;H3 dolphin-p1 board application ;H3 dolphin-p1 board application ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; 说明: 脚本中的字符串区分大小写,用户可以修改"="后面的数值,但是不要修改前面的字符串 ; 描述gpio的形式:Port:端口+组内序号<功能分配><内部电阻状态><驱动能力><输出电平状态> ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [product] version = "100" machine = "orangepi-plus" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; eraseflag - 1 erase data partition, 0 - do not erase data partition ; next_work - action after burn, 0x0 by config, 0x1, normal, 0x2 reboot 0x3 ,shutdown,0x4 reupdate ,0x5 boot ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [platform] debug_mode = 1 eraseflag = 1 next_work = 2 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;[target] system bootup configuration ;boot_clock = CPU boot frequency, Unit: MHz ;storage_type = boot medium, 0-nand, 1-card0, 2-card2, -1(defualt)auto scan ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [target] #boot_clock = 1008 boot_clock = 1200 storage_type = -1 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; uboot key detect enable ; 当keyen_flag = 1 时,支持按键检测 ; 当keyen_flag = 0 时,不支持 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [key_detect_en] keyen_flag = 0 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;"一键进烧写功能"的按键值配置,按住位于min~max范围内的按键都可以强制进烧写 ; fel_key_max用于配置按键的最大键值 ; fel_key_min用于配置按键的最小键值 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [fel_key] fel_key_max =07 fel_key_min =02 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;card boot ;logical_start用于配置启动卡上mbr的位置相对于SD卡sector 0的偏移,单位为sector(512byte) ;sprite_gpio0用于配置卡量产时指示灯所用的gpio ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; sprite_work_delay : ; sprite_err_delay : ; sprite_gpio0 : 卡量产、一键recovery状态指示灯 ; next_work : 卡量产完成,工作状态(默认关机) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [card_boot] logical_start = 40960 sprite_work_delay = 500 sprite_err_delay = 200 sprite_gpio0 = port:PA15<1> next_work = 3 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; used : 1: used this config, 0: not ; start_type : 1: start system directly when power supply, 0: wait IR/KEY to power on ; irkey_used : 1: ir key used, 0: not ; pmukey_used: 1: physical button used, 0: not ; led_power : 1: light, 0: off ; led_state : 1: light, 0: off ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [box_start_os] used = 1 start_type = 1 irkey_used = 1 pmukey_used = 1 pmukey_num = 3 led_power = 0 led_state = 0 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; boot阶段上电初始化GPIO ; used :模块使能端 置1:开启模块 置0:关闭模块 ; gpiox :上电初始化gpio (名称自定,但不能重复,并且GPIO允许可以多个) ; PH06 : 系统显示LED GPIO ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [boot_init_gpio] used = 1 gpio0 = port:PA15<1><1> gpio1 = port:PG11<1><1> ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; used: 模块使能端 1:开启模块 0:关闭模块 ; mode: 模式选择 1:一键进入OTA升级 2:一键恢复(通过sysrecovery分区来恢复) 其他值:无效 ; recovery_key : 按键配置 (例如:recovery_key= port:PH16<0>) ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [recovery_para] used = 1 mode = 2 recovery_key = port:PL04<0> ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; if 1 == standby_mode, then support super standby; ; else, support normal standby. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [pm_para] standby_mode = 1 [card0_boot_para] card_ctrl = 0 card_high_speed = 1 card_line = 4 sdc_d1 = port:PF00<2><1><2> sdc_d0 = port:PF01<2><1><2> sdc_clk = port:PF02<2><1><2> sdc_cmd = port:PF03<2><1><2> sdc_d3 = port:PF04<2><1><2> sdc_d2 = port:PF05<2><1><2> [card2_boot_para] card_ctrl = 2 card_high_speed = 1 card_line = 8 sdc_cmd = port:PC06<3><1><2> sdc_clk = port:PC05<3><1><2> sdc_d0 = port:PC08<3><1><2> sdc_d1 = port:PC09<3><1><2> sdc_d2 = port:PC10<3><1><2> sdc_d3 = port:PC11<3><1><2> sdc_d4 = port:PC12<3><1><2> sdc_d5 = port:PC13<3><1><2> sdc_d6 = port:PC14<3><1><2> sdc_d7 = port:PC15<3><1><2> sdc_2xmode = 1 sdc_ddrmode = 1 [twi_para] twi_port = 0 twi_scl = port:PA11<2> twi_sda = port:PA12<2> [uart_para] uart_debug_port = 0 uart_debug_tx = port:PA04<2><1> uart_debug_rx = port:PA05<2><1> [force_uart_para] force_uart_port = 0 force_uart_tx = port:PF02<3><1> force_uart_rx = port:PF04<3><1> [jtag_para] jtag_enable = 0 jtag_ms = port:PA00<3> jtag_ck = port:PA01<3> jtag_do = port:PA02<3> jtag_di = port:PA03<3> [clock] pll_video = 297 pll_ve = 402 pll_periph0 = 600 pll_gpu = 576 pll_periph1 = 600 pll_de = 864 ;***************************************************************************** ;sdram configuration ; ;dram_para2 = 0x00001200 ;代表启用dram双通道 ; ;dram_para2 = 0x00001100 ;代表启用dram单通道 ; ;***************************************************************************** [dram_para] dram_clk = 672 dram_type = 3 dram_zq = 0x3b3bfb dram_odt_en = 0x1 dram_para1 = 0x10E40000 dram_para2 = 0x0000 dram_mr0 = 0x1840 dram_mr1 = 0x40 dram_mr2 = 0x18 dram_mr3 = 0x2 dram_tpr0 = 0x0048A192 dram_tpr1 = 0x01C2418D dram_tpr2 = 0x00076051 dram_tpr3 = 0 dram_tpr4 = 0 dram_tpr5 = 0 dram_tpr6 = 100 dram_tpr7 = 0 dram_tpr8 = 0 dram_tpr9 = 0 dram_tpr10 = 0 dram_tpr11 = 0x6aaa0000 dram_tpr12 = 0x7979 dram_tpr13 = 0x800800 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;os life cycle para configuration ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; wakeup_src_para: ; sometimes, u would like to add more wakeup src in standby mode, these para will be ; help; ; u need to make sure the standby mode support the wakeup src. Also, some hw ; condition must be guaranteed. ; including: ; cpu_en: power on or off. ; 1: mean power on ; 0: mean power off ; cpu_freq: indicating lowest freq. unit is Mhz; ; dram selfresh_en: selfresh or not. ; 1: enable enter selfresh ; 0: disable enter selfresh ; dram_pll: if not enter selfresh, indicating lowest freq. unit is Mhz; ; wakeup_src: to make the scenario work, the wakeup src is needed. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [wakeup_src_para] cpu_en = 0 cpu_freq = 48 ; (cpu:apb:ahb) pll_ratio = 0x111 dram_selfresh_en = 1 dram_freq = 36 wakeup_src0 = wakeup_src_wl = port:PG10<4><0> ;wakeup_src_bt = port:PL03<6><0> ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;i2c configuration ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [twi0] twi_used = 1 twi_scl = port:PA11<2> twi_sda = port:PA12<2> [twi1] twi_used = 0 twi_scl = port:PA18<3> twi_sda = port:PA19<3> [twi2] twi_used = 0 twi_scl = port:PE12<3> twi_sda = port:PE13<3> ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;uart configuration ;uart_type --- 2 (2 wire), 4 (4 wire), 8 (8 wire, full function) ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [uart0] uart_used = 1 uart_port = 0 uart_type = 2 uart_tx = port:PA04<2><1> uart_rx = port:PA05<2><1> [uart1] uart_used = 0 uart_port = 1 uart_type = 4 uart_tx = port:PG06<2><1> uart_rx = port:PG07<2><1> uart_rts = port:PG08<2><1> uart_cts = port:PG09<2><1> [uart2] uart_used = 0 uart_port = 2 uart_type = 4 uart_tx = port:PA00<2><1> uart_rx = port:PA01<2><1> uart_rts = port:PA02<2><1> uart_cts = port:PA03<2><1> [uart3] uart_used = 0 uart_port = 3 uart_type = 4 uart_tx = port:PA13<3><1> uart_rx = port:PA14<3><1> uart_rts = port:PA15<3><1> uart_cts = port:PA16<3><1> ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;SPI controller configuration ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [spi0] spi_used = 0 spi_cs_bitmap = 1 spi_mosi = port:PC00<3> spi_miso = port:PC01<3> spi_sclk = port:PC02<3> spi_cs0 = port:PC03<3><1> [spi1] spi_used = 0 spi_cs_bitmap = 1 spi_cs0 = port:PA13<2><1> spi_sclk = port:PA14<2> spi_mosi = port:PA15<2> spi_miso = port:PA16<2> ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;SPI device configuration ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [spi_devices] spi_dev_num = 1 [spi_board0] modalias = "m25p32" max_speed_hz = 33000000 bus_num = 0 chip_select = 0 mode = 0 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;userspace gpio interface for android ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [gpio_para] gpio_used = 1 gpio_num = 30 gpio_pin_1 = port:PL10<1><1> gpio_pin_2 = port:PA15<1><0> gpio_pin_3 = port:PA12<1><0> gpio_pin_4 = port:PA11<1><0> gpio_pin_5 = port:PA06<1><0> gpio_pin_6 = port:PA13<1><0> gpio_pin_7 = port:PA14<1><0> gpio_pin_8 = port:PA01<1><0> gpio_pin_9 = port:PD14<1><0> gpio_pin_10 = port:PA00<1><0> gpio_pin_11 = port:PA03<1><0> gpio_pin_12 = port:PC04<1><0> gpio_pin_13 = port:PC07<1><0> gpio_pin_14 = port:PC00<1><0> gpio_pin_15 = port:PC01<1><0> gpio_pin_16 = port:PA02<1><0> gpio_pin_17 = port:PC02<1><0> gpio_pin_18 = port:PC03<1><0> gpio_pin_19 = port:PA21<1><0> gpio_pin_20 = port:PA19<1><0> gpio_pin_21 = port:PA18<1><0> gpio_pin_22 = port:PA07<1><0> gpio_pin_23 = port:PA08<1><0> gpio_pin_24 = port:PG08<1><0> gpio_pin_25 = port:PA09<1><0> gpio_pin_26 = port:PA10<1><0> gpio_pin_27 = port:PG09<1><0> gpio_pin_28 = port:PA20<1><0> gpio_pin_29 = port:PG06<1><0> gpio_pin_30 = port:PG07<1><0> [led_assign] normal_led = "gpio_pin_2" standby_led = "gpio_pin_1" ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;thermal configuration ;ths_trip_count : temperature trigger number ;ths_trip_0 : first temperature trigger ;ths_trip_1 : second temperature trigger ;ths_trip_2 : third temperature trigger, when upto this temperature, system shutdown ;ths_trip_0_min : first temperature trigger's min freq ;ths_trip_0_max : first temperature trigger's max freq ;ths_trip_1_min : second temperature trigger's min freq ;ths_trip_1_max : second temperature trigger's max freq ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ths_para] ths_used = 1 ths_trip1_count = 5 ths_trip1_0 = 70 ths_trip1_1 = 80 ths_trip1_2 = 90 ths_trip1_3 = 100 ths_trip1_4 = 105 ths_trip1_5 = 0 ths_trip1_6 = 0 ths_trip1_7 = 0 ths_trip1_0_min = 0 ths_trip1_0_max = 1 ths_trip1_1_min = 1 ths_trip1_1_max = 2 ths_trip1_2_min = 2 ths_trip1_2_max = 3 ths_trip1_3_min = 3 ths_trip1_3_max = 4 ths_trip1_4_min = 4 ths_trip1_4_max = 4 ths_trip1_5_min = 0 ths_trip1_5_max = 0 ths_trip1_6_min = 0 ths_trip1_6_max = 0 ths_trip2_count = 1 ths_trip2_0 = 105 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;cooler_table cooler_count <=32 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [cooler_table] cooler_count = 6 cooler0 = "1296000 4 4294967295 0" cooler1 = "1200000 4 4294967295 0" cooler2 = "1008000 4 4294967295 0" cooler3 = "816000 4 4294967295 0" cooler4 = "648000 4 4294967295 0" cooler5 = "480000 1 4294967295 0" [nand0_para] nand_support_2ch = 0 nand0_used = 0 nand0_we = port:PC00<2> nand0_ale = port:PC01<2> nand0_cle = port:PC02<2> nand0_ce1 = port:PC03<2> nand0_ce0 = port:PC04<2> nand0_nre = port:PC05<2> nand0_rb0 = port:PC06<2> nand0_rb1 = port:PC07<2> nand0_d0 = port:PC08<2> nand0_d1 = port:PC09<2> nand0_d2 = port:PC10<2> nand0_d3 = port:PC11<2> nand0_d4 = port:PC12<2> nand0_d5 = port:PC13<2> nand0_d6 = port:PC14<2> nand0_d7 = port:PC15<2> nand0_ndqs = port:PC16<2> ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ;auto_hpd - 1:need hotplud for hdmi/tv; 0:don't hotplud for lcd ;output_type - 0:none; 1:lcd; 2:tv; 4:hdmi; 8:vga (as default config in homlet) ;hdmi_channel- the display channel for hdmi (as default config in homlet) ;cvbs_channel- the display channel for cvbs (as default config in homlet) ;hdmi_mode - as default config for output of hdmi in homlet ;cvbs_mode - as default config for output of tv in homlet. 11:PAL; 14:NTSC ;check the definition(of hdmi/cvbs_mode) of disp_tv_mode in sunxi_display2.h ;hdmi_mode_check - disable/enable the function of checking hdmi mode, 0 is disable, 1 is enable ;----------------------------------------------------------------- [boot_disp] advert_disp = 0 auto_hpd = 1 output_type = 4 hdmi_channel = 0 hdmi_mode = 4 cvbs_channel = 1 cvbs_mode = 11 output_full = 1 hdmi_mode_check = 1 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;disp init configuration ; ;disp_mode (0:screen0; 1:screen1) ;screenx_output_type (0:none; 1:lcd; 3:hdmi;) ;screenx_output_mode (used for hdmi output, 0:480i 1:576i 2:480p 3:576p 4:720p50) ; (5:720p60 6:1080i50 7:1080i60 8:1080p24 9:1080p50 10:1080p60) ;fbx format (0:ARGB 1:ABGR 2:RGBA 3:BGRA 5:RGB565 8:RGB888 12:ARGB4444 16:ARGB1555 18:RGBA5551) ;fbx_width,fbx_height (framebuffer horizontal/vertical pixels, fix to output resolution while equal 0) ;lcdx_backlight (lcd init backlight,the range:[0,256],default:197 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [disp_init] disp_init_enable = 1 disp_mode = 0 screen0_output_type = 3 screen0_output_mode = 4 screen1_output_type = 3 screen1_output_mode = 4 fb0_format = 0 fb0_width = 0 fb0_height = 0 fb1_format = 0 fb1_width = 0 fb1_height = 0 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;hdmi configuration ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [hdmi_para] hdmi_used = 1 hdmi_power = "vcc-hdmi-18" ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; uncomment for hdmi->dvi adapter, comment for direct hdmi ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;hdcp_enable = 0 ;hdmi_cts_compatibility = 1 [tv_para] tv_used = 1 tv_dac_used = 1 tv_dac_src0 = 0 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;pwm config ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [pwm0_para] pwm_used = 0 pwm_positive = port:PA05<3><0> ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; 10/100/100Mbps Ethernet MAC Controller Configure ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Options: ; ; gmac_used --- 0: not used, 1: external phy, 2: internal phy ; ; gmac_powerx -- A[:B] A: axp channel, B: voltage value ; ; If set gamc_phy to use internal PHY, do not config port ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; MII RMII MII RMII MII RMII ; ; PD00 * PD06 * * PD12 * * ; ; PD01 * PD07 * PD13 * * ; ; PD02 * * PD08 * PD14 * ; ; PD03 * * PD09 * * PD15 * ; ; PD04 * PD10 * * PD16 * * ; ; PD05 * PD11 * * PD17 * * ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; [gmac0] gmac_used = 2 ;gmac_rxd3 = port:PD00<2><3> ;gmac_rxd2 = port:PD01<2><3> ;gmac_rxd1 = port:PD02<2><3> ;gmac_rxd0 = port:PD03<2><3> ;gmac_rxclk = port:PD04<2><3> ;gmac_rxdv = port:PD05<2><3> ;gmac_rxerr = port:PD06<2><3> ;gmac_txd3 = port:PD07<2><3> ;gmac_txd2 = port:PD08<2><3> ;gmac_txd1 = port:PD09<2><3> ;gmac_txd0 = port:PD10<2><3> ;gmac_crs = port:PD11<2><3> ;gmac_txclk = port:PD12<2><3> ;gmac_txen = port:PD13<2><3> ;gmac_txerr = port:PD14<2><3> ;gmac_col = port:PD15<2><3> ;gmac_mdc = port:PD16<2><3> ;gmac_mdio = port:PD17<2><3> gmac_power1 = ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;vip (video input port) configuration ;vip_used: 0:disable 1:enable ;vip_mode: 0:sample one interface to one buffer 1:sample two interface to one buffer ;vip_dev_qty: The quantity of devices linked to capture bus ; ;vip_define_sensor_list: If you want use sensor detect function, please set vip_define_sensor_list = 1, and ; verify that file /system/etc/hawkview/sensor_list_cfg.ini is properly configured! ; ;vip_dev(x)_pos: sensor position, "rear" or "front", if vip_define_sensor_list = 1, ;vip_dev(x)_pos must be configured! ; ;vip_dev(x)_isp_used 0:not use isp 1:use isp ;vip_dev(x)_fmt: 0:yuv 1:bayer raw rgb ;vip_dev(x)_stby_mode: 0:not shut down power at standby 1:shut down power at standby ;vip_dev(x)_vflip: flip in vertical direction 0:disable 1:enable ;vip_dev(x)_hflip: flip in horizontal direction 0:disable 1:enable ;vip_dev(x)_iovdd: camera module io power handle string, pmu power supply ;vip_dev(x)_iovdd_vol: camera module io power voltage, pmu power supply ;vip_dev(x)_avdd: camera module analog power handle string, pmu power supply ;vip_dev(x)_avdd_vol: camera module analog power voltage, pmu power supply ;vip_dev(x)_dvdd: camera module core power handle string, pmu power supply ;vip_dev(x)_dvdd_vol: camera module core power voltage, pmu power supply ;vip_dev(x)_afvdd: camera module vcm power handle string, pmu power supply ;vip_dev(x)_afvdd_vol: camera module vcm power voltage, pmu power supply ;x indicates the index of the devices which are linked to the same capture bus ;fill voltage in uV, e.g. iovdd = 2.8V, vip_devx_iovdd_vol = 2800000 ;fill handle string as below: ;axp22_eldo3 ;axp22_dldo4 ;axp22_eldo2 ;fill handle string "" when not using any pmu power supply ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [csi0] vip_used = 1 vip_mode = 0 vip_dev_qty = 1 vip_define_sensor_list = 0 vip_csi_pck = port:PE00<2> vip_csi_mck = port:PE01<2> vip_csi_hsync = port:PE02<2> vip_csi_vsync = port:PE03<2> vip_csi_d0 = port:PE04<2> vip_csi_d1 = port:PE05<2> vip_csi_d2 = port:PE06<2> vip_csi_d3 = port:PE07<2> vip_csi_d4 = port:PE08<2> vip_csi_d5 = port:PE09<2> vip_csi_d6 = port:PE10<2> vip_csi_d7 = port:PE11<2> vip_csi_sck = port:PE12<2> vip_csi_sda = port:PE13<2> vip_dev0_mname = "gc2035" vip_dev0_pos = "front" vip_dev0_lane = 1 vip_dev0_twi_id = 2 vip_dev0_twi_addr = 0x78 vip_dev0_isp_used = 0 vip_dev0_fmt = 0 vip_dev0_stby_mode = 0 vip_dev0_vflip = 1 vip_dev0_hflip = 1 vip_dev0_iovdd = "" vip_dev0_iovdd_vol = 2800000 vip_dev0_avdd = "" vip_dev0_avdd_vol = 2800000 vip_dev0_dvdd = "" vip_dev0_dvdd_vol = 1800000 vip_dev0_afvdd = "" vip_dev0_afvdd_vol = 2800000 vip_dev0_power_en = port:PA17<1><1> vip_dev0_reset = port:PE14<1><1> vip_dev0_pwdn = port:PE15<1><0> vip_dev0_flash_en = vip_dev0_flash_mode = vip_dev0_af_pwdn = vip_dev0_act_used = 0 vip_dev0_act_name = "ad5820_act" vip_dev0_act_slave = 0x18 vip_dev1_mname = "" vip_dev1_pos = "rear" vip_dev1_lane = 1 vip_dev1_twi_id = 0 vip_dev1_twi_addr = vip_dev1_isp_used = 0 vip_dev1_fmt = 1 vip_dev1_stby_mode = 0 vip_dev1_vflip = 0 vip_dev1_hflip = 0 vip_dev1_iovdd = "" vip_dev1_iovdd_vol = 2800000 vip_dev1_avdd = "" vip_dev1_avdd_vol = 2800000 vip_dev1_dvdd = "" vip_dev1_dvdd_vol = 1500000 vip_dev1_afvdd = "" vip_dev1_afvdd_vol = 2800000 vip_dev1_power_en = vip_dev1_reset = vip_dev1_pwdn = vip_dev1_flash_en = vip_dev1_flash_mode = vip_dev1_af_pwdn = ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;tv configuration ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [tvout_para] tvout_used = tvout_channel_num = tv_en = [tvin_para] tvin_used = tvin_channel_num = ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;DE-Interlace configuration ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [di_para] di_used = 1 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; SDMMC PINS MAPPING | ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------| ; Config Guide | ; sdc_used: 1-enable card, 0-disable card | ; sdc_detmode: card detect mode | ; 1-detect card by gpio polling | ; 2-detect card by gpio irq(must use IO with irq function) | ; 3-no detect, always in for boot card | ; 4-manually insert and remove by /proc/driver/sunxi-mmc.x/insert| ; sdc_buswidth: card bus width, 1-1bit, 4-4bit, 8-8bit | ; sdc_use_wp: 1-with write protect IO, 0-no write protect IO | ; sdc_isio: for sdio card | ; sdc_regulator: power control.if card supports UHS-I/DDR and HS200 timing for| ; SD3.0 or eMMC4.5, regulator must be configured. the value is | ; the ldo name of AXP221, eg: sdc_regulator = "axp22_eldo2" | ; other: GPIO Mapping configuration | ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------| ; Note: | ; 1 if detmode=2, sdc_det's config=6 | ; else if detmode=1, sdc_det's config=0 | ; else sdc_det IO is not necessary | ; 2 if the customer wants to support UHS-I and HS200 features, he must provide| ; an independent power supply for the card. This is only used in platforms | ; that supports SD3.0 cards and eMMC4.4+ flashes | ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [mmc0_para] sdc_used = 1 sdc_detmode = 1 sdc_buswidth = 4 sdc_clk = port:PF02<2><1><2> sdc_cmd = port:PF03<2><1><2> sdc_d0 = port:PF01<2><1><2> sdc_d1 = port:PF00<2><1><2> sdc_d2 = port:PF05<2><1><2> sdc_d3 = port:PF04<2><1><2> sdc_det = port:PF06<0><1><2> sdc_use_wp = 0 sdc_wp = sdc_isio = 0 sdc_regulator = "none" sdc_power_supply = "none" [mmc1_para] sdc_used = 1 sdc_detmode = 4 sdc_buswidth = 4 sdc_clk = port:PG00<2><1><3> sdc_cmd = port:PG01<2><1><3> sdc_d0 = port:PG02<2><1><3> sdc_d1 = port:PG03<2><1><3> sdc_d2 = port:PG04<2><1><3> sdc_d3 = port:PG05<2><1><3> sdc_det = sdc_use_wp = 0 sdc_wp = sdc_isio = 1 sdc_regulator = "none" sdc_power_supply = "none" sdc_2xmode = 1 sdc_ddrmode = 1 [mmc2_para] sdc_used = 0 sdc_detmode = 3 sdc_buswidth = 8 sdc_clk = port:PC05<3><1><2> sdc_cmd = port:PC06<3><1><2> sdc_d0 = port:PC08<3><1><2> sdc_d1 = port:PC09<3><1><2> sdc_d2 = port:PC10<3><1><2> sdc_d3 = port:PC11<3><1><2> sdc_d4 = port:PC12<3><1><2> sdc_d5 = port:PC13<3><1><2> sdc_d6 = port:PC14<3><1><2> sdc_d7 = port:PC15<3><1><2> emmc_rst = port:PC16<3><1><2> sdc_det = sdc_use_wp = 0 sdc_wp = sdc_isio = 0 sdc_regulator = "none" sdc_power_supply = "none" sdc_2xmode = 1 sdc_ddrmode = 1 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------| ; sim card configuration ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [smc_para] smc_used = smc_rst = port:PA09<2> smc_vppen = port:PA20<3> smc_vppp = port:PA21<3> smc_det = port:PA10<2> smc_vccen = port:PA06<2> smc_sck = port:PA07<2> smc_sda = port:PA08<2> ;-------------------------------- ;[usbc0]:控制器0的配置。 ;usb_used:USB使能标志。