description = [[ For each available CPE the script prints out known vulns (links to the correspondent info) and correspondent CVSS scores. Its work is pretty simple: * work only when some software version is identified for an open port * take all the known CPEs for that software (from the standard nmap -sV output) * make a request to a remote server ( API) to learn whether any known vulns exist for that CPE * if no info is found this way, try to get it using the software name alone * print the obtained info out NB: Since the size of the DB with all the vulns is more than 250GB there is no way to use a local db. So we do make requests to a remote service. Still all the requests contain just two fields - the software name and its version (or CPE), so one can still have the desired privacy. ]] --- -- @usage -- nmap -sV --script vulners [--script-args mincvss=] -- -- @args vulners.mincvss Limit CVEs shown to those with this CVSS score or greater. -- -- @output -- -- 53/tcp open domain ISC BIND DNS -- | vulners: -- | ISC BIND DNS: -- | CVE-2012-1667 8.5 -- | CVE-2002-0651 7.5 -- | CVE-2002-0029 7.5 -- | CVE-2015-5986 7.1 -- | CVE-2010-3615 5.0 -- | CVE-2006-0987 5.0 -- |_ CVE-2014-3214 5.0 -- -- @xmloutput -- --
-- false -- 8.5 -- CVE-2012-1667 -- cve --
-- -- false -- 7.8 -- CVE-2015-4620 -- cve --
-- dependencies = {"http-vulners-regex"} author = 'gmedian AT vulners DOT com' license = "Same as Nmap--See" categories = {"vuln", "safe", "external", "default"} local http = require "http" local url = require "url" local json = require "json" local string = require "string" local table = require "table" local nmap = require "nmap" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local api_version="1.7" local mincvss=stdnse.get_script_args("vulners.mincvss") mincvss = tonumber(mincvss) or 0.0 portrule = function(host, port) local vers=port.version return vers ~= nil and vers.version ~= nil or (host.registry.vulners_cpe ~= nil) end local cve_meta = { __tostring = function(me) return ("\t%s\t%s\t"):format(, me.cvss or "", me.type,, me.is_exploit and '\t*EXPLOIT*' or '') end, } --- -- Return a string with all the found cve's and correspondent links -- -- @param vulns a table with the parsed json response from the vulners server -- function make_links(vulns) local output = {} if not vulns or not or not then return end for _, vuln in ipairs( do local v = { id =, type = vuln._source.type, -- Mark the exploits out is_exploit = vuln._source.bulletinFamily:lower() == "exploit", -- Sometimes it might happen, so check the score availability cvss = tonumber(vuln._source.cvss.score), } -- NOTE[gmedian]: exploits seem to have cvss == 0, so print them anyway if not v.cvss or (v.cvss == 0 and v.is_exploit) or mincvss <= v.cvss then setmetatable(v, cve_meta) output[#output+1] = v end end if #output > 0 then -- Sort the acquired vulns by the CVSS score table.sort(output, function(a, b) return a.cvss > b.cvss or (a.cvss == b.cvss and > end) return output end end --- -- Issues the requests, receives json and parses it, calls make_links when successfull -- -- @param what string, future value for the software query argument -- @param vers string, the version query argument -- @param type string, the type query argument -- function get_results(what, vers, type) local api_endpoint = "" local vulns local response local status local attempt_n=0 local query = { software= what, version= vers, type=type } local api_url = ('%s?%s'):format(api_endpoint, url.build_query(query)) local option={ header={ ['User-Agent'] = string.format('Vulners NMAP Plugin %s', api_version), ['Accept-Encoding'] = "gzip, deflate" }, any_af = true, } stdnse.debug1("Trying to get vulns of " .. what .. " for type " .. type) -- Sometimes we cannot contact vulners, so have to try several more times while attempt_n < 3 do stdnse.debug1("Attempt ".. attempt_n .. " to contact vulners.") response = http.get_url(api_url, option) status = response.status if status ~= nil then break end attempt_n = attempt_n + 1 stdnse.sleep(1) end if status == nil then -- Something went really wrong out there -- According to the NSE