# Git Syntaxes Syntax Highlighting for SublimeText ![](https://camo.githubusercontent.com/6bc71ab0aaf080e3e40faba31aac56bceb0b0d4a/68747470733a2f2f636c6f75642e67697468756275736572636f6e74656e742e636f6d2f6173736574732f313937353239382f383530383536392f34666135333433362d323239372d313165352d393638312d6435393663363539303265642e706e67) ## Features * Highlight all Git files (gitconfig, gitattributes, commit message, interactive rebase todo) * Toggle comments in all files above with default keystroke whatever it is (usually ctrl + /) * Many scopes, e.g. you can set separate colour for every command in rebase file (i.e. `pick`, `fixup`, etc.) ## Customisation Sublime Text supports per-syntax settings, for instance, you may want to enable spell check whenever write commit message, or make a font size bigger, or maybe even use completely different colour scheme — all these possible. Create files: 1. For commits `Packages/User/commit-message.sublime-settings` 2. For rebase `Packages/User/rebase.sublime-settings` Content of those files: ```json { "spell_check": true, "font_size": 22 } ``` For available settings look at `Preferences` → `Settings — Default` (note, some settings are global and cannot be syntax-specific, e.g. `"font_options"`). ## How to use ST as editor for Git **Note** for Windows, you must have `Build 3065` or later to have command line support, or just add the folder into `PATH` and call `sublime_text` instead of `subl` - Mac / Linux: `subl -n -w` - Windows: `subl.exe -n -w` ### Preferred method: edit `.bashrc` This will allow for more editing options than just the git commit, like editing diffs. This also leaves flexibility as it can be easily overridden, by the `.gitconfig` for example. Add the following to your `.bashrc`: On Mac and Linux: ``` export EDITOR="subl -n -w" ``` ### Alternate method: amend your `.gitconfig` You can run the following command to let git update your `.gitconfig` ``` git config --global core.editor 'subl -n -w' ``` Or add the following line manually to your `.gitconfig` ``` [core] editor = 'subl -n -w' ``` You also can hide menu (as on screenshot above) and tabs: editor = "sublime_text -n -w --command toggle_menu --command toggle_tabs" ## SFAQ ### Aren’t there similar packages for those syntaxes? Why another one? Why not contribute into existing one? I’ve [tried](https://github.com/adambullmer/sublime_git_commit_syntax/pull/1) with no luck, or any feedback. So this package is an attempt (the first one, in fact) to bring all related syntaxes in one place. ### But what about Git, GitSavvy and many others? Those packages add integration in an IDE fashion — so you call git from-within Sublime Text. This package does an opposite thing — make stuff more readable whenever you call ST from-within git, so ST remains an editor with extra features rather than IDE. ### Are you interested in pull requests or collaboration in general? Sure, absolutely. ### What is ‘s’ in SFAQ for? Supposedly frequently asked questions. ### Do you even push-up? Nope. ## Credits * Commit definitions are provided by [Josh Goebel](https://github.com/yyyc514) * Base for Config definitions is borrowed from
All sources under [MIT](LICENSE)