+++ title = "revealjs" slug = "revealjs" description = "present content as a reveal.js slide" +++ This shortcode will format the enclosed markdow to render it with [reveal.js](http://lab.hakim.se/reveal-js/) at runtime (client-side) Read more on [revealjs github repo](https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js/#markdown). ## Usage `revealjs` can use the following named parameters : * theme * transition * controls * progress * history * center {{%warning title="Important" %}}Even if the enclosed content is a mardown, use `<` shortcode notation instead of the `%` notation {{%/warning %}} ### Content formating and slide delimiters [read more on this here]({{% relref "page-slide.md"%}}) ## Demo {{}} # In the morning ___ ## Getting up - Turn off alarm - Get out of bed ___ ## Breakfast - Eat eggs - Drink coffee --- # In the evening ___ ## Dinner - Eat spaghetti - Drink wine ___ ## Going to sleep - Get in bed - Count sheep {{}} ## Source : {{%expand "Show code ..."%}} ``` {{}} # In the morning ___ ## Getting up - Turn off alarm - Get out of bed ___ ## Breakfast - Eat eggs - Drink coffee --- # In the evening ___ ## Dinner - Eat spaghetti - Drink wine ___ ## Going to sleep - Get in bed - Count sheep {{}} ``` {{%/expand%}} * [{{%icon "sunglasses" %}} click here to view raw content](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vjeantet/hugo-theme-docdock/master/exampleSite/content/shortcodes/revealjs.md)