置1,表示系统中USB模块可用,置0,则表示系统USB禁用。 ;usb_port_type:USB端口的使用情况。 0:device only;1:host only;2:OTG ;usb_detect_type:USB端口的检查方式。0:不做检测;1:vbus/id检查;2:id/dpdm检查 ;usb_id_gpio:USB ID pin脚配置。具体请参考gpio配置说明。 ;usb_det_vbus_gpio:USB DET_VBUS pin脚配置。具体请参考gpio配置说明。 ;usb_drv_vbus_gpio:USB DRY_VBUS pin脚配置。具体请参考gpio配置说明。 ;usb_det_vbus_gpio: "axp_ctrl",表示axp 提供 ;usb_restrict_gpio usb限流控制pin ;usb_restric_flag: usb限流标置 ;-------------------------------- ;-------------------------------- ;--- USB0控制标志 ;-------------------------------- [usbc0] usb_used = 1 usb_port_type = 2 usb_detect_type = 1 usb_id_gpio = usb_det_vbus_gpio = usb_drv_vbus_gpio = port:PL02<1><0><0> usb_host_init_state = 1 usb_restrict_gpio = usb_restric_flag = 0 usb_restric_voltage = 3550000 usb_restric_capacity= 5 usb_regulator_io = "nocare" usb_regulator_vol = 0 usb_not_suspend = 0 ;-------------------------------- ;--- USB1控制标志 ;-------------------------------- [usbc1] usb_used = 1 usb_drv_vbus_gpio = port:PG13<1><0><0> usb_restrict_gpio = usb_host_init_state = 1 usb_restric_flag = 0 usb_regulator_io = "nocare" usb_regulator_vol = 0 usb_not_suspend = 0 ;-------------------------------- ;--- USB2控制标志 ;-------------------------------- [usbc2] usb_used = 0 usb_drv_vbus_gpio = usb_restrict_gpio = usb_host_init_state = 1 usb_restric_flag = 0 usb_regulator_io = "nocare" usb_regulator_vol = 0 usb_not_suspend = 0 ;-------------------------------- ;--- USB3控制标志 ;-------------------------------- [usbc3] usb_used = 0 usb_drv_vbus_gpio = usb_restrict_gpio = usb_host_init_state = 0 usb_restric_flag = 0 usb_regulator_io = "nocare" usb_regulator_vol = 0 usb_not_suspend = 0 ;-------------------------------- ;--- USB Device ;-------------------------------- [usb_feature] vendor_id = 0x18D1 mass_storage_id = 0x0001 adb_id = 0x0002 manufacturer_name = "USB Developer" product_name = "Android" serial_number = "20080411" [msc_feature] vendor_name = "USB 2.0" product_name = "USB Flash Driver" release = 100 luns = 3 [serial_feature] serial_unique = 0 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;wifi/bt/fm/gps/nfc modules configuration ;module_num: ; 0- none ; 1- rtl8188eu(wifi) ; 2- rtl8723bs(wifi+bt) ; 3- ap6181(wifi) ; 4- ap6210(wifi+bt) ; 5- ap6330(wifi+bt) ; 6- ap6335(wifi) ; 7- rtl8189etv(wifi) ;module_power0: axp used by module, "axp22_dldo1" - use dldo1, not use keep it empty ;module_power0_vol: power0 voltage, mv; ;chip_en: enable chip io ;lpo_use_apclk: ""- not use, "losc_out"- a23/33/H3, "ac10032k1"、"ac10032k2"、"ac10032k3"- a80 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [module_para] module_num = 7 module_power0 = "vcc-wifi-33" module_power0_vol = 0 module_power1 = module_power1_vol = module_power2 = module_power2_vol = module_power3 = module_power3_vol = chip_en = lpo_use_apclk = ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;wifi configuration ;wifi_sdc_id: 0- SDC0, 1- SDC1, 2- SDC2, 3- SDC3 ;wifi_usbc_id: 0- USB0, 1- USB1, 2- USB2 ;wifi_usbc_type: 1- EHCI(speed 2.0), 2- OHCI(speed 1.0) ;wl_reg_on: wifi function enable pin ;wl_host_wake: wlan device wake-up host pin ;wl_host_wake_invert: whether wl_host_wake use inverter between ap and module ; 0: not used, 1: used ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [wifi_para] wifi_used = 1 wifi_sdc_id = 1 wifi_usbc_id = 2 wifi_usbc_type = 1 wl_reg_on = port:PL07<1><0> wl_host_wake = port:PG10<0><0> wl_host_wake_invert = 0 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;bluetooth configuration ;bt_used: 0- no used, 1- used ;bt_uard_id: 0- uart0, 1- uart1, 2- uart2 ;bt_rst_n: bt function enable io ;bt_wake: host wake-up bluetooth device ;bt_host_wake: bt device wake-up host ;bt_host_wake_invert: whether bt_host_wake use inverter between ap and module ; 0: not used, 1: used ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [bt_para] bt_used = 0 bt_uart_id = 1 bt_rst_n = bt_wake = bt_host_wake = bt_host_wake_invert = 0 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;daudio_master:1: SND_SOC_DAIFMT_CBM_CFM(codec clk & FRM master) use ; 2: SND_SOC_DAIFMT_CBS_CFM(codec clk slave & FRM master) not use ; 3: SND_SOC_DAIFMT_CBM_CFS(codec clk master & frame slave) not use ; 4: SND_SOC_DAIFMT_CBS_CFS(codec clk & FRM slave) use ;daudio_select:0 is pcm.1 is i2s ;audio_format: 1:SND_SOC_DAIFMT_I2S(standard i2s format). use ; 2:SND_SOC_DAIFMT_RIGHT_J(right justfied format). ; 3:SND_SOC_DAIFMT_LEFT_J(left justfied format) ; 4:SND_SOC_DAIFMT_DSP_A(pcm. MSB is available on 2nd BCLK rising edge after LRC rising edge). use ; 5:SND_SOC_DAIFMT_DSP_B(pcm. MSB is available on 1nd BCLK rising edge after LRC rising edge) ;signal_inversion:1:SND_SOC_DAIFMT_NB_NF(normal bit clock + frame) use ; 2:SND_SOC_DAIFMT_NB_IF(normal BCLK + inv FRM) ; 3:SND_SOC_DAIFMT_IB_NF(invert BCLK + nor FRM) use ; 4:SND_SOC_DAIFMT_IB_IF(invert BCLK + FRM) ;over_sample_rate: support 128fs/192fs/256fs/384fs/512fs/768fs ;sample_resolution :16bits/20bits/24bits ;word_select_size :16bits/20bits/24bits/32bits ;pcm_sync_period :16/32/64/128/256 ;msb_lsb_first :0: msb first; 1: lsb first ;sign_extend :0: zero pending; 1: sign extend ;slot_index :slot index: 0: the 1st slot - 3: the 4th slot ;slot_width :8 bit width / 16 bit width ;frame_width :0: long frame = 2 clock width; 1: short frame ;tx_data_mode :0: 16bit linear PCM; 1: 8bit linear PCM; 2: 8bit u-law; 3: 8bit a-law ;rx_data_mode :0: 16bit linear PCM; 1: 8bit linear PCM; 2: 8bit u-law; 3: 8bit a-law ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [pcm0] daudio_used = 0 daudio_master = 4 daudio_select = 1 audio_format = 1 signal_inversion = 1 mclk_fs = 128 sample_resolution = 16 slot_width_select = 32 ;pcm_sync_period = 256 pcm_lrck_period = 32 pcm_lrckr_period = 1 msb_lsb_first = 0 sign_extend = 0 slot_index = 0 slot_width = 32 frame_width = 0 tx_data_mode = 0 rx_data_mode = 0 i2s_mclk = port:PA18<2><1> i2s_bclk = port:PA19<2><1> i2s_dout0 = port:PA20<2><1> i2s_din = port:PA21<2><1> [pcm1] daudio_used = 0 daudio_master = 4 daudio_select = 1 audio_format = 1 signal_inversion = 1 mclk_fs = 128 sample_resolution = 16 slot_width_select = 32 ;pcm_sync_period = 256 pcm_lrck_period = 32 pcm_lrckr_period = 1 msb_lsb_first = 0 sign_extend = 0 slot_index = 0 slot_width = 32 frame_width = 0 tx_data_mode = 0 rx_data_mode = 0 i2s_mclk = port:PG10<2><1> i2s_bclk = port:PG11<2><1> i2s_dout0 = port:PG12<2><1> i2s_din = port:PG13<2><1> [audio0] audio_used = 1 lineout_vol = 0x1f cap_vol = 0x5 audio_hp_ldo = "none" adcagc_used = 0 adcdrc_used = 0 dacdrc_used = 0 adchpf_used = 0 dachpf_used = 0 audio_pa_ctrl = port:PA16<1><0> [spdif0] spdif_used = 0 spdif_dout = port:PA17<2><1> [audiohub] hub_used = 0 codec_used = 1 spdif_used = 1 hdmi_used = 1 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;ir rx --- infra remote configuration ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [s_cir0] ir_used = 1 ir_rx = port:PL11<2><1> ir_power_key_code0 = 0x57 ir_addr_code0 = 0x9f00 ir_power_key_code1 = 0x1a ir_addr_code1 = 0xfb04 ir_power_key_code2 = 0x14 ir_addr_code2 = 0x7F80 ir_power_key_code3 = 0x15 ir_addr_code3 = 0x7F80 ir_power_key_code4 = 0x0b ir_addr_code4 = 0xF708 ir_power_key_code5 = 0x03 ir_addr_code5 = 0x00EF ir_power_key_code6 = 0x9f ir_addr_code6 = 0x4CB3 ir_power_key_code7 = 0x0a ir_addr_code7 = 0x7748 ir_power_key_code8 = 0x45 ir_addr_code8 = 0xbd02 ir_power_key_code9 = 0x4d ir_addr_code9 = 0xde21 ir_power_key_code10 = 0x18 ir_addr_code10 = 0xfe01 ir_power_key_code11 = 0x57 ir_addr_code11 = 0xff00 ir_power_key_code12 = 0x4d ir_addr_code12 = 0xff40 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;ir tx--- infra remote configuration ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [cir] ir_used = 1 ir_tx = port:PH07<2> ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; dvfs voltage-frequency table configuration ; ; pmuic_type:0:none, 1:gpio, 2:i2c ; pmu_gpio0: gpio config. ; pmu_levelx: 0~9999: voltage(mV), 10000~90000:gpio0 state. voltage form high to low. ; ; extremity_freq(Hz): cpu extremity frequency when run benckmark or demo apk ; 1536MHz@1500mV with radiator, 1296MHz@1340mV without radiator ; max_freq: cpu maximum frequency, based on Hz, can not be more than 1200MHz ; min_freq: cpu minimum frequency, based on Hz, can not be less than 60MHz ; ; LV_count: count of LV_freq/LV_volt, must be < 16 ; ; LV1: core vdd is 1.50v if cpu frequency is (1296Mhz, 1536Mhz] ; LV2: core vdd is 1.34v if cpu frequency is (1200Mhz, 1296Mhz] ; LV3: core