# baseURI: http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat/prov # imports: http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat # imports: http://www.w3.org/ns/prov-o # prefix: dcat-prov @prefix dcat: . @prefix dcat-prov: . @prefix dct: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix owl: . @prefix prov: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix skos: . @prefix xsd: . ### DCAT classes ### dcat:Catalog rdfs:subClassOf prov:Collection ; rdfs:subClassOf [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:allValuesFrom dcat:Resource ; owl:onProperty prov:hadMember ; ] ; . dcat:CatalogRecord rdfs:subClassOf prov:Entity ; skos:editorialNote """2018-02-28 AGB: Links to requirements mentioned above in the github tracker to follow the discussions https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/71 https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/66 https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/76""" ; . dcat:Distribution rdfs:subClassOf prov:Entity ; . dcat:Relationship rdfs:subClassOf prov:EntityInfluence ; . dcat:Resource rdfs:subClassOf prov:Entity ; skos:editorialNote """2018-02-28 AGB: Links to requirements mentioned above in the github tracker to follow the discussions https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/71 https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/66 https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/76""" ; . ### DCAT properties ### dcat:catalog rdfs:subPropertyOf prov:hadMember ; . dcat:dataset rdfs:subPropertyOf prov:hadMember ; . dcat:qualifiedRelation rdfs:subPropertyOf prov:qualifiedInfluence ; . dcat:service rdfs:subPropertyOf prov:hadMember ; . ### Dublin Core properties ### dct:contributor rdfs:subPropertyOf prov:wasAttributedTo ; owl:propertyChainAxiom ( [ rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:range [ rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf prov:Attribution ; rdfs:subClassOf [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:hasValue ; owl:onProperty dcat:hadRole ; ] ; ] ; rdfs:subPropertyOf prov:qualifiedAttribution ; ] prov:agent ) ; . dct:creator rdfs:subPropertyOf prov:wasAttributedTo ; owl:propertyChainAxiom ( [ rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:range [ rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf prov:Attribution ; rdfs:subClassOf [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:hasValue ; owl:onProperty dcat:hadRole ; ] ; ] ; rdfs:subPropertyOf prov:qualifiedAttribution ; ] prov:agent ) ; . dct:publisher rdfs:subPropertyOf prov:wasAttributedTo ; owl:propertyChainAxiom ( [ rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:range [ rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf prov:Attribution ; rdfs:subClassOf [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:hasValue ; owl:onProperty dcat:hadRole ; ] ; ] ; rdfs:subPropertyOf prov:qualifiedAttribution ; ] prov:agent ) ; . dct:hasFormat rdfs:subPropertyOf prov:alternateOf ; . dct:isFormatOf rdfs:subPropertyOf prov:alternateOf ; . dct:isVersionOf rdfs:subPropertyOf prov:wasRevisionOf ; . dct:source rdfs:subPropertyOf prov:wasDerivedFrom ; . ### PROV classes ### prov:Agent rdfs:comment "prov:Agent is modeled as a subclass of foaf:Agent since it is the subset of agents that are involved in prov:Activity individuals" ; rdfs:subClassOf foaf:Agent ; . ### PROV properties ### prov:hadMember rdfs:subPropertyOf dct:hasPart ; . ### metadata about this graph ### rdf:type owl:Ontology ; dct:created "2018-02-19"^^xsd:date ; dct:modified "2019-01-11"^^xsd:date ; dct:creator ; dct:creator ; rdfs:comment "NOTE: this alignment is provisional and incomplete, and is added to the repository here to (a) support further development of the DCAT-PROV alignment (b) demonstrate the strategy of modularizing alignments and dependencies into separate RDF files." ; rdfs:comment "RDF graph containing alignment axioms between DCAT and PROV-O" ; rdfs:label "DCAT-PROV alignment" ; rdfs:seeAlso ; rdfs:seeAlso ; rdfs:seeAlso ; rdfs:seeAlso ; rdfs:seeAlso ; rdfs:seeAlso ; rdfs:seeAlso ; rdfs:seeAlso ; owl:imports ; owl:imports ; skos:editorialNote "NOTE: Currently includes the apparatus required for Qualified Relations, since some of these build on elements from PROV-O" ; skos:editorialNote "NOTE: Includes some alignments from Dublin Core to PROV Mapping https://www.w3.org/TR/prov-dc/" ; .