#!/usr/bin/perl # # Converts an IRC log to formatted minutes in HTML. # # See scribe2doc.html for the manual. # This is a rewrite of David Booth's scribe.perl # # TODO: option --inputFormat to select the format, rather than try # each parser in turn. # # TODO: Allow (and ignore) the unused options of old scribe.perl? # # TODO: Add a command ('oops'? 'undo'? 'ignore'? u///g?) to remove an # incorrect s///g, because s|s/.../.../g|| doesn't remove it. # # TODO: Warn about unrecognized or impossible dates after "Date: ..." # # TODO: A streaming mode (using --inputFormat) that formats each line # as soon as it is read? (s/// and i//// will not work. ScribeNick is # not retroactive. Broken lines, as in Mirc logs, are not recombined.) # # TODO: Make "next meeting" accept a date ("7 Aug") or a period ("in 2 # weeks") and infer a URL? # # TODO: If trackbot assigns a number ("ISSUE-3") to an issue, use that # number instead of the generic "Issue". Also use it in the # #IssueSummary. # # TODO: An option to omit the special handling of W3C's bots # (currently zakim, rrsagent, agendabot and trackbot). # # TODO: Make commands such as scribeoptions:-implicit and # scribeoptions:-allowspace apply only until they are overridden by # another? # # TODO: RRSAgent has commands to edit or drop actions (because it # doesn't understand s///). Should we support those? # # TODO: An option to add rel=nofollow to links? (In case RRSAgent is # used to create Google karma for sites.) # # TODO: A command to skip several lines or end the minutes before the # end of the input. ("StopMinutesHere", "ResumeMinutesHere"?) # # TODO: Should s/// commands ignore lines by the W3C bots? # # TODO: Ivan's minutes generator distinguishes participants (present+) # from guests (guest+). Should scribe.perl, too? # # TODO: Syntax highlighting of verbatim text if there is a language # indicated after the backquotes (as in GitHub's markdown)? (```java # ...```) # # TODO: Also allow three tildes (~~~) instead of three backquotes, as # in Markdown? # # TODO: A way to include (phrase-level) HTML directly? # # TODO: When the minutes don't start with "topic:", the first #
is empty. Remove it. # # TODO: A way to indicate that a phrase is in a particular language? # # TODO: Add formatting/styling to Zakim's "question" feature? # # TODO: Recognize the bots if they joined under another nick name. # # Copyright © 2017-2023 World Wide Web Consortium, (Massachusetts Institute # of Technology, European Research Consortium for Informatics and # Mathematics, Keio University, Beihang). All Rights Reserved. This # work is distributed under the W3C® Software License[1] in the hope # that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the # implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE. # # [1] http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/2015/copyright-software-and-document # or see the file COPYING included in this distribution. # # Created: 3 Feb 2017 # Author: Bert Bos # Conversion proceeds in six steps: # # 1) Various parsers are tried to convert the lines of the input # into an array of records (see below for the structure of the # records). # # 2) Processing of "s/old/new/" and "i/where/what/" commands. # # 3) Scanning for embedded scribeOptions, as they may affect the parsing. # # 4) Finding the initial scribe, from a command line option or by # scanning for the first scribe/scribenick command. # # 5) Each record is interpreted, looking for topics, present & regrets, # actions, resolutions, scribes, statements or summaries minuted by # the scribes, and remarks by other people on IRC. Each record is # modified and classified accordingly. # # 6) The array of records is converted to an HTML fragment and that # fragment, together with the collected topics, actions, etc. are # inserted into an HTML template and printed. # # Each record has four fields: {type, speaker, id, text} # If type is 'i' (irc), is the person who typed . # If type is 'I' (irc), is the person who typed verbatim . # If type is 's' (scribe), is the person who said on the phone. # If type is 'd' (description) is a summary by the scribe. # If type is 'D' (description) is verbatim text by the scribe. # If type is 'slideset', is the IRC-formatted link to the slideset # If type is 'slide', is the number of the slide in the slideset and is the link to the individual slide # If type is 't' (topic), is the title for a new topic. # If type is 'T' (subtopic), is the title for a new subtopic. # If type is 'a' (action), is an action and is a unique ID. # If type is 'r' (resolution), is a resolution and is a unique ID. # if type is 'u' (issue), is an issue, a unique ID. # If type is 'c' (change), the record is a s/// or i/// not (yet) successful # If type is 'o' (omit), the record is to be ignored. # If type is 'n' (named anchor), the record is a target anchor. # If type is 'b' ('bot), the record is info from trackbot. # If type is 'B' ('bot), is info from trackbot about an issue . # If type is 'repo', is a list of GitHub repositories. # If type is 'drop', is a list of GitHub repositories to remove. use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptionsFromString :config auto_version auto_help); use Pod::Usage; use v5.16; # We use "each @ARRAY" (5.012) and fc (5.16) use locale ':collate'; # Sort using current locale use utf8; # This script contains characters in UTF-8 use File::Basename; use Encode qw/decode/; # For decode('UTF-8',...) use Encode::Guess; # For guess_encoding() use POSIX 'floor'; # Pattern for URLs. Note: single quote (') does not end a URL. # The pattern consists of two alternatives. The first one matches a # URL that is not preceded by a "(" and it allows ")" in the URL. The # second does not allow ")". This is needed to allow markdown-style # links, which use "(" and ")" to delimit the URL. my $urlpat = '(?:(?"‘’“”«»‹›]+|(?:[a-z]+://|mailto:[^\s<@]+\@|geo:[0-9.]|urn:[a-z0-9-]+:)[^\s<>"‘’“”«»‹›)]+)'; # $scribepat is something like "foo" or "foo = John Smith" or "foo/John Smith". my $scribepat = '([^ ,/=]+) *(?:[=\/] *([^ ,](?:[^,]*[^ ,])?) *)?'; # A speaker name doesn't contain [ "::>] and doesn't start with "..". # (":" is a full-width colon, Unicode U+FF1A.) my $speakerpat = '(?:[^. ::">]|\\.[^. ::">])[^ ::">]*'; # Some words are unlikely to be speaker names my $specialpat = '(?:propos(?:ed|al)|issue-\d+|action-\d+|github)'; # A pattern for a GitHub repository. my $githuburl = '\b(?:(?i)https://github.com/[a-z0-9._-]+/[a-z0-9._-]+)'; # Command line options: my $styleset = 'public'; # Or 'team', 'member' or 'fancy' my $embed_diagnostics = 0; # If 1, put warnings in the HTML, not on STDERR my $implicitcont = 0; # If 1, lines without '…' are continuations, too my $spacecont = 0; # If 1, initial space may replace '…' my $keeplines = 1; # If 1, put
