# Copyright 2017 W3C Linked Building Data Community Group. # # This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License. # This copyright applies to the BOT Vocabulary Specification and # accompanying documentation in RDF. Regarding underlying technology, # BOT uses W3C's RDF technology, an open Web standard that can be freely # used by anyone. @prefix rdf: . @prefix owl: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix dcterms: . @prefix vann: . @prefix voaf: . @prefix vs: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix dce: . @prefix dbo: . @prefix vcard: . @prefix schema: . @prefix bot: . @base . voaf:Vocabulary a owl:Class . dcterms:title a owl:AnnotationProperty . dcterms:description a owl:AnnotationProperty . dcterms:issued a owl:AnnotationProperty . dcterms:modified a owl:AnnotationProperty . dcterms:creator a owl:AnnotationProperty . dcterms:contributor a owl:AnnotationProperty . dcterms:license a owl:AnnotationProperty . vann:preferredNamespacePrefix a owl:AnnotationProperty . vann:preferredNamespaceUri a owl:AnnotationProperty . vs:term_status a owl:AnnotationProperty . vcard:fn a owl:AnnotationProperty . schema:name a owl:AnnotationProperty . ################################# # METADATA ################################# rdf:type voaf:Vocabulary , owl:Ontology ; dcterms:modified "2017-10-27"^^xsd:date ; dcterms:issued "2017-10-27"^^xsd:date ; owl:versionIRI ; owl:versionInfo "0.2.0" ; owl:priorVersion ; rdfs:seeAlso , ; dcterms:title "BOT: Building Topology Ontology"@en ; dcterms:description """The Building Topology Ontology (BOT) is a simple ontology defining the core concepts of a building. It is a simple, easy to extend ontology for the construction industry to document and exchange building data on the web. Version 0.2.0 of the ontology is documented in: Mads Holten Rasmussen, Pieter Pauwels, Maxime Lefrançois, Georg Ferdinand Schneider, Christian Anker Hviid and Jan Karlshøj (2017) Recent changes in the Building Topology Ontology, 5th Linked Data in Architecture and Construction Workshop (LDAC2017), November 13-15, 2017, Dijon, France, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/320631574_Recent_changes_in_the_Building_Topology_Ontology The initial version of the ontology was documented in: Mads Holten Rasmussen, Pieter Pauwels, Christian Anker Hviid and Jan Karlshøj (2017) Proposing a Central AEC Ontology That Allows for Domain Specific Extensions, Lean and Computing in Construction Congress (LC3): Volume I – Proceedings of the Joint Conference on Computing in Construction (JC3), July 4-7, 2017, Heraklion, Greece, pp. 237-244 https://doi.org/10.24928/JC3-2017/0153"""@en ; dcterms:creator "Mads Holten Rasmussen" ; dcterms:creator "Pieter Pauwels" ; dcterms:contributor "Maxime Lefrançois" ; dcterms:contributor "Georg Ferdinand Schneider" ; dcterms:contributor ; dcterms:contributor ; dcterms:creator ; dcterms:creator ; dcterms:license ; vann:preferredNamespacePrefix "bot" ; vann:preferredNamespaceUri ; dce:Language "en" ; dce:title "BOT" ; dce:description "A simple ontology describing the topology of a building" . a vcard:Individual , schema:Person; vcard:fn "Maxime Lefrançois" ; schema:name "Maxime Lefrançois" . a vcard:Individual , schema:Person; vcard:fn "Georg Ferdinand Schneider" ; schema:name "Georg Ferdinand Schneider" . a vcard:Individual , schema:Person ; vcard:fn "Mads Holten Rasmussen" ; schema:name "Mads Holten Rasmussen" . a vcard:Individual , schema:Person ; vcard:fn "Pieter Pauwels" ; schema:name "Pieter Pauwels" . ################################# # CLASSES ################################# bot:Zone a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Zone"@en , "Zone"@da ; rdfs:comment "An area or stretch of land having a particular characteristic, purpose, or use, or subject to particular restrictions. A bot:Zone can contain other bot:Zones defined by the relation bot:containsZone, and it can be connected to other bot:Zones defined by the relation bot:adjacentZone."@en , "Et areal eller stykke land som har en særlig karakteristik, et særligt formål eller brug, eller som er underlagt særlige restriktioner. En bot:Zone kan indeholde andre bot:Zoner defineret ved relationen bot:containsZone, og den kan være forbundet til andre bot:Zoner defineret ved relationen bot:adjacentZone."@da . bot:Site a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Site"@en , "Grund"@da , "Site"@nl , "Grundstück"@de ; rdfs:comment "Area containing one or more buildings."@en , "Område som indeholder en eller flere bygninger."@da , "Omgeving die één of meerdere gebouwen bevat."@nl , "Abgegrenzter Teil der Erdoberfläche auf dem ein oder mehrere Gebäude stehen."