openapi: 3.0.0 info: contact: {} description: "\nThe Vocdoni API is a REST API that substitutes the previous RPCs in order to make it easier for developers/integrators to build on top of the voting protocol. This API facilitates the creation of voting processes with Vocdoni, without the hassle of integrating with a complex distributed stack with blockchain components. The API allows integrators to perform all the features enabled by the Vocdoni voting protocol, such as creating accounts, organizations, voting processes, and censuses, as well as casting votes. The API is designed to abstract away the complexity of the Vocdoni protocol as much as possible, offering a simple and straightforward way to performing these actions.\n\nVocdoni API URLs: \n\n- **Production**:\n- **Staging**:\n- **Development**:\n\nThe API contains the following endpoints: \n\n- [**Chain**](chain): The Vocdoni blockchain is named Vochain. It is a Byzantine fault-tolerant network based on Tendermint that executes the Vocdoni Protocol logic represented as a state machine. Its main purpose is to register votes to a decentralized data store that is able to guarantee univeral verifiability. The chain endpoints allow you to consult the state of the chain, estimate transactions costs, list organizations, and get more Vochain info.\n- [**Accounts**](accounts): Identified by an Ethereum-like address. An account can create and manage elections, transfer tokens, give power to other accounts on its behalf (delegation) and manage its metadata. This endpoint allows users to set the metadata associated with an existing account and to query for information related to existing accounts.\n- [**Elections**](elections): The elections endpoint serves information related to elections such as basic election information, election keys, and submitted votes, as well as enabling users to create a new election and modify existing ones. There is a set of [options, specifications, and lifecycle states]( that determine the behavior of an election and how votes are counted. \n- [**Censuses**](censuses): The census is a key component of any voting process. It specifies the set of users (each identified by a public key or address) eligible to participate in an election. The various types of census are documented [here]( This endpoint provides census information like the Merkle root, type, total weight, and size of a census. It also allows you to import/export censuses and create new ones.\n- [**Votes**](votes): This endpoint serves all the information associated with any specific vote, including its validity. It is also how users can cast votes.\n- [**Wallet**](wallet): The wallet endpoint facilitates the creation of accounts on the Vochain. This endpoint fulfills requests relating to the token balance held by a given account. \n- [**SIK**](sik): The Secret Identity Key is a user-generated piece of information that proves the user's identity without revealing it. It is the hash of the user's address, the signature of a public message, and an optional secret part. It is used to ensure anonymous voting. All registered accounts or anonymous voters must register a SIK, and these keys are all stored in a Merkle tree. The `/siks` endpoints helps to generate a proof of membership, get the current valid SIK roots, or check if an account has a valid SIK.\n\n\n### Errors \n\nBackend error messages list are defined here:\n\nAbout the **204 no content** error: this message will be returned only if the asset being queried cannot be found but no other errors have occurred. This response is commonly used to prevent Javascript errors that may arise when a client is waiting for a transaction to be published. During this waiting period, the client can repeatedly query the endpoint until a successful response with a status code of 200 is received, thereby avoiding any errors that may occur due to the transaction not being published yet." title: Vocdoni API version: 2.0.0 servers: - url: '' paths: /accounts: get: parameters: - description: Page in: query name: page schema: type: number - description: Items per page in: query name: limit schema: type: number - description: Filter by partial accountId in: query name: accountId schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.AccountsList' description: OK tags: - Accounts description: >- Returns information (address, balance and nonce) of the existing accounts summary: List of the existing accounts post: responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.AccountSet' description: OK tags: - Accounts description: "Register an account to the blockchain, including metadata upload to IPFS. \n\n- Requires a signed protobuf transaction on the body to perform the operation.\n- Metadata is not required, but if no metadata is provided the account won't be listed on the [/chain/organizations](organizations-list) endpoint. Check there to read about differences between an account and a organization." requestBody: content: application/json: schema: properties: metadata: type: string txPayload: type: string type: object description: 'Transaction payload and metadata object encoded using base64 ' required: true summary: Set account /accounts/count: get: responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.CountResult' description: OK tags: - Accounts deprecated: true description: |- Returns the count of total number of existing accounts (deprecated, in favor of /accounts which reports totalItems) summary: Total number of accounts '/accounts/page/{page}': get: parameters: - description: Page in: path name: page required: true schema: type: number responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.AccountsList' description: OK tags: - Accounts deprecated: true description: >- Returns information (address, balance and nonce) of the existing accounts. (deprecated, in favor of /accounts?page=xxx) summary: List of the existing accounts '/accounts/{accountId}/fees/page/{page}': get: parameters: - description: Specific accountId in: path name: accountId required: true schema: type: string - description: Page in: path name: page required: true schema: type: number responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.FeesList' description: OK tags: - Accounts deprecated: true description: >- Returns the token fees for an account. A spending is an amount of tokens burnt from one account for executing transactions. (deprecated, in favor of /chain/transfers?accountId=xxx&page=xxx) summary: List account token fees '/accounts/{accountId}/transfers/count': get: parameters: - description: Specific accountId in: path name: accountId required: true schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.CountResult' description: Number of transaction sent and received for the account tags: - Accounts deprecated: true description: >- Returns the count of total number of sent and received transactions for an account. A transaction is a token transfer from one account to another existing account (deprecated, in favor of /chain/transfers?accountId=xxx which reports totalItems) summary: Total number of sent and received transactions '/accounts/{accountId}/transfers/page/{page}': get: parameters: - description: Specific accountId that sent or received the tokens in: path name: accountId required: true schema: type: string - description: Page in: path name: page required: true schema: type: number responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.TransfersList' description: OK tags: - Accounts deprecated: true description: >- Returns the token transfers for an account. A transfer is a token transference from one account to other (excepting the burn address). (deprecated, in favor of /chain/transfers?accountId=xxx&page=xxx) summary: List account received and sent token transfers '/accounts/{address}': get: parameters: - description: Account address in: path name: address required: true schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.AccountMetadata' description: OK tags: - Accounts description: >- Get account information by its address or public key. The `infoURI` parameter contain where account metadata is uploaded (like avatar, name...). It return also an already parsed "metadata" object from this infoUri. The `meta` object inside the `metadata` property is left to the user to add random information about the account. summary: Get account '/accounts/{address}/metadata': get: parameters: - description: Account address in: path name: address required: true schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.AccountMetadata' description: OK tags: - Accounts description: >- Get account information by its address or public key. The `infoURI` parameter contain where account metadata is uploaded (like avatar, name...). It return also an already parsed "metadata" object from this infoUri. The `meta` object inside the `metadata` property is left to the user to add random information about the account. summary: Get account '/accounts/{organizationId}/elections/count': get: parameters: - description: Specific organizationId in: path name: organizationId required: true schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.CountResult' description: OK tags: - Accounts deprecated: true description: >- Returns the number of elections for an organization (deprecated, in favor of /elections?organizationId=xxx which reports totalItems) summary: Count organization elections '/accounts/{organizationId}/elections/page/{page}': get: parameters: - description: Specific organizationId in: path name: organizationId required: true schema: type: string - description: Page in: path name: page required: true schema: type: number responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.ElectionsList' description: OK tags: - Accounts deprecated: true description: |- List the elections of an organization (deprecated, in favor of /elections?page=xxx&organizationId=xxx) summary: List organization elections '/accounts/{organizationId}/elections/status/{status}/page/{page}': get: parameters: - description: Specific organizationId in: path name: organizationId required: true schema: type: string - description: Election status in: path name: status required: true schema: enum: - ready - paused - canceled - ended - results type: string - description: Page in: path name: page required: true schema: type: number responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.ElectionsList' description: OK tags: - Accounts deprecated: true description: >- List the elections of an organization by status (deprecated, in favor of /elections?page=xxx&organizationId=xxx&status=xxx) summary: List organization elections by status /censuses/export: get: responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: properties: valid: type: boolean type: object description: OK tags: - Censuses description: >- Export the whole census database to a JSON file. Requires Admin Bearer token. summary: Export census database /censuses/export/ipfs: get: parameters: - description: Export to IPFS. Blank to return the JSON file in: path name: ipfs required: true schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: properties: valid: type: boolean type: object description: OK tags: - Censuses description: >- Export the whole census database to a JSON file. Requires Admin Bearer token. summary: Export census database /censuses/export/ipfs/list: get: responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: properties: valid: type: boolean type: object description: OK tags: - Censuses description: List the IPFS URIs of the census database exports summary: List export census database to IPFS /censuses/import: post: responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: properties: valid: type: boolean type: object description: OK tags: - Censuses description: Import the whole census database from a JSON file. summary: Import census database '/censuses/import/{ipfscid}': get: responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: properties: valid: type: boolean type: object description: OK tags: - Censuses description: Import the whole census database from a JSON file. summary: Import census database /censuses/list: get: responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: properties: valid: type: boolean type: object description: OK tags: - Censuses description: List all census references. Requires Admin Bearer token. summary: List all census references '/censuses/{censusId}': delete: parameters: - description: Census id in: path name: censusId required: true schema: type: string responses: '200': description: (empty body) tags: - Censuses description: >- Delete unpublished census (not on the storage yet). See [publish census](census-publish)\n - Requires Bearer token - Deletes a census from the server storage - Published census cannot be deleted summary: Delete census '/censuses/{censusId}/check': get: parameters: - description: Census id in: path name: censusId required: true schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: properties: census: properties: censusID: type: string uri: type: string type: object type: object description: It return published censusID and the ipfs uri where its uploaded tags: - Censuses description: >- Returns the publication status of a specific census by its ID, including the IPFS URI where it's uploaded, if available. This handler checks whether a census has been published successfully and retrieves its access URI or any errors that occurred during the publication process. This endpoint can be useful for anyone looking to verify the publication status of a census, and it facilitates accessing the published data directly through the returned URI. summary: Check census publish status '/censuses/{censusId}/export': get: parameters: - description: Census id in: path name: censusId required: true schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/censusdb.CensusDump' description: OK security: - BasicAuth: [] tags: - Censuses description: Export census to JSON format. Requires Bearer token summary: Export census '/censuses/{censusId}/import': post: parameters: - description: Census id in: path name: censusId required: true schema: type: string responses: '200': description: (empty body) security: - BasicAuth: [] tags: - Censuses description: >- Import census from JSON previously exported using [`/censuses/{censusId}/export`](census-export). Requires Bearer token summary: Import census '/censuses/{censusId}/participants': post: parameters: - description: Census id in: path name: censusId required: true schema: type: string responses: '200': description: (empty body) security: - BasicAuth: [] tags: - Censuses description: "Adds list of public keys/addresses and voting weights to an unpublished census. Returns the resulting \n[Merkle Root]( \n\nEach addition will modify the census merkle root creating a new \"snapshot\" of the census at this moment. This root identifies the census at this point and can be used to publish the census at this specific state.\n\nFor example, supposing a census with id `0x1234` (random hex string generated during census creation), adding 10 keys will generate specific root for this state, ex `0xabcd`. \n\nIf we add 5 keys more, the resulting root changes, the keys are added, and the new census has the first 10 keys plus the 5 new ones, with a resulting root of `0xffff`. \n\nSo, when [publishing](census-publish) the census, you could specify 'no root' to publish census on the last \nstate (`0xffff`), which will publish a census of all 15 voters. Or you could specify the snapshot point at which you want to publish, for example `0x1234`, which will publish a census containing just the first 10 voters.\n\n- Requires Bearer token \n- Adds a list of wallet public key or wallet addresses to a census with a specific weight\n- If the weight parameter is missing, weight=1 is considered" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.CensusParticipants' description: 'PublicKey - weight array ' required: true summary: Add participants to census '/censuses/{censusId}/proof/{key}': get: parameters: - description: Census id in: path name: censusId required: true schema: type: string - description: Key to proof in: path name: key required: true schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: properties: proof: type: string value: type: string weight: type: number type: object description: >- where proof is Merkle tree siblings and value is Merkle tree leaf value security: - BasicAuth: [] tags: - Censuses description: "Proves that the key and weight belong to the census root hash.\n\nIf the key exists on the census, returns Merkle root information. The `Proof` property refers to the key's siblings on the Merkle tree, the `value` points to the leaf of the Merkle Tree for this key (in this case, the weight), and weight is just the key's weight for this census. \n\n[Further reading](/protocol/Census/off-chain-tree)\n\n- Requires Bearer token \n- Returns a merkle proof, proving the key and weight belongs to the census root hash" summary: Prove key to census '/censuses/{censusId}/publish': post: parameters: - description: Census id in: path name: censusId required: true schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: properties: census: properties: censusID: type: string uri: type: string type: object type: object description: It return published censusID and the ipfs uri where its uploaded security: - BasicAuth: [] tags: - Censuses description: "Registers a census to storage (IPFS in our case). After this, the census can't be edited. \n \nYou can optionally provide the census Merkle root to specify census publication at a specific snapshot. See [censuses/{censusId}/participants](census-add-participants-to-census)\n\n- Requires Bearer token\n- The census is copied to a new census identified by its Merkle Root\n- The new census **cannot be modified**\n- The census is published to the storage provided (IPFS in our case)\n- The new census ID is returned and can be used for querying\n- If a censusID with the same root has been already published, the request will fail\n- If `root` is specified as path parameter, it publish the census at specific root (append the census to existing one)." summary: Publish census '/censuses/{censusId}/publish/async': post: parameters: - description: Census id in: path name: censusId required: true schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: properties: census: properties: censusID: type: string uri: type: string type: object type: object description: It return published censusID and the ipfs uri where its uploaded security: - BasicAuth: [] tags: - Censuses description: "Registers a census to storage (IPFS in our case). After this, the census can't be edited. \n \nYou can optionally provide the census Merkle root to specify census publication at a specific snapshot. See [censuses/{censusId}/participants](census-add-participants-to-census)\n\n- Requires Bearer token\n- The census is copied to a new census identified by its Merkle Root\n- The new census **cannot be modified**\n- The census is published to the storage provided (IPFS in our case)\n- The new census ID is returned and can be used for querying\n- If a censusID with the same root has been already published, the request will fail\n- If `root` is specified as path parameter, it publish the census at specific root (append the census to existing one)." summary: Publish census '/censuses/{censusId}/publish/{root}': post: parameters: - description: Census id in: path name: censusId required: true schema: type: string - description: Specific root where to publish the census. Not required in: path name: root required: true schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: properties: census: properties: censusID: type: string uri: type: string type: object type: object description: It return published censusID and the ipfs uri where its uploaded security: - BasicAuth: [] tags: - Censuses description: "Registers a census to storage (IPFS in our case). After this, the census can't be edited. \n \nYou can optionally provide the census Merkle root to specify census publication at a specific snapshot. See [censuses/{censusId}/participants](census-add-participants-to-census)\n\n- Requires Bearer token\n- The census is copied to a new census identified by its Merkle Root\n- The new census **cannot be modified**\n- The census is published to the storage provided (IPFS in our case)\n- The new census ID is returned and can be used for querying\n- If a censusID with the same root has been already published, the request will fail\n- If `root` is specified as path parameter, it publish the census at specific root (append the census to existing one)." summary: Publish census '/censuses/{censusId}/root': get: parameters: - description: Census id in: path name: censusId required: true schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: properties: root: type: string type: object description: Merkle root of the census tags: - Censuses description: >- Get census [Merkle Tree root]( hash, used to identify the census at specific snapshot.\n\n- Bearer token not required summary: Census Merkle Root '/censuses/{censusId}/size': get: parameters: - description: Census id in: path name: censusId required: true schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: properties: size: type: string type: object description: Size as integer tags: - Censuses description: Total number of keys added to the census. Size as integer summary: Census size '/censuses/{censusId}/type': get: parameters: - description: Census id in: path name: censusId required: true schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: properties: census: type: string type: object description: 'Census type "weighted", "zkweighted", "csp' tags: - Censuses description: Get the census type summary: Get type of census '/censuses/{censusId}/verify': post: parameters: - description: Census id in: path name: censusId required: true schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: properties: valid: type: boolean type: object description: OK tags: - Censuses description: >- Verify that a previously obtained Merkle proof for a key, acquired via [/censuses/{censusId}/proof/{publicKey}](prove-key-to-census) is still correct. summary: Verify merkle proof '/censuses/{censusId}/weight': get: parameters: - description: Census id in: path name: censusId required: true schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: properties: weight: type: string type: object description: Sum of weight son a stringfied big int format tags: - Censuses description: It sums all weights added to the census. Weight is a stringified bigInt summary: Census total weight '/censuses/{type}': post: parameters: - description: Census type in: path name: type required: true schema: enum: - weighted - zkweighted - csp type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: properties: censusId: type: string type: object description: OK security: - BasicAuth: [] tags: - Censuses description: "Creates a new census on the backend side. The census is still unpublished until [publish](publish-census) is called. \n\nTo create the census a `Bearer token` is required. This is created on the user side using a [UUID]( This token **should we stored for the user to perform operations to this census** such adding participants or publishing the census.