# Sublime Ip Address Get your external IPv4 and IPv6 addresses directly inside SublimeText editor. ## Installation 1. Click _Tools > Command Pallette_ 2. Call "Package Control: Install Package" command 3. Find and Install `IpAddress` plugin ## Usage 1. Click _Tools > Command Pallette_ (Cmd+Shift+P / Ctrl+Shift+P) 2. Type "Ip Address" and use one of available commands: - Insert IPv4 - Insert IPv6 - Copy IPv4 to clipboard - Copy IPv6 to clipboard - Refresh IP ## Keyboard Shortcuts 1. Click _Preferences > Key Bindings_ 2. Add the following line into your keymap file: ``` { "keys": ["ctrl+alt+i", "ctrl+alt+p"], "command": "insert_ip_address" } ``` Available command names: ``` insert_ip_address insert_ipv6_address set_clipboard_ip_address set_clipboard_ipv6_address refresh_ip_address ```