(this.box).find('input.w2ui-grid-select-check').prop('checked', false) } else { query(this.box).find('.w2ui-grid-columns td .w2ui-col-header, .w2ui-grid-fcolumns td .w2ui-col-header').removeClass('w2ui-col-selected') query(this.box).find('.w2ui-grid-records tr .w2ui-col-number').removeClass('w2ui-row-selected') query(this.box).find('.w2ui-grid-frecords tr .w2ui-col-number').removeClass('w2ui-row-selected') query(this.box).find('.w2ui-grid-data.w2ui-selected').removeClass('w2ui-selected w2ui-inactive') query(this.box).find('input.w2ui-grid-select-check').prop('checked', false) } sel.indexes = [] sel.columns = {} this.removeRange('selection') query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_check_all').prop('checked', false) this.status() this.updateToolbar(sel, false) // event after if (!skipEvent) { edata.finish() } return Date.now() - time } updateToolbar(sel) { let obj = this let cnt = sel && sel.indexes ? sel.indexes.length : 0 // if there is no toolbar if (!this.toolbar.render) { return } this.toolbar.items.forEach((item) => { _checkItem(item, '') if (Array.isArray(item.items)) { item.items.forEach((it) => { _checkItem(it, item.id + ':') }) } }) // enable/disable toolbar search button if (this.show.toolbarSave) { if (this.getChanges().length > 0) { this.toolbar.enable('w2ui-save') } else { this.toolbar.disable('w2ui-save') } } function _checkItem(item, prefix) { if (item.batch != null) { let enabled = false if (item.batch === true) { if (cnt > 0) enabled = true } else if (typeof item.batch == 'number') { if (cnt === item.batch) enabled = true } else if (typeof item.batch == 'function') { enabled = item.batch({ cnt, sel }) } if (enabled) { obj.toolbar.enable(prefix + item.id) } else { obj.toolbar.disable(prefix + item.id) } } } } getSelection(returnIndex) { let ret = [] let sel = this.last.selection if (this.selectType == 'row') { for (let i = 0; i < sel.indexes.length; i++) { if (!this.records[sel.indexes[i]]) continue if (returnIndex === true) ret.push(sel.indexes[i]); else ret.push(this.records[sel.indexes[i]].recid) } return ret } else { for (let i = 0; i < sel.indexes.length; i++) { let cols = sel.columns[sel.indexes[i]] if (!this.records[sel.indexes[i]]) continue for (let j = 0; j < cols.length; j++) { ret.push({ recid: this.records[sel.indexes[i]].recid, index: parseInt(sel.indexes[i]), column: cols[j] }) } } return ret } } search(field, value) { let url = this.url?.get ?? this.url let searchData = [] let last_multi = this.last.multi let last_logic = this.last.logic let last_field = this.last.field let last_search = this.last.search let hasHiddenSearches = false let overlay = query(`#w2overlay-${this.name}-search-overlay`) // if emty sting, same as no search if (value === '') value = null // add hidden searches for (let i = 0; i < this.searches.length; i++) { if (!this.searches[i].hidden || this.searches[i].value == null) continue searchData.push({ field : this.searches[i].field, operator : this.searches[i].operator || 'is', type : this.searches[i].type, value : this.searches[i].value || '' }) hasHiddenSearches = true } if (arguments.length === 0 && overlay.length === 0) { if (this.multiSearch) { field = this.searchData value = this.last.logic } else { field = this.last.field value = this.last.search } } // 1: search() - advanced search (reads from popup) if (arguments.length === 0 && overlay.length !== 0) { this.focus() // otherwise search drop down covers searches last_logic = overlay.find(`#grid_${this.name}_logic`).val() last_search = '' // advanced search for (let i = 0; i < this.searches.length; i++) { let search = this.searches[i] let operator = overlay.find('#grid_'+ this.name + '_operator_'+ i).val() let field1 = overlay.find('#grid_'+ this.name + '_field_'+ i) let field2 = overlay.find('#grid_'+ this.name + '_field2_'+ i) let value1 = field1.val() let value2 = field2.val() let svalue = null let text = null if (['int', 'float', 'money', 'currency', 'percent'].indexOf(search.type) != -1) { let fld1 = field1[0]._w2field let fld2 = field2[0]._w2field if (fld1) value1 = fld1.clean(value1) if (fld2) value2 = fld2.clean(value2) } if (['list', 'enum'].indexOf(search.type) != -1 || ['in', 'not in'].indexOf(operator) != -1) { value1 = field1[0]._w2field.selected || {} if (Array.isArray(value1)) { svalue = [] for (let j = 0; j < value1.length; j++) { svalue.push(w2utils.isFloat(value1[j].id) ? parseFloat(value1[j].id) : String(value1[j].id).toLowerCase()) delete value1[j].hidden } if (Object.keys(value1).length === 0) value1 = '' } else { text = value1.text || '' value1 = value1.id || '' } } if ((value1 !== '' && value1 != null) || (value2 != null && value2 !== '')) { let tmp = { field : search.field, type : search.type, operator : operator } if (operator == 'between') { w2utils.extend(tmp, { value: [value1, value2] }) } else if (operator == 'in' && typeof value1 == 'string') { w2utils.extend(tmp, { value: value1.split(',') }) } else if (operator == 'not in' && typeof value1 == 'string') { w2utils.extend(tmp, { value: value1.split(',') }) } else { w2utils.extend(tmp, { value: value1 }) } if (svalue) w2utils.extend(tmp, { svalue: svalue }) if (text) w2utils.extend(tmp, { text: text }) // convert date to unix time try { if (search.type == 'date' && operator == 'between') { tmp.value[0] = value1 // w2utils.isDate(value1, w2utils.settings.dateFormat, true).getTime(); tmp.value[1] = value2 // w2utils.isDate(value2, w2utils.settings.dateFormat, true).getTime(); } if (search.type == 'date' && operator == 'is') { tmp.value = value1 // w2utils.isDate(value1, w2utils.settings.dateFormat, true).getTime(); } } catch (e) { } searchData.push(tmp) last_multi = true // if only hidden searches, then do not set } } } // 2: search(field, value) - regular search if (typeof field == 'string') { // if only one argument - search all if (arguments.length == 1) { value = field field = 'all' } last_field = field last_search = value last_multi = false last_logic = (hasHiddenSearches ? 'AND' : 'OR') // loop through all searches and see if it applies if (value != null) { if (field.toLowerCase() == 'all') { // if there are search fields loop thru them if (this.searches.length > 0) { for (let i = 0; i < this.searches.length; i++) { let search = this.searches[i] if (search.type == 'text' || (search.type == 'alphanumeric' && w2utils.isAlphaNumeric(value)) || (search.type == 'int' && w2utils.isInt(value)) || (search.type == 'float' && w2utils.isFloat(value)) || (search.type == 'percent' && w2utils.isFloat(value)) || ((search.type == 'hex' || search.type == 'color') && w2utils.isHex(value)) || (search.type == 'currency' && w2utils.isMoney(value)) || (search.type == 'money' && w2utils.isMoney(value)) || (search.type == 'date' && w2utils.isDate(value)) || (search.type == 'time' && w2utils.isTime(value)) || (search.type == 'datetime' && w2utils.isDateTime(value)) || (search.type == 'datetime' && w2utils.isDate(value)) || (search.type == 'enum' && w2utils.isAlphaNumeric(value)) || (search.type == 'list' && w2utils.isAlphaNumeric(value)) ) { let def = this.defaultOperator[this.operatorsMap[search.type]] let tmp = { field : search.field, type : search.type, operator : (search.operator != null ? search.operator : def), value : value } if (String(value).trim() != '') searchData.push(tmp) } // range in global search box if (['int', 'float', 'money', 'currency', 'percent'].indexOf(search.type) != -1 && String(value).trim().split('-').length == 2) { let t = String(value).trim().split('-') let tmp = { field : search.field, type : search.type, operator : (search.operator != null ? search.operator : 'between'), value : [t[0], t[1]] } searchData.push(tmp) } // lists fields if (['list', 'enum'].indexOf(search.type) != -1) { let new_values = [] if (search.options == null) search.options = {} if (!Array.isArray(search.options.items)) search.options.items = [] for (let j = 0; j < search.options.items; j++) { let tmp = search.options.items[j] try { let re = new RegExp(value, 'i') if (re.test(tmp)) new_values.push(j) if (tmp.text && re.test(tmp.text)) new_values.push(tmp.id) } catch (e) {} } if (new_values.length > 0) { let tmp = { field : search.field, type : search.type, operator : (search.operator != null ? search.operator : 'in'), value : new_values } searchData.push(tmp) } } } } else { // no search fields, loop thru columns for (let i = 0; i < this.columns.length; i++) { let tmp = { field : this.columns[i].field, type : 'text', operator : this.defaultOperator.text, value : value } searchData.push(tmp) } } /** * If user searched ALL field and there was no matching searches then add a bogus field, so that no result will be * shown. Otherwise search string is not empty, but no fields is actually applied and all fields are shown */ if (searchData.length == 0) { let tmp = { field: 'All', type: 'text', operator: this.defaultOperator.text, value: value } searchData.push(tmp) } } else { let el = overlay.find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_search_all') let search = this.getSearch(field) if (search == null) search = { field: field, type: 'text' } if (search.field == field) this.last.label = search.label if (value !== '') { let op = this.defaultOperator[this.operatorsMap[search.type]] let val = value if (['date', 'time', 'datetime'].indexOf(search.type) != -1) op = 'is' if (['list', 'enum'].indexOf(search.type) != -1) { op = 'is' let tmp = el._w2field?.get() if (tmp && Object.keys(tmp).length > 0) val = tmp.id; else val = '' } if (search.type == 'int' && value !== '') { op = 'is' if (String(value).indexOf('-') != -1) { let tmp = value.split('-') if (tmp.length == 2) { op = 'between' val = [parseInt(tmp[0]), parseInt(tmp[1])] } } if (String(value).indexOf(',') != -1) { let tmp = value.split(',') op = 'in' val = [] for (let i = 0; i < tmp.length; i++) val.push(tmp[i]) } } if (search.operator != null) op = search.operator let tmp = { field : search.field, type : search.type, operator : op, value : val } searchData.push(tmp) } } } } // 3: search([{ field, value, [operator,] [type] }, { field, value, [operator,] [type] } ], logic) - submit whole structure if (Array.isArray(field)) { let logic = 'AND' if (typeof value == 'string') { logic = value.toUpperCase() if (logic != 'OR' && logic != 'AND') logic = 'AND' } last_search = '' last_multi = true last_logic = logic for (let i = 0; i < field.length; i++) { let data = field[i] if (typeof data.value == 'number' && data.operator == null) data.operator = this.defaultOperator.number if (typeof data.value == 'string' && data.operator == null) data.operator = this.defaultOperator.text if (Array.isArray(data.value) && data.operator == null) data.operator = this.defaultOperator.enum if (w2utils.isDate(data.value) && data.operator == null) data.operator = this.defaultOperator.date // merge current field and search if any searchData.push(data) } } // event before let edata = this.trigger('search', { target: this.name, multi: (arguments.length === 0 ? true : false), searchField: (field ? field : 'multi'), searchValue: (field ? value : 'multi'), searchData: searchData, searchLogic: last_logic }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // default action this.searchData = edata.detail.searchData this.last.field = last_field this.last.search = last_search this.last.multi = last_multi this.last.logic = edata.detail.searchLogic this.last.vscroll.scrollTop = 0 this.last.vscroll.scrollLeft = 0 this.last.selection.indexes = [] this.last.selection.columns = {} // -- clear all search field this.searchClose() // apply search if (url) { this.last.fetch.offset = 0 this.reload() } else { // local search this.localSearch() this.refresh() } // event after edata.finish() } // open advanced search popover searchOpen() { if (!this.box) return if (this.searches.length === 0) return // event before let edata = this.trigger('searchOpen', { target: this.name }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) { return } let $btn = query(this.toolbar.box).find('.w2ui-grid-search-input .w2ui-search-drop') $btn.addClass('checked') // show search w2tooltip.show({ name: this.name + '-search-overlay', anchor: query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_search_all').get(0), position: 'bottom|top', html: this.getSearchesHTML(), align: 'left', arrowSize: 12, class: 'w2ui-grid-search-advanced', hideOn: ['doc-click'] }) .then(event => { this.initSearches() this.last.search_opened = true let overlay = query(`#w2overlay-${this.name}-search-overlay`) overlay .data('gridName', this.name) .off('.grid-search') .on('click.grid-search', () => { // hide any tooltip opened by searches overlay.find('input, select').each(el => { let names = query(el).data('tooltipName') if (names) names.forEach(name => { w2tooltip.hide(name) }) }) }) w2utils.bindEvents(overlay.find('select, input, button'), this) // init first field let sfields = query(`#w2overlay-${this.name}-search-overlay *[rel=search]`) if (sfields.length > 0) sfields[0].focus() // event after edata.finish() }) .hide(event => { $btn.removeClass('checked') this.last.search_opened = false }) } searchClose() { w2tooltip.hide(this.name + '-search-overlay') } // if clicked on a field in the search strip searchFieldTooltip(ind, sd_ind, el) { let sf = this.searches[ind] let sd = this.searchData[sd_ind] let oper = sd.operator if (oper == 'more' && sd.type == 'date') oper = 'since' if (oper == 'less' && sd.type == 'date') oper = 'before' let options = '' let val = sd.value if (Array.isArray(sd.value)) { // && Array.isArray(sf.options.items)) { sd.value.forEach(opt => { options += `${opt.text || opt}` }) if (sd.type == 'date') { options = '' sd.value.forEach(opt => { options += `${w2utils.formatDate(opt)}` }) } } else { if (sd.type == 'date') { val = w2utils.formatDateTime(val) } } w2tooltip.hide(this.name + '-search-props') w2tooltip.show({ name: this.name + '-search-props', anchor: el, class: 'w2ui-white', hideOn: 'doc-click', html: `
${sf.label} ${w2utils.lang(oper)} ${Array.isArray(sd.value) ? `${options}` : `${val}` }
` }).then(event => { query(event.detail.overlay.box).find('#remove').on('click', () => { this.searchData.splice(`${sd_ind}`, 1) this.reload() this.localSearch() w2tooltip.hide(this.name + '-search-props') }) }) } // drop down with save searches searchSuggest(imediate, forceHide, input) { clearTimeout(this.last.kbd_timer) clearTimeout(this.last.overlay_timer) this.searchShowFields(true) this.searchClose() if (forceHide === true) { w2tooltip.hide(this.name + '-search-suggest') return } if (query(`#w2overlay-${this.name}-search-suggest`).length > 0) { // already shown return } if (!imediate) { this.last.overlay_timer = setTimeout(() => { this.searchSuggest(true) }, 100) return } let el = query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_search_all`).get(0) let searches = [ ...this.defaultSearches ?? [], ...this.defaultSearches?.length > 0 && this.savedSearches?.length > 0 ? ['--'] : [], ...this.savedSearches ?? [] ] if (Array.isArray(searches) && searches.length > 0) { w2menu.show({ name: this.name + '-search-suggest', anchor: el, align: 'both', items: searches, hideOn: ['doc-click', 'sleect', 'remove'], render(item) { let ret = item.text if (item.isDefault) ret = `${ret}` return ret } }) .select(event => { let edata = this.trigger('searchSelect', { target: this.name, index: event.detail.index, item: event.detail.item }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) { event.preventDefault() return } event.detail.overlay.hide() this.last.logic = event.detail.item.logic || 'AND' this.last.search = '' this.last.label = '[Multiple Fields]' this.searchData = w2utils.clone(event.detail.item.data) this.searchSelected = w2utils.clone(event.detail.item, { exclude: ['icon', 'remove'] }) this.reload() edata.finish() }) .remove(event => { let item = event.detail.item let edata = this.trigger('searchRemove', { target: this.name, index: event.detail.index, item }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) { event.preventDefault() return } event.detail.overlay.hide() this.confirm(w2utils.lang('Do you want to delete search "${item}"?', { item: item.text })) .yes(evt => { // remove from searches let search = this.savedSearches.findIndex((s) => s.id == item.id ? true : false) if (search !== -1) { this.savedSearches.splice(search, 1) } this.cacheSave('searches', this.savedSearches.map(s => w2utils.clone(s, { exclude: ['remove', 'icon'] }))) evt.detail.self.close() // evt after edata.finish() }) .no(evt => { evt.detail.self.close() }) }) } } searchSave() { let value = '' if (this.searchSelected) { value = this.searchSelected.text } let ind = this.savedSearches.findIndex(s => { return s.id == this.searchSelected?.id ? true : false }) // event before let edata = this.trigger('searchSave', { target: this.name, saveLocalStorage: true }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return this.message({ width: 350, height: 150, body: ``, buttons: ` ` }).open(async (event) => { query(event.detail.box).find('input, button').eq(0).val(value) await event.complete query(event.detail.box).find('#grid-search-cancel').on('click', () => { this.message() }) query(event.detail.box).find('#grid-search-save').on('click', () => { let name = query(event.detail.box).find('.w2ui-message .search-name').val() // save in savedSearches if (this.searchSelected && ind != -1) { Object.assign(this.savedSearches[ind], { id: name, text: name, logic: this.last.logic, data: w2utils.clone(this.searchData) }) } else { this.savedSearches.push({ id: name, text: name, icon: 'w2ui-icon-search', remove: true, logic: this.last.logic, data: this.searchData }) } // save local storage this.cacheSave('searches', this.savedSearches.map(s => w2utils.clone(s, { exclude: ['remove', 'icon'] }))) this.message() // update on screen if (this.searchSelected) { this.searchSelected.text = name query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_search_name .name-text`).html(name) } else { this.searchSelected = { text: name, logic: this.last.logic, data: w2utils.clone(this.searchData) } query(event.detail.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_search_all`).val(' ').prop('readOnly', true) query(event.detail.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_search_name`).show().find('.name-text').html(name) } edata.finish({ name }) }) query(event.detail.box).find('input, button') .off('.message') .on('keydown.message', evt => { let val = String(query(event.detail.box).find('.w2ui-message-body input').val()).trim() if (evt.keyCode == 13 && val != '') { query(event.detail.box).find('#grid-search-save').trigger('click') // enter } if (evt.keyCode == 27) { // escape this.message() } }) .eq(0) .on('input.message', evt => { let $save = query(event.detail.box).closest('.w2ui-message').find('#grid-search-save') if (String(query(event.detail.box).val()).trim() === '') { $save.prop('disabled', true) } else { $save.prop('disabled', false) } }) .get(0) .focus() }) } cache(type) { if (w2utils.hasLocalStorage && this.useLocalStorage) { try { let data = JSON.parse(localStorage.w2ui || '{}') data[(this.stateId || this.name)] ??= {} return data[(this.stateId || this.name)][type] } catch (e) { } } return null } cacheSave(type, value) { if (w2utils.hasLocalStorage && this.useLocalStorage) { try { let data = JSON.parse(localStorage.w2ui || '{}') data[(this.stateId || this.name)] ??= {} data[(this.stateId || this.name)][type] = value localStorage.w2ui = JSON.stringify(data) return true } catch (e) { delete localStorage.w2ui } } return false } searchReset(noReload) { let searchData = [] let hasHiddenSearches = false // add hidden searches for (let i = 0; i < this.searches.length; i++) { if (!this.searches[i].hidden || this.searches[i].value == null) continue searchData.push({ field : this.searches[i].field, operator : this.searches[i].operator || 'is', type : this.searches[i].type, value : this.searches[i].value || '' }) hasHiddenSearches = true } // event before let edata = this.trigger('search', { reset: true, target: this.name, searchData: searchData }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // default action let input = query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_search_all') this.searchData = edata.detail.searchData this.searchSelected = null this.last.search = '' this.last.logic = (hasHiddenSearches ? 'AND' : 'OR') // --- do not reset to All Fields (I think) input.next().hide() // advanced search button if (this.searches.length > 0) { if (!this.multiSearch || !this.show.searchAll) { let tmp = 0 while (tmp < this.searches.length && (this.searches[tmp].hidden || this.searches[tmp].simple === false)) tmp++ if (tmp >= this.searches.length) { // all searches are hidden this.last.field = '' this.last.label = '' } else { this.last.field = this.searches[tmp].field this.last.label = this.searches[tmp].label } } else { this.last.field = 'all' this.last.label = 'All Fields' input.next().show() // advanced search button } } this.last.multi = false this.last.fetch.offset = 0 // reset scrolling position this.last.vscroll.scrollTop = 0 this.last.vscroll.scrollLeft = 0 this.last.selection.indexes = [] this.last.selection.columns = {} // -- clear all search field this.searchClose() let all = input.val('').get(0) if (all?._w2field) { all._w2field.reset() } // apply search if (!noReload) this.reload() // event after edata.finish() } searchShowFields(forceHide) { if (forceHide === true) { w2tooltip.hide(this.name + '-search-fields') return } let items = [] for (let s = -1; s < this.searches.length; s++) { let search = this.searches[s] let sField = (search ? search.field : null) let column = this.getColumn(sField) let disabled = false let tooltip = null if (this.show.searchHiddenMsg == true && s != -1 && (column == null || (column.hidden === true && column.hideable !== false))) { disabled = true tooltip = w2utils.lang(`This column ${column == null ? 'does not exist' : 'is hidden'}`) } if (s == -1) { // -1 is All Fields search if (!this.multiSearch || !this.show.searchAll) continue search = { field: 'all', label: 'All Fields' } } else { if (column != null && column.hideable === false) continue if (search.hidden === true) { tooltip = w2utils.lang('This column is hidden') // don't show hidden (not simple) searches if (search.simple === false) continue } } if (search.label == null && search.caption != null) { console.log('NOTICE: grid search.caption property is deprecated, please use search.label. Search ->', search) search.label = search.caption } items.push({ id: search.field, text: w2utils.lang(search.label), search, tooltip, disabled, checked: (search.field == this.last.field) }) } w2menu.show({ type: 'radio', name: this.name + '-search-fields', anchor: query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_search_name').parent().find('.w2ui-search-down').get(0), items, align: 'none', hideOn: ['doc-click', 'select'] }) .select(event => { this.searchInitInput(event.detail.item.search.field) }) } searchInitInput(field, value) { let search let el = query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_search_all') if (field == 'all') { search = { field: 'all', label: w2utils.lang('All Fields') } } else { search = this.getSearch(field) if (search == null) return } // update field if (this.last.search != '') { this.last.label = search.label this.search(search.field, this.last.search) } else { this.last.field = search.field this.last.label = search.label } el.attr('placeholder', w2utils.lang('Search') + ' ' + w2utils.lang(search.label || search.caption || search.field, true)) // if there is pre-selected search if (this.searchSelected) { query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_search_all`).val(' ').prop('readOnly', true) query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_search_name`).show().find('.name-text').html(this.searchSelected.text) } else { query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_search_all`).prop('readOnly', false) query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_search_name`).hide().find('.name-text').html('') } } // clears records and related params clear(noRefresh) { this.total = 0 this.records = [] this.summary = [] this.last.fetch.offset = 0 // need this for reload button to work on remote data set this.last.idCache = {} // optimization to free memory this.last.selection = { indexes: [], columns: {} } this.reset(true) // refresh if (!noRefresh) this.refresh() } // clears scroll position, selection, ranges reset(noRefresh) { // position this.last.vscroll.scrollTop = 0 this.last.vscroll.scrollLeft = 0 this.last.vscroll.recIndStart = null this.last.vscroll.recIndEnd = null // additional query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_records`).prop('scrollTop', 0) // refresh if (!noRefresh) this.refresh() } skip(offset, callBack) { let url = this.url?.get ?? this.url if (url) { this.offset = parseInt(offset) if (this.offset > this.total) this.offset = this.total - this.limit if (this.offset < 0 || !w2utils.isInt(this.offset)) this.offset = 0 this.clear(true) this.reload(callBack) } else { console.log('ERROR: grid.skip() can only be called when you have remote data source.') } } load(url, callBack) { if (url == null) { console.log('ERROR: You need to provide url argument when calling .load() method of "'+ this.name +'" object.') return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { reject() }) } // default action this.clear(true) return this.request('load', {}, url, callBack) } reload(callBack) { let grid = this let url = this.url?.get ?? this.url grid.selectionSave() if (url) { // need to remember selection (not just last.selection object) return this.load(url, () => { grid.selectionRestore() if (typeof callBack == 'function') callBack() }) } else { this.reset(true) this.localSearch() this.selectionRestore() if (typeof callBack == 'function') callBack({ status: 'success' }) return new Promise(resolve => { resolve() }) } } request(action, postData, url, callBack) { let self = this let resolve, reject let requestProm = new Promise((res, rej) => { resolve = res; reject = rej }) if (postData == null) postData = {} if (!url) url = this.url if (!url) return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { reject() }) // build parameters list if (!w2utils.isInt(this.offset)) this.offset = 0 if (!w2utils.isInt(this.last.fetch.offset)) this.last.fetch.offset = 0 // add list params let edata let params = { limit: this.limit, offset: parseInt(this.offset) + parseInt(this.last.fetch.offset), searchLogic: this.last.logic, search: this.searchData.map((search) => { let _search = w2utils.clone(search) if (this.searchMap && this.searchMap[_search.field]) _search.field = this.searchMap[_search.field] return _search }), sort: this.sortData.map((sort) => { let _sort = w2utils.clone(sort) if (this.sortMap && this.sortMap[_sort.field]) _sort.field = this.sortMap[_sort.field] return _sort }) } if (this.searchData.length === 0) { delete params.search delete params.searchLogic } if (this.sortData.length === 0) { delete params.sort } // append other params w2utils.extend(params, this.postData) w2utils.extend(params, postData) // other actions if (action == 'delete' || action == 'save') { delete params.limit delete params.offset params.action = action if (action == 'delete') { params[this.recid || 'recid'] = this.getSelection() } } // event before if (action == 'load') { edata = this.trigger('request', { target: this.name, url, postData: params, httpMethod: 'GET', httpHeaders: this.httpHeaders }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { reject() }) } else { edata = { detail: { url, postData: params, httpMethod: action == 'save' ? 'PUT' : 'DELETE', httpHeaders: this.httpHeaders }} } // call server to get data if (this.last.fetch.offset === 0) { this.lock(w2utils.lang(this.msgRefresh), true) } if (this.last.fetch.controller) try { this.last.fetch.controller.abort() } catch (e) {} // URL url = edata.detail.url switch (action) { case 'save': if (url?.save) url = url.save break case 'delete': if (url?.remove) url = url.remove break default: url = url?.get ?? url } // process url with routeData if (Object.keys(this.routeData).length > 0) { let info = w2utils.parseRoute(url) if (info.keys.length > 0) { for (let k = 0; k < info.keys.length; k++) { if (this.routeData[info.keys[k].name] == null) continue url = url.replace((new RegExp(':'+ info.keys[k].name, 'g')), this.routeData[info.keys[k].name]) } } } url = new URL(url, location) // ajax options let fetchOptions = w2utils.prepareParams(url, { method: edata.detail.httpMethod, headers: edata.detail.httpHeaders, body: edata.detail.postData }, this.dataType) Object.assign(this.last.fetch, { action: action, options: fetchOptions, controller: new AbortController(), start: Date.now(), loaded: false }) fetchOptions.signal = this.last.fetch.controller.signal fetch(url, fetchOptions) .catch(processError) .then(resp => { if (resp == null) return // request aborted if (resp?.status != 200) { processError(resp ?? {}) return } resp.json() .catch(processError) .then(data => { this.requestComplete(data, action, callBack, resolve, reject) }) .finally(() => self.unlock()) }) if (action == 'load') { // event after edata.finish() } return requestProm function processError(response) { if (response?.name === 'AbortError') { // request was aborted by the grid return } self.unlock() // trigger event let edata2 = self.trigger('error', { response, lastFetch: self.last.fetch }) if (edata2.isCancelled === true) return // default behavior if (response.status && response.status != 200) { response.json().then((data) => { self.error(response.status + ': ' + data.message ?? response.statusText) }).catch(() => { self.error(response.status + ': ' + response.statusText) }) } else { console.log('ERROR: Server communication failed.', '\n EXPECTED:', { total: 5, records: [{ recid: 1, field: 'value' }] }, '\n OR:', { error: true, message: 'error message' }) self.requestComplete({ error: true, message: w2utils.lang(this.msgHTTPError), response }, action, callBack, resolve, reject) } // event after edata2.finish() } } requestComplete(data, action, callBack, resolve, reject) { let error = data.error ?? false if (data.error == null && data.status === 'error') error = true this.last.fetch.response = (Date.now() - this.last.fetch.start) / 1000 setTimeout(() => { if (this.show.statusResponse) { this.status(w2utils.lang('Server Response ${count} seconds', { count: this.last.fetch.response })) } }, 10) this.last.vscroll.pull_more = false this.last.vscroll.pull_refresh = true // event before let event_name = 'load' if (this.last.fetch.action == 'save') event_name = 'save' if (this.last.fetch.action == 'delete') event_name = 'delete' let edata = this.trigger(event_name, { target: this.name, error, data, lastFetch: this.last.fetch }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) { reject() return } // parse server response if (!error) { // default action if (typeof this.parser == 'function') { data = this.parser(data) if (typeof data != 'object') { console.log('ERROR: Your parser did not return proper object') } } else { if (data == null) { data = { error: true, message: w2utils.lang(this.msgNotJSON), } } else if (Array.isArray(data)) { // if it is plain array, assume these are records data = { error, records: data, total: data.length } } } if (action == 'load') { if (data.total == null) data.total = -1 if (data.records == null) { data.records = [] } if (data.records.length == this.limit) { let loaded = this.records.length + data.records.length this.last.fetch.hasMore = (loaded == this.total ? false : true) } else { this.last.fetch.hasMore = false this.total = this.offset + this.last.fetch.offset + data.records.length } if (!this.last.fetch.hasMore) { // if no more records, then hide spinner query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_more, #grid_'+ this.name +'_frec_more').hide() } if (this.last.fetch.offset === 0) { this.records = [] this.summary = [] } else { if (data.total != -1 && parseInt(data.total) != parseInt(this.total)) { let grid = this this.message(w2utils.lang(this.msgNeedReload)) .ok(() => { delete grid.last.fetch.offset grid.reload() }) return new Promise(resolve => { resolve() }) } } if (w2utils.isInt(data.total)) this.total = parseInt(data.total) // records if (data.records) { data.records.forEach(rec => { if (this.recid) { rec.recid = this.parseField(rec, this.recid) } if (rec.recid == null) { rec.recid = 'recid-' + this.records.length } if (rec.w2ui?.summary === true) { this.summary.push(rec) } else { this.records.push(rec) } }) } // summary records (if any) if (data.summary) { this.summary = [] // reset summary with each call data.summary.forEach(rec => { if (this.recid) { rec.recid = this.parseField(rec, this.recid) } if (rec.recid == null) { rec.recid = 'recid-' + this.summary.length } this.summary.push(rec) }) } } else if (action == 'delete') { this.reset() // unselect old selections return this.reload() } } else { this.error(w2utils.lang(data.message ?? this.msgServerError)) reject(data) } // event after let url = this.url?.get ?? this.url if (!url) { this.localSort() this.localSearch() } this.total = parseInt(this.total) // do not refresh if loading on infinite scroll if (this.last.fetch.offset === 0) { this.refresh() } else { this.scroll() this.resize() } // call back if (typeof callBack == 'function') callBack(data) // need to be before event:after resolve(data) // after event edata.finish() this.last.fetch.loaded = true } error(msg) { // let the management of the error outside of the grid let edata = this.trigger('error', { target: this.name, message: msg }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) { return } this.message(msg) // event after edata.finish() } getChanges(recordsBase) { let changes = [] if (typeof recordsBase == 'undefined') { recordsBase = this.records } for (let r = 0; r < recordsBase.length; r++) { let rec = recordsBase[r] if (rec?.w2ui) { if (rec.w2ui.changes != null) { let obj = {} obj[this.recid || 'recid'] = rec.recid changes.push(w2utils.extend(obj, rec.w2ui.changes)) } // recursively look for changes in non-expanded children if (rec.w2ui.expanded !== true && rec.w2ui.children && rec.w2ui.children.length) { changes.push(...this.getChanges(rec.w2ui.children)) } } } return changes } mergeChanges() { let changes = this.getChanges() for (let c = 0; c < changes.length; c++) { let record = this.get(changes[c][this.recid || 'recid']) for (let s in changes[c]) { if (s == 'recid' || (this.recid && s == this.recid)) continue // do not allow to change recid if (typeof changes[c][s] === 'object') changes[c][s] = changes[c][s].text try { _setValue(record, s, changes[c][s]) } catch (e) { console.log('ERROR: Cannot merge. ', e.message || '', e) } if (record.w2ui) delete record.w2ui.changes } } this.refresh() function _setValue(obj, field, value) { let fld = field.split('.') if (fld.length == 1) { obj[field] = value } else { obj = obj[fld[0]] fld.shift() _setValue(obj, fld.join('.'), value) } } } save(callBack) { let changes = this.getChanges() let url = this.url?.save ?? this.url // event before let edata = this.trigger('save', { target: this.name, changes: changes }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return if (url) { this.request('save', { 'changes' : edata.detail.changes }, null, (data) => { if (!data.error) { // only merge changes, if save was successful this.mergeChanges() } // event after edata.finish() // call back if (typeof callBack == 'function') callBack(data) } ) } else { this.mergeChanges() // event after edata.finish() } } editField(recid, column, value, event) { let self = this if (this.last.inEditMode === true) { // This is triggerign when user types fast if (event && event.keyCode == 13) { let { index, column, value } = this.last._edit this.editChange({ type: 'custom', value }, index, column, event) this.editDone(index, column, event) } else { // when 2 chars entered fast (spreadsheet) let input = query(this.box).find('div.w2ui-edit-box .w2ui-input') if (input.length > 0) { if (input.get(0).tagName == 'DIV') { input.text(input.text() + value) w2utils.setCursorPosition(input.get(0), input.text().length) } else { input.val(input.val() + value) w2utils.setCursorPosition(input.get(0), input.val().length) } } } return } let index = this.get(recid, true) let edit = this.getCellEditable(index, column) if (!edit || ['checkbox', 'check'].includes(edit.type)) return let rec = this.records[index] let col = this.columns[column] let prefix = (col.frozen === true ? '_f' : '_') if (['enum', 'file'].indexOf(edit.type) != -1) { console.log('ERROR: input types "enum" and "file" are not supported in inline editing.') return } // event before let edata = this.trigger('editField', { target: this.name, recid, column, value, index, originalEvent: event }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return value = edata.detail.value // default behaviour this.last.inEditMode = true this.last.editColumn = column this.last._edit = { value: value, index: index, column: column, recid: recid } this.selectNone(true) // no need to trigger select event this.select({ recid: recid, column: column }) // create input element let tr = query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name + prefix +'rec_' + w2utils.escapeId(recid)) let div = tr.find('[col="'+ column +'"] > div') // TD -> DIV this.last._edit.tr = tr this.last._edit.div = div // clear previous if any (spreadsheet) query(this.box).find('div.w2ui-edit-box').remove() // for spreadsheet - insert into selection if (this.selectType != 'row') { query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name + prefix + 'selection') .attr('id', 'grid_'+ this.name + '_editable') .removeClass('w2ui-selection') .addClass('w2ui-edit-box') .prepend('
') .find('.w2ui-selection-resizer') .remove() div = query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name + '_editable > div:first-child') } edit.attr = edit.attr ?? '' edit.text = edit.text ?? '' edit.style = edit.style ?? '' edit.items = edit.items ?? [] let val = (rec.w2ui?.changes?.[col.field] != null ? w2utils.stripTags(rec.w2ui.changes[col.field]) : w2utils.stripTags(self.parseField(rec, col.field))) if (val == null) val = '' let prevValue = (typeof val != 'object' ? val : '') if (edata.detail.prevValue != null) prevValue = edata.detail.prevValue if (value != null) val = value let addStyle = (col.style != null ? col.style + ';' : '') if (typeof col.render == 'string') { let tmp = col.render.replace('|', ':').split(':') if (['number', 'int', 'float', 'money', 'currency', 'percent', 'size'].includes(tmp[0])) { addStyle += 'text-align: right;' } } // normalize items, if not yet normlized if (edit.items.length > 0 && !w2utils.isPlainObject(edit.items[0])) { edit.items = w2utils.normMenu(edit.items) } let input let dropTypes = ['date', 'time', 'datetime', 'color', 'list', 'combo'] let styles = getComputedStyle(tr.find('[col="'+ column +'"] > div').get(0)) let font = `font-family: ${styles['font-family']}; font-size: ${styles['font-size']};` switch (edit.type) { case 'div': { div.addClass('w2ui-editable') .html(w2utils.stripSpaces(`