\n\nReturns a new random censusID (a random 32 byte hex string), which is used (along with the Bearer token) to [add participant keys](add-participants-to-census) to the census. Once the census is published no more keys can be added.\n\nTo use a census for an election, it **must be published**.\n\n- Available types are: `weighted` and `zkindexed`\n- Requires header Bearer token created user side" summary: Create a new census '/chain/blockToDate/{height}': get: parameters: - description: Block height in: path name: height required: true schema: type: number responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: properties: date: type: string type: object description: OK tags: - Chain description: Returns the estimated timestamp for the block height provided summary: Estimate block to date /chain/blocks: get: parameters: - description: Page in: query name: page schema: type: number - description: Items per page in: query name: limit schema: type: number - description: Filter by exact chainId in: query name: chainId schema: type: string - description: Filter by partial hash in: query name: hash schema: type: string - description: Filter by exact proposerAddress in: query name: proposerAddress schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.BlockList' description: OK tags: - Chain description: 'Returns the list of blocks, ordered by descending height.' summary: List all blocks '/chain/blocks/hash/{hash}': get: parameters: - description: Block hash in: path name: hash required: true schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.Block' description: OK tags: - Chain description: Returns the block from the given hash summary: Get block (by hash) '/chain/blocks/{height}': get: parameters: - description: Block height in: path name: height required: true schema: type: integer responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.Block' description: OK tags: - Chain description: Returns the full block information at the given height summary: Get block (by height) '/chain/blocks/{height}/transactions/page/{page}': get: parameters: - description: Block height in: path name: height required: true schema: type: number - description: Page in: path name: page required: true schema: type: number responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.TransactionsList' description: OK tags: - Chain deprecated: true description: |- Given a block returns the list of transactions for that block (deprecated, in favor of /chain/transactions?page=xxx&height=xxx) summary: Transactions in a block '/chain/dateToBlock/{timestamp}': get: parameters: - description: Timestamp on unix format in: path name: timestamp required: true schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: properties: height: type: number type: object description: Estimated block height tags: - Chain description: Returns the estimated block height for the timestamp provided summary: Estimate date to block /chain/export/indexer: get: responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: type: string description: OK tags: - Indexer description: Exports the indexer SQL database in raw format summary: Exports the indexer database /chain/fees: get: parameters: - description: Page in: query name: page schema: type: number - description: Items per page in: query name: limit schema: type: number - description: Reference filter in: query name: reference schema: type: string - description: Type filter in: query name: type schema: type: string - description: Specific accountId in: query name: accountId schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.FeesList' description: OK tags: - Chain description: >- Returns the token fees list ordered by date. A spending is an amount of tokens burnt from one account for executing transactions. summary: List all token fees '/chain/fees/page/{page}': get: parameters: - description: Page in: path name: page required: true schema: type: number responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.FeesList' description: OK tags: - Chain deprecated: true description: >- Returns the token fees list ordered by date. A spending is an amount of tokens burnt from one account for executing transactions. (deprecated, in favor of /chain/fees?page=xxx) summary: List all token fees '/chain/fees/reference/{reference}/page/{page}': get: parameters: - description: Reference filter in: path name: reference required: true schema: type: string - description: Page in: path name: page required: true schema: type: number responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.FeesList' description: OK tags: - Chain deprecated: true description: >- Returns the token fees list filtered by reference and ordered by date. A spending is an amount of tokens burnt from one account for executing transactions. (deprecated, in favor of /chain/fees?page=xxx) summary: List all token fees by reference '/chain/fees/type/{type}/page/{page}': get: parameters: - description: Type filter in: path name: type required: true schema: type: string - description: Page in: path name: page required: true schema: type: number responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.FeesList' description: OK tags: - Chain deprecated: true description: >- Returns the token fees list filtered by type and ordered by date. A spending is an amount of tokens burnt from one account for executing transactions. (deprecated, in favor of /chain/fees?page=xxx) summary: List all token fees by type /chain/info: get: responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.ChainInfo' description: OK tags: - Chain description: >- Returns basic Vocdoni Blockchain (Vochain) information like blockTime, chainId, current height, and more. `blockTime`: each array position return average time for 1 minute, 10 minutes, 1 hour, 6 hours and 24 hours. `blockTime`: every array position represents the average for 1 minute, 10m, 1h, 6h, 24h `MaxCensusSize`: is used to limit the number of voters that can be registered to a given census. This feature helps to prevent any potential overflow of the blockchain when the number of votes goes beyond the maximum limit. This is the maximum value that an election creation can allow. In order to create an election, the creator is required to set the `MaxCensusSize` parameter to a proper value. Typically, this value should be equal to the size of the census. If the MaxCensusSize parameter is set to 0, an error will occur and the election cannot be created. If the `MaxCensusSize` is greater than allowed by the blockchain, an error will be returned. `networkCapacity` indicates how many votes per block is the blockchain expected to achieve. Larger capacity translates to cheaper elections. summary: Vochain information /chain/info/circuit: get: responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/circuit.Config' description: OK tags: - Chain description: Returns the circuit configuration according to the current circuit summary: Circuit info /chain/info/electionPriceFactors: get: responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/electionprice.Calculator' description: OK tags: - Chain description: > Package electionprice provides a mechanism for calculating the price of an election based on its characteristics. The formula used to calculate the price of creating an election on the Vocdoni blockchain is designed to take into account various factors that impact the computational cost and complexity of conducting an election. The price is determined by combining several components, each reflecting one specific aspect of the election process. 1. **Base Price**: This is a fixed cost that serves as a starting point for the price calculation. It represents the minimal price for creating an election regardless of its size or duration. 2. **Size Price**: As the number of voters (maxCensusSize) in an election increases, the resources required to manage the election also grow. To account for this, the size price component is directly proportional to the maximum number of votes allowed in the election. Additionally, it takes into consideration the blockchain's maximum capacity (capacity) and the maximum capacity the blockchain administrators can set (maxCapacity). This ensures that the price is adjusted based on the current capacity of the blockchain. 3. **Duration Price**: The length of the election (electionDuration) also affects the price, as longer elections occupy more resources over time. The duration price component is directly proportional to the election duration and inversely proportional to the maximum number of votes. This means that if the election lasts longer, the price increases, and if there are more votes in a shorter time, the price also increases to reflect the higher demand for resources. 4. **Encrypted Votes**: If an election requires encryption for maintaining secrecy until the end (encryptedVotes), it demands additional resources and computational effort. Therefore, the encrypted price component is added to the total price when this feature is enabled. 5. **Anonymous Votes**: Similarly, if an election is anonymous (anonymousVotes), it requires additional measures to ensure voter privacy. As a result, the anonymous price component is added to the total price when this option is chosen. 6. **Overwrite Price**: Allowing voters to overwrite their votes (maxVoteOverwrite) can increase the complexity of managing the election, as it requires additional resources to handle vote updates. The overwrite price component accounts for this by being proportional to the maximum number of vote overwrites and the maximum number of votes allowed in the election. It also takes into account the blockchain's capacity to ensure the price reflects the current resource constraints. The constant factors in the price formula play a crucial role in determining the price of an election based on its characteristics. Each factor is associated with a specific component of the price formula and helps to weigh the importance of that component in the final price calculation. The rationale behind these constant factors is to provide a flexible mechanism to adjust the pricing model based on the system's needs and requirements. - **k1 (Size price factor)**: This constant factor affects the size price component of the formula. By adjusting k1, you can control the impact of the maximum number of votes (maxCensusSize) on the overall price. A higher k1 value would make the price increase more rapidly as the election size grows, while a lower k1 value would make the price less sensitive to the election size. The rationale behind k1 is to ensure that the pricing model can be adapted to accommodate different election sizes while considering the resource requirements. - **k2 (Duration price factor)**: This constant factor influences the duration price component of the formula. By adjusting k2, you can control how the duration of the election (electionDuration) affects the price. A higher k2 value would make the price increase more quickly as the election duration extends, while a lower k2 value would make the price less sensitive to the election