between continuation lines my $final = 0; # If 1, don't include "DRAFT" warning in minutes my $scribenick; # Nick of the current scribe in lowercase my $dash_topics = 0; # If 1, "--" means the next line is a topic my $use_zakim = 1; # If 1, treat conversations with Zakim specially my $scribeonly = 0; # If 1, omit IRC comments by others my $emphasis = 0; # If 1, _xxx_, *xxx* and /xxx/ highlight things my $old_style = 0; # If 1, use the old (pre-2017) style sheets my $url_display = 'break'; # How to display in-your-face URLs my $logo; # undef = W3C logo; string = HTML fragment my $collapse_limit = 30; # Longer participant lists are collapsed my $stylesheet; # URL of style sheet, undef = use defaults my $mathjax = # undef = no math; string is MathJax URL 'https://www.w3.org/scripts/MathJax/3/es5/mml-chtml.js'; my $islide = # String is i-slide library URL 'https://w3c.github.io/i-slide/i-slide-2.js?selector=a.islide'; my $github = 1; # If 0, don't make links for GitHub issues my $ghurlbot = 1; # If 0, hide conversations with GHURLbot # Global variables: my $has_math = 0; # Set to 1 by to_mathml() my @diagnostics; # Collected warnings and other info my $recordingstart; # Time of recording start secs since midnight) my $recordingend; # Time of recording end (secs since midnight) my @repositories = (); # List of repo URLs for expanding issue refs # Each parser takes a reference to an array of text lines (without # newlines) and a reference to an array of records. It returns 0 # (failed to parse) or 1 (success) and it appends successfully parsed # lines to the array of records, with {type} set to 'i' and {speaker} # and {text} set to the text and the nick of the person who typed that # text. If a line includes a time stamp, the parser converts it to # seconds since midnight and puts it in {time}. # It should not try to parse the text futher for actions, resolutions, # etc. # # IRC messages ("X joined channel Y"), private messages, # and off-the-record text ("/me waves") are omitted. # # The parsers are tried in turn until one succeeds, so their order is # important. E.g., the Plain_Text_Format should probably be towards # the end. my @parsers = (\&RRSAgent_text_format, \&Bip_Format, \&Mirc_Text_Format, \&Yahoo_IM_Format, \&Bert_IRSSI_Format, \&Irssi_Format, \&Qwebirc_paste_format, \&IRCCloud_format, \&Quassel_paste_format, \&Plain_Text_Format); # RRSAgent_text_format -- parse an IRC log as generated by RRSAgent sub RRSAgent_text_format($$$$) { my ($lines_ref, $records_ref, $nlines_ref, $err_ref) = @_; $$nlines_ref = 0; foreach (@$lines_ref) { $$nlines_ref++; $$err_ref = $_; if (/^(?:\d\d:\d\d:\d\d )?<([^ >]+)> \1 has (?:joined|left|changed the topic to:) /) { # Ignore lines like " jfm has joined #foo" } elsif (/^(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d) <([^ >]+)> (.*)/) { push(@$records_ref, {type=>'i', speaker=>$4, text=>$5, time=> 3600 * $1 + 60 * $2 + $3}); } elsif (/^<([^ >]+)> (.*)/) { push(@$records_ref, {type=>'i', speaker=>$1, text=>$2}); } elsif (/^\s*$/) { # Ignore empty lines } else { return 0; # Unknown format, give up } } return 1; } # Bip_Format -- parse an IRC log generated by bip sub Bip_Format($$$$) { my ($lines_ref, $records_ref, $nlines_ref, $err_ref) = @_; $$nlines_ref = 0; foreach (@$lines_ref) { $$nlines_ref++; $$err_ref = $_; if (/^\d\d-\d\d-\d{4} \d\d:\d\d:\d\d -!- /) { # IRC server message, ignore } elsif (/^\d\d-\d\d-\d{4} \d\d:\d\d:\d\d [<>] \* /) { # /me message, ignore } elsif (/^\d\d-\d\d-\d{4} (\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d) < ([^ !:]+)![^ :]+: (.*)$/){ push(@$records_ref, {type=>'i', speaker=>$4, text=>$5, time=> 3600 * $1 + 60 * $2 + $3}); } elsif (/^\d\d-\d\d-\d{4} (\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d) > ([^ :]+): (.*)$/) { push(@$records_ref, {type=>'i', speaker=>$4, text=>$5, time=> 3600 * $1 + 60 * $2 + $3}); } elsif (/^\s*$/) { # Ignore empty lines } else { return 0; # Unrecognized line, return failure } } return 1; } # Mirc_Text_Format -- log format from saving a MIRC buffer sub Mirc_Text_Format($$$$) { my ($lines_ref, $records_ref, $nlines_ref, $err_ref) = @_; $$nlines_ref = 0; foreach (@$lines_ref) { $$nlines_ref++; $$err_ref = $_; if (/^\s*$/) { # Empty line, ignore } elsif (/^Start of \S+ buffer/) { # Skip this (should be first line) } elsif (/^End of \S+ buffer/) { # Skip this (should be last line) } elsif (/^\s*\*/) { # Skip /me lines } elsif (/^<([^ >]+)> (.*)$/) { push(@$records_ref, {type=>'i', speaker=>$1, text=>$2}); } elsif (/^( .*)$/ && @$records_ref) { # Continuation line $$records_ref[@$records_ref-1]->{text} .= $1; } else { return 0; # Unknown format } } return 1; } # Yahoo_IM_Format -- saved log from a Yahoo IM session sub Yahoo_IM_Format($$$$) { my ($lines_ref, $records_ref, $nlines_ref, $err_ref) = @_; $$nlines_ref = 0; foreach (@$lines_ref) { $$nlines_ref++; $$err_ref = $_; if (/^([^ :]+): (.*)$/) { push(@$records_ref, {type=>'i', speaker=>$1, text=>$2}); } elsif (/^\s*$/) { # Ignore empty lines } else { return 0; } } return 1; } # Bert_IRSSI_Format - Bert's IRSSI theme, based on elho, which should also work sub Bert_IRSSI_Format($$$$) { my ($lines_ref, $records_ref, $nlines_ref, $err_ref) = @_; $$nlines_ref = 0; foreach (@$lines_ref) { $$nlines_ref++; $$err_ref = $_; next if /^---/; # IRSSI comment about logging start/stop next if /^[0-9:]+\s*[<>-]+ \| (\S+).*( has (?:joined|left).*)/; next if /^[0-9:]+\s*«Quit» \| (\S+).* has signed off/; next if /^[0-9:]+\s*«[^»]+» \|/; # IRSSI comment about users, topic, etc. next if /^[0-9:]+\s*\* \|/; # Skip a /me command next if /^\s*$/; # Skip empty line if (/^(?:\w\w\w\d\d )?\[?(\d\d):(\d\d)\]?[\s@+%]*(\S+) \| (.*)/) { push(@$records_ref, {type=>'i', speaker=>$3, text=>$4, time=> 3600 * $1 + 60 * $2}); } else { return 0; } } return 1; } # Irssi_Format - logs from Coralie's Irssi sub Irssi_Format($$$$) { my ($lines_ref, $records_ref, $nlines_ref, $err_ref) = @_; $$nlines_ref = 0; foreach (@$lines_ref) { $$nlines_ref++; $$err_ref = $_; next if /^---/; # IRSSI comment about logging start/stop next if /^[0-9:TZ-]+\s+-!-/; # Skip join/leave and other info next if /^[0-9:TZ-]+\s+\*/; # Skip a /me command next if /^\s*$/; # Skip empty line if (/^[0-9-]+T(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)Z\s+<([^>]+)> (.*)/) { push(@$records_ref, {type=>'i', speaker=>$4, text=>$5, time=> 3600 * $1 + 60 * $2 + $3}); } else { return 0; } } return 1; } # Qwebirc_paste_format -- copy-paste from the qwebirc web-based client sub Qwebirc_paste_format($$$$) { my ($lines_ref, $records_ref, $nlines_ref, $err_ref) = @_; $$nlines_ref = 0; foreach (@$lines_ref) { $$nlines_ref++; $$err_ref = $_; next if /^\[[0-9:]+\] ==/; # Join, quit, change nick, change topic, mode next if /^\[[0-9:]+\] \*/; # A message with /me next if /^\s*$/; # Empty line if (/^\[(\d\d):(\d\d)\] <([^>]+)> (.*)$/) { push @$records_ref, {type=>'i', speaker=>$3, text=>$4, time=> 3600 * $1 + 60 * $2}; } else { return 0; # This is not qwebirc } } return 1; } # IRCCloud_format - the log format of the IRCCloud web service sub IRCCloud_format($$$$) { my ($lines_ref, $records_ref, $nlines_ref, $err_ref) = @_; $$nlines_ref = 0; foreach (@$lines_ref) { $$nlines_ref++; $$err_ref = $_; next if /^#[^ ]+$/; # IRC channel name next if /^\[[0-9 :-]+\] → Joined /; # IRCCloud joined the channel next if /^\[[0-9 :-]+\] → [^ ]+ joined /; # Somebody joined the channel next if /^\[[0-9 :-]+\] ⇐ [^ ]+ quit /; # Somebody disconnected next if /^\[[0-9 :-]+\] ⇐ You disconnected/; # User left IRCCloud next if /^\[[0-9 :-]+\] ← [^ ]+ left /; # Somebody left the channel next if /^\[[0-9 :-]+\] — [^ ]+ /; # A /me line next if /^\[[0-9 :-]+\] \* [^ ]+ /; # Changed nick, changed mode... if (/^\[[0-9-]+ (\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)\] <([^>]+)> (.*)$/) { # $4 said $5 push @$records_ref, {type=>'i', speaker=>$4, text=>$5, time=> 3600 * $1 + 60 * $2 + $3}; } else { return 0; # Not an IRCCloud log line } } return 1; # All lines recognized } # Quassel_paste_format -- copy-paste from the Quassel chat window sub Quassel_paste_format($$$$) { my ($lines_ref, $records_ref, $nlines_ref, $err_ref) = @_; # In fact, the date and time between the square brackets can be # anything, including month names and arbitrary punctuation. We only # look for hh:mm and hh:mm:ss, with or without pm. # $$nlines_ref = 0; foreach (@$lines_ref) { $$nlines_ref++; $$err_ref = $_; next if /^\[.*?\] -->/; # Somebody joined the channel next if /^\[.*?\] <--/; # Somebody quit the channel next if /^\[.*?\] <->/; # Somebody changed nick next if /^\[.*?\] \* /; # Change of topic, channel created... next if /^\[.*?\] -\*-/; # Somebody used /me next if /^\[.*?\] \*\*\*/; # Channel mode change next if /^\[.*?\] - \{/; # Message "Day changed to ..." next if /^\s*$/; # Skip empty line if (/^\[[^]]*(\d\d?):(\d\d)(?::(\d\d))?\s*pm[^]]*\] <([^>]+)> (.*)$/i) { push @$records_ref, {type=>'i', speaker=>$4, text=>$5, time=> 3600 * $1 + 60 * (12 + $2) + ($3 // 0)}; } elsif (/^\[[^]]*(\d\d?):(\d\d)(?::(\d\d))?[^]]*\] <([^>]+)> (.*)$/){ push @$records_ref, {type=>'i', speaker=>$4, text=>$5, time=> 3600 * $1 + 60 * $2 + ($3 // 0)}; } elsif (/^\[.*?\] <([^>]+)> (.