* added a RPC scanner for DC (python coercer like script but without exploiting) and --skip-dc-rpc to disable this scan * added the rule A-DC-Coerce matching the RPC scanner output * changed S-OldNtlm and S-ADRegistration to take in account GPO overwriting settings * exclude cluster objects (which looks like computers) from healthcheck analysis. In export computers, new column is added to reflect the cluster status * fix an issue with restricted group membership * excluded gmsa from P-ProtectedUsers and P-Delegated * added a message in the console if the custom rule failed to load (instead of just being logged) * adjusted the implementation logic of P-AdminLogin for better adjustment of customization * rewrote the collection logic for admin last login to avoid S4USelf side effect (aka collect it on all DC instead of relying on lastlogontimestamp) * added whenChanged to the user export function * fix a bug when the replication metadata of some objects is denied * fix an issue relative to parallele work for msi analysis * clarify the rationale of S-OS-W10 by adding the number of active computers * display the list of accounts in S-PwdNeverExpires if the count is less than 100 (hardcoded) so I can be added in exception for licensed version * change the logic to handle AzureADKerberos accounts for S-DC-NotUpdated and S-DC-Inactive * added a remark in the report about the impossibility to reach 100% LAPS deployment given the collected stats * add Windows OS details (such as SP or release) on the consolidation report * fix local membership if many settings are defined * fix LAPS collection (signed / unsigned bug) * fix a bug for machineaccountquote when GPO has been rewritten to remove all users * fix a regression introduced in previous version in P-TrustedCredManAccessPrivilege * added a password distribution chart in consolidation report (reserved for licensee) * added LAPS last change date for "export computers" * using new LAPS attribute ms-LAPS-Password * wording change for A-SmartCardRequired * added the rule A-DCLdapsProtocolAdvanced for Tls 1.0 and Tls 1.1 detection (informational) * added the rule S-DefaultOUChanged for informational use of redircmp - thanks to Andy Wendel * changed the rule A-MembershipEveryone to check for "Local Users and group" assignation * added the rule P-AdminEmailOn to check if privileged accounts have an email (informative & maturity level 3) * added the rule P-UnprotectedOU to check for unprotected OU (informative & maturity level 4) * added the rule S-OS-2012 and S-DC-2012 that will trigger after Oct 10 2023 (unless --I-swear-... is set) * fix channel binding issue (if server was configured with only TLS1.2 and client was not configured for TLS1.2 in the default algorithm it was not tested) * fix integrity bug for paid subscriptions * fix T-AlgsAES to not be enforced for unidirectional trust (trusdirection=2) * removed rule P-DNSDelegation as it has no meaning anymore * added LAPS usage analysis & statictics (for paid customers) * change the timeout of TlsCheck from 10ms to 1s * fix setintegrity missing * fix kerberos armoring detection bug - thanks to Andy Wendel * change timeout for Tls check (was only 10ms) to 1s * migrate from .net 3 to .net 4.5 * integrated PingCastleCloud project * fix rule A-CertEnrollChannelBinding which was triggering even if CB is enabled * fix test ldap signature on ldap and not ldaps * fix a logic issue when testing for integrity in LDAP * fix sorting and filtering issue * collect exchange info and display it and sccm in the report * migration from .net 3 to .net 4.5 * added the rule S-KerberosArmoring and S-KerberosArmoringDC * fix visibility on DNS zone replicated on DC only (not the DomainDns zone) * fix HTTP ConnectionTester for NTLM only websites (refusing Negotiate) * changed A-WeakRSARootCert2 to be triggered in 2031 instead of 2030 * added the rule P-DisplaySpecifier to check for DisplaySpecifier abuse * align S-ADRegistrationSchema with ANSSI rule * added the rule S-FunctionalLevel1/3/4 to check the functional level of the domain / forest * parallelize PKI checks for environments with several ADCS entries * fix a bug in T-SIDHistoryDangerous which made it ineffective * added the hidden option --doNotTestSMBv1 to not trigger SOC when testing for SMB v1 * adapt the rule S-ADRegistration in case there is no GPO settings SeMachineAccountPrivilege * adjust the label of the rule A-WeakRSARootCert2 to clarify that certificate with 2048 bits module should expires before 2030 * fix a regression with server containing * pattern * disabled --I-swear-I-paid-win7-support because extended support is not available anymore * fixed P-AdminPwdTooOld and P-ProtectedUsers which were checking also disabled accounts * fixed A-WSUS-SslProtocol incorrect LDAP reference in rule description * license can be pushed using API but