# Open component in editor ## Vue CLI 3 Vue CLI 3 supports this feature out-of-the-box when running `vue-cli-service serve`. ## Nuxt.js & Quasar CLI Nuxt & Quasar CLI supports this feature out-of-the-box. Make sure to be in debug mode. ## Webpack In your Vue project, install the [launch-editor-middleware](https://github.com/yyx990803/launch-editor#middleware) package and modify your webpack configuration: 1. Import the package: ```js var openInEditor = require('launch-editor-middleware') ``` 2. In the `devServer` option, register the `/__open-in-editor` HTTP route: ```js devServer: { before (app) { app.use('/__open-in-editor', openInEditor()) } } ``` 3. The editor to launch is guessed. You can also specify the editor app with the `editor` option. See the [supported editors list](https://github.com/yyx990803/launch-editor#supported-editors). ```js openInEditor('code') ``` 4. You can now click on the name of the component in the Component inspector pane (if the devtools knows about its file source, a tooltip will appear). ## Node.js You can use the [launch-editor](https://github.com/yyx990803/launch-editor#usage) package to setup an HTTP route with the `/__open-in-editor` path. It will receive `file` as an URL variable. ## Customize request You can change the request host (default `/`) with the following code in your frontend app: ```js if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') // App served from port 4000 // Webpack dev server on port 9000 window.VUE_DEVTOOLS_CONFIG = { openInEditorHost: 'http://localhost:9000/' } } ```