*)$/) { push @$records_ref, {type=>'i', speaker=>$1, text=>$2}; } else { return 0; } } return 1; } # Plain_Text_Format -- a simple text format as a scribe might write in an editor sub Plain_Text_Format($$$$) { my ($lines_ref, $records_ref, $nlines_ref, $err_ref) = @_; # This format is meant for taking minutes without IRC. Example: # # Topic: Closing issues # Jim: I want to talk about issue 1. # ... And 2, if possible. # [General agreeement] # # Lines should not start with dates or times, or with bracketed # nicknames ("<...>"), as in typical IRC logs. E.g., the following # lines cause the parser to conclude that the input is *not* # Plain_Text_Format: # # * 09:34:14 Topic: next meeting # * 2007-04-04 10:50 Jim: +1 # * Not now. # $$nlines_ref = 0; foreach (@$lines_ref) { $$nlines_ref++; $$err_ref = $_; return 0 if /^[0-9:-]+[:-][0-9:-]/; # Seems to start w/ a date/time return 0 if /^<[^ >]+> /; # Seems to start with a if (/^(.+)$/) { # Not empty push (@$records_ref, {type=>'i', speaker=>'scribe', text=>$1}); } } return 1; } # fc_uniq -- return the list of case-insensitively distinct strings in a list sub fc_uniq(@) { my %seen; return grep {!$seen{fc $_}++} @_; } # repository_to_url -- expand a repository name to a full URL, or undef sub repository_to_url($) { my ($repo) = @_; # A full repository URL is "BASE_URL/OWNER/REPO". If BASE_URL is # missing, use the one from the previous repo in the list, or # https://github.com/. If OWNER is missing, use the one from the # previous repo, or "w3c". # return $repositories[0] if ! $repo; # First repo or undef my ($base, $owner, $name) = $repo =~ /^([a-z]+:\/\/(?:[^\/?#]*\/)*?)?([^\/?#]+\/)?([^\/?#]+)\/?$/i; return "$base$owner$name" if $base; # Just omit the final /, if any return @repositories ? $repositories[0] =~ s/[^\/]+\/[^\/]+$/$owner$name/r : "https://github.com/$owner$name" if $owner; return undef if ! $name; # Malformed repo name return "https://github.com/w3c/$name" if ! @repositories; # Assume w3c return $repositories[0] =~ s/[^\/]+$/$name/r; # Copy base/owner from previous } # to_mathml -- call latexmlmath to convert a LaTeX math expression to MathML sub to_mathml($) { my ($s) = @_; my ($in, $out); $in = $s; $in =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; $in =~ s/\"/\\\"/g; $in =~ s/\$/\\\$/g; $in =~ s/\`/\\\`/g; # $out = `latexmlmath "$in" 2>/dev/null`; $out = decode('UTF-8', `latexmlmath "$in" 2>/dev/null`); push(@diagnostics, "Failed math formula: $s") if $? != 0; return $s if $? != 0; # An error occurred, return original string $out =~ s/<\?xml[^>]*\?>\n?//; $has_math = 1; return $out; } { my %tag = ('_' => 'u', '/' => 'em', '*' => 'strong', '`' => 'code'); # to_emph -- replace emphasis marks and math sub to_emph($); sub to_emph($) { # Note: $` and $' must be stored in local variables before the # recursive call, because they are global variables and might be # changed in that call. # for ($_[0]) { if (m{(?:^|\s|\p{P})\K([_/*`])(.+?)\g{1}(?=\p{P}|\s|$)}) { my ($a, $z, $t, $m) = ($`, $', $1, $2); return to_emph($a)."<$tag{$t}>".to_emph($m)."".to_emph($z); } elsif (/(?:^|[^\\])\K\$\$[^\$]+\$\$/) { # $$...$$ not preceded by a '\' my ($a, $m, $z) = ($`, $&, $'); return to_emph($a) . to_mathml($m) . to_emph($z); } elsif (/(?:^|[^\\])\K\$[^\$]+\$/) { # $...$ not preceded by a '\' my ($a, $m, $z) = ($`, $&, $'); return to_emph($a) . to_mathml($m) . to_emph($z); } elsif (/\\\$/) { # Escaped $ my ($a, $z) = ($`, $'); return to_emph($a) . '$' . to_emph($z); } else { return $_; } } } } # break_url -- apply -urlDisplay option to a URL sub break_url($) { my ($s) = @_; # HTML delimiters are already escaped. # If the URL is a well-known one, replace it with an # abbreviation. Otherwise, if the urlDisplay option is 'break', # insert tags to make the URL breakable. Otherwise, if the # urlDisplay option is 'shorten', elide the middle part of the # URL. Otherwise return the URL unchanged. return "$1/$2" if $s =~ /^https:\/\/github.com\/([^\/]+)\/([^\/]+)\/?$/; return "$1/$2#$4" if $s =~ /^https:\/\/github.com\/([^\/]+)\/([^\/]+)\/(issues|pull)\/([0-9]+)$/; return "$1/$2#$4 (comment)" if $s =~ /^https:\/\/github.com\/([^\/]+)\/([^\/]+)\/(issues|pull)\/([0-9]+)#issuecomment-/; return $s =~ s|/\b|/|gr if $url_display eq 'break'; return $s =~ s/^((?:[^&]|&[^;]+;){5})(?:[^&]|&[^;]+;)*((?:[^&]|&[^;]+;){6})$/$1…$2/r if $url_display eq 'shorten'; return $s; } # mklink -- return HTML for a URL with anchortext: link, image or just text sub mklink($$$$) { my ($link, $type, $url, $anchortext) = @_; # $link determines whether to make a link (>0) or just show the text (<0). # $type determines whether to make a text ("->") or an image ("-->"). $url = esc($url); if ($link > 0) { my $s = ''; if ($type eq '-->') { $s .= '' . esc($anchortext) . ''; } elsif ($anchortext ne '') { $s .= esc($anchortext, $emphasis); } else { $s .= break_url($url); # Otherwise the URL itself is the anchor text } return "$s"; } else { return $anchortext ne '' ? esc($anchortext) : break_url($url); } } # esc -- escape HTML delimiters (<>&"), optionally handle emphasis & Ralph links sub esc($;$$$$); sub esc($;$$$$) { my ($s, $emph, $link, $break_urls, $github) = @_; my ($replacement, $pre, $url, $post, $type, $r); if ($link) { # Wrap Ralph-links and bare URLs in . # 1a) A double-quoted Ralph link: ... -> URL "ANCHOR" ... # 1b) A single-quoted Ralph link: ... -> URL 'ANCHOR' ... # 1a) An unquoted Ralph link: ... -> URL ANCHOR # 2) A Xueyuan link: ANCHOR -> URL # 3) An Ivan link: ... -> ANCHOR URL ... # 4a) A double-quoted inverted Xueyuan link: ... URL -> "ANCHOR" ... # 4b) A single-quoted inverted Xueyuan link: ... URL -> 'ANCHOR' ... # 4c) An unquoted inverted Xueyuan link: ... URL -> ANCHOR # 5) A markdown link: ... [ANCHOR](URL) # 6) A bare URL: ... URL ... # With --> instead of ->, the link is embedded as an image (). # If $link < 0, omit the tag and just insert the text or image. # Loop until we found all URLs. $replacement = ''; while (($pre, $url, $post) = $s =~ /^(.*?)($urlpat)(.*)$/i) { # Look for "->" or "-->" before or after the URL. if ($pre =~ /(--?>) *$/p) { # Ralph, Xueyuan or missing anchor text $type = $1; $pre = $`; if ($post =~ /^ *"([^"\t]*)"/p || $post =~ /^ *'([^'\t]*)'/p || $post =~ /^ *([^'" \t][^\t]*[^ \t]) */p || $post =~ /^ *([^'" \t]) */p) { # Ralph link $replacement .= esc($pre, $emph, 0, 0, $github) . mklink($link, $type, $url, $1); $s = $'; } elsif ($pre =~ / *([^ \t][^\t]*[^ \t]|[^ \t]) *$/p) { # Xueyuan link $replacement .= esc($`, $emph, 0, 0, $github) . mklink($link, $type, $url,$1); $s = $post; } else { # Missing anchor text $replacement .= esc($pre, $emph, 0, 0, $github) . mklink($link, $type, $url, ''); $s = $post; } } elsif ($pre =~ /(--?>) *(.+?) *$/p) { # Ivan link $replacement .= esc($`, $emph, 0, 0, $github) . mklink($link, $1, $url, $2); $s = $post; } elsif ($post =~ /^ *(--?>) *"([^"\t]*)"/p || $post =~ /^ *(--?>) *'([^'\t]*)'/p || $post =~ /^ *(--?>) *([^ \t][^\t]*[^ \t]) */p || $post =~ /^ *(--?>) *([^ \t]) */p || $post =~ /^ *(--?>) *()/p) { # Inverted Xueyuan link $replacement .= esc($pre, $emph, 0, 0, $github) . mklink($link, $1, $url, $2); $s = $'; } elsif ($post =~ /^\)/ && $pre =~ /!\[([^\]]+)\]\($/p) { # Markdown image $r = $1; $replacement .= esc($`) . mklink($link, "-->", $url, $r); $s = $post =~ s/^\)//r; } elsif ($post =~ /^\)/ && $pre =~ /\[([^\]]+)\]\($/p) { # Markdown link $r = $1; $replacement .= esc($`, $emph) . mklink($link, "->", $url, $r); $s = $post =~ s/^\)//r; } else { # Bare URL. $replacement .= esc($pre, $emph, 0, 0, $github) . mklink($link, '->', $url, ''); $s = $post; } } $s = $replacement . esc($s, $emph, 0, 0, $github); } elsif ($break_urls) { # Shorten or break URLs $s = esc($s, $emph); $s =~ s/($urlpat)/break_url($1)/gie; } elsif ($github) { $replacement = ''; while ($s =~ /(?:^|\W)\K((?:[a-z0-9._-]+\/)?[a-z0-9._-]+)?#([0-9]+)(?=\W|$)/i) { $s = $'; my ($repo, $issue) = ($1 // '', $2); $replacement .= esc($`, $emph); $replacement .