--- # Translation instructions are after the "#" character in this first section. They are comments that do not show up in the web page. You do not need to translate the instructions after "#". # In this first section, do not translate the words before a colon. For example, do not translate "title:". Do translate the text after "title:". title: "Design and Develop Overview" nav_title: "Overview" lang: en # Change "en" to the translated-language shortcode last_updated: 2022-05-19 # Put the date of this translation YYYY-MM-DD (with month in the middle) # translators: # remove from the beginning of this line and the lines below: "# " (the hash sign and the space) # - name: "Jan Doe" # Replace Jan Doe with translator name # - name: "Jan Doe" # Replace Jan Doe with name, or delete this line if not multiple translators # contributors: # - name: "Jan Doe" # Replace Jan Doe with contributor name, or delete this line if none # - name: "Jan Doe" # Replace Jan Doe with name, or delete this line if not multiple contributors github: repository: w3c/wai-design-develop-overview path: "content/index.md" # Add the language shortcode to the middle of the filename, for example: content/index.fr.md permalink: /design-develop/ # Add the language shortcode to the end, with no slash at the end. For example /path/to/file/fr ref: /design-develop/ # Do not change this changelog: /design-develop/changelog/ # Do not change this feedbackmail: wai@w3.org class: tight-page # In the footer below: # Do not change the dates # Do not translate CHANGELOG # Translate the other words, including "Date:" and "Editor:" # Translate the Working Group name. Leave the Working Group acronym in English. footer: > # Text in footer in HTML

Date: Updated 19 May 2022. CHANGELOG.

Editor: Shawn Lawton Henry.

Developed with input from the Education and Outreach Working Group (EOWG).

--- {::nomarkdown} {% include box.html type="start" title="Summary" class="" %} {:/} Guidance for writing, designing, and developing for accessibility. {::nomarkdown} {% include box.html type="end" %} {:/} {% include toc.html %} ## Tips for Getting Started with Web Accessibility {#tips} These tips introduce some basic considerations for making your website more accessible to people with disabilities. They provide links to additional guidance. [Writing for Web Accessibility](/tips/writing/) : Tips for writing and presenting content. [Designing for Web Accessibility](/tips/designing/) : Tips for user interface and visual design. [Developing for Web Accessibility](/tips/developing/) : Tips for markup and coding. {:.paragraph-like} ## Media Resource for Audio and Video [[Making Audio and Video Media Accessible]](/media/av/) : Helps you understand and create captions/subtitles, audio description of visual information, descriptive transcripts, and sign language for media. Includes guidance for creating new videos, and on media player accessibility. Introduces user experiences and benefits to organizations. {:.paragraph-like} ## Web Accessibility Tutorials {#tutorials} The tutorials provide guidance on how to create components that meet Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), that are more accessible to people with disabilities, and that provide a better user experience for everyone. * **[[Page Structure Tutorial]](/tutorials/page-structure/)** * **[[Menus Tutorial]](/tutorials/menus/)** * **[[Images Tutorial]](/tutorials/images/)** * **[[Tables Tutorial]](/tutorials/tables/)** * **[[Forms Tutorial]](/tutorials/forms/)** * **[[Carousels Tutorial]](/tutorials/carousels/)** ## Other Design and Development Resources [How to Meet WCAG (Quick Reference)](https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG21/quickref/) : A customizable reference to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) requirements ("success criteria") and techniques. [WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices Guide (APG)](/ARIA/apg/) : Provides approaches, advice, and examples to help web application developers make widgets, navigation, and behaviors accessible using WAI-ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) roles, states, and properties. [Cognitive Accessibility Guidance](/WCAG2/supplemental/#cognitiveaccessibilityguidance) : Provides objectives and design patterns to improve accessibility for people with cognitive and learning disabilities. Introduced in [About Supplemental Guidance](/WCAG2/supplemental/about/). [Developing Websites for Older People: How WCAG Applies](/older-users/developing/) : Lists specific WCAG success criteria and techniques that particularly improve accessibility and usability for older people. {:.paragraph-like}