only the banner for the embedded license was shown leading to customer confusing. Added a message to avoid that * added the rule S-OldNtlm to hunt DC accepting NTLMv1 and used in coerced authenthication attacks * fix: the rule S-OS-W10 was triggering even if there is no enabled Windows 10 * added the rules A-DCLdapSign and A-DCLdapsChannelBinding * added the rules A-CertEnrollHttp and A-CertEnrollChannelBinding * if an api key is provided, test it at the beginning of the processing (instead of doing at the end) * enable custom rules processing for Pro / Enterprise versions * added the rule T-AlgsAES to check for trust algorithms * fix a problem when Users container has been removed * fix P-AdminLogin when administrator login date is in the future (can happen when reloading backups) * fix perform PKI tests only if the PKI is installed * reworked the rule set to be more performant * fix a problem when a OU used for PKI has been manually removed * fix S-PwdNeverExpires - HealthMailbox* accounts with a password change within 40 days are excluded * fix S-Inactive - change 6*31 days to 6 months. If a password change occured within 6 months (no login) the password is now considered as active * added for auditor licenses, a feature to have a dashboard for RC4 to AES migration in Kerberos * change the powershell command to check for S-DesEnabled * added SCCM listing * added the possibility to specify honeypot accounts by a DN (the setting is "distinguishedName") * migrate to bootstrap 5, popperjs 2 and bootstrap-table (instead of datatables) * added table export for licensed users * fix rules checking for external path location (server.domain.fqdn) when uri is based on IP instead of FQDN * fix the computation of constrained delegation with protocol transition (this impacts rule P-DelegationDCt2a4d) * added a note for P-AdminLogin about S4u2Self * added the rule A-CertTempNoSecurity * changed A-CertTempAnyone and other rules so the program considers that the group Domain Computers is like Everyone if ms-DS-MachineAccountQuota is non zero * added the rule A-DC-WebClient to hunt for WebClient service enabled on domain controllers * modifed P-Delegated to add HoneyPot account checks * fix change the evaluation order for Embedded systems (vs Winows 7) when reducing OS name into a short description * modify delegations gathering: filter entreprise domain controllers and check base of configuration partition * for guest enablement, check if useraccountcontrol is not zero (can be the case when checked on a DC) * change maturity level for rule P-DNSAdmin, the score and the description * fix more readable error message if the xml file is corrupted * fix a bug in P-DNSDelegation to avoid false positive when the computer is in another language than english * fix LTSC vs LTSB for older version of Windows 10 * reimplemented RPC calls to avoid AV false positive * fix a bug in the ui if the export menu is cancelled * added the rule A-HardenedPaths related to STIG V-63577 (MS15-011 and MS15-014) * modify the report to hightlight in particular for delegations DCSync / AADConnect rights * added "Add access check for current user in the share scanner" * fix problem if there is a conflict replication when defining FSMO roles * fix: Do not fail if the .config file has being modified with bugged honeypot data * adding option --quota to limit the LDAP query speed * add a warning if there is a misconfiguration in the schema * added benchmark button * fix a modelisation issue when a child domain cannot reach its forest root * added the rule S-JavaSchema to check the presence of the RFC 2713 schema extension (java objects representation in LDAP) * modified the rule S-PwdLastSet-45 and S-PwdLastSet-90 to be applicable only on server data (lot of false positive for user computers connected once in a while) * added a section in the report to display certificate template delegations (excluded admins for clarity as other delegations) * added the rules S-WSUS-NoPinning, S-WSUS-UserProxy, S-WSUS-HTTP, A-WSUS-SslProtocol for WSUS configuration * modified the wording of the explanation of the rule P-ServiceDomainAdmin * added a function in export to save in a file (and on screen) all changes that occurs in real time (modulo the replication time) * fixed a typo in UnixPassword check which was clearing the data * added azure ad configuration & AzureADConnect info in the report if found * fixed S-DC-Inactive to not display an error about the AzureAD Kerberos account * fixed a bug when reloading very old PingCastle reports * added the rule A-DsHeuristicsDoNotVerifyUniqueness if the mitigation for CVE-2021-42282 has been disabled * added the rule A-DsHeuristicsLDAPSecurity if the mitigation for CVE-2021-42291 has been disabled * updated S-OS-W10 with new end of support dates * added the rule S-OS-Win8 for Windows 8 / 