// translate the text between quotes // text following double slashes (such as this line) provides comments for the translator // words beginning with s. or f. are variables - do not disturb these ! (though you can move them) // where it would aid clarity, variables that occur in the text are described below var s = { } // DO NOT TRANSLATE s.suppStylesheets = '' s.rtlAttribute = "" s.ltrAttribute = "" s.rlm = "" // TRANSLATE THE FOLLOWING s.currLang = { 'ar':'Arabic', 'bg':'Bulgarian', 'de':'German', 'da':'Danish', 'el':'Greek', 'en':'English', 'es':'Spanish', 'fr':'French', 'gl':'Galician', 'he':'Hebrew', 'hi':'Hindi', 'hu':'Hungarian', 'it':'Italian', 'ja':'Japanese', 'ko':'Korean', 'nl':'Dutch', 'pl':'Polish', 'pt':'Portuguese', 'pt-br':'Brazilian Portuguese', 'ro':'Romanian', 'ru':'Russian', 'sv':'Swedish', 'th':'Thai', 'tr':'Turkish', 'uk':'Ukrainian', 'vi':'Vietnamese', 'zh-hans':'Simplified Chinese', 'zh-hant':'Traditional Chinese' } s.i18nActivityHome = "I18N Activity Home" s.moreResourcesOfThisType = "More resources of this type." s.accessKeyN = 'Accesskey n skips to in-page navigation. Skip to the content start.' s.examplesInAnotherScript = "This document contains examples in another language/script." s.worldMap = "World map" s.searchI18nSite = "I18n site search" s.translationDisclaimer = 'This document is a translation provided by a volunteer. In the case of any discrepancy or errors, the latest English original should be considered authoritative.Original copyright belongs to W3C, as shown below.' s.relatedLinks = "Related links" s.articles = "Articles" // used in breadcrumbs, top right of page s.topicIndexText = "Topic index" s.techIndexText = "Techniques index" s.gotoW3cHome = "Go to W3C Home Page" s.gotoI18nHome = "Go to Internationalization Activity Home Page" s.internationalizationTitle = "Internationalization" s.worldwide = "Making the World Wide Web worldwide!" s.i18nActivityHomePage = "Internationalization Activity home page." s.home = "Home" s.aboutI18nActivity = "About W3C Internationalization." s.about = "About" s.askI18nActivity = "Ask for help or information." s.ask = "Ask" s.groupsThatMakeUp = "Participate in W3C Internationalization work." s.groups = "Participate" s.topicIndexForInformation = "Search this site." s.topics = "Search" s.taskBasedIndex = "Learn techniques and requirements for internationalization." s.techniques = "Learn" s.informationResources = "Find information on this site." s.resources = "Find" s.newsFiltersAndFeeds = "Follow the work at W3C Internationalization." s.news = "Follow" s.onThisPage = "On this page" s.questionAlt = "Question" s.questionLink = "Question" s.question = "Question" s.backgroundAlt = "Background information" s.backgroundLink = "Background" s.background = "Background" s.answerAlt = "Answer" s.answerLink = "Answer" s.answer = "Answer" // heading s.byTheWayAlt = "Additional useful information" s.byTheWayLink = "By the way" s.byTheWay = "By the way" s.furtherReadingAlt = "Further reading" s.furtherReadingLink = "Further reading" s.furtherReading = "Further reading" s.intendedAudience = "Intended audience: " s.skipToAnswer = "[Skip to the answer]" s.tellUsWhatYouThink = "Tell us what you think." s.sendAComment = "Leave a comment" s.subscribeToRSS = "Subscribe to an RSS feed." s.newResourcesAlt = "Notifies you each time a new resource is published for the first time." s.newResources = "New resources" s.homePageNewsAlt = "All news items shown on the home page." s.homePageNews = "Home page news" s.followOurNews = "Follow our news feed." s.sentenceDelimiter = "." s.validXHTML = "Valid XHTML 1.0!" s.validCSS = "Valid CSS!" s.codedInUtf8 = "Encoded in UTF-8!" // this block of strings should include any whitespace needed after the colon // or its equivalent, eg. "By: " in english, but "作者:" in chinese s.author = "By: " // followed by name of author(s) s.previousAuthors = "Previously by: " // followed by name of previous author(s), before substantive changes were made by the current author s.modifiedBy = "Changed by: " // person's name appears after colon s.translatedBy = "Translator: " s.acknowledgements = "Thanks also to the following people whose contribution or feedback was included: " // used at bottom of page to list people who provided feedback. The list comes after this text. s.translatedFromEnglishVer = "Translated from English content dated "+dt.enVersion+". Translated version last changed "+dt.thisVersionPlain+" GMT" s.historyOfDocumentChanges = 'For the history of document changes, see the news feed for substantive changes, and the Github commit list for all changes since Jan 2016.' s.untranslatedChanges = 'Note: Changes have been made to the English original since this document was translated. The changes were incorporated into this page, so you may see some passages in English until the translation is updated.' s.unlinkedTranslation = 'Warning: Substantive changes have been made to the English original since this document was translated. You are advised to read a version in another language until this translation has been updated.' s.new="New"// placed alongside new articles at https://www.w3.org/International/articlelist s.updated="Updated" // same as New s.translation_updated="Translation updated: " // date appears after (add colon+whitespace) s.aboutThisArticle="About this article" // title in the right column near the top of the page s.status_draft="This article is a draft that has not yet gone through public review. If you have comments, please send them using the link near the bottom of this page." s.status_review="This article is currently out for public review. If you have comments, please send them using the link near the bottom of this page." s.status_published="This article has been reviewed by the W3C Internationalization Working Group and has gone through public review to make it as accurate as possible.

If you have comments, please let us know." s.status_notreviewed="This article was published without public review. If you have comments, please send them using the link near the bottom of this page." s.status_obsolete="This article is now obsolete. It is no longer maintained and is likely to be inaccurate. For more up-to-date information, see the Internationalization Activity home page." s.tests="Tests" // used at the end of breadcrumbs for test related pages s.quickanswer = "Quick answer" // heading s.longeranswer = "Details" // heading that follows 'Quick answer' s.additionalinfo = "Additional information" // heading that sometimes follows 'Details' s.cookieMsg = "If you let the browser set a cookie, you will continue to see W3C Internationalization Activity pages (where available) in the language you chose. Do you want to set the cookie?" // this text is to be copied to another location //s.supercededTranslation = 'Avertissement : Ceci est une version dépassée de ce document! Il est recommandé de lire la dernière version et si vous le pouvez, de modifier le marque-page ou le lien qui vous a redirigé ici.' s.githubRedirect = "NOTE!   This is only an editor\'s draft of this article. All links and bookmarks should point to the version on the W3C site, rather than to this page." // used for github-based versions of published articles s.lastChanged = "Last changed "