{ "ALARM": { "ALARM_CLOCK_SAVE": "Alarm has been set", "ALARM_CLOCK_TITLE": "Alarm Clock", "PLAYLIST_SELECT_ERROR": "Please select a Playlist", "SLEEP_MODE_HOUR": "hour(s)", "SLEEP_MODE_IN": "in", "SLEEP_MODE_MINUTE": "minute(s)", "SLEEP_MODE_SYSTEM_WILL": "The system will", "SLEEP_MODE_TITLE": "Sleep Mode", "STOP_MUSIC": "Stop Music", "TIME_SELECT_ERROR": "Please select an alarm start time", "TURN_OFF": "Turn off" }, "APPEARANCE": { "ALBUMARTIST": "Albumartist", "ALBUMART_CACHE_CLEARED": "Album Art cache reset successfully", "ALBUMART_CACHE_CLEAR_ERROR": "Error clearing albumart cache, please retry in a few minutes.", "ALBUMART_RESET_CACHE": "Reset Album Art cache", "ALBUMART_RESET_CACHE_DOC": "The system caches your albumart to improve performance, but this prevents newly added albumart from being shown. By resetting the cache you will be able to see newly added albumart.", "ALBUMART_SETTINGS": "Album Art Settings", "APPEARANCE": "Appearance", "ARTIST": "Artist", "ARTIST_SORTING": "Sort artists by", "ARTIST_SORTING_DOC": "Choose the metadata used to sort artists", "BACKGROUND_DELETED": "Background deleted", "BROWSE_SOURCES_VISIBILITY": "Sources Visibility", "COMPILATION_METADATA": "Compilation metadata fields", "COMPILATION_METADATA_DOC": "Configure the metadata fields used to describe albumartist in compilations or 'multiple artist' albums, use comma separated fields.", "EXTRALARGE": "Extra-large", "IMAGE_MUST_BE_LESS_THAN": "Image size must be less than", "LARGE": "Large", "MEDIUM": "Medium", "MEGA": "Mega", "METADATA_IMAGE": "Show embedded albumart", "METADATA_IMAGE_DOC": "When enabled, if no albumart file can be found in the folder, the system will attempt to extract any albumart embedded in your music files. This will most likely increase albumart loading times.", "MUSIC_LIBRARY_SETTINGS": "Music Library Settings", "NEW_BACKGROUND_APPLIED": "New Background applied", "NEW_LANGUAGE_SET": "New language set", "SHOW_TRACKNUMBERS": "Show Track numbers", "SHOW_TRACKNUMBERS_DOC": "Prepend track numbers to tracks title", "SMALL": "Small", "UI_CONFIG_LANGUAGE": "Language and Timezone", "UI_CONFIG_SELECT_LANGUAGE": "Select Language", "UI_CONFIG_SELECT_LANGUAGE_DOC": "Select the Language of your system", "UI_CONFIG_SELECT_TIMEZONE": "Select Timezone", "UI_CONFIG_SELECT_TIMEZONE_DOC": "Select the Timezone of your system", "UPLOAD_FAILED": "Upload failed", "USER_INTERFACE_CLASSIC": "Classic", "USER_INTERFACE_CONTEMPORARY": "Contemporary", "USER_INTERFACE_MANIFEST": "Manifest", "USER_INTERFACE_LAYOUT_DESIGN": "Legacy User Interfaces", "USER_INTERFACE_LAYOUT_DESIGN_DOC": "Select the desired user interface layout design. Contemporary UI offers an experience based on the most popular music players UI. Classic has a 3 tab design, offering a more minimalistic approach ", "VOLUMIO3_EXPERIMENTAL_UI": "Enable Experimental User Interface", "VOLUMIO3_EXPERIMENTAL_UI_DOC": "Enable Experimental User Interface", "WEB_ALBUMART_ENABLE": "Web Album art", "WEB_ALBUMART_ENABLE_DOC": "Enable retrieval of Album art from Web, if no image is found in the file folder", "WEB_ALBUMART_SIZE": "Web Album art Size", "WEB_ALBUMART_SIZE_DOC": "Choose the size of Album art downloaded from web: higher quality requires longer load times. Lower values may improve load times.", "SUPERSEARCH_INFINITY_SERVICES": "SuperSearch and Infinity Playback Enabled Services", "USER_INTERFACE": "User Interface", "USER_INTERFACE_SETTINGS": "User Interface Settings", "USER_INTERFACE_SUCCESSFULLY_SET_TO": "User Interface successfully set to" }, "COMMON": { "ADD_QUEUE_TEXT_1": "Added ", "ADD_QUEUE_TEXT_2": " to queue", "ADD_QUEUE_TITLE": "Add to queue", "PLAY_NEXT_TITLE":"Play next", "ALBUM": "Album", "ALBUMS": "Albums", "ARTIST": "Artist", "ARTISTS": "Artists", "CANCEL": "Cancel", "CANNOT_LIST": "Cannot list", "CLOSE": "Close", "CONFIGURATION_UPDATE": "Configuration update", "CONFIGURATION_UPDATE_DESCRIPTION": "Configuration Updated Successfully", "CONFIGURATION_UPDATE_ERROR": "An error has