#!/usr/bin/env bash ### recommended to use a virtual environment # CSE_VENV_PATH=/root/cse-venv # source $CSE_VENV_PATH/bin/activate ### CSE config file should be encrypted for security (using `cse encrypt` command) ### Encryption password should be stored in the environment variable `CSE_CONFIG_PASSWORD` ### Environment variable can be declared 2 ways: ### (1) Plaintext in this script # export CSE_CONFIG_PASSWORD=mypassword ### (2) Create a file to store the environment variable. The file should contain the line: `CSE_CONFIG_PASSWORD=mypassword` ### Add `EnvironmentFile=/path/to/file` under `[Service]` in `cse.service` ### Note: If `EnvironmentFile=/path/to/file` exists under `[Service]` in `cse.service` but the file does not exist, CSE will fail to start ### Edit this with your CSE config file path CSE_CONFIG_PATH=/root/cse-config.yaml ### To use a plaintext CSE config file, add `-s` to the `cse run` command cse run $CSE_CONFIG_PATH