way we will die silently rather than spam user with error messages stdnse.debug1("Failed to cantact vulners in several attempts.") return elseif status ~= 200 then -- Again just die silently stdnse.debug1("Response from vulners is not 200 but " .. status) return end status, vulns = json.parse(response.body) if status == true then stdnse.debug1("Have successfully parsed json response.") if vulns.result == "OK" then stdnse.debug1("Response from vulners is OK.") return make_links(vulns) else stdnse.debug1("Response from vulners is not OK with body:") stdnse.debug1(response.body) end else stdnse.debug1("Unable to parse json.") stdnse.debug1(response.body) end end --- -- Calls get_results for type="software" -- -- It is called from action when nothing is found for the available cpe's -- -- @param software string, the software name -- @param version string, the software version -- function get_vulns_by_software(software, version) return get_results(software, version, "software") end --- -- Calls get_results for type="cpe" -- -- Takes the version number from the given cpe and tries to get the result. -- If none found, changes the given cpe a bit in order to possibly separate version number from the patch version -- And makes another attempt. -- Having failed returns an empty string. -- -- @param cpe string, the given cpe -- function get_vulns_by_cpe(cpe) local vers_regexp=":([%d%.%-%_]+)([^:]*)$" -- TODO[gmedian]: add check for cpe:/a as we might be interested in software rather than in OS (cpe:/o) and hardware (cpe:/h) -- TODO[gmedian]: work not with the LAST part but simply with the THIRD one (according to cpe doc it must be version) -- NOTE[gmedian]: take only the numeric part of the version local _, _, vers, patch = cpe:find(vers_regexp) if not vers then return end stdnse.debug1("Got cpe " .. cpe .. " with version ".. vers .. " and patch " .. (patch or "nil")) local output = get_results(cpe, vers, "cpe") if not output then if patch and patch ~= "" then local new_cpe new_cpe = cpe:gsub(vers_regexp, ":%1:%2") stdnse.debug1("Forming new cpe for another attempt " .. new_cpe) output = get_results(new_cpe, vers, "cpe") end end return output end action = function(host, port) local tab=stdnse.output_table() local changed=false local output for i, cpe in ipairs(port.version.cpe) do -- There are two cpe's for nginx, have to check them both cpe = cpe:gsub(":nginx:nginx", ":igor_sysoev:nginx") stdnse.debug1("Analyzing cpe " .. cpe) output = get_vulns_by_cpe(cpe) if cpe:find(":igor_sysoev:nginx") then cpe = cpe:gsub(":igor_sysoev:nginx", ":nginx:nginx") stdnse.debug1("Now going to analyze the second version " .. cpe) local output_nginx=get_vulns_by_cpe(cpe) if not output then output = output_nginx elseif output_nginx then -- Need to merge two arrays, sorted by cvss -- Presumably the former output contains by far less entries, so iterate on it and insert into the latter -- pos will represent current position in output_nginx local pos=1 for i, v in ipairs(output) do while pos <= #output_nginx and output_nginx[pos].cvss >= v.cvss do pos = pos + 1 end table.insert(output_nginx, pos, v) end output = output_nginx end end if output then tab[cpe] = output changed = true end end -- NOTE[gmedian]: check whether we have pre-matched CPEs in registry (from http-vulners-regex.nse in particular) if host.registry.vulners_cpe ~= nil and #host.registry.vulners_cpe > 0 then stdnse.debug1("Found some CPEs in host registry.") for i, cpe in ipairs(host.registry.vulners_cpe) do -- avoid duplicates in output, will still however make redundant requests if tab[cpe] == nil then stdnse.debug1("Analyzing pre-matched cpe " .. cpe) output = get_vulns_by_cpe(cpe) if output then tab[cpe] = output changed = true end end end end -- NOTE[gmedian]: issue request for type=software, but only when nothing is found so far if not changed then local vendor_version = port.version.product .. " " .. port.version.version output = get_vulns_by_software(port.version.product, port.version.version) if output then tab[vendor_version] = output changed = true end end if (not changed) then return end return tab end