8.1 which is out of regular support * added the rule A-Guest to be sure the guest account is disabled * added the rule A-DnsZoneAUCreateChild for level 4 hardening about dnszone * change pre-win 2000 compabitility group to handle group rename * added a setting to change the LDAP page size (to test when the AD corruption message is showing) * update to bootstrap 4.6.0 * add the ability to see the rules for each level in the maturity report * be more scoped when looking for sites GPO * fix: replace "admins" string in code, because they were some strings unmatched (especially in P-Kerberoasting & P-ServiceDomainAdmin) * fix S-PwdLastSet-45 S-PwdLastSet-90: the check was made against inactive computers instead of active ones * added the rule A-DnsZoneTransfert which checks for DNS Zone Transfers * added the rule A-LAPS-Joined-Computers which checks for manually joined computers - the owner of the computer objects see the LAPS password - thanks to Andy Wendel * fix P-AdminNum for a better wording if it matches * fix unixpassword LDAP search query for optimization (looks only on active user account) * added the MS FAQ for Krbtgt reset in the A-Krbtgt rule links * fix a non timeout issue when SSL connection are "suspensed" by a network device * fix when using a custom identity, forward the impersonation token to all threads launched by the application * added the rule A-CertTempAgent, A-CertTempAnyPurpose, A-CertTempAnyone, A-CertTempCustomSubject for certificate template abuse * added Mitre Att&ck mapping & reports * added the rule A-PreWin2000AuthenticatedUsers for information for the printnightmare problem * added a detail by OS (Windows 10 edition / Windows 2008 R2) * added the rule S-OS-W10 for Windows 10 non supported versions * added details for DC certificate * added DC certificates to A-CertROCA and A-WeakRSARootCert * change the algorithm which finds the DnsAdmin group to be more flexible for translation and moves * fix password authentication that was not working in some cases * for honeypot accounts, change P-Kerberoasting to take it into account * fix NetCease check to be case insensitive (thanks to @ralish) * added an option for scanners to use a file as input instead of querying the AD * added an export section to export users or computers (a scanner was already present and moved to this section) * added the rule S-ADRegistrationSchema for schema class check ŕ la CVE-2021-34470 * fixed P-AdminLogin that wasn't effective (this check was active only during the first 35 days of the domain) * defer DataTable initialization (css for table) to avoid any problem in table stop javascript * fix a bug when msDS-GroupManagedServiceAccount and msDS-ManagedServiceAccount were not counted as group member * fix a problem in P-ServiceDomainAdmin to look individually at each password change and to set them as exception if needed * change the rule detail rendering to avoid issues with strange items * added the option --datefile * modify P-UnkownDelegation to not be triggered with SID having their RID < 1000 (RID is the last number) * modify A-AuditDC to not request simple audit policies anymore and removing the need for Other Account Logon Events reserved for future use * modify S-PwdNeverExpires description to take in account linux servers which do not change their machine password * modify P-ProtectedUsers to change the limit from 1 to 2 * added exception for AzureADKerberos in S-DCRegistration and AzureADKerberos * Fix user scanner which where filtering only admincount users * Fix authentication by user/password when the user was submitted as UPN * Fix the program was resilient for control characters when serializing to xml, but not to non existing character * Fix a problem when duplicated SID (\0CNF:) were used in permissions * Add gpo applied order property (aka gpo precedence) * rewrote the way subnets are collect to avoid the 1500 items limit (MS-ADTS aka MaxValRange) * Add in the report lDAPIPDenyList (IP denied for LDAP communication) if any found * Fix: the GPO full info was not displayed in the report in the section Obfuscated Passwords * Add linked GPO to site when browsing GPO info * Added the new service for the remote scanner based on github PR * Be more resilient if the security of DC objects cannot be examined * Fix documentation links * Add scanner computer version * Added a comment in PingCastle.exe.config about uploading reports using the API with TLS 1.2 and next vs testing old protocols * Fix some gallery.technet.microsoft.com link (other need to be fixed) * added options for the scanner to select only dc, servers, workstations * added the privilege SeManageVolumePrivilege to the list of dangerous privileges * when a rule crashes, continue the execution but with a message asking the user to call the support * fix a problem when RODC Denied Users are from a