occurred", "CONNECT": "Connect", "CONNECTED": "Connected", "CONTINUE": "Continue", "DISABLED": "Disabled", "DISCONNECTED": "Disconnected", "ENABLED": "Enabled", "ERROR": "Error", "FAVOURITES": "Favorites", "FOUND": "Found", "GENRE": "Genre", "GENRES": "Genres", "GOT_IT": "Got it", "ILLEGAL_CHARACTER_/": "Remove forbidden character /", "LAST_100": "Last 100", "LOGGING_IN": "Logging in", "LOGGING_OUT": "Logging out", "LOGIN": "Login", "LOGIN_FAIL": "failed to log in", "LOGIN_SUCCESS": "Successfully logged in", "LOGOUT": "Logout", "LOGOUT_SUCCESS": "Successfully logged out", "MATCHING": "matching", "MEDIA_SERVERS": "Media Servers", "MUSIC_LIBRARY": "Music Library", "MY_MUSIC": "My Music", "NONE": "None", "NO_RESULTS": "No results", "OFF": "Off", "ON": "On", "OR": "or", "PASSWORD": "Password", "PLAYER_RESTARTED": "Player successfully restarted", "PLAYLISTS": "Playlists", "PLAY_TEXT": "Started playback of ", "PLAY_TITLE": "Play", "REMOVE_FAIL": "Could not remove", "REMOVE_QUEUE_TEXT_1": "Remove ", "REMOVE_QUEUE_TEXT_2": " from queue", "REMOVE_QUEUE_TITLE": "Remove", "RESCAN_DB": "Re-creating Music Database", "RESTART": "Restart", "SAVE": "Save", "SAVE_QUEUE_ERROR": "Cannot save queue to playlist", "SAVE_QUEUE_SUCCESS": "Queue successfully saved to playlist", "SCAN_DB": "Updating Music Database", "SCAN_DB_ERROR": "Error while scanning database", "SEARCH_ALBUM_SECTION": "Albums", "SEARCH_ARTIST_SECTION": "Artists", "SEARCH_SONG_SECTION": "Tracks", "SETTINGS_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY": "Settings saved successfully", "SETTINGS_SAVE_ERROR": "Error in saving settings", "SOURCES": "Sources", "TRACK": "Track", "TRACKS": "Tracks", "UPDATING_MUSIC_DB_WAIT_MESSAGE": "Your music is being scanned and the icon on bottom left will keep spinning until all your library has been successfully indexed. Since the system might be less responsive during this operation, please don't use the system while music is being indexed.", "USERNAME": "Username", "WITH": "with", "PLEASE_WAIT": "Please wait", "SEARCH_RESULTS_TITLE": "Number of search results", "ARTIST_NOT_FOUND_IN_YOUR_LIBRARY": "Artist not found in your library", "ALBUM_NOT_FOUND_IN_YOUR_LIBRARY": "Album not found in your library", "MINUTE": "Minute", "MINUTES": "Minutes", "HOUR": "Hour", "HOURS": "Hours", "CHECK_IF_YOUR_DEVICE_IS_CONNECTED_TO_INTERNET": "Check if your device is connected to the internet" }, "MAIN_MENU": { "ALARM": "Alarm", "APPEARANCE": "Appearance", "CREDITS": "Credits", "HELP": "Help", "MY_MUSIC": "My Music", "NETWORK": "Network", "PLAYBACK_OPTIONS": "Playback Options", "PLUGINS": "Plugins", "SHUTDOWN": "Shutdown", "SLEEP": "Sleep", "SOURCES": "Sources", "SYSTEM": "System", "MUSIC":"Music" }, "MYVOLUMIO": { "ENABLE_YOUR_DEVICE_TO_USE_THIS_FUNCTIONALITY": "To use this functionality, please enable MyVolumio on this device from your device list", "FEATURE_NOT_AVAILABLE": "Feature not available with current plan", "FEATURE_NOT_AVAILABLE_CURRENT_PLAN": "This feature cannot be enabled, since it's not available in your current MyVolumio Plan", "GOTO_DEVICE_LIST": "Go to My Devices list", "MYVOLUMIO_NOT_ENABLED_ON_DEVICE": "MyVolumio is not enabled on this device", "PLAN_REQUIRED": "is required to use this functionality", "PLEASE_ENABLE_MY_VOLUMIO": "MyVolumio includes support for streaming services such as TIDAL, QOBUZ and High Res Audio, as well as many additional plugins. In order to gain full access to them, you will need to subscribe a MyVolumio plan. Go to www.myvolumio.org to start a free trial!", "UPGRADE_YOUR_PLAN_NOW": "Upgrade your plan now" }, "NETWORK": { "AUTOMATIC_IP": "Automatic IP", "AUTOMATIC_IP_DOC": "Choose between DHCP and Static IP configuration", "DNS_ERROR_INFO": "Please fill in both DNS IP addresses properly", "DNS_SETTINGS": "DNS Settings", "ENABLE_CUSTOM_DNS": "Enable custom DNS server", "ENABLE_CUSTOM_DNS_DOC": "Set a custom DNS server, if enabled. This can be useful if your system cannot reach the internet, play webradios or download