duration. The rationale behind k2 is to reflect the resource consumption over time and ensure that longer elections are priced accordingly. - **k3 (Encrypted price factor)**: This constant factor affects the encrypted price component of the formula. By adjusting k3, you can control the additional cost associated with encrypted elections (encryptedVotes). A higher k3 value would make the price increase more significantly for elections that require encryption, while a lower k3 value would make the price less sensitive to the encryption requirement. The rationale behind k3 is to account for the extra computational effort and resources needed to ensure secrecy in encrypted elections. - **k4 (Anonymous price factor)**: This constant factor influences the anonymous price component of the formula. By adjusting k4, you can control the additional cost associated with anonymous elections (anonymousVotes). A higher k4 value would make the price increase more significantly for elections that require anonymity, while a lower k4 value would make the price less sensitive to the anonymity requirement. The rationale behind k4 is to account for the extra measures and resources needed to ensure voter privacy in anonymous elections. - **k5 (Overwrite price factor)**: This constant factor affects the overwrite price component of the formula. By adjusting k5, you can control the additional cost associated with allowing vote overwrites (maxVoteOverwrite). A higher k5 value would make the price increase more significantly for elections that permit vote overwrites, while a lower k5 value would make the price less sensitive to the overwrite allowance. The rationale behind k5 is to account for the increased complexity and resources needed to manage vote overwrites in the election process. - **k6 (Non-linear growth factor)**: This constant factor determines the rate of price growth for elections with a maximum number of votes (maxCensusSize) exceeding the k7 threshold. By adjusting k6, you can control the non-linear growth rate of the price for larger elections. A higher k6 value would result in a more rapid increase in the price as the election size grows beyond the k7 threshold, while a lower k6 value would result in a slower increase in the price for larger elections. The rationale behind k6 is to provide a mechanism for controlling the pricing model's sensitivity to large elections. This factor ensures that the price accurately reflects the increased complexity, resource consumption, and management effort associated with larger elections, while maintaining a more affordable price for smaller elections. By fine-tuning k6, the pricing model can be adapted to balance accessibility for smaller elections with the need to cover costs and resource requirements for larger elections. - **k7 (Size non-linear trigger)**: This constant factor represents a threshold value for the maximum number of votes (maxCensusSize) in an election. When the election size exceeds k7, the price growth becomes non-linear, increasing more rapidly beyond this point. The rationale behind k7 is to create a pricing model that accommodates a "freemium" approach, where smaller elections (under the k7 threshold) are priced affordably, while larger elections are priced more significantly due to their increased resource requirements and complexity. By adjusting k7, you can control the point at which the price transition from linear to non-linear growth occurs. A higher k7 value would allow for more affordable pricing for a larger range of election sizes, while a lower k7 value would result in more rapid price increases for smaller election sizes. This flexibility enables the pricing model to be tailored to the specific needs and goals of the Vocdoni blockchain, ensuring that small elections remain accessible and affordable,while larger elections are priced to reflect their higher resource demands. summary: Price factors information /chain/organizations: get: parameters: - description: Page in: query name: page schema: type: number - description: Items per page in: query name: limit schema: type: number - description: Filter by partial organizationId in: query name: organizationId schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.OrganizationsList' description: OK tags: - Chain description: "An **Organization** is an account with an `infoUri` that contains organization-associated metadata. \nAn **Account** could be a validator, an oracle, a voter or just someone who wants to transfer tokens. \n\nThe `/chain/organizations` endpoints are related only to the Organization account type.\n\n- Return list of organizations ids.\n- If no page is defined, will assume page 0." summary: List organizations /chain/organizations/count: get: responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.CountResult' description: Number of registered organizations tags: - Chain deprecated: true description: |- Return the number of organizations (deprecated, in favor of /chain/organizations which reports totalItems) summary: Count organizations '/chain/organizations/filter/page/{page}': post: parameters: - description: Page in: path name: page required: true schema: type: number responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.OrganizationsList' description: OK tags: - Chain deprecated: true description: >- Returns a list of organizations filtered by its partial id, paginated by the given page (deprecated, in favor of /chain/organizations?page=xxx&organizationId=xxx) requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.OrganizationParams' description: Partial organizationId to filter by required: true summary: List organizations (filtered) '/chain/organizations/page/{page}': get: parameters: - description: Page in: path name: page required: true schema: type: number responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.OrganizationsList' description: OK tags: - Chain deprecated: true description: |- List all organizations (deprecated, in favor of /chain/organizations?page=xxx) summary: List organizations /chain/transactions: get: parameters: - description: Page in: query name: page schema: type: number - description: Items per page in: query name: limit schema: type: number - description: Tx hash in: query name: hash schema: type: string - description: Block height in: query name: height schema: type: number - description: Tx type in: query name: type schema: type: string - description: Tx subtype in: query name: subtype schema: type: string - description: Tx signer in: query name: signer schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.TransactionsList' description: List of transactions (metadata only) tags: - Chain description: >- To get full transaction information use [/chain/transaction/{hash}](transaction-by-hash). summary: List transactions post: responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.Transaction' description: >- Return blockchain response. `response` could differ depending of transaction type. tags: - Chain description: > Submits a transaction. Depending on the transaction type, will return one of multiple response types: - For a NewElection transaction, `response` will be the `newElectionId` - For a Vote transaction, `response` will be the `voteID` Once the transaction is mined on the Vochain you can use [`chain/transactions/reference/{hash}`](transaction-by-reference) to find the block height and its index on the block to get the transaction index using [`chain/transactions/{blockHeight}/{txIndex}`](transaction-by-block-index). requestBody: content: application/json: schema: properties: payload: type: string type: object description: Base64 payload string containing transaction data and signature required: true summary: Submit transaction /chain/transactions/cost: get: responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/genesis.TransactionCosts' description: OK tags: - Chain description: Returns the list of transactions and its cost summary: Transaction costs /chain/transactions/count: get: responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.CountResult' description: OK tags: - Chain deprecated: true description: |- Returns the number of transactions (deprecated, in favor of /chain/transactions which reports totalItems) summary: Transactions count '/chain/transactions/page/{page}': get: parameters: - description: Page in: path name: page required: true schema: type: number responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.TransactionsList' description: List of transactions (metadata only) tags: - Chain deprecated: true description: >- To get full transaction information use [/chain/transaction/{blockHeight}/{txIndex}](transaction-by-block-index).\nWhere transactionIndex is the index of the transaction on the containing block. (deprecated, in favor of /chain/transactions?page=xxx) summary: List transactions (legacy) '/chain/transactions/reference/{hash}': get: parameters: - description: Transaction hash in: path name: hash required: true schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/indexertypes.Transaction' description: OK '204': description: 'See [errors](vocdoni-api#errors) section' tags: - Chain description: >- Using a transaction's hash, returns the `block` and `index` that contains the transaction. You can use this `block` and `index` to retrieve the full transaction info using [transaction by block and index](transaction-by-block-index) summary: Transaction by hash '/chain/transactions/{hash}': get: parameters: - description: Transaction hash in: path name: hash required: true schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.GenericTransactionWithInfo' description: OK '204': description: 'See [errors](vocdoni-api#errors) section' tags: - Chain description: >- Get transaction full information by hash. It returns JSON transaction protobuf encoded. Depending of transaction type will return different types of objects. Current transaction types can be found calling `/chain/transactions/cost` summary: Transaction by hash '/chain/transactions/{height}/{index}': get: parameters: - description: Block height in: path name: height required: true schema: type: integer - description: Transaction index on block in: path name: index required: true schema: type: integer responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.GenericTransactionWithInfo' description: OK '204': description: 'See [errors](vocdoni-api#errors) section' tags: - Chain deprecated: true description: >- Get transaction full information by block height and index. It returns JSON transaction protobuf encoded. Depending of transaction type will return different types of objects. Current transaction types can be found calling `/chain/transactions/cost` (deprecated, in favor of /chain/transactions/{hash}) summary: Transaction by block height and index /chain/transfers: get: parameters: - description: Page in: query name: page schema: type: number - description: Items per page in: query name: limit schema: type: number - description: Specific accountId that sent or received the tokens in: query name: accountId schema: type: string - description: Specific accountId that sent the tokens in: query name: accountIdFrom schema: type: string - description: Specific accountId that received the tokens in: query name: accountIdTo schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.TransfersList' description: OK tags: - Chain description: Returns the token transfers list ordered by date. summary: List all token transfers /chain/validators: get: responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.ValidatorList' description: OK tags: - Chain description: Returns the list of validators summary: List validators /elections: get: parameters: - description: Page in: query name: page schema: type: number - description: Items per page in: query name: limit schema: type: number - description: Filter by partial organizationId in: query name: organizationId schema: type: string - description: Election status in: query name: status schema: enum: - ready - paused - canceled - ended - results type: string - description: Filter by partial electionId in: query name: electionId schema: type: string - description: Filter by (partial or final) results available or not in: query name: withResults schema: type: boolean - description: Filter by final results available or not in: query name: finalResults schema: type: boolean - description: Filter by whether the election was manually ended or not in: query name: manuallyEnded schema: type: boolean responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.ElectionsList' description: OK tags: - Elections description: Get a list of elections summaries. summary: List elections post: responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.ElectionCreate' description: >- It return txId, electionId and the metadataURL for the newly created election. If metadataURL is returned empty, means that there is some issue with the storage provider. tags: - Elections description: "Creates an election on the Vochain. \n\nTo use this endpoint, you will need to provide a signed transaction that has been encoded on the client side using the **Vocdoni SDK**. This transaction, referred to as txPayload, must include the IPFS CID-formatted hash of the metadata for the election.\n\nThe metadata for the election is optional and is provided as a base64-encoded JSON object. This object should follow the Entity metadata specification and includes information about the election, such as the list of candidates and the election's description. This metadata is stored within IPFS so that participants can access it.\n\nThe API endpoint will verify that the hash in the txPayload transaction matches the uploaded metadata. If these do not match, the API will return an error.\n\nExample of election metadata object:\n\n```json\n{\n \"version\": \"1.0\",\n \"title\": {\"default\": \"Best pasta!\", \"en\": \"Best pasta!\", \"es\": \"La mejor pasta!\"},\n \"description\": {\"default\": \"Decide what is the best pasta\", \"en\": \"Decide what is the best pasta\", \"es\": \"Decide cual es la mejor pasta\"},\n // Following fields are optional\n \"media\": {\n \"header\": \"url to an image\"\n \"streamUri\": \"url to a stream resource\"\n },\n \"questions\": [\n {\n \"choices\": [ \n { \n \"title\": {\"default\": \"Macarroni\", \"en\": \"Macarroni\", \"es\": \"Macarrones\"},\n \"value\": 0\n } \n { \n \"title\": {\"default\": \"Spaghetti\", \"en\": \"Spaghetti\", \"es\": \"Espaguetis\"},\n \"value\": 1\n } \n ], \n \"description\": {\"default\": \"Choice one of theme\", \"en\": \"Choice one of theme\", \"es\": \"Elije una de ellas\"},\n \"title\": {\"default\": \"Macarroni or Spaghetti\", \"en\": \"Macarroni or Spaghetti\", \"es\": \"Macarrones o Espaguetis\"}\n }\n ]\n}\n```\n\n[Read more about process creation](" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/models.SignedTx' description: >- Uses `txPayload` protobuf signed transaction, and the `metadata` base64-encoded JSON object required: true summary: Create election /elections/filter: post: parameters: - description: Page in: query name: page schema: type: number responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.ElectionsList' description: OK tags: - Elections deprecated: true description: "Returns a filtered list of elections. The filters have to be sent on the request body. The valid filters are: \n \n```json\n{\n \"organizationId\": \"hexString\",\n \"electionId\": \"hexString\",\n \"withResults\": false,\n \"status\": \"READY\",\n}\n```\n\n`electionId` can be partial. \n\nSee [elections list](elections-list)\n\n(deprecated, in favor of /elections?page=xxx&organizationId=xxx&status=xxx)\n" requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.ElectionParams' description: >- Filtered by partial organizationId, partial electionId, election status and with results available or not required: true summary: List elections (filtered) '/elections/filter/page/{page}': post: parameters: - description: Page in: path name: page required: true schema: type: number responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.ElectionsList' description: OK tags: - Elections deprecated: true description: >- (deprecated, in favor of /elections?page=xxx&organizationId=xxx&status=xxx) requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.ElectionParams' description: >- Filtered by exact organizationId, partial electionId, election status, results available or not, etc required: true summary: List elections (filtered) /elections/id: post: responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: properties: electionID: type: string type: object description: OK tags: - Elections description: buildElectionIDHandler requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.BuildElectionID' description: 'delta, organizationId, censusOrigin and envelopeType' required: true summary: Build an election ID '/elections/page/{page}': get: parameters: - description: Page in: path name: page required: true schema: type: number responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.ElectionsList' description: OK tags: - Elections deprecated: true description: |- Get a list of elections summaries (deprecated, in favor of /elections?page=xxx) summary: List elections /elections/price: post: responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: properties: price: type: number type: object description: OK tags: - Elections description: Helper endpoint to get the election price. requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/electionprice.ElectionParameters' description: 5 election parameters that are required for calculating the price required: true summary: Compute election price '/elections/{electionId}': get: parameters: - description: Election id in: path name: electionId required: true schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.Election' description: OK tags: - Elections description: Get full election information summary: Election information '/elections/{electionId}/keys': get: parameters: - description: Election id in: path name: electionId required: true schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.ElectionKeys' description: OK tags: - Elections description: Returns the list of public/private encryption keys summary: List encryption keys '/elections/{electionId}/scrutiny': get: parameters: - description: Election id in: path name: electionId required: true schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.ElectionResults' description: OK tags: - Elections description: >- Returns a given election consensus results and useful information about these results. Results are represented with BigInt strings. This method can be used by anyone, but it is also used by Chainlink for fetching Vochain results to store them on the Results contract on an EVM network. For discovering more about the on-chain results, please refer to [chainlink-tally]( repository. summary: Election results '/elections/{electionId}/votes/count': get: parameters: - description: Election id in: path name: electionId required: true schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.CountResult' description: OK tags: - Elections deprecated: true description: |- Get the number of votes for an election (deprecated, in favor of /votes?electionId=xxx which reports totalItems) summary: Count election votes '/elections/{electionId}/votes/page/{page}': get: parameters: - description: Election id in: path name: electionId required: true schema: type: string - description: Page in: path name: page required: true schema: type: number responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.VotesList' description: OK tags: - Elections deprecated: true description: |- Returns the list of voteIDs for an election (paginated) (deprecated, in favor of /votes?page=xxx&electionId=xxx) summary: List election votes /files/cid: post: responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.File' description: OK tags: - Elections description: Helper endpoint to get the IPFS CIDv1 hash of a file requestBody: content: application/json: schema: properties: payload: type: string type: object description: File bytes base64 encoded required: true summary: Compute IPFS CIDv1 of file '/siks/proof/{address}': get: responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: properties: ' sikroot': type: string ' siksiblings': items: type: string type: array sikproof: type: string type: object description: OK tags: - SIK description: >- Returns the list of currently valid roots of the merkle tree where the vochain account SIK's are stored. summary: List of valid SIK roots /siks/roots: get: responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: properties: sikroots: items: type: string type: array type: object description: OK tags: - SIK description: >- Returns the list of currently valid roots of the merkle tree where the vochain account SIK's are stored. summary: List of valid SIK roots '/siks/{address}': get: responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: properties: sik: type: string type: object description: OK tags: - SIK description: >- Returns if the address provided, associated to an a registered account or not, has a valid SIK already registered or not. summary: Returns if the address provided has a valid SIK /votes: get: parameters: - description: Page in: query name: page schema: type: number - description: Items per page in: query name: limit schema: type: number - description: Election id in: query name: electionId schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.VotesList' description: OK tags: - Votes description: Returns the list of votes summary: List votes post: responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: properties: ' voteID': type: string txHash: type: string type: object description: OK tags: - Votes description: >- Submit a vote using a protobuf signed transaction. The corresponding result are the vote id and transaction hash where the vote is registered. requestBody: content: application/json: schema: properties: txPayload: type: string type: object description: Requires a protobuf signed transaction required: true summary: Submit a vote '/votes/verify/{electionId}/{voteId}': get: parameters: - description: Election id in: path name: electionId required: true schema: type: string - description: Nullifier of the vote in: path name: voteId required: true schema: type: string responses: '200': description: (empty body) '404': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/apirest.APIerror' description: Not Found tags: - Votes description: >- Check if vote is registered on the blockchain on specific election. Just return Ok status code summary: Verify vote '/votes/{voteId}': get: parameters: - description: Nullifier of the vote in: path name: voteID required: true schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.Vote' description: OK tags: - Votes description: >- Returns the content of an existing Vote. If