domain PingCastle can't access * group SID History data was not analyzed regarding its creation date * added a zerologon scanner (not in healthcheck because it will trigger IDS & AV in the future * fix a bug when a SID being duplicated is used as member of a group * Do not raise an alert when the account sensitive checkbox is not checked but the user is in protected users. Thanks Fanaw. * Do not raise an alert if there is only one user not in protected users as this is a regular admin practice. Thanks Oliver-André * Add the possibility to have DC in the honeyPot account. Typically used for riverbed devices for example * specify in the rule A-NTFRSOnSysvol that NTFRS is supported up to Windows 2022 at this time - also match only if there is a DC < win 2019 * add new definition of the ESET AV for AV scanner module !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Information: the 3.0 version of PingCastle will run by default on .net 4 instead of .net 2 (this may break the compatibiliy with Windows 2000) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * when building the map, the program was taking the first part of the FQDN as a shortname. Now it uses the Netbios name if it is available * change tooltip description for the trust section of the healthcheck report * added the rule S-DC-2008 and S-OS-2008 to check for obsolete 2008 servers which are no longer supported * Fix: A-AuditDC - GPO at the root level was ignored and OU specific too. Now the GPO is checked per DC. * Fix: A-AuditDC - Reword the rule A-AuditDC for better understanding * change A-Krbtgt to be triggered only after 1 year (previously 40 days) * Fix: In some scanners, the comma was used instead of a tab * Fix: Avoid a crash if the security descriptor of the msi files cannot be retrieved * Fix: better switch in case of failure of ADWS to LDAP * Added the rule A-CertROCA to check for recoverable public key (ROCA vulnerability) [ANSSI: vuln1_certificates_vuln] * Added the rule A-CertWeakDSA to check for DSA key use in certificate used for digital signature [ANSSI: vuln1_certificates_vuln] * Added the rule A-CertWeakRsaComponent to check for low RSA exponent * Added the rule A-WeakRSARootCert2 to check for rsa module length between 1024 & 2048 (friend of A-WeakRSARootCert) * Added the rule A-DsHeuristicsAllowAnonNSPI to check if the heuristics fAllowAnonNSPI is enabled * Added the rule P-RODCAllowedGroup to check for the Allowed RODC Password Replication Group group * Added the rule P-RODCDeniedGroup to check for the Denied RODC Password Replication Group group * Added the rule A-NTFRSOnSysvol to check the usage of the old protocol NTFRS on SYSVOL replication * Added the rules A-DnsZoneUpdate1 and A-DnsZoneUpdate2 about DNS unsecure updates * Added the rule S-DC-Inactive to check for inactive DC * Added the rule S-PwdLastSet-DC to check for regular password change on DC * Added the rule T-SIDHistoryDangerous to check for SID lower than 1000 or well known in SIDHistory * Added the rule S-PwdNeverExpires to check for accounts with never expiring passwords * Added the rule S-DCRegistration to check if DC are well registered (aka detect fake DC) * Added the rule P-DelegationDCt2a4d P-DelegationDCa2d2 and P-DelegationDCsourcedeleg for DC delegation analysis * Added the rule A-PreWin2000Other to be the companion of A-PreWin2000Anonymous * Added the rule P-ProtectedUsers to check if all privileged accounts are member of the protected users group * Added the rule S-PwdLastSet-45 and S-PwdLastSet-90 for workstations without the automatic password change disabled * Added the rule P-AdminPwdTooOld to check for admin passwords older than 3 years * Added the rule S-NoPreAuthAdmin, which is a split of the rule S-NoPreAuth, to match admins * Added the rule P-DNSAdmin to check for members of the DNS Admins group * Added the rule P-RODCRevealOnDemand P-RODCNeverReveal and P-RODCAdminRevealed for RODC checks * Added the rule P-RODCSYSVOLWrite to check for RODC write access to the SYSVOL volume * Added the rule A-NoNetSessionHardening to check if the NetCease mitigation has been applied * Added the rule A-UnixPwd to check for attributes known to contains password * Added the rule T-AzureADSSO to check for password rotation with AzureAD SSO (AZUREADSSOACC) * Added the rule S-OS-Win7 to check for Windows 7. PingCastle is looking for support purchased from MS. * Change the rule reports to include ANSSI rules * Change the threshold of S-Inactive from 15 to 25% to match user_accounts_dormant rule * Change the category of P-ControlPathIndirectMany and P-ControlPathIndirectEveryone to the new Control Path category * Change the rule P-AdminNum to add a new limit of 50 admins * Change the cagory of the rule P-DelegationEveryone, P-PrivilegeEveryone, P-TrustedCredManAccessPrivilege, P-UnconstrainedDelegation, P-UnkownDelegation * Change