updates.", "ENABLE_HOTSPOT": "Enable Hotspot", "ENABLE_HOTSPOT_DOC": "The system will start an enabled hotspot automatically if the wireless network is dropped or no wireless network has been configured. Disable the hotspot feature to prevent this happening.", "GATEWAY": "Gateway", "HOTSPOT_CHANNEL": "Hotspot Channel", "HOTSPOT_CHANNEL_DOC": "Change the Hotspot Transmitting channel. This might be useful to improve wireless connection through Hotspot in network-dense environments.", "HOTSPOT_CONF_ERROR": "Hotspot Configuration Error", "HOTSPOT_FALLBACK": "Hotspot fallback", "HOTSPOT_FALLBACK_DOC": "If enabled, Hotspot will start when Wireless Network connection is lost. If disabled, the unit will keep on trying to reconnect to a known Wireless network.", "HOTSPOT_NAME": "Hotspot Name", "HOTSPOT_PASSWORD": "Hotspot Password", "HOTSPOT_PASSWORD_DOC": "Change the default Hotspot Password, use a passphrase of at least 8 characters", "HOTSPOT_PROTECTION": "Password Protected Hotspot", "HOTSPOT_PW_LENGTH": "Hotspot Password must be at least 8 characters long", "HOTSPOT_SETTINGS": "Hotspot Settings", "NETMASK": "Netmask", "NETWORK_RESTART_ERROR": "Error while restarting network: ", "NETWORK_RESTART_SUCCESS": "Network successfully restarted", "NETWORK_RESTART_TITLE": "Network restart", "NETWORK_SETTINGS": "Network Settings", "PRIMARY_DNS": "Primary DNS", "SECONDARYY_DNS": "Secondary DNS", "STATIC_IP": "Static IP", "STATIC_IP_WARNING": "Warning, please make sure Static IP Settings are correct. A wrong configuration might render your device unreachable", "WIRED_NETWORK": "Wired Network", "WIRELESS_ENABLED": "Wireless Networking", "WIRELESS_ENABLED_DOC": "Enable or disable Wireless Networking. This might improve Sound quality of the system.", "WIRELESS_NETWORK": "Wireless Network", "WIRELESS_NETWORK_CONNECTION_DEFER": "The unit will connect to network", "WIRELESS_NETWORK_CONNECTION_DEFER2": "when first setup will be completed.", "WIRELESS_NETWORK_CONNECTION_ERROR": "Failed to connect to network", "WIRELESS_NETWORK_CONNECTION_ERROR_PROCEED": "Please retry or proceed to next step", "WIRELESS_NETWORK_CONNECTION_SUCCESSFUL": "Successfully connected to network", "WIRELESS_NETWORK_CONNECTION_SUCCESSFUL_PROCEED": "Please proceed to next step", "WIRELESS_RESTART_ERROR": "Error while restarting wireless: ", "WIRELESS_RESTART_SUCCESS": "Wireless successfully restarted", "WIRELESS_RESTART_TITLE": "Wireless restart", "WIRELESS_NETWORK_CONNECTING_TO": "Connecting to wireless network", "WIRELESS_NETWORK_RESTART_AFTER_CONNECTION": "You will now be disconnected. Please connect back to your Wireless Network and discover your device again, once connection has been established" }, "NETWORKFS": { "ALIAS_DOC": "Choose an Alias that will be displayed in NAS Mounts", "ERROR_PATH_UNDEFINED": "Please provide Share Name or Path", "ERROR_UMOUNT": "Cannot remove Share", "MOUNT_SHARE_ERROR": "Error when adding network drive", "NETWORK_DRIVE": "Network Drive", "REMOVED": "Share successfully removed", "SHARE_MOUNT_SUCCESS": "Network Drive Added successfully", "SHARE_NOT_CONFIGURED": "This Share is not configured" }, "PLAYBACK_OPTIONS": { "ADVANCED_AUDIO_TWEAKS": "Advanced Audio Tweaks", "ADVANCED_DAC_DSP_OPTIONS": "DSP Options", "ADVANCED_DAC_DSP_OPTIONS_DOC": "These tweaks can enable particular DSP options, available only on some I2S DACs", "AUDIO_BUFFER_SIZE": "Audio buffer size", "AUDIO_BUFFER_SIZE_DOC": "This specifies the size of the audio buffer. Increase it to avoid chances of audio stuttering over Network.", "AUDIO_OUTPUT": "Audio Output", "AUDIO_RESAMPLING": "Audio Resampling", "AUDIO_RESAMPLING_DOC": "This settings controls Audio Resampling options. For local file playback only (does not apply to Shairport and Third Party services like ROON).", "AUDIO_RESAMPLING_SETTINGS_SAVED": "Audio Resampling Settings saved", "BUFFER_BEFORE_PLAY": "Buffer before play", "BUFFER_BEFORE_PLAY_DOC": "This specifies how much of the audio buffer should be filled before playing a track. Try increasing