${edit.text}`)) input = div.find('div.w2ui-input').get(0) input.innerText = (typeof val != 'object' ? val : '') if (value != null) { w2utils.setCursorPosition(input, input.innerText.length) } else { w2utils.setCursorPosition(input, 0, input.innerText.length) } break } default: { div.addClass('w2ui-editable') .html(w2utils.stripSpaces(`${edit.text}`)) input = div.find('input').get(0) // issue #499 if (edit.type == 'number') { val = w2utils.formatNumber(val) } if (edit.type == 'date') { val = w2utils.formatDate(w2utils.isDate(val, edit.format, true) || new Date(), edit.format) } input.value = (typeof val != 'object' ? val : '') // init w2field, attached to input._w2field let doHide = (event) => { let escKey = this.last._edit?.escKey // check if any element is selected in drop down let selected = false let name = query(input).data('tooltipName') if (name && w2tooltip.get(name[0])?.selected != null) { selected = true } // trigger change on new value if selected from overlay if (this.last.inEditMode && !escKey && dropTypes.includes(edit.type) // drop down types && (event.detail.overlay.anchor?.id == this.last._edit.input?.id || edit.type == 'list')) { this.editChange() this.editDone(undefined, undefined, { keyCode: selected ? 13 : 0 }) // advance on select } } new w2field(w2utils.extend({}, edit, { el: input, selected: val, onSelect: doHide, onHide: doHide })) if (value == null && input) { // if no new value, then select content input.select() } } } Object.assign(this.last._edit, { input, edit }) query(input) .off('.w2ui-editable') .on('blur.w2ui-editable', (event) => { if (this.last.inEditMode) { let type = this.last._edit.edit.type let name = query(input).data('tooltipName') // if popup is open if ((name && dropTypes.includes(type)) || event.target._keepOpen === true) { delete event.target._keepOpen // drop downs finish edit when popover is closed return } this.editChange(input, index, column, event) this.editDone() } }) .on('mousedown.w2ui-editable', (event) => { event.stopPropagation() }) .on('click.w2ui-editable', (event) => { expand.call(input, event) }) .on('paste.w2ui-editable', (event) => { // clean paste to be plain text event.preventDefault() let text = event.clipboardData.getData('text/plain') document.execCommand('insertHTML', false, text) }) .on('keyup.w2ui-editable', (event) => { expand.call(input, event) }) .on('keydown.w2ui-editable', (event) => { switch (event.keyCode) { case 8: // backspace; if (edit.type == 'list' && !input._w2field) { // cancel backspace when deleting element event.preventDefault() } break case 9: case 13: event.preventDefault() break case 27: // esc button exits edit mode, but if in a popup, it will also close the popup, hence // if tooltip is open - hide it let name = query(input).data('tooltipName') if (name && name.length > 0) { this.last._edit.escKey = true w2tooltip.hide(name[0]) event.preventDefault() return // keep input editable just close tooltip } event.stopPropagation() break } // need timeout so, this handler is executed after key is processed by browser setTimeout(() => { switch (event.keyCode) { case 9: { // tab let next = event.shiftKey ? self.prevCell(index, column, true) : self.nextCell(index, column, true) if (next != null) { let recid = self.records[next.index].recid this.editChange(input, index, column, event) this.editDone(index, column, event) if (self.selectType != 'row') { self.selectNone(true) // no need to trigger select event self.select({ recid, column: next.colIndex }) } else { self.editField(recid, next.colIndex, null, event) } if (event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault() } break } case 13: { // enter // check if any element is selected in drop down let selected = false let name = query(input).data('tooltipName') if (name && w2tooltip.get(name[0]).selected != null) { selected = true } // if tooltip is not open or no element is selected if ((!name || !selected) && input._keepOpen !== true) { this.editChange(input, index, column, event) this.editDone(index, column, event) } else { delete input._keepOpen } break } case 27: { // escape this.last._edit.escKey = false let old = self.parseField(rec, col.field) if (rec.w2ui?.changes?.[col.field] != null) old = rec.w2ui.changes[col.field] if (input._prevValue != null) old = input._prevValue if (input.tagName == 'DIV') { input.innerText = old != null ? old : '' } else { input.value = old != null ? old : '' } this.editDone(index, column, event) setTimeout(() => { self.select({ recid: recid, column: column }) }, 1) break } } // if input too small - expand expand(input) }, 1) }) // save previous value if (input) input._prevValue = prevValue // focus and select if (edit.type != 'list') { setTimeout(() => { if (!this.last.inEditMode) return if (input) { input.focus() clearTimeout(this.last.kbd_timer) // keep focus input.resize = expand expand(input) } }, 50) } // event after edata.finish({ input }) return function expand(input) { try { let styles = getComputedStyle(input) let val = (input.tagName.toUpperCase() == 'DIV' ? input.innerText : input.value) let editBox = query(self.box).find('#grid_'+ self.name + '_editable').get(0) let style = `font-family: ${styles['font-family']}; font-size: ${styles['font-size']}; white-space: no-wrap;` let width = w2utils.getStrWidth(val, style) if (width + 20 > editBox.clientWidth) { query(editBox).css('width', width + 20 + 'px') } } catch (e) { } } } editChange(input, index, column, event) { // if params are not specified input = input ?? this.last._edit.input index = index ?? this.last._edit.index column = column ?? this.last._edit.column event = event ?? {} // all other fields let summary = index < 0 index = index < 0 ? -index - 1 : index let records = summary ? this.summary : this.records let rec = records[index] let col = this.columns[column] let new_val = (input?.tagName == 'DIV' ? input.innerText : input.value) let fld = input._w2field if (fld) { if (fld.type == 'list') { new_val = fld.selected } if (new_val == null || Object.keys(new_val).length === 0) new_val = '' if (!w2utils.isPlainObject(new_val)) new_val = fld.clean(new_val) } if (input.type == 'checkbox') { if (rec.w2ui?.editable === false) input.checked = !input.checked new_val = input.checked } let old_val = this.parseField(rec, col.field) let prev_val = (rec.w2ui?.changes && rec.w2ui.changes.hasOwnProperty(col.field) ? rec.w2ui.changes[col.field]: old_val) // change/restore event let edata = { target: this.name, input, recid: rec.recid, index, column, originalEvent: event, value: { new: new_val, previous: prev_val, original: old_val, } } if (event.target?._prevValue != null) edata.value.previous = event.target._prevValue let count = 0 // just in case to avoid infinite loop while (count < 20) { count++ new_val = edata.value.new if ((typeof new_val != 'object' && String(old_val) != String(new_val)) || (typeof new_val == 'object' && new_val && new_val.id != old_val && (typeof old_val != 'object' || old_val == null || new_val.id != old_val.id))) { // change event edata = this.trigger('change', edata) if (edata.isCancelled !== true) { if (new_val !== edata.detail.value.new) { // re-evaluate the type of change to be made continue } // default action if ((edata.detail.value.new === '' || edata.detail.value.new == null) && (prev_val === '' || prev_val == null)) { // value did not change, was empty is empty } else { rec.w2ui = rec.w2ui ?? {} rec.w2ui.changes = rec.w2ui.changes ?? {} rec.w2ui.changes[col.field] = edata.detail.value.new } // event after edata.finish() } } else { // restore event edata = this.trigger('restore', edata) if (edata.isCancelled !== true) { if (new_val !== edata.detail.value.new) { // re-evaluate the type of change to be made continue } // default action if (rec.w2ui?.changes) { delete rec.w2ui.changes[col.field] if (Object.keys(rec.w2ui.changes).length === 0) { delete rec.w2ui.changes } } // event after edata.finish() } } break } } editDone(index, column, event) { // if params are not specified index = index ?? this.last._edit.index column = column ?? this.last._edit.column event = event ?? {} // removal of input happens when TR is redrawn if (this.advanceOnEdit && event.keyCode == 13) { let next = event.shiftKey ? this.prevRow(index, column, 1) : this.nextRow(index, column, 1) if (next == null) next = index // keep the same setTimeout(() => { if (this.selectType != 'row') { this.selectNone(true) // no need to trigger select event this.select({ recid: this.records[next].recid, column: column }) } else { this.editField(this.records[next].recid, column, null, event) } }, 1) } let summary = index < 0 let cell = query(this.last._edit?.tr).find('[col="'+ column +'"]') let rec = this.records[index] let col = this.columns[column] // need to set before remove, as remove will trigger blur this.last.inEditMode = false this.last._edit = null // remove - by updating cell data if (!summary) { if (rec.w2ui?.changes?.[col.field] != null) { cell.addClass('w2ui-changed') } else { cell.removeClass('w2ui-changed') } cell.replace(this.getCellHTML(index, column, summary)) } // remove - spreadsheet query(this.box).find('div.w2ui-edit-box').remove() // update toolbar buttons this.updateToolbar() // keep grid in focus if needed setTimeout(() => { let input = query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_focus`).get(0) if (document.activeElement !== input && !this.last.inEditMode) { input.focus() } }, 10) } 'delete'(force) { // event before let edata = this.trigger('delete', { target: this.name, force: force }) if (force) this.message() // close message if (edata.isCancelled === true) return force = edata.detail.force // default action let recs = this.getSelection() if (recs.length === 0) return if (this.msgDelete != '' && !force) { this.confirm({ text: w2utils.lang(this.msgDelete, { count: recs.length, records: w2utils.lang( recs.length == 1 ? 'record' : 'records') }), width: 380, height: 170, yes_text: w2utils.lang('Delete'), yes_class: 'w2ui-btn-red', no_text: w2utils.lang('Cancel'), }) .yes(event => { event.detail.self.close() this.delete(true) }) .no(event => { event.detail.self.close() }) return } // call delete script let url = this.url?.remove ?? this.url if (url) { this.request('delete') } else { if (typeof recs[0] != 'object') { this.selectNone() this.remove.apply(this, recs) } else { // clear cells for (let r = 0; r < recs.length; r++) { let fld = this.columns[recs[r].column].field let ind = this.get(recs[r].recid, true) let rec = this.records[ind] if (ind != null && fld != 'recid') { this.records[ind][fld] = '' if (rec.w2ui?.changes) delete rec.w2ui.changes[fld] // -- style should not be deleted // if (rec.style != null && w2utils.isPlainObject(rec.style) && rec.style[recs[r].column]) { // delete rec.style[recs[r].column]; // } } } this.update() } } // event after edata.finish() } click(recid, event) { let time = Date.now() let column = null if (this.last.cancelClick == true || (event && event.altKey)) return if ((typeof recid == 'object') && (recid !== null)) { column = recid.column recid = recid.recid } if (event == null) event = {} // check for double click if (time - parseInt(this.last.click_time) < 350 && this.last.click_recid == recid && event.type == 'click') { this.dblClick(recid, event) return } // hide bubble if (this.last.bubbleEl) { this.last.bubbleEl = null } this.last.click_time = time let last_recid = this.last.click_recid this.last.click_recid = recid // column user clicked on if (column == null && event.target) { let trg = event.target if (trg.tagName != 'TD') trg = query(trg).closest('td')[0] if (query(trg).attr('col') != null) column = parseInt(query(trg).attr('col')) } // event before let edata = this.trigger('click', { target: this.name, recid, column, originalEvent: event }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // default action let sel = this.getSelection() query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_check_all').prop('checked', false) let ind = this.get(recid, true) let selectColumns = [] this.last.sel_ind = ind this.last.sel_col = column this.last.sel_recid = recid this.last.sel_type = 'click' // multi select with shift key let start, end, t1, t2 if (event.shiftKey && sel.length > 0 && this.multiSelect) { if (sel[0].recid) { start = this.get(sel[0].recid, true) end = this.get(recid, true) if (column > sel[0].column) { t1 = sel[0].column t2 = column } else { t1 = column t2 = sel[0].column } for (let c = t1; c <= t2; c++) selectColumns.push(c) } else { start = this.get(last_recid, true) end = this.get(recid, true) } let sel_add = [] if (start > end) { let tmp = start; start = end; end = tmp } let url = this.url?.get ?? this.url for (let i = start; i <= end; i++) { if (this.searchData.length > 0 && !url && !this.last.searchIds.includes(i)) continue if (this.selectType == 'row') { sel_add.push(this.records[i].recid) } else { for (let sc = 0; sc < selectColumns.length; sc++) { sel_add.push({ recid: this.records[i].recid, column: selectColumns[sc] }) } } //sel.push(this.records[i].recid); } this.select(sel_add) } else { let last = this.last.selection let flag = (last.indexes.indexOf(ind) != -1 ? true : false) let fselect = false // if clicked on the checkbox if (query(event.target).closest('td').hasClass('w2ui-col-select')) fselect = true // clear other if necessary if (((!event.ctrlKey && !event.shiftKey && !event.metaKey && !fselect) || !this.multiSelect) && !this.showSelectColumn) { if (this.selectType != 'row' && !last.columns[ind]?.includes(column)) { flag = false } if (flag === true && sel.length == 1) { this.unselect({ recid: recid, column: column }) } else { this.selectNone(true) // no need to trigger select event this.select({ recid: recid, column: column }) } } else { if (this.selectType != 'row') flag = false if (flag === true) { this.unselect({ recid: recid, column: column }) } else { this.select({ recid: recid, column: column }) } } } this.status() this.initResize() // event after edata.finish() } columnClick(field, event) { // ignore click if column was resized if (this.last.colResizing === true) { return } // event before let edata = this.trigger('columnClick', { target: this.name, field: field, originalEvent: event }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // default behaviour if (this.selectType == 'row') { let column = this.getColumn(field) if (column && column.sortable) this.sort(field, null, (event && (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey || event.shiftKey) ? true : false)) if (edata.detail.field == 'line-number') { if (this.getSelection().length >= this.records.length) { this.selectNone() } else { this.selectAll() } } } else { if (event.altKey){ let column = this.getColumn(field) if (column && column.sortable) this.sort(field, null, (event && (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey || event.shiftKey) ? true : false)) } // select entire column if (edata.detail.field == 'line-number') { if (this.getSelection().length >= this.records.length) { this.selectNone() } else { this.selectAll() } } else { if (!event.shiftKey && !event.metaKey && !event.ctrlKey) { this.selectNone(true) } let tmp = this.getSelection() let column = this.getColumn(edata.detail.field, true) let sel = [] let cols = [] // check if there was a selection before if (tmp.length != 0 && event.shiftKey) { let start = column let end = tmp[0].column if (start > end) { start = tmp[0].column end = column } for (let i = start; i<=end; i++) cols.push(i) } else { cols.push(column) } edata = this.trigger('columnSelect', { target: this.name, columns: cols }) if (edata.isCancelled !== true) { for (let i = 0; i < this.records.length; i++) { sel.push({ recid: this.records[i].recid, column: cols }) } this.select(sel) } edata.finish() } } // event after edata.finish() } columnDblClick(field, event) { // event before let edata = this.trigger('columnDblClick', { target: this.name, field: field, originalEvent: event }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // event after edata.finish() } columnContextMenu(field, event) { let edata = this.trigger('columnContextMenu', { target: this.name, field: field, originalEvent: event }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // show menu w2menu.show({ type: 'check', contextMenu: true, originalEvent: event, items: this.initColumnOnOff() }) .then(() => { query('#w2overlay-context-menu .w2ui-grid-skip') .off('.w2ui-grid') .on('click.w2ui-grid', evt => { evt.stopPropagation() }) .on('keypress', evt => { if (evt.keyCode == 13) { this.skip(evt.target.value) this.toolbar.click('w2ui-column-on-off') // close menu } }) }) .select((event) => { let id = event.detail.item.id if (['w2ui-stateSave', 'w2ui-stateReset'].includes(id)) { this[id.substring(5)]() } else if (id == 'w2ui-skip') { // empty } else { this.columnOnOff(event, event.detail.item.id) } clearTimeout(this.last.kbd_timer) // keep grid in focus }) clearTimeout(this.last.kbd_timer) // keep grid in focus // cancel default event.preventDefault() edata.finish() } // if called w/o arguments, then will resize all columns columnAutoSize(colIndex) { if (arguments.length == 0) { // autoSize all columns this.columns.forEach((col, i) => this.columnAutoSize(i)) return } let col = this.columns[colIndex] let el = query(`#grid_${this.name}_column_${colIndex} .w2ui-col-header`)[0] if (col.autoResize === false || col.hidden === true || !el) { return true } let style = getComputedStyle(el) let maxWidth = w2utils.getStrWidth(el.innerHTML, `font-family: ${style.fontFamily}; font-size: ${style.fontSize}`, true) + parseFloat(style.paddingLeft) + parseFloat(style.paddingRight) + 4 query(this.box).find(`.w2ui-grid-records td[col="${colIndex}"] > div`, this.box).each(el => { let style = getComputedStyle(el) let width = w2utils.getStrWidth(el.innerHTML, `font-family: ${style.fontFamily}; font-size: ${style.fontSize}`, true) + parseFloat(style.paddingLeft) + parseFloat(style.paddingRight) + 4 // add some extra because of the border if (maxWidth < width) { maxWidth = width } }) // event before let edata = this.trigger('columnAutoResize', { maxWidth, originalEvent: event, target: this.name, column: col }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) { return } if (maxWidth > 0) { if (col.sizeOriginal == null) col.sizeOriginal = col.size col.size = Math.min(Math.abs(maxWidth), col.max || Infinity) + 'px' this.resizeRecords() this.resizeRecords() // Why do we have to call it twice in order to show the scrollbar? this.scroll() } // event after edata.finish() } columnAutoSizeAll() { this.columns.forEach((col, ind) => this.columnAutoSize(ind)) } focus(event) { // event before let edata = this.trigger('focus', { target: this.name, originalEvent: event }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return false // default behaviour this.hasFocus = true query(this.box).removeClass('w2ui-inactive').find('.w2ui-inactive').removeClass('w2ui-inactive') setTimeout(() => { let txt = query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_focus`).get(0) if (txt && document.activeElement != txt) { txt.focus() } }, 10) // event after edata.finish() } blur(event) { // event before let edata = this.trigger('blur', { target: this.name, originalEvent: event }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return false // default behaviour this.hasFocus = false query(this.box).addClass('w2ui-inactive').find('.w2ui-selected').addClass('w2ui-inactive') query(this.box).find('.w2ui-selection').addClass('w2ui-inactive') // event after edata.finish() } keydown(event) { // this method is called from w2utils let obj = this let url = this.url?.get ?? this.url if (obj.keyboard !== true) return // trigger event let edata = obj.trigger('keydown', { target: obj.name, originalEvent: event }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // default behavior if (query(this.box).find('.w2ui-message').length > 0) { // if there are messages if (event.keyCode == 27) this.message() return } let empty = false let records = query(obj.box).find('#grid_'+ obj.name +'_records') let sel = obj.getSelection() if (sel.length === 0) empty = true let recid = sel[0] || null let columns = [] let recid2 = sel[sel.length-1] if (typeof recid == 'object' && recid != null) { recid = sel[0].recid columns = [] let ii = 0 while (true) { if (!sel[ii] || sel[ii].recid != recid) break columns.push(sel[ii].column) ii++ } recid2 = sel[sel.length-1].recid } let ind = obj.get(recid, true) let ind2 = obj.get(recid2, true) let recEL = query(obj.box).find(`#grid_${obj.name}_rec_${(ind != null ? w2utils.escapeId(obj.records[ind].recid) : 'none')}`) let pageSize = Math.floor(records[0].clientHeight / obj.recordHeight) let cancel = false let key = event.keyCode let shiftKey = event.shiftKey switch (key) { case 8: // backspace case 46: { // delete // delete if button is visible obj.delete() cancel = true event.stopPropagation() break } case 27: { // escape if (obj.last.move?.type) { delete obj.last.move obj.removeRange('selection-preview') obj.removeRange('selection-expand') cancel = true } else { obj.selectNone() cancel = true } break } case 65: { // cmd + A if (!event.metaKey && !event.ctrlKey) break obj.selectAll() cancel = true break } case 13: { // enter // if expandable columns - expand it if (this.selectType == 'row' && obj.show.expandColumn === true) { if (recEL.length <= 0) break obj.toggle(recid, event) cancel = true } else { // or enter edit for (let c = 0; c < this.columns.length; c++) { let edit = this.getCellEditable(ind, c) if (edit) { columns.push(parseInt(c)) break } } // edit last column that was edited if (this.selectType == 'row' && this.last._edit && this.last._edit.column) { columns = [this.last._edit.column] } if (columns.length > 0) { obj.editField(recid, columns[0] ?? this.last.editColumn, null, event) cancel = true } } break } case 37: { // left moveLeft() break } case 39: { // right moveRight() break } case 33: { // moveUp(pageSize) break } case 34: { // moveDown(pageSize) break } case 35: { // moveDown(-1) break } case 36: { // moveUp(-1) break } case 38: { // up // ctrl (or cmd) + up -> same as home moveUp(event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey ? -1 : 1) break } case 40: { // down // ctrl (or cmd) + up -> same as end moveDown(event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey ? -1 : 1) break } // copy & paste case 17: // ctrl key case 91: { // cmd key // SLOW: 10k records take 7.0 if (empty) break // in Safari need to copy to buffer on cmd or ctrl key (otherwise does not work) if (w2utils.isSafari) { obj.last.copy_event = obj.copy(false, event) let focus = query(obj.box).find('#grid_'+ obj.name + '_focus') focus.val(obj.last.copy_event.detail.text) focus[0].select() } break } case 67: { // - c // this fill trigger event.onComplete if (event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey) { if (w2utils.isSafari) { obj.copy(obj.last.copy_event, event) } else { obj.last.copy_event = obj.copy(false, event) let focus = query(obj.box).find('#grid_'+ obj.name + '_focus') focus.val(obj.last.copy_event.detail.text) focus[0].select() obj.copy(obj.last.copy_event, event) } } break } case 88: { // x - cut if (empty) break if (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) { if (w2utils.isSafari) { obj.copy(obj.last.copy_event, event) } else { obj.last.copy_event = obj.copy(false, event) let focus = query(obj.box).find('#grid_'+ obj.name + '_focus') focus.val(obj.last.copy_event.detail.text) focus[0].select() obj.copy(obj.last.copy_event, event) } } break } } let tmp = [32, 187, 189, 192, 219, 220, 221, 186, 222, 188, 190, 191] // other typeable chars for (let i = 48; i <= 111; i++) tmp.push(i) // 0-9,a-z,A-Z,numpad if (tmp.indexOf(key) != -1 && !event.ctrlKey && !event.metaKey && !cancel) { if (columns.length === 0) columns.push(0) cancel = false // move typed key into edit setTimeout(() => { let focus = query(obj.box).find('#grid_'+ obj.name + '_focus') let key = focus.val() focus.val('') obj.editField(recid, columns[0], key, event) }, 1) } if (cancel) { // cancel default behaviour if (event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault() } // event after edata.finish() function moveLeft() { if (empty) { // no selection selectTopRecord() return } if (obj.selectType == 'row') { if (recEL.length <= 0) return let tmp = obj.records[ind].w2ui || {} if (tmp && tmp.parent_recid != null && (!Array.isArray(tmp.children) || tmp.children.length === 0 || !tmp.expanded)) { obj.unselect(recid) obj.collapse(tmp.parent_recid, event) obj.select(tmp.parent_recid) } else { obj.collapse(recid, event) } } else { let prev = obj.prevCell(ind, columns[0]) if (prev?.index != ind) { prev = null } else { prev = prev?.colIndex } if (!shiftKey && prev == null) { obj.selectNone(true) prev = 0 } if (prev != null) { if (shiftKey && obj.multiSelect) { if (tmpUnselect()) return let tmp = [] let newSel = [] let unSel = [] if (columns.indexOf(obj.last.sel_col) === 0 && columns.length > 1) { for (let i = 0; i < sel.length; i++) { if (tmp.indexOf(sel[i].recid) == -1) tmp.push(sel[i].recid) unSel.push({ recid: sel[i].recid, column: columns[columns.length-1] }) } obj.unselect(unSel) obj.scrollIntoView(ind, columns[columns.length-1], true) } else { for (let i = 0; i < sel.length; i++) { if (tmp.indexOf(sel[i].recid) == -1) tmp.push(sel[i].recid) newSel.push({ recid: sel[i].recid, column: prev }) } obj.select(newSel) obj.scrollIntoView(ind, prev, true) } } else { obj.click({ recid: recid, column: prev }, event) obj.scrollIntoView(ind, prev, true) } } else { // if selected more then one, then select first if (!shiftKey) { obj.selectNone(true) } } } cancel = true } function moveRight() { if (empty) { selectTopRecord() return } if (obj.selectType == 'row') { if (recEL.length <= 0) return obj.expand(recid, event) } else { let next = obj.nextCell(ind, columns[columns.length-1]) // columns is an array of selected columns if (next?.index != ind) { next = null } else { next = next.colIndex } if (!shiftKey && next == null) { obj.selectNone(true) next = obj.columns.length-1 } if (next != null) { if (shiftKey && key == 39 && obj.multiSelect) { if (tmpUnselect()) return let tmp = [] let newSel = [] let unSel = [] if (columns.indexOf(obj.last.sel_col) == columns.length-1 && columns.length > 1) { for (let i = 0; i < sel.length; i++) { if (tmp.indexOf(sel[i].recid) == -1) tmp.push(sel[i].recid) unSel.push({ recid: sel[i].recid, column: columns[0] }) } obj.unselect(unSel) obj.scrollIntoView(ind, columns[0], true) } else { for (let i = 0; i < sel.length; i++) { if (tmp.indexOf(sel[i].recid) == -1) tmp.push(sel[i].recid) newSel.push({ recid: sel[i].recid, column: next }) } obj.select(newSel) obj.scrollIntoView(ind, next, true) } } else { obj.click({ recid: recid, column: next }, event) obj.scrollIntoView(ind, next, true) } } else { // if selected more then one, then select first if (!shiftKey) { obj.selectNone(true) } } } cancel = true } function moveUp(numRows) { if (empty) selectTopRecord() if (recEL.length <= 0) return // move to the previous record let prev = obj.prevRow(ind, obj.selectType == 'row' ? 0 : sel[0].column, numRows) if (!shiftKey && prev == null) { if (obj.searchData.length != 0 && !url) { prev = obj.last.searchIds[0] } else { prev = 0 } } if (prev != null) { if (shiftKey && obj.multiSelect) { // expand selection if (tmpUnselect()) return if (obj.selectType == 'row') { if (obj.last.sel_ind > prev && obj.last.sel_ind != ind2) { obj.unselect(obj.records[ind2].recid) } else { obj.select(obj.records[prev].recid) } } else { if (obj.last.sel_ind > prev && obj.last.sel_ind != ind2) { prev = ind2 let tmp = [] for (let c = 0; c < columns.length; c++) tmp.push({ recid: obj.records[prev].recid, column: columns[c] }) obj.unselect(tmp) } else { let tmp = [] for (let c = 0; c < columns.length; c++) tmp.push({ recid: obj.records[prev].recid, column: columns[c] }) obj.select(tmp) } } } else { // move selected record obj.selectNone(true) // no need to trigger select event obj.click({ recid: obj.records[prev].recid, column: columns[0] }, event) } obj.scrollIntoView(prev, null, true, numRows != 1) // top align record if (event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault() } else { // if selected more then one, then select first if (!shiftKey) { obj.selectNone(true) } } } function moveDown(numRows) { if (empty) selectTopRecord() if (recEL.length <= 0) return // move to the next record let next = obj.nextRow(ind2, obj.selectType == 'row' ? 0 : sel[0].column, numRows) if (!shiftKey && next == null) { if (obj.searchData.length != 0 && !url) { next = obj.last.searchIds[obj.last.searchIds.length - 1] } else { next = obj.records.length - 1 } } if (next != null) { if (shiftKey && obj.multiSelect) { // expand selection if (tmpUnselect()) return if (obj.selectType == 'row') { if (obj.last.sel_ind < next && obj.last.sel_ind != ind) { obj.unselect(obj.records[ind].recid) } else { obj.select(obj.records[next].recid) } } else { if (obj.last.sel_ind < next && obj.last.sel_ind != ind) { next = ind let tmp = [] for (let c = 0; c < columns.length; c++) tmp.push({ recid: obj.records[next].recid, column: columns[c] }) obj.unselect(tmp) } else { let tmp = [] for (let c = 0; c < columns.length; c++) tmp.push({ recid: obj.records[next].recid, column: columns[c] }) obj.select(tmp) } } } else { // move selected record obj.selectNone(true) // no need to trigger select event obj.click({ recid: obj.records[next].recid, column: columns[0] }, event) } obj.scrollIntoView(next, null, true, numRows != 1) // top align record cancel = true } else { // if selected more then one, then select first if (!shiftKey) { obj.selectNone(true) // no need to trigger select event } } } function selectTopRecord() { if (!obj.records || obj.records.length === 0) return let ind = Math.floor(records[0].scrollTop / obj.recordHeight) + 1 if (!obj.records[ind] || ind < 2) ind = 0 if (typeof obj.records[ind] === 'undefined') return obj.select({ recid: obj.records[ind].recid, column: 0}) } function tmpUnselect () { if (obj.last.sel_type != 'click') return false if (obj.selectType != 'row') { obj.last.sel_type = 'key' if (sel.length > 1) { for (let s = 0; s < sel.length; s++) { if (sel[s].recid == obj.last.sel_recid && sel[s].column == obj.last.sel_col) { sel.splice(s, 1) break } } obj.unselect(sel) return true } return false } else { obj.last.sel_type = 'key' if (sel.length > 1) { sel.splice(sel.indexOf(obj.records[obj.last.sel_ind].recid), 1) obj.unselect(sel) return true } return false } } } scrollIntoView(ind, column, instant, recTop) { let buffered = this.records.length if (this.searchData.length != 0 && !this.url) buffered = this.last.searchIds.length if (buffered === 0) return if (ind == null) { let sel = this.getSelection() if (sel.length === 0) return if (w2utils.isPlainObject(sel[0])) { ind = sel[0].index column = sel[0].column } else { ind = this.get(sel[0], true) } } let records = query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_records`) let recWidth = records[0].clientWidth let recHeight = records[0].clientHeight let recSTop = records[0].scrollTop let recSLeft = records[0].scrollLeft // if all records in view let len = this.last.searchIds.length if (len > 0) ind = this.last.searchIds.indexOf(ind) // if search is applied // smooth or instant records.css({ 'scroll-behavior': instant ? 'auto' : 'smooth' }) // vertical if (recHeight < this.recordHeight * (len > 0 ? len : buffered) && records.length > 0) { // scroll to correct one let t1 = Math.floor(recSTop / this.recordHeight) let t2 = t1 + Math.floor(recHeight / this.recordHeight) if (ind == t1) { records.prop('scrollTop', recSTop - recHeight / 1.3) } if (ind == t2) { records.prop('scrollTop', recSTop + recHeight / 1.3) } if (ind < t1 || ind > t2) { records.prop('scrollTop', (ind - 1) * this.recordHeight) } if (recTop === true) { records.prop('scrollTop', ind * this.recordHeight) } } // horizontal if (column != null) { let x1 = 0 let x2 = 0 let sb = w2utils.scrollBarSize() for (let i = 0; i <= column; i++) { let col = this.columns[i] if (col.frozen || col.hidden) continue x1 = x2 x2 += parseInt(col.sizeCalculated) } if (recWidth < x2 - recSLeft) { // right records.prop('scrollLeft', x1 - sb) } else if (x1 < recSLeft) { // left records.prop('scrollLeft', x2 - recWidth + sb * 2) } } } scrollToColumn(field) { if (field == null) return let sWidth = 0 let found = false for (let i = 0; i < this.columns.length; i++) { let col = this.columns[i] if (col.field == field) { found = true break } if (col.frozen || col.hidden) continue let cSize = parseInt(col.sizeCalculated ? col.sizeCalculated : col.size) sWidth += cSize } if (!found) return this.last.vscroll.scrollLeft = sWidth + 1 this.scroll() } dblClick(recid, event) { // find columns let column = null if ((typeof recid == 'object') && (recid !== null)) { column = recid.column recid = recid.recid } if (event == null) event = {} // column user clicked on if (column == null && event.target) { let tmp = event.target if (tmp.tagName.toUpperCase() != 'TD') tmp = query(tmp).closest('td')[0] column = parseInt(query(tmp).attr('col')) } let index = this.get(recid, true) let rec = this.records[index] // event before let edata = this.trigger('dblClick', { target: this.name, recid: recid, column: column, originalEvent: event }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // default action this.selectNone(true) // no need to trigger select event let edit = this.getCellEditable(index, column) if (edit) { this.editField(recid, column, null, event) } else { this.select({ recid: recid, column: column }) if (this.show.expandColumn || (rec && rec.w2ui && Array.isArray(rec.w2ui.children))) this.toggle(recid) } // event after edata.finish() } showContextMenu(event, options) { let { recid, index, column } = options if (this.last.userSelect == 'text') return if (event == null) { event = { offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0, target: query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_rec_${recid}`)[0] } } if (event.offsetX == null) { event.offsetX = event.layerX - event.target.offsetLeft event.offsetY = event.layerY - event.target.offsetTop } // if (w2utils.isFloat(recid)) recid = parseFloat(recid) let sel = this.getSelection() if (this.selectType == 'row') { if (recid != null && sel.indexOf(recid) == -1) { this.click(recid) } } else { let sel_col = false // any cell in a column let sel_row = false // any cell in a row let sel_cell = false // this exact cell sel.forEach(rec => { if (rec.recid == recid) sel_row = true if (rec.column == column) sel_col = true if (rec.recid == recid && rec.column == column) sel_cell = true }) if (!sel_row && recid != null && column === null) this.click({ recid }) // select entire row if (!sel_col && recid === null && column != null) this.columnClick(this.columns[column].field, event) if (!sel_cell && recid != null && column != null) this.click({ recid, column }) // select a cell } // event before let edata = this.trigger('contextMenu', { target: this.name, originalEvent: event, recid, index, column }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // default action if (this.contextMenu?.length > 0) { w2menu.show({ contextMenu: true, originalEvent: event, items: this.contextMenu }) .select((event) => { clearTimeout(this.last.kbd_timer) // keep grid in focus this.contextMenuClick(recid, column, event) }) } // cancel browser context menu event.preventDefault() clearTimeout(this.last.kbd_timer) // keep grid in focus // event after edata.finish() } contextMenuClick(recid, column, event) { // event before let edata = this.trigger('contextMenuClick', { target: this.name, recid, column, originalEvent: event.detail.originalEvent, menuEvent: event, menuIndex: event.detail.index, menuItem: event.detail.item }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // no default action edata.finish() } toggle(recid) { let rec = this.get(recid) if (rec == null) return rec.w2ui = rec.w2ui ?? {} if (rec.w2ui.expanded === true) return this.collapse(recid); else return this.expand(recid) } expand(recid, noRefresh) { let ind = this.get(recid, true) let rec = this.records[ind] rec.w2ui = rec.w2ui ?? {} let id = w2utils.escapeId(recid) let children = rec.w2ui.children let edata if (Array.isArray(children)) { if (rec.w2ui.expanded === true || children.length === 0) return false // already shown edata = this.trigger('expand', { target: this.name, recid: recid }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return false rec.w2ui.expanded = true children.forEach((child) => { child.w2ui = child.w2ui ?? {} child.w2ui.parent_recid = rec.recid if (child.w2ui.children == null) child.w2ui.children = [] }) this.records.splice.apply(this.records, [ind + 1, 0].concat(children)) if (this.total !== -1) { this.total += children.length } let url = this.url?.get ?? this.url if (!url) { this.localSort(true, true) if (this.searchData.length > 0) { this.localSearch(true) } } if (noRefresh !== true) this.refresh() edata.finish() } else { if (query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_'+ id +'_expanded_row').length > 0 || this.show.expandColumn !== true) return false if (rec.w2ui.expanded == 'none') return false // insert expand row query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_'+ id).after( `
`) query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_frec_'+ id).after( ` ${this.show.lineNumbers ? '' : ''}