the rule A-MinPwdLen to check only GPO applied to something * Change the way GPO are evaluated in rules: if the GPO is disabled or not applied, no anomaly is found * Change the rule A-MembershipEveryone to not trigger an alert when Authenticated users is a member of BUILTIN\Users * Adding features exclusive for our customers, such as maturity evaluation, and charts * Added the scanner export_user for a quick user analysis * Added pagination and search in healthcheck report * For AdminSDHolder users check, added the date in the report (written as 'Event') when the attribute admincount has been set (via replication metadata) * Auditor & Enterprise licensee can now brand the report by using Appsettings/BrandLogo for base64 logo and Appsettings/BrandCss & BrandJs for raw Css & Js to inject * make visible the rule ID in the healthcheck report in the rule description * Removed BSI reference as the document is not online anymore * Added ms-mcs-admpwd read check in delegations * Fix members of admin groups outside the AD were not visible in the report * Add some VPAT / RGAA V4 compability * update the rule P-DNSDelegation to informative as it was assigned the identifier CVE-2021-40469 and fixed by a patch in October 2021 * reworked the way third party components are included in reports for better html auditing (aka Content Security Policy) * added the rule P-DNSDelegation to check delegation on the MS DNS server which can be used to take control of the domain * show healthcheck rule detail in a table if possible * remove the "network configuration operators" group from privileged groups as it has no impact on the domain by itself * split the allow login / deny login settings from privileges and from DC to another dedicated section * added the rule P-TrustedCredManAccessPrivilege to match STIG rule V-63843 * added Auto logon info if found in the GPO passwords section * added the rule P-LogonDenied to check for tiers isolation. Only in application if more than 200 users & 200 computers * be resilient if a new rule category is added in the future so future reports can be read by this PingCastle version * fix a problem when control character is found in data (loginscript for example) and cannot be serialized in xml * added an experimental bluekeep scanner. To avoid AV detection, the code is commented. Decomment and recompile to use it. * added SeSecurityPrivilege (access to the security event log) in the list of privileges to monitor. * merged the permission report and the healthcheck report * added the rule P-ControlPathIndirectEveryone and P-ControlPathIndirectMany for control path analysis * added the rule A-AuditDC for audit policy * update to bootstrap 4.4.1 * change the algorithm to locate the server. Faster and compatible with kerberos only domains. * added the rule A-DCLdapsProtocol looking for SSLv2 and SSLv3 active on DC * added the rule A-AuditPowershell to check for powershell auditing (informative) * added the rule S-OS-Vista to check for Vista presence (which is not supported anymore). Windows 7 & 2008 added after extended support stops. * added honey pot setting to avoid honey pot accounts to be in error * added a new view for the DC certificates * update the TGT delegation algorithm after the July update (new flag CROSS_ORGANIZATION_ENABLE_TGT_DELEGATION) * added a network map inspired from hilbert curves * fix a bug when doing a map with very complicated data * adjust the krbtgt last password change when a replication set it to "not set" * added the rule P-ExchangePrivEsc to check for Exchange misconfiguration at install * added the rule P-LoginDCEveryone to check if everybody can logon to a DC * added the rule P-RecycleBin to check for the Recycle Bin feature (at forest level) * added the rule P-DsHeuristicsAdminSDExMask to check if AdminSDHolder has been disabled for some critical groups * added the rule P-DsHeuristicsDoListObject to check if the feature DoListObject has been enabled (informative only) * added the rule P-RecoveryModeUnprotected to check if any user can go into recovery mode without being admin * added the rule A-LDAPSigningDisabled to check if the LDAP signing mode has been set to None * added the rule A-DCRefuseComputerPwdChange to check that Domain Controllers don't deny the change of computers account password * added the rule P-DelegationFileDeployed to check for deployed file via GPO (msi, file copied, ...) * added the rule T-FileDeployedOutOfDomain to check for deployed file via GPO (msi, file copied, ...) from outside this domain * added the rule A-NoGPOLLMNR which checks if LLMNR can be used to steal credentials * added the rule T-TGTDelegation to check for TGT delegation on forest trusts * added the rule P-Kerberoasting to check for keberoasting (SPN for admin account). A mitigation via a regular password change is allowed. * update