% first cd to directory with zvi images cd /home/vanessa/Desktop/zvis listing = dir(pwd); k = 16; % Put hold on so all functions are plotted on the same graph hold on % Extract acf values from each image for i=5:length(listing)-1 % Keep a cell for each value of k (acfuncs(i)) % Keep an array of k values for each position (acfunccs(i).acf(k) % Run autocorrection for each k = 1:16 (shift) every pixel % each cell of acfuncs will have the timeseries at shift k % k corresponds to the index of acfuncs and the shift acfuncs.data{i-3} = runacf(listing(i).name,k,1,'y'); acfuncs.name = listing(i).name; % If making individual plots to print to file % print -f1 -append zvis.ps end % This will create a variable with subfields: % acfuncs.data{i} is the data for one image % acfuncs.data{i}(k) would be a value of k for one image % acfuncs.name{i} is the corresponding file name