import os import ctypes import array import fcntl class I2CError(IOError): """Base class for I2C errors.""" pass class _CI2CMessage(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ("addr", ctypes.c_ushort), ("flags", ctypes.c_ushort), ("len", ctypes.c_ushort), ("buf", ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ubyte)), ] class _CI2CIocTransfer(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ("msgs", ctypes.POINTER(_CI2CMessage)), ("nmsgs", ctypes.c_uint), ] class I2C(object): # Constants scraped from and _I2C_IOC_FUNCS = 0x705 _I2C_IOC_RDWR = 0x707 _I2C_FUNC_I2C = 0x1 _I2C_M_TEN = 0x0010 _I2C_M_RD = 0x0001 _I2C_M_STOP = 0x8000 _I2C_M_NOSTART = 0x4000 _I2C_M_REV_DIR_ADDR = 0x2000 _I2C_M_IGNORE_NAK = 0x1000 _I2C_M_NO_RD_ACK = 0x0800 _I2C_M_RECV_LEN = 0x0400 def __init__(self, devpath): """Instantiate an I2C object and open the i2c-dev device at the specified path. Args: devpath (str): i2c-dev device path. Returns: I2C: I2C object. Raises: I2CError: if an I/O or OS error occurs. """ self._fd = None self._devpath = None self._open(devpath) def __del__(self): self.close() def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, t, value, traceback): self.close() def _open(self, devpath): # Open i2c device try: self._fd =, os.O_RDWR) except OSError as e: raise I2CError(e.errno, "Opening I2C device: " + e.strerror) self._devpath = devpath # Query supported functions buf = array.array('I', [0]) try: fcntl.ioctl(self._fd, I2C._I2C_IOC_FUNCS, buf, True) except (OSError, IOError) as e: self.close() raise I2CError(e.errno, "Querying supported functions: " + e.strerror) # Check that I2C_RDWR ioctl() is supported on this device if (buf[0] & I2C._I2C_FUNC_I2C) == 0: self.close() raise I2CError(None, "I2C not supported on device \"{:s}\"".format(devpath)) # Methods def transfer(self, address, messages): """Transfer `messages` to the specified I2C `address`. Modifies the `messages` array with the results of any read transactions. Args: address (int): I2C address. messages (list): list of I2C.Message messages. Raises: I2CError: if an I/O or OS error occurs. TypeError: if `messages` type is not list. ValueError: if `messages` length is zero, or if message data is not valid bytes. """ if not isinstance(messages, list): raise TypeError("Invalid messages type, should be list of I2C.Message.") elif len(messages) == 0: raise ValueError("Invalid messages data, should be non-zero length.") # Convert I2C.Message messages to _CI2CMessage messages cmessages = (_CI2CMessage * len(messages))() for i in range(len(messages)): # Convert I2C.Message data to bytes if isinstance(messages[i].data, bytes): data = messages[i].data elif isinstance(messages[i].data, bytearray): data = bytes(messages[i].data) elif isinstance(messages[i].data, list): data = bytes(bytearray(messages[i].data)) cmessages[i].addr = address cmessages[i].flags = messages[i].flags | (I2C._I2C_M_RD if messages[i].read else 0) cmessages[i].len = len(data) cmessages[i].buf = ctypes.cast(ctypes.create_string_buffer(data, len(data)), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ubyte)) # Prepare transfer structure i2c_xfer = _CI2CIocTransfer() i2c_xfer.nmsgs = len(cmessages) i2c_xfer.msgs = cmessages # Transfer try: fcntl.ioctl(self._fd, I2C._I2C_IOC_RDWR, i2c_xfer, False) except (OSError, IOError) as e: raise I2CError(e.errno, "I2C transfer: " + e.strerror) # Update any read I2C.Message messages for i in range(len(messages)): if messages[i].read: data = [cmessages[i].buf[j] for j in range(cmessages[i].len)] # Convert read data to type used in I2C.Message messages if isinstance(messages[i].data, list): messages[i].data = data elif isinstance(messages[i].data, bytearray): messages[i].data = bytearray(data) elif isinstance(messages[i].data, bytes): messages[i].data = bytes(bytearray(data)) def close(self): """Close the i2c-dev I2C device. Raises: I2CError: if an I/O or OS error occurs. """ if self._fd is None: return try: os.close(self._fd) except OSError as e: raise I2CError(e.errno, "Closing I2C device: " + e.strerror) self._fd = None # Immutable properties @property def fd(self): """Get the file descriptor of the underlying i2c-dev device. :type: int """ return self._fd @property def devpath(self): """Get the device path of the underlying i2c-dev device. :type: str """ return self._devpath # String representation def __str__(self): return "I2C (device={:s}, fd={:d})".format(self.devpath, self.fd) class Message: def __init__(self, data, read=False, flags=0): """Instantiate an I2C Message object. Args: data (bytes, bytearray, list): a byte array or list of 8-bit integers to write. read (bool): specify this as a read message, where `data` serves as placeholder bytes for the read. flags (int): additional i2c-dev flags for this message. Returns: Message: Message object. Raises: TypeError: if `data`, `read`, or `flags` types are invalid. """ if not isinstance(data, (bytes, bytearray, list)): raise TypeError("Invalid data type, should be bytes, bytearray, or list.") if not isinstance(read, bool): raise TypeError("Invalid read type, should be boolean.") if not isinstance(flags, int): raise TypeError("Invalid flags type, should be integer.") = data = read self.flags = flags