@de ; rdfs:subClassOf bot:Zone . bot:Building a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Building"@en , "Gebäude"@de , "Edificio"@it , "Bygning"@da , "Gebouw"@nl ; rdfs:comment "An independent unit of the built environment with a characteristic spatial structure, intended to serve at least one function or user activity [ISO 12006-2:2013]"@en , "Bauwerk hauptsächlich zum Zweck des Schutzes für seine Bewohner und die darin aufbewahrten Gegenstände; im Allgemeinen teilweise oder ganz geschlossen und ortsfest [ISO 6707-1:2014]"@de , "En uafhængig del af det byggede miljø med en karakteristisk rumlig struktur, der understøtter mindst én funktion eller brugeraktivitet"@da ; rdfs:subClassOf bot:Zone . bot:Storey a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Storey"@en , "Geschoss (Architektur)"@de , "Piano di edificio"@it , "Verdieping"@nl, "Etage"@da ; rdfs:comment "A level part of a building"@en , "Die Gesamtheit aller Räume in einem Gebäude, die auf einer Zugangsebene liegen und horizontal verbunden sind"@de , "Et plan i en bygning"@da , "Een horizontaal gedeelte van een gebouw"@nl ; rdfs:subClassOf bot:Zone . bot:Space a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Space"@en , "Raum"@de , "Spazio"@it , "Ruimte"@nl, "Rum"@da ; rdfs:comment "A limited three-dimensional extent defined physically or notionally [ISO 12006-2 (DIS 2013), 3.4.3]"@en , "Fläche oder Volumen mit tatsächlicher oder theoretischer Begrenzung [ISO 6707-1:2014]"@de , "En afgrænset tredimensionel udstrækning defineret fysisk eller fiktivt"@da , "Een afgebakende driedimensionale omgeving die fysiek of indirect gedefinieerd wordt [ISO 12006-2 (DIS 2013), 3.4.3]"@nl ; rdfs:subClassOf bot:Zone . bot:Element a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Building element"@en , "Bauteil (Bauwesen)"@de , "Elemento architettonico"@it , "Bygningsdel"@da , "Gebouwelement"@nl ; rdfs:comment "Constituent of a construction entity with a characteristic technical function, form or position [12006-2, 3.4.7]"@en , "Das Bauteil ist im Bauwesen ein einzelnes Teil, ein Element oder eine Komponente, aus denen ein Bauwerk zusammengesetzt wird [12006-2, 3.4.7]"@de , "Bestanddel af et bygværk med en karakteristisk funktion, form eller position [12006-2, 3.4.7]"@da , "Bestanddeel van een gebouwde entiteit met een karakteristieke technische functie, vorm of positie [12006-2, 3.4.7]"@nl . bot:Interface a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Interface"@en , "Grænseflade"@da ; rdfs:comment "An interface is the surface where two building elements, two zones or a building element and a zone meet. It can be used for qualification of the connection between the two. A use case could be qualification of the heat transmission area between a zone and a wall covering several zones."@en , "En grænseflade er fladen hvor to bygningsdele, to zoner eller en bygningsdel og en zone mødes. Den kan benyttes til at kvalificere forbindelsen mellem de to. En use case kunne være kvalifikation af varmetransmissionsarealet mellem en zone og en væg som dækker flere zoner."@da . ################################# # OBJECT PROPERTIES ################################# bot:containsZone a owl:ObjectProperty , owl:TransitiveProperty ; rdfs:label "contains zone"@en , "indeholder zone"@da ; rdfs:comment "Relationship to the subzones of a major zone. A space zone could for instance be contained in a storey zone which is further contained in a builidng zone. bot:containsZone is a transitive property meaning that in the previous example the space zone would also be contained in the building zone."@en ; rdfs:domain bot:Zone ; rdfs:range bot:Zone . bot:adjacentZone a owl:ObjectProperty , owl:SymmetricProperty ; rdfs:label "adjacent zone"@en , "tilstødende zone"@da ; rdfs:comment "Relationship between two zones sharing a common interface."@en , "Relation mellem to zoner, der deler en fælles grænseflade."@da ; rdfs:domain bot:Zone ; rdfs:range bot:Zone . bot:hasBuilding a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "has building"@en , "heeft gebouw"@nl , "har bygning"@da ; rdfs:comment "Relation to buildings contained in a zone. The typical domains of bot:hasBuilding are instances of bot:Site."@en , "Relatie tot gebouwen die zich op een site bevinden"@nl , "Relation til bygninger indeholdt i en zone. De typiske domæner for bot:hasBuilding er forekomster af bot:Site."@da ; rdfs:subPropertyOf bot:containsZone ; rdfs:domain bot:Zone ; rdfs:range bot:Building . bot:hasStorey a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "has storey"@en , "heeft verdieping"@nl , "hat geschoss"@de , "har etage"@da ; rdfs:comment "Relation to storeys contained in a zone. The typical domains of bot:hasStorey are instances of bot:Building."@en , #"Relatie tot de verdiepingen die zich in het gebouw bevinden"@nl , #"Beziehung zu in Gebäude enthaltenden Geschossen"@de , "Relation til etager indeholdt i en zone. De typiske domæner for bot:hasStorey er forekomster af bot:Building."