# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # OUTDATED, PLEASE USE THE SOSA FILE AT https://github.com/w3c/sdw/blob/gh-pages/ssn/integrated/sosa.ttl INSTEAD. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # baseURI: http://www.w3.org/ns/sosa/ # prefix: sosa @prefix dc: . @prefix owl: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix schema: . @prefix skos: . @prefix sosa: . @prefix terms: . @prefix vann: . @prefix voaf: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix time: . @prefix foaf: . dc:date rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty ; . terms:created rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty ; . terms:modified rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty ; . schema:domainIncludes rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty ; . schema:rangeIncludes rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty ; . voaf:Vocabulary a owl:Class . vann:preferredNamespacePrefix a owl:AnnotationProperty . vann:preferredNamespaceUri a owl:AnnotationProperty . time:TemporalEntity a owl:Class . skos:definition a owl:AnnotationProperty . skos:example a owl:AnnotationProperty . skos:note a owl:AnnotationProperty . sosa: rdf:type owl:Ontology , voaf:Vocabulary ; rdfs:comment "This ontology is based on the SSN Ontology by the W3C Semantic Sensor Networks Incubator Group (SSN-XG), together with considerations from the W3C/OGC Spatial Data on the Web Working Group."@en ; rdfs:label "Sensor, Observation, Sample, and Actuator (SOSA) Ontology"@en ; vann:preferredNamespacePrefix "sosa" ; vann:preferredNamespaceUri "http://www.w3.org/ns/sosa/" ; . sosa:Actuation rdf:type rdfs:Class ; rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:comment "An Actuation carries out an (Actuation) Procedure to change the state of the world using an Actuator."@en ; rdfs:label "Actuation"@en ; skos:definition "An Actuation carries out an (Actuation) Procedure to change the state of the world using an Actuator."@en ; skos:example "The activity of automatically closing a window if the temperature in a room drops below 20 degree Celsius. The activity is the Actuation and the device that closes the window is the Actuator. The Procedure is the rule, plan, or specification that defines the conditions that triggers the Actuation, here a drop in temperature. "@en ; . sosa:Actuator rdf:type rdfs:Class ; rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:comment "A device that is used by, or implements, an (Actuation) Procedure that changes the state of the world."@en ; rdfs:label "Actuator"@en ; skos:definition "A device that is used by, or implements, an (Actuation) Procedure that changes the state of the world."@en ; skos:example "A window actuator for automatic window control, i.e., opening or closing the window."@en ; . sosa:FeatureOfInterest rdf:type rdfs:Class ; rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:comment """The thing whose property is being estimated or calculated in the course of an Observation to arrive at a Result or whose property is being manipulated by an Actuator."""@en ; rdfs:label "Feature Of Interest"@en ; skos:definition """The thing whose property is being estimated or calculated in the course of an Observation to arrive at a Result or whose property is being manipulated by an Actuator."""@en ; skos:example "When measuring the height of a tree, the height is the ObservedProperty, 20m may be the Result of the Observation, and the tree is the FeatureOfInterest. A window is a FeatureOfInterest for an automatic window control Actuator."@en ; . sosa:ObservableProperty rdf:type rdfs:Class ; rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:comment "An observable quality of a FeatureOfInterest."@en ; rdfs:label "Observable Property"@en ; skos:definition "An observable quality of a FeatureOfInterest."@en ; skos:example "The height of a tree, the depth of a water body, or the temperature of a surface are examples of observable properties, while the value of a classic car is not (directly) observable but asserted."@en ; . sosa:ActuatableProperty rdf:type rdfs:Class ; rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:comment "An actuatable property, i.e., characteristic, of a FeatureOfInterest."@en ; rdfs:label "Actuatable Property"@en ; skos:definition "An actuatable property, i.e., characteristic, of a FeatureOfInterest."@en ; skos:example "A window actuator acts by changing the state between a frame and a window. The ability of the window to be opened and closed is its ActuatableProperty."@en . sosa:Observation rdf:type rdfs:Class ; rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:comment "Activity of carrying out an (Observation) Procedure to estimate or calculate a value of a property of a FeatureOfInterest. Links to a Sensor to describe what made the Observation and how; links to an ObservableProperty to describe what the result is an estimate of, and to a FeatureOfInterest to detail what that property was associated with."