= ($r = repository_to_url($repo)) ? '$repo#$issue" : "$repo#$issue"; } $s = $replacement . esc($s, $emph); } else { $s =~ s/&/&/g; $s =~ s//>/g; $s =~ s/"/"/g; if ($emph) { $s =~ s/:-\)/☺/g; $s =~ s/;-\)/😉\x{FE0E}/g; $s =~ s/:-\(/☹/g; $s =~ s{:-/}{😕\x{FE0E}}g; $s =~ s/,-\)/😜\x{FE0E}/g; $s =~ s{\\o/}{🙌\x{FE0E}}g; $s =~ s/(?:^|[^-])\K-->/⟶/g; $s =~ s/(?:^|[^-])\K->/→/g; $s =~ s/(?:^|[^=])\K==>/⟹/g; $s =~ s/(?:^|[^=])\K=>/⇒/g; $s =~ s/<--(?!-)/⟵/g; $s =~ s/<-(?!-)/←/g; $s =~ s/<==(?!=)/⟸/g; $s =~ s/<=(?!=)/⇐/g; $s = to_emph($s); # Italics, bold, underline, monospace, math } } return $s; } # is_cur_scribe -- true if $nick is in %$curscribes_ref, ignores trailing "_" sub is_cur_scribe($$) { my ($nick, $curscribes_ref) = @_; return $$curscribes_ref{fc($nick =~ s/_+$//r)} || $$curscribes_ref{'*'}; } # add_scribes -- add scribes to the scribe list and the current scribes sub add_scribes($$$$) { my ($names, $curscribes_ref, $scribes_ref, $scribenames_ref) = @_; # We may assume $names matches zero or more comma-separated $scribepat foreach (split(/ *, */, $names)) { # Split at commas my ($nick, $real) = /^$scribepat$/; # Split into nick and real name my $n = fc($nick =~ s/_+$//r); # Case-insensitive, without trailing _ $$curscribes_ref{$n} = 1; # Add nick as current scribe push @$scribes_ref, $n; # Add nick to overall scribe list # Add a new real name, or use the nick as real name if there was none. if ($real) {$$scribenames_ref{$n} = $real;} elsif (!$$scribenames_ref{$n}) {$$scribenames_ref{$n} = $nick;} } } # delete_scribes -- remove from current scribe list sub delete_scribes($$) { my ($names, $curscribes_ref) = @_; # We may assume $names matches zero or more comma-separated $scribepat foreach (split(/ *, */, $names)) { # Split at commas my ($nick, $real) = /^$scribepat$/; # Split into name and real name my $n = fc($nick =~ s/_+$//r); # Case-insensitive, without trailing _ delete $$curscribes_ref{$n}; # Remove from curscribes } } # link_to_recording -- return an HTML link to the recording at $time, or "" sub link_to_recording($$) { my ($url, $time) = @_; my ($offset, $endoffset); return '' if !defined $url || !defined $recordingstart || !defined $time; $offset = $time - $recordingstart; # If they are more than 8 hours apart, we assume we're comparing # across midnight and add 24 hours. $offset += 24 * 3600 if $offset < -8 * 3600; return '' if $offset < 0; # We're before the start of the recording # Check if we are already after the end of the recording. if (defined $recordingend) { $endoffset = $recordingend - $time; $endoffset += 24 * 3600 if $endoffset < -8 * 3600; return '' if $endoffset <= 0; } return sprintf " 🎞\x{FE0E}", esc($url), $offset; } # add_repositories -- expand repository names to full URLs and remember them sub add_repositories($) { my $repos = shift; my $r; # $repos is a comma- or space-separated list of possibly abbreviated # repository names. Expand them to full URLs and prefix the # resulting list of URLs to the global @repositories. E.g., # "foo/bar, other/bar, baz" is expanded to # "https://github.com/foo/bar, https://github.com/other/bar, # https://github.com/other/baz". # foreach (split /[ ,]+/, $repos) { if (($r = repository_to_url($_))) { unshift @repositories, $r; } else { push @diagnostics, "Could not interpret as a repository: $_"; } } } # remove_repositories -- remove one or more repositories from the list sub remove_repositories($) { my ($repos) = @_; my $r; foreach (split /[ ,]+/, $repos) { if (($r = repository_to_url($_))) { @repositories = grep $_ ne $r, @repositories; } else { push @diagnostics, "Could not interpret as a repository: $_"; } } } # Main body my $revision = '$Revision: 229 $' =~ s/\$Revision: //r =~ s/ \$//r; my $versiondate = '$Date: Thu Jul 25 08:38:54 2024 UTC $' =~ s/\$Date: //r =~ s/ \$//r; my @scribes; # List of scribes my %scribenames; # Map scribe nicknames to real names my @records; # Array of parsed lines my $date; # Date of the meeting my $meeting = "(MEETING TITLE)"; # Name of the meeting (HTML-escaped) my $prev_meeting = ''; # HTML-formatted link to previous meeting my $next_meeting = ''; # HTML-formatted link to next meeting my %present; # List of participants my %regrets; # List of regrets my $minutes_url; # URL of the minutes according to RRSAgent my $logging_url; # URL of the log according to RRSAgent my $agenda = ''; # HTML-formatted link to an agenda my %chairs; # List of meeting chairs my %lastspeaker; # Current speaker (separate for each scribe) my $speakerid = 's00'; # Generates unique ID for each speaker my $has_slides = 0; # Set to 1 if there is at least one slideset my $lastslideset; # URL of the slideset being presented my $recording; # URL of the recording of the meeting my $recording_link; # HTML-formatted link to the recording my $topicid = 't00'; # Generates unique ID for each topic my $actionid = 'a00'; # Generates unique ID for each action my $resolutionid = 'r00'; # Generates unique ID for each resolution my $issueid = 'i00'; # Generates unique ID for each issue my $lineid = 'x000'; # Generates unique ID for each line my %speakers; # Unique ID for each speaker my %namedanchors; # Set of already used IDs for NamedAnchorsHere my %curscribes; # Indexes are the current scribenicks my %verbatim; # End of preformatted mode for nick: ``` or ]] my $agenda_icon = 'Agenda.'; my $irclog_icon = 'IRC log.'; my $previous_icon = 'Previous meeting.'; my $next_icon = 'Next meeting.'; my $w3clogo = 'W3C'; my %bots = (fc('RRSAgent') => 1, # Nicks that probably aren't scribe fc('trackbot') => 1, fc('ghurlbot') => 1, fc('gb') => 1, fc('github-bot') => 1, fc('agendabot') => 1, fc('Zakim') => 1); my %options = ("team" => sub {$styleset = 'team'}, "member" => sub {$styleset = 'member'}, "fancy" => sub {$styleset = 'fancy'}, "embedDiagnostics!" => \$embed_diagnostics, "implicitContinuations!" => \$implicitcont, "allowSpaceContinuation!" => \$spacecont, "keepLines!" => \$keeplines, "urlDisplay=s" => sub { if ($_[1] =~ /^(?:break|shorten|full$)/i) {$url_display=$_[1]} else {die "--urlDisplay must be break, shorten or full\n"}}, "final!" => \$final, "draft!" => sub {$final = ! $_[1]}, "scribenick=s" => \$scribenick, "dashTopics!" => \$dash_topics, "useZakimTopics!" => \$use_zakim, "scribeOnly!" => \$scribeonly, "emphasis!" => \$emphasis, "mathjax=s" => \$mathjax, "islide=s" => \$islide, "oldStyle!" => \$old_style, "stylesheet:s" => \$stylesheet, "logo:s" => \$logo, "nologo" => sub {$logo = ''}, "collapseLimit:i" => \$collapse_limit, "githubIssues!" => \$github, "ghurlbot!" => \$ghurlbot, "minutes=s" => \$minutes_url); my @month = ('', 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'); # Automatically encode output to stdout and stderr as UTF-8. We do not # automatically decode stdin as UTF-8, because the program might # occasionally be used on old files that are in Latin-1. # guess_encoding() below detects that case. # binmode(STDOUT, ':utf8'); binmode(STDERR, ':utf8'); GetOptionsFromString($ENV{"SCRIBEOPTIONS"}, %options) if $ENV{"SCRIBEOPTIONS"}; GetOptions(%options) or pod2usage(2); # Step 1: Read all lines into a temporary array; replace tabs by # spaces and remove carriage returns and newlines; then try each # parser in turn to parse them into records, until one succeeds. # do { local $/; my $input = <>; # Try to guess the encoding: ASCII, UTF-8/16/32 or Latin-1. my $decoder = guess_encoding($input, 'latin-1'); # Decode the input. If not known or ambiguous, try UTF-8. $input = ref($decoder) ? $decoder->decode($input) : decode('UTF-8', $input); # Split into lines, remove newlines, replace tabs by spaces. my @input = map tr/\t/ /r, split(/\r?\n/, $input); $input[0] =~ s/^\x{FEFF}// if scalar @input; # Remove the BOM, if any my ($nlines, $errline, $n, $e) = (0, '', 0, ''); do { last if &$_(\@input, \@records, \$n, \$e); ($nlines, $errline) = ($n, $e) if $n > $nlines; @records = (); } foreach (@parsers); push(@diagnostics, 'Input is empty.') if !@records && !$nlines; push(@diagnostics, "Unrecognized input at line $nlines: $errline") if !