% pi (1) % Vanessa McHale # NAME pi - initialize projects from mustache templates # SYNOPSIS pi new \ \ [--force] pi init \ \ [--force] pi git \/\ [--force] # DESCRIPTION **pi** is a command-line tool that helps you start new projects. It can generate new projects either from mustache templates or from the builtin templates. # OPTIONS **-h**, **--help** : Display help **-f**, **--force** : Initialize project even if the directory already exists # CONFIGURATION Configuration files are located in $HOME/.pi.toml and are configured using TOML. **Keys available:** **license** - The preferred license for new projects. Currently supported licenses are BSD, BSD3, MIT, GPL, and AllRightsReserved. **version_control** - The preferred version control for new projects. The relevant executable must be on your PATH. Currently supported are git, mercurial, darcs, and pijul. **version** - String such as "" or "0.1.0" representing your preferred versioning scheme. **author.name** **author.email** **author.github_username** # USER TEMPLATES Templates are configured using mustache. Templates placed in a user's $HOME/.pi_templates will be available to her anywhere. For sample templates, see: https://github.com/vmchale/pi-templates # BUILTIN TEMPLATES Project templates for Julia, Rust, Idris, Elm, Vimscript, Python, Haskell, Miso , and ATS are included by default. There is also a 'plain' template which just contains a license and a readme. # EXAMPLES ``` pi new idris permutations ``` ``` pi init ruby blog ``` ``` pi git vmchale/haskell-ats fast-package ```