this if you hear skipping when manually changing songs.", "CONNECT_OUTPUT_DEVICE_1": "Please connect", "CONNECT_OUTPUT_DEVICE_2": "to the unit or select a different output device from playback options", "DEFAULT_STARTUP_VOLUME": "Default Startup Volume", "DEFAULT_STARTUP_VOLUME_DOC": "This is the default volume that is set at system startup", "DOP": "DSD over PCM (DoP)", "DSD_AUTO_VOLUME": "DSD Auto Volume Level", "DSD_AUTO_VOLUME_DOC": "DSD Requires volume to be set to 100, if enabled when DSD is playing Volume will be automatically set to 100 (WARNING: Set with caution!)", "DSD_DIRECT": "DSD Direct", "DSD_DOC": "Choose the DSD Playback mode: Direct DSD Playback plays DSD Native on supported hardware, if DSD is not supported by your DAC then DSD is converted on-the-fly to PCM. With DoP (DSD over PCM), DSD streams will be encapsulated in 24 bits PCM (as per DoP Standard).", "DSD_PLAYBACK_MODE": "DSD Playback mode", "DSP_PROGRAM_ENABLED": "DSP Program Enabled", "DSP_PROGRAM_REBOOT": "In order to activate this DSP Program, a reboot is required", "ENABLE_I2S_DAC": "Enable I2S DACs", "EXTENDED_FILE_FORMAT_SUPPORT": "Extended File Format Support", "EXTENDED_FILE_FORMAT_SUPPORT_DOC": "This setting controls the ability to read a wide variety of Audio formats, however it might slow down the creation of the music library database. If disabled, the system will still read most of music formats and Music Library scanning will be much faster.", "GAPLESS_MP3_PLAYBACK": "Gapless MP3 playback", "HARDWARE": "Hardware", "HIGH": "High", "I2S_DAC_ACTIVATED": "I2S DAC Enabled", "I2S_DAC_ACTIVATED_MESSAGE": "has been enabled, restart the system for changes to take effect", "I2S_DAC_DEACTIVATED": "I2S DAC Disabled", "I2S_DAC_DEACTIVATED_MESSAGE": "has been disabled, restart the system for changes to take effect", "ISO_PLAYBACK": "ISO Playback", "ISO_PLAYBACK_DOC": "Use an experimental MPD version which allows ISO Files playback. You will lose DSD direct capabilities when enabled.", "LINEAR": "Linear", "LOW": "Low", "MAX_VOLUME_LEVEL": "Max volume level", "MAX_VOLUME_LEVEL_DOC": "Sets a maximum volume for the system", "MEDIUM": "Medium", "MIXER_CONTROL": "Mixer Control", "MIXER_CONTROLS": "Mixer Controls", "MIXER_CONTROLS_UPDATE": "Mixer Controls settings updated", "MIXER_CONTROL_NAME": "Mixer Control Name", "MIXER_CONTROL_NAME_DOC": "Change the mixer control, useful when your Audio device has more volume controls. Default values are usually fine, change only if your volume level does not change after an action on the UI.", "MIXER_TYPE": "Mixer Type", "MIXER_TYPE_DOC": "Select the Mixer Type: None = No volume control, Software = Volume control but loss of Audio Quality, Hardware = Best of both worlds, provides ability to change volume without loss of quality", "MPD_VOLUME": "MPD Clients Volume Control", "MPD_VOLUME_DOC": "Allow MPD Clients to change Volume, this will negatively impact Volume change speed", "NATIVE": "Native", "NATURAL": "Natural", "NO_AUDIO_DEVICE_AVAILABLE": "No Audio Device Available", "NO_HARDWARE_MIXER": "No Hardware Mixer Available", "NO_OUTPUT_DEVICE": "No Audio Output Available", "NO_OUTPUT_DEVICE_MESSAGE": "Please connect an Audio Output Device to the Unit", "ONE_CLICK_VOLUME_STEPS": "One Click Volume Steps", "ONE_CLICK_VOLUME_STEPS_DOC": "Sets the volume difference for single clicks on + and - volume buttons", "OUTPUT_DEVICE": "Output Device", "OUTPUT_DEVICE_DOC": "Select the Audio Output Device from the ones available in your system", "OUTPUT_DEVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE": "The selected output device is not available", "PERSISTENT_QUEUE": "Persistent queue", "PERSISTENT_QUEUE_DOC": "If enabled the Playqueue will be retained post reboot, if disabled the play queue will be cleared at every system start", "PLAYBACK_MODE": "Playback Mode", "PLAYBACK_MODE_CONTINUOUS": "Continuous", "PLAYBACK_MODE_DOC": "You can select the playback Behaviour: Continuous will add to your current queue all the songs in an album or