the election is encrypted, returns the `encryptionKeys` indexes and codifies the package. Each Vote is identified by its `voteId`, also called `nullifier`. The `nullifier` is deterministic and its hash can be computed with the following (using `Keccak256`): - For signature based elections, the nullifier is the hash of the `voterAddress` + `processId` - For anonymous elections, the nullifier is the hash of the `privateKey` + `processId` If an election is anonymous, the `voterId` will not be returned. If an election is encrypted, the `encryptionKeyIndexes` will only be returned once the election is complete. `Height` and `txIndex` refer to the block height and the index of the transaction where vote is registered. The `overwriteCount` refers to the number of vote overwrites already executed by the user. At election creation time, you can specify the `maxVoteOverwrites` parameter, which defines how many times a voter can submit a vote. Only the most recent vote for any voter will be taken into an election's final results. summary: Get vote '/wallet/add/{privateKey}': post: parameters: - description: Private key to add in: path name: privateKey required: true schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: properties: address: type: string token: type: string type: object description: OK tags: - Wallet description: >- Add a new account to the local store. It returns a token used to manage this account on the future. summary: Add account /wallet/bootstrap: get: responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.Transaction' description: OK security: - BasicAuth: [] tags: - Wallet description: Set a new account. Needed the bearer token associated the account. summary: Set wallet account /wallet/election: post: responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.Transaction' description: OK security: - BasicAuth: [] tags: - Wallet description: >- Creates an election. Requires the bearer token of the account you want to create the election. requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.ElectionDescription' description: Election description required: true summary: Create election for wallet '/wallet/transfer/{dstAddress}/{amount}': get: parameters: - description: Destination address in: path name: dstAddress required: true schema: type: string - description: Amount of tokens to transfer in: path name: amount required: true schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.Transaction' description: OK security: - BasicAuth: [] tags: - Wallet description: >- Transfer balance to another account. Needed the bearer token associated the account. summary: Transfer tokens components: schemas: api.Account: properties: address: type: string balance: type: integer electionIndex: type: integer feesCount: type: integer infoURL: type: string metadata: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.AccountMetadata' nonce: type: integer sik: type: string transfersCount: type: integer type: object api.AccountMedia: properties: avatar: type: string header: type: string logo: type: string type: object api.AccountMetadata: properties: actions: {} description: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.LanguageString' languages: items: type: string type: array media: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.AccountMedia' meta: {} name: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.LanguageString' newsFeed: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.LanguageString' version: type: string type: object api.AccountSet: properties: metadataURL: type: string txHash: type: string type: object api.AccountsList: properties: accounts: items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/indexertypes.Account' type: array pagination: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.Pagination' type: object api.Block: properties: hash: type: string header: $ref: '#/components/schemas/github_com_cometbft_cometbft_types.Header' txCount: type: integer type: object api.BlockList: properties: blocks: items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/indexertypes.Block' type: array pagination: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.Pagination' type: object api.BuildElectionID: properties: censusOrigin: type: integer delta: description: 0 means build next ElectionID type: integer envelopeType: properties: anonymous: type: boolean costFromWeight: type: boolean encryptedVotes: type: boolean serial: type: boolean uniqueValues: type: boolean type: object organizationId: type: string type: object api.CensusParticipant: properties: key: type: string weight: $ref: '#/components/schemas/types.BigInt' type: object api.CensusParticipants: properties: participants: items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.CensusParticipant' type: array type: object api.CensusTypeDescription: properties: publicKey: type: string rootHash: type: string size: type: integer type: type: string url: type: string type: object api.ChainInfo: properties: blockStoreBase: example: 5467 type: integer blockTime: example: - 12000 - 11580 - 11000 - 11100 - 11100 items: type: integer type: array blockTimestamp: example: '2022-11-17T18:00:57.379551614Z' format: date-time type: string chainId: example: azeno type: string circuitVersion: example: v1.0.0 type: string electionCount: example: 120 type: integer genesisTime: example: '2022-11-17T18:00:57.379551614Z' format: date-time type: string height: example: 5467 type: integer initialHeight: example: 5467 type: integer maxCensusSize: example: 50000 type: integer networkCapacity: example: 2000 type: integer organizationCount: example: 20 type: integer syncing: example: true type: boolean transactionCount: example: 554 type: integer validatorCount: example: 5 type: integer voteCount: example: 432 type: integer type: object api.ChoiceMetadata: properties: meta: {} title: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.LanguageString' value: type: integer type: object api.CountResult: properties: count: example: 10 type: integer type: object api.Election: properties: census: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.ElectionCensus' chainId: type: string creationTime: type: string electionId: type: string electionMode: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.ElectionMode' endDate: type: string finalResults: type: boolean manuallyEnded: type: boolean metadata: {} metadataURL: type: string organizationId: type: string result: items: items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/types.BigInt' type: array type: array startDate: type: string status: type: string tallyMode: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.TallyMode' voteCount: type: integer voteMode: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.VoteMode' type: object api.ElectionCensus: properties: censusOrigin: type: string censusRoot: type: string censusURL: type: string maxCensusSize: type: integer postRegisterCensusRoot: type: string type: object api.ElectionCreate: properties: electionID: type: string metadata: items: type: integer type: array metadataEncryptionPrivKey: type: string metadataURL: type: string txHash: type: string txPayload: items: type: integer type: array type: object api.ElectionDescription: properties: census: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.CensusTypeDescription' description: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.LanguageString' electionType: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.ElectionType' endDate: type: string header: type: string questions: items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.Question' type: array startDate: type: string streamUri: type: string tempSIKs: type: boolean title: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.LanguageString' voteType: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.VoteType' type: object api.ElectionKeys: properties: privateKeys: type: string publicKeys: type: string type: object api.ElectionMode: properties: autoStart: type: boolean dynamicCensus: type: boolean encryptedMetaData: type: boolean interruptible: type: boolean preRegister: type: boolean type: object api.ElectionParams: properties: electionId: type: string endDateAfter: type: string endDateBefore: type: string finalResults: type: boolean limit: type: integer manuallyEnded: type: boolean organizationId: type: string page: type: integer startDateAfter: type: string startDateBefore: type: string status: type: string withResults: type: boolean type: object api.ElectionResults: properties: censusRoot: description: CensusRoot is the root of the census tree type: string electionId: description: ElectionID is the ID of the election type: string organizationId: description: >- OrganizationID is the ID of the organization that created the election type: string results: description: Results is the list of votes items: items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/types.BigInt' type: array type: array sourceContractAddress: description: >- SourceContractAddress is the address of the smart contract containing the census type: string type: object api.ElectionSummary: properties: chainId: type: string electionId: type: string endDate: type: string finalResults: type: boolean manuallyEnded: type: boolean organizationId: type: string result: items: items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/types.BigInt' type: array type: array startDate: type: string status: type: string voteCount: type: integer type: object api.ElectionType: properties: anonymous: type: boolean autostart: type: boolean dynamicCensus: type: boolean interruptible: type: boolean secretUntilTheEnd: type: boolean type: object api.ElectionsList: properties: elections: items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.ElectionSummary' type: array pagination: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.Pagination' type: object api.FeesList: properties: fees: items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/indexertypes.TokenFeeMeta' type: array pagination: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.Pagination' type: object api.File: properties: cid: type: string type: object api.GenericTransactionWithInfo: properties: signature: type: string tx: oneOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/models.Tx_Vote" - $ref: "#/components/schemas/models.Tx_Admin" - $ref: "#/components/schemas/models.Tx_SetProcess" - $ref: "#/components/schemas/models.Tx_RegisterKey" - $ref: "#/components/schemas/models.Tx_SendTokens" - $ref: "#/components/schemas/models.Tx_SetTransactionCosts" - $ref: "#/components/schemas/models.Tx_SetAccount" - $ref: "#/components/schemas/models.Tx_CollectFaucet" - $ref: "#/components/schemas/models.Tx_SetKeykeeper" txInfo: $ref: '#/components/schemas/indexertypes.Transaction' type: object api.LanguageString: additionalProperties: type: string type: object api.OrganizationParams: properties: limit: type: integer organizationId: type: string page: type: integer type: object api.OrganizationSummary: properties: electionCount: example: 1 type: integer organizationID: example: 3.1407138843303053e+47 type: string type: object api.OrganizationsList: properties: organizations: items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.OrganizationSummary' type: array pagination: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.Pagination' type: object api.Pagination: properties: currentPage: type: integer lastPage: type: integer nextPage: type: integer previousPage: type: integer totalItems: type: integer type: object api.Question: properties: choices: items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.ChoiceMetadata' type: array description: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.LanguageString' meta: {} title: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.LanguageString' type: object api.TallyMode: properties: costExponent: type: integer maxCount: type: integer maxTotalCost: type: integer maxValue: type: integer maxVoteOverwrites: type: integer type: object api.Transaction: properties: code: type: integer x-omitempty: true hash: type: string x-omitempty: true response: format: base64 type: string x-omitempty: true type: object api.TransactionsList: properties: pagination: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.Pagination' transactions: items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/indexertypes.TransactionMetadata' type: array type: object api.TransfersList: properties: pagination: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.Pagination' transfers: items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/indexertypes.TokenTransferMeta' type: array type: object api.Validator: properties: address: type: string joinHeight: type: integer name: type: string power: type: integer proposals: type: integer pubKey: type: string score: type: integer validatorAddress: type: string votes: type: integer type: object api.ValidatorList: properties: validators: items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.Validator' type: array type: object api.Vote: properties: blockHeight: type: integer x-omitempty: true date: description: Date when the vote was emitted type: string x-omitempty: true electionID: type: string x-omitempty: true encryptionKeys: description: Sent only for encrypted elections (no results until the end) items: type: integer type: array x-omitempty: true number: type: integer x-omitempty: true overwriteCount: type: integer x-omitempty: true package: description: For encrypted elections this will be codified items: type: integer type: array x-omitempty: true transactionIndex: type: integer x-omitempty: true txHash: type: string x-omitempty: true voteID: description: >- VoteID here produces a `voteID` over JSON that differs in casing from the rest of params and JSONs but is kept for backwards compatibility type: string x-omitempty: true voterID: type: string x-omitempty: true weight: description: '[math/big.Int.String]' type: string x-omitempty: true type: object api.VoteMode: properties: anonymous: type: boolean costFromWeight: type: boolean encryptedVotes: type: boolean serial: type: boolean uniqueValues: type: boolean type: object api.VoteType: properties: costExponent: type: integer costFromWeight: type: boolean maxCount: type: integer maxValue: type: integer maxVoteOverwrites: type: integer uniqueChoices: type: boolean type: object api.VotesList: properties: pagination: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.Pagination' votes: items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/api.Vote' type: array type: object apirest.APIerror: properties: code: type: integer err: {} httpstatus: type: integer type: object censusdb.CensusDump: properties: censusID: type: string data: items: type: integer type: array maxLevels: description: >- MaxLevels is required to load the census with the original size because it could be different according to the election (and census) type. type: integer rootHash: type: string size: type: integer token: type: string type: $ref: '#/components/schemas/models.Census_Type' uri: type: string type: object circuit.Config: properties: circuitPath: description: |- CircuitPath defines the path from where the files are downloaded. Locally, they will be cached inside circuit.BaseDir path, under that directory it will follow the CircuitPath dir structure type: string levels: description: >- Levels refers the number of levels that the merkle tree associated to the current circuit configuration artifacts has type: integer publicSignals: additionalProperties: type: integer description: PublicSignals indicates the index of each public signal type: object uri: description: URI defines the URI from where to download the files type: string vKeyFilename: description: |- FilenameVerificationKey defines the name of the file of the circom VerificationKey type: string vKeyHash: description: >- VerificationKeyHash contains the expected hash for the file filenameVK type: string version: description: Version of the published circuit type: string wasmFilename: description: >- FilenameWasm defines the name of the file of the circuit wasm compiled version type: string wasmHash: description: WasmHash contains the expected hash for the file filenameWasm type: string zKeyFilename: description: >- FilenameProvingKey defines the name of the file of the circom ProvingKey type: string zKeyHash: description: ProvingKeyHash contains the expected hash for the file filenameZKey type: string type: object electionprice.Calculator: properties: basePrice: description: base price for an election example: 5 type: integer capacity: description: capacity of the blockchain example: 2000 type: integer factors: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/electionprice.Factors' description: factors affecting the price type: object electionprice.ElectionParameters: properties: anonymousVotes: type: boolean electionBlocks: type: integer electionDuration: type: integer encryptedVotes: type: boolean maxCensusSize: type: integer maxVoteOverwrite: type: integer type: object electionprice.Factors: properties: k1: description: sizePriceFactor example: 0.002 type: number k2: description: durationPriceFactor example: 0.0005 type: number k3: description: encryptedPriceFactor example: 0.005 type: number k4: description: anonymousPriceFactor example: 10 type: number k5: description: overwritePriceFactor example: 3 type: number k6: description: Size scaling factor for maxCensusSize example: 0.0008 type: number k7: description: Threshold for maxCensusSize scaling example: 200 type: integer type: object genesis.TransactionCosts: properties: Tx_AddDelegateForAccount: type: integer Tx_CollectFaucet: type: integer Tx_CreateAccount: type: integer Tx_DelDelegateForAccount: type: integer Tx_DelSik: type: integer Tx_NewProcess: type: integer Tx_RegisterKey: type: integer Tx_SendTokens: type: integer Tx_SetAccountInfoURI: type: integer Tx_SetAccountValidator: type: integer Tx_SetProcessCensus: type: integer Tx_SetProcessDuration: type: integer Tx_SetProcessQuestionIndex: type: integer Tx_SetProcessStatus: type: integer Tx_SetSik: type: integer type: object github_com_cometbft_cometbft_types.Header: properties: app_hash: description: state after txs from the previous block items: type: integer type: array chain_id: type: string consensus_hash: description: consensus params for current block items: type: integer type: array data_hash: description: transactions items: type: integer type: array evidence_hash: description: consensus info items: type: integer type: array height: type: integer last_block_id: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/types.BlockID' description: prev block info last_commit_hash: description: hashes of block data items: type: integer type: array last_results_hash: description: >- root hash of all results from the txs from the previous block see `DeterministicExecTxResult` to understand which parts of a tx is hashed into here items: type: integer type: array next_validators_hash: description: validators for the next block items: type: integer type: array proposer_address: description: original proposer of the block items: type: integer type: array time: type: string validators_hash: description: hashes from the app output from the prev block items: type: integer type: array version: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/v1.Consensus' description: basic block info type: object indexertypes.Account: properties: address: items: type: integer type: array balance: type: integer nonce: type: integer type: object indexertypes.Block: properties: chainId: type: string hash: type: string height: type: integer lastBlockHash: type: string proposer: type: string time: type: string txCount: type: integer type: object indexertypes.TokenFeeMeta: properties: cost: type: integer from: items: type: integer type: array height: type: integer reference: type: string timestamp: type: string txType: type: string type: object indexertypes.TokenTransferMeta: properties: amount: type: integer from: items: type: integer type: array height: type: integer timestamp: type: string to: items: type: integer type: array txHash: type: string type: object indexertypes.Transaction: properties: hash: example: 75e8f822f5dd13973ac5158d600f0a2a5fea4bfefce9712ab5195bf17884cfad type: string height: example: 64924 format: int32 type: integer index: example: 0 format: int32 type: integer signer: example: 0e45513942cf95330fc5e9020851b8bdd9b9c9df type: string subtype: example: set_process_census type: string type: enum: - vote - newProcess - admin - setProcess - registerKey - mintTokens - sendTokens - setTransactionCosts - setAccount - collectFaucet - setKeykeeper example: Vote type: string type: object indexertypes.TransactionMetadata: properties: hash: example: 75e8f822f5dd13973ac5158d600f0a2a5fea4bfefce9712ab5195bf17884cfad type: string height: example: 64924 format: int32 type: integer index: example: 0 format: int32 type: integer signer: example: 0e45513942cf95330fc5e9020851b8bdd9b9c9df type: string subtype: example: set_process_census type: string type: enum: - vote - newProcess - admin - setProcess - registerKey - mintTokens - sendTokens - setTransactionCosts - setAccount - collectFaucet - setKeykeeper example: Vote type: string type: object models.AdminTx: properties: address: items: type: integer type: array encryptionPrivateKey: items: type: integer type: array encryptionPublicKey: items: type: integer type: array keyIndex: type: integer nonce: type: integer power: type: integer processId: items: type: integer type: array publicKey: items: type: integer type: array txtype: $ref: '#/components/schemas/models.TxType' type: object models.CensusOrigin: enum: - 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 type: integer x-enum-varnames: - CensusOrigin_CENSUS_UNKNOWN - CensusOrigin_OFF_CHAIN_TREE - CensusOrigin_OFF_CHAIN_TREE_WEIGHTED - CensusOrigin_OFF_CHAIN_CA - CensusOrigin_ERC20 - CensusOrigin_ERC721 - CensusOrigin_ERC1155 - CensusOrigin_ERC777 - CensusOrigin_MINI_ME - CensusOrigin_FARCASTER_FRAME models.Census_Type: enum: - 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 type: integer x-enum-varnames: - Census_UNKNOWN - Census_ARBO_BLAKE2B - Census_ARBO_POSEIDON - Census_ETHEREUMSTORAGE - Census_ETHEREUMACCOUNT - Census_CA - Census_FARCASTER_FRAME models.CollectFaucetTx: properties: faucetPackage: $ref: '#/components/schemas/models.FaucetPackage' nonce: type: integer txType: $ref: '#/components/schemas/models.TxType' type: object models.EnvelopeType: properties: anonymous: type: boolean costFromWeight: type: boolean encryptedVotes: type: boolean serial: type: boolean uniqueValues: type: boolean type: object models.FaucetPackage: properties: payload: items: type: integer type: array signature: items: type: integer type: array type: object models.NewProcessTx: properties: faucetPackage: $ref: '#/components/schemas/models.FaucetPackage' nonce: type: integer process: $ref: '#/components/schemas/models.Process' txtype: $ref: '#/components/schemas/models.TxType' type: object models.Process: properties: blockCount: description: >- BlockCount represents the amount of tendermint blocks that the process will last type: integer censusOrigin: $ref: '#/components/schemas/models.CensusOrigin' censusRoot: description: CensusRoot merkle root of all the census in the process items: type: integer type: array censusURI: description: CensusURI where to find the census type: string duration: description: The duration of the process in seconds type: integer encryptionPrivateKeys: description: EncryptionPrivateKeys are the keys required to decrypt the votes items: type: string type: array encryptionPublicKeys: description: EncryptionPublicKeys are the keys required to encrypt the votes items: type: string type: array entityId: description: EntityId identifies unequivocally an entity items: type: integer type: array envelopeType: $ref: '#/components/schemas/models.EnvelopeType' ethIndexSlot: type: integer keyIndex: type: integer maxCensusSize: description: >- MaxCensusSize is set by the Process creator, indicates the maximum number of votes that will be allowed. type: integer metadata: description: >- Metadata is the content hashed URI of the JSON meta data (See Data Origins) type: string mode: $ref: '#/components/schemas/models.ProcessMode' namespace: type: integer nullifiersRoot: description: |- NullifiersRoot is the root of the pre-census nullifiers merkle tree. Used when Mode.PreRegister = true. items: type: integer type: array owner: description: >- Owner is the creator of a process (if any) otherwise is assumed the creator is the entityId items: type: integer type: array paramsSignature: items: type: integer type: array processId: items: type: integer type: array questionCount: type: integer questionIndex: type: integer results: $ref: '#/components/schemas/models.ProcessResult' rollingCensusRoot: description: |- RollingCensusRoot merkle root of the rolling census. Set by the vocdoni-node when Mode.Process = true items: type: integer type: array rollingCensusSize: description: |- RollingCensusSize is set by the vocdoni-node when Mode.PreRegister = true and the StartBlock has been reached. type: integer sourceBlockHeight: description: >- SourceBlockHeight is the block height of the origin blockchain (if any) type: integer sourceNetworkContractAddr: description: >- sourceNetworkContractAddr is used for EVM token based voting and it is the contract address of the token that is going to define the census items: type: integer type: array sourceNetworkId: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/models.SourceNetworkId' description: >- SourceNetworkId is the identifier of the network origin (where the process have been created) startBlock: description: >- StartBlock represents the tendermint block where the process goes from scheduled to active type: integer startTime: description: The unix timestamp of the start of the process type: integer status: $ref: '#/components/schemas/models.ProcessStatus' tempSIKs: description: >- tempSIKs flag decides if when the process has finished, the SIKs related to it will be removed or not type: boolean tokenDecimals: description: >- tokenDecimals represents the number of decimals of the token (i.e ERC20) used for voting. It is normally used for processes with on-chain census type: integer voteOptions: $ref: '#/components/schemas/models.ProcessVoteOptions' type: object models.ProcessMode: properties: autoStart: type: boolean dynamicCensus: type: boolean encryptedMetaData: type: boolean interruptible: type: boolean preRegister: type: boolean type: object models.ProcessResult: properties: votes: items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/models.QuestionResult' type: array type: object models.ProcessStatus: enum: - 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 type: integer x-enum-varnames: - ProcessStatus_PROCESS_UNKNOWN - ProcessStatus_READY - ProcessStatus_ENDED - ProcessStatus_CANCELED - ProcessStatus_PAUSED - ProcessStatus_RESULTS models.ProcessVoteOptions: properties: costExponent: type: integer maxCount: type: integer maxTotalCost: type: integer maxValue: type: integer maxVoteOverwrites: type: integer type: object models.Proof: properties: payload: description: "Types that are assignable to Payload:\n\n\t*Proof_EthereumStorage\n\t*Proof_EthereumAccount\n\t*Proof_Ca\n\t*Proof_Arbo\n\t*Proof_ZkSnark\n\t*Proof_MinimeStorage\n\t*Proof_FarcasterFrame" type: object models.QuestionResult: properties: question: items: items: type: integer type: array type: array type: object models.RegisterKeyTx: properties: newKey: description: New key to register items: type: integer type: array nonce: description: >- Unique number per vote attempt, so that replay attacks can't reuse this payload type: integer processId: description: The process for which the vote is casted items: type: integer type: array proof: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/models.Proof' description: Franchise proof weight: description: Weight to delegate to newKey type: string type: object models.SendTokensTx: properties: from: items: type: integer type: array nonce: type: integer to: items: type: integer type: array txtype: $ref: '#/components/schemas/models.TxType' value: type: integer type: object models.SetAccountTx: properties: SIK: items: type: integer type: array account: items: type: integer type: array delegates: items: items: type: integer type: array type: array faucetPackage: $ref: '#/components/schemas/models.FaucetPackage' infoURI: type: string name: type: string nonce: type: integer publicKey: items: type: integer type: array txtype: $ref: '#/components/schemas/models.TxType' type: object models.SetKeykeeperTx: properties: keykeeper: items: type: integer type: array nonce: type: integer txtype: $ref: '#/components/schemas/models.TxType' type: object models.SetProcessTx: properties: censusRoot: items: type: integer type: array censusSize: type: integer censusURI: type: string duration: type: integer faucetPackage: $ref: '#/components/schemas/models.FaucetPackage' nonce: type: integer processId: items: type: integer type: array proof: $ref: '#/components/schemas/models.Proof' questionIndex: type: integer results: $ref: '#/components/schemas/models.ProcessResult' status: $ref: '#/components/schemas/models.ProcessStatus' tempSIKs: description: >- tempSIKs flag decides if when the process has finished, the SIKs related to it will be removed or not type: boolean txtype: $ref: '#/components/schemas/models.TxType' type: object models.SetTransactionCostsTx: properties: nonce: type: integer txtype: $ref: '#/components/schemas/models.TxType' value: type: integer type: object models.SignedTx: properties: signature: description: >- The signature for the tx bytes. signature is only required in those transactions that actually need signature. I.e zk-Snarks based transactions won't needed, however the transaction should use this message type in order to preserve consistency on the Vochain items: type: integer type: array tx: description: 'The bytes produced by Marshaling a Tx{} message' items: type: integer type: array type: object models.SourceNetworkId: enum: - 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 type: integer x-enum-varnames: - SourceNetworkId_UNKNOWN - SourceNetworkId_ETH_MAINNET - SourceNetworkId_ETH_RINKEBY - SourceNetworkId_ETH_GOERLI - SourceNetworkId_POA_XDAI - SourceNetworkId_POA_SOKOL - SourceNetworkId_POLYGON - SourceNetworkId_BSC - SourceNetworkId_ETH_MAINNET_SIGNALING - SourceNetworkId_ETH_RINKEBY_SIGNALING - SourceNetworkId_AVAX_FUJI - SourceNetworkId_AVAX - SourceNetworkId_POLYGON_MUMBAI - SourceNetworkId_OPTIMISM - SourceNetworkId_ARBITRUM models.TxType: enum: - 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 15 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 type: integer x-enum-varnames: - TxType_TX_UNKNOWN - TxType_NEW_PROCESS - TxType_SET_PROCESS_STATUS - TxType_SET_PROCESS_CENSUS - TxType_SET_PROCESS_QUESTION_INDEX - TxType_ADD_PROCESS_KEYS - TxType_REVEAL_PROCESS_KEYS - TxType_ADD_ORACLE - TxType_REMOVE_ORACLE - TxType_ADD_VALIDATOR - TxType_REMOVE_VALIDATOR - TxType_VOTE - TxType_SET_PROCESS_RESULTS - TxType_REGISTER_VOTER_KEY - TxType_SEND_TOKENS - TxType_SET_ACCOUNT_INFO_URI - TxType_ADD_DELEGATE_FOR_ACCOUNT - TxType_DEL_DELEGATE_FOR_ACCOUNT - TxType_COLLECT_FAUCET - TxType_ADD_KEYKEEPER - TxType_DELETE_KEYKEEPER - TxType_CREATE_ACCOUNT - TxType_SET_ACCOUNT_SIK - TxType_DEL_ACCOUNT_SIK - TxType_REGISTER_SIK - TxType_SET_ACCOUNT_VALIDATOR - TxType_SET_PROCESS_DURATION models.Tx_Admin: properties: admin: $ref: '#/components/schemas/models.AdminTx' type: object models.Tx_CollectFaucet: properties: collectFaucet: $ref: '#/components/schemas/models.CollectFaucetTx' type: object models.Tx_NewProcess: properties: newProcess: $ref: '#/components/schemas/models.NewProcessTx' type: object models.Tx_RegisterKey: properties: registerKey: $ref: '#/components/schemas/models.RegisterKeyTx' type: object models.Tx_SendTokens: properties: sendTokens: $ref: '#/components/schemas/models.SendTokensTx' type: object models.Tx_SetAccount: properties: setAccount: $ref: '#/components/schemas/models.SetAccountTx' type: object models.Tx_SetKeykeeper: properties: setKeykeeper: $ref: '#/components/schemas/models.SetKeykeeperTx' type: object models.Tx_SetProcess: properties: setProcess: $ref: '#/components/schemas/models.SetProcessTx' type: object models.Tx_SetTransactionCosts: properties: setTransactionCosts: $ref: '#/components/schemas/models.SetTransactionCostsTx' type: object models.Tx_Vote: properties: vote: $ref: '#/components/schemas/models.VoteEnvelope' type: object models.VoteEnvelope: properties: encryptionKeyIndexes: description: >- On encrypted votes, contains the (sorted) indexes of the keys used to encrypt items: type: integer type: array nonce: description: >- Unique number per vote attempt, so that replay attacks can't reuse this payload items: type: integer type: array nullifier: description: Hash of the private key + processId items: type: integer type: array processId: description: The process for which the vote is casted items: type: integer type: array proof: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/models.Proof' description: Franchise proof votePackage: description: >- JSON string of the Vote Package (potentially encrypted), encoded as bytes. items: type: integer type: array type: object types.BigInt: type: object types.BlockID: properties: hash: items: type: integer type: array parts: $ref: '#/components/schemas/types.PartSetHeader' type: object types.PartSetHeader: properties: hash: items: type: integer type: array total: type: integer type: object v1.Consensus: properties: app: type: integer block: type: integer type: object securitySchemes: BasicAuth: scheme: basic type: http tags: - description: >- Everything about internal Vochain information (transactions, organizations, blocks, stats...) name: Chain - description: >- Related to account metadata (additional account information like balance, storage URI, process count...) name: Accounts - description: 'Create, manage and get information about elections' name: Elections - description: 'Manage census: create, add, get, verify...' name: Censuses - description: 'Submit, get, and verify votes' name: Votes - description: Operations for the wallets managed backend side name: Wallet - description: The Secret Identity Key (SIK) operations used on anonymous voting name: SIK