This is a long description of this image: The purpose of the graphic is to illustrate at a high level the payment flow that will be enabled by the standards from the Web Payments WG. The principle entities involved in the flow defined by these APIs are the Web application, user agent (typically a browser), and digital payment instrument. Here are the steps: 1. The payee sends a payment request via the Web application, which is hosted in the user agent. 2. The user agent looks for registered digital payment instruments (via the user's digital wallets). If there are no registered instruments, the payment fails. 3. The user agent then looks for a match between the digital payment instruments accepted by the payee and those registered by the payer. In the absence of a match the payment fails. 4. Otherwise the user is prompted to select a payment instrument and possibly to confirm payment terms. 5. In some cases, the user's choice of payment instrument may enable payment to proceed without further interaction by the payer or payee. In this case (e.g., a push payment instrument), a "payment completion" signal is returned to the payee via the user agent. 6. In other cases, the user's choice of payment instrument may require additional payee action for payment to complete, or the payee may explicitly request that payment be deferred until the payee takes further action or requires the payer to confirm additional details. 7. In these latter cases, to complete payment, processing happens either on the payee side (for pull payments) or the payer side (for push payments), and a final signal is sent to the payee when payment has completed. This signal may be sent by the payment processor according to the payment scheme, and may not be part of the protocol specified by this Working Group.