@en ; rdfs:label "Observation"@en ; skos:definition "Activity of carrying out an (Observation) Procedure to estimate or calculate a value of a property of a FeatureOfInterest. Links to a Sensor to describe what made the Observation and how; links to an ObservableProperty to describe what the result is an estimate of, and to a FeatureOfInterest to detail what that property was associated with."@en ; skos:example "The activity of estimating the intensity of an Earthquake using the Mercalli intensity scale is an Observation as is measuring the moment magnitude, i.e., the energy released by said earthquake."@en ; . sosa:Platform rdf:type rdfs:Class ; rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:comment "A Platform is an entity that hosts other entities, particularly Sensors, Actuators and other Platforms."@en ; rdfs:label "Platform"@en ; skos:definition "A Platform is an entity that hosts other entities, particularly Sensors, Actuators and other Platforms."@en ; skos:example "A post, buoy, vehicle, ship, aircraft, satellite, cell-phone, human or animal may act as platforms for (technical or biological) sensors or actuators."@en ; . sosa:Procedure rdf:type rdfs:Class ; rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:comment "A workflow, protocol, plan, algorithm, or computational method specifying how to make an Observation, create a Sample, or make a change to the state of the world (via an Actuator). A Procedure is re-usable, and might be involved in many observations, samplings, or actuations. It explains the steps to be carried out to arrive at reproducible results."@en ; rdfs:label "Procedure"@en ; skos:definition "A workflow, protocol, plan, algorithm, or computational method specifying how to make an Observation, create a Sample, or make a change to the state of the world (via an Actuator). A Procedure is re-usable, and might be involved in many observations, samplings, or actuations. It explains the steps to be carried out to arrive at reproducible results."@en ; skos:example "The measured wind speed differs depending on the height of the sensor above the surface, e.g., due to friction. Consequently, procedures for measuring wind speed define a standard height for anemometers above ground, typically 10m for meteorological measures and 2m in Agrometeorology. This definition of height, sensor placement, and so forth are defined by the Procedure."@en ; skos:note "Many observations may be created via the same Procedure, the same way as many tables are assembled using the same instructions (as information objects, not their concrete realization)."@en ; . sosa:Result rdf:type rdfs:Class ; rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:comment "The Result of an Observation, Actuation, or act of Sampling. To store an observation's simple result value one can use the hasSimpleResult property."@en ; rdfs:label "Result"@en ; skos:definition "The Result of an Observation, Actuation, or act of Sampling. To store an observation's simple result value one can use the hasSimpleResult property."@en ; skos:example "The value 20 as the height of a certain tree together with the unit, e.g., Meter."@en ; . sosa:Sample rdf:type rdfs:Class ; rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:comment "Feature on which Observations may be made, which is intended to be representative of a FeatureOfInterest that is not fully accessible."@en ; rdfs:comment "Physical samples are sometimes known as 'specimens'."@en ; rdfs:comment "A Sample is the result from an act of Sampling."@en ; rdfs:comment """Samples are artifacts of an observational strategy, and have no significant function outside of their role in the observation process. The characteristics of the samples themselves are of little interest, except perhaps to the manager of a sampling campaign. A Sample is intended to sample some FatureOfInterest in an application domain, so there is an expectation of at least one sampledFeature property. However, in some cases the identity, and even the exact type, of the sampled feature may not be known when observations are made using the sampling features."""@en ; rdfs:label "Sample"@en ; skos:definition "Feature on which Observations may be made, which is intended to be representative of a FeatureOfInterest that is not fully accessible."@en ; skos:example "A 'station' is essentially an identifiable locality where a sensor system or Process may be deployed and an observation made. In the context of the observation model, it connotes the 'world in the vicinity of the station', so the observed properties relate to the physical medium at the station, and not to any physical artifact such as a mooring, buoy, benchmark, monument, well, etc."@en ; skos:example "A statistical sample is often designed to be characteristic of an entire population, so that observations can be made regarding the sample that provide a good estimate of the properties of the population."@en ; skos:note "A transient sample, such as a ships-track or flight-line, might be identified and described, but is unlikely to be revisited exactly."@en ; . sosa:Sampler rdf:type rdfs:Class ; rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Sampler"@en ; rdfs:comment "A device that is used by, or implements, a Sampling Procedure to create or transform one or more samples."