@records && $nlines; }; # Step 2: Process s/old/new/ and i/where/what/ commands. # # First mark all s/// and i/// lines as 'c', so that they don't get # changed by other s/// lines. Then loop over all lines again and # apply the substitutions and insertions. Successful s/// and i/// # become of type 'o' (omit). # # If people try to use s/// to replace URLs and they copy-paste the # URLs from certain old minutes, there might be zero-width non-joiner # characters in the URLs. Remove them before matching. # foreach (@records) { $_->{type} = 'c' if $_->{text} =~ /^ *(s|i)(\/|\|)(.*?)\2(.*?)(?:\2([gG])? *)?$/; } for (my $i = 0; $i < @records; $i++) { if ($records[$i]->{type} eq 'c' && $records[$i]->{text} =~ /^ *(s|i)(\/|\|)(.*?)\2(.*?)(?:\2([gG])? *)?$/) { my ($cmd, $delim, $old, $new, $global) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5); my $old2 = $old =~ s/\x{200C}//gr; # Version without any U+200C push(@diagnostics, "Warning: ‘$records[$i]->{text}’ interpreted as replacing ‘$old’ by ‘$new’") if $cmd eq 's' && $new =~ /\Q$delim\E/; push(@diagnostics, "Warning: ‘$records[$i]->{text}’ interpreted as inserting ‘$new’ before ‘$old’") if $cmd eq 'i' && $new =~ /\Q$delim\E/; if ($cmd eq 'i') { # i/where/what/ my $j = $i - 1; $j-- until $j < 0 || ($records[$j]->{type} eq 'i' && ($records[$j]->{text} =~ /\Q$old\E/ || $records[$j]->{text} =~ /\Q$old2\E/)); if ($j >= 0) { splice(@records, $j, 0, {type=>'i',speaker=>$records[$i]->{speaker},text=>$new}); $i++; # All records shifted by the splice $records[$i]->{type} = 'o'; push(@diagnostics, 'Succeeded: ' . $records[$i]->{text}); } else { push(@diagnostics, 'Failed: ' . $records[$i]->{text}); } } elsif (! defined $global) { # s/old/new/ my $j = $i - 1; $j-- until $j < 0 || ($records[$j]->{type} eq 'i' && ($records[$j]->{text} =~ s/\Q$old\E/$new/ || $records[$j]->{text} =~ s/\Q$old2\E/$new/)); push(@diagnostics, ($j >= 0 ? 'Succeeded: ' : 'Failed: ') . $records[$i]->{text}); $records[$i]->{type} = 'o' if $j >= 0; # Omit successful command } else { # s/old/new/g or .../G my $n = 0; for (0 .. ($global eq 'g' ? $i-1 : @records-1)) { $n++ if $records[$_]->{type} eq 'i' && ($records[$_]->{text} =~ s/\Q$old\E/$new/ || $records[$_]->{text} =~ s/\Q$old2\E/$new/); } push(@diagnostics, ($n ? "Succeeded $n times: " : "Failed: ") . $records[$i]->{text}); $records[$i]->{type} = 'o' if $n; # Omit successful command } } } # Step 3: Search for scribeOptions, as they may affect the whole log. # foreach my $p (@records) { if ($p->{text} =~ /^ *scribeoptions *: *(.*?) *$/i) { Getopt::Long::Configure("pass_through"); my ($ret, $args) = GetOptionsFromString($1, %options); push(@diagnostics, 'Unknown option in scribeoptions: ' . join(' ', @$args)) if scalar @$args; $p->{type} = 'o'; # Omit line from output } } # Step 4: Find the initial scribe(s). # # The first scribe/scribenick command is also assumed to apply to the # lines that come before it, so search for that first command (unless # --scribenick was given on the command line). If no command is found, # assume the person who typed most was the scribe. And if nobody typed # anything, set the scribe to '*'. # # The hash %count is also used further down to print the list of # people who were active on IRC in the diagnostics. # my %count; foreach (@records) { $count{$_->{speaker}}++ if $_->{type} eq 'i' && !$bots{fc($_->{speaker})}; } while (!defined $scribenick && (my ($i,$p) = each @records)) { if ($p->{text} =~ /^ *scribe(?:nick)? *\+[::]? *$/i) { $scribenick = $p->{speaker}; } elsif ($p->{text} =~ /^ *scribe(?:nick)? *(?:[::]|\+[::]?) *($scribepat(?:, *$scribepat)*)$/i) { $scribenick = $1; } } if (!defined $scribenick) { $scribenick = (sort {$count{$b} <=> $count{$a}} sort keys %count)[0]; # If still undef, it means there are no lines at all... $scribenick = '*' if !defined $scribenick; push(@diagnostics, "No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: $scribenick"); } add_scribes($scribenick, \%curscribes, \@scribes, \%scribenames); # Step 5: Interpret each record, collect topics, actions, etc. # # Interpret each line. %curscribes is the current set of scribes in lowercase. # $lastspeaker is the current speaker, for use in continuation lines. # $lastspeaker is set to foo whenever the scribe writes "foo: ...". # for (my $i = 0; $i < @records; $i++) { my $is_scribe = is_cur_scribe($records[$i]->{speaker}, \%curscribes); $_ = $records[$i]->{text}; if ($records[$i]->{type} eq 'o') { # This record was already processed } elsif (/^ *$/) { $records[$i]->{type} = 'o'; # Omit empty line } elsif (/^ *(```|\[\[) *$/ && # Start preformatted text !exists $verbatim{$records[$i]->{speaker}}) { $verbatim{$records[$i]->{speaker}} = $1 eq "```" ? "```" : "]]"; if ($is_scribe) { $records[$i]->{text} = ""; # Next lines will be appended $records[$i]->{type} = 'D'; # Preformatted text by scribe } else { $records[$i]->{type} = 'o'; # Omit this record } } elsif (/ *(```|\]\]) *$/ && # End of preformatted text ($verbatim{$records[$i]->{speaker}} // "") eq $1) { $records[$i]->{type} = 'o'; # Omit this record delete $verbatim{$records[$i]->{speaker}}; # Remove verbatim mode } elsif (exists $verbatim{$records[$i]->{speaker}}) { # Preformatted text if ($is_scribe) { # Scribe's verbatim text is collected into a single record my $j = $i - 1; $j-- while $records[$j]->{type} eq 'o' || $records[$j]->{speaker} ne $records[$i]->{speaker}; $records[$j]->{text} .= $records[$i]->{text} . "\n"; # Append to 1st line $records[$i]->{type} = 'o'; # Omit this record } else { $records[$i]->{type} = 'I'; # Mark as preformatted line } } elsif (/^ *present *[::=] *(.*?) *$/i) { if ($records[$i]->{speaker} eq 'Zakim' && !$use_zakim) {} # Ignore Zakim? elsif ($1 eq '(no one)') {%present = ()} else {%present = map {fc($_) => $_} split(/ *, */, $1)} $records[$i]->{type} = 'o'; # Omit line from output } elsif (/^ *present *\+[::]? *$/i) { $present{fc $records[$i]->{speaker}} = $records[$i]->{speaker}; $records[$i]->{type} = 'o'; # Omit line from output } elsif (/^ *present *\+[::]? *(.*?) *$/i) { $present{fc $_} = $_ foreach split(/ *, */, $1); $records[$i]->{type} = 'o'; # Omit line from output } elsif (/^ *present *-[::]? *(.*?) *$/i) { delete $present{fc $_} foreach split(/ *, */, $1); $records[$i]->{type} = 'o'; # Omit line from output } elsif (/^ *regrets? *[::] *(.*?) *$/i) { %regrets = map { fc($_) => $_ } split(/ *, */, $1); $records[$i]->{type} = 'o'; # Omit line from output } elsif (/^ *regrets? *\+[::]? *$/i) { $regrets{fc $records[$i]->{speaker}} = $records[$i]->{speaker}; $records[$i]->{type} = 'o'; # Omit line from output } elsif (/^ *regrets? *\+[::]? *(.*?) *$/i) { $regrets{fc $_} = $_ foreach split(/ *, */, $1); $records[$i]->{type} = 'o'; # Omit line from output } elsif (/^ *regrets? *-[::]? *(.*?) *$/i) { delete $regrets{fc $_} foreach split(/ *, */, $1); $records[$i]->{type} = 'o'; # Omit line from output } elsif (/^ *repo(?:s|sitory|sitories)? *(?:[::]|\+[::]?) *(.*?) *$/i || /^ *(?:ghurlbot|gb) *, *(?:discuss(?:ing)?|use|using|take +up|taking +up|this +(?:will +be|is)) +(.*?) *$/i) { $records[$i]->{type} = 'repo'; # Mark as repository line $records[$i]->{text} = $1; } elsif (/^ *repo(?:s|sitory|sitories)? *-[::]? *([^ ].*)$/i || /^ *(?:ghurlbot|gb) *, *(?:forget|drop|remove|don't +use|do +not +use) +([^ ].*)$/i) { $records[$i]->{type} = 'drop'; # Mark as drop-repository line $records[$i]->{text} = $1; } elsif (/^ *slides(?:et)? *[::] *(.*?($urlpat).*)$/i) { $records[$i]->{type} = 'slideset'; # Mark as slideset line $records[$i]->{text} = $1; $lastslideset = $2; $has_slides = 1; } elsif (/^ *slides(?:et)? *[::]/i) { # Forget the slideset $records[$i]->{type} = 'd' if $is_scribe; $lastslideset = undef; } elsif (/^ *\[ *slide *(\d+) *\] *$/i && $lastslideset) { $records[$i]->{type} = 'slide'; # Mark as slide line my $slidenumber = $1; # Put link in {id}, with fragment ID "#n" (or #page=n for PDF URLs). $records[$i]->{id} = $lastslideset . "#" . ($lastslideset =~ /\.pdf/ ? "page=" : "") . $slidenumber; $records[$i]->{text} = "$slidenumber"; } elsif (/^ *recording *[::] *(.*?($urlpat).