a playlist, single will only add to queue the song you selected to play", "PLAYBACK_MODE_SINGLE": "Single", "PLAYBACK_OPTIONS_TITLE": "General Playback options", "RESAMPLING_ALG": "Resampling algorithm quality", "RESAMPLING_ALG_DOC": "This setting allows to set the ideal Resampling algorithm quality. Higher quality requires greater computing power, therefore sound might stutter or pause on low power devices. If that's the case, lower the quality until you get smooth playback.", "SETTING_ERROR": "Error", "SOFTVOL": "Software Volume Control", "SOFTWARE": "Software", "TARGET_BITDEPTH": "Target bit depth", "TARGET_SAMPLERATE": "Target sample rate", "USB_DAC_CONNECTED": "USB DAC Connected", "VERY_HIGH": "Very high", "VOLUME_CURVE_MODE": "Volume Curve Mode", "VOLUME_CURVE_MODE_DOC": "Natural (Logarithmic) is how most people perceive Volume variations. Don't change it unless the volume curve is too steep in your system", "VOLUME_NORMALIZATION": "Volume normalization", "VOLUME_NORMALIZATION_DOC": "If turned On Volumio will normalize the volume of tracks as they play. This might reduce sound quality.", "VOLUME_OPTIONS": "Volume options", "SQ_QUALITY_TITLE": "Sound Quality", "SQ_MP3_320": "MP3 (320 kbit/s)", "SQ_FLAC_LOSSLESS": "FLAC Lossless", "SQ_FLAC_HIRES_96": "FLAC Hi-Res 24 bit up to 96 kHz", "SQ_FLAC_HIRES_192": "FLAC Hi-Res 24 bit up to 192 kHz", "SQ_QUALITY_DESC": "Select your desired music quality", "SQ_LOW": "Low", "SQ_HIGH": "High", "SQ_LOSSLESS": "Lossless", "SQ_HI_RES": "Hi-Res", "SQ_HIGHEST_POSSIBLE": "Highest Possible" }, "PLAYLIST": { "ADDED_TITLE": "Added", "ADDED_TO_FAVOURITES": " to Favorites ", "ADDED_TO_PLAYLIST": " to playlist ", "REMOVE_ERROR": "Cannot Remove", "REMOVE_SUCCESS": "Removed" }, "PLUGINS": { "CHECKING_DEPENDENCIES": "Checking that the plugin is suitable for this version of Volumio", "CHECKING_DUPLICATE_PLUGIN": "Checking for duplicate plugin", "CONFIRM_PLUGIN_INSTALL": "Install Plugin", "CONFIRM_PLUGIN_INSTALL_WARNING_MESSAGE": "Warning, community plugins are developed by third party developers and might result in unexpected behaviours and system instabilitiy. Are you sure you want to install this plugin?", "PLUGIN_LOGIN_MESSAGE": "To access the plugins store you need to login to MyVolumio", "PLUGIN_LOGIN": "Please login", "CONFIRM_PLUGIN_UNINSTALL": "Confirm plugin uninstall", "CONFIRM_PLUGIN_UNINSTALL_MESSAGE": "Are you sure you want to uninstall this Plugin?", "COPYING_PLUGIN_TO_LOCATION": "Copying plugin to location", "CREATING_INSTALL_LOCATION": "Creating install location", "DOWNLOADING": "Downloading Plugin", "DOWNLOADING_FROM": "Downloading Plugin from ", "DOWNLOADING_PLUGIN": "Downloading plugin", "ENABLE_PLUGIN": "Enable Plugin", "ENABLE_PLUGIN_NOW_QUESTION": "Do you want to enable the plugin now?", "FINALIZING_INSTALLATION": "Finalizing installation", "FINALIZING_UNINSTALL": "Finalizing plugin uninstall", "INSTALL": "Install", "INSTALLING_NECESSARY_UTILITIES": "Installing necessary utilities", "INSTALLING_PLUGIN": "Installing plugin", "NO_CONFIGURATION_AVAILABLE": "No configuration available", "PLUGIN_DISABLED": "Plugin disabled", "PLUGIN_INSTALL_COMPLETED": "Plugin update completed", "PLUGIN_INSTALL_ERROR_OCCURRED": "An error occurred while installing the plugin", "PLUGIN_START_ERROR": "This plugin is failing to start. Please install updated version, or contact plugin developer", "PLUGIN_STOPPED": "Plugin stopped", "PLUGIN_UNINSTALLED": "Plugin successfully uninstalled", "PLUGIN_UNINSTALL_ERROR_OCCURRED": "An error occurred while uninstalling the plugin", "PLUGIN_UNINSTALL_FAILED": "Plugin uninstall failed", "PLUGIN_UPDATE_COMPLETED": "Plugin update completed", "PLUGIN_UPDATE_ERROR_OCCURRED": "An error occurred while updating the plugin", "PLUGIN_UPDATE_FAILED": "Plugin update failed", "REMOVING_NECESSARY_UTILITIES": "Removing necessary utilities", "SUCCESSFULLY_INSTALLED": "Successfully Installed", "SUCCESSFULLY_UPDATED_PLUGIN": "Successfully updated plugin", "UNINSTALL": "Uninstall", "UNINSTALLING_PLUGIN": "Uninstalling