@da ; rdfs:subPropertyOf bot:containsZone ; rdfs:domain bot:Zone ; rdfs:range bot:Storey . bot:hasSpace a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "has space"@en , "hat raum"@de , "heeft ruimte"@nl , "har rum"@da ; rdfs:comment "Relation to spaces contained in a zone. The typical domains of bot:hasSpace are instances of bot:Storey and bot:Building."@en , #"Relatie tot ruimtes die zich op een verdieping bevinden"@nl , #"Beziehung zu Räumen, die sich in einem Geschoss befinden"@de , "Relation til rum indeholdt i en zone. De typiske domæner for bot:hasSpace er forekomster af bot:Storey og bot:Building."@da ; rdfs:subPropertyOf bot:containsZone ; rdfs:domain bot:Zone ; rdfs:range bot:Space . bot:adjacentElement a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "adjacent element"@en , "aangrenzend element"@nl , "benachbartes bauteil"@de , "tilstødende element"@da ; rdfs:comment "Relation between a zone and its adjacent building elements, bounding the physical space."@en , #"Beziehung eines Raumes zu Bauteilen die in begrenzen"@de , #"Relatie tot de begrenzingen van een ruimte door fysieke gebouwelementen"@nl , "Relation mellem en zone og dens tilstødende bygningsdele, som afgrænser det fysiske rum."@da ; rdfs:domain bot:Zone ; rdfs:range bot:Element . bot:containsElement a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "contains element"@en , "bevat element"@nl , "enthält"@de , "indeholder bygningsdel"@da ; rdfs:comment "Relation to a building element contained in a zone."@en , #"Beziehung eines Raums zu einem Bauteil"@de , #"Relatie tussen ruimte en een gebouwelement in die ruimte"@nl , "Relation til en bygningsdel, som er indeholdt i en zone."@da ; rdfs:domain bot:Zone ; rdfs:range bot:Element ; owl:propertyChainAxiom ( bot:containsZone bot:containsElement ) . bot:hostsElement a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "hosts element"@en , "hoster element"@nl , "hoster element"@da , "heeft element"@nl ; rdfs:comment "Relation between an element a) and another element b) hosted by element a). Example: inst:wall bot:hostsElement inst:window"@en , "Relatie tussen een gebouwelement a) en een ander element b) dat een ander element in zich heeft a). Voorbeeld: inst:wall bot:hostsElement inst:window"@nl , "Relation mellem en bygningsdel a) og en anden bygningsdel b) hostet af element a). Eksempel: inst:wall bot:hostsElement inst:window"@da ; rdfs:domain bot:Element ; rdfs:range bot:Element . bot:aggregates a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "aggregates"@en , "aggregerer"@da ; rdfs:comment """Links an aggregate (a cluster of elements that can be treated as a single unit) to its sub-elements. For example an Air Handling Unit aggregates, among other elements, a fan and a filter. Example of how to use bot:aggregates in a product ontology: ``` product:Fan rdfs:subClassOf bot:Element . product:Filter rdfs:subClassOf bot:Element . product:hasFan rdfs:subPropertyOf bot:aggregates ; rdfs:range product:Fan . product:hasFilter rdfs:subPropertyOf product:aggregates ; rdfs:range product:Filter . product:AirHandlingUnit rdfs:subClassOf bot:Element ; rdfs:subClassOf [ owl:onProperty product:hasFan ; owl:someValuesFrom product:Fan ] ; rdfs:subClassOf [ owl:onProperty product:hasFilter ; owl:someValuesFrom product:Filter ] . ```"""@en , """Forbinder et aggregat (en klynge af elementer, som kan behandles som en samlet enhed) med dets delelementer. For eksempel aggregerer et ventilationsaggregat, blandt andre elementer, en ventilator og et filter. Eksempel på brug af bot:aggregates i en produkt-ontologi: ``` product:Fan rdfs:subClassOf bot:Element . product:Filter rdfs:subClassOf bot:Element . product:hasFan rdfs:subPropertyOf bot:aggregates ; rdfs:range product:Fan . product:hasFilter rdfs:subPropertyOf product:aggregates ; rdfs:range product:Filter . product:AirHandlingUnit rdfs:subClassOf bot:Element ; rdfs:subClassOf [ owl:onProperty product:hasFan ; owl:someValuesFrom product:Fan ] ; rdfs:subClassOf [ owl:onProperty product:hasFilter ; owl:someValuesFrom product:Filter ] . ```"""@da . bot:interfaceOf a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "interface of"@en , "grænseflade for"@da ; rdfs:comment "Relationship between an interface and an adjacent zone or element."@en , "Relation mellem en grænseflade og en tilstødende zone eller bygningsdel."@da ; rdfs:domain bot:Interface . ################################# # CONSTRAINTS ################################# # Disjunctive classes [] a owl:AllDisjointClasses ; owl:members ( bot:Site bot:Element bot:Space bot:Storey bot:Building ) . # Disjunctive classes [] a owl:AllDisjointClasses ; owl:members ( bot:Zone bot:Element ) . # An interface is the interface of exactly two instances bot:Interface rdfs:subClassOf [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty bot:interfaceOf ; owl:cardinality 2 ] .