This is a collection of various brain dumps gathered throughout my journey of poking a bunch of things with a stick. Its main purpouse is to act as a quick reference for those pesky little details that just won't stay in your head but it can also be a starting point in learning something awesome and new. ![xkcd]( # Preview ![Sublime Text demo]( ### Installation ##### Package control 1. Make sure you have [Package Control]( installed 2. Press `Ctrl+Shift+P` to open the command palette 3. Type `install` and search for the `Package Control: Install Package` 4. Search for the package named `Cheatsheet` and install it ##### Manual 1. Go to the packages directory (`Preferences -> Browse packages`) 2. Clone this repository into the packages directory ### Usage Open the command palette using `Ctrl+Shift+P`. Type `Cheatsheet` followed by the command or part of the cheatsheet name. ### Local cheatsheets Place your own cheatsheets under `~/.cheatsheet` and restart SublimeText or run the `Refresh local database` command. Make sure your files have the `.cheatsheet` extension. ### Commands | Command | Description | --- | --- | `cheatsheet-name` | Open the specified cheatsheet. | Refresh local database | Remove invalid cheatsheets and add new ones to the command palette by scanning the local database folder # Copyright I do not claim full ownership over the content from whithin the cheatsheets due to the fact that it has been gathered from various sources at the time that I researched each subject and beyond that. Therefore the cheatsheets are a derivate product of said information.