plugin", "UNPACKING_PLUGIN": "Unpacking plugin", "UPDATING_PLUGIN": "Updating Plugin", "UPDATING_PLUGIN_FILES": "Updating plugin files" }, "SYSTEM": { "ALLOW_UI_STATISTICS": "Allow UI Statistics collection", "ALLOW_UI_STATISTICS_DOC": "Allow the collection of behavioral and usage statistics on Volumio UI. These data are used to improve Volumio user experience. For further information about how we collect and process data please refer to volumio.com/privacy-policy", "CANNOT_REMOVE_MEDIA": "Cannot remove media", "CHECKING_SYSTEM_INTEGRITY": "Checking system integrity", "CHECK_UPDATES": "Check Updates", "CHECK_UPDATES_DESCR": "Check if a newer version of the system is available", "CREDITS_OPEN_SOURCE_LICENSES": "Credits and Open Source licenses", "DELETE_FOLDER": "Delete folder", "DELETE_USER_DATA": "Delete User Data", "DELETE_USER_DATA_DESCR": "Delete all your settings and data", "DELETE_USER_DATA_MESSAGE": "This will delete all your personal settings, favorites and playlists (USB and NAS music won't be deleted). The system will automatically restart once data has been deleted. Do you want to continue?", "DELETE_USER_DATA_TITLE": "Confirm Delete User Data", "DELETING_FOLDER": "Deleting folder", "ERROR_DELETING_FOLDER": "Error in deleting folder", "FACTORY_RESET": "Factory Reset", "FACTORY_RESET_DESCR": "Reset your System to factory Settings", "FACTORY_RESET_MESSAGE": "This will reset your device to factory settings, all your settings will be lost. The system will automatically restart once reset. Do you want to continue?", "FACTORY_RESET_TITLE": "Confirm Factory Reset", "FULL_SETTINGS_SET": "Full Settings Mode", "FULL_SETTINGS_SET_EXTENDED": "I want the full set of options", "GENERAL_SETTINGS": "General Settings", "HDMI_UI": "User Interface via HDMI", "HDMI_UI_DOC": "Show User Interface via HDMI Video Output. WARNING: This will degrade system performance.", "INSTALLING_TO_DISK": "Installing to Disk", "INSTALLING_TO_DISK_ERROR_MESSAGE": "Install to Disk failed", "INSTALLING_TO_DISK_ERROR_TARGET_SIZE": "Cannot install on this Disk: destination Disk must be bigger than source disk", "INSTALLING_TO_DISK_MESSAGE": "Installing to Disk, please wait", "INSTALLING_TO_DISK_SUCCESS_MESSAGE": "In order to use your newly installed system, restart the system and remove any removable media", "INSTALLING_TO_DISK_SUCCESS_TITLE": "System successfully installed to Disk", "INSTALL_TO_DISK": "Install to Disk", "INSTALL_TO_DISK_DESC": "Install on Disk", "INSTALL_TO_DISK_LABEL": "LABEL", "INSTALL_TO_DISK_MESSAGE": "Confirm you want to Install Volumio on Disk", "INSTALL_TO_DISK_MESSAGE_WARNING": ". WARNING: Be careful to select the correct destination disk, as all data on it will be deleted!", "INSTALL_TO_DISK_SIZE": "SIZE", "KEEP_PRESSED_TO_TURN_OFF_IN": "Keep pressed to turn off in", "MEDIA_REMOVED_SUCCESSFULLY": "Media Removed Successfully", "NO_UPDATE_AVAILABLE": "No Updates Available", "PLAYER_NAME": "Player Name", "PLAYER_NAME_DOC": "This is the name of your system as it will appear on your network", "PRIVACY_SETTINGS": "Privacy Settings", "SHOW_ADVANCED_SETTINGS": "Show Advanced Settings", "SHOW_ADVANCED_SETTINGS_DOC": "When enabled, the system will show some advanced settings to allow advanced tweakings. These settings should be operated by experts only", "SIMPLE_SETTINGS_SET": "Simplified Settings Mode", "SIMPLE_SETTINGS_SET_EXTENDED": "I want a simplified set of options", "STARTING_SOFTWARE_UPDATE": "Starting Software Update", "STARTUP_SOUND": "Startup Sound", "STARTUP_SOUND_DOC": "Enable or disable the Startup Sound, which notifies that the system has successfully started and is ready to play", "SUCCESSFULLY_DELETED_FOLDER": "Successfully deleted folder", "SYSTEM_CONFIGURATION_UPDATE": "System configuration update", "SYSTEM_CONFIGURATION_UPDATE_SUCCESS": "System settings updated successfully", "SYSTEM_INTEGRITY_CHECK_FAILED": "System Software Integrity check failed, manually edited files were detected. System Software Update is not