`) // event before edata = this.trigger('expand', { target: this.name, recid: recid, box_id: 'grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_'+ recid +'_expanded', fbox_id: 'grid_'+ this.name +'_frec_'+ recid +'_expanded' }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) { query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_'+ id +'_expanded_row').remove() query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_frec_'+ id +'_expanded_row').remove() return false } // expand column let row1 = query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_'+ recid +'_expanded') let row2 = query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_frec_'+ recid +'_expanded') let innerHeight = row1.find(':scope div:first-child')[0]?.clientHeight ?? 50 if (row1[0].clientHeight < innerHeight) { row1.css({ height: innerHeight + 'px' }) } if (row2[0].clientHeight < innerHeight) { row2.css({ height: innerHeight + 'px' }) } // default action query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_'+ id).attr('expanded', 'yes').addClass('w2ui-expanded') query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_frec_'+ id).attr('expanded', 'yes').addClass('w2ui-expanded') query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_cell_'+ this.get(recid, true) +'_expand div').html('-') rec.w2ui.expanded = true // event after edata.finish() this.resizeRecords() } return true } collapse(recid, noRefresh) { let ind = this.get(recid, true) let rec = this.records[ind] rec.w2ui = rec.w2ui || {} let id = w2utils.escapeId(recid) let children = rec.w2ui.children let edata if (Array.isArray(children)) { if (rec.w2ui.expanded !== true) return false // already hidden edata = this.trigger('collapse', { target: this.name, recid: recid }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return false clearExpanded(rec) let stops = [] for (let r = rec; r != null; r = this.get(r.w2ui.parent_recid)) stops.push(r.w2ui.parent_recid) // stops contains 'undefined' plus the ID of all nodes in the path from 'rec' to the tree root let start = ind + 1 let end = start while (true) { if (this.records.length <= end + 1 || this.records[end+1].w2ui == null || stops.indexOf(this.records[end+1].w2ui.parent_recid) >= 0) { break } end++ } this.records.splice(start, end - start + 1) if (this.total !== -1) { this.total -= end - start + 1 } let url = this.url?.get ?? this.url if (!url) { if (this.searchData.length > 0) { this.localSearch(true) } } if (noRefresh !== true) this.refresh() edata.finish() } else { if (query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_'+ id +'_expanded_row').length === 0 || this.show.expandColumn !== true) return false // event before edata = this.trigger('collapse', { target: this.name, recid: recid, box_id: 'grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_'+ recid +'_expanded', fbox_id: 'grid_'+ this.name +'_frec_'+ recid +'_expanded' }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return false // default action query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_'+ id).removeAttr('expanded').removeClass('w2ui-expanded') query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_frec_'+ id).removeAttr('expanded').removeClass('w2ui-expanded') query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_cell_'+ this.get(recid, true) +'_expand div').html('+') query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_'+ id +'_expanded').css('height', '0px') query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_frec_'+ id +'_expanded').css('height', '0px') setTimeout(() => { query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_'+ id +'_expanded_row').remove() query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_frec_'+ id +'_expanded_row').remove() rec.w2ui.expanded = false // event after edata.finish() this.resizeRecords() }, 300) } return true function clearExpanded(rec) { rec.w2ui.expanded = false for (let i = 0; i < rec.w2ui.children.length; i++) { let subRec = rec.w2ui.children[i] if (subRec.w2ui.expanded) { clearExpanded(subRec) } } } } sort(field, direction, multiField) { // if no params - clears sort // event before let edata = this.trigger('sort', { target: this.name, field, direction, multiField }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // check if needed to quit if (field != null) { // default action let sortIndex = this.sortData.length for (let s = 0; s < this.sortData.length; s++) { if (this.sortData[s].field == field) { sortIndex = s break } } if (direction == null) { direction = this.sortData[sortIndex]?.direction if (direction == null) { // save original sort, so it can be restored if (this.last.originalSort == null) { this.last.originalSort = this.records.map(rec => rec.recid) } direction = 'asc' } else { switch (direction.toLowerCase()) { case 'asc': { direction = 'desc' break } case 'desc': { direction = '' break } default: { direction = 'asc' break } } } } if (multiField != true) { this.sortData = [] sortIndex = 0 } if (direction === '') { this.sortData.splice(sortIndex, 1) } else { // set new sort this.sortData[sortIndex] ??= {} Object.assign(this.sortData[sortIndex], { field, direction }) } } else { this.sortData = [] } // if local let url = this.url?.get ?? this.url if (!url) { this.localSort(false, true) if (this.searchData.length > 0) this.localSearch(true) // reset vertical scroll this.last.vscroll.scrollTop = 0 query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_records`).prop('scrollTop', 0) // event after edata.finish({ direction }) this.refresh() } else { // event after edata.finish({ direction }) this.last.fetch.offset = 0 this.reload() } } copy(flag, oEvent) { if (w2utils.isPlainObject(flag)) { // event after flag.finish() return flag.text } // generate text to copy let sel = this.getSelection() if (sel.length === 0) return '' let text = '' if (typeof sel[0] == 'object') { // cell copy // find min/max column let minCol = sel[0].column let maxCol = sel[0].column let recs = [] for (let s = 0; s < sel.length; s++) { if (sel[s].column < minCol) minCol = sel[s].column if (sel[s].column > maxCol) maxCol = sel[s].column if (recs.indexOf(sel[s].index) == -1) recs.push(sel[s].index) } recs.sort((a, b) => { return a-b }) // sort function must be for numerical sort for (let r = 0 ; r < recs.length; r++) { let ind = recs[r] for (let c = minCol; c <= maxCol; c++) { let col = this.columns[c] if (col.hidden === true) continue text += this.getCellCopy(ind, c) + '\t' } text = text.substr(0, text.length-1) // remove last \t text += '\n' } } else { // row copy // copy headers for (let c = 0; c < this.columns.length; c++) { let col = this.columns[c] if (col.hidden === true) continue let colName = (col.text ? col.text : col.field) if (col.text && col.text.length < 3 && col.tooltip) colName = col.tooltip // if column name is less then 3 char and there is tooltip - use it text += '"' + w2utils.stripTags(colName) + '"\t' } text = text.substr(0, text.length-1) // remove last \t text += '\n' // copy selected text for (let s = 0; s < sel.length; s++) { let ind = this.get(sel[s], true) for (let c = 0; c < this.columns.length; c++) { let col = this.columns[c] if (col.hidden === true) continue text += '"' + this.getCellCopy(ind, c) + '"\t' } text = text.substr(0, text.length-1) // remove last \t text += '\n' } } text = text.substr(0, text.length - 1) // if called without params let edata if (flag == null) { // before event edata = this.trigger('copy', { target: this.name, text: text, cut: (oEvent.keyCode == 88 ? true : false), originalEvent: oEvent }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return '' text = edata.detail.text // event after edata.finish() return text } else if (flag === false) { // only before event // before event edata = this.trigger('copy', { target: this.name, text: text, cut: (oEvent.keyCode == 88 ? true : false), originalEvent: oEvent }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return '' text = edata.detail.text return edata } } /** * Gets value to be copied to the clipboard * @param ind index of the record * @param col_ind index of the column * @returns the displayed value of the field's record associated with the cell */ getCellCopy(ind, col_ind) { return w2utils.stripTags(this.getCellHTML(ind, col_ind)) } paste(text, event) { let sel = this.getSelection() let ind = this.get(sel[0].recid, true) let col = sel[0].column // before event let edata = this.trigger('paste', { target: this.name, text: text, index: ind, column: col, originalEvent: event }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return text = edata.detail.text // default action if (this.selectType == 'row' || sel.length === 0) { console.log('ERROR: You can paste only if grid.selectType = \'cell\' and when at least one cell selected.') // event after edata.finish() return } if (typeof text !== 'object') { let newSel = [] text = text.split('\n') for (let t = 0; t < text.length; t++) { let tmp = text[t].split('\t') let cnt = 0 let rec = this.records[ind] let cols = [] if (rec == null) continue for (let dt = 0; dt < tmp.length; dt++) { if (!this.columns[col + cnt]) continue setCellPaste(rec, this.columns[col + cnt].field, tmp[dt]) cols.push(col + cnt) cnt++ } for (let c = 0; c < cols.length; c++) newSel.push({ recid: rec.recid, column: cols[c] }) ind++ } this.selectNone(true) // no need to trigger select event this.select(newSel) } else { this.selectNone(true) // no need to trigger select event this.select([{ recid: this.records[ind], column: col }]) } this.refresh() // event after edata.finish() function setCellPaste(rec, field, paste) { rec.w2ui = rec.w2ui ?? {} rec.w2ui.changes = rec.w2ui.changes || {} rec.w2ui.changes[field] = paste } } // ================================================== // --- Common functions resize() { let time = Date.now() // make sure the box is right if (!this.box || query(this.box).attr('name') != this.name) return // event before let edata = this.trigger('resize', { target: this.name }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // resize if (this.box != null) { this.resizeBoxes() this.resizeRecords() } // event after edata.finish() return Date.now() - time } update({ cells, fullCellRefresh, ignoreColumns } = {}) { let time = Date.now() let self = this if (this.box == null) return 0 if (Array.isArray(cells)) { for (let i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) { let index = cells[i].index let column = cells[i].column if (index < 0) continue if (index == null || column == null) { console.log('ERROR: Wrong argument for grid.update({ cells }), cells should be [{ index: X, column: Y }, ...]') continue } let rec = this.records[index] ?? {} rec.w2ui = rec.w2ui ?? {} rec.w2ui._update = rec.w2ui._update ?? { cells: [] } let row1 = rec.w2ui._update.row1 let row2 = rec.w2ui._update.row2 if (row1 == null || !row1.isConnected || row2 == null || !row2.isColSelected) { row1 = this.box.querySelector(`#grid_${this.name}_rec_${w2utils.escapeId(rec.recid)}`) row2 = this.box.querySelector(`#grid_${this.name}_frec_${w2utils.escapeId(rec.recid)}`) rec.w2ui._update.row1 = row1 rec.w2ui._update.row2 = row2 } _update(rec, row1, row2, index, column) } } else { for (let i = this.last.vscroll.recIndStart - 1; i <= this.last.vscroll.recIndEnd; i++) { let index = i if (this.last.searchIds.length > 0) { // if search is applied index = this.last.searchIds[i] } else { index = i } let rec = this.records[index] if (index < 0 || rec == null) continue rec.w2ui = rec.w2ui ?? {} rec.w2ui._update = rec.w2ui._update ?? { cells: [] } let row1 = rec.w2ui._update.row1 let row2 = rec.w2ui._update.row2 if (row1 == null || !row1.isConnected || row2 == null || !row2.isColSelected) { row1 = this.box.querySelector(`#grid_${this.name}_rec_${w2utils.escapeId(rec.recid)}`) row2 = this.box.querySelector(`#grid_${this.name}_frec_${w2utils.escapeId(rec.recid)}`) rec.w2ui._update.row1 = row1 rec.w2ui._update.row2 = row2 } for (let column = 0; column < this.columns.length; column++) { _update(rec, row1, row2, index, column) } } } return Date.now() - time function _update(rec, row1, row2, index, column) { let pcol = self.columns[column] if (Array.isArray(ignoreColumns) && (ignoreColumns.includes(column) || ignoreColumns.includes(pcol.field))) { return } let cell = rec.w2ui._update.cells[column] if (cell == null || !cell.isConnected) { cell = self.box.querySelector(`#grid_${self.name}_data_${index}_${column}`) rec.w2ui._update.cells[column] = cell } if (cell == null) return if (fullCellRefresh) { query(cell).replace(self.getCellHTML(index, column, false)) // need to reselect as it was replaced cell = self.box.querySelector(`#grid_${self.name}_data_${index}_${column}`) rec.w2ui._update.cells[column] = cell } else { let div = cell.children[0] // there is always a div inside a cell // value, attr, style, className, divAttr -- all on TD level except divAttr let { value, style, className } = self.getCellValue(index, column, false, true) if (div.innerHTML != value) { div.innerHTML = value } if (style != '' && cell.style.cssText != style) { cell.style.cssText = style } if (className != '') { let ignore = ['w2ui-grid-data'] let remove = [] let add = className.split(' ').filter(cl => !!cl) // remove empty cell.classList.forEach(cl => { if (!ignore.includes(cl)) remove.push(cl)}) cell.classList.remove(...remove) cell.classList.add(...add) } } // column styles if any (lower priority) if (self.columns[column].style && self.columns[column].style != cell.style.cssText) { cell.style.cssText = self.columns[column].style ?? '' } // record class if any if (rec.w2ui.class != null) { if (typeof rec.w2ui.class == 'string') { let ignore = ['w2ui-odd', 'w2ui-even', 'w2ui-record'] let remove = [] let add = rec.w2ui.class.split(' ').filter(cl => !!cl) // remove empty if (row1 && row2) { row1.classList.forEach(cl => { if (!ignore.includes(cl)) remove.push(cl)}) row1.classList.remove(...remove) row1.classList.add(...add) row2.classList.remove(...remove) row2.classList.add(...add) } } if (w2utils.isPlainObject(rec.w2ui.class) && typeof rec.w2ui.class[pcol.field] == 'string') { let ignore = ['w2ui-grid-data'] let remove = [] let add = rec.w2ui.class[pcol.field].split(' ').filter(cl => !!cl) cell.classList.forEach(cl => { if (!ignore.includes(cl)) remove.push(cl)}) cell.classList.remove(...remove) cell.classList.add(...add) } } // record styles if any if (rec.w2ui.style != null) { if (row1 && row2 && typeof rec.w2ui.style == 'string' && row1.style.cssText !== rec.w2ui.style) { row1.style.cssText = 'height: '+ self.recordHeight + 'px;' + rec.w2ui.style row1.setAttribute('custom_style', rec.w2ui.style) row2.style.cssText = 'height: '+ self.recordHeight + 'px;' + rec.w2ui.style row2.setAttribute('custom_style', rec.w2ui.style) } if (w2utils.isPlainObject(rec.w2ui.style) && typeof rec.w2ui.style[pcol.field] == 'string' && cell.style.cssText !== rec.w2ui.style[pcol.field]) { cell.style.cssText = rec.w2ui.style[pcol.field] } } } } refreshCell(recid, field) { let index = this.get(recid, true) let col_ind = this.getColumn(field, true) let isSummary = (this.records[index] && this.records[index].recid == recid ? false : true) let cell = query(this.box).find(`${isSummary ? '.w2ui-grid-summary ' : ''}#grid_${this.name}_data_${index}_${col_ind}`) if (cell.length == 0) return false // set cell html and changed flag cell.replace(this.getCellHTML(index, col_ind, isSummary)) return true } refreshRow(recid, ind = null) { let tr1 = query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_frec_'+ w2utils.escapeId(recid)) let tr2 = query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_'+ w2utils.escapeId(recid)) if (tr1.length > 0) { if (ind == null) ind = this.get(recid, true) let line = tr1.attr('line') let isSummary = (this.records[ind] && this.records[ind].recid == recid ? false : true) // if it is searched, find index in search array let url = this.url?.get ?? this.url if (this.searchData.length > 0 && !url) for (let s = 0; s < this.last.searchIds.length; s++) if (this.last.searchIds[s] == ind) ind = s let rec_html = this.getRecordHTML(ind, line, isSummary) tr1.replace(rec_html[0]) tr2.replace(rec_html[1]) // apply style to row if it was changed in render functions let st = (this.records[ind].w2ui ? this.records[ind].w2ui.style : '') if (typeof st == 'string') { tr1 = query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_frec_'+ w2utils.escapeId(recid)) tr2 = query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_'+ w2utils.escapeId(recid)) tr1.attr('custom_style', st) tr2.attr('custom_style', st) if (tr1.hasClass('w2ui-selected')) { st = st.replace('background-color', 'none') } tr1[0].style.cssText = 'height: '+ this.recordHeight + 'px;' + st tr2[0].style.cssText = 'height: '+ this.recordHeight + 'px;' + st } if (isSummary) { this.resize() } return true } return false } refresh() { let time = Date.now() let url = this.url?.get ?? this.url if (this.total <= 0 && !url && this.searchData.length === 0) { this.total = this.records.length } if (!this.box) return // event before let edata = this.trigger('refresh', { target: this.name }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // -- header if (this.show.header) { query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_header`).html(w2utils.lang(this.header) +' ').show() } else { query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_header`).hide() } // -- toolbar if (this.show.toolbar) { query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_toolbar').show() } else { query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_toolbar').hide() } // -- make sure search is closed this.searchClose() // search placeholder let sInput = query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_search_all') if (!this.multiSearch && this.last.field == 'all' && this.searches.length > 0) { this.last.field = this.searches[0].field this.last.label = this.searches[0].label } for (let s = 0; s < this.searches.length; s++) { if (this.searches[s].field == this.last.field) this.last.label = this.searches[s].label } if (this.last.multi) { sInput.attr('placeholder', '[' + w2utils.lang('Multiple Fields') + ']') } else { sInput.attr('placeholder', w2utils.lang('Search') + ' ' + w2utils.lang(this.last.label, true)) } if (sInput.val() != this.last.search) { let val = this.last.search let tmp = sInput._w2field if (tmp) val = tmp.format(val) sInput.val(val) } this.refreshSearch() this.refreshBody() // -- footer if (this.show.footer) { query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_footer`).html(this.getFooterHTML()).show() } else { query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_footer`).hide() } // all selected? let sel = this.last.selection, areAllSelected = (this.records.length > 0 && sel.indexes.length == this.records.length), areAllSearchedSelected = (sel.indexes.length > 0 && this.searchData.length !== 0 && sel.indexes.length == this.last.searchIds.length) if (areAllSelected || areAllSearchedSelected) { query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_check_all').prop('checked', true) } else { query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_check_all').prop('checked', false) } // show number of selected this.status() // collapse all records let rows = this.find({ 'w2ui.expanded': true }, true, true) for (let r = 0; r < rows.length; r++) { let tmp = this.records[rows[r]].w2ui if (tmp && !Array.isArray(tmp.children)) { tmp.expanded = false } } // mark selection if (this.markSearch) { setTimeout(() => { // mark all search strings let search = [] for (let s = 0; s < this.searchData.length; s++) { let sdata = this.searchData[s] let fld = this.getSearch(sdata.field) if (!fld || fld.hidden) continue let ind = this.getColumn(sdata.field, true) search.push({ field: sdata.field, search: sdata.value, col: ind }) } if (search.length > 0) { search.forEach((item) => { let el = query(this.box).find('td[col="'+ item.col +'"]:not(.w2ui-head)') w2utils.marker(el, item.search) }) } }, 50) } this.updateToolbar(this.last.selection) // event after edata.finish() this.resize() this.addRange('selection') setTimeout(() => { // allow to render first this.resize() // needed for horizontal scroll to show (do not remove) this.scroll() }, 1) if (this.reorderColumns && !this.last.columnDrag) { this.last.columnDrag = this.initColumnDrag() } else if (!this.reorderColumns && this.last.columnDrag) { this.last.columnDrag.remove() } return Date.now() - time } refreshSearch() { if (this.multiSearch && this.searchData.length > 0) { if (query(this.box).find('.w2ui-grid-searches').length == 0) { query(this.box).find('.w2ui-grid-toolbar') .css('height', (this.last.toolbar_height + 35) + 'px') .append(`
`) } let searches = `
` this.searchData.forEach((sd, sd_ind) => { let ind = this.getSearch(sd.field, true) let sf = this.searches[ind] let display if (sf?.type == 'enum' && Array.isArray(sd.value)) { display = `${sd.value.length}` } else if (sf?.type == 'list') { display = !!sd.text && sd.text !== sd.value ? `: ${sd.text}` : `: ${sd.value}` } else { display = `: ${sd.value}` } if (sf && sf.type == 'date') { if (sd.operator == 'between') { let dsp1 = sd.value[0] let dsp2 = sd.value[1] if (Number(dsp1) === dsp1) { dsp1 = w2utils.formatDate(dsp1) } if (Number(dsp2) === dsp2) { dsp2 = w2utils.formatDate(dsp2) } display = `: ${dsp1} - ${dsp2}` } else { let dsp = sd.value if (Number(dsp) == dsp) { dsp = w2utils.formatDate(dsp) } let oper = sd.operator if (oper == 'more') oper = 'since' if (oper == 'less') oper = 'before' if (oper.substr(0, 5) == 'more:') { oper = 'since' } display = `: ${oper} ${dsp}` } } searches += ` ${sf ? (sf.label ?? sf.field) : sd.field} ${display} ` }) // clear and save searches += ` ${this.show.searchSave ? `
` : '' } ` query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_searches`).html(searches) query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_search_logic`).html(w2utils.lang(this.last.logic == 'AND' ? 'All' : 'Any')) } else { query(this.box).find('.w2ui-grid-toolbar') .css('height', this.last.toolbar_height + 'px') .find('.w2ui-grid-searches') .remove() } if (this.searchSelected) { query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_search_all`).val(' ').prop('readOnly', true) query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_search_name`).show().find('.name-text').html(this.searchSelected.text) } else { query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_search_all`).prop('readOnly', false) query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_search_name`).hide().find('.name-text').html('') } w2utils.bindEvents(query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_searches .w2ui-action, #grid_${this.name}_searches button`), this) } refreshBody() { this.scroll() // need to calculate virtual scrolling for columns let recHTML = this.getRecordsHTML() let colHTML = this.getColumnsHTML() let bodyHTML = '
'+ recHTML[0] + '
'+ '
' + recHTML[1] + '
'+ '
'+ // Columns need to be after to be able to overlap '
'+ ' '+ colHTML[0] +'
'+ '
'+ '
'+ ' '+ colHTML[1] +'
'+ '
'+ `` let gridBody = query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_body`, this.box).html(bodyHTML) let records = query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_records`, this.box) let frecords = query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_frecords`, this.box) if (this.selectType == 'row') { records.on('mouseover mouseout', { delegate: 'tr' }, (event) => { let ind = query(event.delegate).attr('index') // don't read recid directly as it could be a number or a string let recid = this.records[ind]?.recid query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_frec_${w2utils.escapeId(recid)}`) .toggleClass('w2ui-record-hover', event.type == 'mouseover') }) frecords.on('mouseover mouseout', { delegate: 'tr' }, (event) => { let ind = query(event.delegate).attr('index') // don't read recid directly as it could be a number or a string let recid = this.records[ind]?.recid query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_rec_${w2utils.escapeId(recid)}`) .toggleClass('w2ui-record-hover', event.type == 'mouseover') }) } if (w2utils.isMobile) { records.append(frecords) .on('click', { delegate: 'tr' }, (event) => { let index = query(event.delegate).attr('index') // don't read recid directly as it could be a number or a string let recid = this.records[index]?.recid this.dblClick(recid, event) }) } else { records.add(frecords) .on('click', { delegate: 'tr' }, (event) => { let index = query(event.delegate).attr('index') // don't read recid directly as it could be a number or a string let recid = this.records[index]?.recid // do not generate click if empty record is clicked if (recid != '-none-') { this.click(recid, event) } }) .on('contextmenu', { delegate: 'tr' }, (event) => { let index = parseInt(query(event.delegate).attr('index')) // don't read recid directly as it could be a number or a string let recid = this.records[index]?.recid let td = query(event.target).closest('td') let column = td.attr('col') ? parseInt(td.attr('col')) : null this.showContextMenu(event, { recid, column, index }) }) .on('mouseover', { delegate: 'tr' }, (event) => { this.last.rec_out = false let index = query(event.delegate).attr('index') // don't read recid directly as it could be a number or a string let recid = this.records[index]?.recid if (index !== this.last.rec_over) { this.last.rec_over = index // setTimeout is needed for correct event order enter/leave setTimeout(() => { delete this.last.rec_out let edata = this.trigger('mouseEnter', { target: this.name, originalEvent: event, index, recid }) edata.finish() }) } }) .on('mouseout', { delegate: 'tr' }, (event) => { let index = query(event.delegate).attr('index') // don't read recid directly as it could be a number or a string let recid = this.records[index]?.recid this.last.rec_out = true // setTimeouts are needed for correct event order enter/leave setTimeout(() => { let recLeave = () => { let edata = this.trigger('mouseLeave', { target: this.name, originalEvent: event, index, recid }) edata.finish() } if (index !== this.last.rec_over) { recLeave() } setTimeout(() => { if (this.last.rec_out) { delete this.last.rec_out delete this.last.rec_over recLeave() } }) }) }) } // enable scrolling on frozen records, gridBody .data('scroll', { lastDelta: 0, lastTime: 0 }) .find('.w2ui-grid-frecords') .on('mousewheel DOMMouseScroll ', (event) => { event.preventDefault() // TODO: improve, scroll is not smooth, if scrolled to the end, it takes a while to return let scroll = gridBody.data('scroll') let container = gridBody.find('.w2ui-grid-records') let amount = typeof event.wheelDelta != 'undefined' ? -event.wheelDelta : (event.detail || event.deltaY) let newScrollTop = container.prop('scrollTop') scroll.lastDelta += amount amount = Math.round(scroll.lastDelta) gridBody.data('scroll', scroll) // make scroll amount dependent on visible rows // amount *= (Math.round(records.prop('clientHeight') / self.recordHeight) - 1) * self.recordHeight / 4 container.get(0).scroll({ top: newScrollTop + amount, behavior: 'smooth' }) }) // scroll on records (and frozen records) records.off('.body-global') .on('scroll.body-global', { delegate: '.w2ui-grid-records' }, event => { this.scroll(event) }) query(this.box).find('.w2ui-grid-body') // gridBody .off('.body-global') // header column click .on('click.body-global dblclick.body-global contextmenu.body-global', { delegate: 'td.w2ui-head' }, event => { let col_ind = parseInt(query(event.delegate).attr('col')) let col = this.columns[col_ind] ?? { field: col_ind } // it could be line number switch (event.type) { case 'click': this.columnClick(col.field, event) break case 'dblclick': this.columnDblClick(col.field, event) break case 'contextmenu': if (this.show.columnMenu) { this.columnContextMenu(col.field, event) } else { this.showContextMenu(event, { column: col_ind, recid: null, index: null }) } break } }) .on('mouseover.body-global', { delegate: '.w2ui-col-header' }, event => { let col = query(event.delegate).parent().attr('col') this.columnTooltipShow(col, event) query(event.delegate) .off('.tooltip') .on('mouseleave.tooltip', () => { this.columnTooltipHide(col, event) }) }) // select all .on('click.body-global', { delegate: 'input.w2ui-select-all' }, event => { if (event.delegate.checked) { this.selectAll() } else { this.selectNone() } event.stopPropagation() clearTimeout(this.last.kbd_timer) // keep grid in focus }) // tree-like grid (or expandable column) expand/collapse .on('click.body-global', { delegate: '.w2ui-show-children, .w2ui-col-expand' }, event => { event.stopPropagation() let ind = query(event.target).parents('tr').attr('index') this.toggle(this.records[ind].recid) }) // info bubbles .on('click.body-global mouseover.body-global', { delegate: '.w2ui-info' }, event => { let td = query(event.delegate).closest('td') let tr = td.parent() let col = this.columns[td.attr('col')] let isSummary = tr.parents('.w2ui-grid-body').hasClass('w2ui-grid-summary') if (['mouseenter', 'mouseover'].includes(col.info?.showOn?.toLowerCase()) && event.type == 'mouseover') { this.showBubble(parseInf(tr.attr('index')), parseInt(td.attr('col')), isSummary) .then(() => { query(event.delegate) .off('.tooltip') .on('mouseleave.tooltip', () => { w2tooltip.hide(this.name + '-bubble') }) }) } else if (event.type == 'click') { w2tooltip.hide(this.name + '-bubble') this.showBubble(parseInt(tr.attr('index')), parseInt(td.attr('col')), isSummary) } }) // clipborad copy icon .on('mouseover.body-global', { delegate: '.w2ui-clipboard-copy' }, event => { if (event.delegate._tooltipShow) return let td = query(event.delegate).parent() let tr = td.parent() let col = this.columns[td.attr('col')] let isSummary = tr.parents('.w2ui-grid-body').hasClass('w2ui-grid-summary') w2tooltip.show({ name: this.name + '-bubble', anchor: event.delegate, html: w2utils.lang(typeof col.clipboardCopy == 'string' ? col.clipboardCopy : 'Copy to clipboard'), position: 'top|bottom', offsetY: -2 }) .hide(evt => { event.delegate._tooltipShow = false query(event.delegate).off('.tooltip') }) query(event.delegate) .off('.tooltip') .on('mouseleave.tooltip', evt => { w2tooltip.hide(this.name + '-bubble') }) .on('click.tooltip', evt => { evt.stopPropagation() w2tooltip.update(this.name + '-bubble', w2utils.lang('Copied')) this.clipboardCopy(tr.attr('index'), td.attr('col'), isSummary) }) event.delegate._tooltipShow = true }) .on('click.body-global', { delegate: '.w2ui-editable-checkbox' }, event => { let dt = query(event.delegate).data() this.editChange.call(this, event.delegate, dt.changeind, dt.colind, event) this.updateToolbar() }) // show empty message if (this.records.length === 0 && this.msgEmpty) { query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_body`) .append(`
`) } else if (query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_empty_msg`).length > 0) { query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_empty_msg`).remove() } // show summary records if (this.summary.length > 0) { let sumHTML = this.getSummaryHTML() query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_fsummary`).html(sumHTML[0]).show() query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_summary`).html(sumHTML[1]).show() } else { query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_fsummary`).hide() query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_summary`).hide() } } render(box) { let time = Date.now() let obj = this if (typeof box == 'string') box = query(box).get(0) // event before let edata = this.trigger('render', { target: this.name, box: box ?? this.box }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // default action if (box != null) { this.unmount() // clean previous control this.box = box } if (!this.box) return let url = this.url?.get ?? this.url // reset needed if grid existed this.reset(true) // --- default search field if (!this.last.field) { if (!this.multiSearch || !this.show.searchAll) { let tmp = 0 while (tmp < this.searches.length && (this.searches[tmp].hidden || this.searches[tmp].simple === false)) tmp++ if (tmp >= this.searches.length) { // all searches are hidden this.last.field = '' this.last.label = '' } else { this.last.field = this.searches[tmp].field this.last.label = this.searches[tmp].label } } else { this.last.field = 'all' this.last.label = 'All Fields' } } // insert elements query(this.box) .attr('name', this.name) .addClass('w2ui-reset w2ui-grid w2ui-inactive') .html('
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ ' '+ ' '+ // readonly needed on android not to open keyboard '
') if (this.selectType != 'row') query(this.box).addClass('w2ui-ss') if (query(this.box).length > 0) query(this.box)[0].style.cssText += this.style // render toolbar let tb_box = query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_toolbar`) if (this.toolbar != null) this.toolbar.render(tb_box[0]) this.last.toolbar_height = tb_box.prop('offsetHeight') // re-init search_all if (this.last.field && this.last.field != 'all') { let sd = this.searchData setTimeout(() => { this.searchInitInput(this.last.field, (sd.length == 1 ? sd[0].value : null)) }, 1) } // init footer query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_footer`).html(this.getFooterHTML()) // refresh if (!this.last.state) this.last.state = this.stateSave(true) // initial default state this.stateRestore() if (url) { this.clear(); this.refresh() } // show empty grid (need it) - should it be only for remote data source // if hidden searches - apply it let hasHiddenSearches = false for (let i = 0; i < this.searches.length; i++) { if (this.searches[i].hidden) { hasHiddenSearches = true; break } } if (hasHiddenSearches) { this.searchReset(false) // will call reload if (!url) setTimeout(() => { this.searchReset() }, 1) } else { this.reload() } // focus query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_focus`) .on('focus', (event) => { clearTimeout(this.last.kbd_timer) if (!this.hasFocus) this.focus() }) .on('blur', (event) => { clearTimeout(this.last.kbd_timer) this.last.kbd_timer = setTimeout(() => { if (this.hasFocus) { this.blur() } }, 100) // need this timer to be 100 ms }) .on('paste', (event) => { let cd = (event.clipboardData ? event.clipboardData : null) if (cd) { let items = cd.items if (items.length == 2) { if (items.length == 2 && items[1].kind == 'file') { items = [items[1]] } if (items.length == 2 && items[0].type == 'text/plain' && items[1].type == 'text/html') { items = [items[1]] } } let items2send = [] // might contain data in different formats, but it is a single paste for (let index in items) { let item = items[index] if (item.kind === 'file') { let file = item.getAsFile() items2send.push({ kind: 'file', data: file }) } else if (item.kind === 'string' && (item.type === 'text/plain' || item.type === 'text/html')) { event.preventDefault() let text = cd.getData('text/plain') if (text.indexOf('\r') != -1 && text.indexOf('\n') == -1) { text = text.replace(/\r/g, '\n') } items2send.push({ kind: (item.type == 'text/html' ? 'html' : 'text'), data: text }) } } if (items2send.length === 1 && items2send[0].kind != 'file') { items2send = items2send[0].data } w2ui[this.name].paste(items2send, event) event.preventDefault() } }) .on('keydown', function (event) { w2ui[obj.name].keydown.call(w2ui[obj.name], event) }) // init mouse events for mouse selection let edataCol // event for column select query(this.box).off('mousedown.mouseStart').on('mousedown.mouseStart', mouseStart) this.updateToolbar() // event after edata.finish() // observe div resize this.last.observeResize = new ResizeObserver(() => { this.resize() this.scroll() }) this.last.observeResize.observe(this.box) return Date.now() - time function mouseStart(event) { if (event.which != 1) return // if not left mouse button // restore css user-select if (obj.last.userSelect == 'text') { obj.last.userSelect = '' query(obj.box).find('.w2ui-grid-body').css('user-select', 'none') } // regular record select if (obj.selectType == 'row' && (query(event.target).parents().hasClass('w2ui-head') || query(event.target).hasClass('w2ui-head'))) return if (obj.last.move && obj.last.move.type == 'expand') return // if altKey - alow text selection if (event.altKey) { query(obj.box).find('.w2ui-grid-body').css('user-select', 'text') obj.selectNone() obj.last.move = { type: 'text-select' } obj.last.userSelect = 'text' } else { let tmp = event.target let pos = { x: event.offsetX - 10, y: event.offsetY - 10 } let tmps = false while (tmp) { if (tmp.classList && tmp.classList.contains('w2ui-grid')) break if (tmp.tagName && tmp.tagName.toUpperCase() == 'TD') tmps = true if (tmp.tagName && tmp.tagName.toUpperCase() != 'TR' && tmps == true) { pos.x += tmp.offsetLeft pos.y += tmp.offsetTop } tmp = tmp.parentNode } let index = query(event.target).parents('tr').attr('index') let recid = obj.records[index]?.recid // if cell selection, on initial click start selection if (obj.selectType == 'cell' && !event.shiftKey) { let column1 = parseInt(query(event.target).closest('td').attr('col')) let column2 = column1 if (isNaN(column1)) { column1 = 0 column2 = obj.columns.length - 1 } obj.addRange({ name: 'selection-preview', range: [{ recid, column: column1 }, { recid, column: column2 }], class: 'w2ui-selection-preview' }) } obj.last.move = { x : event.screenX, y : event.screenY, divX : 0, divY : 0, focusX : pos.x, focusY : pos.y, recid : recid, column : parseInt(event.target.tagName.toUpperCase() == 'TD' ? query(event.target).attr('col') : query(event.target).parents('td').attr('col')), type : 'select', ghost : false, start : true } if (obj.last.move.recid == null && obj.records.length > 0) { obj.last.move.type = 'select-column' let column = parseInt(query(event.target).closest('td').attr('col')) let start = obj.records[0].recid let end = obj.records[obj.records.length - 1].recid obj.addRange({ name: 'selection-preview', range: [{ recid: start, column }, { recid: end, column }], class: 'w2ui-selection-preview' }) } // set focus to grid let target = event.target let $input = query(obj.box).find('#grid_'+ obj.name + '_focus') // move input next to cursor so screen does not jump if (obj.last.move) { let sLeft = obj.last.move.focusX let sTop = obj.last.move.focusY let $owner = query(target).parents('table').parent() if ($owner.hasClass('w2ui-grid-records') || $owner.hasClass('w2ui-grid-frecords') || $owner.hasClass('w2ui-grid-columns') || $owner.hasClass('w2ui-grid-fcolumns') || $owner.hasClass('w2ui-grid-summary')) { sLeft = obj.last.move.focusX - query(obj.box).find('#grid_'+ obj.name +'_records').prop('scrollLeft') sTop = obj.last.move.focusY - query(obj.box).find('#grid_'+ obj.name +'_records').prop('scrollTop') } if (query(target).hasClass('w2ui-grid-footer') || query(target).parents('div.w2ui-grid-footer').length > 0) { sTop = query(obj.box).find('#grid_'+ obj.name +'_footer').get(0).offsetTop } // if clicked on toolbar if ($owner.hasClass('w2ui-scroll-wrapper') && $owner.parent().hasClass('w2ui-toolbar')) { sLeft = obj.last.move.focusX - $owner.prop('scrollLeft') } $input.css({ left: sLeft - 10, top : sTop }) } // if toolbar input is clicked setTimeout(() => { if (!obj.last.inEditMode) { if (['INPUT', 'TEXTAREA', 'SELECT'].includes(target.tagName)) { target.focus() } else { if ($input.get(0) !== document.active) $input.get(0)?.focus({ preventScroll: true }) } } }, 50) // disable click select for this condition if (!obj.multiSelect && !obj.reorderRows && obj.last.move.type == 'drag') { delete obj.last.move } } if (obj.reorderRows == true) { let el = event.target if (el.tagName.toUpperCase() != 'TD') el = query(el).parents('td')[0] if (query(el).hasClass('w2ui-col-number') || query(el).hasClass('w2ui-col-order')) { obj.selectNone() obj.last.move.reorder = true // suppress hover let eColor = query(obj.box).find('.w2ui-even.w2ui-empty-record').css('background-color') let oColor = query(obj.box).find('.w2ui-odd.w2ui-empty-record').css('background-color') query(obj.box).find('.w2ui-even td').filter(':not(.w2ui-col-number)').css('background-color', eColor) query(obj.box).find('.w2ui-odd td').filter(':not(.w2ui-col-number)').css('background-color', oColor) // display empty record and ghost record let mv = obj.last.move let recs = query(obj.box).find('.w2ui-grid-records') if (!mv.ghost) { let row = query(obj.box).find(`#grid_${obj.name}_rec_${mv.recid}`) let tmp = row.parents('table').find('tr:first-child').get(0).cloneNode(true) mv.offsetY = event.offsetY mv.from = mv.recid mv.pos = { top: row.get(0).offsetTop-1, left: row.get(0).offsetLeft } mv.ghost = query(row.get(0).cloneNode(true)) mv.ghost.removeAttr('id') mv.ghost.find('td').css({ 'border-top': '1px solid silver', 'border-bottom': '1px solid silver' }) row.find('td').remove() row.append(`
`) recs.append('
') recs.append('
