Description: > This template deploys environment for keycloak-ecs-fargate. Parameters: VpcCIDRPrefix: Description: Prefix of the VPC CIDR like "10.180" Type: String Default: "10.180" BastionHostKeyPair: Description: Select the key pair to use to launch the bastion host Type: AWS::EC2::KeyPair::KeyName CertificateIdentifier: Description: Certificate identifier for ELB Type: String Mappings: AWSRegionToAMI: us-east-1: BastionHost: ami-55ef662f Resources: VPC: Type: AWS::EC2::VPC Properties: CidrBlock: !Sub ${VpcCIDRPrefix}.0.0/16 EnableDnsSupport: true EnableDnsHostnames: true Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Ref AWS::StackName PrivateDNS: Type: AWS::Route53::HostedZone Properties: HostedZoneConfig: Comment: Private hosted zone for keycloak.local Name: keycloak.local VPCs: - VPCId: !Ref VPC VPCRegion: !Ref AWS::Region # Create ECR repository manually because it can't be deleted by deleting this cloudformation stack #ECR: # Type: AWS::ECR::Repository # Properties: # RepositoryName: keycloak-ha-mysql InternetGateway: Type: AWS::EC2::InternetGateway Properties: Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Ref AWS::StackName InternetGatewayAttachment: Type: AWS::EC2::VPCGatewayAttachment Properties: InternetGatewayId: !Ref InternetGateway VpcId: !Ref VPC PublicSubnet1: Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet Properties: VpcId: !Ref VPC AvailabilityZone: !Sub ${AWS::Region}a CidrBlock: !Sub ${VpcCIDRPrefix}.8.0/21 MapPublicIpOnLaunch: true Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub ${AWS::StackName} Public Subnet (AZ1) PublicSubnet2: Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet Properties: VpcId: !Ref VPC AvailabilityZone: !Sub ${AWS::Region}c CidrBlock: !Sub ${VpcCIDRPrefix}.16.0/21 MapPublicIpOnLaunch: true Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub ${AWS::StackName} Public Subnet (AZ2) PrivateSubnet1: Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet Properties: VpcId: !Ref VPC AvailabilityZone: !Sub ${AWS::Region}a CidrBlock: !Sub ${VpcCIDRPrefix}.24.0/21 MapPublicIpOnLaunch: true Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub ${AWS::StackName} Private Subnet (AZ1) PrivateSubnet2: Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet Properties: VpcId: !Ref VPC AvailabilityZone: !Sub ${AWS::Region}c CidrBlock: !Sub ${VpcCIDRPrefix}.32.0/21 MapPublicIpOnLaunch: true Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub ${AWS::StackName} Private Subnet (AZ2) PublicRouteTable: Type: AWS::EC2::RouteTable Properties: VpcId: !Ref VPC Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub ${AWS::StackName} Public Routes PublicSubnet1RouteTableAssociation: Type: AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation Properties: RouteTableId: !Ref PublicRouteTable SubnetId: !Ref PublicSubnet1 PublicSubnet2RouteTableAssociation: Type: AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation Properties: RouteTableId: !Ref PublicRouteTable SubnetId: !Ref PublicSubnet2 PrivateRouteTable1: Type: AWS::EC2::RouteTable Properties: VpcId: !Ref VPC Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub ${AWS::StackName} Private Routes (AZ1) PrivateSubnet1RouteTableAssociation: Type: AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation Properties: RouteTableId: !Ref PrivateRouteTable1 SubnetId: !Ref PrivateSubnet1 PrivateRouteTable2: Type: AWS::EC2::RouteTable Properties: VpcId: !Ref VPC Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub ${AWS::StackName} Private Routes (AZ2) PrivateSubnet2RouteTableAssociation: Type: AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation Properties: RouteTableId: !Ref PrivateRouteTable2 SubnetId: !Ref PrivateSubnet2 DefaultPublicRoute: Type: AWS::EC2::Route