--- # NEW: Comments for new repos start with "NEW". Please delete the NEW comments. Leave the other comments for translators. Also, search for @@s to replace. For multi-page resources and other frontmatter info, see: https://wai-website-theme.netlify.app/writing/frontmatter/ # Translation instructions are after the "#" character in this first section. They are comments that do not show up in the web page. You do not need to translate the instructions after #. # In this first section, do not translate the words before a colon. For example, do not translate "title:". Do translate the text after "title:". title: "Page Title" title_html: "Main Title:
Other Part" # NEW: only needed if you need
or other in title. Otherwise, delete. nav_title: "Short Title" # NEW: (I think not used yet, but in place for possible future use.) lang: en # Change "en" to the translated-language shortcode from https://www.iana.org/assignments/language-subtag-registry/language-subtag-registry last_updated: 2021-@@-@@ # Put the date of this translation YYYY-MM-DD (with month in the middle) # translators: # remove from the beginning of this line and the lines below: "# " (the hash sign and the space) # - name: "Jan Doe" # Replace Jan Doe with translator name # - name: "Jan Doe" # Replace Jan Doe with name, or delete this line if not multiple translators # contributors: # - name: "Jan Doe" # Replace Jan Doe with contributor name, or delete this line if none # - name: "Jan Doe" # Replace Jan Doe with name, or delete this line if not multiple contributors github: repository: w3c/wai-resource-template path: content/index.md # Add the language shortcode to the middle of the filename, for example: content/index.fr.md permalink: /link/to/page/ # Add the language shortcode to the end, with no slash at end, for example: /link/to/page/fr # NEW: 3 navigation lines below are only needed for multi-page resources where you have previous and next at the bottom. If so, un-comment them; otherwise delete these lines. # navigation: # previous: /path/to/previous/file/ # next: /path/to/next/file/ # @@SLH To Do: figure out if need to add lang here, too, and if this replaces "order" from older resources? ref: /link/to/page/ # Translators, do not change this changelog: /@@/changelog/ acknowledgements: /@@/acknowledgements/ # NEW: delete if don"t have a separate acknowledgements page. And delete it in the footer below. license: creative-commons # NEW: delete if not creative-commons description: # NEW: add a 150ish-character-description for social media # translate the description image: /content-images/wai-@@repo/social.png # NEW: image for social media feedbackmail: wai@w3.org # NEW: delete this line if it’s an EOWG resource (the default is wai-eo-editors@w3.org) # NEW: Footer below has several options, and not all will be relevant for specific pages. (Ask Shawn if questions.) # In the footer below: # Do not translate or change CHANGELOG or ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. # Translate the other words below, including "Date:" and "Editor:" # Translate the Working Group name. Leave the Working Group acronym in English. # Do not change the dates in the footer below. footer: >

Date: Updated @@ Month 2021. First published Month 20@@. CHANGELOG.

Editors: @@name, @@name. Contributors: @@name, @@name, and participants of the @@WG. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS lists contributors and credits.

Developed by the @@ Working Group (@@WG). Developed as part of the WAI-@@ project, @@co-funded by the European Commission.

--- {::nomarkdown} {% include box.html type="start" title="Summary" class="" %} {:/} Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quod architecto excepturi incidunt, odit modi quidem deserunt doloremque molestias saepe. Iste dolor non repellendus laudantium. Nihil velit mollitia voluptatem ullam libero. {::nomarkdown} {% include box.html type="end" %} {:/} {::nomarkdown} {% include toc.html type="start" title="Page Contents" %} {:/} - This will be replaced by an automatically generated TOC when using Markdown formatting. {:toc} {::nomarkdown} {% include toc.html type="end" %} {:/} ## Heading Level 2 Here is some **bold text** Here is some _italic text_ **Link markdown template in markdown**: * [[Exact Title of Page on WAI website]](/permalink/to/page/) * [WAI website but not exact title](/permalink/to/page/) * [link off WAI website](https://example.com) Description of link markdown: * When the linked text is the **exact same as the title of the page** on the WAI website, use **double brackets** and permalink, e.g.:
```[[W3C Accessibility Standards Overview]](/standards-guidelines/)```
In GitHub rich text, it will have an extra bracket. You can ignore that. * When linked text is not the title of the page and goes to WAI website, use single brackets and permalink, e.g.:
```[about our standards](/standards-guidelines/)``` * When it links off the WAI website, use single brackets and full URI, e.g.:
``` [ISO standards](https://example.com) ``` ### Heading Level 3 1. This is 2. a nice 3. ordered 4. list. #### Heading Level 4 * And this is a * bullet list - You can use asterisks - or dashes. Whatever floats - your boat :-) ##### Heading Level 5 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ratione placeat ab laboriosam. Assumenda aut, praesentium commodi nesciunt natus ipsum fugiat voluptates nisi ipsam voluptas recusandae, a. Sunt eos veritatis numquam ## Heading Level 2 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ratione placeat ab laboriosam. Assumenda aut, praesentium commodi nesciunt natus ipsum fugiat voluptates nisi ipsam voluptas recusandae, a. Sunt eos veritatis numquam ### Heading Level 3 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ratione placeat ab laboriosam. Assumenda aut, praesentium commodi nesciunt natus ipsum fugiat voluptates nisi ipsam voluptas recusandae, a. Sunt eos veritatis numquam