') query(obj.box).find('#grid_'+ obj.name + '_ghost').append(tmp).append(mv.ghost) } let ghost = query(obj.box).find('#grid_'+ obj.name + '_ghost') ghost.css({ top : mv.pos.top + 'px', left : mv.pos.left + 'px' }) } else { obj.last.move.reorder = false } } query(document) .on('mousemove.w2ui-' + obj.name, mouseMove) .on('mouseup.w2ui-' + obj.name, mouseStop) // needed when grid grids are nested, see issue #1275 event.stopPropagation() } function mouseMove(event) { if (!event.target.tagName) { // element has no tagName - most likely the target is the #document itself // this can happen is you click+drag and move the mouse out of the DOM area, // e.g. into the browser's toolbar area return } let mv = obj.last.move if (!mv || !['select', 'select-column'].includes(mv.type)) return mv.divX = (event.screenX - mv.x) mv.divY = (event.screenY - mv.y) if (Math.abs(mv.divX) <= 1 && Math.abs(mv.divY) <= 1) return // only if moved more then 1px obj.last.cancelClick = true if (obj.reorderRows == true && obj.last.move.reorder) { let tmp = query(event.target).parents('tr') let ind = tmp.attr('index') let recid = obj.records[ind]?.recid if (recid == '-none-' || recid == null) recid = 'bottom' if (recid != mv.from) { // let row1 = query(obj.box).find('#grid_'+ obj.name + '_rec_'+ mv.recid) let row2 = query(obj.box).find('#grid_'+ obj.name + '_rec_'+ recid) query(obj.box).find('.insert-before') row2.addClass('insert-before') // MOVABLE GHOST // if (event.screenY - mv.lastY < 0) row1.after(row2); else row2.after(row1); mv.lastY = event.screenY mv.to = recid // line to insert before let pos = { top: row2.get(0)?.offsetTop, left: row2.get(0)?.offsetLeft } let ghost_line = query(obj.box).find('#grid_'+ obj.name + '_ghost_line') if (pos) { ghost_line.css({ top : pos.top + 'px', left : mv.pos.left + 'px', 'border-top': '2px solid #769EFC' }) } else { ghost_line.css({ 'border-top': '2px solid transparent' }) } } let ghost = query(obj.box).find('#grid_'+ obj.name + '_ghost') ghost.css({ top : (mv.pos.top + mv.divY) + 'px', left : mv.pos.left + 'px' }) return } if (obj.selectType == 'row' && mv.start && mv.recid) { obj.selectNone() mv.start = false } let newSel = [] let ind = (event.target.tagName.toUpperCase() == 'TR' ? query(event.target).attr('index') : query(event.target).parents('tr').attr('index')) let recid = obj.records[ind]?.recid if (recid == null) { // select by dragging columns if (obj.selectType == 'row') return if (obj.last.move && obj.last.move.type == 'select') return let col = parseInt(query(event.target).parents('td').attr('col')) if (isNaN(col)) { obj.removeRange('column-selection') query(obj.box).find('.w2ui-grid-columns .w2ui-col-header, .w2ui-grid-fcolumns .w2ui-col-header').removeClass('w2ui-col-selected') query(obj.box).find('.w2ui-col-number').removeClass('w2ui-row-selected') delete mv.colRange } else { // add all columns in between let newRange = col + '-' + col if (mv.column < col) newRange = mv.column + '-' + col if (mv.column > col) newRange = col + '-' + mv.column // array of selected columns let cols = [] let tmp = newRange.split('-') for (let ii = parseInt(tmp[0]); ii <= parseInt(tmp[1]); ii++) { cols.push(ii) } if (mv.colRange != newRange && mv.type == 'select-column') { edataCol = obj.trigger('columnSelect', { target: obj.name, columns: cols }) if (edataCol.isCancelled !== true) { // show new range mv.colRange = newRange let start = obj.records[0].recid let end = obj.records[obj.records.length - 1].recid obj.addRange({ name: 'selection-preview', range: [{ recid: start, column: tmp[0] }, { recid: end, column: tmp[1] }], class: 'w2ui-selection-preview' }) } } } } else { // regular selection let ind1 = obj.get(mv.recid, true) // this happens when selection is started on summary row if (ind1 == null || (obj.records[ind1] && obj.records[ind1].recid != mv.recid)) return let ind2 = obj.get(recid, true) // this happens when selection is extended into summary row (a good place to implement scrolling) if (ind2 == null) return let col1 = parseInt(mv.column) let col2 = parseInt(event.target.tagName.toUpperCase() == 'TD' ? query(event.target).attr('col') : query(event.target).parents('td').attr('col')) if (isNaN(col1) && isNaN(col2)) { // line number select entire record col1 = 0 col2 = obj.columns.length-1 } if (ind1 > ind2) { let tmp = ind1; ind1 = ind2; ind2 = tmp } // check if need to refresh let tmp = 'ind1:'+ ind1 +',ind2;'+ ind2 +',col1:'+ col1 +',col2:'+ col2 if (mv.range == tmp) return mv.range = tmp for (let i = ind1; i <= ind2; i++) { if (obj.last.searchIds.length > 0 && obj.last.searchIds.indexOf(i) == -1) continue if (obj.selectType != 'row') { if (col1 > col2) { let tmp = col1; col1 = col2; col2 = tmp } for (let c = col1; c <= col2; c++) { if (obj.columns[c].hidden) continue newSel.push({ recid: obj.records[i].recid, column: parseInt(c) }) } } else { newSel.push(obj.records[i].recid) } } if (obj.selectType != 'row') { let start = newSel[0] let end = newSel[newSel.length - 1] obj.addRange({ name: 'selection-preview', range: [{ recid: start?.recid, column: start?.column }, { recid: end?.recid, column: end?.column }], class: 'w2ui-selection-preview' }) mv.newRange = newSel } else { if (obj.multiSelect) { let sel = obj.getSelection() for (let ns = 0; ns < newSel.length; ns++) { if (sel.indexOf(newSel[ns]) == -1) obj.select(newSel[ns]) // add more items } for (let s = 0; s < sel.length; s++) { if (newSel.indexOf(sel[s]) == -1) obj.unselect(sel[s]) // remove items } } } } } function mouseStop(event) { let mv = obj.last.move setTimeout(() => { delete obj.last.cancelClick }, 1) if (query(event.target).parents().hasClass('.w2ui-head') || query(event.target).hasClass('.w2ui-head')) return obj.removeRange('selection-preview') if (mv && ['select', 'select-column'].includes(mv.type)) { if (mv.colRange != null && edataCol.isCancelled !== true) { let tmp = mv.colRange.split('-') let sel = [] for (let i = 0; i < obj.records.length; i++) { let cols = [] for (let j = parseInt(tmp[0]); j <= parseInt(tmp[1]); j++) cols.push(j) sel.push({ recid: obj.records[i].recid, column: cols }) } edataCol.finish() obj.selectNone(true) obj.select(sel) } else if (mv.newRange != null) { obj.selectNone(true) obj.select(...mv.newRange) } if (obj.reorderRows == true && obj.last.move.reorder) { if (mv.to != null) { // event let edata = obj.trigger('reorderRow', { target: obj.name, recid: mv.from, moveBefore: mv.to }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) { resetRowReorder() delete obj.last.move return } // default behavior let ind1 = obj.get(mv.from, true) let ind2 = obj.get(mv.to, true) if (mv.to == 'bottom') ind2 = obj.records.length // end of list let tmp = obj.records[ind1] // swap records if (ind1 != null && ind2 != null) { obj.records.splice(ind1, 1) if (ind1 > ind2) { obj.records.splice(ind2, 0, tmp) } else { obj.records.splice(ind2 - 1, 0, tmp) } } // clear sortData obj.sortData = [] query(obj.box) .find(`#grid_${obj.name}_columns .w2ui-col-header`) .removeClass('w2ui-col-sorted') resetRowReorder() // event after edata.finish() } else { resetRowReorder() } } } delete obj.last.move query(document).off('.w2ui-' + obj.name) } function resetRowReorder() { query(obj.box).find(`#grid_${obj.name}_ghost`).remove() query(obj.box).find(`#grid_${obj.name}_ghost_line`).remove() obj.refresh() delete obj.last.move } } unmount() { super.unmount() this.toolbar?.unmount() this.last.observeResize?.disconnect() } destroy() { // event before let edata = this.trigger('destroy', { target: this.name }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // clean up this.toolbar?.destroy?.() if (query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_body`).length > 0) { this.unmount() } delete w2ui[this.name] // event after edata.finish() } // =========================================== // --- Internal Functions initColumnOnOff() { let items = [ { id: 'line-numbers', text: 'Line #', checked: this.show.lineNumbers } ] // columns for (let c = 0; c < this.columns.length; c++) { let col = this.columns[c] let text = this.columns[c].text if (col.hideable === false) continue if (!text && this.columns[c].tooltip) text = this.columns[c].tooltip if (!text) text = '- column '+ (parseInt(c) + 1) +' -' items.push({ id: col.field, text: w2utils.stripTags(text), checked: !col.hidden }) } let url = this.url?.get ?? this.url if ((url && this.show.skipRecords) || this.show.saveRestoreState) { items.push({ text: '--' }) } // skip records if (this.show.skipRecords) { let skip = w2utils.lang('Skip') + `` + w2utils.lang('records') items.push({ id: 'w2ui-skip', text: skip, group: false, icon: 'w2ui-icon-empty' }) } // save/restore state if (this.show.saveRestoreState) { items.push( { id: 'w2ui-stateSave', text: w2utils.lang('Save Grid State'), icon: 'w2ui-icon-empty', group: false }, { id: 'w2ui-stateReset', text: w2utils.lang('Restore Default State'), icon: 'w2ui-icon-empty', group: false } ) } let selected = [] items.forEach(item => { item.text = w2utils.lang(item.text) // translate if (item.checked) selected.push(item.id) }) this.toolbar.set('w2ui-column-on-off', { selected, items }) return items } initColumnDrag(box) { // throw error if using column groups if (this.columnGroups && this.columnGroups.length) { throw 'Draggable columns are not currently supported with column groups.' } let self = this let dragData = { pressed: false, targetPos: null, columnHead: null } let hasInvalidClass = (target, lastColumn) => { let iClass = ['w2ui-col-number', 'w2ui-col-expand', 'w2ui-col-select'] if (lastColumn !== true) iClass.push('w2ui-head-last') for (let i = 0; i < iClass.length; i++) { if (query(target).closest('.w2ui-head').hasClass(iClass[i])) { return true } } return false } // attach original event listener query(self.box) .off('.colDrag') .on('mousedown.colDrag', dragColStart) function dragColStart(event) { if (dragData.pressed || dragData.numberPreColumnsPresent === 0 || event.button !== 0) return let edata, columns, origColumn, origColumnNumber let preColHeadersSelector = '.w2ui-head.w2ui-col-number, .w2ui-head.w2ui-col-expand, .w2ui-head.w2ui-col-select' // do nothing if it is not a header if (!query(event.target).parents().hasClass('w2ui-head') || hasInvalidClass(event.target)) return dragData.pressed = true dragData.initialX = event.pageX dragData.initialY = event.pageY dragData.numberPreColumnsPresent = query(self.box).find(preColHeadersSelector).length // start event for drag start dragData.columnHead = origColumn = query(event.target).closest('.w2ui-head') dragData.originalPos = origColumnNumber = parseInt(origColumn.attr('col'), 10) edata = self.trigger('columnDragStart', { originalEvent: event, origColumnNumber, target: origColumn[0] }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return false columns = dragData.columns = query(self.box).find('.w2ui-head:not(.w2ui-head-last)') // add events query(document).on('mouseup.colDrag', dragColEnd) query(document).on('mousemove.colDrag', dragColOver) let col = self.columns[dragData.originalPos] let colText = w2utils.lang(typeof col.text == 'function' ? col.text(col) : col.text) dragData.ghost = query.html(`${colText}`)[0] query(document.body).append(dragData.ghost) query(dragData.ghost) .css({ display: 'none', left: event.pageX, top: event.pageY, opacity: 1, margin: '3px 0 0 20px', padding: '3px', 'background-color': 'white', position: 'fixed', 'z-index': 999999, }) .addClass('.w2ui-grid-ghost') // establish current offsets dragData.offsets = [] for (let i = 0, l = columns.length; i < l; i++) { let rect = columns[i].getBoundingClientRect() dragData.offsets.push(rect.left) } // conclude event edata.finish() } function dragColOver(event) { if (!dragData.pressed || !dragData.columnHead) return let cursorX = event.pageX let cursorY = event.pageY if (!hasInvalidClass(event.target, true)) { markIntersection(event) } trackGhost(cursorX, cursorY) } function dragColEnd(event) { if (!dragData.pressed || !dragData.columnHead) return dragData.pressed = false let edata, target, selected, columnConfig let finish = () => { let ghosts = query(self.box).find('.w2ui-grid-ghost') query(self.box).find('.w2ui-intersection-marker').hide() query(dragData.ghost).remove() ghosts.remove() // dragData.columns.css({ overflow: '' }).children('div').css({ overflow: '' }); query(document).off('.colDrag') dragData = {} } // if no move, then click event for sorting if (event.pageX == dragData.initialX && event.pageY == dragData.initialY) { self.columnClick(self.columns[dragData.originalPos].field, event) finish() return } // start event for drag start edata = self.trigger('columnDragEnd', { originalEvent: event, target: dragData.columnHead[0], dragData }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return false selected = self.columns[dragData.originalPos] columnConfig = self.columns if (dragData.originalPos != dragData.targetPos && dragData.targetPos != null) { columnConfig.splice(dragData.targetPos, 0, w2utils.clone(selected)) columnConfig.splice(columnConfig.indexOf(selected), 1) } finish() self.refresh() edata.finish({ targetColumn: target - 1 }) } function markIntersection(event) { // if mouse over is not over table if (query(event.target).closest('td').length == 0) { return } let td = query(event.target).closest('td') let newPos = td.hasClass('w2ui-head-last') ? self.columns.length : parseInt(td.attr('col')) if (dragData.targetPos != newPos) { // if mouse over invalid column let rect1 = query(self.box).find('.w2ui-grid-body').get(0).getBoundingClientRect() let rect2 = query(event.target).closest('td').get(0).getBoundingClientRect() query(self.box).find('.w2ui-intersection-marker') .show() .css({ left: (rect2.left - rect1.left) + 'px', height:rect2.height + 'px' }) dragData.targetPos = newPos } return } function trackGhost(cursorX, cursorY){ query(dragData.ghost) .css({ left : (cursorX - 10) + 'px', top : (cursorY - 10) + 'px' }) .show() } // return an object to remove drag if it has ever been enabled return { remove() { query(self.box).off('.colDrag') self.last.columnDrag = false } } } columnOnOff(event, field) { // event before let edata = this.trigger('columnOnOff', { target: this.name, field: field, originalEvent: event }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // collapse expanded rows let rows = this.find({ 'w2ui.expanded': true }, true) for (let r = 0; r < rows.length; r++) { let tmp = this.records[r].w2ui if (tmp && !Array.isArray(tmp.children)) { this.records[r].w2ui.expanded = false } } // show/hide if (field == 'line-numbers') { this.show.lineNumbers = !this.show.lineNumbers this.refresh() } else { let col = this.getColumn(field) if (col.hidden) { this.showColumn(col.field) } else { this.hideColumn(col.field) } } // event after edata.finish() } initToolbar() { // if it is already initiazlied if (this.toolbar.render != null) { return } let tb_items = this.toolbar.items || [] this.toolbar.items = [] this.toolbar = new w2toolbar(w2utils.extend({}, this.toolbar, { name: this.name +'_toolbar', owner: this })) if (this.show.toolbarReload) { this.toolbar.items.push(w2utils.extend({}, this.buttons.reload)) } if (this.show.toolbarColumns) { this.toolbar.items.push(w2utils.extend({}, this.buttons.columns)) } if (this.show.toolbarSearch) { let html =`
` this.toolbar.items.push({ id: 'w2ui-search', type: 'html', html, onRefresh: async (event) => { await event.complete let input = query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_search_all`) w2utils.bindEvents(query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_search_all, .w2ui-action`), this) // slow down live search calls let slowSearch = w2utils.debounce((event) => { let val = event.target.value if (this.liveSearch && this.last.liveText != val) { this.last.liveText = val this.search(this.last.field, val) } }, 250) input .on('blur', () => { this.last.liveText = '' }) .on('keyup', (event) => { switch (event.keyCode) { case 40: { // show saved searches on arrow down this.searchSuggest(true) break } case 38: { // hide saved searches on arrow up this.searchSuggest(true, true) break } case 13: { // search on enter key this.search(this.last.field, event.target.value) break } default: { // live search (if enabled) slowSearch(event) break } } }) } }) } if (Array.isArray(tb_items)) { let ids = tb_items.map(item => item.id) if (this.show.toolbarAdd && !ids.includes(this.buttons.add.id)) { this.toolbar.items.push(w2utils.extend({}, this.buttons.add)) } if (this.show.toolbarEdit && !ids.includes(this.buttons.edit.id)) { this.toolbar.items.push(w2utils.extend({}, this.buttons.edit)) } if (this.show.toolbarDelete && !ids.includes(this.buttons.delete.id)) { this.toolbar.items.push(w2utils.extend({}, this.buttons.delete)) } if (this.show.toolbarSave && !ids.includes(this.buttons.save.id)) { if (this.show.toolbarAdd || this.show.toolbarDelete || this.show.toolbarEdit) { this.toolbar.items.push({ type: 'break', id: 'w2ui-break2' }) } this.toolbar.items.push(w2utils.extend({}, this.buttons.save)) } // fill in overwritten items with default buttons // ids are w2ui-* but in this.buttons the map is just [add, edit, delete] // must specify at least {id, name} in this.toolbar.items if you want to keep order tb_items = tb_items.map(item => this.buttons[item.name] ? w2utils.extend({}, this.buttons[item.name], item) : item) } // add original buttons this.toolbar.items.push(...tb_items) // ============================================= // ------ Toolbar onClick processing this.toolbar.on('click', (event) => { let edata = this.trigger('toolbar', { target: event.target, originalEvent: event }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return let edata2 switch (event.detail.item.id) { case 'w2ui-reload': edata2 = this.trigger('reload', { target: this.name }) if (edata2.isCancelled === true) return false this.reload() edata2.finish() break case 'w2ui-column-on-off': // TODO: tap on columns will hide menu before opening, only in grid not in toolbar if (event.detail.subItem) { let id = event.detail.subItem.id if (['w2ui-stateSave', 'w2ui-stateReset'].includes(id)) { this[id.substring(5)]() } else if (id == 'w2ui-skip') { // empty } else { this.columnOnOff(event, event.detail.subItem.id) } } else { this.initColumnOnOff() // init input control with records to skip setTimeout(() => { query(`#w2overlay-${this.name}_toolbar-drop .w2ui-grid-skip`) .off('.w2ui-grid') .on('click.w2ui-grid', evt => { evt.stopPropagation() }) .on('keypress', evt => { if (evt.keyCode == 13) { this.skip(evt.target.value) this.toolbar.click('w2ui-column-on-off') // close menu } }) }, 100) } break case 'w2ui-add': // events edata2 = this.trigger('add', { target: this.name, recid: null }) if (edata2.isCancelled === true) return false edata2.finish() break case 'w2ui-edit': { let sel = this.getSelection() let recid = null if (sel.length == 1) recid = sel[0] // events edata2 = this.trigger('edit', { target: this.name, recid: recid }) if (edata2.isCancelled === true) return false edata2.finish() break } case 'w2ui-delete': this.delete() break case 'w2ui-save': this.save() break } // no default action edata.finish() }) this.toolbar.on('refresh', (event) => { if (event.target == 'w2ui-search') { let sd = this.searchData setTimeout(() => { this.searchInitInput(this.last.field, (sd.length == 1 ? sd[0].value : null)) }, 1) } }) } initResize() { let obj = this query(this.box).find('.w2ui-resizer') .off('.grid-col-resize') .on('click.grid-col-resize', function(event) { event.stopPropagation() event.preventDefault() }) .on('mousedown.grid-col-resize', function(event) { if (!event) event = window.event obj.last.colResizing = true obj.last.tmp = { x : event.screenX, y : event.screenY, gx : event.screenX, gy : event.screenY, col : parseInt(query(this).attr('name')) } // find tds that will be resized obj.last.tmp.tds = query(obj.box).find('#grid_'+ obj.name +'_body table tr:first-child td[col="'+ obj.last.tmp.col +'"]') event.stopPropagation() event.preventDefault() // fix sizes for (let c = 0; c < obj.columns.length; c++) { if (obj.columns[c].hidden) continue if (obj.columns[c].sizeOriginal == null) obj.columns[c].sizeOriginal = obj.columns[c].size obj.columns[c].size = obj.columns[c].sizeCalculated } let edata = obj.trigger('columnResize', { target: obj.name, resizeBy: 0, originalEvent: event, column: obj.last.tmp.col, field: obj.columns[obj.last.tmp.col].field }) // set move event let timer let mouseMove = function(event) { if (obj.last.colResizing != true) return if (!event) event = window.event // event before let edata2 = obj.trigger('columnResizeMove', w2utils.extend(edata.detail, { resizeBy: (event.screenX - obj.last.tmp.gx), originalEvent: event })) if (edata2.isCancelled === true) { return } // default action obj.last.tmp.x = (event.screenX - obj.last.tmp.x) obj.last.tmp.y = (event.screenY - obj.last.tmp.y) let newWidth = (parseInt(obj.columns[obj.last.tmp.col].size) + obj.last.tmp.x) + 'px' obj.columns[obj.last.tmp.col].size = newWidth if (timer) clearTimeout(timer) timer = setTimeout(() => { obj.resizeRecords() obj.scroll() }, 100) // quick resize obj.last.tmp.tds.css({ width: newWidth }) // reset obj.last.tmp.x = event.screenX obj.last.tmp.y = event.screenY // event after edata2.finish() } let mouseUp = function(event) { query(document).off('.grid-col-resize') obj.resizeRecords() obj.scroll() // event after edata.finish({ originalEvent: event }) // need timeout to finish processing events setTimeout(() => { obj.last.colResizing = false }, 1) } query(document) .off('.grid-col-resize') .on('mousemove.grid-col-resize', mouseMove) .on('mouseup.grid-col-resize', mouseUp) }) .on('dblclick.grid-col-resize', function(event) { let ind = parseInt(query(this).attr('name')) obj.columnAutoSize(ind) // prevent default event.stopPropagation() event.preventDefault() }) .each(el => { let td = query(el).get(0).parentNode query(el).css({ 'height' : td.clientHeight + 'px', 'margin-left' : (td.clientWidth - 3) + 'px' }) }) } resizeBoxes() { // elements let header = query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_header`) let toolbar = query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_toolbar`) let fsummary = query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_fsummary`) let summary = query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_summary`) let footer = query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_footer`) let body = query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_body`) if (this.show.header) { header.css({ top: '0px', left: '0px', right: '0px' }) } if (this.show.toolbar) { toolbar.css({ top: (0 + (this.show.header ? w2utils.getSize(header, 'height') : 0)) + 'px', left: '0px', right: '0px' }) } if (this.summary.length > 0) { fsummary.css({ bottom: (0 + (this.show.footer ? w2utils.getSize(footer, 'height') : 0)) + 'px' }) summary.css({ bottom: (0 + (this.show.footer ? w2utils.getSize(footer, 'height') : 0)) + 'px', right: '0px' }) } if (this.show.footer) { footer.css({ bottom: '0px', left: '0px', right: '0px' }) } body.css({ top: (0 + (this.show.header ? w2utils.getSize(header, 'height') : 0) + (this.show.toolbar ? w2utils.getSize(toolbar, 'height') : 0)) + 'px', bottom: (0 + (this.show.footer ? w2utils.getSize(footer, 'height') : 0) + (this.summary.length > 0 ? w2utils.getSize(summary, 'height') : 0)) + 'px', left: '0px', right: '0px' }) } resizeRecords() { let obj = this // remove empty records query(this.box).find('.w2ui-empty-record').remove() // -- Calculate Column size in PX let box = query(this.box) let grid = query(this.box).find(':scope > div.w2ui-grid-box') let header = query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_header`) let toolbar = query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_toolbar`) let summary = query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_summary`) let fsummary = query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_fsummary`) let footer = query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_footer`) let body = query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_body`) let columns = query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_columns`) let fcolumns = query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_fcolumns`) let records = query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_records`) let frecords = query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_frecords`) let scroll1 = query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_scroll1`) let lineNumberWidth = String(this.total).length * 8 + 10 if (lineNumberWidth < 34) lineNumberWidth = 34 // 3 digit width if (this.lineNumberWidth != null) lineNumberWidth = this.lineNumberWidth let bodyOverflowX = false let bodyOverflowY = false let sWidth = 0 for (let i = 0; i < this.columns.length; i++) { if (this.columns[i].frozen || this.columns[i].hidden) continue let cSize = parseInt(this.columns[i].sizeCalculated ? this.columns[i].sizeCalculated : this.columns[i].size) sWidth += cSize } if (records[0]?.clientWidth < sWidth) bodyOverflowX = true if (body[0]?.clientHeight - (columns[0]?.clientHeight ?? 0) < (query(records).find(':scope > table')[0]?.clientHeight ?? 0) + (bodyOverflowX ? w2utils.scrollBarSize() : 0)) { bodyOverflowY = true } // body might be expanded by data if (!this.fixedBody) { // allow it to render records, then resize let bodyHeight = w2utils.getSize(columns, 'height') + w2utils.getSize(query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_records table'), 'height') + (bodyOverflowX ? w2utils.scrollBarSize() : 0) let calculatedHeight = bodyHeight + (this.show.header ? w2utils.getSize(header, 'height') : 0) + (this.show.toolbar ? w2utils.getSize(toolbar, 'height') : 0) + (summary.css('display') != 'none' ? w2utils.getSize(summary, 'height') : 0) + (this.show.footer ? w2utils.getSize(footer, 'height') : 0) grid.css('height', calculatedHeight + 'px') body.css('height', bodyHeight + 'px') box.css('height', w2utils.getSize(grid, 'height') + 'px') } else { // fixed body height let calculatedHeight = grid[0]?.clientHeight - (this.show.header ? w2utils.getSize(header, 'height') : 0) - (this.show.toolbar ? w2utils.getSize(toolbar, 'height') : 0) - (summary.css('display') != 'none' ? w2utils.getSize(summary, 'height') : 0) - (this.show.footer ? w2utils.getSize(footer, 'height') : 0) body.css('height', calculatedHeight + 'px') } let buffered = this.records.length let url = this.url?.get ?? this.url if (this.searchData.length != 0 && !url) buffered = this.last.searchIds.length // apply overflow if (!this.fixedBody) { bodyOverflowY = false } if (bodyOverflowX || bodyOverflowY) { columns.find(':scope > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) td.w2ui-head-last') .css('width', w2utils.scrollBarSize() + 'px') .show() records.css({ top: ((this.columnGroups.length > 0 && this.show.columns ? 1 : 0) + w2utils.getSize(columns, 'height')) +'px', '-webkit-overflow-scrolling': 'touch', 'overflow-x': (bodyOverflowX ? 'auto' : 'hidden'), 'overflow-y': (bodyOverflowY ? 'auto' : 'hidden') }) } else { columns.find(':scope > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) td.w2ui-head-last').hide() records.css({ top: ((this.columnGroups.length > 0 && this.show.columns ? 1 : 0) + w2utils.getSize(columns, 'height')) +'px', overflow: 'hidden' }) if (records.length > 0) { this.last.vscroll.scrollTop = 0; this.last.vscroll.scrollLeft = 0 } // if no scrollbars, always show top } if (bodyOverflowX) { frecords.css('margin-bottom', w2utils.scrollBarSize() + 'px') scroll1.show() } else { frecords.css('margin-bottom', 0) scroll1.hide() } frecords.css({ overflow: 'hidden', top: records.css('top') }) if (this.show.emptyRecords && !bodyOverflowY) { let max = Math.floor((records[0]?.clientHeight ?? 0) / this.recordHeight) - 1 let leftover = 0 if (records[0]) leftover = records[0].scrollHeight - max * this.recordHeight if (leftover >= this.recordHeight) { leftover -= this.recordHeight max++ } if (this.fixedBody) { for (let di = buffered; di < max; di++) { addEmptyRow(di, this.recordHeight, this) } addEmptyRow(max, leftover, this) } } function addEmptyRow(row, height, grid) { let html1 = '' let html2 = '' let htmlp = '' html1 += '' html2 += '' if (grid.show.lineNumbers) html1 += '' if (grid.show.selectColumn) html1 += '' if (grid.show.expandColumn) html1 += '' html2 += '' if (grid.reorderRows) html2 += '' for (let j = 0; j < grid.columns.length; j++) { let col = grid.columns[j] if ((col.hidden || j < grid.last.vscroll.colIndStart || j > grid.last.vscroll.colIndEnd) && !col.frozen) continue htmlp = '' if (col.frozen) html1 += htmlp; else html2 += htmlp } html1 += ' ' html2 += ' ' query(grid.box).find('#grid_'+ grid.name +'_frecords > table').append(html1) query(grid.box).find('#grid_'+ grid.name +'_records > table').append(html2) } let width_box, percent if (body.length > 0) { let width_max = parseInt(body[0].clientWidth) - (bodyOverflowY ? w2utils.scrollBarSize() : 0) - (this.show.lineNumbers ? lineNumberWidth : 0) - (this.reorderRows ? 26 : 0) - (this.show.selectColumn ? 26 : 0) - (this.show.expandColumn ? 26 : 0) - 1 // left is 1px due to border width width_box = width_max percent = 0 // gridMinWidth processing let restart = false for (let i = 0; i < this.columns.length; i++) { let col = this.columns[i] if (col.gridMinWidth > 0) { if (col.gridMinWidth > width_box && col.hidden !== true) { col.hidden = true restart = true } if (col.gridMinWidth < width_box && col.hidden === true) { col.hidden = false restart = true } } } if (restart === true) { this.refresh() return } // assign PX column s for (let i = 0; i < this.columns.length; i++) { let col = this.columns[i] if (col.hidden) continue if (String(col.size).substr(String(col.size).length-2).toLowerCase() == 'px') { width_max -= parseFloat(col.size) this.columns[i].sizeCalculated = col.size this.columns[i].sizeType = 'px' } else { percent += parseFloat(col.size) this.columns[i].sizeType = '%' delete col.sizeCorrected } } // if sum != 100% -- reassign proportionally if (percent != 100 && percent > 0) { for (let i = 0; i < this.columns.length; i++) { let col = this.columns[i] if (col.hidden) continue if (col.sizeType == '%') { col.sizeCorrected = Math.round(parseFloat(col.size) * 100 * 100 / percent) / 100 + '%' } } } // calculate % columns for (let i = 0; i < this.columns.length; i++) { let col = this.columns[i] if (col.hidden) continue if (col.sizeType == '%') { if (this.columns[i].sizeCorrected != null) { // make it 1px smaller, so margin of error can be calculated correctly this.columns[i].sizeCalculated = Math.floor(width_max * parseFloat(col.sizeCorrected) / 100) - 1 + 'px' } else { // make it 1px smaller, so margin of error can be calculated correctly this.columns[i].sizeCalculated = Math.floor(width_max * parseFloat(col.size) / 100) - 1 + 'px' } } } } // fix margin of error that is due percentage calculations let width_cols = 0 for (let i = 0; i < this.columns.length; i++) { let col = this.columns[i] if (col.hidden) continue if (col.min == null) col.min = 20 if (parseInt(col.sizeCalculated) < parseInt(col.min)) col.sizeCalculated = col.min + 'px' if (parseInt(col.sizeCalculated) > parseInt(col.max)) col.sizeCalculated = col.max + 'px' width_cols += parseInt(col.sizeCalculated) } let width_diff = parseInt(width_box) - parseInt(width_cols) if (width_diff > 0 && percent > 0) { let i = 0 while (true) { let col = this.columns[i] if (col == null) { i = 0; continue } if (col.hidden || col.sizeType == 'px') { i++; continue } col.sizeCalculated = (parseInt(col.sizeCalculated) + 1) + 'px' width_diff-- if (width_diff === 0) break i++ } } else if (width_diff > 0) { columns.find(':scope > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) td.w2ui-head-last') .css('width', w2utils.scrollBarSize() + 'px') .show() } // find width of frozen columns let fwidth = 1 if (this.show.lineNumbers) fwidth += lineNumberWidth if (this.show.selectColumn) fwidth += 26 // if (this.reorderRows) fwidth += 26; if (this.show.expandColumn) fwidth += 26 for (let i = 0; i < this.columns.length; i++) { if (this.columns[i].hidden) continue if (this.columns[i].frozen) fwidth += parseInt(this.columns[i].sizeCalculated) } fcolumns.css('width', fwidth + 'px') frecords.css('width', fwidth + 'px') fsummary.css('width', fwidth + 'px') scroll1.css('width', fwidth + 'px') /** * 0.5 is needed due to imperfection of table layout. There was a very small shift between right border of the column headers * and records. I checked it had exact same offset, but still felt like 1px off. This adjustment fixes it. */ columns.css({ left: fwidth + 'px', 'padding-left': '0.5px' }) records.css({ left: fwidth + 'px' }) summary.css({ left: fwidth + 'px' }) // resize columns columns.find(':scope > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) td') .add(fcolumns.find(':scope > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) td')) .each(el => { // line numbers if (query(el).hasClass('w2ui-col-number')) { query(el).css('width', lineNumberWidth + 'px') } // records let ind = query(el).attr('col') if (ind != null) { if (ind == 'start') { let width = 0 for (let i = 0; i < obj.last.vscroll.colIndStart; i++) { if (!obj.columns[i] || obj.columns[i].frozen || obj.columns[i].hidden) continue width += parseInt(obj.columns[i].sizeCalculated) } query(el).css('width', width + 'px') } if (obj.columns[ind]) query(el).css('width', obj.columns[ind].sizeCalculated) // already has px } // last column if (query(el).hasClass('w2ui-head-last')) { if (obj.last.vscroll.colIndEnd + 1 < obj.columns.length) { let width = 0 for (let i = obj.last.vscroll.colIndEnd + 1; i < obj.columns.length; i++) { if (!obj.columns[i] || obj.columns[i].frozen || obj.columns[i].hidden) continue width += parseInt(obj.columns[i].sizeCalculated) } query(el).css('width', width + 'px') } else { query(el).css('width', w2utils.scrollBarSize() + (width_diff > 0 && percent === 0 ? width_diff : 0) + 'px') } } }) // if there are column groups - hide first row (needed for sizing) if (columns.find(':scope > table > tbody > tr').length == 3) { columns.find(':scope > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) td') .add(fcolumns.find(':scope > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) td')) .html('').css({ 'height' : '0', 'border' : '0', 'padding': '0', 'margin' : '0' }) } // resize records records.find(':scope > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) td') .add(frecords.find(':scope > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) td')) .each(el => { // line numbers if (query(el).hasClass('w2ui-col-number')) { query(el).css('width', lineNumberWidth + 'px') } // records let ind = query(el).attr('col') if (ind != null) { if (ind == 'start') { let width = 0 for (let i = 0; i < obj.last.vscroll.colIndStart; i++) { if (!obj.columns[i] || obj.columns[i].frozen || obj.columns[i].hidden) continue width += parseInt(obj.columns[i].sizeCalculated) } query(el).css('width', width + 'px') } if (obj.columns[ind]) query(el).css('width', obj.columns[ind].sizeCalculated) } // last column if (query(el).hasClass('w2ui-grid-data-last') && query(el).parents('.w2ui-grid-frecords').length === 0) { // not in frecords if (obj.last.vscroll.colIndEnd + 1 < obj.columns.length) { let width = 0 for (let i = obj.last.vscroll.colIndEnd + 1; i < obj.columns.length; i++) { if (!obj.columns[i] || obj.columns[i].frozen || obj.columns[i].hidden) continue width += parseInt(obj.columns[i].sizeCalculated) } query(el).css('width', width + 'px') } else { query(el).css('width', (width_diff > 0 && percent === 0 ? width_diff : 0) + 'px') } } }) // resize summary summary.find(':scope > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) td') .add(fsummary.find(':scope > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) td')) .each(el => { // line numbers if (query(el).hasClass('w2ui-col-number')) { query(el).css('width', lineNumberWidth + 'px') } // records let ind = query(el).attr('col') if (ind != null) { if (ind == 'start') { let width = 0 for (let i = 0; i < obj.last.vscroll.colIndStart; i++) { if (!obj.columns[i] || obj.columns[i].frozen || obj.columns[i].hidden) continue width += parseInt(obj.columns[i].sizeCalculated) } query(el).css('width', width + 'px') } if (obj.columns[ind]) query(el).css('width', obj.columns[ind].sizeCalculated) } // last column if (query(el).hasClass('w2ui-grid-data-last') && query(el).parents('.w2ui-grid-frecords').length === 0) { // not in frecords query(el).css('width', w2utils.scrollBarSize() + (width_diff > 0 && percent === 0 ? width_diff : 0) + 'px') } }) this.initResize() this.refreshRanges() // apply last scroll if any if ((this.last.vscroll.scrollTop || this.last.vscroll.scrollLeft) && records.length > 0) { columns.prop('scrollLeft', this.last.vscroll.scrollLeft) records.prop('scrollTop', this.last.vscroll.scrollTop) records.prop('scrollLeft', this.last.vscroll.scrollLeft) } // Improved performance when scrolling through tables columns.css('will-change', 'scroll-position') } getSearchesHTML() { let html = `
${w2utils.lang('Advanced Search')}
` for (let i = 0; i < this.searches.length; i++) { let s = this.searches[i] s.type = String(s.type).toLowerCase() if (s.hidden) continue if (s.attr == null) s.attr = '' if (s.text == null) s.text = '' if (s.style == null) s.style = '' if (s.type == null) s.type = 'text' if (s.label == null && s.caption != null) { console.log('NOTICE: grid search.caption property is deprecated, please use search.label. Search ->', s) s.label = s.caption } let operator =`` html += `' + '' } html += `
${(w2utils.lang(s.label ?? s.field) || '')} ${operator} ` let tmpStyle switch (s.type) { case 'text': case 'alphanumeric': case 'hex': case 'color': case 'list': case 'combo': case 'enum': tmpStyle = 'width: 250px;' if (['hex', 'color'].indexOf(s.type) != -1) tmpStyle = 'width: 90px;' html += `` break case 'int': case 'float': case 'money': case 'currency': case 'percent': case 'date': case 'time': case 'datetime': tmpStyle = 'width: 90px;' if (s.type == 'datetime') tmpStyle = 'width: 140px;' html += ` ` break case 'select': html += `` break } html += s.text + '
` return html } getOperators(type, opers) { let operators = this.operators[this.operatorsMap[type]] || [] if (opers != null && Array.isArray(opers)) { operators = opers } let html = '' operators.forEach(oper => { let displayText = oper let operValue = oper if (Array.isArray(oper)) { displayText = oper[1] operValue = oper[0] } else if (w2utils.isPlainObject(oper)) { displayText = oper.text operValue = oper.oper } if (displayText == null) displayText = oper html += `\n` }) return html } initOperator(ind) { let options let search = this.searches[ind] let sdata = this.getSearchData(search.field) let overlay = query(`#w2overlay-${this.name}-search-overlay`) let $rng = overlay.find(`#grid_${this.name}_range_${ind}`) let $fld1 = overlay.find(`#grid_${this.name}_field_${ind}`) let $fld2 = overlay.find(`#grid_${this.name}_field2_${ind}`) let $oper = overlay.find(`#grid_${this.name}_operator_${ind}`) let oper = $oper.val() $fld1.show() $rng.hide() // init based on operator value switch (oper) { case 'between': $rng.css('display', 'inline') break case 'null': case 'not null': $fld1.hide() $fld1.val(oper) // need to insert something for search to activate $fld1.trigger('change') break } // init based on search type switch (search.type) { case 'text': case 'alphanumeric': let fld = $fld1[0]._w2field if (fld) { fld.reset() } break case 'int': case 'float': case 'hex': case 'color': case 'money': case 'currency': case 'percent': case 'date': case 'time': case 'datetime': if (!$fld1[0]._w2field) { // init fields new w2field(search.type, { el: $fld1[0], ...search.options }) new w2field(search.type, { el: $fld2[0], ...search.options }) setTimeout(() => { // convert to date if it is number $fld1.trigger('keydown') $fld2.trigger('keydown') }, 1) } break case 'list': case 'combo': case 'enum': options = search.options if (search.type == 'list') options.selected = {} if (search.type == 'enum') options.selected = [] if (sdata) options.selected = sdata.value if (!$fld1[0]._w2field) { let fld = new w2field(search.type, { el: $fld1[0], ...options }) if (sdata && sdata.text != null) { fld.set({ id: sdata.value, text: sdata.text }) } } break case 'select': // build options options = '' for (let i = 0; i < search.options.items.length; i++) { let si = search.options.items[i] if (w2utils.isPlainObject(search.options.items[i])) { let val = si.id let txt = si.text if (val == null && si.value != null) val = si.value if (txt == null && si.text != null) txt = si.text if (val == null) val = '' options += '' } else { options += '' } } $fld1.html(options) break } } initSearches() { let overlay = query(`#w2overlay-${this.name}-search-overlay`) // init searches for (let ind = 0; ind < this.searches.length; ind++) { let search = this.searches[ind] let sdata = this.getSearchData(search.field) search.type = String(search.type).toLowerCase() if (typeof search.options != 'object') search.options = {} // operators let operator = search.operator let operators = [...this.operators[this.operatorsMap[search.type]]] || [] // need a copy if (search.operators) operators = search.operators // normalize if (w2utils.isPlainObject(operator)) operator = operator.oper operators.forEach((oper, ind) => { if (w2utils.isPlainObject(oper)) operators[ind] = oper.oper }) if (sdata && sdata.operator) { operator = sdata.operator } // default operator let def = this.defaultOperator[this.operatorsMap[search.type]] if (operators.indexOf(operator) == -1) { operator = def } overlay.find(`#grid_${this.name}_operator_${ind}`).val(operator) this.initOperator(ind) // populate field value let $fld1 = overlay.find(`#grid_${this.name}_field_${ind}`) let $fld2 = overlay.find(`#grid_${this.name}_field2_${ind}`) if (sdata != null) { if (!Array.isArray(sdata.value)) { if (sdata.value != null) $fld1.val(sdata.value).trigger('change') } else { if (['in', 'not in'].includes(sdata.operator)) { $fld1[0]._w2field.set(sdata.value) } else { $fld1.val(sdata.value[0]).trigger('change') $fld2.val(sdata.value[1]).trigger('change') } } } } // add on change event overlay.find('.w2ui-grid-search-advanced *[rel=search]') .on('keypress', evnt => { if (evnt.keyCode == 13) { this.search() w2tooltip.hide(this.name + '-search-overlay') } }) } getColumnsHTML() { let self = this let html1 = '' let html2 = '' if (this.show.columnHeaders) { if (this.columnGroups.length > 0) { let tmp1 = getColumns(true) let tmp2 = getGroups() let tmp3 = getColumns(false) html1 = tmp1[0] + tmp2[0] + tmp3[0] html2 = tmp1[1] + tmp2[1] + tmp3[1] } else { let tmp = getColumns(true) html1 = tmp[0] html2 = tmp[1] } } return [html1, html2] function getGroups() { let html1 = '' let html2 = '' let tmpf = '' // add empty group at the end let tmp = self.columnGroups.length - 1 if (self.columnGroups[tmp].text == null && self.columnGroups[tmp].caption != null) { console.log('NOTICE: grid columnGroup.caption property is deprecated, please use columnGroup.text. Group -> ', self.columnGroups[tmp]) self.columnGroups[tmp].text = self.columnGroups[tmp].caption } if (self.columnGroups[self.columnGroups.length-1].text != '') self.columnGroups.push({ text: '' }) if (self.show.lineNumbers) { html1 += '' + '
