#!/usr/local/bin/node //Volumio Network Manager - Copyright Michelangelo Guarise - Volumio.org // Time needed to settle some commands sent to the system like ifconfig var debug = false; var settleTime = 3000; var fs = require('fs-extra') var thus = require('child_process'); var wlan = "wlan0"; var dhcpd = "dhcpd"; var dhclient = "/usr/bin/sudo /sbin/dhcpcd"; var justdhclient = "/usr/bin/sudo /sbin/dhcpcd"; var starthostapd = "systemctl start hotspot.service"; var stophostapd = "systemctl stop hotspot.service"; var ifconfigHotspot = "ifconfig " + wlan + " up"; var ifconfigWlan = "ifconfig " + wlan + " up"; var ifdeconfig = "sudo ip addr flush dev " + wlan + " && sudo ifconfig " + wlan + " down"; var execSync = require('child_process').execSync; var ifconfig = require('/volumio/app/plugins/system_controller/network/lib/ifconfig.js'); var wirelessEstablishedOnceFlagFile = '/data/flagfiles/wirelessEstablishedOnce'; var wirelessWPADriver = getWirelessWPADriverString(); if (debug) { var wpasupp = "wpa_supplicant -d -s -B -D" + wirelessWPADriver + " -c/etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf -i" + wlan; } else { var wpasupp = "wpa_supplicant -s -B -D" + wirelessWPADriver + " -c/etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf -i" + wlan; } function kill(process, callback) { var all = process.split(" "); var process = all[0]; var command = 'kill `pgrep -f "^' + process + '"` || true'; logger("killing: " + command); return thus.exec(command, callback); } function launch(fullprocess, name, sync, callback) { if (sync) { var child = thus.exec(fullprocess, {}, callback); child.stdout.on('data', function(data) { logger(name + 'stdout: ' + data); }); child.stderr.on('data', function(data) { logger(name + 'stderr: ' + data); }); child.on('close', function(code) { logger(name + 'child process exited with code ' + code); }); } else { var all = fullprocess.split(" "); var process = all[0]; if (all.length > 0) { all.splice(0, 1); } logger("launching " + process + " args: "); logger(all); var child = thus.spawn(process, all, {}); child.stdout.on('data', function(data) { logger(name + 'stdout: ' + data); }); child.stderr.on('data', function(data) { logger(name + 'stderr: ' + data); }); child.on('close', function(code) { logger(name + 'child process exited with code ' + code); }); callback(); } return } function startHotspot() { stopHotspot(function(err) { if (isHotspotDisabled()) { console.log('Hotspot is disabled, not starting it'); launch(ifconfigWlan, "configwlanup", true, function(err) { logger("ifconfig " + err); }); } else { launch(ifconfigHotspot, "confighotspot", true, function(err) { logger("ifconfig " + err); launch(starthostapd,"hotspot" , false, function() { wstatus("hotspot"); }); }); } }); } function startHotspotForce() { stopHotspot(function(err) { console.log('Starting Force Hotspot') launch(ifconfigHotspot, "confighotspot", true, function(err) { logger("ifconfig " + err); launch(starthostapd,"hotspot" , false, function() { wstatus("hotspot"); }); }); }); } function stopHotspot(callback) { launch(stophostapd, "stophotspot" , true, function(err) { launch(ifdeconfig, "ifdeconfig", true, callback); }); } function startAP(callback) { console.log("Stopped hotspot (if there).."); launch(ifdeconfig, "ifdeconfig", true, function(err) { logger("Conf " + ifdeconfig); launch(wpasupp, "wpa supplicant", false, function(err) { logger("wpasupp " + err); wpaerr = err; try { dhclient = fs.readFileSync('/data/configuration/wlanstatic', 'utf8'); console.log("FIXED IP"); } catch (e) { console.log("DHCP IP "); } launch(dhclient,"dhclient", false, callback); }); }); } function stopAP(callback) { kill(justdhclient, function(err) { kill(wpasupp, function(err) { callback(); }); }); } var wpaerr; var lesstimer; var totalSecondsForConnection = 20; var pollingTime = 1; var actualTime = 0; var apstopped = 0 function startFlow() { try { var netconfigured = fs.statSync('/data/configuration/netconfigured'); } catch (e) { var directhotspot = true; } try { fs.accessSync('/tmp/forcehotspot', fs.F_OK); var hotspotForce = true; fs.unlinkSync('/tmp/forcehotspot') } catch (e) { var hotspotForce = false; } if (hotspotForce) { console.log('Wireless networking forced to hotspot mode'); startHotspotForce(function () {}); } else if (isWirelessDisabled()) { console.log('Wireless Networking DISABLED, not starting wireless flow'); } else if (directhotspot){ startHotspot(function () {}); } else { console.log("Start wireless flow"); startAP(function () { console.log("Start