*)$/i) { $records[$i]->{type} = 'o'; # Omit line from output $recording_link = esc($1, $emphasis, 1, 1); $recording = $2; } elsif (/^ *recording *[::]/i) { # Recording but without a URL. Error? $records[$i]->{type} = 'd' if $is_scribe; $recording = undef; } elsif (/^ *recording +(?:is +starting|starts)[. ]*$/i) { $records[$i]->{type} = 'o'; # Omit line from output $recordingstart = $records[$i]->{time} if defined $records[$i]->{time}; } elsif (/^ *recording +start(?:ed|s) +at +[::]([0-9][0-9])[. ]*$/i) { $records[$i]->{type} = 'o'; # Omit line from output $recordingstart = 3600*floor(($records[$i]->{time} - 60*$1)/3600) + 60*$1 if defined($records[$i]->{time}); } elsif (/^ *recording +ends[. ]*$/i) { $records[$i]->{type} = 'o'; # Omit line from output $recordingend = $records[$i]->{time} if defined $records[$i]->{time}; } elsif (/^ *recording +end(?:ed|s) +at +[::]([0-9][0-9])[. ]*$/i) { $records[$i]->{type} = 'o'; # Omit line from output $recordingend = 3600*floor(($records[$i]->{time} - 60*$1)/3600) + 60*$1 if defined $records[$i]->{time}; } elsif (/^ *topic *[::] *(.*?) *$/i) { $records[$i]->{type} = 't'; # Mark as topic line $records[$i]->{text} = $1; $records[$i]->{id} = ++$topicid; # Unique ID } elsif (/^ *sub-?topic *[::] *(.*?) *$/i) { $records[$i]->{type} = 'T'; # Mark as subtopic line $records[$i]->{text} = $1; $records[$i]->{id} = ++$topicid; # Unique ID } elsif ($dash_topics && /^ *-+ *$/) { my $topicfound = 0; for (my $j = $i + 1; $j < @records; $j++) { if ($records[$j]->{speaker} eq $records[$i]->{speaker}) { $records[$i]->{type} = 't'; $records[$i]->{text} = $records[$j]->{text} =~ s/^ *(.*?) *$/$1/r; $records[$i]->{id} = ++$topicid; $records[$j]->{type} = 'o'; $topicfound = 1; last; } } } elsif ($records[$i]->{speaker} eq 'RRSAgent' && / to generate ([^ #]+)/) { $minutes_url = $1; $records[$i]->{type} = 'o'; # Ignore this line } elsif ($records[$i]->{speaker} eq 'RRSAgent' && /(?:[Ll]ogging to|recorded in|See) ([^ #]+)/){ $logging_url = $1; $records[$i]->{type} = 'o'; # Ignore this line } elsif (/^ *rrsagent,/i) { $records[$i]->{type} = 'o'; # Ignore this line } elsif ($records[$i]->{speaker} eq 'RRSAgent') { # Ignore RRSAgent's list of actions, etc. $records[$i]->{type} = 'o'; # Ignore this line } elsif (/^ *action *[::] *(.*?) *$/i || /^ *action +(.*?(?: to |[::]).*?) *$/i) { $records[$i]->{type} = 'a'; # Mark as action line $records[$i]->{text} = $1; $records[$i]->{id} = ++$actionid; # Unique ID } elsif (/^ *resol(?:ved|ution) *[::] *(.*?) *$/i) { $records[$i]->{type} = 'r'; # Mark as resolution line $records[$i]->{text} = $1; $records[$i]->{id} = ++$resolutionid; } elsif (/^ *issue *[::] *(.*?) *$/i) { $records[$i]->{type} = 'u'; # Mark as issue line $records[$i]->{text} = $1; $records[$i]->{id} = ++$issueid; # Unique ID } elsif (/^ *agenda *[::] *($urlpat) *$/i) { $agenda = '$agenda_icon\n"; $records[$i]->{type} = 'o'; # Omit line from output } elsif (/^ *agenda *[::] *(.*?) *$/i) { push(@diagnostics, "Found 'Agenda:' not followed by a URL: '$1'."); # $records[$i]->{type} = 'o'; # Omit line from output } elsif (/^ *meeting *[::] *(.*?) *$/i) { $meeting = esc($1); $records[$i]->{type} = 'o'; # Omit line from output } elsif (/^ *previous +meeting *[::] *($urlpat) *$/i) { $prev_meeting = '$previous_icon\n"; $records[$i]->{type} = 'o'; # Omit line from output } elsif (/^ *next +meeting *[::] *($urlpat) *$/i) { $next_meeting = '$next_icon\n"; $records[$i]->{type} = 'o'; # Omit line from output } elsif (/^ *(previous|next) +meeting *[::] *(.*?) *$/i) { push(@diagnostics,"Found '$1 meeting:' not followed by a URL: '$2'."); # $records[$i]->{type} = 'o'; # Omit line from output } elsif (/^ *chairs? *-[::]? *$/i) { delete $chairs{fc $records[$i]->{speaker}}; # Remove speaker from chairs $records[$i]->{type} = 'o'; # Omit line from output } elsif (/^ *chairs? *-[::]? *(.*?) *$/i) { delete $chairs{fc $_} foreach (split(/ *, */, $1)); # Remove given chairs $records[$i]->{type} = 'o'; # Omit line from output } elsif (/^ *chairs? *\+[::]? *$/i) { my $s = $records[$i]->{speaker}; $chairs{fc $s} = $s; # Add to collected chairs $records[$i]->{type} = 'o'; # Omit line from output } elsif (/^ *chairs? *[::] *$/i) { push(@diagnostics, "Ignored empty command \"$records[$i]->{text}\""); } elsif (/^ *chairs? *([::]|\+[::]?) *(.*?) *$/i) { %chairs = () if $1 eq ':' || $1 eq ':'; # Reset the list of chairs $chairs{fc $_} = $_ foreach (split(/ *, */, $2)); # Add all to chairs list $records[$i]->{type} = 'o'; # Omit line from output } elsif (/^ *date *[::] *(\d+ \w+ \d+)/i) { $date = $1; $records[$i]->{type} = 'o'; # Omit line from output } elsif (/^ *scribe(?:nick)? *-[::]? *$/i) { delete_scribes($records[$i]->{speaker}, \%curscribes); $records[$i]->{type} = 'o'; # Omit line from output } elsif (/^ *scribe(?:nick)? *\+[::]? *$/i) { add_scribes($records[$i]->{speaker}, \%curscribes, \@scribes,\%scribenames); $records[$i]->{type} = 'o'; # Omit line from output } elsif (/^ *scribe(?:nick)? *[::] *$/i) { push(@diagnostics, "Ignored empty command \"$records[$i]->{text}\""); } elsif (/^ *scribe(?:nick)? *([::]|\+[::]?) *($scribepat(?:, *$scribepat)*)$/i) { %curscribes = () if $1 eq ':' || $1 eq ':'; # Reset scribe nicks add_scribes($2, \%curscribes, \@scribes, \%scribenames); $records[$i]->{type} = 'o'; # Omit line from output } elsif (/^ *scribe *[::] *([^ ].*?) *$/i) { # Probably an old-fashioned scribe command without a nick push @scribes, $1; # Add to collected scribe list $records[$i]->{type} = 'o'; # Omit line from output } elsif (/^ *scribe(?:nick)? *-[::]? *([^ ].*)? *$/i) { delete_scribes($1, \%curscribes); $records[$i]->{type} = 'o'; # Omit line from output } elsif ($use_zakim && $records[$i]->{speaker} eq 'Zakim' && (/^agendum \d+\. "(.*)" taken up/ || # Old Zakim /^agendum \d+ -- (.*)/)) { # New Zakim $records[$i]->{type} = 't'; # Mark as topic line $records[$i]->{text} = $1; $records[$i]->{text} =~ s/ -- taken up \[from.*//; $records[$i]->{id} = ++$topicid; # Unique ID } elsif ($use_zakim && $records[$i]->{speaker} eq 'Zakim' && /the attendees (?:were|have been) (.*?),?$/){ $present{fc $_} = $_ foreach split(/, */, ($1 =~ s/\(no one\)//r)); $records[$i]->{type} = 'o'; # Omit line from output } elsif ($use_zakim && $records[$i]->{speaker} eq 'Zakim' && /^\.\.\. (.*)$/) { my $s = $1; # See what this is a continuation of my $j = $i - 1; $j-- while $j >= 0 && ($records[$j]->{text} =~ /^\.\.\. / || $records[$j]->{speaker} ne 'Zakim'); if ($j >= 0 && $records[$j]->{text} =~ /the attendees (?:were|have been) /){ $present{fc $_} = $_ foreach grep($_ ne '', split(/, */, $s)); } elsif ($j >= 0 && $records[$j]->{text} =~ /, you wanted /) { $records[$j]->{text} .= ' ' . $s; } elsif ($j >= 0 && $records[$j]->{type} eq 't') { # Continued agendum $records[$j]->{text} .= ' ' . $s; $records[$j]->{text} =~ s/ -- taken up \[from.*//; } $records[$i]->{type} = 'o'; # Omit line from output } elsif ($use_zakim && $records[$i]->{speaker} eq 'Zakim' && /[^ ,]+, you wanted /) { # Leave Zakim's lines of the form: "Jim, you wanted to ..." } elsif ($use_zakim && $records[$i]->{speaker} eq 'Zakim') { $records[$i]->{type} = 'o'; # Ignore most conversations with Zakim } elsif ($use_zakim && ( /^ *zakim,/i || /^ *(?:chair +)?(?:ack|recognize)s? \w/i || /^ *agg?enda *\d* *[\+\-\=\?]/i || /^ *(?:delete|drop|forget|remove) +agend(?:um|a) +\d+ *$/i || /^ *(?:take +up +|open +|move +to +)?(?:agend(?:um|a) +|next +agend(?:um|a))/i || /^ *next +agend(?:um|a) *$/i || /^ *(?:skip|(?:really +)?close) +(?:this +agend(?:um|a)|agend(?:um|a) +\d+) *$/i || /^ *q(?:ueue|q)? *[-+=?]/i || /^ *(?:ple?a?se? +)?(?:show +)?(?:the +)?(?:verbose +|full +)?q(?:ueue)?\?? *$/i || /^ *(?:vqueue|vq|qv)\?/i || /^ *[-+=?] *q(?:ueue|q)?\b/i || /^ *(?:ple?a?se? +)?clear +(?:the +)?agenda *$/i || /^ *(?:(?:list|show) +(?:all +)?(?:the +)?questions|questions *\?) *$/i || /^ *(?:drop|close) +question +[0-9]+ *$/i)) { $records[$i]->{type} = 'o'; # Ignore most conversations with Zakim } elsif (/^ *trackbot *, *(?:(?:dis)?associate|bye|start|end|status)\b/i) { $records[$i]->{type} = 'o'; # Ignore some commands to trackbot } elsif ($records[$i]->{speaker} eq 'trackbot' && /^([a-zA-Z]+-[0-9]+) -- (.