# Devastate Ultra dark theme and color scheme for Sublime Text. ### Installation ##### Using [Package Control](https://sublime.wbond.net/) + Simply open up the command palette (`CTRL+SHIFT+P` or `CMD+SHIFT+P`). + Find `Package Control: Install Package`. + Search for `Devastate` ##### Manual + Clone to `Packages/` directory + Restart Sublime Text just in case something didn't load without problems. (Happens with themes) ### Activating theme (Package Control and Manual) Activate the theme by adding the following lines to your user preferences configuration file "color_scheme": "Packages/Devastate/Devastate.tmTheme", "theme": "Devastate.sublime-theme", ### Screenshots Based on [Spacegray](https://github.com/kkga/spacegray)/[Spacefunk](https://github.com/Twiebie/ST-Spacefunk) themes and [Laravel color scheme](https://github.com/daylerees/colour-schemes) by [Dayle Rees](https://github.com/daylerees). Small window on OS X ![Devastate small screenshot](https://raw.github.com/vlakarados/devastate/master/screenshots/small.jpg "Devastate small screenshot") [Full screenshot on 27" iMac](https://raw.github.com/vlakarados/devastate/master/screenshots/full.jpg) with search form, quick input panels, [SublimeLinter](https://github.com/SublimeLinter/SublimeLinter3) highlights and errors, modified tab indicator (circle): ### Theme Theme shamelessly ripped from [Spacefunk](https://github.com/Twiebie/ST-Spacefunk) theme, reduced size of tabs and other elements to improve screen estate. Icons is taken from [boXY](https://github.com/oivva/boxy). ### Color scheme [Laravel color scheme](https://github.com/daylerees/colour-schemes) by [Dayle Rees](https://github.com/daylerees) with slightly modified colors, blue numbers and green language constants. Supports [SublimeLinter](https://github.com/SublimeLinter/SublimeLinter3) (Bottom right tab group on the screenshot). ### Tips Font on the screenshots is `Droid Sans Mono`. You may change it in the theme if you clone the package and edit `Devastate.sublime-theme`. ### TODO + Implement missing scope elements to the color scheme. + Implement scope elements for most popular packages. ### Contributing If you find bugs please post them in the issues section and/or submit pull requests.