# ntgbtminer - vsergeev - https://github.com/vsergeev/ntgbtminer # # No Thrils GetBlockTemplate Bitcoin Miner # # This is mostly a demonstration of the GBT protocol. # It mines at a measly 550 KH/s on my computer, but # with a whole lot of spirit ;) # import urllib.request import urllib.error import urllib.parse import base64 import json import hashlib import struct import random import time import os import sys # JSON-HTTP RPC Configuration # This will be particular to your local ~/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf RPC_URL = os.environ.get("RPC_URL", "") RPC_USER = os.environ.get("RPC_USER", "bitcoinrpc") RPC_PASS = os.environ.get("RPC_PASS", "") ################################################################################ # Bitcoin Daemon JSON-HTTP RPC ################################################################################ def rpc(method, params=None): """ Make an RPC call to the Bitcoin Daemon JSON-HTTP server. Arguments: method (string): RPC method params: RPC arguments Returns: object: RPC response result. """ rpc_id = random.getrandbits(32) data = json.dumps({"id": rpc_id, "method": method, "params": params}).encode() auth = base64.encodebytes((RPC_USER + ":" + RPC_PASS).encode()).decode().strip() request = urllib.request.Request(RPC_URL, data, {"Authorization": "Basic {:s}".format(auth)}) with urllib.request.urlopen(request) as f: response = json.loads(f.read()) if response['id'] != rpc_id: raise ValueError("Invalid response id: got {}, expected {:u}".format(response['id'], rpc_id)) elif response['error'] is not None: raise ValueError("RPC error: {:s}".format(json.dumps(response['error']))) return response['result'] ################################################################################ # Bitcoin Daemon RPC Call Wrappers ################################################################################ def rpc_getblocktemplate(): try: return rpc("getblocktemplate", [{"rules": ["segwit"]}]) except ValueError: return {} def rpc_submitblock(block_submission): return rpc("submitblock", [block_submission]) ################################################################################ # Representation Conversion Utility Functions ################################################################################ def int2lehex(value, width): """ Convert an unsigned integer to a little endian ASCII hex string. Args: value (int): value width (int): byte width Returns: string: ASCII hex string """ return value.to_bytes(width, byteorder='little').hex() def int2varinthex(value): """ Convert an unsigned integer to little endian varint ASCII hex string. Args: value (int): value Returns: string: ASCII hex string """ if value < 0xfd: return int2lehex(value, 1) elif value <= 0xffff: return "fd" + int2lehex(value, 2) elif value <= 0xffffffff: return "fe" + int2lehex(value, 4) else: return "ff" + int2lehex(value, 8) def bitcoinaddress2hash160(addr): """ Convert a Base58 Bitcoin address to its Hash-160 ASCII hex string. Args: addr (string): Base58 Bitcoin address Returns: string: Hash-160 ASCII hex string """ table = "123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz" hash160 = 0 addr = addr[::-1] for i, c in enumerate(addr): hash160 += (58 ** i) * table.find(c) # Convert number to 50-byte ASCII Hex string hash160 = "{:050x}".format(hash160) # Discard 1-byte network byte at beginning and 4-byte checksum at the end return hash160[2:50 - 8] ################################################################################ # Transaction Coinbase and Hashing Functions ################################################################################ def tx_encode_coinbase_height(height): """ Encode the coinbase height, as per BIP 34: https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0034.mediawiki Arguments: height (int): height of the mined block Returns: string: encoded height as an ASCII hex string """ width = (height.bit_length() + 7) // 8 return bytes([width]).hex() + int2lehex(height, width) def tx_make_coinbase(coinbase_script, address, value, height): """ Create a coinbase transaction. Arguments: coinbase_script (string): arbitrary script as an ASCII hex string address (string): Base58 Bitcoin address value (int): coinbase value height (int): mined block height Returns: string: coinbase transaction as an ASCII hex string """ # See https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Transaction coinbase_script = tx_encode_coinbase_height(height) + coinbase_script # Create a pubkey script # OP_DUP OP_HASH160 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG pubkey_script = "76" + "a9" + "14" + bitcoinaddress2hash160(address) + "88" + "ac" tx = "" # version tx += "01000000" # in-counter tx += "01" # input[0] prev hash tx += "0" * 64 # input[0] prev seqnum tx += "ffffffff" # input[0] script len tx += int2varinthex(len(coinbase_script) // 2) # input[0] script tx += coinbase_script # input[0] seqnum tx += "ffffffff" # out-counter tx += "01" # output[0] value tx += int2lehex(value, 8) # output[0] script len tx += int2varinthex(len(pubkey_script) // 2) # output[0] script tx += pubkey_script # lock-time tx += "00000000" return tx def tx_compute_hash(tx): """ Compute the SHA256 double hash of a transaction. Arguments: tx (string): transaction data as an ASCII hex string Return: string: transaction hash as an ASCII hex string """ return hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(bytes.fromhex(tx)).digest()).digest()[::-1].hex() def tx_compute_merkle_root(tx_hashes): """ Compute the Merkle Root of a list of transaction hashes. Arguments: tx_hashes (list): list of transaction hashes as ASCII hex strings Returns: string: merkle root as a big endian ASCII hex string """ # Convert list of ASCII hex transaction hashes into bytes tx_hashes = [bytes.fromhex(tx_hash)[::-1] for tx_hash in tx_hashes] # Iteratively compute the merkle root hash while len(tx_hashes) > 1: # Duplicate last hash if the list is odd if len(tx_hashes) % 2 != 0: tx_hashes.append(tx_hashes[-1]) tx_hashes_new = [] for i in range(len(tx_hashes) // 2): # Concatenate the next two concat = tx_hashes.pop(0) + tx_hashes.pop(0) # Hash them concat_hash = hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(concat).digest()).digest() # Add them to our working list tx_hashes_new.append(concat_hash) tx_hashes = tx_hashes_new # Format the root in big endian ascii hex return tx_hashes[0][::-1].hex() ################################################################################ # Block Preparation Functions ################################################################################ def block_make_header(block): """ Make the block header. Arguments: block (dict): block template Returns: bytes: block header """ header = b"" # Version header += struct.pack(" 0 and nonce % 1048576 == 0: hash_rate = hash_rate + ((1048576 / (time.time() - time_stamp)) - hash_rate) / (hash_rate_count + 1) hash_rate_count += 1 time_stamp = time.time() # If our mine time expired, return none if timeout and (time_stamp - time_start) > timeout: return (None, hash_rate) nonce += 1 extranonce += 1 # If we ran out of extra nonces, return none return (None, hash_rate) ################################################################################ # Standalone Bitcoin Miner, Single-threaded ################################################################################ def standalone_miner(coinbase_message, address): while True: block_template = rpc_getblocktemplate() print("Mining block template, height {:d}...".format(block_template['height'])) mined_block, hash_rate = block_mine(block_template, coinbase_message, 0, address, timeout=60) print(" {:.4f} KH/s\n".format(hash_rate / 1000.0)) if mined_block: print("Solved a block! Block hash: {}".format(mined_block['hash'])) submission = block_make_submit(mined_block) print("Submitting:", submission, "\n") response = rpc_submitblock(submission) if response is not None: print("Submission Error: {}".format(response)) break if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) < 3: print("Usage: {:s} ".format(sys.argv[0])) sys.exit(1) standalone_miner(sys.argv[1].encode().hex(), sys.argv[2])