' + '' } if (self.show.selectColumn) { html1 += '' + '
' + '' } if (self.show.expandColumn) { html1 += '' + '
' + '' } let ii = 0 html2 += `` if (self.reorderRows) { html2 += '' + '
' + '' } for (let i = 0; i < self.columnGroups.length; i++) { let colg = self.columnGroups[i] let col = self.columns[ii] || {} if (colg.colspan != null) colg.span = colg.colspan if (colg.span == null || colg.span != parseInt(colg.span)) colg.span = 1 if (col.text == null && col.caption != null) { console.log('NOTICE: grid column.caption property is deprecated, please use column.text. Column ->', col) col.text = col.caption } let colspan = 0 for (let jj = ii; jj < ii + colg.span; jj++) { if (self.columns[jj] && !self.columns[jj].hidden) { colspan++ } } if (i == self.columnGroups.length-1) { colspan = 100 // last column } if (colspan <= 0) { // do nothing here, all columns in the group are hidden. } else if (colg.main === true) { let sortStyle = '' for (let si = 0; si < self.sortData.length; si++) { if (self.sortData[si].field == col.field) { if ((self.sortData[si].direction || '').toLowerCase() === 'asc') sortStyle = 'w2ui-sort-up' if ((self.sortData[si].direction || '').toLowerCase() === 'desc') sortStyle = 'w2ui-sort-down' } } let resizer = '' if (col.resizable !== false) { resizer = `
` } let text = w2utils.lang(typeof col.text == 'function' ? col.text(col) : col.text) tmpf = ``+ resizer + `
` + `
` + (!text ? ' ' : text) + '
'+ '' if (col && col.frozen) html1 += tmpf; else html2 += tmpf } else { let gText = w2utils.lang(typeof colg.text == 'function' ? colg.text(colg) : colg.text) tmpf = `` + `
${!gText ? ' ' : gText}
` + '' if (col && col.frozen) html1 += tmpf; else html2 += tmpf } ii += colg.span } html1 += '' // need empty column for border-right html2 += `` return [html1, html2] } function getColumns(main) { let html1 = '' let html2 = '' if (self.show.lineNumbers) { html1 += '' + '
' + '' } if (self.show.selectColumn) { html1 += '' + '
' + ` ' + '
' + '' } if (self.show.expandColumn) { html1 += '' + '
' + '' } let ii = 0 let id = 0 let colg html2 += `` if (self.reorderRows) { html2 += ''+ '
'+ '' } for (let i = 0; i < self.columns.length; i++) { let col = self.columns[i] if (col.text == null && col.caption != null) { console.log('NOTICE: grid column.caption property is deprecated, please use column.text. Column -> ', col) col.text = col.caption } if (col.size == null) col.size = '100%' if (i == id) { // always true on first iteration colg = self.columnGroups[ii++] || {} id = id + colg.span } if ((i < self.last.vscroll.colIndStart || i > self.last.vscroll.colIndEnd) && !col.frozen) continue if (col.hidden) continue if (colg.main !== true || main) { // grouping of columns let colCellHTML = self.getColumnCellHTML(i) if (col && col.frozen) html1 += colCellHTML; else html2 += colCellHTML } } html1 += '
' html2 += '
' html1 += '' html2 += '' return [html1, html2] } } getColumnCellHTML(i) { let col = this.columns[i] if (col == null) return '' // reorder style let reorderCols = (this.reorderColumns && (!this.columnGroups || !this.columnGroups.length)) ? ' w2ui-col-reorderable ' : '' // sort style let sortStyle = '' for (let si = 0; si < this.sortData.length; si++) { if (this.sortData[si].field == col.field) { if ((this.sortData[si].direction || '').toLowerCase() === 'asc') sortStyle = 'w2ui-sort-up' if ((this.sortData[si].direction || '').toLowerCase() === 'desc') sortStyle = 'w2ui-sort-down' } } // col selected let tmp = this.last.selection.columns let selected = false for (let t in tmp) { for (let si = 0; si < tmp[t].length; si++) { if (tmp[t][si] == i) selected = true } } let text = w2utils.lang(typeof col.text == 'function' ? col.text(col) : col.text) let html = '' + (col.resizable !== false ? '
' : '') + '
'+ '
'+ (!text ? ' ' : text) + '
'+ '' return html } columnTooltipShow(ind, event) { let $el = query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name + '_column_'+ ind) let item = this.columns[ind] let pos = this.columnTooltip w2tooltip.show({ name: this.name + '-column-tooltip', anchor: $el.get(0), html: item?.tooltip, position: pos, }) } columnTooltipHide(ind, event) { w2tooltip.hide(this.name + '-column-tooltip') } getRecordsHTML() { let buffered = this.records.length let url = this.url?.get ?? this.url if (this.searchData.length != 0 && !url) buffered = this.last.searchIds.length // larger number works better with chrome, smaller with FF. if (buffered > this.vs_start) this.last.vscroll.show_extra = this.vs_extra; else this.last.vscroll.show_extra = this.vs_start let records = query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_records`) let limit = Math.floor((records.get(0)?.clientHeight || 0) / this.recordHeight) + this.last.vscroll.show_extra + 1 if (limit < this.vs_start) { limit = this.vs_start } if (!this.fixedBody || limit > buffered) limit = buffered // always need first record for resizing purposes let rec_html = this.getRecordHTML(-1, 0) let html1 = '' + rec_html[0] let html2 = '
' + rec_html[1] // first empty row with height html1 += ''+ ' '+ '' html2 += ''+ ' '+ '' for (let i = 0; i < limit; i++) { rec_html = this.getRecordHTML(i, i+1) html1 += rec_html[0] html2 += rec_html[1] } let h2 = (buffered - limit) * this.recordHeight html1 += '' + ' '+ ''+ ''+ ' '+ ''+ '
' html2 += '' + ' '+ ''+ ''+ ' '+ ''+ '' this.last.vscroll.recIndStart = 0 this.last.vscroll.recIndEnd = limit return [html1, html2] } getSummaryHTML() { if (this.summary.length === 0) return let rec_html = this.getRecordHTML(-1, 0) // need this in summary too for colspan to work properly let html1 = '' + rec_html[0] let html2 = '
' + rec_html[1] for (let i = 0; i < this.summary.length; i++) { rec_html = this.getRecordHTML(i, i+1, true) html1 += rec_html[0] html2 += rec_html[1] } html1 += '
' html2 += '' return [html1, html2] } scroll(event) { let obj = this let url = this.url?.get ?? this.url let records = query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_records`) let frecords = query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_frecords`) // sync scroll positions if (event) { let sTop = event.target.scrollTop let sLeft = event.target.scrollLeft this.last.vscroll.scrollTop = sTop this.last.vscroll.scrollLeft = sLeft let cols = query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_columns`)[0] let summary = query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_summary`)[0] if (cols) cols.scrollLeft = sLeft if (summary) summary.scrollLeft = sLeft if (frecords[0]) frecords[0].scrollTop = sTop } // hide bubble if (this.last.bubbleEl) { w2tooltip.hide(this.name + '-bubble') this.last.bubbleEl = null } // column virtual scroll let colStart = null let colEnd = null if (this.disableCVS || this.columnGroups.length > 0) { // disable virtual scroll colStart = 0 colEnd = this.columns.length - 1 } else { let sWidth = records.prop('clientWidth') let cLeft = 0 for (let i = 0; i < this.columns.length; i++) { if (this.columns[i].frozen || this.columns[i].hidden) continue let cSize = parseInt(this.columns[i].sizeCalculated ? this.columns[i].sizeCalculated : this.columns[i].size) if (cLeft + cSize + 30 > this.last.vscroll.scrollLeft && colStart == null) colStart = i if (cLeft + cSize - 30 > this.last.vscroll.scrollLeft + sWidth && colEnd == null) colEnd = i cLeft += cSize } if (colEnd == null) colEnd = this.columns.length - 1 } if (colStart != null) { if (colStart < 0) colStart = 0 if (colEnd < 0) colEnd = 0 if (colStart == colEnd) { if (colStart > 0) colStart--; else colEnd++ // show at least one column } // --------- if (colStart != this.last.vscroll.colIndStart || colEnd != this.last.vscroll.colIndEnd) { let $box = query(this.box) let deltaStart = Math.abs(colStart - this.last.vscroll.colIndStart) let deltaEnd = Math.abs(colEnd - this.last.vscroll.colIndEnd) // add/remove columns for small jumps if (deltaStart < 5 && deltaEnd < 5) { let $cfirst = $box.find(`.w2ui-grid-columns #grid_${this.name}_column_start`) let $clast = $box.find('.w2ui-grid-columns .w2ui-head-last') let $rfirst = $box.find(`#grid_${this.name}_records .w2ui-grid-data-spacer`) let $rlast = $box.find(`#grid_${this.name}_records .w2ui-grid-data-last`) let $sfirst = $box.find(`#grid_${this.name}_summary .w2ui-grid-data-spacer`) let $slast = $box.find(`#grid_${this.name}_summary .w2ui-grid-data-last`) // remove on left if (colStart > this.last.vscroll.colIndStart) { for (let i = this.last.vscroll.colIndStart; i < colStart; i++) { $box.find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_columns #grid_'+ this.name +'_column_'+ i).remove() // column $box.find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_records td[col="'+ i +'"]').remove() // record $box.find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_summary td[col="'+ i +'"]').remove() // summary } } // remove on right if (colEnd < this.last.vscroll.colIndEnd) { for (let i = this.last.vscroll.colIndEnd; i > colEnd; i--) { $box.find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_columns #grid_'+ this.name +'_column_'+ i).remove() // column $box.find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_records td[col="'+ i +'"]').remove() // record $box.find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_summary td[col="'+ i +'"]').remove() // summary } } // add on left if (colStart < this.last.vscroll.colIndStart) { for (let i = this.last.vscroll.colIndStart - 1; i >= colStart; i--) { if (this.columns[i] && (this.columns[i].frozen || this.columns[i].hidden)) continue $cfirst.after(this.getColumnCellHTML(i)) // column // record $rfirst.each(el => { let index = query(el).parent().attr('index') let td = '' // width column if (index != null) td = this.getCellHTML(parseInt(index), i, false) query(el).after(td) }) // summary $sfirst.each(el => { let index = query(el).parent().attr('index') let td = '' // width column if (index != null) td = this.getCellHTML(parseInt(index), i, true) query(el).after(td) }) } } // add on right if (colEnd > this.last.vscroll.colIndEnd) { for (let i = this.last.vscroll.colIndEnd + 1; i <= colEnd; i++) { if (this.columns[i] && (this.columns[i].frozen || this.columns[i].hidden)) continue $clast.before(this.getColumnCellHTML(i)) // column // record $rlast.each(el => { let index = query(el).parent().attr('index') let td = '' // width column if (index != null) td = this.getCellHTML(parseInt(index), i, false) query(el).before(td) }) // summary $slast.each(el => { let index = query(el).parent().attr('index') || -1 let td = this.getCellHTML(parseInt(index), i, true) query(el).before(td) }) } } this.last.vscroll.colIndStart = colStart this.last.vscroll.colIndEnd = colEnd this.resizeRecords() } else { this.last.vscroll.colIndStart = colStart this.last.vscroll.colIndEnd = colEnd // dot not just call this.refresh(); let colHTML = this.getColumnsHTML() let recHTML = this.getRecordsHTML() let sumHTML = this.getSummaryHTML() let $columns = $box.find(`#grid_${this.name}_columns`) let $records = $box.find(`#grid_${this.name}_records`) let $frecords = $box.find(`#grid_${this.name}_frecords`) let $summary = $box.find(`#grid_${this.name}_summary`) $columns.find('tbody').html(colHTML[1]) $frecords.html(recHTML[0]) $records.prepend(recHTML[1]) if (sumHTML != null) $summary.html(sumHTML[1]) // need timeout to clean up (otherwise scroll problem) setTimeout(() => { $records.find(':scope > table').filter(':not(table:first-child)').remove() if ($summary[0]) $summary[0].scrollLeft = this.last.vscroll.scrollLeft }, 1) this.resizeRecords() } } } // perform virtual scroll let buffered = this.records.length if (buffered > this.total && this.total !== -1) buffered = this.total if (this.searchData.length != 0 && !url) buffered = this.last.searchIds.length if (buffered === 0 || records.length === 0 || records.prop('clientHeight') === 0) return if (buffered > this.vs_start) this.last.vscroll.show_extra = this.vs_extra; else this.last.vscroll.show_extra = this.vs_start // update footer let t1 = Math.round(records.prop('scrollTop') / this.recordHeight + 1) let t2 = t1 + (Math.round(records.prop('clientHeight') / this.recordHeight) - 1) if (t1 > buffered) t1 = buffered if (t2 >= buffered - 1) t2 = buffered query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name + '_footer .w2ui-footer-right').html( (this.show.statusRange ? w2utils.formatNumber(this.offset + t1) + '-' + w2utils.formatNumber(this.offset + t2) + (this.total != -1 ? ' ' + w2utils.lang('of') + ' ' + w2utils.formatNumber(this.total) + '' : '') : '') + (url && this.show.statusBuffered ? ' ('+ w2utils.lang('buffered') + ' '+ w2utils.formatNumber(buffered) + '' + (this.offset > 0 ? ', skip ' + w2utils.formatNumber(this.offset) : '') + ')' : '') ) // only for local data source, else no extra records loaded if (!url && (!this.fixedBody || (this.total != -1 && this.total <= this.vs_start))) return // regular processing let start = Math.floor(records.prop('scrollTop') / this.recordHeight) - this.last.vscroll.show_extra let end = start + Math.floor(records.prop('clientHeight') / this.recordHeight) + this.last.vscroll.show_extra * 2 + 1 // let div = start - this.last.vscroll.recIndStart; if (start < 1) start = 1 if (end > this.total && this.total != -1) end = this.total let tr1 = records.find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_top') let tr2 = records.find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_bottom') let tr1f = frecords.find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_frec_top') let tr2f = frecords.find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_frec_bottom') // if row is expanded if (String(tr1.next().prop('id')).indexOf('_expanded_row') != -1) { tr1.next().remove() tr1f.next().remove() } if (this.total > end && String(tr2.prev().prop('id')).indexOf('_expanded_row') != -1) { tr2.prev().remove() tr2f.prev().remove() } let first = parseInt(tr1.next().attr('line')) let last = parseInt(tr2.prev().attr('line')) let tmp, tmp1, tmp2, rec_start, rec_html if (first <= start || first == 1 || this.last.vscroll.pull_refresh) { // scroll down if (end <= last + this.last.vscroll.show_extra - 2 && end != this.total) return this.last.vscroll.pull_refresh = false // remove from top while (true) { tmp1 = frecords.find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_frec_top').next() tmp2 = records.find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_top').next() if (tmp2.attr('line') == 'bottom') break if (parseInt(tmp2.attr('line')) < start) { tmp1.remove() tmp2.remove() } else { break } } // add at bottom tmp = records.find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_bottom').prev() rec_start = tmp.attr('line') if (rec_start == 'top') rec_start = start for (let i = parseInt(rec_start) + 1; i <= end; i++) { if (!this.records[i-1]) continue tmp2 = this.records[i-1].w2ui if (tmp2 && !Array.isArray(tmp2.children)) { tmp2.expanded = false } rec_html = this.getRecordHTML(i-1, i) tr2.before(rec_html[1]) tr2f.before(rec_html[0]) } markSearch() setTimeout(() => { this.refreshRanges() }, 0) } else { // scroll up if (start >= first - this.last.vscroll.show_extra + 2 && start > 1) return // remove from bottom while (true) { tmp1 = frecords.find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_frec_bottom').prev() tmp2 = records.find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_bottom').prev() if (tmp2.attr('line') == 'top') break if (parseInt(tmp2.attr('line')) > end) { tmp1.remove() tmp2.remove() } else { break } } // add at top tmp = records.find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_top').next() rec_start = tmp.attr('line') if (rec_start == 'bottom') rec_start = end for (let i = parseInt(rec_start) - 1; i >= start; i--) { if (!this.records[i-1]) continue tmp2 = this.records[i-1].w2ui if (tmp2 && !Array.isArray(tmp2.children)) { tmp2.expanded = false } rec_html = this.getRecordHTML(i-1, i) tr1.after(rec_html[1]) tr1f.after(rec_html[0]) } markSearch() setTimeout(() => { this.refreshRanges() }, 0) } // first/last row size let h1 = (start - 1) * this.recordHeight let h2 = (buffered - end) * this.recordHeight if (h2 < 0) h2 = 0 tr1.css('height', h1 + 'px') tr1f.css('height', h1 + 'px') tr2.css('height', h2 + 'px') tr2f.css('height', h2 + 'px') this.last.vscroll.recIndStart = start this.last.vscroll.recIndEnd = end // load more if needed let s = Math.floor(records.prop('scrollTop') / this.recordHeight) let e = s + Math.floor(records.prop('clientHeight') / this.recordHeight) if (e + 10 > buffered && this.last.vscroll.pull_more !== true && (buffered < this.total - this.offset || (this.total == -1 && this.last.fetch.hasMore))) { if (this.autoLoad === true) { this.last.vscroll.pull_more = true this.last.fetch.offset += this.limit this.request('load') } // scroll function let more = query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_rec_more, #grid_'+ this.name +'_frec_more') more.show() .eq(1) // only main table .off('.load-more') .on('click.load-more', function() { // show spinner query(this).find('td').html('
') // load more obj.last.vscroll.pull_more = true obj.last.fetch.offset += obj.limit obj.request('load') }) .find('td') .html(obj.autoLoad ? '
' : '
'+ w2utils.lang('Load ${count} more...', { count: obj.limit }) + '
' ) } function markSearch() { // mark search if (!obj.markSearch) return clearTimeout(obj.last.marker_timer) obj.last.marker_timer = setTimeout(() => { // mark all search strings let search = [] for (let s = 0; s < obj.searchData.length; s++) { let sdata = obj.searchData[s] let fld = obj.getSearch(sdata.field) if (!fld || fld.hidden) continue let ind = obj.getColumn(sdata.field, true) search.push({ field: sdata.field, search: sdata.value, col: ind }) } if (search.length > 0) { search.forEach((item) => { let el = query(obj.box).find('td[col="'+ item.col +'"]:not(.w2ui-head)') w2utils.marker(el, item.search) }) } }, 50) } } getRecordHTML(ind, lineNum, summary) { let tmph = '' let rec_html1 = '' let rec_html2 = '' let sel = this.last.selection let record // first record needs for resize purposes if (ind == -1) { rec_html1 += '' rec_html2 += '' if (this.show.lineNumbers) rec_html1 += '' if (this.show.selectColumn) rec_html1 += '' if (this.show.expandColumn) rec_html1 += '' rec_html2 += '' if (this.reorderRows) rec_html2 += '' for (let i = 0; i < this.columns.length; i++) { let col = this.columns[i] tmph = '' if (col.frozen && !col.hidden) { rec_html1 += tmph } else { if (col.hidden || i < this.last.vscroll.colIndStart || i > this.last.vscroll.colIndEnd) continue rec_html2 += tmph } } rec_html1 += '' rec_html2 += '' rec_html1 += '' rec_html2 += '' return [rec_html1, rec_html2] } // regular record let url = this.url?.get ?? this.url if (summary !== true) { if (this.searchData.length > 0 && !url) { if (ind >= this.last.searchIds.length) return '' ind = this.last.searchIds[ind] record = this.records[ind] } else { if (ind >= this.records.length) return '' record = this.records[ind] } } else { if (ind >= this.summary.length) return '' record = this.summary[ind] } if (!record) return '' if (record.recid == null && this.recid != null) { let rid = this.parseField(record, this.recid) if (rid != null) record.recid = rid } let isRowSelected = false if (sel.indexes.indexOf(ind) != -1) isRowSelected = true let rec_style = (record.w2ui ? record.w2ui.style : '') if (rec_style == null || typeof rec_style != 'string') rec_style = '' let rec_class = (record.w2ui ? record.w2ui.class : '') if (rec_class == null || typeof rec_class != 'string') rec_class = '' // render TR rec_html1 += '' rec_html2 += '' if (this.show.lineNumbers) { rec_html1 += ''+ (summary !== true ? this.getLineHTML(lineNum, record) : '') + '' } if (this.show.selectColumn) { rec_html1 += ''+ (summary !== true && !(record.w2ui && record.w2ui.hideCheckBox === true) ? '
'+ ' '+ '
' : '' ) + '' } if (this.show.expandColumn) { let tmp_img = '' if (record.w2ui?.expanded === true) tmp_img = '-'; else tmp_img = '+' if ((record.w2ui?.expanded == 'none' || !Array.isArray(record.w2ui?.children) || !record.w2ui?.children.length)) tmp_img = '+' if (record.w2ui?.expanded == 'spinner') tmp_img = '
' rec_html1 += ''+ (summary !== true ? `
` : '' ) + '' } // insert empty first column rec_html2 += '' if (this.reorderRows) { rec_html2 += ''+ (summary !== true ? '
' : '' ) + '' } let col_ind = 0 let col_skip = 0 while (true) { let col_span = 1 let col = this.columns[col_ind] if (col == null) break if (col.hidden) { col_ind++ if (col_skip > 0) col_skip-- continue } if (col_skip > 0) { col_ind++ if (this.columns[col_ind] == null) break record.w2ui.colspan[this.columns[col_ind-1].field] = 0 // need it for other methods col_skip-- continue } else if (record.w2ui) { let tmp1 = record.w2ui.colspan let tmp2 = this.columns[col_ind].field if (tmp1 && tmp1[tmp2] === 0) { delete tmp1[tmp2] // if no longer colspan then remove 0 } } // column virtual scroll if ((col_ind < this.last.vscroll.colIndStart || col_ind > this.last.vscroll.colIndEnd) && !col.frozen) { col_ind++ continue } if (record.w2ui) { if (typeof record.w2ui.colspan == 'object') { let span = parseInt(record.w2ui.colspan[col.field]) || null if (span > 1) { // if there are hidden columns, then no colspan on them let hcnt = 0 for (let i = col_ind; i < col_ind + span; i++) { if (i >= this.columns.length) break if (this.columns[i].hidden) hcnt++ } col_span = span - hcnt col_skip = span - 1 } } } let rec_cell = this.getCellHTML(ind, col_ind, summary, col_span) if (col.frozen) rec_html1 += rec_cell; else rec_html2 += rec_cell col_ind++ } rec_html1 += '' rec_html2 += '' rec_html1 += '' rec_html2 += '' return [rec_html1, rec_html2] } getLineHTML(lineNum) { return '
' + lineNum + '
' } getCellHTML(ind, col_ind, summary, col_span) { let obj = this let col = this.columns[col_ind] if (col == null) return '' let record = (summary !== true ? this.records[ind] : this.summary[ind]) // value, attr, style, className, divAttr let { value, style, className, attr, divAttr } = this.getCellValue(ind, col_ind, summary, true) let edit = (ind !== -1 ? this.getCellEditable(ind, col_ind) : '') let divStyle = 'max-height: '+ parseInt(this.recordHeight) +'px;' + (col.clipboardCopy ? 'margin-right: 20px' : '') let isChanged = !summary && record?.w2ui?.changes && record.w2ui.changes[col.field] != null let sel = this.last.selection let isRowSelected = false let infoBubble = '' if (sel.indexes.indexOf(ind) != -1) isRowSelected = true if (col_span == null) { if (record?.w2ui?.colspan && record.w2ui.colspan[col.field]) { col_span = record.w2ui.colspan[col.field] } else { col_span = 1 } } // expand icon if (col_ind === 0 && Array.isArray(record?.w2ui?.children)) { let level = 0 let subrec = this.get(record.w2ui.parent_recid, true) while (true) { if (subrec != null) { level++ let tmp = this.records[subrec].w2ui if (tmp != null && tmp.parent_recid != null) { subrec = this.get(tmp.parent_recid, true) } else { break } } else { break } } if (record.w2ui.parent_recid) { for (let i = 0; i < level; i++) { infoBubble += '' } } let className = record.w2ui.children.length > 0 ? (record.w2ui.expanded ? 'w2ui-icon-collapse' : 'w2ui-icon-expand') : 'w2ui-icon-empty' infoBubble += `` } // info bubble if (col.info === true) col.info = {} if (col.info != null) { let infoIcon = 'w2ui-icon-info' if (typeof col.info.icon == 'function') { infoIcon = col.info.icon(record, { self: this, index: ind, colIndex: col_ind, summary: !!summary }) } else if (typeof col.info.icon == 'object') { infoIcon = col.info.icon[this.parseField(record, col.field)] || '' } else if (typeof col.info.icon == 'string') { infoIcon = col.info.icon } let infoStyle = col.info.style || '' if (typeof col.info.style == 'function') { infoStyle = col.info.style(record, { self: this, index: ind, colIndex: col_ind, summary: !!summary }) } else if (typeof col.info.style == 'object') { infoStyle = col.info.style[this.parseField(record, col.field)] || '' } else if (typeof col.info.style == 'string') { infoStyle = col.info.style } infoBubble += `` } let data = value // if editable checkbox if (edit && ['checkbox', 'check'].indexOf(edit.type) != -1) { let changeInd = summary ? -(ind + 1) : ind divStyle += 'text-align: center;' data = `` infoBubble = '' } data = `
` if (data == null) data = '' // --> cell TD if (typeof col.render == 'string') { let tmp = col.render.replace('|', ':').split(':') if (['number', 'int', 'float', 'money', 'currency', 'percent', 'size'].includes(tmp[0])) { style += 'text-align: right;' } } if (record?.w2ui) { if (typeof record.w2ui.style == 'object') { if (typeof record.w2ui.style[col_ind] == 'string') style += record.w2ui.style[col_ind] + ';' if (typeof record.w2ui.style[col.field] == 'string') style += record.w2ui.style[col.field] + ';' } if (typeof record.w2ui.class == 'object') { if (typeof record.w2ui.class[col_ind] == 'string') className += record.w2ui.class[col_ind] + ' ' if (typeof record.w2ui.class[col.field] == 'string') className += record.w2ui.class[col.field] + ' ' } } let isCellSelected = false if (isRowSelected && sel.columns[ind]?.includes(col_ind)) isCellSelected = true // clipboardCopy let clipboardIcon if (col.clipboardCopy){ clipboardIcon = '' } // data data = ' 1 ? 'colspan="'+ col_span + '"' : '') + '>' + data + (clipboardIcon && w2utils.stripTags(data) ? clipboardIcon : '') +'' // summary top row if (ind === -1 && summary === true) { data = ' 1 ? 'colspan="'+ col_span + '"' : '') + '>' } return data function getTitle(cellData){ let title if (obj.show.recordTitles) { if (col.title != null) { if (typeof col.title == 'function') { title = col.title.call(obj, record, { self: this, index: ind, colIndex: col_ind, summary: !!summary }) } if (typeof col.title == 'string') title = col.title } else { title = w2utils.stripTags(String(cellData).replace(/"/g, '\'\'')) } } return (title != null) ? 'title="' + String(title) + '"' : '' } } clipboardCopy(ind, col_ind, summary) { let rec = summary ? this.summary[ind] : this.records[ind] let col = this.columns[col_ind] let txt = (col ? this.parseField(rec, col.field) : '') if (typeof col.clipboardCopy == 'function') { txt = col.clipboardCopy(rec, { self: this, index: ind, colIndex: col_ind, summary: !!summary }) } query(this.box).find('#grid_' + this.name + '_focus').text(txt).get(0).select() document.execCommand('copy') } showBubble(ind, col_ind, summary) { let info = this.columns[col_ind].info if (!info) return let html = '' let rec = this.records[ind] let el = query(this.box).find(`${summary ? '.w2ui-grid-summary' : ''} #grid_${this.name}_data_${ind}_${col_ind} .w2ui-info`) if (this.last.bubbleEl) { w2tooltip.hide(this.name + '-bubble') } this.last.bubbleEl = el // if no fields defined - show all if (info.fields == null) { info.fields = [] for (let i = 0; i < this.columns.length; i++) { let col = this.columns[i] info.fields.push(col.field + (typeof col.render == 'string' ? ':' + col.render : '')) } } let fields = info.fields if (typeof fields == 'function') { fields = fields(rec, { self: this, index: ind, colIndex: col_ind, summary: !!summary }) // custom renderer } // generate html if (typeof info.render == 'function') { html = info.render(rec, { self: this, index: ind, colIndex: col_ind, summary: !!summary }) } else if (Array.isArray(fields)) { // display mentioned fields html = '' for (let i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { let tmp = String(fields[i]).split(':') if (tmp[0] == '' || tmp[0] == '-' || tmp[0] == '--' || tmp[0] == '---') { html += '' continue } let col = this.getColumn(tmp[0]) if (col == null) col = { field: tmp[0], caption: tmp[0] } // if not found in columns let val = (col ? this.parseField(rec, col.field) : '') // if change by inline editing if (rec?.w2ui?.changes?.[col.field] != null) { val = rec.w2ui.changes[col.field] } if (tmp.length > 1) { if (w2utils.formatters[tmp[1]]) { let extra = { self: this, value: val, params: tmp[2] || null, field: this.columns[col_ind].field, index: ind, colIndex: col_ind, } val = w2utils.formatters[tmp[1]].call(this, rec, extra) } else { console.log('ERROR: w2utils.formatters["'+ tmp[1] + '"] does not exists.') } } if (typeof val == 'object' && val.text != null) val = val.text if (info.showEmpty !== true && (val == null || val == '')) continue if (info.maxLength != null && typeof val == 'string' && val.length > info.maxLength) val = val.substr(0, info.maxLength) + '...' html += '' } html += '
' + col.text + '' + ((val === 0 ? '0' : val) || '') + '
' } else if (w2utils.isPlainObject(fields)) { // display some fields html = '' for (let caption in fields) { let fld = fields[caption] if (fld == '' || fld == '-' || fld == '--' || fld == '---') { html += '' continue } let tmp = String(fld).split(':') let col = this.getColumn(tmp[0]) if (col == null) col = { field: tmp[0], caption: tmp[0] } // if not found in columns let val = (col ? this.parseField(rec, col.field) : '') // if change by inline editing if (rec?.w2ui?.changes?.[col.field] != null) { val = rec.w2ui.changes[col.field] } if (tmp.length > 1) { if (w2utils.formatters[tmp[1]]) { let extra = { self: this, value: val, params: tmp[2] || null, field: this.columns[col_ind].field, index: ind, colIndex: col_ind, } val = w2utils.formatters[tmp[1]].call(this, rec, extra) } else { console.log('ERROR: w2utils.formatters["'+ tmp[1] + '"] does not exists.') } } if (typeof fld == 'function') { val = fld(rec, { self: this, index: ind, colIndex: col_ind, summary: !!summary }) } if (typeof val == 'object' && val.text != null) val = val.text if (info.showEmpty !== true && (val == null || val == '')) continue if (info.maxLength != null && typeof val == 'string' && val.length > info.maxLength) val = val.substr(0, info.maxLength) + '...' html += '' } html += '
' + caption + '' + ((val === 0 ? '0' : val) || '') + '
' } return w2tooltip.show(w2utils.extend({ name: this.name + '-bubble', html, anchor: el.get(0), position: 'top|bottom', class: 'w2ui-info-bubble', style: '', hideOn: ['doc-click'] }, info.options ?? {})) .hide(() => [ this.last.bubbleEl = null ]) } // return null or the editable object if the given cell is editable getCellEditable(ind, col_ind) { let col = this.columns[col_ind] let rec = this.records[ind] if (!rec || !col) return null let edit = (rec.w2ui ? rec.w2ui.editable : null) if (edit === false) return null if (edit == null || edit === true) { edit = (Object.keys(col.editable ?? {}).length > 0 ? col.editable : null) if (typeof edit === 'function') { let value = this.getCellValue(ind, col_ind, false) // same arguments as col.render() edit = edit.call(this, rec, { self: this, value, index: ind, colIndex: col_ind }) } } return edit } getCellValue(ind, col_ind, summary, extra) { let col = this.columns[col_ind] let record = (summary !== true ? this.records[ind] : this.summary[ind]) let value = this.parseField(record, col.field) let className = '', style = '', attr = '', divAttr = '' // if change by inline editing if (record?.w2ui?.changes?.[col.field] != null) { value = record.w2ui.changes[col.field] } // if there is a cell renderer if (col.render != null && ind !== -1) { let render = col.render let params // predefined formatters if (typeof render == 'string') { let tmp = col.render.toLowerCase().replace('|', ':').split(':') // formatters let func = w2utils.formatters[tmp[0]] if (col.options && col.options.autoFormat === false) { func = null } render = func params = tmp[1] } if (typeof render == 'function' && record != null) { let html try { html = render.call(this, record, { self: this, value, params, field: this.columns[col_ind].field, index: ind, colIndex: col_ind, summary: !!summary }) } catch (e) { throw new Error(`Render function for column "${col.field}" in grid "${this.name}": -- ` + e.message) } if (html != null && typeof html == 'object' && typeof html != 'function') { if (html.id != null && html.text != null) { // normalized menu kind of return value = html.text } else if (typeof html.html == 'string') { value = (html.html || '').trim() } else { value = '' console.log('ERROR: render function should return a primitive or an object of the following structure.', { html: '', attr: '', style: '', class: '', divAttr: '' }) } attr = html.attr ?? '' style = html.style ?? '' className = html.class ?? '' divAttr = html.divAttr ?? '' } else { value = String(html || '').trim() } } // if it is an object if (typeof render == 'object') { let tmp = render[value] if (tmp != null && tmp !== '') { value = tmp } } } if (value == null) value = '' return !extra ? value : { value, attr, style, className, divAttr } } getFooterHTML() { return '
'+ ' '+ ' '+ ' '+ '
' } status(msg) { if (msg != null) { query(this.box).find(`#grid_${this.name}_footer`).find('.w2ui-footer-left').html(msg) } else { // show number of selected let msgLeft = '' let sel = this.getSelection() if (sel.length > 0) { if (this.show.statusSelection && sel.length > 1) { msgLeft = String(sel.length).replace(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/g, '$1' + w2utils.settings.groupSymbol) + ' ' + w2utils.lang('selected') } if (this.show.statusRecordID && sel.length == 1) { let tmp = sel[0] if (typeof tmp == 'object') tmp = tmp.recid + ', '+ w2utils.lang('Column') +': '+ tmp.column msgLeft = w2utils.lang('Record ID') + ': '+ tmp + ' ' } } query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_footer .w2ui-footer-left').html(msgLeft) } } lock(msg, showSpinner) { let args = Array.from(arguments) args.unshift(this.box) setTimeout(() => { // hide empty msg if any query(this.box).find('#grid_'+ this.name +'_empty_msg').remove() w2utils.lock(...args) }, 10) } unlock(speed) { setTimeout(() => { // do not unlock if there is a message if (query(this.box).find('.w2ui-message').hasClass('w2ui-closing')) return w2utils.unlock(this.box, speed) }, 25) // needed timer so if server fast, it will not flash } stateSave(returnOnly) { let state = { columns: [], show: w2utils.clone(this.show), last: { search: this.last.search, multi : this.last.multi, logic : this.last.logic, label : this.last.label, field : this.last.field, scrollTop : this.last.vscroll.scrollTop, scrollLeft: this.last.vscroll.scrollLeft }, sortData : [], searchData: [] } let prop_val for (let i = 0; i < this.columns.length; i++) { let col = this.columns[i] let col_save_obj = {} // iterate properties to save Object.keys(this.stateColProps).forEach((prop, idx) => { if (this.stateColProps[prop]){ // check if the property is defined on the column if (col[prop] !== undefined){ prop_val = col[prop] } else { // use fallback or null prop_val = this.colTemplate[prop] || null } col_save_obj[prop] = prop_val } }) state.columns.push(col_save_obj) } for (let i = 0; i < this.sortData.length; i++) state.sortData.push(w2utils.clone(this.sortData[i])) for (let i = 0; i < this.searchData.length; i++) state.searchData.push(w2utils.clone(this.searchData[i])) // event before let edata = this.trigger('stateSave', { target: this.name, state: state }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) { return } // save into local storage if (returnOnly !== true) { this.cacheSave('state', state) } // event after edata.finish() return state } stateRestore(newState) { let url = this.url?.get ?? this.url if (!newState) { newState = this.cache('state') } // event before let edata = this.trigger('stateRestore', { target: this.name, state: newState }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) { return } // default behavior if (w2utils.isPlainObject(newState)) { w2utils.extend(this.show, newState.show ?? {}) w2utils.extend(this.last, newState.last ?? {}) let sTop = this.last.vscroll.scrollTop let sLeft = this.last.vscroll.scrollLeft for (let c = 0; c < newState.columns?.length; c++) { let tmp = newState.columns[c] let col_index = this.getColumn(tmp.field, true) if (col_index !== null) { w2utils.extend(this.columns[col_index], tmp) // restore column order from saved state if (c !== col_index) this.columns.splice(c, 0, this.columns.splice(col_index, 1)[0]) } } this.sortData.splice(0, this.sortData.length) for (let c = 0; c < newState.sortData?.length; c++) { this.sortData.push(newState.sortData[c]) } this.searchData.splice(0, this.searchData.length) for (let c = 0; c < newState.searchData?.length; c++) { this.searchData.push(newState.searchData[c]) } // apply sort and search setTimeout(() => { // needs timeout as records need to be populated // ez 10.09.2014 this --> if (!url) { if (this.sortData.length > 0) this.localSort() if (this.searchData.length > 0) this.localSearch() } this.last.vscroll.scrollTop = sTop this.last.vscroll.scrollLeft = sLeft this.refresh() }, 1) console.log(`INFO (w2ui): state restored for "${this.name}"`) } // event after edata.finish() return true } stateReset() { this.stateRestore(this.last.state) this.cacheSave('state', null) } parseField(obj, field) { if (this.nestedFields) { let val = '' try { // need this to make sure no error in fields val = obj let tmp = String(field).split('.') for (let i = 0; i < tmp.length; i++) { val = val[tmp[i]] } } catch (event) { val = '' } return val } else { return obj ? obj[field] : '' } } prepareData() { let obj = this // loops thru records and prepares date and time objects for (let r = 0; r < this.records.length; r++) { let rec = this.records[r] prepareRecord(rec) } // prepare date and time objects for the 'rec' record and its closed children function prepareRecord(rec) { for (let c = 0; c < obj.columns.length; c++) { let column = obj.columns[c] if (rec[column.field] == null || typeof column.render != 'string') continue // number if (['number', 'int', 'float', 'money', 'currency', 'percent'].indexOf(column.render.split(':')[0]) != -1) { if (typeof rec[column.field] != 'number') rec[column.field] = parseFloat(rec[column.field]) } // date if (['date', 'age'].indexOf(column.render.split(':')[0]) != -1) { if (!rec[column.field + '_']) { let dt = rec[column.field] if (w2utils.isInt(dt)) dt = parseInt(dt) rec[column.field + '_'] = new Date(dt) } } // time if (['time'].indexOf(column.render) != -1) { if (w2utils.isTime(rec[column.field])) { // if string let tmp = w2utils.isTime(rec[column.field], true) let dt = new Date() dt.setHours(tmp.hours, tmp.minutes, (tmp.seconds ? tmp.seconds : 0), 0) // sets hours, min, sec, mills if (!rec[column.field + '_']) rec[column.field + '_'] = dt } else { // if date object let tmp = rec[column.field] if (w2utils.isInt(tmp)) tmp = parseInt(tmp) tmp = (tmp != null ? new Date(tmp) : new Date()) let dt = new Date() dt.setHours(tmp.getHours(), tmp.getMinutes(), tmp.getSeconds(), 0) // sets hours, min, sec, mills if (!rec[column.field + '_']) rec[column.field + '_'] = dt } } } if (rec.w2ui?.children && rec.w2ui?.expanded !