vdd is 1.32v if cpu frequency is (1008Mhz, 1200Mhz] ; LV4: core vdd is 1.20v if cpu frequency is (816Mhz, 1008Mhz] ; LV5: core vdd is 1.10v if cpu frequency is (648Mhz, 816Mhz] ; LV6: core vdd is 1.04v if cpu frequency is (0Mhz, 648Mhz] ; LV7: core vdd is 1.04v if cpu frequency is (0Mhz, 648Mhz] ; LV8: core vdd is 1.04v if cpu frequency is (0Mhz, 648Mhz] ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [dvfs_table] pmuic_type = 2 pmu_gpio0 = port:PL06<1><1><2><1> pmu_level0 = 11300 pmu_level1 = 1100 max_freq = 1296000000 min_freq = 648000000 LV_count = 8 LV1_freq = 1296000000 LV1_volt = 1340 LV2_freq = 1200000000 LV2_volt = 1320 LV3_freq = 1008000000 LV3_volt = 1200 LV4_freq = 816000000 LV4_volt = 1100 LV5_freq = 648000000 LV5_volt = 1040 LV6_freq = 0 LV6_volt = 1040 LV7_freq = 0 LV7_volt = 1040 LV8_freq = 0 LV8_volt = 1040 [gpu_dvfs_table] G_LV_count = 3 G_LV0_freq = 312000000 G_LV0_volt = 1200000 G_LV1_freq = 384000000 G_LV1_volt = 1200000 G_LV2_freq = 456000000 G_LV2_volt = 1200000 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;virtual device ;virtual device for pinctrl testing ;device have pin PA1 PA2 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Vdevice] Vdevice_used = 0 Vdevice_0 = port:PH10<5><1><2> Vdevice_1 = port:PH11<5><1><2> ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;s_uart0 config parameters ;s_uart_used --s_uart0 whether used for arisc debugging ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [s_uart0] s_uart_used = 0 s_uart_tx = port:PL02<2> s_uart_rx = port:PL03<2> ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;s_rsb0 config parameters ;s_rsb_used --s_rsb0 whether used for arisc ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [s_rsb0] s_rsb_used = 1 s_rsb_sck = port:PL00<2><1><2> s_rsb_sda = port:PL01<2><1><2> ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;s_jtag0 config parameters ;s_jtag0_used --s_jtag0 whether used for arisc ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [s_jtag0] s_jtag_used = 0 s_jtag_tms = port:PL04<2><1><2> s_jtag_tck = port:PL05<2><1><2> s_jtag_tdo = port:PL06<2><1><2> s_jtag_tdi = port:PL07<2><1><2> ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;s_powchk cpus power check ;s_powchk_used --power check whether used for arisc in super standby ; bit31:enable power updat, bit1:wakeup when power state exception ; bit0:wakeup when power consumption exception ;s_power_reg the expected regs stand for power on/off state ;s_system_power the limit maxmum power consumption when super standby (unit: mw) ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [s_powchk] s_powchk_used = 0x80000000 s_power_reg = 0x00000000 s_system_power = 50 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;scr configuration ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [sim0] scr_used = 0 scr_vccen = port:PA06<2> scr_slk = port:PA07<2> scr_sda = port:PA08<2> scr_rst = port:PA09<2> scr_det = port:PA10<2> ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;tsc configuration ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ts0] tsc_used = 0 tsc_clk = port:PE00<3> tsc_err = port:PE01<3> tsc_sync = port:PE02<3> tsc_dvld = port:PE03<3> tsc_d0 = port:PE04<3> tsc_d1 = port:PE05<3> tsc_d2 = port:PE06<3> tsc_d3 = port:PE07<3> tsc_d4 = port:PE08<3> tsc_d5 = port:PE09<3> tsc_d6 = port:PE10<3> tsc_d7 = port:PE11<3> ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;gpio key ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [gpio_power_key] key_used = 1 key_io = port:PL03<6><0> ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; key para ; ; key_used --0:not used, 1:used ; key_cnt --how many key button attach to keyadc. ; key*_vol --the threshold of input voltage of key. ; ; For example: if key2_vol < $(keyadc value) < key3_vol, then key3 be reported. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [key_para] key_used = 0 key_cnt = 5 key1_vol = 222 key2_vol = 444 key3_vol = 666 key4_vol = 857 key5_vol = 2000 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;display seven segment para ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [d7s_para] d7s_used = 0 din_gpio = port:PD00<1><1> clk_gpio = port:PD01<1><1> stb_gpio = port:PD02<1><1>