@en ; skos:definition "A device that is used by, or implements, a Sampling Procedure to create or transform one or more samples."@en ; skos:example "A ball mill, diamond drill, hammer, hypodermic syringe and needle, image sensor or a soil auger can all act as sampling devices (i.e., be Samplers)."@en ; . sosa:Sampling rdf:type rdfs:Class ; rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Sampling"@en ; skos:definition "An act of Sampling carries out a sampling Procedure to create or transform one or more samples."@en ; rdfs:comment "An act of Sampling carries out a sampling Procedure to create or transform one or more samples."@en ; skos:example "Crushing a rock sample in a ball mill."@en ; skos:example "Digging a pit through a soil sequence."@en ; skos:example "Dividing a field site into quadrants."@en ; skos:example "Drawing blood from a patient."@en ; skos:example "Drilling an observation well."@en ; skos:example "Establishing a station for environmental monitoring."@en ; skos:example "Registering an image of the landscape."@en ; skos:example "Sieving a powder to separate the subset finer than 100-mesh."@en ; skos:example "Selecting a subset of a population."@en ; skos:example "Splitting a piece of drill-core to create two new samples."@en ; skos:example "Taking a diamond-drill core from a rock outcrop."@en ; . sosa:Sensor rdf:type rdfs:Class ; rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:comment "Device, agent (including humans), or software (simulation) involved in, or implementing, a Procedure. Sensors respond to a stimulus, e.g., a change in the environment, or input data composed from the results of prior Observations, and generate a Result. Sensors can be mounted on Platforms."@en ; rdfs:label "Sensor"@en ; skos:definition "Device, agent (including humans), or software (simulation) involved in, or implementing, a (Sensing) Procedure. Sensors respond to a stimulus, e.g., a change in the environment, or input data composed from the results of prior Observations, and generate a Result. Sensors can be mounted on Platforms."@en ; skos:example "Accelerometers, gyroscopes, barometers, magnetometers, and so forth are sensors that are typically mounted on a modern smart phone (which acts as Platform). Other examples of sensors include the human eyes."@en ; . sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; schema:domainIncludes sosa:Observation ; schema:domainIncludes sosa:Actuation ; schema:domainIncludes sosa:Sampling ; schema:rangeIncludes sosa:FeatureOfInterest ; schema:rangeIncludes sosa:Sample ; rdfs:comment "A relation between an Observation and the entity whose quality was observed, or between an Actuation and the entity whose property was modified, or between an act of Sampling and the entity that was sampled."@en ; rdfs:label "has feature of interest"@en ; owl:inverseOf sosa:isFeatureOfInterestOf ; skos:definition "A relation between an Observation and the entity whose quality was observed, or between an Actuation and the entity whose property was modified, or between an act of Sampling and the entity that was sampled."@en ; skos:example "For example, in an Observation of the weight of a person, the FeatureOfInterest is the person and the quality is weight."@en ; . sosa:hasResult rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; schema:domainIncludes sosa:Actuation ; schema:domainIncludes sosa:Observation ; schema:domainIncludes sosa:Sampling ; schema:rangeIncludes sosa:Result ; schema:rangeIncludes sosa:Sample ; rdfs:comment "Relation linking an Observation or Actuation or act of Sampling and a Result."@en ; rdfs:label "has result"@en ; owl:inverseOf sosa:isResultOf ; skos:definition "Relation linking an Observation or Actuation or act of Sampling and a Result."@en ; . #sosa:hasResultingSample # rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; # schema:domainIncludes sosa:Sampling ; # schema:rangeIncludes sosa:Sample ; # rdfs:label "has resulting sample"@en ; # owl:inverseOf sosa:isSamplingResultOf ; # skos:definition "Relation linking an act of Sampling and the new Sample created as a result."@en ; # rdfs:comment "Relation linking an act of Sampling and the new Sample created as a result."@en ; #. sosa:hasSample rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; schema:domainIncludes sosa:FeatureOfInterest ; schema:rangeIncludes sosa:Sample ; rdfs:comment "Relation between a FeatureOfInterest and the Sample used to represent it."@en ; rdfs:label "has sample"@en ; owl:inverseOf sosa:isSampleOf ; skos:definition "Relation between a FeatureOfInterest and the Sample used to represent it."@en ; . sosa:hasSimpleResult rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; schema:domainIncludes sosa:Observation ; schema:domainIncludes sosa:Actuation ; rdfs:comment "The simple value of an Observation or Actuation."@en ; rdfs:label "has simple result"@en ; skos:definition "The simple value of an Observation or Actuation."@en ; skos:example "For instance, the values 23 or true."