# Copyright 2017-2019 W3C Linked Building Data Community Group. # # This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License. # This copyright applies to the Vocabulary Specification and # accompanying documentation in RDF. Regarding underlying technology, # the Vocabulary uses W3C's RDF technology, an open Web standard that can be freely # used by anyone. @prefix : . @prefix owl: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix dcterms: . @prefix vann: . @prefix voaf: . @prefix vcard: . @prefix schema: . @prefix bot: . @prefix dul: . @base . rdf:type owl:Ontology , voaf:Vocabulary ; dcterms:title "DUL to BOT alignment."@en ; dcterms:description """This ontology defines proposed alignments with the DUL ontology."""@en ; dcterms:issued "2019-05-08"^^xsd:date ; dcterms:modified "2019-05-08"^^xsd:date ; dcterms:license ; owl:versionInfo "v0.1.0" ; owl:versionIRI ; dcterms:creator ; rdfs:seeAlso ; dcterms:contributor ; dcterms:contributor "Georg Ferdinand Schneider" ; dcterms:creator "Maxime Lefrançois" ; owl:imports , . dcterms:title a owl:AnnotationProperty . dcterms:description a owl:AnnotationProperty . dcterms:issued a owl:AnnotationProperty . dcterms:modified a owl:AnnotationProperty . dcterms:creator a owl:AnnotationProperty . dcterms:contributor a owl:AnnotationProperty . dcterms:license a owl:AnnotationProperty . vann:preferredNamespacePrefix a owl:AnnotationProperty . vann:preferredNamespaceUri a owl:AnnotationProperty . vcard:fn a owl:AnnotationProperty . schema:name a owl:AnnotationProperty . a vcard:Individual , schema:Person; vcard:fn "Maxime Lefrançois" ; schema:name "Maxime Lefrançois" . a vcard:Individual , schema:Person; vcard:fn "Georg Ferdinand Schneider" ; schema:name "Georg Ferdinand Schneider" . ################################################################# # Classes ################################################################# bot:Site rdfs:subClassOf dul:PhysicalPlace . bot:Zone rdfs:subClassOf dul:PhysicalObject . bot:Building rdfs:subClassOf dul:DesignedArtifact . bot:Storey rdfs:subClassOf dul:DesignedArtifact . bot:Space rdfs:subClassOf dul:DesignedArtifact . bot:Element rdfs:subClassOf dul:DesignedArtifact . bot:Interface rdfs:subClassOf dul:DesignedArtifact . bot:has3DModel rdfs:subPropertyOf dul:hasRegion . bot:has3DModel rdfs:range dul:SpaceRegion . bot:containsZone rdfs:subPropertyOf dul:hasPart . bot:containsElement rdfs:subPropertyOf dul:hasPart . bot:adjacentZone rdfs:subPropertyOf dul:hasCommonBoundary . bot:adjacentElement rdfs:subPropertyOf dul:hasCommonBoundary . bot:interfaceOf rdfs:subPropertyOf dul:hasCommonBoundary . bot:intersectsZone rdfs:subPropertyOf dul:overlaps . bot:intersectingElement rdfs:subPropertyOf dul:overlaps .