the score produced by the rule S-SMB-v1 from 1 to 10 * fix the scanner command line when targeting multiple computer (single and multiple were inverted) * added the scanner antivirus * added the scanner laps_bitlocker * fix a bug in the graph report when multiple files were examinated in parallele * add a transition msDS-AllowedToActOnBehalfOfOtherIdentity to the graph report * fix a bug when computing msDS-Lockout* in PSO (time were divided by 5) * fix rule A-LMHashAuthorized which were not triggering due to a bug and improved its documentation * improve the healtcheck report and added a comment to locate the NTLMstore (certificate section) * fix GPP Password for scheduled task - only 1 out of 4 kind of scheduled tasks were checked * fix support for missing well known sid S-1-5-32-545 for rules * fix a tedious bug when using LDAP and when requesting the property Objectclass - it is not available in the result using the native API * fix a tedious bug when reading SMB2 data (input was inverted with output) which gave inaccurate results regarding signature * PingCastle does now have a default license and can be run without the .config file In this case, the compatibility shims are removed and forced under .Net 2 engine. To run under .Net 4, a recompile is needed. * fix a problem for early version of LDAP undetected : in ms-*-AdmPwd, MCS was replaced by company name * integrate many hidden functions into the "scanner mode" to be more easy to use * removing the ms17-010 scanner from the source because antivirus are so stupid that they cannot make the difference between a vulnerability scanner & an exploitation kit * added many scanners (aclscanner, ...) * breaking change: admin accounts where checks for lock, smart card, ... even if the account is disabled. This is not the case anymore. * tuned S-DC-SubnetMissing to avoid dealing with local ipv6 loopback address (::1) * added the rule A-DC-Spooler and the spooler scanner to check for print spooler accessible remotely (used to collect computer credentials via unconstrained delegation) * added the rule A-NotEnoughDC to check domains have at least 2 DC * added the rule P-UnconstrainedDelegation to check for unconstrained delegation in kerberos (the data was already reported) * in relation with P-UnconstrainedDelegation, change the way accounts "trusted for delegation" are selected. Change useraccountcontrol flag from 0x01000000 to 0x80000 * fix in healthcheck report: the reversible password detail section was only displayed if there was unconstrained delegation in the domain * added the rule P-ExchangeAdminSDHolder to check for the Exchange modification of the AdminSDHolder object * added the rule P-DelegationKeyAdmin to check for boggus Windows 2016 installation * added the (informative) rule P-OperatorsEmpty to check the recommendation to have the account and server operators empty * added the rule P-DelegationGPOData to check for too large permissions granted to GPO items * added the rule P-PrivilegeEveryone to check for too large GPO assigned privileges * adjust the Domain Controller selection for tests (aka: number of DC in a domain & checks performed on them) * remove the --split-OU technique which was not used and add an automatic protocol fallback in case of failure (ADWS then LDAP for example) * allow the use of LDAPS via the --port 636 command switch * fix a couple of problem in PingCastleReporting (incorrect numbers, wrong label, inability to load some configuration) * Migrate from Bootstrap 3 to Bootstrap 4 * fix some mono incompatibility * fix crash when analysing gpo where scheduled task password is being stored * fix A-NoServicePolicy which was triggered when i shouldn't and vice versa * add support for Windows 2019 * fix DnsAdminGroup not found when moved in another OU * fix rootDse listing when using credential & required bind * extended the rule S-DesEnabled to check also computers account * add to the report a link in rules to sections of the report to get more insight * fix a problem when a dc has been removed but not its computer account but its dns record * fix a problem when for the rule A-SmartCardRequired which was triggered each time a "smart card required" account was found * fix: the decryption process was broken as successful descryption always triggered a failure * fix S-DC-SubnetMissing when subnet are duplicated (contains CNF and generated from replication problem) * fix NT4 mismatch if the year was not present and include the word "dataceNTer" * add a check for "smart card required" for administrator accounts * reworked the menu to be more interactive * rewrote all rules description / rationale / etc * added start and end date for exception * breaking: change the date at which the exception / migration is evaluated from current date to report generation date * new rules: A-SMB2SignatureNotEnabled