@en ; . sosa:isHostedBy rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; schema:domainIncludes sosa:Actuator ; schema:domainIncludes sosa:Sensor ; schema:domainIncludes sosa:Sampler ; schema:rangeIncludes sosa:Platform ; rdfs:comment "Relation between a Sensor, or Actuator, or Sampler and the Platform that it is mounted on or hosted by."@en ; rdfs:label "is hosted by"@en ; owl:inverseOf sosa:hosts ; skos:definition "Relation between a Sensor, or Actuator, or Sampler and the Platform that it is mounted on or hosted by."@en ; . sosa:hosts rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; schema:domainIncludes sosa:Platform ; schema:rangeIncludes sosa:Actuator ; schema:rangeIncludes sosa:Sensor ; schema:rangeIncludes sosa:Sampler ; rdfs:comment "Relation between a Platform and a Sensor, or Actuator, or Sampler hosted or mounted on it."@en ; rdfs:label "hosts"@en ; owl:inverseOf sosa:isHostedBy ; skos:definition "Relation between a Platform and a Sensor, or Actuator, or Sampler hosted or mounted on it."@en ; . sosa:madeByActuator rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; schema:domainIncludes sosa:Actuation ; schema:rangeIncludes sosa:Actuator ; rdfs:comment "Relation linking an Actuation to the Actuator that made that Actuation."@en ; rdfs:label "made by actuator"@en ; owl:inverseOf sosa:madeActuation ; skos:definition "Relation linking an Actuation to the Actuator that made that Actuation."@en ; . sosa:madeActuation rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; schema:domainIncludes sosa:Actuator ; schema:rangeIncludes sosa:Actuation ; rdfs:comment "Relation between an Actuator and the Actuation it has made."@en ; rdfs:label "made actuation"@en ; owl:inverseOf sosa:madeByActuator ; skos:definition "Relation between an Actuator and the Actuation it has made."@en ; . sosa:isFeatureOfInterestOf rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; schema:domainIncludes sosa:FeatureOfInterest ; schema:rangeIncludes sosa:Observation ; schema:rangeIncludes sosa:Actuation ; rdfs:comment "A relation between a FeatureOfInterest and an Observation about it or an Actuation acting on it."@en ; rdfs:label "is feature of interest of"@en ; owl:inverseOf sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest ; skos:definition "A relation between a FeatureOfInterest and an Observation about it or an Actuation acting on it."@en ; . sosa:isObservedBy rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; schema:domainIncludes sosa:ObservableProperty ; schema:rangeIncludes sosa:Sensor ; rdfs:comment "Relation between an ObservableProperty and the Sensor able to observe it."@en ; rdfs:label "is observed by"@en ; owl:inverseOf sosa:observes ; skos:definition "Relation between an ObservableProperty and the Sensor able to observe it."@en ; . sosa:isResultOf rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; schema:domainIncludes sosa:Result ; schema:domainIncludes sosa:Sample ; schema:rangeIncludes sosa:Actuation ; schema:rangeIncludes sosa:Observation ; schema:rangeIncludes sosa:Sampling ; rdfs:comment "Relation linking a Result to the Observation or Actuation that created or caused it."@en ; rdfs:label "is result of"@en ; owl:inverseOf sosa:hasResult ; skos:definition "Relation linking a Result to the Observation or Actuation that created or caused it."@en ; . #sosa:isSamplingResultOf # rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; # schema:domainIncludes sosa:Sample ; # schema:rangeIncludes sosa:Sampling ; # rdfs:comment "Relation linking a Sample to the act of Sampling that created or caused it."@en ; # skos:definition "Relation linking a Sample to the act of Sampling that created or caused it."@en ; # rdfs:label "is sampling result of"@en ; # owl:inverseOf sosa:hasResultingSample ; #. sosa:isSampleOf rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; schema:domainIncludes sosa:Sample ; schema:rangeIncludes sosa:FeatureOfInterest ; rdfs:comment "Relation from a Sample to the FeatureOfInterest that it is intended to be representative of."@en ; rdfs:label "is sample of"@en ; owl:inverseOf sosa:hasSample ; skos:definition "Relation from a Sample to the FeatureOfInterest that it is intended to be representative of."@en ; . sosa:madeObservation rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; schema:domainIncludes sosa:Sensor ; schema:rangeIncludes sosa:Observation ; rdfs:comment "Relation between a Sensor and an Observation it has made."@en ; rdfs:label "made observation"@en ; owl:inverseOf sosa:madeBySensor ; skos:definition "Relation between a Sensor and an Observation it has made."@en ; . sosa:madeBySensor rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; schema:domainIncludes sosa:Observation ; schema:rangeIncludes sosa:Sensor ; rdfs:comment "Relation between an Observation and the Sensor which made the Observation."@en ; rdfs:label "made by sensor"@en ; owl:inverseOf sosa:madeObservation ; skos:definition "Relation between an Observation and the Sensor which made the Observation."