""" This file is part of blender-osm (OpenStreetMap importer for Blender). Copyright (C) 2014-2018 Vladimir Elistratov prokitektura+support@gmail.com This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . """ from parse.osm.relation.building import Building from parse.osm.relation import Relation from manager import BaseManager, Linestring, Polygon, PolygonAcceptBroken, WayManager from renderer import Renderer2d from renderer.node_renderer import BaseNodeRenderer from renderer.curve_renderer import CurveRenderer from building.manager import BuildingManager, BuildingParts, BuildingRelations from building.renderer import BuildingRenderer from manager.logging import Logger def tunnel(tags, e): if tags.get("tunnel") == "yes": e.valid = False return True return False def setup(app, osm): # comment the next line if logging isn't needed Logger(app, osm) # create managers wayManager = WayManager(osm, CurveRenderer(app)) linestring = Linestring(osm) polygon = Polygon(osm) polygonAcceptBroken = PolygonAcceptBroken(osm) # conditions for point objects in OSM #osm.addNodeCondition( # lambda tags, e: tags.get("natural") == "tree", # "trees", # None, # BaseNodeRenderer(app, path, filename, collection) #) # custom setup begins # the first argument is the condition # the second argument is the layer name # the third argument should not be changed osm.addCondition( lambda tags, e: isinstance(e, Relation) and ("place" in tags or tags.get("boundary") == "administrative"), "boundaries", polygonAcceptBroken ) # custom setup ends if app.buildings: if app.mode is app.twoD: osm.addCondition( lambda tags, e: "building" in tags, "buildings", polygon ) else: # 3D buildingParts = BuildingParts() buildingRelations = BuildingRelations() buildings = BuildingManager(osm, buildingParts) # Important: beform , # since there may be a tag building=* in an OSM relation of the type 'building' osm.addCondition( lambda tags, e: isinstance(e, Building), None, buildingRelations ) osm.addCondition( lambda tags, e: "building" in tags, "buildings", buildings ) osm.addCondition( lambda tags, e: "building:part" in tags, None, buildingParts ) buildings.setRenderer( BuildingRenderer(app) ) app.managers.append(buildings) if app.highways or app.railways: osm.addCondition(tunnel) if app.highways: osm.addCondition( lambda tags, e: tags.get("highway") in ("motorway", "motorway_link"), "roads_motorway", wayManager ) osm.addCondition( lambda tags, e: tags.get("highway") in ("trunk", "trunk_link"), "roads_trunk", wayManager ) osm.addCondition( lambda tags, e: tags.get("highway") in ("primary", "primary_link"), "roads_primary", wayManager ) osm.addCondition( lambda tags, e: tags.get("highway") in ("secondary", "secondary_link"), "roads_secondary", wayManager ) osm.addCondition( lambda tags, e: tags.get("highway") in ("tertiary", "tertiary_link"), "roads_tertiary", wayManager ) osm.addCondition( lambda tags, e: tags.get("highway") == "unclassified", "roads_unclassified", wayManager ) osm.addCondition( lambda tags, e: tags.get("highway") in ("residential", "living_street"), "roads_residential", wayManager ) # footway to optimize the walk through conditions osm.addCondition( lambda tags, e: tags.get("highway") in ("footway", "path"), "paths_footway", wayManager ) osm.addCondition( lambda tags, e: tags.get("highway") == "service", "roads_service", wayManager ) osm.addCondition( lambda tags, e: tags.get("highway") == "pedestrian", "roads_pedestrian", wayManager ) osm.addCondition( lambda tags, e: tags.get("highway") == "track", "roads_track", wayManager ) osm.addCondition( lambda tags, e: tags.get("highway") == "steps", "paths_steps", wayManager ) osm.addCondition( lambda tags, e: tags.get("highway") == "cycleway", "paths_cycleway", wayManager ) osm.addCondition( lambda tags, e: tags.get("highway") == "bridleway", "paths_bridleway", wayManager ) osm.addCondition( lambda tags, e: tags.get("highway") in ("road", "escape", "raceway"), "roads_other", wayManager ) if app.railways: osm.addCondition( lambda tags, e: "railway" in tags, "railways", wayManager ) if app.water: osm.addCondition( lambda tags, e: tags.get("natural") == "water" or tags.get("waterway") == "riverbank" or tags.get("landuse") == "reservoir", "water", polygonAcceptBroken ) osm.addCondition( lambda tags, e: tags.get("natural") == "coastline", "coastlines", linestring ) if app.forests: osm.addCondition( lambda tags, e: tags.get("natural") == "wood" or tags.get("landuse") == "forest", "forest", polygon ) if app.vegetation: osm.addCondition( lambda tags, e: ("landuse" in tags and tags["landuse"] in ("grass", "meadow", "farmland")) or ("natural" in tags and tags["natural"] in ("scrub", "grassland", "heath")), "vegetation", polygon ) numConditions = len(osm.conditions) if not app.mode is app.twoD and app.buildings: # 3D buildings aren't processed by BaseManager numConditions -= 1 if numConditions: m = BaseManager(osm) m.setRenderer(Renderer2d(app)) app.managers.append(m)