== true) { // there are closed children, prepare them too. for (let r = 0; r < rec.w2ui.children.length; r++) { let subRec = rec.w2ui.children[r] prepareRecord(subRec) } } } } nextCell(index, col_ind, editable) { let check = col_ind + 1 if (check >= this.columns.length) { index = this.nextRow(index) return index == null ? index : this.nextCell(index, -1, editable) } let tmp = this.records[index].w2ui let col = this.columns[check] let span = (tmp && tmp.colspan && !isNaN(tmp.colspan[col.field]) ? parseInt(tmp.colspan[col.field]) : 1) if (col == null) return null if (col && col.hidden || span === 0) return this.nextCell(index, check, editable) if (editable) { let edit = this.getCellEditable(index, check) if (edit == null || ['checkbox', 'check'].indexOf(edit.type) != -1) { return this.nextCell(index, check, editable) } } return { index, colIndex: check } } prevCell(index, col_ind, editable) { let check = col_ind - 1 if (check < 0) { index = this.prevRow(index) return index == null ? index : this.prevCell(index, this.columns.length, editable) } if (check < 0) return null let tmp = this.records[index].w2ui let col = this.columns[check] let span = (tmp && tmp.colspan && !isNaN(tmp.colspan[col.field]) ? parseInt(tmp.colspan[col.field]) : 1) if (col == null) return null if (col && col.hidden || span === 0) return this.prevCell(index, check, editable) if (editable) { let edit = this.getCellEditable(index, check) if (edit == null || ['checkbox', 'check'].indexOf(edit.type) != -1) { return this.prevCell(index, check, editable) } } return { index, colIndex: check } } nextRow(ind, col_ind, numRows) { let sids = this.last.searchIds let ret = null if (numRows == null) numRows = 1 if (numRows == -1) { return this.records.length-1 } if ((ind + numRows < this.records.length && sids.length === 0) // if there are more records || (sids.length > 0 && ind < sids[sids.length-numRows])) { ind += numRows if (sids.length > 0) while (true) { if (sids.includes(ind) || ind > this.records.length) break ind += numRows } // colspan let tmp = this.records[ind].w2ui let col = this.columns[col_ind] let span = (tmp && tmp.colspan && col != null && !isNaN(tmp.colspan[col.field]) ? parseInt(tmp.colspan[col.field]) : 1) if (span === 0) { ret = this.nextRow(ind, col_ind, numRows) } else { ret = ind } } return ret } prevRow(ind, col_ind, numRows) { let sids = this.last.searchIds let ret = null if (numRows == null) numRows = 1 if (numRows == -1) { return 0 } if ((ind - numRows >= 0 && sids.length === 0) // if there are more records || (sids.length > 0 && ind > sids[0])) { ind -= numRows if (sids.length > 0) while (true) { if (sids.includes(ind) || ind < 0) break ind -= numRows } // colspan let tmp = this.records[ind].w2ui let col = this.columns[col_ind] let span = (tmp && tmp.colspan && col != null && !isNaN(tmp.colspan[col.field]) ? parseInt(tmp.colspan[col.field]) : 1) if (span === 0) { ret = this.prevRow(ind, col_ind, numRows) } else { ret = ind } } return ret } selectionSave() { this.last.saved_sel = this.getSelection() return this.last.saved_sel } selectionRestore(noRefresh) { let time = Date.now() this.last.selection = { indexes: [], columns: {} } let sel = this.last.selection let lst = this.last.saved_sel if (lst) for (let i = 0; i < lst.length; i++) { if (w2utils.isPlainObject(lst[i])) { // selectType: cell let tmp = this.get(lst[i].recid, true) if (tmp != null) { if (sel.indexes.indexOf(tmp) == -1) sel.indexes.push(tmp) if (!sel.columns[tmp]) sel.columns[tmp] = [] sel.columns[tmp].push(lst[i].column) } } else { // selectType: row let tmp = this.get(lst[i], true) if (tmp != null) sel.indexes.push(tmp) } } delete this.last.saved_sel if (noRefresh !== true) this.refresh() return Date.now() - time } message(options) { return w2utils.message({ owner: this, box : this.box, after: '.w2ui-grid-header' }, options) } confirm(options) { return w2utils.confirm({ owner: this, box : this.box, after: '.w2ui-grid-header' }, options) } } /** * Part of w2ui 2.0 library * - Dependencies: mQuery, w2utils, w2base, w2tabs, w2toolbar, w2tooltip, w2field * * == TODO == * - include delta on save * - tabs below some fields (could already be implemented) * - form with toolbar & tabs * - promise for load, save, etc. * * == 2.0 changes * - CSP - fixed inline events * - removed jQuery dependency * - better groups support tabs now * - form.confirm - refactored * - form.message - refactored * - observeResize for the box * - removed msgNotJSON, msgAJAXerror * - applyFocus -> setFocus * - getFieldValue(fieldName) = returns { curent, previous, original } * - setFieldVallue(fieldName, value) * - getValue(..., original) -- return original if any * - added .hideErrors() * - reuqest, save, submit - return promises * - this.recid = null if no record needs to be pulled * - remove form.multiplart * - this.method - for saving only * - added field.html.class * - setValue(..., noRefresh) * - rememberOriginal() */ class w2form extends w2base { constructor(options) { super(options.name) this.name = null this.header = '' this.box = null // HTML element that hold this element this.url = '' this.method = null // if defined, it will be http method when saving this.routeData = {} // data for dynamic routes this.formURL = '' // url where to get form HTML this.formHTML = '' // form HTML (might be loaded from the url) this.page = 0 // current page this.pageStyle = '' this.recid = null // if not null, then load record this.fields = [] this.actions = {} this.record = {} this.original = null this.dataType = null // only used when not null, otherwise from w2utils.settings.dataType this.postData = {} this.httpHeaders = {} this.toolbar = {} // if not empty, then it is toolbar this.tabs = {} // if not empty, then it is tabs object this.style = '' this.focus = 0 // focus first or other element this.autosize = true // autosize, if false the container must have a height set this.nestedFields = true // use field name containing dots as separator to look into object this.tabindexBase = 0 // this will be added to the auto numbering this.isGenerated = false this.last = { fetchCtrl: null, // last fetch AbortController fetchOptions: null, // last fetch options errors: [] } this.onRequest = null this.onLoad = null this.onValidate = null this.onSubmit = null this.onProgress = null this.onSave = null this.onChange = null this.onInput = null this.onRender = null this.onRefresh = null this.onResize = null this.onDestroy = null this.onAction = null this.onToolbar = null this.onError = null this.msgRefresh = 'Loading...' this.msgSaving = 'Saving...' this.msgServerError = 'Server error' this.ALL_TYPES = [ 'text', 'textarea', 'email', 'pass', 'password', 'int', 'float', 'money', 'currency', 'percent', 'hex', 'alphanumeric', 'color', 'date', 'time', 'datetime', 'toggle', 'checkbox', 'radio', 'check', 'checks', 'list', 'combo', 'enum', 'file', 'select', 'switch', 'map', 'array', 'div', 'custom', 'html', 'empty'] this.LIST_TYPES = ['select', 'radio', 'check', 'checks', 'list', 'combo', 'enum', 'switch'] this.W2FIELD_TYPES = ['int', 'float', 'money', 'currency', 'percent', 'hex', 'alphanumeric', 'color', 'date', 'time', 'datetime', 'list', 'combo', 'enum', 'file'] // mix in options w2utils.extend(this, options) // remember items let record = options.record let original = options.original let fields = options.fields let toolbar = options.toolbar let tabs = options.tabs // extend items Object.assign(this, { record: {}, original: null, fields: [], tabs: {}, toolbar: {}, handlers: [] }) // preprocess fields if (fields) { let sub =_processFields(fields) this.fields = sub.fields if (!tabs && sub.tabs.length > 0) { tabs = sub.tabs } } // prepare tabs if (Array.isArray(tabs)) { w2utils.extend(this.tabs, { tabs: [] }) for (let t = 0; t < tabs.length; t++) { let tmp = tabs[t] if (typeof tmp === 'object') { this.tabs.tabs.push(tmp) if (tmp.active === true) { this.tabs.active = tmp.id } } else { this.tabs.tabs.push({ id: tmp, text: tmp }) } } } else { w2utils.extend(this.tabs, tabs) } w2utils.extend(this.toolbar, toolbar) for (let p in record) { // it is an object if (w2utils.isPlainObject(record[p])) { this.record[p] = w2utils.clone(record[p]) } else { this.record[p] = record[p] } } for (let p in original) { // it is an object if (w2utils.isPlainObject(original[p])) { this.original[p] = w2utils.clone(original[p]) } else { this.original[p] = original[p] } } // generate html if necessary if (this.formURL !== '') { fetch(this.formURL) .then(resp => resp.text()) .then(text => { this.formHTML = text this.isGenerated = true if (this.box) this.render(this.box) }) } else if (!this.formURL && !this.formHTML) { this.formHTML = this.generateHTML() this.isGenerated = true } else if (this.formHTML) { this.isGenerated = true } // render if box specified if (typeof this.box == 'string') this.box = query(this.box).get(0) if (this.box) this.render(this.box) function _processFields(fields) { let newFields = [] let tabs = [] // if it is an object if (w2utils.isPlainObject(fields)) { let tmp = fields fields = [] Object.keys(tmp).forEach((key) => { let fld = tmp[key] if (fld.type == 'group') { fld.text = key if (w2utils.isPlainObject(fld.fields)) { let tmp2 = fld.fields fld.fields = [] Object.keys(tmp2).forEach((key2) => { let fld2 = tmp2[key2] fld2.field = key2 fld.fields.push(_process(fld2)) }) } fields.push(fld) } else if (fld.type == 'tab') { // add tab let tab = { id: key, text: key } if (fld.style) { tab.style = fld.style } tabs.push(tab) // add page to fields let sub = _processFields(fld.fields).fields sub.forEach(fld2 => { fld2.html = fld2.html || {} fld2.html.page = tabs.length -1 _process2(fld, fld2) }) fields.push(...sub) } else { fld.field = key fields.push(_process(fld)) } }) function _process(fld) { let ignore = ['html'] if (fld.html == null) fld.html = {} Object.keys(fld).forEach((key => { if (ignore.indexOf(key) != -1) return if (['label', 'attr', 'style', 'text', 'span', 'page', 'column', 'anchor', 'group', 'groupStyle', 'groupTitleStyle', 'groupCollapsible'].indexOf(key) != -1) { fld.html[key] = fld[key] delete fld[key] } })) return fld } function _process2(fld, fld2) { let ignore = ['style', 'html'] Object.keys(fld).forEach((key => { if (ignore.indexOf(key) != -1) return if (['span', 'column', 'attr', 'text', 'label'].indexOf(key) != -1) { if (fld[key] && !fld2.html[key]) { fld2.html[key] = fld[key] } } })) } } // process groups fields.forEach(field => { if (field.type == 'group') { // group properties let group = { group: field.text || '', groupStyle: field.style || '', groupTitleStyle: field.titleStyle || '', groupCollapsible: field.collapsible === true ? true : false, } // loop through fields if (Array.isArray(field.fields)) { field.fields.forEach(gfield => { let fld = w2utils.clone(gfield) if (fld.html == null) fld.html = {} w2utils.extend(fld.html, group) Array('span', 'column', 'attr', 'label', 'page').forEach(key => { if (fld.html[key] == null && field[key] != null) { fld.html[key] = field[key] } }) if (fld.field == null && fld.name != null) { console.log('NOTICE: form field.name property is deprecated, please use field.field. Field ->', field) fld.field = fld.name } newFields.push(fld) }) } } else { let fld = w2utils.clone(field) if (fld.field == null && fld.name != null) { console.log('NOTICE: form field.name property is deprecated, please use field.field. Field ->', field) fld.field = fld.name } newFields.push(fld) } }) return { fields: newFields, tabs } } } get(field, returnIndex) { if (arguments.length === 0) { let all = [] for (let f1 = 0; f1 < this.fields.length; f1++) { if (this.fields[f1].field != null) all.push(this.fields[f1].field) } return all } else { for (let f2 = 0; f2 < this.fields.length; f2++) { if (this.fields[f2].field == field) { if (returnIndex === true) return f2; else return this.fields[f2] } } return null } } set(field, obj) { for (let f = 0; f < this.fields.length; f++) { if (this.fields[f].field == field) { w2utils.extend(this.fields[f] , obj) delete this.fields[f].w2field // otherwise options are not updates this.refresh(field) return true } } return false } getValue(field, original) { if (this.nestedFields) { let val = undefined try { // need this to make sure no error in fields let rec = original === true ? this.original : this.record val = String(field).split('.').reduce((rec, i) => { return rec[i] }, rec) } catch (event) { } return val } else { return this.record[field] } } setValue(field, value, noRefresh) { // will not refresh the form! if (value === '' || value == null || (Array.isArray(value) && value.length === 0) || (w2utils.isPlainObject(value) && Object.keys(value).length == 0)) { value = null } if (this.nestedFields) { try { // need this to make sure no error in fields let rec = this.record String(field).split('.').map((fld, i, arr) => { if (arr.length - 1 !== i) { if (rec[fld]) rec = rec[fld]; else { rec[fld] = {}; rec = rec[fld] } } else { rec[fld] = value } }) if (!noRefresh) this.setFieldValue(field, value) return true } catch (event) { return false } } else { this.record[field] = value if (!noRefresh) this.setFieldValue(field, value) return true } } rememberOriginal() { // remember original if (this.original == null) { if (Object.keys(this.record).length > 0) { this.original = w2utils.clone(this.record) } else { this.original = {} } } } getFieldValue(name) { let field = this.get(name) if (field == null) return let el = field.el let previous = this.getValue(name) let original = this.getValue(name, true) // orginary input control let current = el.value // should not be set to '', incosistent logic // if (previous == null) previous = '' // clean extra chars if (['int', 'float', 'percent', 'money', 'currency'].includes(field.type)) { current = field.w2field.clean(current) } // radio list if (['radio'].includes(field.type)) { let selected = query(el).closest('div').find('input:checked').get(0) if (selected) { let item = field.options.items[query(selected).data('index')] current = item.id } else { current = null } } // single checkbox if (['toggle', 'checkbox'].includes(field.type)) { current = el.checked } // check list if (['check', 'checks'].indexOf(field.type) !== -1) { current = [] let selected = query(el).closest('div').find('input:checked') if (selected.length > 0) { selected.each(el => { let item = field.options.items[query(el).data('index')] current.push(item.id) }) } if (!Array.isArray(previous)) previous = [] } // lists let selected = field.w2field?.selected // drop downs and other w2field objects if (['list', 'enum', 'file'].includes(field.type) && selected) { let nv = selected let cv = previous if (Array.isArray(nv)) { current = [] for (let i = 0; i < nv.length; i++) current[i] = w2utils.clone(nv[i]) // clone array } if (Array.isArray(cv)) { previous = [] for (let i = 0; i < cv.length; i++) previous[i] = w2utils.clone(cv[i]) // clone array } if (w2utils.isPlainObject(nv)) { current = w2utils.clone(nv) // clone object } if (w2utils.isPlainObject(cv)) { previous = w2utils.clone(cv) // clone object } } // map, array if (['map', 'array'].includes(field.type)) { current = (field.type == 'map' ? {} : []) field.$el.parent().find('.w2ui-map-field').each((div, ind) => { let key = query(div).find('.w2ui-map.key').val() let value = query(div).find('.w2ui-map.value').val() if (typeof field.html?.render == 'function') { current[ind] ??= {} query(div).find('input').each(inp => { let name = inp.dataset.name ?? inp.name if (name != null && name != '') { current[ind][name] = ['checkbox', 'radio'].includes(inp.type) ? inp.checked : inp.value } }) } else if (field.type == 'map') { current[key] = value } else { current.push(value) } }) } return { current, previous, original } // current - in input, previous - in form.record, original - before form change } setFieldValue(name, value) { let field = this.get(name) if (field == null) return let el = field.el switch (field.type) { case 'toggle': case 'checkbox': { el.checked = value ? true : false break } case 'radio': { value = value?.id ?? value let inputs = query(el).closest('div').find('input') let items = field.options.items items.forEach((it, ind) => { if (it.id === value) { // need exact match so to match empty string and 0 inputs.filter(`[data-index="${ind}"]`).prop('checked', true) } }) break } case 'check': case 'checks': { if (!Array.isArray(value)) { if (value != null) { value = [value] } else { value = [] } } value = value.map(val => val?.id ?? val) // convert if array of objects let inputs = query(el).closest('div').find('input') let items = field.options.items items.forEach((it, ind) => { inputs.filter(`[data-index="${ind}"]`).prop('checked', value.includes(it.id) ? true : false) }) break } case 'list': case 'combo': let item = value // find item in options.items, if any if (item?.id == null && Array.isArray(field.options?.items)) { field.options.items.forEach(it => { if (it.id === value) item = it }) } // if item is found in field.options, update it in the this.records if (item != value) { this.setValue(field.name, item, true) } if (field.type == 'list') { field.w2field.selected = item field.w2field.refresh() } else { field.el.value = item?.text ?? value } break case 'switch': { el.value = value field.toolbar.uncheck(...field.toolbar.get()) field.toolbar.check(value) break } case 'enum': case 'file': { if (!Array.isArray(value)) { value = value != null ? [value] : [] } let items = [...value] // find item in options.items, if any let updated = false items.forEach((item, ind) => { if (item?.id == null && Array.isArray(field.options.items)) { field.options.items.forEach(it => { if (it.id == item) { items[ind] = it updated = true } }) } }) if (updated) { this.setValue(field.name, items, true) } field.w2field.selected = items field.w2field.refresh() break } case 'map': case 'array': { // init map if (field.type == 'map' && (value == null || !w2utils.isPlainObject(value))) { this.setValue(field.field, {}, true) value = this.getValue(field.field) } if (field.type == 'array' && (value == null || !Array.isArray(value))) { this.setValue(field.field, [], true) value = this.getValue(field.field) } let container = query(field.el).parent().find('.w2ui-map-container') field.el.mapRefresh(value, container) break } case 'div': case 'custom': { query(el).html(value) break } case 'color': { el.value = value ?? '' field.w2field.refresh() break } case 'html': case 'empty': break default: // regular text fields el.value = value ?? '' break } } show() { let effected = [] for (let a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) { let fld = this.get(arguments[a]) if (fld && fld.hidden) { fld.hidden = false effected.push(fld.field) } } if (effected.length > 0) this.refresh.apply(this, effected) this.updateEmptyGroups() return effected } hide() { let effected = [] for (let a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) { let fld = this.get(arguments[a]) if (fld && !fld.hidden) { fld.hidden = true effected.push(fld.field) } } if (effected.length > 0) this.refresh.apply(this, effected) this.updateEmptyGroups() return effected } enable() { let effected = [] for (let a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) { let fld = this.get(arguments[a]) if (fld && fld.disabled) { fld.disabled = false effected.push(fld.field) } } if (effected.length > 0) this.refresh.apply(this, effected) return effected } disable() { let effected = [] for (let a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) { let fld = this.get(arguments[a]) if (fld && !fld.disabled) { fld.disabled = true effected.push(fld.field) } } if (effected.length > 0) this.refresh.apply(this, effected) return effected } updateEmptyGroups() { // hide empty groups query(this.box).find('.w2ui-group').each((group) =>{ if (isHidden(query(group).find('.w2ui-field'))) { query(group).hide() } else { query(group).show() } }) function isHidden($els) { let flag = true $els.each((el) => { if (el.style.display != 'none') flag = false }) return flag } } change() { Array.from(arguments).forEach((field) => { let tmp = this.get(field) if (tmp.$el) tmp.$el.change() }) } reload(callBack) { let url = (typeof this.url !== 'object' ? this.url : this.url.get) if (url && this.recid != null) { // this.clear(); return this.request(callBack) // returns promise } else { // this.refresh(); // no need to refresh if (typeof callBack === 'function') callBack() return new Promise(resolve => { resolve() }) // resolved promise } } clear() { if (arguments.length != 0) { Array.from(arguments).forEach((field) => { let rec = this.record String(field).split('.').map((fld, i, arr) => { if (arr.length - 1 !== i) rec = rec[fld]; else delete rec[fld] }) this.refresh(field) }) } else { this.recid = null this.record = {} this.original = null this.refresh() this.hideErrors() } } error(msg) { // let the management of the error outside of the form let edata = this.trigger('error', { target: this.name, message: msg, fetchCtrl: this.last.fetchCtrl, fetchOptions: this.last.fetchOptions }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // need a time out because message might be already up) setTimeout(() => { this.message(msg) }, 1) // event after edata.finish() } message(options) { return w2utils.message({ owner: this, box : this.box, after: '.w2ui-form-header' }, options) } confirm(options) { return w2utils.confirm({ owner: this, box : this.box, after: '.w2ui-form-header' }, options) } validate(showErrors) { if (showErrors == null) showErrors = true // validate before saving let errors = [] for (let f = 0; f < this.fields.length; f++) { let field = this.fields[f] if (this.getValue(field.field) == null) this.setValue(field.field, '') if (['int', 'float', 'currency', 'money'].indexOf(field.type) != -1) { let val = this.getValue(field.field) let min = field.options.min let max = field.options.max if (min != null && val != null && val < min) { errors.push({ field: field, error: w2utils.lang('Should be more than ${min}', { min }) }) } if (max != null && val != null && val > max) { errors.push({ field: field, error: w2utils.lang('Should be less than ${max}', { max }) }) } } switch (field.type) { case 'alphanumeric': if (this.getValue(field.field) && !w2utils.isAlphaNumeric(this.getValue(field.field))) { errors.push({ field: field, error: w2utils.lang('Not alpha-numeric') }) } break case 'int': if (this.getValue(field.field) && !w2utils.isInt(this.getValue(field.field))) { errors.push({ field: field, error: w2utils.lang('Not an integer') }) } break case 'percent': case 'float': if (this.getValue(field.field) && !w2utils.isFloat(this.getValue(field.field))) { errors.push({ field: field, error: w2utils.lang('Not a float') }) } break case 'currency': case 'money': if (this.getValue(field.field) && !w2utils.isMoney(this.getValue(field.field))) { errors.push({ field: field, error: w2utils.lang('Not in money format') }) } break case 'color': case 'hex': if (this.getValue(field.field) && !w2utils.isHex(this.getValue(field.field))) { errors.push({ field: field, error: w2utils.lang('Not a hex number') }) } break case 'email': if (this.getValue(field.field) && !w2utils.isEmail(this.getValue(field.field))) { errors.push({ field: field, error: w2utils.lang('Not a valid email') }) } break case 'checkbox': // convert true/false if (this.getValue(field.field) == true) { this.setValue(field.field, true) } else { this.setValue(field.field, false) } break case 'date': // format date before submit if (!field.options.format) field.options.format = w2utils.settings.dateFormat if (this.getValue(field.field) && !w2utils.isDate(this.getValue(field.field), field.options.format)) { errors.push({ field: field, error: w2utils.lang('Not a valid date') + ': ' + field.options.format }) } break case 'list': case 'combo': case 'switch': break case 'enum': break } // === check required - if field is '0' it should be considered not empty let val = this.getValue(field.field) if (field.hidden !== true && field.required && !['div', 'custom', 'html', 'empty'].includes(field.type) && (val == null || val === '' || (Array.isArray(val) && val.length === 0) || (w2utils.isPlainObject(val) && Object.keys(val).length == 0))) { errors.push({ field: field, error: w2utils.lang('Required field') }) } if (field.hidden !== true && field.options?.minLength > 0 && !['enum', 'list', 'combo'].includes(field.type) // since minLength is used there for other purpose && (val == null || val.length < field.options.minLength)) { errors.push({ field: field, error: w2utils.lang('Field should be at least ${count} characters.', { count: field.options.minLength })}) } } // event before let edata = this.trigger('validate', { target: this.name, errors: errors }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // show error this.last.errors = errors if (showErrors) this.showErrors() // event after edata.finish() return errors } showErrors() { // TODO: check edge cases // -- invisible pages // -- form refresh let errors = this.last.errors if (errors.length <= 0) return // show errors this.goto(errors[0].field.page) query(errors[0].field.$el).parents('.w2ui-field')[0].scrollIntoView({ block: 'nearest', inline: 'nearest' }) // show errors // show only for visible controls errors.forEach(error => { let opt = w2utils.extend({ anchorClass: 'w2ui-error', class: 'w2ui-light', position: 'right|left', hideOn: ['input'] }, error.options) if (error.field == null) return let anchor = error.field.el if (error.field.type === 'radio') { // for radio and checkboxes anchor = query(error.field.el).closest('div').get(0) } else if (['enum', 'file'].includes(error.field.type)) { // TODO: check // anchor = (error.field.el).data('w2field').helpers.multi // $(fld).addClass('w2ui-error') } w2tooltip.show(w2utils.extend({ anchor, name: `${this.name}-${error.field.field}-error`, html: error.error }, opt)) }) // on scroll update errors so they will appear in correct places this.last.errorsShown = true query(errors[0].field.$el).parents('.w2ui-page') .off('.hideErrors') .on('scroll.hideErrors', (evt) => { if (this.last.errorsShown) { this.showErrors() } }) } hideErrors() { this.last.errorsShown = false this.fields.forEach(field => { w2tooltip.hide(`${this.name}-${field.field}-error`) }) } getChanges() { // TODO: not working on nested structures let diff = {} if (this.original != null && typeof this.original == 'object' && Object.keys(this.record).length !== 0) { diff = doDiff(this.record, this.original, {}) } return diff function doDiff(record, original, result) { if (Array.isArray(record) && Array.isArray(original)) { while (record.length < original.length) { record.push(null) } } for (let i in record) { if (record[i] != null && typeof record[i] === 'object') { result[i] = doDiff(record[i], original[i] || {}, {}) if (!result[i] || (Object.keys(result[i]).length == 0 && Object.keys(original[i].length == 0))) delete result[i] } else if (record[i] != original[i] || (record[i] == null && original[i] != null)) { // also catch field clear result[i] = record[i] } } return Object.keys(result).length != 0 ? result : null } } getCleanRecord(strict) { let data = w2utils.clone(this.record) this.fields.forEach((fld) => { if (['list', 'combo', 'enum'].indexOf(fld.type) != -1) { let tmp = { nestedFields: true, record: data } let val = this.getValue.call(tmp, fld.field) if (w2utils.isPlainObject(val) && val.id != null) { // should be true if val.id === '' this.setValue.call(tmp, fld.field, val.id) } if (Array.isArray(val)) { val.forEach((item, ind) => { if (w2utils.isPlainObject(item) && item.id) { val[ind] = item.id } }) } } if (fld.type == 'map') { let tmp = { nestedFields: true, record: data } let val = this.getValue.call(tmp, fld.field) if (val._order) delete val._order } if (fld.type == 'file') { let tmp = { nestedFields: true, record: data } let val = this.getValue.call(tmp, fld.field) ?? [] val.forEach(v => { delete v.file delete v.modified }) this.setValue.call(tmp, fld.field, val) } }) // return only records present in description if (strict === true) { Object.keys(data).forEach((key) => { if (!this.get(key)) delete data[key] }) } return data } request(postData, callBack) { // if (1) param then it is call back if (2) then postData and callBack let self = this let resolve, reject let responseProm = new Promise((res, rej) => { resolve = res; reject = rej }) // check for multiple params if (typeof postData === 'function') { callBack = postData postData = null } if (postData == null) postData = {} if (!this.url || (typeof this.url === 'object' && !this.url.get)) return // build parameters list let params = {} // add list params params.action = 'get' params.recid = this.recid params.name = this.name // append other params w2utils.extend(params, this.postData) w2utils.extend(params, postData) // event before let edata = this.trigger('request', { target: this.name, url: this.url, httpMethod: 'GET', postData: params, httpHeaders: this.httpHeaders }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // default action this.record = {} this.original = null // call server to get data this.lock(w2utils.lang(this.msgRefresh)) let url = edata.detail.url if (typeof url === 'object' && url.get) url = url.get if (this.last.fetchCtrl) try { this.last.fetchCtrl.abort() } catch (e) {} // process url with routeData if (Object.keys(this.routeData).length != 0) { let info = w2utils.parseRoute(url) if (info.keys.length > 0) { for (let k = 0; k < info.keys.length; k++) { if (this.routeData[info.keys[k].name] == null) continue url = url.replace((new RegExp(':'+ info.keys[k].name, 'g')), this.routeData[info.keys[k].name]) } } } url = new URL(url, location) let fetchOptions = w2utils.prepareParams(url, { method: edata.detail.httpMethod, headers: edata.detail.httpHeaders, body: edata.detail.postData }, this.dataType) this.last.fetchCtrl = new AbortController() fetchOptions.signal = this.last.fetchCtrl.signal this.last.fetchOptions = fetchOptions fetch(url, fetchOptions) .catch(processError) .then((resp) => { if (resp?.status != 200) { // if resp is undefined, it means request was aborted if (resp) processError(resp) return } resp.json() .catch(processError) .then(data => { // event before let edata = self.trigger('load', { target: self.name, fetchCtrl: this.last.fetchCtrl, fetchOptions: this.last.fetchOptions, data }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // for backward compatibility if (data.error == null && data.status === 'error') { data.error = true } // if data.record is not present, then assume that entire response is the record if (!data.record) { Object.assign(data, { record: w2utils.clone(data) }) } // server response error, not due to network issues if (data.error === true) { self.error(w2utils.lang(data.message ?? this.msgServerError)) } else { self.record = w2utils.clone(data.record) } // event after self.unlock() edata.finish() self.refresh() self.setFocus() // call back if (typeof callBack === 'function') callBack(data) resolve(data) }) }) // event after edata.finish() return responseProm function processError(response) { if (response.name === 'AbortError') { // request was aborted by the form return } self.unlock() // trigger event let edata2 = self.trigger('error', { response, fetchCtrl: self.last.fetchCtrl, fetchOptions: self.last.fetchOptions }) if (edata2.isCancelled === true) return // default behavior if (response.status && response.status != 200) { self.error(response.status + ': ' + response.statusText) } else { console.log('ERROR: Server request failed.', response, '. ', 'Expected Response:', { error: false, record: { field1: 1, field2: 'item' }}, 'OR:', { error: true, message: 'Error description' }) self.error(String(response)) } // event after edata2.finish() reject(response) } } submit(postData, callBack) { return this.save(postData, callBack) } save(postData, callBack) { let self = this let resolve, reject let saveProm = new Promise((res, rej) => { resolve = res; reject = rej }) // check for multiple params if (typeof postData === 'function') { callBack = postData postData = null } // validation let errors = self.validate(true) if (errors.length !== 0) return // submit save if (postData == null) postData = {} if (!self.url || (typeof self.url === 'object' && !self.url.save)) { console.log('ERROR: Form cannot be saved because no url is defined.') return } self.lock(w2utils.lang(self.msgSaving) + ' ') // build parameters list let params = {} // add list params params.action = 'save' params.recid = self.recid params.name = self.name // append other params w2utils.extend(params, self.postData) w2utils.extend(params, postData) params.record = w2utils.clone(self.record) // event before let edata = self.trigger('submit', { target: self.name, url: self.url, httpMethod: this.method ?? 'POST', postData: params, httpHeaders: self.httpHeaders }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // default action let url = edata.detail.url if (typeof url === 'object' && url.save) url = url.save if (self.last.fetchCtrl) self.last.fetchCtrl.abort() // process url with routeData if (Object.keys(self.routeData).length > 0) { let info = w2utils.parseRoute(url) if (info.keys.length > 0) { for (let k = 0; k < info.keys.length; k++) { if (self.routeData[info.keys[k].name] == null) continue url = url.replace((new RegExp(':'+ info.keys[k].name, 'g')), self.routeData[info.keys[k].name]) } } } url = new URL(url, location) let fetchOptions = w2utils.prepareParams(url, { method: edata.detail.httpMethod, headers: edata.detail.httpHeaders, body: edata.detail.postData }, this.dataType) this.last.fetchCtrl = new AbortController() fetchOptions.signal = this.last.fetchCtrl.signal this.last.fetchOptions = fetchOptions fetch(url, fetchOptions) .catch(processError) .then(resp => { self.unlock() if (resp?.status != 200) { processError(resp ?? {}) return } // parse server response resp.json() .catch(processError) .then(data => { // event before let edata = self.trigger('save', { target: self.name, fetchCtrl: this.last.fetchCtrl, fetchOptions: this.last.fetchOptions, data }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // server error, not due to network issues if (data.error === true) { self.error(w2utils.lang(data.message ?? this.msgServerError)) } else { self.original = null } // event after edata.finish() self.refresh() // call back if (typeof callBack === 'function') callBack(data) resolve(data) }) }) // event after edata.finish() return saveProm function processError(response) { if (response?.name === 'AbortError') { // request was aborted by the form return } self.unlock() // trigger event let edata2 = self.trigger('error', { response, fetchCtrl: self.last.fetchCtrl, fetchOptions: self.last.fetchOptions }) if (edata2.isCancelled === true) return // default behavior if (response.status && response.status != 200) { response.json().then((data) => { self.error(response.status + ': ' + data.message ?? response.statusText) }).catch(() => { self.error(response.status + ': ' + response.statusText) }) } else { console.log('ERROR: Server request failed.', response, '. ', 'Expected Response:', { error: false, record: { field1: 1, field2: 'item' }}, 'OR:', { error: true, message: 'Error description' }) self.error(String(response)) } // event after edata2.finish() reject() } } lock(msg, showSpinner) { let args = Array.from(arguments) args.unshift(this.box) w2utils.lock(...args) } unlock(speed) { let box = this.box w2utils.unlock(box, speed) } lockPage(page, msg, spinner) { let $page = query(this.box).find('.page-' + page) if ($page.length){ // page found w2utils.lock($page, msg, spinner) return true } // page with this id not found! return false } unlockPage(page, speed) { let $page = query(this.box).find('.page-' + page) if ($page.length) { // page found w2utils.unlock($page, speed) return true } // page with this id not found! return false } goto(page) { if (this.page === page) return // already on this page if (page != null) this.page = page // if it was auto size, resize it if (query(this.box).data('autoSize') === true) { query(this.box).get(0).clientHeight = 0 } this.refresh() } generateHTML() { let pages = [] // array for each page let group = '' let page let column let html let tabindex let tabindex_str for (let f = 0; f < this.fields.length; f++) { html = '' tabindex = this.tabindexBase + f + 1 tabindex_str = ' tabindex="'+ tabindex +'"' let field = this.fields[f] if (field.html == null) field.html = {} if (field.options == null) field.options = {} if (field.html.caption != null && field.html.label == null) { console.log('NOTICE: form field.html.caption property is deprecated, please use field.html.label. Field ->', field) field.html.label = field.html.caption } if (field.html.label == null) field.html.label = field.field field.html = w2utils.extend({ label: '', span: 6, attr: '', text: '', style: '', page: 0, column: 0 }, field.html) if (page == null) page = field.html.page if (column == null) column = field.html.column // input control let input = `` switch (field.type) { case 'pass': case 'password': input = input.replace('type="text"', 'type="password"') break case 'checkbox': { input = ` ` break } case 'check': case 'checks': { if (field.options.items == null && field.html.items != null) field.options.items = field.html.items let items = field.options.items input = '' // normalized options if (!Array.isArray(items)) items = [] if (items.length > 0) { items = w2utils.normMenu.call(this, items, field) } // generate for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { input += `
` } break } case 'radio': { input = '' // normalized options if (field.options.items == null && field.html.items != null) field.options.items = field.html.items let items = field.options.items if (!Array.isArray(items)) items = [] if (items.length > 0) { items = w2utils.normMenu.call(this, items, field) } // generate for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { input += `
` } break } case 'select': { input = `' break } case 'switch': { input = `
` break } case 'textarea': input = `` break case 'toggle': input = `
` break case 'map': case 'array': field.html.key = field.html.key || {} field.html.value = field.html.value || {} field.html.tabindex = tabindex field.html.tabindex_str = tabindex_str input = '' + (field.html.text || '') + '' + ''+ '
' break case 'div': case 'custom': input = `
`+ (field && field.html && field.html.html ? field.html.html : '') + '
' break case 'html': case 'empty': input = `
`+ (field && field.html ? (field.html.html || '') + (field.html.text || '') : '') + '
' break } if (group !== '') { if (page != field.html.page || column != field.html.column || (field.html.group && (group != field.html.group))) { pages[page][column] += '\n
' group = '' } } if (field.html.group && (group != field.html.group)) { let collapsible = '' if (field.html.groupCollapsible) { collapsible = '' } html += '\n
' + '\n
' + collapsible + w2utils.lang(field.html.group) + '
\n' + '
' group = field.html.group } if (field.html.anchor == null) { let span = (field.html.span != null ? 'w2ui-span'+ field.html.span : '') if (field.html.span == -1) span = 'w2ui-span-none' let label = '' + w2utils.lang(field.type != 'checkbox' ? field.html.label : field.html.text) +'' if (!field.html.label) label = '' html += '\n
'+ '\n '+ label + ((field.type === 'empty') ? input : '\n
'+ input + (field.type != 'array' && field.type != 'map' ? w2utils.lang(field.type != 'checkbox' ? field.html.text : '') : '') + '
') + '\n
' } else { pages[field.html.page].anchors = pages[field.html.page].anchors || {} pages[field.html.page].anchors[field.html.anchor] = '
'+ ((field.type === 'empty') ? input : '
'+ w2utils.lang(field.type != 'checkbox' ? field.html.label : field.html.text, true) + input + w2utils.lang(field.type != 'checkbox' ? field.html.text : '') + '
') + '
' } if (pages[field.html.page] == null) pages[field.html.page] = {} if (pages[field.html.page][field.html.column] == null) pages[field.html.page][field.html.column] = '' pages[field.html.page][field.html.column] += html page = field.html.page column = field.html.column } if (group !== '') pages[page][column] += '\n
' if (this.tabs.tabs) { for (let i = 0; i < this.tabs.tabs.length; i++) if (pages[i] == null) pages[i] = [] } // buttons if any let buttons = '' if (Object.keys(this.actions).length > 0) { buttons += '\n