@en . sosa:madeBySampler rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; schema:domainIncludes sosa:Sampling ; schema:rangeIncludes sosa:Sampler ; rdfs:comment "Relation linking an act of Sampling to the Sampler (sampling device or entity) that made it."@en ; rdfs:label "made by sampler"@en ; owl:inverseOf sosa:madeSampling ; skos:definition "Relation linking an act of Sampling to the Sampler (sampling device or entity) that made it."@en ; . sosa:madeSampling rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; schema:domainIncludes sosa:Sampler ; schema:rangeIncludes sosa:Sampling ; rdfs:comment "Relation between a Sampler (sampling device or entity) and the Sampling act it performed."@en ; rdfs:label "made sampling"@en ; owl:inverseOf sosa:madeBySampler ; skos:definition "Relation between a Sampler (sampling device or entity) and the Sampling act it performed." . sosa:observedProperty rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; schema:domainIncludes sosa:Observation ; schema:rangeIncludes sosa:ObservableProperty ; rdfs:comment "Relation linking an Observation to the property that was observed. The ObservableProperty should be a property of the FeatureOfInterest (linked by featureOfInterest) of this Observation."@en ; rdfs:label "observed property"@en ; skos:definition "Relation linking an Observation to the property that was observed. The ObservableProperty should be a property of the FeatureOfInterest (linked by featureOfInterest) of this Observation."@en ; . sosa:actsOnProperty rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; schema:domainIncludes sosa:Actuation ; schema:rangeIncludes sosa:ActuatableProperty ; rdfs:comment "Relation between an Actuation and the property of a FeatureOfInterest it is acting upon."@en ; rdfs:label "acts on property"@en ; owl:inverseOf sosa:isActedOnBy ; skos:definition "Relation between an Actuation and the property of a FeatureOfInterest it is acting upon."@en ; skos:example "In the activity (Actuation) of automatically closing a window if the temperature in a room drops below 20 degrees Celsius, the property on which the Actuator acts upon is the state of the window as it changes from being open to being closed. "@en . sosa:isActedOnBy rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; schema:domainIncludes sosa:ActuatableProperty ; schema:rangeIncludes sosa:Actuation ; rdfs:comment "Relation between an ActuatableProperty of a FeatureOfInterest and an Actuation changing its state."@en ; rdfs:label "is acted on by"@en ; owl:inverseOf sosa:actsOnProperty ; skos:definition "Relation between an ActuatableProperty of a FeatureOfInterest and an Actuation changing its state."@en ; skos:example "In the activity (Actuation) of automatically closing a window if the temperature in a room drops below 20 degrees Celsius, the property on which the Actuator acts upon is the state of the window as it changes from being open to being closed. "@en . sosa:observes rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; schema:domainIncludes sosa:Sensor ; schema:rangeIncludes sosa:ObservableProperty ; rdfs:comment "Relation between a Sensor and an ObservableProperty that it is capable of sensing."@en ; rdfs:label "observes"@en ; owl:inverseOf sosa:isObservedBy ; skos:definition "Relation between a Sensor and an ObservableProperty that it is capable of sensing."@en ; . sosa:phenomenonTime rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; schema:domainIncludes sosa:Actuation ; schema:domainIncludes sosa:Observation ; schema:domainIncludes sosa:Sampling ; schema:rangeIncludes time:TemporalEntity ; rdfs:comment "The time that the Result of an Observation, Actuation or Sampling applies to the FeatureOfInterest. Not necessarily the same as the resultTime. May be an Interval or an Instant, or some other compound TemporalEntity."@en ; rdfs:label "phenomenon time"@en ; skos:definition "The time that the Result of an Observation, Actuation or Sampling applies to the FeatureOfInterest. Not necessarily the same as the resultTime. May be an Interval or an Instant, or some other compound TemporalEntity."@en ; . sosa:resultTime rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; schema:domainIncludes sosa:Actuation ; schema:domainIncludes sosa:Observation ; schema:domainIncludes sosa:Sampling ; rdfs:comment "The result time is the instant of time when the Observation, Actuation or Sampling activity was completed."@en ; rdfs:label "result time"@en ; rdfs:range xsd:dateTime ; skos:definition "The result time is the instant of time when the Observation, Actuation or Sampling activity was completed."@en ; . sosa:usedProcedure rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; schema:domainIncludes sosa:Actuation ; schema:domainIncludes sosa:Observation ; schema:domainIncludes sosa:Sampling ; schema:rangeIncludes sosa:Procedure ; rdfs:comment "A relation to link to a re-usable Procedure used in making an Observation, an Actuation or taking a Sample typically through a Sensor, Actuator or Sampler."@en ; rdfs:label "used procedure"@en ; skos:definition "A relation to link to a re-usable Procedure used in making an Observation, an Actuation or taking a sample typically through a Sensor, Actuator or Sampler."@en ; .