ap"); lesstimer = setInterval(()=> { actualTime += pollingTime; if (wpaerr > 0) { actualTime = totalSecondsForConnection + 1; } if (actualTime > totalSecondsForConnection) { console.log("Overtime, starting plan B"); if (hotspotFallbackCondition()) { console.log('STARTING HOTSPOT'); apstopped = 1; clearTimeout(lesstimer); stopAP(function () { setTimeout(()=> { startHotspot(function (err) { if(err) { console.log('Could not start Hotspot Fallback: ' + err); } }); }, settleTime); }); } else { apstopped = 0; wstatus("ap"); clearTimeout(lesstimer); } } else { var SSID = undefined; console.log("trying..."); try { var SSID = execSync("/usr/bin/sudo /sbin/iwgetid -r", { uid: 1000, gid: 1000, encoding: 'utf8'}); console.log('Connected to: ----'+SSID+'----'); } catch(e) { //console.log('ERROR: '+e) } if (SSID != undefined) { ifconfig.status(wlan, function (err, ifstatus) { console.log("... joined AP, wlan0 IPv4 is " + ifstatus.ipv4_address + ", ipV6 is " + ifstatus.ipv6_address); if (((ifstatus.ipv4_address != undefined) && (ifstatus.ipv4_address.length > "".length)) || ((ifstatus.ipv6_address != undefined) && (ifstatus.ipv6_address.length > "::".length))) { if (apstopped == 0) { console.log("It's done! AP"); wstatus("ap"); clearTimeout(lesstimer); restartAvahi(); saveWirelessConnectionEstablished(); } } }); } } }, pollingTime * 1000); }); } } function stop(callback) { stopAP(function() { stopHotspot(callback); }); } if ( ! fs.existsSync("/sys/class/net/" + wlan + "/operstate") ) { console.log("WIRELESS: No wireless interface, exiting"); process.exit(1); } if (process.argv.length < 2) { console.log("Use: start|stop"); } else { var args = process.argv[2]; logger('WIRELESS DAEMON: ' + args); switch (args) { case "start": console.log("Cleaning previous..."); stopHotspot(function () { stopAP(function() { console.log("Stopped aP"); startFlow(); })}); break; case "stop": stopAP(function() {}); break; case "test": wstatus("test"); break; } } function wstatus(nstatus) { thus.exec("echo " + nstatus + " >/tmp/networkstatus", null); } function restartAvahi() { //thus.exec("/bin/systemctl restart avahi-daemon"); } function logger(msg) { if (debug) { console.log(msg) } } function getWirelessConfiguration() { try { var conf = fs.readJsonSync('/data/configuration/system_controller/network/config.json'); logger('WIRELESS: Loaded configuration'); logger('WIRELESS CONF: ' + JSON.stringify(conf)); } catch (e) { logger('WIRELESS: First boot'); var conf = fs.readJsonSync('/volumio/app/plugins/system_controller/network/config.json'); } return conf } function isHotspotDisabled() { var hotspotConf = getWirelessConfiguration(); var hotspotDisabled = false; if (hotspotConf !== undefined && hotspotConf.enable_hotspot !== undefined && hotspotConf.enable_hotspot.value !== undefined && !hotspotConf.enable_hotspot.value) { hotspotDisabled = true; } return hotspotDisabled } function isWirelessDisabled() { var wirelessConf = getWirelessConfiguration(); var wirelessDisabled = false; if (wirelessConf !== undefined && wirelessConf.wireless_enabled !== undefined && wirelessConf.wireless_enabled.value !== undefined && !wirelessConf.wireless_enabled.value) { wirelessDisabled = true; } return wirelessDisabled } function hotspotFallbackCondition() { var hotspotFallbackConf = getWirelessConfiguration(); var startHotspotFallback = false; if (hotspotFallbackConf !== undefined && hotspotFallbackConf.hotspot_fallback !== undefined && hotspotFallbackConf.hotspot_fallback.value !== undefined && hotspotFallbackConf.hotspot_fallback.value) { startHotspotFallback = true; } if (!startHotspotFallback && !hasWirelessConnectionBeenEstablishedOnce()) { startHotspotFallback = true; } return startHotspotFallback } function saveWirelessConnectionEstablished() { try { fs.ensureFileSync(wirelessEstablishedOnceFlagFile) } catch (e) { logger('Could not save Wireless Connection Established: ' + e); } } function hasWirelessConnectionBeenEstablishedOnce() { var wirelessEstablished = false; try { if (fs.existsSync(wirelessEstablishedOnceFlagFile)) { wirelessEstablished = true; } } catch(err) {} return wirelessEstablished } function getWirelessWPADriverString() { try { var volumioHW = execSync("cat /etc/os-release | grep ^VOLUMIO_HARDWARE | tr -d 'VOLUMIO_HARDWARE=\"'", { uid: 1000, gid: 1000, encoding: 'utf8'}).replace('\n',''); } catch(e) { var volumioHW = 'none'; } var fullDriver = 'nl80211,wext'; var onlyWextDriver = 'wext'; if (volumioHW === 'nanopineo2') { return onlyWextDriver } else { return fullDriver } }