*)$/) { $records[$i]->{type} = 'B'; # A structured response from trackbot $records[$i]->{id} = $2; $records[$i]->{text} = $1; } elsif ($records[$i]->{speaker} eq 'trackbot' && /^$urlpat$/i) { my $j = $i - 1; # A URL response from trackbot $j-- while $j >= 0 && ($records[$j]->{type} eq 'o' || $records[$j]->{speaker} ne 'trackbot'); if ($j < 0) { # URL belongs to nothing? $records[$i]->{type} = 'b'; } else { # Make previous line into a link $records[$j]->{text} = '->'.$records[$i]->{text}.' '.$records[$j]->{text}; $records[$i]->{type} = 'o'; } } elsif ($records[$i]->{speaker} eq 'trackbot') { $records[$i]->{type} = 'b' # A response from trackbot } elsif ($records[$i]->{speaker} eq 'agendabot') { $records[$i]->{type} = 'o'; # Ignore most conversations w/ agendabot } elsif (/^ *agendabot *,/i) { $records[$i]->{type} = 'o'; # Ignore most conversations w/ agendabot } elsif (! $ghurlbot && /^ *(?:ghurlbot|gb) *,/i) { $records[$i]->{type} = 'o'; # Ignore other commands to ghurlbot } elsif (! $ghurlbot && $records[$i]->{speaker} =~ /^ghurlbot$|^gb$/) { $records[$i]->{type} = 'o'; # Ignore if --noghurlbot was set } elsif ($records[$i]->{speaker} =~ /^ghurlbot$|^gb$/ && /^($urlpat) -> ((?:Issue |Action |Pull Request |\#)[0-9]+) ?(.*)$/i) { $records[$i]->{type} = 'B'; # A structured response from ghurlbot $records[$i]->{id} = $3; $records[$i]->{text} = "->$1 $2"; } elsif ($records[$i]->{speaker} =~ /^ghurlbot$|^gb$/ && /^($urlpat) -> (@.*)$/i) { # A link to a GitHub user $records[$i]->{type} = 'B'; $records[$i]->{id} = ''; $records[$i]->{text} = "->$1 $2"; } elsif ($records[$i]->{speaker} =~ /^ghurlbot$|^gb$/ && /^(?:Cannot|Closed|Reopened|Created)/) { $records[$i]->{type} = 'b'; } elsif ($records[$i]->{speaker} =~ /^ghurlbot$|^gb$/ && /^(?:[^ ,]+, )?OK\.?/) { $records[$i]->{type} = 'o'; # Ignore "OK" responses from ghurlbot } elsif (/^ *namedanchorhere *[::] *(.*?) *$/i) { my $a = $1 =~ s/ /_/gr; if ($a =~ /^$/) { push(@diagnostics, "Empty named anchor ignored."); } elsif ($a =~ /^x[0-9][0-9]+$/) { push(@diagnostics, "Named anchor \"$a\" ignored. (\"xNN\" is reserved.)"); } elsif ($a =~ /^(?:(?:Action|Resolution)Summary|links|attendees|toc|meeting)$/) { push(@diagnostics, "Named anchor \"$a\" ignored. (The name is reserved.)"); } elsif (exists $namedanchors{$a}) { push(@diagnostics, "Duplicate named anchor \"$a\" ignored."); } else { $records[$i]->{type} = 'n'; $records[$i]->{id} = esc($a); $namedanchors{$a} = 1; } } elsif (/^ *\Q<$records[$i]->{speaker}\E>/i) { # Ralph's escape for a scribe's personal remarks: " my opinion" # But it also works for non-scribes. $records[$i]->{text} =~ s/^.*?> ?//i; } elsif ($is_scribe && /^ *\\(.*)/) { # Starts with backslash $records[$i]->{type} = 'd'; # Descriptive text $records[$i]->{text} = $1; # Remove backslash } elsif (/^ *\\(.*)/) { # Starts with backslash $records[$i]->{text} = $1; # Remove backslash } elsif ($is_scribe && (/^($speakerpat) *[::] *(.*)$/ || (!$spacecont && /^ +($speakerpat) *[::] *(.*)$/)) && $records[$i]->{type} ne 'c' && # ... and not a failed s/// ! /^ *$urlpat/i && # ... and not a URL ! /^ *$specialpat *[::]/i) { # ... nor special # A speaker line $records[$i]->{type} = 's'; # Mark as scribe line $lastspeaker{$records[$i]->{speaker}} = $1; # For any continuation lines $records[$i]->{speaker} = $1; $records[$i]->{text} = $2; $speakers{fc $1} = ++$speakerid if !exists $speakers{fc $1}; } elsif ($is_scribe && defined $lastspeaker{$records[$i]->{speaker}} && (/^ *(?:\.\.\.*|…) *(.*?) *$/ || ($implicitcont && /^ *(.*?) *$/) || ($spacecont && /^ +(.*?) *$/)) && $records[$i]->{type} ne 'c') { # ... and not a failed s/// # Looks like a continuation line $records[$i]->{speaker} = $lastspeaker{$records[$i]->{speaker}}; $records[$i]->{type} = 's'; # Mark as scribe line my $j = $i - 1; $j-- while $j > 0 && $records[$j]->{type} eq 'o'; if ($j >= 0 && $records[$j]->{type} eq 's' && $records[$j]->{speaker} eq $records[$i]->{speaker}) { # Concatenate previous and current line and remove previous line $records[$i]->{text} = $records[$j]->{text} . "\t" . $1; $records[$j]->{type} = 'o'; # Omit previous line from output } else { # Cannot concatenate with previous line, remove "..." instead. $records[$i]->{text} = $1; } } elsif (/^ *(?:\.\.\.*|…) *(.*?) *$/) { # Is this a continuation of an action/resolution/issue/topic/description? my ($s, $j, $speaker) = ($1, $i - 1, $records[$i]->{speaker}); $j-- while $j > 0 && ($records[$j]->{type} eq 'o' || $records[$j]->{speaker} ne $speaker); if ($j >= 0 && $records[$j]->{type} =~ /^[artTud]$/) { $records[$j]->{text} .= "\t" . $s; $records[$i]->{type} = 'o'; # Omit this line from output } elsif ($is_scribe) { # Not a continuation of anything, but it is by the scribe. $records[$i]->{type} = 'd'; # Mark as descriptive text $records[$i]->{text} = $s; # Remove "..." $lastspeaker{$speaker} = undef; # No continuation expected } } elsif ($is_scribe && $records[$i]->{type} eq 'c') { # It's a failed s/// command by the speaker. Leave it as a 'c'. } elsif ($is_scribe && /^ *-> *$urlpat/i) { # If the scribe used a Ralph-link (-> url ...), still allow continuations $records[$i]->{type} = 'd'; # Mark as descriptive text } elsif ($is_scribe && /^ *[-+]\d+(?:\W.*)?$/) { # Looks like the scribe was trying to say "+1" or similar. Treat # it as IRC text rather than a scribe's summary. } elsif ($is_scribe) { $records[$i]->{type} = 'd'; # Mark as descriptive text $lastspeaker{$records[$i]->{speaker}} = undef; # No continuation expected } } # If date wasn't given, guess it from a URL, if any if (!defined $date && defined $minutes_url && $minutes_url =~ m|/(\d\d\d\d)/(\d\d)/(\d\d)-|) { $date = $3 . ' ' . $month[0+$2] . ' ' . $1; } elsif (!defined $date && defined $logging_url && $logging_url =~ m|/(\d\d\d\d)/(\d\d)/(\d\d)-|) { $date = $3 . ' ' . $month[0+$2] . ' ' . $1; } elsif (!defined $date) { $date = ""; push(@diagnostics, "Found no dated URLs. You may need to use 'Date:'."); } # Add lists of (1) speakers that do not appear in %present; (2) all # speakers; and (3) all people active on IRC. # my @all_speakers = fc_uniq(map $_->{speaker}, grep $_->{type} eq 's', @records); my @also = grep !exists($present{fc $_}), @all_speakers; push @diagnostics, "Maybe present: " . join(", ", sort {fc($a) cmp fc($b)} @also) if @also; push @diagnostics, "All speakers: " . join(", ", sort {fc($a) cmp fc($b)} @all_speakers) if @all_speakers; push @diagnostics, "Active on IRC: " . join(", ", sort {fc($a) cmp fc($b)} keys %count) if %count; # Step 6. Convert records to HTML and then fill a template. # # Each type of record is converted to a specific HTML fragment, with # %1$s replaced by the speaker, %2$s by the ID, %3$s by the text, %4$s # by the speaker ID, %5$s by a unique ID for the record and %6$s by a # link to a recording of the meeting, if any. # # The 1 or 0 after the pattern indicates whether the text (%3$) can be # parsed for emphasis and math. (Only applicable if --emphasis was # specified.) # # Also replace \t (i.e., placeholders for line breaks) as appropriate. # my $embedded_recording = $recording; my $canonical_recording = $recording; if (defined $recording) { # Modify URL for certain known video sites. if ($recording =~ /^https:\/\/youtu\.be\/(.*)$/) { $canonical_recording = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=" . $1; } if ($canonical_recording =~ /youtube\.com\/watch\?v=/) { $embedded_recording = $canonical_recording =~ s/watch\?v=/embed\//r; $embedded_recording .= "?enablejsapi=1&rel=0&modestbranding=1"; } elsif ($canonical_recording =~ /watch\.videodelivery\.net\//) { $embedded_recording = $canonical_recording =~ s/watch\./iframe\./r; } } # Formats for the different types of lines. 1 = speaker, 2 = ID of a # heading, action, etc. or a message by a bot, 3 = text, 4 = the ID of # the speaker, 5 = unique ID for the line, 6 = URL of recording my %linepat = ( a => ["