possible under these circumstances. Please execute a Factory Reset or Delete User Data, then retry.", "SYSTEM_NAME": "System Name", "SYSTEM_NAME_ERROR": "Cannot change system name", "SYSTEM_NAME_NOW": "System name is now", "SYSTEM_SETTINGS": "System Settings", "SYSTEM_UPDATES": "System updates", "TURN_OFF_IN": "Turn off in", "UPDATE_ALREADY_LATEST_VERSION": "You're already on the latest version", "UPDATE_FAILED": "Update failed", "VIDEO_OUT_OPTIONS": "Video output options", "AUTOMATIC_UPDATES": "Automatic updates", "AUTOMATIC_UPDATES_DOC": "Enable automatic updates. Please make sure your timezone is correctly configured. ", "AUTOMATIC_UPDATES_START_TIME": "Automatic update window start time", "AUTOMATIC_UPDATES_START_TIME_DOC": "Automatic update window start time", "AUTOMATIC_UPDATES_STOP_TIME": "Automatic update window end time", "AUTOMATIC_UPDATES_STOP_TIME_DOC": "Automatic update window end time", "HDMI_ARC_SETTINGS": "HDMI eARC/ARC Settings", "HDMI_ARC_AUTOSWITCH": "HDMI eARC/ARC Auto Switch", "HDMI_ARC_AUTOSWITCH_DOC": "If enabled, when the TV is turned on, the system will automatically switch to the HDMI eARC/ARC input. If disabled, the system will keep playing on the last selected input.", "HARDWARE_SETTINGS": "Hardware Settings", "LED_BRIGHTNESS": "LED Brightness", "LED_BRIGHTNESS_DOC": "Set the brightness of the LED on the front panel", "AUTO_STANDBY": "Auto Standby", "AUTO_STANDBY_DOC": "Enable or disable the Auto Standby feature. When enabled, the system will automatically turn off after a period of inactivity", "STANDBY_TIMEOUT": "Standby Timeout", "STANDBY_TIMEOUT_DOC": "Set the time after which the system will automatically go into standby mode", "AUTO_POWER_ON": "Auto Power On", "AUTO_POWER_ON_DOC": "Enable or disable the Auto Power On feature. When enabled, the system will automatically turn on when power is applied or after a power failure", "DISPLAY_BRIGHTNESS": "Display Brightness", "DISPLAY_BRIGHTNESS_DOC": "Set the brightness of the display", "HDMI_I2S_MODE": "HDMI I2S Mode", "HDMI_I2S_MODE_PROTOCOL": "HDMI I2S Mode Protocol", "HDMI_I2S_MODE_DOC": "Set the HDMI I2S Protocol. This setting is only available for some some I2S DACs, if in doubt of what to choose, consult your DAC's manual or its manufacturer", "SHOW_MOUSE_POINTER_DOC": "Show or hide the mouse pointer on the screen", "SHOW_MOUSE_POINTER": "Show Mouse Pointer", "DAC_FILTER": "DAC Filter", "DAC_FILTER_DOC": "Select the DAC Filter, which suppress unwanted information from the signal and shape it to specific waveforms", "ADVANCED_AUDIO_SETTINGS": "Advanced Audio Settings", "POWER_OVERLOAD_PROTECTION_TITLE": "Overload", "POWER_OVERLOAD_PROTECTION_MESSAGE": "Power reduction", "DISPLAY_ZOOM_FACTOR": "Display Zoom Factor", "DISPLAY_ZOOM_FACTOR_DOC": "Allow to change the display Zoom factor to increase the size of displayed elements", "DISPLAY_UI": "User Interface Display" }, "UPDATER": { "CHECKING_FOR_UPDATES": "Checking for Updates", "CHECKING_FOR_UPDATES_WAIT": "Please Wait", "CLEANING": "Cleaning old files", "CREATING_BACKUP": "Creating backup", "DOWNLOADING_UPDATE": "Downloading new update", "ERROR": "Error", "ERROR_UPDATE_FAILED": "Error: update failed, please restart system and try again", "ERROR_UPDATE_FILE_NOT_FOUND": "Update file not found", "FINALIZING_UPDATE": "Finalizing update", "PREPARING_UPDATE": "Preparing update", "SUCCESSFULLY_UPDATED_TO_VERSION": "Successfully updated to version", "SYSTEM_RESTART_IN": "Your device will restart in ", "SYSTEM_RESTART_REQUIRED": "Please restart your device", "UPDATE": "Update" }, "WEBRADIO": { "BEST_RADIOS": "Best Radios", "BY_COUNTRY_RADIOS": "By country", "BY_GENRE_RADIOS": "By genre", "BY_LANGUAGE": "By Language", "FAVOURITE_RADIOS": "Favorite Radios", "LOCAL_RADIOS": "Local Radios", "MY_WEB_RADIOS": "My Web Radios", "POPULAR_RADIOS": "Popular Radios", "SHOUTCAST_ERROR": "An error occurred while querying SHOUTCAST", "TALK_RADIOS": "Talk Radios", "TOP_500_RADIOS": "Top 500 Radios", "WEBRADIO": "Web