A-SMB2SignatureNotRequired S-DC-SubnetMissing P-DelegationLoginScript * added an experimental scanner for replication usn check * allows DNS Admin group to be moved to another OU than CN=Users (as a reminder, the group is selected based on its description) * fix logon logoff script label inverted * allow users to be in the guest group for their primary group (was Domain Users only before) * record more details about the operating systems (and adapt the reload of previous reports) * the rule A-LAPS-Not-Installed, previously informative, now scores 15 points. If the local admin password is set at install, the rule should be put in exception. * many adaptation to be used with Ping Castle Enterprise * add schemainfo checks * rework the way replication metadata is collected * fix compatibility problem with windows 2000 * fix bugs relative to --no-enum-limit, adminsdholder check, sidhistory without whencreated, reloading without threat model * add check related to replication metadata (dsasignature, KrbtgtLastVersion) * minor changes in the powerpoint reporting (more detail on the reporting frequency) * new rule for mandatory AD backup (microsoft procedure) * minor change in reporting (alphabetically order for risk model, ...) * risk model in the healthcheck report * checking for LAPS install * scanner for ms17-010 (not in healthcheck) * small report improvements * small bug fixing (ex: if AdminSDHolder denied to authentiated users) * better Samba compatibility (linux DC) * added smb check functionalities & scanner for workstation * added support for PSO * rewrote "scanner" functionalities to be more user friendly * adding dnsadmins as privileged group following https://medium.com/@esnesenon/feature-not-bug-dnsadmin-to-dc-compromise-in-one-line-a0f779b8dc83 * modified the healthcheck report and consolidation to be responsive * added in PingCastleReporting the risk map (link between BU & entities) * added in PingCastleReporting the Rules report (matched and explanation) and removed --export-hc-rule in PingCastle * reworked the report to add a DC view (last startup - for patches, creation date, if presence of null session) * add an alert for MS14-068 via startuptime * changed P-AdminNum to be less strict (especially for forest root) and A-Krbtgt to be less agressive * improve the explanation of some rules * various bug fixes in PingCastleReporting * modified some KPI in PingCastleReporting overview * added the flag --smtptls * modified the score computation algorithm to take part of migration information in the past (showing evolution of score) * modify the bad primary group count by excluding members of guests group * program rebranded to PingCastle * added PingCastleReporting for management reports (powerpoint, history, ...) * reworked the advanced module - added the live mode for advanced report * handle many domains with the same FQDN (but different sid) * rewrote the "Unknown domain" algorithm in xls which is reusing the graph made at consolidation * add option to set an exception for all domains (set domain as "*" in the xls file) * add all --explore options * rules A-LoginScript, P-Disabled and S-PwdNeverExpires disabled * added the rule P-DCOwner to check for DC ownership * lowering the points to 0 for P-ServiceDomainAdmin if the passwords are changed regulary * add netbios / sid information for forest of domains found indirectly (for matching existing domains) * modify the simple node graph to add intermediate score and BU/Entity information when available * added mail notification option if mail is read & smtp credential on command line * added "details" for rules which are difficult to understand without specifics * added the domain root for the delegation check * disabled the check on dangerous permissions for migration sid history and unexpire password (too much false positives) * added sidhistory information for groups to the sidhistory user information (to not forget to remove sidhistory for groups) (cert-ist forum version) * add the reachable mode (disabled by default, enabled by default if domain=* and used in interactive mode) This mode scans for domains outside trusts. Discover new domains when run on trusted domains. * Reworked the domain maps for visualization and inclusing of the reachable mode data. * Add Netbios information in the trust information to be able to match some reachable mode data. * Remove the requirement for ADWS. LDAP is used if ADWS is not available (LDAP is far more slower than ADWS) fix a problem when a distinguished name of an admin contain LDAP request char fix a problem in the consolidation fix a problem if a login script is invalid and cannot be parsed as a url bug fixing (null session enabled on forest side, PreWin2000 group empty) Simplify full graph with bidirectional nodes & red color for unprotected trusts add a simplified graph