ACTION: %3\$s

\n", 1], b => ["

<%1\$s> %3\$s

\n", 0], B => ["

<%1\$s> %3\$s %2\$s

\n", 0], d => ["


\n", 1], D => ["
\n", 0], i => [$scribeonly ? '' : "

<%1\$s> %3\$s

\n", 1], I => [$scribeonly ? '' : "

<%1\$s> %3\$s

\n", 0], c => [$scribeonly ? '' : "

<%1\$s> %3\$s

\n", 0], o => ['', 0], r => ["


\n",, 1], s => ["

%1\$s: %3\$s

\n", 1], n => ["

\n", 0], u => ["

ISSUE: %3\$s

\n", 1], T => ["


\n", 1], t => ["


\n", 1], slideset => ["

Slideset: %3\$s

\n", 0], slide => ["

[Slide %3\$s]

\n", 1], repo => ["

Repository: %3\$s

\n", 0], drop => ["

Repository- %3\$s

\n", 1], ); my $minutes = ''; foreach my $p (@records) { if ($github) { if ($p->{type} eq 'repo' && $p->{text} eq '') { # An empty repo line resets the list of repositories. @repositories = (); } elsif ($p->{type} eq 'repo') { # A repo line adds repositories to use for issues in the next lines. add_repositories($p->{text}); } elsif ($p->{type} eq 't' || $p->{type} eq 'T') { # GitHub repositories in topic lines are added to the repositories. add_repositories($1) while $p->{text} =~ /($githuburl)/g; } elsif ($p->{type} eq 'drop') { # Remove the given repository. remove_repositories($p->{text}); } } # The last part generates nothing, but avoids warnings for unused args. my $line = sprintf $linepat{$p->{type}}[0] . '%1$.0s%2$.0s%3$.0s%4$.0s%5$.0s%6$.0s', esc($p->{speaker}), # %1 $p->{id} // '', # %2 esc($p->{text}, $emphasis && $linepat{$p->{type}}[1], 1, 1, $github), # %3 $speakers{fc $p->{speaker}} // '', # %4 ++$lineid, # %5 link_to_recording($canonical_recording, $p->{time}); # %6 if (!$keeplines) { $line =~ tr/\t/ /; } elsif ($line =~ /\t/) { $line =~ s|\t|"
\n… "|e; # First line $line =~ s|\t|"
\n… "|ge; # Others $line =~ s|


|; # Last line } $minutes .= $line; } # @stylesheets is an array of triples [alt, title, url], where alt = 0 # means this is the default style, not 0 means an "alternate" style. # my $alt = 0; my $w3 = 'https://www.w3.org'; my @stylesheets = (); push @stylesheets, [$alt++, "Default", $stylesheet] if defined $stylesheet; if ($styleset eq 'team') { push @stylesheets, [$alt + $old_style, "2018", "$w3/StyleSheets/scribe2/team.css"], [$alt + !$old_style, "2004", "$w3/StyleSheets/base.css"], [$alt + !$old_style, "2004", "$w3/StyleSheets/team.css"], [$alt + !$old_style, "2004", "$w3/StyleSheets/team-minutes.css"], [$alt + !$old_style, "2004", "$w3/2004/02/minutes-style.css"], [1, "Typewriter", "$w3/StyleSheets/scribe2/tt-team.css"]; } elsif ($styleset eq 'member') { push @stylesheets, [$alt + $old_style, "2018", "$w3/StyleSheets/scribe2/member.css"], [$alt + !$old_style, "2004", "$w3/StyleSheets/base.css"], [$alt + !$old_style, "2004", "$w3/StyleSheets/member.css"], [$alt + !$old_style, "2004", "$w3/StyleSheets/member-minutes.css"], [$alt + !$old_style, "2004", "$w3/2004/02/minutes-style.css"], [1, "Typewriter", "$w3/StyleSheets/scribe2/tt-member.css"]; } else { # 'public' or 'fancy' my $f = $styleset eq 'fancy'; push @stylesheets, [$alt + $old_style + $f, "2018", "$w3/StyleSheets/scribe2/public.css"], [$alt + !$old_style + $f, "2004", "$w3/StyleSheets/base.css"], [$alt + !$old_style + $f, "2004", "$w3/StyleSheets/public.css"], [$alt + !$old_style + $f, "2004", "$w3/2004/02/minutes-style.css"], [$alt + !$f, "Fancy", "$w3/StyleSheets/scribe2/fancy.css"], [1, "Typewriter", "$w3/StyleSheets/scribe2/tt-member.css"]; } # Format some of the variables used in the template below # my $style = join("\n", map {"[0] ? "alternate " : "") . "stylesheet\" " . "type=\"text/css\" title=\"$_->[1]\" href=\"$_->[2]\">"} @stylesheets); my $scripts = ''; $scripts .= "\n" if $emphasis && $has_math; $scripts .= "\n" if $has_slides; if (defined $recording) { $scripts .= "\n" if $canonical_recording =~ /^https:\/\/(www\.)?youtube\.com\//; # Copy the script whose code is further down between __DATA__ and __END__: $scripts .= $_ while ($_ = ) !~ /^__END__/; } close main::DATA; $logo = "


\n\n" if defined $logo && $logo ne ''; $logo = '' if !defined $logo && ($styleset eq 'fancy'); $logo = "


\n\n" if !defined $logo; my $draft = $final ? "" : "– DRAFT –
\n"; my $log = defined $logging_url?"$irclog_icon\n":""; my $present = esc(join(", ", map($present{$_}, sort keys %present))) || '-'; $present = "
".($present =~ s/,/,<\/summary>/r)."
" if scalar keys %present > $collapse_limit; # Collapsed if the list is long my $regrets = esc(join(", ", map($regrets{$_}, sort keys %regrets))) || '-'; $regrets = "
".($regrets =~ s/,/,<\/summary>/r)."
" if scalar keys %regrets > $collapse_limit; # Collapsed if the list is long my $scribes = esc(join(", ",map($scribenames{$_}//$_,fc_uniq(@scribes))))||'-'; my $chairs = esc(join(", ", sort {fc($a) cmp fc($b)} values %chairs)) || '-'; my $diagnostics = !$embed_diagnostics || !@diagnostics ? "" : "

Diagnostics<\/h2>\n" . join("", map {"

" . esc($_) . "

\n"} @diagnostics) . "

\n"; my $videoplayer = ! defined $recording ? '' : "
\n" . "

Recording: $recording_link\n" . "

\n" . "\n" . "
\n" . "
\n"; # Collect lists of actions, resolutions and issues from the @records. # Wrap each list in a
and add a corresponding item in the ToC # (unless the list is empty). # my $actions = join("", map("
  • {id} . "\">" . esc($_->{text}, $emphasis, -1, 1) . "
  • \n", grep($_->{type} eq 'a', @records))); my $actiontoc = !$actions ? '' : "
  • Summary of action items
  • \n"; $actions = "\n

    Summary of action items

    \n" if $actions; if ($keeplines) {$actions =~ s/\t/
    \n… /g;} else {$actions =~ tr/\t/ /;} my $resolutions = join("", map("
  • {id} . "\">" . esc($_->{text}, $emphasis, -1, 1) . "
  • \n", grep($_->{type} eq 'r', @records))); my $resolutiontoc = !$resolutions ? '' : "
  • Summary of resolutions
  • \n"; $resolutions = "\n

    Summary of resolutions

    \n" if $resolutions; if ($keeplines) {$resolutions =~ s/\t/
    \n… /g;} else {$resolutions =~ tr/\t/ /;} my $issues = join("", map("
  • {id} . "\">" . esc($_->{text}, $emphasis, -1, 1) . "
  • \n", grep($_->{type} eq 'u', @records))); my $issuetoc = !$issues ? '' : "
  • Summary of issues
  • \n"; $issues = "\n

    Summary of issues

    \n" if $issues; if ($keeplines) {$issues =~ s/\t/
    \n… /g;} else {$issues =~ tr/\t/ /;} # Collect topics (records with type 't' or 'T') for the ToC. # my $topics = ''; my $prev_level = ' '; foreach my $t (grep($_->{type} =~ /^[Tt]$/, @records)) { my $s = "
  • {id} . "\">" . esc($t->{text}, $emphasis, -1, 1) . ""; if ($prev_level eq $t->{type}) {$topics .= "
  • \n$s"} elsif ($prev_level eq 't') {$topics .= "\n
      \n$s"} elsif ($prev_level eq 'T') {$topics .= "\n
    \n\n$s"} elsif ($t->{type} eq 't') {$topics .= $s} else {$topics .= "
  • \n
      \n$s"} $prev_level = $t->{type}; } if ($prev_level eq 'T') {$topics .= "\n
  • \n"} elsif ($prev_level eq 't') {$topics .= "\n"} if ($keeplines) {$topics =~ s/\t/
    \n… /g;} else {$topics =~ tr/\t/ /;} # And output the formatted HTML. # print " $meeting – $date $style $scripts





    Meeting minutes

    Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version $revision ($versiondate).
    $diagnostics "; print STDERR map("* $_\n", @diagnostics) if !$embed_diagnostics; # The Javascript code that adds play/pause buttons when generated # minutes with an embedded video are displayed in a browser. # The code ends at __END__. __DATA__ __END__ =head1 NAME scribe.perl - Turn an IRC log of a meeting into minutes in HTML =head1 SYNOPSIS scribe.perl [options] [file ...] --help Brief help message --team Use team style --member Use member style --fancy Use fancy style --embedDiagnostics Put diagnostics in the minutes instead of on stderr --implicitContinuations Continuation lines do not need `...' --allowSpaceContinuation Allow initial space as well as `...' --keepLines Do not rewrap lines (default) --urlDisplay=break Allow URLs to break at slashes (default) --urlDisplay=shorten Shorten URLs by omitting the middle part --urlDisplay=full Do not shorten or break URLs --final Omit the word `DRAFT' from the minutes --draft Include the word `DRAFT' in the minutes (default) --scribenick Initial list of scribe nicks, comma-separated --dashTopics Allow a line of dashes to start a new topic --useZakimTopics Parse Zakim's lines for agenda topics (default) --scribeOnly Omit all text that is not written by a scribe --emphasis Allow smileys, arrows and inline styles --mathjax=URL Use a specific MathJax (only with --emphasis) --islide=URL Use a specific i-slide library --oldStyle Use the style of scribe.perl version 1 --minutes=URL Used to guess a date if the URL contains YYYY/MM/DD --logo=markup Replace the W3C link and logo with this HTML markup --nologo Same as --logo="" --nogithubIssues Do not make GitHub issue numbers into links --noghurlbot Omit messages from GHURLBot --stylesheet=URL Use this style sheet instead of the default --collapseLimit=n Collapse the participant list if there are more (30) You can use single dash (-) or double (--). Options are case-insensitive and can be abbreviated. Some options can be negated with `no' (e.g., --nokeeplines). For the full manual see L scribedoc.html>