Radio" }, "WIZARD": { "CONGRATULATIONS": "Congratulations", "DEVICE_SUCCESSFULLY_CONFIGURED": "has been configured and is ready to play", "PLEASE_DONATE": "If you like Volumio please consider donating. You can make a difference for this project!", "RUN_FIRST_CONFIG_WIZARD": "Run first config Wizard" }, "VOLUMIO_CLOUD_TIDAL": { "MENU_TIDAL": "TIDAL", "MENU_MY_MUSIC": "My music", "MENU_AZ": "A-Z", "MENU_DATEADDED": "Date added", "MENU_RELEASEDATE": "Release date", "MENU_ARTIST": "Artist", "TIDAL_ARTISTS": "TIDAL Artists", "TIDAL_ALBUMS": "TIDAL Albums", "TIDAL_TRACKS": "TIDAL Tracks", "TIDAL_PLAYLISTS": "TIDAL Playlists", "TIDAL_EPSINGLES": "TIDAL EP & Singles", "MIXES": "Mixes & Radio", "NEW": "New", "TIDAL_RISING": "TIDAL Rising", "GENRES_AND_MOODS": "Genres & Moods", "RECOMMENDED": "Recommended", "LOCAL": "Local (not applicable all regions)", "EXCLUSIVE": "Exclusive", "TOP_20": "Top 20" }, "VOLUMIO_CLOUD_QOBUZ": { "MY_MUSIC": "My Music", "MY_ALBUMS": "My Albums", "MY_TRACKS": "My Tracks", "MY_PLAYLISTS": "My Playlists", "MY_ARTISTS": "My Artists", "MY_PURCHASES": "My Purchases", "QOBUZ_ARTISTS": "QOBUZ Artists", "QOBUZ_ALBUMS": "QOBUZ Albums", "QOBUZ_TRACKS": "QOBUZ Tracks", "QOBUZ_PLAYLISTS": "QOBUZ Playlists", "DISCOVER": "Discover", "PRESS_AWARDS": "Press Awards", "SELECTED_BY_QOBUZ": "Selected by QOBUZ", "SELECTED_BY_THE_MEDIA": "Selected by the Media", "NEW_RELEASES": "New releases", "FEATURED_LAST_CREATED": "Last created", "FEATURED_EDITOR_PICKS": "Editor picks" }, "PLUGIN_CDCONTROLLER": { "INTERNAL_MEMORY": "Internal Memory", "RIP_IN_PROGRESS_MESSAGE": "This CD is currently being copied, and cannot be accessed until the copy operation has completed", "CD_RIP": "CD Rip", "CD_RIP_STARTED": "CD Rip started, this may take up to 30 minutes. You will be notified on RIP termination", "CD_RIP_SUCCESS": "CD Has been ripped successfully", "RIP_FAILED": "Copy process failed", "TARGET_HARD_DRIVE_NOT_FOUND": "Hard Drive Not Found", "RIP_MESSAGE": "Review CD Informations and select the desired location for the music files. Once done, click Rip to start copying your CD in lossless format. You'll be notified once the process is finished", "RIP_LOCATION_MESSAGE": "Music files destination disk", "RIP_LOCATION_MESSAGE_NO_SPACE": "There is no space available for ripping, please connect a different drive to save music files", "CD_RIP_ERROR": "CD RIP Error", "CD_RIP_ERROR_MESSAGE": "Cannot Start CD Rip ", "UNKNOWN_ARTIST": "Unknown artist", "UNKNOWN_ALBUM": "Unknown album", "UNKNOWN_GENRE": "Unknown Genre" }, "PLUGIN_TIDAL": { "TIDAL_CONFIG_TITLE": "TIDAL Settings", "SECTION_TIDAL_ACCOUNT": "TIDAL", "SECTION_TIDAL_ACCOUNT_DESC": "", "SECTION_ACCOUNT_BETA": "TIDAL (Experimental plugin)", "TIDAL_CONNECT_DESC": "Access music from TIDAL in Volumio.", "TIDAL_LOGOUT_DESC": "This device is connected to TIDAL. You can disconnect by clicking the Logout button.", "SAVE_QUALITY_SUCCESS": "Quality settings saved successfully", "EPSINGLES": "TIDAL EP & Singles", "MQA_TITLE": "Master Quality (MQA)", "MQA_DESCR": "MQA will play back on any device to deliver higher than CD-quality. When paired with an MQA decoder, the MQA file reveals the original master recording." }, "PLUGIN_QOBUZ": { "QOBUZ_CONFIG_TITLE": "QOBUZ Settings", "SECTION_QOBUZ_ACCOUNT": "QOBUZ", "QOBUZ_CONNECT_DESC": "Access music from QOBUZ in Volumio.", "QOBUZ_LOGOUT_DESC": "This device is connected to QOBUZ. You can disconnect by clicking the Logout button.", "QOBUZ_FREE_TRIAL": "Free Trial", "QOBUZ_FREE_TRIAL_DESC": "Get 1 month free trial of QOBUZ HIFI (worth 19,99€)" }, "TRACK_INFO_BAR": { "INFINITY_PLAY": "Infinity play" }, "MUSIC_SOURCES": { "BLUETOOTH_INPUT_PLAYBACK": "Bluetooth Input Playback", "MULTIROOM_PLAYBACK": "Multiroom Playback", "UPNP_RENDERER": "UPNP Renderer", "MUSIC_METADATA_DISCOVERY": "Music Metadata Discovery", "CD_PLAYBACK_AND_RIPPING": "CD Playback and Ripping", "DIGITAL_AND_ANALOG_INPUTS": "Digital and Analog Inputs", "DIGITAL_INPUTS": "Digital Inputs", "DLNA_BROWSER": "DLNA Browser" } }