' tabindex = this.tabindexBase + this.fields.length + 1 for (let a in this.actions) { // it is an object let act = this.actions[a] let info = { text: '', style: '', 'class': '' } if (w2utils.isPlainObject(act)) { if (act.text == null && act.caption != null) { console.log('NOTICE: form action.caption property is deprecated, please use action.text. Action ->', act) act.text = act.caption } if (act.text) info.text = act.text if (act.style) info.style = act.style if (act.class) info.class = act.class } else { info.text = a if (['save', 'update', 'create'].indexOf(a.toLowerCase()) !== -1) info.class = 'w2ui-btn-blue'; else info.class = '' } buttons += '\n ' tabindex++ } buttons += '\n
' } html = '' for (let p = 0; p < pages.length; p++){ html += '
' if (!pages[p]) { console.log(`ERROR: Page ${p} does not exist`) return false } if (pages[p].before) { html += pages[p].before } html += '
' Object.keys(pages[p]).sort().forEach((c, ind) => { if (c == parseInt(c)) { html += '
' + (pages[p][c] || '') + '\n
' } }) html += '\n
' if (pages[p].after) { html += pages[p].after } html += '\n
' // process page anchors if (pages[p].anchors) { Object.keys(pages[p].anchors).forEach((key, ind) => { html = html.replace(key, pages[p].anchors[key]) }) } } html += buttons return html } toggleGroup(groupName, show) { let el = query(this.box).find('.w2ui-group-title[data-group="' + w2utils.base64encode(groupName) + '"]') if (el.length === 0) return let el_next = query(el.prop('nextElementSibling')) if (typeof show === 'undefined') { show = (el_next.css('display') == 'none') } if (show) { el_next.show() el.find('span').addClass('w2ui-icon-collapse').removeClass('w2ui-icon-expand') } else { el_next.hide() el.find('span').addClass('w2ui-icon-expand').removeClass('w2ui-icon-collapse') } } action(action, event) { let act = this.actions[action] let click = act if (w2utils.isPlainObject(act) && act.onClick) click = act.onClick // event before let edata = this.trigger('action', { target: action, action: act, originalEvent: event }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // default actions if (typeof click === 'function') click.call(this, event) // event after edata.finish() } resize() { let self = this // event before let edata = this.trigger('resize', { target: this.name }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // default behaviour if (this.box != null) { let header = query(this.box).find(':scope > div .w2ui-form-header') let toolbar = query(this.box).find(':scope > div .w2ui-form-toolbar') let tabs = query(this.box).find(':scope > div .w2ui-form-tabs') let page = query(this.box).find(':scope > div .w2ui-page') let dpage = query(this.box).find(':scope > div .w2ui-page.page-'+ this.page + ' > div') let buttons = query(this.box).find(':scope > div .w2ui-buttons') // if no height, calculate it let { headerHeight, tbHeight, tabsHeight } = resizeElements() if (this.autosize) { // we don't need autosize every time let cHeight = query(this.box).get(0).clientHeight if (cHeight === 0 || query(this.box).data('autosize') == 'yes') { query(this.box).css({ height: headerHeight + tbHeight + tabsHeight + 15 // 15 is extra height + (page.length > 0 ? w2utils.getSize(dpage, 'height') : 0) + (buttons.length > 0 ? w2utils.getSize(buttons, 'height') : 0) + 'px' }) query(this.box).data('autosize', 'yes') } resizeElements() } // resize tabs and toolbar if any this.tabs?.resize?.() this.toolbar?.resize?.() // resize switch fields this.fields.forEach(field => { if (field.type == 'switch') { field.toolbar?.resize?.() } }) function resizeElements() { let headerHeight = (self.header !== '' ? w2utils.getSize(header, 'height') : 0) let tbHeight = (Array.isArray(self.toolbar?.items) && self.toolbar?.items?.length > 0) ? w2utils.getSize(toolbar, 'height') : 0 let tabsHeight = (Array.isArray(self.tabs?.tabs) && self.tabs?.tabs?.length > 0) ? w2utils.getSize(tabs, 'height') : 0 // resize elements toolbar.css({ top: headerHeight + 'px' }) tabs.css({ top: headerHeight + tbHeight + 'px' }) page.css({ top: headerHeight + tbHeight + tabsHeight + 'px', bottom: (buttons.length > 0 ? w2utils.getSize(buttons, 'height') : 0) + 'px' }) // return some params return { headerHeight, tbHeight, tabsHeight } } } // event after edata.finish() } refresh() { let time = Date.now() let self = this if (!this.box) return if (!this.isGenerated || !query(this.box).html()) return // event before let edata = this.trigger('refresh', { target: this.name, page: this.page, field: arguments[0], fields: arguments }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return let fields = Array.from(this.fields.keys()) if (arguments.length > 0) { fields = Array.from(arguments) .map((fld, ind) => { if (typeof fld != 'string') console.log('ERROR: Arguments in refresh functions should be field names') return this.get(fld, true) // get index of field }) .filter((fld, ind) => { if (fld != null) return true; else return false }) } else { // update field.page with page it belongs too query(this.box).find('input, textarea, select').each(el => { let name = (query(el).attr('name') != null ? query(el).attr('name') : query(el).attr('id')) let field = this.get(name) if (field) { // find page let div = query(el).closest('.w2ui-page') if (div.length > 0) { for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (div.hasClass('page-'+i)) { field.page = i; break } } } } }) // default action query(this.box).find('.w2ui-page').hide() query(this.box).find('.w2ui-page.page-' + this.page).show() query(this.box).find('.w2ui-form-header').html(w2utils.lang(this.header)) // refresh tabs if needed if (typeof this.tabs === 'object' && Array.isArray(this.tabs.tabs) && this.tabs.tabs.length > 0) { query(this.box).find('#form_'+ this.name +'_tabs').show() this.tabs.active = this.tabs.tabs[this.page].id this.tabs.refresh() } else { query(this.box).find('#form_'+ this.name +'_tabs').hide() } // refresh tabs if needed if (typeof this.toolbar === 'object' && Array.isArray(this.toolbar.items) && this.toolbar.items.length > 0) { query(this.box).find('#form_'+ this.name +'_toolbar').show() this.toolbar.refresh() } else { query(this.box).find('#form_'+ this.name +'_toolbar').hide() } } // refresh values of fields for (let f = 0; f < fields.length; f++) { let field = this.fields[fields[f]] if (field.name == null && field.field != null) field.name = field.field if (field.field == null && field.name != null) field.field = field.name field.$el = query(this.box).find(`[name='${String(field.name).replace(/\\/g, '\\\\')}']`) field.el = field.$el.get(0) if (field.el) field.el.id = field.name if (field.w2field) { field.w2field.reset() } field.$el .off('.w2form') .on('change.w2form', function(event) { let value = self.getFieldValue(field.field) // clear error class if (['enum', 'file'].includes(field.type)) { let helper = field.w2field?.helpers?.multi query(helper).removeClass('w2ui-error') } if (this._previous != null) { value.previous = this._previous delete this._previous } // event before let edata2 = self.trigger('change', { target: this.name, field: this.name, value, originalEvent: event }) if (edata2.isCancelled === true) return // default behavior self.setValue(this.name, value.current) // event after edata2.finish() }) .on('input.w2form', function(event) { self.rememberOriginal() let value = self.getFieldValue(field.field) // save previous for change event if (this._previous == null) { this._previous = value.previous } // event before let edata2 = self.trigger('input', { target: self.name, field, value, originalEvent: event }) if (edata2.isCancelled === true) return // default action self.setValue(this.name, value.current, true) // event after edata2.finish() }) // required if (field.required) { field.$el.closest('.w2ui-field').addClass('w2ui-required') } else { field.$el.closest('.w2ui-field').removeClass('w2ui-required') } // disabled if (field.disabled != null) { if (field.disabled) { if (field.$el.data('tabIndex') == null) { field.$el.data('tabIndex', field.$el.prop('tabIndex')) } field.$el .prop('readOnly', true) .prop('disabled', true) .prop('tabIndex', -1) .closest('.w2ui-field') .addClass('w2ui-disabled') } else { field.$el .prop('readOnly', false) .prop('disabled', false) .prop('tabIndex', field.$el.data('tabIndex') ?? field.$el.prop('tabIndex') ?? 0) .closest('.w2ui-field') .removeClass('w2ui-disabled') } } // hidden let tmp = field.el if (!tmp) tmp = query(this.box).find('#' + field.field) if (field.hidden) { query(tmp).closest('.w2ui-field').hide() } else { query(tmp).closest('.w2ui-field').show() } } // attach actions on buttons query(this.box).find('button, input[type=button]').each(el => { query(el).off('click').on('click', function(event) { let action = this.value if (this.id) action = this.id if (this.name) action = this.name self.action(action, event) }) }) // init controls with record for (let f = 0; f < fields.length; f++) { let field = this.fields[fields[f]] if (!field.el) continue if (!field.$el.hasClass('w2ui-input')) field.$el.addClass('w2ui-input') field.type = String(field.type).toLowerCase() if (!field.options) field.options = {} // list type if (this.LIST_TYPES.includes(field.type)) { let items = field.options.items if (items == null) field.options.items = [] if (field.type == 'switch') { // should not have .text if it is not explicitly set, or toolbar will have text items.forEach((item, ind) => { return items[ind] = typeof item != 'object' ? { id: item, text: item } : item }) } else { field.options.items = w2utils.normMenu.call(this, items ?? [], field) } } // switch if (field.type == 'switch') { if (field.toolbar) { w2ui[this.name + '_' + field.name + '_tb'].destroy() } let items = field.options.items items.forEach(item => item.type = 'radio') field.toolbar = new w2toolbar({ box: field.$el.prev().get(0), name: this.name + '_' + field.name + '_tb', items, onClick(event) { self.rememberOriginal() let value = self.getFieldValue(field.name) value.current = event.detail.item.id let edata = self.trigger('change', { target: field.name, field: field.name, value, originalEvent: event }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) { return } self.record[field.name] = value.current self.setFieldValue(field.name, value.current) edata.finish() } }) field.$el.prev().addClass('w2ui-form-switch') // need to add this class, as toolbar render will remove all w2ui-* classes field.$el .off('.form-input') .on('focus.form-input', event => { let ind = field.toolbar.get(field.$el.val(), true) query(event.target).prop('_index', ind) query(field.toolbar.box).addClass('w2ui-tb-focus') }) .on('blur.form-input', event => { query(event.target).removeProp('_index') query(`#${field.name}-tb .w2ui-tb-button`).removeClass('over') query(field.toolbar.box).removeClass('w2ui-tb-focus') }) .on('keydown.form-input', event => { let ind = query(event.target).prop('_index') switch (event.key) { case 'ArrowLeft': { if (ind > 0) ind-- query(`#${field.name}-tb .w2ui-tb-button`) .removeClass('over') .eq(ind) .addClass('over') query(event.target).prop('_index', ind) break } case 'ArrowRight': { if (ind < field.toolbar.items.length -1) ind++ query(`#${field.name}-tb .w2ui-tb-button`) .removeClass('over') .eq(ind) .addClass('over') query(event.target).prop('_index', ind) break } } if (event.keyCode == 32 || event.keyCode == 13) { // space or enter - apply selected self.rememberOriginal() let value = self.getFieldValue(field.name) value.current = field.toolbar.items[ind].id let edata = self.trigger('change', { target: field.name, field: field.name, value, originalEvent: event }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) { return } self.record[field.name] = value.current self.setFieldValue(field.name, value.current) edata.finish() query(`#${field.name}-tb .w2ui-tb-button`).removeClass('over') } // do not allow any input, besides a tab if (!event.metaKey && !event.ctrlKey && event.keyCode != 9) { event.preventDefault() } }) } // HTML select if (field.type == 'select') { // generate options let items = field.options.items let options = '' items.forEach(item => { options += `` }) field.$el.html(options) } // w2fields if (this.W2FIELD_TYPES.includes(field.type)) { field.w2field = field.w2field ?? new w2field(w2utils.extend({}, field.options, { type: field.type })) field.w2field.render(field.el) } // map and arrays if (['map', 'array'].includes(field.type)) { // need closure (function (obj, field) { let keepFocus field.el.mapAdd = function(field, div, cnt, empty) { let attr = (field.disabled ? ' readOnly ' : '') + (field.html.tabindex_str || '') let html = `` + `${field.html.value.text || ''}` if (typeof field.html.render == 'function') { html = field.html.render.call(self, { empty: !!empty, ind: cnt, field, div }) // make sure all inputs have names as it is important for array objects if (!field.el._errorDisplayed) { query.html(html).filter('input').each(inp => { let name = inp.dataset.name ?? inp.name if (name == null || name == '') { console.log(`ERROR: All inputs of the field %c"${field.name}"%c must have name attribute defined. No name for %c${inp.outerHTML}`, 'color: blue', '', 'color: red') } }) field.el._errorDisplayed = true } } else if (field.type == 'map') { // has key input in front html = ` ${field.html.key.text || ''} ` + html } div.append(`
`) if (typeof field.html.render == 'function') { let box = div.find(`[data-index="${cnt}"]`) box.find(`input`).each(el => { // set only if it is not defined in the HTML if (query(el).attr('tabindex') == null) { query(el).attr('tabindex', field.html.tabindex) } }) if (typeof field.html.onRefresh == 'function') { field.html.onRefresh.call(self, { index: cnt, empty, box: box.get(0) }) } } } field.el.mapRefresh = function(map, div) { // generate options let keys, $k, $v if (field.type == 'map') { if (!w2utils.isPlainObject(map)) map = {} if (map._order == null) map._order = Object.keys(map) keys = map._order } if (field.type == 'array') { if (!Array.isArray(map)) map = [] keys = map.map((item, ind) => { return ind }) } // delete extra fields (including empty one) let all = div.find('.w2ui-map-field') for (let i = all.length-1; i >= keys.length; i--) { div.find(`div[data-index='${i}']`).remove() } for (let ind = 0; ind < keys.length; ind++) { let key = keys[ind] let fld = div.find(`div[data-index='${ind}']`) // add if does not exists if (fld.length == 0) { field.el.mapAdd(field, div, ind) fld = div.find(`div[data-index='${ind}']`) } fld.attr('data-key', key) if (typeof field.html?.render == 'function') { let val = map[key] fld.find('input').each(inp => { let name = inp.dataset.name ?? inp.name // if (inp.type == 'checkbox') { inp.checked = val[name] ?? false } else if (inp.type == 'radio') { inp.checked = val[name] ?? false } else { inp.value = val[name] ?? '' } }) } else { $k = fld.find('.w2ui-map.key') $v = fld.find('.w2ui-map.value') let val = map[key] if (field.type == 'array') { let tmp = map.filter((it) => { return it?.key == key ? true : false}) if (tmp.length > 0) val = tmp[0].value } $k.val(key) $v.val(val) if (field.disabled === true || field.disabled === false) { $k.prop('readOnly', field.disabled ? true : false) $v.prop('readOnly', field.disabled ? true : false) } } // call refresh if (typeof field.html.onRefresh == 'function') { field.html.onRefresh.call(self, { index: ind, box: div.find(`[data-index="${ind}"]`).get(0) }) } } if (typeof field.html.render == 'function') { $v = div.find('.w2ui-map-field:last-child input:first-child') } let cnt = keys.length let curr = div.find(`div[data-index='${cnt}']`) // if not disabled - add next if needed if (curr.length === 0 && (!$k || $k.val() != '' || $v.val() != '') && !($k && ($k.prop('readOnly') === true || $k.prop('disabled') === true)) ) { field.el.mapAdd(field, div, cnt, true) } if (field.disabled === true || field.disabled === false) { curr.find('.key').prop('readOnly', field.disabled ? true : false) curr.find('.value').prop('readOnly', field.disabled ? true : false) } // attach events let container = query(field.el).get(0)?.nextSibling // should be div query(container) .off('.mapChange') .on('mouseup.mapChange', 'input', function (event) { /*** * This hack is needed for the cases when this field is refreshed and focus in bettween of mousedown and mouse up. * In such a case, the field will not get focused, but should be as there was mouse click. */ if (document.activeElement != event.target) { event.target.focus() } }) .on('keyup.mapChange', 'input', function(event) { let $div = query(event.target).closest('.w2ui-map-field') let next = $div.get(0).nextElementSibling let prev = $div.get(0).previousElementSibling if (event.keyCode == 13) { let el = keepFocus ?? next if (el instanceof HTMLElement) { let inp = query(el).find('input') if (inp.length > 0) { inp.get(0).focus() } } keepFocus = undefined } let className = query(event.target).hasClass('key') ? 'key' : 'value' if (event.keyCode == 38 && prev) { // up key query(prev).find(`input.${className}, input[name="${event.target.name}"]`).get(0).select() event.preventDefault() } if (event.keyCode == 40 && next) { // down key event.target.blur() // blur is neeeded because because it will trigger change which will re-render fields let next = $div.get(0).nextElementSibling // need to query it again because it was re-rendered query(next).find(`input.${className}, input[name="${event.target.name}"]`).get(0).select() event.preventDefault() } }) .on('keydown.mapChange', 'input', function(event) { if (event.keyCode == 9) { // tab /** * In some cases, when elements are added dynamically after element was focused, hitting tab would not * consider newly created elements are focusable, therefore we check here if focus goes to body on tab key * then move it next input */ setTimeout(() => { if (document.activeElement?.tagName == 'BODY') { query(event.target.parentNode).next().find('input').get(0)?.focus() } }, 10) } if (event.keyCode == 38 || event.keyCode == 40) { event.preventDefault() } }) .on('input.mapChange', 'input', function(event) { let fld = query(event.target).closest('div') let cnt = fld.data('index') let next = fld.get(0).nextElementSibling // if last one, add new empty let isEmpty = true query(fld).find('input').each(el => { if (!['checkbox', 'button'].includes(el.type) && el.value != '') isEmpty = false }) let isNextEmpty = true query(next).find('input').each(el => { if (!['checkbox', 'button'].includes(el.type) && el.value != '') isNextEmpty = false }) if (!isEmpty && !next) { field.el.mapAdd(field, div, parseInt(cnt) + 1, true) } else if (isEmpty && next && isNextEmpty) { query(next).remove() } }) .on('change.mapChange', 'input', function(event) { self.rememberOriginal() // event before let { current, previous, original } = self.getFieldValue(field.field) let $cnt = query(event.target).closest('.w2ui-map-container') // delete empty if (typeof field.html?.render == 'function') { current = current.filter(kk => { let val = [...(new Set(Object.values(kk).filter(vv => typeof vv != 'boolean')))] return !(val.length == 0 || (val.length == 1 && val[0] === '')) }) } else if (field.type == 'map') { current._order = [] $cnt.find('.w2ui-map.key').each(el => { current._order.push(el.value) }) current._order = current._order.filter(k => k !== '') delete current[''] } else if (field.type == 'array') { current = current.filter(k => k !== '') } let edata = self.trigger('change', { target: field.field, field: field.field, originalEvent: event, value: { current, previous, original } }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) { return } if (query(event.target).parent().find('input').val() == '') { keepFocus = event.target } self.setValue(field.field, current) field.el.mapRefresh(current, div) // event after edata.finish() }) } })(this, field) } // set value to HTML input field this.setFieldValue(field.field, this.getValue(field.name)) } // event after edata.finish() this.resize() return Date.now() - time } render(box) { let time = Date.now() let self = this if (typeof box == 'string') box = query(box).get(0) // event before let edata = this.trigger('render', { target: this.name, box: box ?? this.box }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // default action if (box != null) { this.unmount() // clean previous control this.box = box } if (!this.isGenerated && !this.formHTML) return if (!this.box) return // render form let html = '
' + (this.header !== '' ? '
' + w2utils.lang(this.header) + '
' : '') + ' ' + ' ' + this.formHTML + '
' query(this.box).attr('name', this.name) .addClass('w2ui-reset w2ui-form') .html(html) if (query(this.box).length > 0) query(this.box)[0].style.cssText += this.style w2utils.bindEvents(query(this.box).find('.w2ui-eaction'), this) // init toolbar regardless it is defined or not if (typeof this.toolbar.render !== 'function') { this.toolbar = new w2toolbar(w2utils.extend({}, this.toolbar, { name: this.name +'_toolbar', owner: this })) this.toolbar.on('click', function(event) { let edata = self.trigger('toolbar', { target: event.target, originalEvent: event }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // no default action edata.finish() }) } if (typeof this.toolbar === 'object' && typeof this.toolbar.render === 'function') { this.toolbar.render(query(this.box).find('#form_'+ this.name +'_toolbar')[0]) } // init tabs regardless it is defined or not if (typeof this.tabs.render !== 'function') { this.tabs = new w2tabs(w2utils.extend({}, this.tabs, { name: this.name +'_tabs', owner: this, active: this.tabs.active })) this.tabs.on('click', function(event) { self.goto(this.get(event.target, true)) }) } if (typeof this.tabs === 'object' && typeof this.tabs.render === 'function') { this.tabs.render(query(this.box).find('#form_'+ this.name +'_tabs')[0]) if (this.tabs.active) this.tabs.click(this.tabs.active) } // event after edata.finish() // after render actions this.resize() let url = (typeof this.url !== 'object' ? this.url : this.url.get) if (url && this.recid != null) { this.request().catch(error => this.refresh()) // even if there was error, still need refresh } else { this.refresh() } // observe div resize this.last.observeResize = new ResizeObserver(() => { this.resize() }) this.last.observeResize.observe(this.box) // focus on load if (this.focus != -1) { let setCount = 0 let setFocus = () => { if (query(self.box).find('input, select, textarea').length > 0) { self.setFocus() } else { setCount++ if (setCount < 20) setTimeout(setFocus, 50) // 1 sec max } } setFocus() } return Date.now() - time } unmount() { super.unmount() this.tabs?.unmount?.() this.toolbar?.unmount?.() this.last.observeResize?.disconnect() } destroy() { // event before let edata = this.trigger('destroy', { target: this.name }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // clean up this.tabs?.destroy?.() this.toolbar?.destroy?.() if (query(this.box).find('#form_'+ this.name +'_tabs').length > 0) { this.unmount() } this.last.observeResize?.disconnect() delete w2ui[this.name] // event after edata.finish() } setFocus(focus) { if (typeof focus === 'undefined'){ // no argument - use form's focus property focus = this.focus } let $input // focus field by index if (w2utils.isInt(focus)){ if (focus < 0) { return } let inputs = query(this.box) .find('div:not(.w2ui-field-helper) > input, select, textarea, div > label:nth-child(1) > [type=radio]') .filter(':not(.file-input)') // find visible (offsetParent == null for any element is not visible) while (inputs[focus].offsetParent == null && inputs.length > focus) { focus++ } if (inputs[focus]) { $input = query(inputs[focus]) } } else if (typeof focus === 'string') { // focus field by name $input = query(this.box).find(`[name='${focus}']`) } if ($input.length > 0){ $input.get(0).focus() } return $input } } /** * Part of w2ui 2.0 library * - Dependencies: mQuery, w2utils, w2base, w2tooltip, w2color, w2menu, w2date * * == TODO == * - upload (regular files) * - BUG with prefix/postfix and arrows (test in different contexts) * - multiple date selection * - month selection, year selections * - MultiSelect - Allow Copy/Paste for single and multi values * - add routeData to list/enum * - ENUM, LIST: should have same as grid (limit, offset, search, sort) * - ENUM, LIST: should support wild chars * - add selection of predefined times (used for appointments) * - options.items - can be an array * - options.msgNoItems - can be a function * - REMOTE fields * * == 2.0 changes * - removed jQuery dependency * - enum options.autoAdd * - [numeric, date] - options.autoCorrect to enforce range and validity * - remote source response items => records or just an array * - deprecated "success" field for remote source response * - CSP - fixed inline events * - remove clear, use reset instead * - options.msgSearch * - options.msgNoItems */ class w2field extends w2base { constructor(type, options) { super() // sanitization if (typeof type == 'string' && options == null) { options = { type: type } } if (typeof type == 'object' && options == null) { options = w2utils.clone(type) } if (typeof type == 'string' && typeof options == 'object') { options.type = type } options.type = String(options.type).toLowerCase() this.el = options.el ?? null this.selected = null this.helpers = {} // object or helper elements this.type = options.type ?? 'text' this.options = w2utils.clone(options) this.onClick = options.onClick ?? null this.onAdd = options.onAdd ?? null this.onNew = options.onNew ?? null this.onRemove = options.onRemove ?? null this.onMouseEnter= options.onMouseEnter ?? null this.onMouseLeave= options.onMouseLeave ?? null this.onScroll = options.onScroll ?? null this.tmp = {} // temp object // clean up some options delete this.options.type delete this.options.onClick delete this.options.onMouseEnter delete this.options.onMouseLeave delete this.options.onScroll if (this.el) { this.render(this.el) } } render(el) { if (!(el instanceof HTMLElement)) { console.log('ERROR: Cannot init w2field on empty subject') return } el._w2field?.reset?.() // will remove all previous events el._w2field = this this.el = el this.init() } init() { let options = this.options let defaults // only for INPUT or TEXTAREA if (!['INPUT', 'TEXTAREA'].includes(this.el.tagName.toUpperCase())) { console.log('ERROR: w2field could only be applied to INPUT or TEXTAREA.', this.el) return } switch (this.type) { case 'text': case 'int': case 'float': case 'money': case 'currency': case 'percent': case 'alphanumeric': case 'bin': case 'hex': { defaults = { min: null, max: null, step: 1, autoFormat: true, autoCorrect: true, currency: { prefix: w2utils.settings.currencyPrefix, suffix: w2utils.settings.currencySuffix, precision: w2utils.settings.currencyPrecision }, decimalSymbol: w2utils.settings.decimalSymbol, groupSymbol: w2utils.settings.groupSymbol, arrow: false, keyboard: true, precision: null, prefix: '', suffix: '' } this.options = w2utils.extend({}, defaults, options) options = this.options // since object is re-created, need to re-assign options.numberRE = new RegExp('['+ options.groupSymbol + ']', 'g') options.moneyRE = new RegExp('['+ options.currency.prefix + options.currency.suffix + options.groupSymbol +']', 'g') options.percentRE = new RegExp('['+ options.groupSymbol + '%]', 'g') // no keyboard support needed if (['text', 'alphanumeric', 'hex', 'bin'].includes(this.type)) { options.arrow = false options.keyboard = false } break } case 'color': { let size = parseInt(getComputedStyle(this.el)['font-size']) || 12 defaults = { prefix : '#', suffix : `
`, arrow : false, advanced : null, // open advanced by default transparent : true } this.options = w2utils.extend({}, defaults, options) options = this.options // since object is re-created, need to re-assign break } case 'date': { defaults = { format : w2utils.settings.dateFormat, // date format keyboard : true, // if true, allows to select date with format autoCorrect : true, // correc date or shows the error start : null, // first date allowed to select end : null, // last date allowed to select blockDates : [], // array of blocked dates blockWeekdays : [], // blocked weekdays 0 - sunday, 1 - monday, etc colored : {}, // ex: { '3/13/2022': 'bg-color|text-color' } btnNow : true // if true, displays Now button } this.options = w2utils.extend({ type: 'date' }, defaults, options) options = this.options // since object is re-created, need to re-assign if (query(this.el).attr('placeholder') == null) { query(this.el).attr('placeholder', options.format) } break } case 'time': { defaults = { format : w2utils.settings.timeFormat, keyboard : true, autoCorrect : true, start : null, end : null, btnNow : true, noMinutes : false } this.options = w2utils.extend({ type: 'time' }, defaults, options) options = this.options // since object is re-created, need to re-assign if (query(this.el).attr('placeholder') == null) { query(this.el).attr('placeholder', options.format) } break } case 'datetime': { defaults = { format : w2utils.settings.dateFormat + '|' + w2utils.settings.timeFormat, keyboard : true, autoCorrect : true, start : null, end : null, startTime : null, endTime : null, blockDates : [], // array of blocked dates blockWeekdays : [], // blocked weekdays 0 - sunday, 1 - monday, etc colored : {}, // ex: { '3/13/2022': 'bg-color|text-color' } btnNow : true, noMinutes : false } this.options = w2utils.extend({ type: 'datetime' }, defaults, options) options = this.options // since object is re-created, need to re-assign if (query(this.el).attr('placeholder') == null) { query(this.el).attr('placeholder', options.placeholder || options.format) } break } case 'list': case 'combo': { defaults = { items : [], // array of items, can be a function selected : {}, // selected item match : 'begins', // ['contains', 'is', 'begins', 'ends'] filter : true, // weather to filter at all compare : null, // compare function for filtering prefix : '', // prefix for input suffix : '', // sufix for input icon : null, // icon class for selected item iconStyle : '', // icon style for selected item // -- remote items -- url : null, // remove data source for items method : null, // default comes from w2utils.settings.dataType postData : {}, // additional data to submit to URL recId : null, // map retrieved data from url to id, can be string or function recText : null, // map retrieved data from url to text, can be string or function debounce : 250, // number of ms to wait before sending server call on search minLength : 1, // min number of chars when trigger search cacheMax : 250, // -- drop items -- renderDrop : null, // render function for drop down item maxDropHeight : 350, // max height for drop down menu maxDropWidth : null, // if null then auto set minDropWidth : null, // if null then auto set // -- misc -- markSearch : false, // if true, highlights search phrase align : 'both', // align with the input ['left', 'right', 'both', 'none'] altRows : true, // alternate row color for drop itesm openOnFocus : false, // if true, shows drop items on focus hideSelected : false, // hide selected item from drop down msgNoItems : 'No matches', msgSearch : 'Type to search...', // -- events -- onSearch : null, // when search needs to be performed onRequest : null, // when request is submitted onLoad : null, // when data is received onError : null, // when data fails to load due to server error } if (typeof options.items == 'function') { options._items_fun = options.items } // need to be first options.items = w2utils.normMenu.call(this, options.items) if (this.type === 'list') { // defaults.search = (options.items && options.items.length >= 10 ? true : false); query(this.el).addClass('w2ui-select') // if simple value - look it up if (!w2utils.isPlainObject(options.selected) && Array.isArray(options.items)) { options.items.forEach(item => { if (item && item.id === options.selected) { options.selected = w2utils.clone(item) } }) } } options = w2utils.extend({}, defaults, options) // validate match let valid = ['is', 'begins', 'contains', 'ends'] if (!valid.includes(options.match)) { console.log(`ERROR: invalid value "${options.match}" for option.match. It should be one of following: ${valid.join(', ')}.`) } this.options = options if (!w2utils.isPlainObject(options.selected)) options.selected = {} this.selected = options.selected query(this.el) .attr('autocapitalize', 'off') .attr('autocomplete', 'off') .attr('autocorrect', 'off') .attr('spellcheck', 'false') if (options.selected.text != null) { query(this.el).val(options.selected.text) } break } case 'enum': { defaults = { items : [], // id, text, tooltip, icon selected : [], max : 0, // max number of selected items, 0 - unlimited match : 'begins', // ['contains', 'is', 'begins', 'ends'] filter : true, // if true, will apply filtering compare : null, // compare function for filtering // -- remote items -- url : null, // remove source for items method : null, // default httpMethod postData : {}, recId : null, // map retrieved data from url to id, can be string or function recText : null, // map retrieved data from url to text, can be string or function debounce : 250, // number of ms to wait before sending server call on search minLength : 1, // min number of chars when trigger search cacheMax : 250, // -- item and drop items -- maxItemWidth : 250, // max width for a single item maxDropHeight : 350, // max height for drop down menu maxDropWidth : null, // if null then auto set renderItem : null, // render selected item renderDrop : null, // render function for drop down item // -- misc -- style : '', // style for container div openOnFocus : false, // if true, opens drop down on focus markSearch : false, // if true, highlights search phrase align : 'both',// align with the input ['left', 'right', 'both', 'none'] altRows : true, // if ture, will use alternate row colors hideSelected : true, // hide selected items from drop down msgNoItems : 'No matches', msgSearch : 'Type to search...', // -- events -- onAdd : null, // when item is selected from drop down onNew : null, // when new item should be added onRemove : null, // when item is removed onSearch : null, // when search is triggered onClick : null, // when item is clicked onRequest : null, // when data is requested onLoad : null, // when data is received onError : null, // when data fails to load due to server error onScroll : null, // when div with selected items is scrolled onMouseEnter : null, // when mouse enters item onMouseLeave : null, // when mouse leaves item } options = w2utils.extend({}, defaults, options, { suffix: '' }) if (typeof options.items == 'function') { options._items_fun = options.items } // validate match let valid = ['is', 'begins', 'contains', 'ends'] if (!valid.includes(options.match)) { console.log(`ERROR: invalid value "${options.match}" for option.match. It should be one of following: ${valid.join(', ')}.`) } options.items = w2utils.normMenu.call(this, options.items) options.selected = w2utils.normMenu.call(this, options.selected) this.options = options if (!Array.isArray(options.selected)) options.selected = [] this.selected = options.selected break } case 'file': { defaults = { selected : [], // array of selected files max : 0, // max number of selected files, 0 - unlim maxSize : 0, // max size of all files, 0 - unlimited maxFileSize : 0, // max size of a single file, 0 -unlimited renderItem : null, // render function fo the selected item // -- misc -- maxItemWidth : 250, // max width for a single item maxDropHeight : 350, // max height for drop down menu maxDropWidth : null, // if null then auto set readContent : true, // if true, it will readAsDataURL content of the file showErrors : true, // if not true, will show errors align : 'both', // align with the input ['left', 'right', 'both', 'none'] altRows : true, // alternate row color for drop itesm style : '', // style for container div // -- events -- onClick : null, // when item is clicked onAdd : null, // when item is added onRemove : null, // when item is removed onMouseEnter : null, // when item is mouse over onMouseLeave : null // when item is mouse out } options = w2utils.extend({}, defaults, options) this.options = options if (!Array.isArray(options.selected)) options.selected = [] this.selected = options.selected if (query(this.el).attr('placeholder') == null) { query(this.el).attr('placeholder', w2utils.lang('Attach files by dragging and dropping or Click to Select')) } break } default: { console.log(`ERROR: field type "${this.type}" is not supported.`) break } } // attach events query(this.el) .css('box-sizing', 'border-box') .addClass('w2field w2ui-input') .off('.w2field') .on('change.w2field', (event) => { this.change(event) }) .on('click.w2field', (event) => { this.click(event) }) .on('focus.w2field', (event) => { this.focus(event) }) .on('blur.w2field', (event) => { if (this.type !== 'list') this.blur(event) }) .on('keydown.w2field', (event) => { this.keyDown(event) }) .on('keyup.w2field', (event) => { this.keyUp(event) }) // suffix and prefix need to be after styles this.addPrefix() // only will add if needed this.addSuffix() // only will add if needed this.addSearch() this.addMultiSearch() // this.refresh() // do not call refresh, on change will trigger refresh (for list at list) // format initial value this.change(new Event('change')) } get() { let ret if (['list', 'enum', 'file'].indexOf(this.type) !== -1) { ret = this.selected } else { ret = query(this.el).val() } return ret } set(val, append) { if (['list', 'enum', 'file'].indexOf(this.type) !== -1) { if (this.type !== 'list' && append) { if (!Array.isArray(this.selected)) this.selected = [] this.selected.push(val) // update selected array in overlay let overlay = w2menu.get(this.el.id + '_menu') if (overlay) overlay.options.selected = this.selected query(this.el).trigger('input').trigger('change') } else { if (val == null) val = [] let it = (this.type === 'enum' && !Array.isArray(val) ? [val] : val) this.selected = it query(this.el).trigger('input').trigger('change') } this.refresh() } else { query(this.el).val(val) } } setIndex(ind, append) { if (['list', 'enum'].indexOf(this.type) !== -1) { let items = this.options.items if (items && items[ind]) { if (this.type == 'list') { this.selected = items[ind] } if (this.type == 'enum') { if (!append) this.selected = [] this.selected.push(items[ind]) } let overlay = w2menu.get(this.el.id + '_menu') if (overlay) overlay.options.selected = this.selected query(this.el).trigger('input').trigger('change') this.refresh() return true } } return false } refresh() { let options = this.options let time = Date.now() let styles = getComputedStyle(this.el) // update color if (this.type == 'color') { let color = this.el.value if (color.substr(0, 1) != '#' && color.substr(0, 3) != 'rgb') { color = '#' + color } query(this.helpers.suffix).find(':scope > div').css('background-color', color) } // enum if (this.type == 'list') { // next line will not work in a form with span: -1 // query(this.el).parent().css('white-space', 'nowrap') // needs this for arrow always to appear on the right side // hide focus and show text if (this.helpers.prefix) this.helpers.prefix.hide() if (!this.helpers.search) return // if empty show no icon if (this.selected == null && options.icon) { options.prefix = ` ` this.addPrefix() } else { options.prefix = '' this.addPrefix() } // focus helper let focus = query(this.helpers.search_focus) let icon = query(focus[0].previousElementSibling) focus.css({ outline: 'none' }) if (focus.val() === '') { focus.css('opacity', 0) icon.css('opacity', 0) if (this.selected?.id) { let text = this.selected.text let ind = this.findItemIndex(options.items, this.selected.id) if (text != null) { query(this.el) .val(w2utils.lang(text)) .data({ selected: text, selectedIndex: ind[0] }) } } else { this.el.value = '' query(this.el).removeData('selected selectedIndex') } } else { focus.css('opacity', 1) icon.css('opacity', 1) query(this.el).val('') setTimeout(() => { if (this.helpers.prefix) this.helpers.prefix.hide() if (options.icon) { focus.css('margin-left', '17px') query(this.helpers.search).find('.w2ui-icon-search') .addClass('show-search') } else { focus.css('margin-left', '0px') query(this.helpers.search).find('.w2ui-icon-search') .removeClass('show-search') } }, 1) } // if readonly or disabled if (query(this.el).prop('readOnly') || query(this.el).prop('disabled')) { setTimeout(() => { if (this.helpers.prefix) query(this.helpers.prefix).css('opacity', '0.6') if (this.helpers.suffix) query(this.helpers.suffix).css('opacity', '0.6') }, 1) } else { setTimeout(() => { if (this.helpers.prefix) query(this.helpers.prefix).css('opacity', '1') if (this.helpers.suffix) query(this.helpers.suffix).css('opacity', '1') }, 1) } } // multi select control let div = this.helpers.multi if (['enum', 'file'].includes(this.type) && div) { let html = '' if (Array.isArray(this.selected)) { this.selected.forEach((it, ind) => { if (it == null) return html += `