Properties: RouteTableId: !Ref PublicRouteTable DestinationCidrBlock: GatewayId: !Ref InternetGateway DefaultPrivateRoute1: Type: AWS::EC2::Route Properties: RouteTableId: !Ref PrivateRouteTable1 DestinationCidrBlock: GatewayId: !Ref InternetGateway DefaultPrivateRoute2: Type: AWS::EC2::Route Properties: RouteTableId: !Ref PrivateRouteTable2 DestinationCidrBlock: GatewayId: !Ref InternetGateway ALBSecurityGroup: Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup Properties: VpcId: !Ref VPC GroupDescription: ALB SecurityGroup SecurityGroupIngress: - CidrIp: IpProtocol: tcp FromPort: 443 ToPort: 443 Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub ${AWS::StackName}-ALB ContainerSecurityGroup: Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup Properties: VpcId: !Ref VPC GroupDescription: Container SecurityGroup SecurityGroupIngress: - SourceSecurityGroupId: !Ref ALBSecurityGroup IpProtocol: tcp FromPort: 8080 ToPort: 8080 Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub ${AWS::StackName}-ContainerSecurityGroup ContainerSecurityGroupIngress: Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress Properties: GroupId: !Ref ContainerSecurityGroup SourceSecurityGroupId: !Ref ContainerSecurityGroup IpProtocol: tcp FromPort: 7600 ToPort: 7600 DBSecurityGroup: Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup Properties: VpcId: !Ref VPC GroupDescription: DB SecurityGroup SecurityGroupIngress: - SourceSecurityGroupId: !Ref ContainerSecurityGroup IpProtocol: tcp FromPort: 3306 ToPort: 3306 - SourceSecurityGroupId: !Ref BastionHostSecurityGroup IpProtocol: tcp FromPort: 3306 ToPort: 3306 Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub ${AWS::StackName}-DBSecurityGroup BastionHostSecurityGroup: Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup Properties: VpcId: !Ref VPC GroupDescription: BastionHost SecurityGroup SecurityGroupIngress: - CidrIp: IpProtocol: tcp FromPort: 22 ToPort: 22 Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub ${AWS::StackName}-BastionHostSecurityGroup ECSCluster: Type: AWS::ECS::Cluster Properties: ClusterName: !Sub ${AWS::StackName}-cluster LoadBalancer: Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer Properties: Name: !Sub ${AWS::StackName}-PublicALB Subnets: - !Ref PublicSubnet1 - !Ref PublicSubnet2 SecurityGroups: - !Ref ALBSecurityGroup Scheme: internet-facing Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Ref AWS::StackName LoadBalancerListener: Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener Properties: LoadBalancerArn: !Ref LoadBalancer Port: 443 Protocol: HTTPS DefaultActions: - Type: forward TargetGroupArn: !Ref DefaultTargetGroup Certificates: - CertificateArn: !Sub arn:aws:acm:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:certificate/${CertificateIdentifier} DefaultTargetGroup: Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup Properties: Name: !Sub ${AWS::StackName}-TargetGroup VpcId: !Ref VPC Port: 443 Protocol: HTTP TargetType: ip Matcher: HttpCode: 200 HealthCheckIntervalSeconds: 30 HealthCheckPath: /auth/version HealthCheckProtocol: HTTP HealthCheckTimeoutSeconds: 5 HealthyThresholdCount: 2 UnhealthyThresholdCount: 10 TargetGroupAttributes: - Key: deregistration_delay.timeout_seconds Value: 10 - Key: stickiness.enabled Value: true - Key: stickiness.type Value: lb_cookie - Key: stickiness.lb_cookie.duration_seconds Value: 86400 DBInstance: Type: AWS::RDS::DBInstance Properties: Engine: MySQL EngineVersion: 5.7.16 AllocatedStorage: 5 DBInstanceClass: db.t2.micro DBInstanceIdentifier: !Sub ${AWS::StackName}-RDS-MySQL DBParameterGroupName: !Ref DBParameterGroup VPCSecurityGroups: - !Ref DBSecurityGroup DBSubnetGroupName: !Ref DBSubnetGroup MasterUsername: root