# Template file for 'ccl' pkgname=ccl version=1.12 revision=1 archs="i686* x86_64*" create_wrksrc=yes hostmakedepends="m4" short_desc="Clozure Common Lisp interpreter and compiler" maintainer="rc-05 " license="Apache-2.0" homepage="https://ccl.clozure.com/" distfiles=" https://github.com/Clozure/ccl/archive/v${version}.tar.gz https://github.com/Clozure/ccl/releases/download/v${version}/linuxx86.tar.gz " checksum=" 774a06b4fb6dc4b51dfb26da8e1cc809c605e7706c12180805d1be6f2885bd52 7fbdb04fb1b19f0307c517aa5ee329cb4a21ecc0a43afd1b77531e4594638796 " nopie=1 nostrip=1 disable_parallel_build=1 python_version=3 case $XBPS_MACHINE in x86_64*) _arch=64 ;; i686-musl) broken="SIGSEGV accessing context->regs: address not mapped to object" ;; *) _arch='' ;; esac post_extract() { mv ccl-${version}/* . vsed -i -e"/^COPT =/s/$/ -fcommon/" lisp-kernel/*/Makefile } do_build() { # recompile kernel, mandatory for musl cd "lisp-kernel/linuxx86${_arch:-32}" make cd ../.. ./lx86cl$_arch -n -Q -b -e '(ccl:rebuild-ccl :full t)' -e '(ccl:quit)' } do_install() { find . -type d -name .svn -exec rm -rf '{}' + find . -name '*.o' -delete find . -name '*.*fsl' -delete vmkdir usr/lib/$pkgname vcopy lx86cl$_arch usr/lib/$pkgname vcopy lx86cl$_arch.image usr/lib/$pkgname cat > exe.sh <