${ typeof options.renderItem === 'function' ? options.renderItem(it, ind, `
`) : ` ${it.icon ? `` : ''}
${(this.type === 'enum' ? it.text : it.name) ?? it.id ?? it } ${it.size ? ` - ${w2utils.formatSize(it.size)}` : ''} ` }
` }) } let ul = div.find('.w2ui-multi-items') if (options.style) { div.attr('style', div.attr('style') + ';' + options.style) } query(this.el).css('z-index', '-1') if (query(this.el).prop('readOnly') || query(this.el).prop('disabled')) { setTimeout(() => { div[0].scrollTop = 0 // scroll to the top div.addClass('w2ui-readonly') .find('.li-item').css('opacity', '0.9') .parent().find('.li-search').hide() .find('input').prop('readOnly', true) .closest('.w2ui-multi-items') .find('.w2ui-list-remove').hide() }, 1) } else { setTimeout(() => { div.removeClass('w2ui-readonly') .find('.li-item').css('opacity', '1') .parent().find('.li-search').show() .find('input').prop('readOnly', false) .closest('.w2ui-multi-items') .find('.w2ui-list-remove').show() }, 1) } // clean if (this.selected?.length > 0) { query(this.el).attr('placeholder', '') } div.find('.w2ui-enum-placeholder').remove() ul.find('.li-item').remove() // add new list if (html !== '') { ul.prepend(html) } else if (query(this.el).attr('placeholder') != null && div.find('input').val() === '') { let style = w2utils.stripSpaces(` padding-top: ${styles['padding-top']}; padding-left: ${styles['padding-left']}; box-sizing: ${styles['box-sizing']}; line-height: ${styles['line-height']}; font-size: ${styles['font-size']}; font-family: ${styles['font-family']}; `) div.prepend(`
`) } // ITEMS events div.off('.w2item') .on('scroll.w2item', (event) => { let edata = this.trigger('scroll', { target: this.el, originalEvent: event }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // hide tooltip if any w2tooltip.hide(this.el.id + '_preview') // event after edata.finish() }) .find('.li-item') .on('click.w2item', (event) => { let target = query(event.target).closest('.li-item') let index = target.attr('index') let item = this.selected[index] if (query(target).hasClass('li-search')) return event.stopPropagation() let edata // default behavior if (query(event.target).hasClass('w2ui-list-remove')) { if (query(this.el).prop('readOnly') || query(this.el).prop('disabled')) return // trigger event edata = this.trigger('remove', { target: this.el, originalEvent: event, item }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // default behavior this.selected.splice(index, 1) query(this.el).trigger('input').trigger('change') query(event.target).remove() } else { // trigger event edata = this.trigger('click', { target: this.el, originalEvent: event.originalEvent, item }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // if file - show image preview let preview = item.tooltip if (this.type === 'file') { if ((/image/i).test(item.type)) { // image preview = `
` } preview += `
` } if (preview) { let name = this.el.id + '_preview' w2tooltip.show({ name, anchor: target.get(0), html: preview, hideOn: ['doc-click'], class: '' }) .show((event) => { let $img = query(`#w2overlay-${name} img`) $img.on('load', function (event) { let w = this.clientWidth let h = this.clientHeight if (w < 300 & h < 300) return if (w >= h && w > 300) query(this).css('width', '300px') if (w < h && h > 300) query(this).css('height', '300px') }) .on('error', function (event) { this.style.display = 'none' }) }) } edata.finish() } }) .on('mouseenter.w2item', (event) => { let target = query(event.target).closest('.li-item') if (query(target).hasClass('li-search')) return let item = this.selected[query(event.target).attr('index')] // trigger event let edata = this.trigger('mouseEnter', { target: this.el, originalEvent: event, item }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // event after edata.finish() }) .on('mouseleave.w2item', (event) => { let target = query(event.target).closest('.li-item') if (query(target).hasClass('li-search')) return let item = this.selected[query(event.target).attr('index')] // trigger event let edata = this.trigger('mouseLeave', { target: this.el, originalEvent: event, item }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // event after edata.finish() }) // update size for enum, hide for file if (this.type === 'enum') { let search = this.helpers.multi.find('input') search.css({ width: '15px' }) } else { this.helpers.multi.find('.li-search').hide() } this.resize() } return Date.now() - time } // resizing width of list, enum, file controls resize() { let width = this.el.clientWidth // let height = this.el.clientHeight // if (this.tmp.current_width == width && height > 0) return let styles = getComputedStyle(this.el) let focus = this.helpers.search let multi = this.helpers.multi let suffix = this.helpers.suffix let prefix = this.helpers.prefix // resize helpers if (focus) { query(focus).css('width', width) } if (multi) { query(multi).css('width', width - parseInt(styles['margin-left'], 10) - parseInt(styles['margin-right'], 10)) } if (suffix) { this.addSuffix() } if (prefix) { this.addPrefix() } // enum or file let div = this.helpers.multi if (['enum', 'file'].includes(this.type) && div) { // adjust height query(this.el).css('height', '') let cntHeight = query(div).find(':scope div.w2ui-multi-items').get(0).clientHeight + 5 if (cntHeight < 20) cntHeight = 20 // max height if (cntHeight > this.tmp['max-height']) { cntHeight = this.tmp['max-height'] } // min height if (cntHeight < this.tmp['min-height']) { cntHeight = this.tmp['min-height'] } let inpHeight = w2utils.getSize(this.el, 'height') - 2 if (inpHeight > cntHeight) cntHeight = inpHeight query(div).css({ 'height': cntHeight + 'px', overflow: (cntHeight == this.tmp['max-height'] ? 'auto' : 'hidden') }) query(div).css('height', cntHeight + 'px') query(this.el).css({ 'height': cntHeight + 'px' }) } // remember width this.tmp.current_width = width } reset() { // restore paddings if (this.tmp != null) { query(this.el).css('height', '') Array('padding-left', 'padding-right', 'background-color', 'border-color').forEach(prop => { if (this.tmp && this.tmp['old-'+ prop] != null) { query(this.el).css(prop, this.tmp['old-' + prop]) delete this.tmp['old-' + prop] } }) // remove resize watcher clearInterval(this.tmp.sizeTimer) } // remove events and (data) query(this.el) .val(this.clean(query(this.el).val())) .removeClass('w2field w2ui-input') .removeData('selected selectedIndex') .off('.w2field') // remove only events added by w2field // remove helpers Object.keys(this.helpers).forEach(key => { query(this.helpers[key]).remove() }) this.helpers = {} delete this.el._w2field } clean(val) { // issue #499 if (typeof val === 'number'){ return val } let options = this.options val = String(val).trim() // clean if (['int', 'float', 'money', 'currency', 'percent'].includes(this.type)) { if (typeof val === 'string') { if (options.autoFormat) { if (['money', 'currency'].includes(this.type)) { val = String(val).replace(options.moneyRE, '') } if (this.type === 'percent') { val = String(val).replace(options.percentRE, '') } if (['int', 'float'].includes(this.type)) { val = String(val).replace(options.numberRE, '') } } val = val.replace(/\s+/g, '') .replace(new RegExp(options.groupSymbol, 'g'), '') .replace(options.decimalSymbol, '.') } if (val !== '' && w2utils.isFloat(val)) val = Number(val); else val = '' } return val } format(val) { let options = this.options // auto format numbers or money if (options.autoFormat && val !== '') { switch (this.type) { case 'money': case 'currency': val = w2utils.formatNumber(val, options.currency.precision, true) if (val !== '') val = options.currency.prefix + val + options.currency.suffix break case 'percent': val = w2utils.formatNumber(val, options.precision, true) if (val !== '') val += '%' break case 'float': val = w2utils.formatNumber(val, options.precision, true) break case 'int': val = w2utils.formatNumber(val, 0, true) break } // if default group symbol does not match - replase it let group = parseInt(1000).toLocaleString(w2utils.settings.locale, { useGrouping: true }).slice(1, 2) if (group !== this.options.groupSymbol) { val = val.replaceAll(group, this.options.groupSymbol) } } return val } change(event) { // numeric if (['int', 'float', 'money', 'currency', 'percent'].indexOf(this.type) !== -1) { // check max/min let val = query(this.el).val() let new_val = this.format(this.clean(query(this.el).val())) // if was modified if (val !== '' && val != new_val) { query(this.el).val(new_val) // cancel event event.stopPropagation() event.preventDefault() return false } } // color if (this.type === 'color') { let color = query(this.el).val() if (color.substr(0, 3).toLowerCase() !== 'rgb') { color = '#' + color let len = query(this.el).val().length if (len !== 8 && len !== 6 && len !== 3) color = '' } let next = query(this.el).get(0).nextElementSibling query(next).find('div').css('background-color', color) if (query(this.el).hasClass('has-focus')) { this.updateOverlay() } } // list, enum if (['list', 'enum', 'file'].indexOf(this.type) !== -1) { this.refresh() } // date, time if (['date', 'time', 'datetime'].indexOf(this.type) !== -1) { // convert linux timestamps let tmp = parseInt(this.el.value) if (w2utils.isInt(this.el.value) && tmp > 3000) { if (this.type === 'time') tmp = w2utils.formatTime(new Date(tmp), this.options.format) if (this.type === 'date') tmp = w2utils.formatDate(new Date(tmp), this.options.format) if (this.type === 'datetime') tmp = w2utils.formatDateTime(new Date(tmp), this.options.format) query(this.el).val(tmp).trigger('input').trigger('change') } } } click(event) { // lists if (['list', 'combo', 'enum'].includes(this.type)) { if (!query(this.el).hasClass('has-focus')) { this.focus(event) } if (this.type == 'list' || this.type == 'combo') { // if overlay is already open (and not just opened on focus event) then hide it if (!this.tmp.openedOnFocus) { let name = this.el.id + '_menu' let overlay = w2menu.get(name) if (overlay?.displayed) { w2menu.hide(name) } else { this.updateOverlay() } } delete this.tmp.openedOnFocus if (this.type == 'list') { // since list has separate search input, in order to keep the overlay open, need to stop event.stopPropagation() } } } // other fields with drops if (['date', 'time', 'datetime', 'color'].includes(this.type)) { this.updateOverlay() } } focus(event) { if (this.type == 'list' && document.activeElement == this.el) { this.helpers.search_focus.focus() return } // color, date, time if (['color', 'date', 'time', 'datetime'].indexOf(this.type) !== -1) { if (query(this.el).prop('readOnly') || query(this.el).prop('disabled')) return this.updateOverlay() } // menu if (['list', 'combo', 'enum'].indexOf(this.type) !== -1) { if (query(this.el).prop('readOnly') || query(this.el).prop('disabled')) { // still add focus query(this.el).addClass('has-focus') return } // regenerate items if (typeof this.options._items_fun == 'function') { this.options.items = w2utils.normMenu.call(this, this.options._items_fun) } if (this.helpers.search) { let search = this.helpers.search_focus search.value = '' search.select() } if (this.type == 'enum') { // file control in particular need to receive focus after file select let search = query(this.el.previousElementSibling).find('.li-search input').get(0) if (document.activeElement !== search) { search.focus() } } this.resize() // update overlay if needed if (event.showMenu !== false && (this.options.openOnFocus !== false || query(this.el).hasClass('has-focus')) && !this.tmp.overlay?.overlay?.displayed) { setTimeout(() => { this.tmp.openedOnFocus = true this.updateOverlay() }, 0) // execute at the end of event loop } } if (this.type == 'file') { let prev = query(this.el).get(0).previousElementSibling query(prev).addClass('has-focus') } query(this.el).addClass('has-focus') } blur(event) { let val = query(this.el).val().trim() query(this.el).removeClass('has-focus') if (['int', 'float', 'money', 'currency', 'percent'].includes(this.type)) { if (val !== '') { let newVal = val let error = '' if (!this.isStrValid(val)) { // validity is also checked in blur newVal = '' } else { let rVal = this.clean(val) if (this.options.min != null && rVal < this.options.min) { newVal = this.options.min error = `Should be >= ${this.options.min}` } if (this.options.max != null && rVal > this.options.max) { newVal = this.options.max error = `Should be <= ${this.options.max}` } } if (this.options.autoCorrect) { query(this.el).val(newVal).trigger('input').trigger('change') if (error) { w2tooltip.show({ name: this.el.id + '_error', anchor: this.el, html: error }) setTimeout(() => { w2tooltip.hide(this.el.id + '_error') }, 3000) } } } } // date or time if (['date', 'time', 'datetime'].includes(this.type) && this.options.autoCorrect) { if (val !== '') { let check = this.type == 'date' ? w2utils.isDate : (this.type == 'time' ? w2utils.isTime : w2utils.isDateTime) if (!w2date.inRange(this.el.value, this.options) || !check.bind(w2utils)(this.el.value, this.options.format)) { // if not in range or wrong value - clear it query(this.el).val('').trigger('input').trigger('change') } } } // clear search input if (this.type === 'enum') { query(this.helpers.multi).find('input').val('').css('width', '15px') } if (this.type == 'file') { let prev = this.el.previousElementSibling query(prev).removeClass('has-focus') } if (this.type === 'list') { this.el.value = this.selected?.text ?? '' } } keyDown(event, extra) { let options = this.options let key = event.keyCode || (extra && extra.keyCode) let cancel = false let val, inc, daymil, dt, newValue, newDT // ignore wrong pressed key if (['int', 'float', 'money', 'currency', 'percent', 'hex', 'bin', 'color', 'alphanumeric'].includes(this.type)) { if (!event.metaKey && !event.ctrlKey && !event.altKey) { if (!this.isStrValid(event.key ?? '1', true) && // valid & is not arrows, dot, comma, etc keys ![9, 8, 13, 27, 37, 38, 39, 40, 46].includes(event.keyCode)) { event.preventDefault() if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation(); else event.cancelBubble = true return false } } } // numeric if (['int', 'float', 'money', 'currency', 'percent'].includes(this.type)) { if (!options.keyboard || query(this.el).prop('readOnly') || query(this.el).prop('disabled')) return val = parseFloat(query(this.el).val().replace(options.moneyRE, '')) || 0 inc = options.step if (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) inc = options.step * 10 switch (key) { case 38: // up if (event.shiftKey) break // no action if shift key is pressed newValue = (val + inc <= options.max || options.max == null ? Number((val + inc).toFixed(12)) : options.max) query(this.el).val(newValue).trigger('input').trigger('change') cancel = true break case 40: // down if (event.shiftKey) break // no action if shift key is pressed newValue = (val - inc >= options.min || options.min == null ? Number((val - inc).toFixed(12)) : options.min) query(this.el).val(newValue).trigger('input').trigger('change') cancel = true break } if (cancel) { event.preventDefault() this.moveCaret2end() } } // date/datetime if (['date', 'datetime'].includes(this.type)) { if (!options.keyboard || query(this.el).prop('readOnly') || query(this.el).prop('disabled')) return let is = (this.type == 'date' ? w2utils.isDate : w2utils.isDateTime).bind(w2utils) let format = (this.type == 'date' ? w2utils.formatDate : w2utils.formatDateTime).bind(w2utils) daymil = 24*60*60*1000 inc = 1 if (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) inc = 10 // by month dt = is(query(this.el).val(), options.format, true) if (!dt) { dt = new Date(); daymil = 0 } switch (key) { case 38: // up if (event.shiftKey) break // no action if shift key is pressed if (inc == 10) { dt.setMonth(dt.getMonth() + 1) } else { dt.setTime(dt.getTime() + daymil) } newDT = format(dt.getTime(), options.format) query(this.el).val(newDT).trigger('input').trigger('change') cancel = true break case 40: // down if (event.shiftKey) break // no action if shift key is pressed if (inc == 10) { dt.setMonth(dt.getMonth() - 1) } else { dt.setTime(dt.getTime() - daymil) } newDT = format(dt.getTime(), options.format) query(this.el).val(newDT).trigger('input').trigger('change') cancel = true break } if (cancel) { event.preventDefault() this.moveCaret2end() this.updateOverlay() } } // time if (this.type === 'time') { if (!options.keyboard || query(this.el).prop('readOnly') || query(this.el).prop('disabled')) return inc = (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey ? 60 : 1) val = query(this.el).val() let time = w2date.str2min(val) || w2date.str2min((new Date()).getHours() + ':' + ((new Date()).getMinutes() - 1)) switch (key) { case 38: // up if (event.shiftKey) break // no action if shift key is pressed time += inc cancel = true break case 40: // down if (event.shiftKey) break // no action if shift key is pressed time -= inc cancel = true break } if (cancel) { event.preventDefault() query(this.el).val(w2date.min2str(time)).trigger('input').trigger('change') this.moveCaret2end() } } // list/enum if (['list', 'enum'].includes(this.type)) { switch (key) { case 8: // delete case 46: // backspace if (this.type == 'list') { let search = query(this.helpers.search_focus) if (search.val() == '') { this.selected = null w2menu.hide(this.el.id + '_menu') query(this.el).val('').trigger('input').trigger('change') } } else { let search = query(this.helpers.multi).find('input') if (search.val() == '') { w2menu.hide(this.el.id + '_menu') this.selected.pop() // update selected array in overlay let overlay = w2menu.get(this.el.id + '_menu') if (overlay) overlay.options.selected = this.selected this.refresh() } } break case 9: // tab key case 16: // shift key (when shift+tab) break case 27: // escape w2menu.hide(this.el.id + '_menu') this.refresh() break default: { // intentionally blank } } } } keyUp(event) { if (this.type == 'list') { let search = query(this.helpers.search_focus) if (search.val() !== '') { query(this.el).attr('placeholder', '') } else { query(this.el).attr('placeholder', this.tmp.pholder) } if (event.keyCode == 13) { setTimeout(() => { search.val('') w2menu.hide(this.el.id + '_menu') this.refresh() }, 1) } // if arrows are clicked, it will show overlay if ([38, 40].includes(event.keyCode) && !this.tmp.overlay?.overlay?.displayed) { this.updateOverlay() } this.refresh() } if (this.type == 'combo') { if (![9, 16, 27].includes(event.keyCode) && this.options.openOnFocus !== true) { // do not show when receives focus on tab or shift + tab or on esc this.updateOverlay() } // if arrows are clicked, it will show overlay if ([38, 40].includes(event.keyCode) && !this.tmp.overlay?.overlay?.displayed) { this.updateOverlay() } } if (this.type == 'enum') { let search = this.helpers.multi.find('input') let styles = getComputedStyle(search.get(0)) let width = w2utils.getStrWidth(search.val(), `font-family: ${styles['font-family']}; font-size: ${styles['font-size']};`) search.css({ width: (width + 15) + 'px' }) this.resize() // if arrows are clicked, it will show overlay if ([38, 40].includes(event.keyCode) && !this.tmp.overlay?.overlay?.displayed) { this.updateOverlay() } } } findItemIndex(items, id, parents) { let inds = [] if (!parents) parents = [] if (['list', 'combo', 'enum'].includes(this.type) && this.options.url) { // remove source, so get it from overlay let overlay = w2menu.get(this.el.id + '_menu') if (overlay) { items = overlay.options.items this.options.items = items } } items.forEach((item, ind) => { if (item.id === id) { inds = parents.concat([ind]) this.options.index = [ind] } if (inds.length == 0 && item.items && item.items.length > 0) { parents.push(ind) inds = this.findItemIndex(item.items, id, parents) parents.pop() } }) return inds } updateOverlay(indexOnly) { let options = this.options let params // color if (this.type === 'color') { if (query(this.el).prop('readOnly') || query(this.el).prop('disabled')) return w2color.show(w2utils.extend({ name: this.el.id + '_color', anchor: this.el, transparent: options.transparent, advanced: options.advanced, color: this.el.value, liveUpdate: true }, this.options)) .select(event => { let color = event.detail.color query(this.el).val(color).trigger('input').trigger('change') }) .liveUpdate(event => { let color = event.detail.color query(this.helpers.suffix).find(':scope > div').css('background-color', '#' + color) }) } // list if (['list', 'combo', 'enum'].includes(this.type)) { let el = this.el let input = this.el if (this.type === 'enum') { el = this.helpers.multi.get(0) input = query(el).find('input').get(0) } if (this.type === 'list') { let sel = this.selected if (w2utils.isPlainObject(sel) && Object.keys(sel).length > 0) { let ind = this.findItemIndex(options.items, sel.id) if (ind.length > 0) { options.index = ind } } input = this.helpers.search_focus } if (query(this.el).hasClass('has-focus') && !this.el.readOnly && !this.el.disabled) { params = w2utils.extend({}, options, { name: this.el.id + '_menu', anchor: input, selected: this.selected, search: false, render: options.renderDrop, anchorClass: '', offsetY: 5, maxHeight: options.maxDropHeight, // TODO: check maxWidth: options.maxDropWidth, // TODO: check minWidth: options.minDropWidth // TODO: check }) this.tmp.overlay = w2menu.show(params) .select(event => { if (['list', 'combo'].includes(this.type)) { this.selected = event.detail.item query(input).val('') query(this.el).val(this.selected.text).trigger('input').trigger('change') this.focus({ showMenu: false }) } else { let selected = this.selected let newItem = event.detail?.item if (newItem) { // trigger event let edata = this.trigger('add', { target: this.el, item: newItem, originalEvent: event }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // default behavior if (selected.length >= options.max && options.max > 0) selected.pop() delete newItem.hidden selected.push(newItem) query(this.el).trigger('input').trigger('change') query(this.helpers.multi).find('input').val('') // updaet selected array in overlays let overlay = w2menu.get(this.el.id + '_menu') if (overlay) overlay.options.selected = this.selected // event after edata.finish() } } }) } } // date if (['date', 'time', 'datetime'].includes(this.type)) { if (query(this.el).prop('readOnly') || query(this.el).prop('disabled')) return w2date.show(w2utils.extend({ name: this.el.id + '_date', anchor: this.el, value: this.el.value, }, this.options)) .select(event => { let date = event.detail.date if (date != null) { query(this.el).val(date).trigger('input').trigger('change') } }) } } /* * INTERNAL FUNCTIONS */ isStrValid(ch, loose) { let isValid = true switch (this.type) { case 'int': if (loose && ['-', this.options.groupSymbol].includes(ch)) { isValid = true } else { isValid = w2utils.isInt(ch.replace(this.options.numberRE, '')) } break case 'percent': ch = ch.replace(/%/g, '') case 'float': if (loose && ['-', '', this.options.decimalSymbol, this.options.groupSymbol].includes(ch)) { isValid = true } else { isValid = w2utils.isFloat(ch.replace(this.options.numberRE, '')) } break case 'money': case 'currency': if (loose && ['-', this.options.decimalSymbol, this.options.groupSymbol, this.options.currency.prefix, this.options.currency.suffix].includes(ch)) { isValid = true } else { isValid = w2utils.isFloat(ch.replace(this.options.moneyRE, '')) } break case 'bin': isValid = w2utils.isBin(ch) break case 'color': case 'hex': isValid = w2utils.isHex(ch) break case 'alphanumeric': isValid = w2utils.isAlphaNumeric(ch) break } return isValid } addPrefix() { if (!this.options.prefix) { return } let helper let styles = getComputedStyle(this.el) if (this.tmp['old-padding-left'] == null) { this.tmp['old-padding-left'] = styles['padding-left'] } // remove if already displayed if (this.helpers.prefix) query(this.helpers.prefix).remove() query(this.el).before(`
`) helper = query(this.el).get(0).previousElementSibling query(helper) .css({ 'color' : styles.color, 'font-family' : styles['font-family'], 'font-size' : styles['font-size'], 'height' : this.el.clientHeight + 'px', 'padding-top' : parseInt(styles['padding-top'], 10) + 1 + 'px', 'padding-bottom' : parseInt(styles['padding-bottom'], 10) - 1 + 'px', 'padding-left' : this.tmp['old-padding-left'], 'padding-right' : 0, 'margin-top' : (parseInt(styles['margin-top'], 10)) + 'px', 'margin-bottom' : (parseInt(styles['margin-bottom'], 10)) + 'px', 'margin-left' : styles['margin-left'], 'margin-right' : 0, 'z-index' : 1, 'display' : 'flex', 'align-items' : 'center' }) // only if visible query(this.el).css('padding-left', helper.clientWidth + 'px !important') // remember helper this.helpers.prefix = helper } addSuffix() { if (!this.options.suffix && !this.options.arrow) { return } let helper let self = this let styles = getComputedStyle(this.el) if (this.tmp['old-padding-right'] == null) { this.tmp['old-padding-right'] = styles['padding-right'] } let pr = parseInt(styles['padding-right'] || 0) if (this.options.arrow) { // remove if already displayed if (this.helpers.arrow) query(this.helpers.arrow).remove() // add fresh query(this.el).after( '
 '+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
') helper = query(this.el).get(0).nextElementSibling query(helper).css({ 'color' : styles.color, 'font-family' : styles['font-family'], 'font-size' : styles['font-size'], 'height' : this.el.clientHeight + 'px', 'padding' : 0, 'margin-top' : (parseInt(styles['margin-top'], 10) + 1) + 'px', 'margin-bottom' : 0, 'border-left' : '1px solid silver', 'width' : '16px', 'transform' : 'translateX(-100%)' }) .on('mousedown', function(event) { if (query(event.target).hasClass('arrow-up')) { self.keyDown(event, { keyCode: 38 }) } if (query(event.target).hasClass('arrow-down')) { self.keyDown(event, { keyCode: 40 }) } }) pr += helper.clientWidth // width of the control query(this.el).css('padding-right', pr + 'px !important') this.helpers.arrow = helper } if (this.options.suffix !== '') { // remove if already displayed if (this.helpers.suffix) query(this.helpers.suffix).remove() // add fresh query(this.el).after(`
`) helper = query(this.el).get(0).nextElementSibling query(helper) .css({ 'color' : styles.color, 'font-family' : styles['font-family'], 'font-size' : styles['font-size'], 'height' : this.el.clientHeight + 'px', 'padding-top' : styles['padding-top'], 'padding-bottom' : styles['padding-bottom'], 'padding-left' : 0, 'padding-right' : styles['padding-right'], 'margin-top' : (parseInt(styles['margin-top'], 10) + 2) + 'px', 'margin-bottom' : (parseInt(styles['margin-bottom'], 10) + 1) + 'px', 'transform' : 'translateX(-100%)' }) query(this.el).css('padding-right', helper.clientWidth + 'px !important') this.helpers.suffix = helper } } // Only used for list addSearch() { if (this.type !== 'list') return // clean up & init if (this.helpers.search) query(this.helpers.search).remove() // remember original tabindex let tabIndex = parseInt(query(this.el).attr('tabIndex')) if (!isNaN(tabIndex) && tabIndex !== -1) this.tmp['old-tabIndex'] = tabIndex if (this.tmp['old-tabIndex']) tabIndex = this.tmp['old-tabIndex'] if (tabIndex == null || isNaN(tabIndex)) tabIndex = 0 // if there is id, add to search with "_search" let searchId = '' if (query(this.el).attr('id') != null) { searchId = 'id="' + query(this.el).attr('id') + '_search"' } // build helper let html = `
` query(this.el).attr('tabindex', -1).before(html) let helper = query(this.el).get(0).previousElementSibling this.helpers.search = helper this.helpers.search_focus = query(helper).find('input').get(0) let styles = getComputedStyle(this.el) query(helper).css({ width : this.el.clientWidth + 'px', 'margin-top' : styles['margin-top'], 'margin-left' : styles['margin-left'], 'margin-bottom' : styles['margin-bottom'], 'margin-right' : styles['margin-right'] }) .find('input') .css({ cursor : 'default', width : '100%', opacity : 1, padding : styles.padding, margin : styles.margin, border : '1px solid transparent', 'background-color' : 'transparent' }) // INPUT events query(helper).find('input') .off('.helper') .on('focus.helper', event => { query(event.target).val('') this.tmp.pholder = query(this.el).attr('placeholder') ?? '' this.focus(event) event.stopPropagation() }) .on('blur.helper', event => { query(event.target).val('') if (this.tmp.pholder != null) query(this.el).attr('placeholder', this.tmp.pholder) this.blur(event) event.stopPropagation() }) .on('keydown.helper', event => { this.keyDown(event) }) .on('keyup.helper', event => { this.keyUp(event) }) // MAIN div query(helper).on('click', event => { query(event.target).find('input').focus() }) } // Used in enum/file addMultiSearch() { if (!['enum', 'file'].includes(this.type)) { return } // clean up & init query(this.helpers.multi).remove() // build helper let html = '' let styles = getComputedStyle(this.el) let margin = w2utils.stripSpaces(` margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: ${styles['margin-left']}; margin-right: ${styles['margin-right']}; width: ${(w2utils.getSize(this.el, 'width') - parseInt(styles['margin-left'], 10) - parseInt(styles['margin-right'], 10))}px; `) if (this.tmp['min-height'] == null) { let min = this.tmp['min-height'] = parseInt((styles['min-height'] != 'none' ? styles['min-height'] : 0) || 0) let current = parseInt(styles.height) this.tmp['min-height'] = Math.max(min, current) } if (this.tmp['max-height'] == null && styles['max-height'] != 'none') { this.tmp['max-height'] = parseInt(styles['max-height']) } // if there is id, add to search with "_search" let searchId = '' if (query(this.el).attr('id') != null) { searchId = `id="${query(this.el).attr('id')}_search"` } // remember original tabindex let tabIndex = parseInt(query(this.el).attr('tabIndex')) if (!isNaN(tabIndex) && tabIndex !== -1) this.tmp['old-tabIndex'] = tabIndex if (this.tmp['old-tabIndex']) tabIndex = this.tmp['old-tabIndex'] if (tabIndex == null || isNaN(tabIndex)) tabIndex = 0 if (this.type === 'enum') { html = `
` } if (this.type === 'file') { html = `
` } // old bg and border this.tmp['old-background-color'] = styles['background-color'] this.tmp['old-border-color'] = styles['border-color'] query(this.el) .before(html) .css({ 'border-color': 'transparent', 'background-color': 'transparent' }) let div = query(this.el.previousElementSibling) this.helpers.multi = div query(this.el).attr('tabindex', -1) // click anywhere on the field div.on('click', event => { this.focus(event) }) // search field div.find('input:not(.file-input)') .on('click', event => { this.click(event) }) .on('focus', event => { this.focus(event) }) .on('blur', event => { this.blur(event) }) .on('keydown', event => { this.keyDown(event) }) .on('keyup', event => { this.keyUp(event) }) // file input if (this.type === 'file') { div.find('input.file-input') .off('.drag') .on('click.drag', (event) => { event.stopPropagation() if (query(this.el).prop('readOnly') || query(this.el).prop('disabled')) return this.focus(event) }) .on('dragenter.drag', (event) => { if (query(this.el).prop('readOnly') || query(this.el).prop('disabled')) return div.addClass('w2ui-file-dragover') }) .on('dragleave.drag', (event) => { if (query(this.el).prop('readOnly') || query(this.el).prop('disabled')) return div.removeClass('w2ui-file-dragover') }) .on('drop.drag', (event) => { if (query(this.el).prop('readOnly') || query(this.el).prop('disabled')) return div.removeClass('w2ui-file-dragover') let files = Array.from(event.dataTransfer.files) files.forEach(file => { this.addFile(file) }) this.focus(event) // cancel to stop browser behaviour event.preventDefault() event.stopPropagation() }) .on('dragover.drag', (event) => { // cancel to stop browser behaviour event.preventDefault() event.stopPropagation() }) .on('change.drag', (event) => { if (typeof event.target.files !== 'undefined') { Array.from(event.target.files).forEach(file => { this.addFile(file) }) } this.focus(event) }) } this.refresh() } addFile(file) { let options = this.options let selected = this.selected let newItem = { name : file.name, type : file.type, modified : file.lastModifiedDate, size : file.size, content : null, file : file } let size = 0 let cnt = 0 let errors = [] if (Array.isArray(selected)) { selected.forEach(item => { if (item.name == file.name && item.size == file.size) { errors.push(w2utils.lang('The file "${name}" (${size}) is already added.', { name: file.name, size: w2utils.formatSize(file.size) })) } size += item.size cnt++ }) } if (options.maxFileSize !== 0 && newItem.size > options.maxFileSize) { errors.push(w2utils.lang('Maximum file size is ${size}', { size: w2utils.formatSize(options.maxFileSize) })) } if (options.maxSize !== 0 && size + newItem.size > options.maxSize) { errors.push(w2utils.lang('Maximum total size is ${size}', { size: w2utils.formatSize(options.maxSize) })) } if (options.max !== 0 && cnt >= options.max) { errors.push(w2utils.lang('Maximum number of files is ${count}', { count: options.max })) } // trigger event let edata = this.trigger('add', { target: this.el, file: newItem, total: cnt, totalSize: size, errors }) if (edata.isCancelled === true) return // if errors if (options.showErrors !== true && errors.length > 0) { w2tooltip.show({ anchor: this.el, html: 'Errors: ' + errors.join('
') }) console.log('ERRORS (while adding files): ', errors) return } // check params selected.push(newItem) // read file as base64 if (typeof FileReader !== 'undefined' && options.readContent === true) { let reader = new FileReader() let self = this // need a closure reader.onload = (function onload() { return function closure(event) { let fl = event.target.result let ind = fl.indexOf(',') newItem.content = fl.substr(ind + 1) self.refresh() query(self.el).trigger('input').trigger('change') // event after edata.finish() } })() reader.readAsDataURL(file) } else { this.refresh() query(this.el).trigger('input').trigger('change') edata.finish() } } // move cursror to end moveCaret2end() { setTimeout(() => { this.el.setSelectionRange(this.el.value.length, this.el.value.length) }, 0) } } /** * Part of w2ui 2.0 library * - Dependencies: jQuery, w2ui.* * * This file provided compatibility for projects that conntinue to use jQuery. It extends jQuery with * w2ui support, such as fn.w2grid, fn.w2form, ... fn.w2render, fn.w2destroy, fn.w2tag, etc * * It is not needed for projects that use ES6 module loading. * * == 2.0 changes * - CSP - fixed inline events */ // Register jQuery plugins (function($) { // register globals if needed let w2globals = function() { (function (win, obj) { Object.keys(obj).forEach(key => { win[key] = obj[key] }) })(window, { w2ui, w2utils, query, w2locale, w2event, w2base, w2popup, w2alert, w2confirm, w2prompt, Dialog, w2tooltip, w2menu, w2color, w2date, Tooltip, w2toolbar, w2sidebar, w2tabs, w2layout, w2grid, w2form, w2field }) } // if url has globals at the end, then register globals let param = String(undefined).split('?')[1] || '' if (param == 'globals' || param.substr(0, 8) == 'globals=') { w2globals() } // if jQuery is not defined, then exit if (!$) return $.w2globals = w2globals $.fn.w2render = function(name) { if ($(this).length > 0) { if (typeof name === 'string' && w2ui[name]) w2ui[name].render($(this)[0]) if (typeof name === 'object') name.render($(this)[0]) } } $.fn.w2destroy = function(name) { if (!name && this.length > 0) name = this.attr('name') if (typeof name === 'string' && w2ui[name]) w2ui[name].destroy() if (typeof name === 'object') name.destroy() } $.fn.w2field = function(type, options) { // if without arguments - return the object if (arguments.length === 0) { let obj = $(this).data('w2field') return obj } return this.each((index, el) => { let obj = $(el).data('w2field') // if object is not defined, define it if (obj == null) { obj = new w2field(type, options) obj.render(el) return obj } else { // fully re-init obj = new w2field(type, options) obj.render(el) return obj } return null }) } $.fn.w2form = function(options) { return proc.call(this, options, 'w2form') } $.fn.w2grid = function(options) { return proc.call(this, options, 'w2grid') } $.fn.w2layout = function(options) { return proc.call(this, options, 'w2layout') } $.fn.w2sidebar = function(options) { return proc.call(this, options, 'w2sidebar') } $.fn.w2tabs = function(options) { return proc.call(this, options, 'w2tabs') } $.fn.w2toolbar = function(options) { return proc.call(this, options, 'w2toolbar') } function proc(options, type) { if ($.isPlainObject(options)) { let obj if (type == 'w2form') { obj = new w2form(options) if (this.find('.w2ui-field').length > 0) { obj.formHTML = this.html() } } if (type == 'w2grid') obj = new w2grid(options) if (type == 'w2layout') obj = new w2layout(options) if (type == 'w2sidebar') obj = new w2sidebar(options) if (type == 'w2tabs') obj = new w2tabs(options) if (type == 'w2toolbar') obj = new w2toolbar(options) if ($(this).length !== 0) { obj.render(this[0]) } return obj } else { let obj = w2ui[$(this).attr('name')] if (!obj) return null if (arguments.length > 0) { if (obj[options]) obj[options].apply(obj, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)) return this } else { return obj } } } $.fn.w2popup = function(options) { if (this.length > 0 ) { w2popup.template(this[0], null, options) } else if (options.url) { w2popup.load(options) } } $.fn.w2marker = function() { let str = Array.from(arguments) if (Array.isArray(str[0])) str = str[0] return $(this).each((index, el) => { w2utils.marker(el, str) }) } $.fn.w2tag = function(text, options) { return this.each((index, el) => { if (text == null && options == null) { w2tooltip.hide() return } if (typeof text == 'object') { options = text } else { options = options ?? {} options.html = text } w2tooltip.show({ anchor: el, ...options }) }) } $.fn.w2overlay = function(html, options) { return this.each((index, el) => { if (html == null && options == null) { w2tooltip.hide() return } if (typeof html == 'object') { options = html } else { options.html = html } Object.assign(options, { class: 'w2ui-white', hideOn: ['doc-click'] }) w2tooltip.show({ anchor: el, ...options }) }) } $.fn.w2menu = function(menu, options) { return this.each((index, el) => { if (typeof menu == 'object') { options = menu } if (typeof menu == 'object') { options = menu } else { options.items = menu } w2menu.show({ anchor: el, ...options }) }) } $.fn.w2color = function(options, callBack) { return this.each((index, el) => { let tooltip = w2color.show({ anchor: el, ...options }) if (typeof callBack == 'function') { tooltip.select(callBack) } }) } })(window.jQuery) // Compatibility with CommonJS and AMD modules !(function(global, w2ui) { if (typeof define == 'function' && define.amd) { return define(() => w2ui) } if (typeof exports != 'undefined') { if (typeof module != 'undefined' && module.exports) { return exports = module.exports = w2ui } global = exports } if (global) { Object.keys(w2ui).forEach(key => { global[key] = w2ui[key] }) } })(self, { w2ui, w2utils, query, w2locale, w2event, w2base, w2popup, w2alert, w2confirm, w2prompt, Dialog, w2tooltip, w2menu, w2color, w2date, Tooltip, w2toolbar, w2sidebar, w2tabs, w2layout, w2grid, w2form, w2field });