MasterUserPassword: rootpass MultiAZ: false PubliclyAccessible: false StorageType: gp2 DBSubnetGroup: Type: AWS::RDS::DBSubnetGroup Properties: DBSubnetGroupDescription: !Sub ${AWS::StackName}-RDS-MySQL Subnet group SubnetIds: - !Ref PrivateSubnet1 - !Ref PrivateSubnet2 DBParameterGroup: Type: AWS::RDS::DBParameterGroup Properties: Description: Parameter Group for MySQL Family: MySQL5.7 Parameters: character_set_server: utf8 default_password_lifetime: 0 DBPrivateDNSRecord: Type: AWS::Route53::RecordSetGroup Properties: HostedZoneId: !Ref PrivateDNS RecordSets: - Name: db.keycloak.local Type: CNAME TTL: 60 ResourceRecords: - !GetAtt DBInstance.Endpoint.Address BastionHostInstance: Type: AWS::EC2::Instance Properties: ImageId: !FindInMap [AWSRegionToAMI, !Ref "AWS::Region", BastionHost] InstanceType: t2.nano KeyName: !Ref BastionHostKeyPair NetworkInterfaces: - AssociatePublicIpAddress: true DeleteOnTermination: true DeviceIndex: 0 SubnetId: !Ref PublicSubnet1 GroupSet: - !Ref BastionHostSecurityGroup Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub ${AWS::StackName}-BastionHost UserData: Fn::Base64: !Sub | #!/bin/bash -x yum -y update --security # Install mysql client yum -y install mysql /opt/aws/bin/cfn-signal -e 0 --stack ${AWS::StackName} --resource BastionHostInstance --region ${AWS::Region} KeycloakLogGroup: Type: AWS::Logs::LogGroup Properties: LogGroupName: !Sub ${AWS::StackName}/keycloak RetentionInDays: 7 ECSTaskExecutionRole: Type: AWS::IAM::Role Properties: RoleName: !Sub ${AWS::StackName}-ECSTaskExecutionRole AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Effect: Allow Action: - sts:AssumeRole Principal: Service: - Policies: - PolicyName: !Sub ${AWS::StackName}-policy PolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Effect: Allow Resource: "*" Action: - ecr:GetAuthorizationToken - ecr:BatchCheckLayerAvailability - ecr:GetDownloadUrlForLayer - ecr:BatchGetImage - logs:CreateLogStream - logs:PutLogEvents KeycloakTask: Type: AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition Properties: ExecutionRoleArn: !Ref ECSTaskExecutionRole Family: !Sub ${AWS::StackName}-task Cpu: 1024 Memory: 2048 NetworkMode: awsvpc RequiresCompatibilities: - FARGATE ContainerDefinitions: - Name: keycloak Essential: true Image: !Sub ${AWS::AccountId}.dkr.ecr.${AWS::Region} MemoryReservation: 2048 PortMappings: - ContainerPort: 8080 HostPort: 8080 Protocol: tcp - ContainerPort: 7600 HostPort: 7600 Protocol: tcp Environment: - Name: KEYCLOAK_USER Value: admin - Name: KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD Value: admin - Name: MYSQL_PORT_3306_TCP_ADDR Value: db.keycloak.local - Name: MYSQL_PORT_3306_TCP_PORT Value: 3306 - Name: MYSQL_DATABASE Value: keycloak - Name: MYSQL_USER Value: keycloak - Name: MYSQL_PASSWORD Value: keycloak - Name: KEYCLOAK_LOGLEVEL Value: DEBUG - Name: PROXY_ADDRESS_FORWARDING Value: true LogConfiguration: LogDriver: awslogs Options: awslogs-group: !Ref KeycloakLogGroup awslogs-region: !Ref AWS::Region awslogs-stream-prefix: keycloak KeycloakService: DependsOn: LoadBalancerListener Type: AWS::ECS::Service Properties: ServiceName: !Sub ${AWS::StackName}-service Cluster: !Ref ECSCluster TaskDefinition: !Ref KeycloakTask DesiredCount: 2 LaunchType: FARGATE LoadBalancers: - TargetGroupArn: !Ref DefaultTargetGroup ContainerPort: 8080 ContainerName: keycloak NetworkConfiguration: AwsvpcConfiguration: AssignPublicIp: ENABLED SecurityGroups: - !Ref ContainerSecurityGroup Subnets: - !Ref PrivateSubnet1 - !Ref PrivateSubnet2 Outputs: BastionHostPublicIp: Description: Public ip address of bastion host Value: !GetAtt BastionHostInstance.PublicIp LoadBalancerDNSName: Description: DNS name of public load balancer Value: !GetAtt LoadBalancer.DNSName