package pcap // // TODO: tshark seems to not support sll2 in pcap, confusing import ( "embed" "" "" "" "" "" ) //go:embed var pcapFS embed.FS var pcapLinkFrameGroup decode.Group var pcapTCPStreamGroup decode.Group var pcapIPv4PacketGroup decode.Group // writing application writes 0xa1b2c3d4 in native endian const ( // timestamp is seconds + microseconds bigEndian = 0xa1b2c3d4 littleEndian = 0xd4c3b2a1 // timestamp is seconds + nanoseconds bigEndianNS = 0xa1b23c4d littleEndianNS = 0x4d3cb2a1 ) var endianMap = scalar.UintMapSymStr{ bigEndian: "big_endian", littleEndian: "little_endian", bigEndianNS: "big_endian_ns", littleEndianNS: "little_endian_ns", } func init() { interp.RegisterFormat( format.PCAP, &decode.Format{ Description: "PCAP packet capture", Groups: []*decode.Group{format.Probe}, Dependencies: []decode.Dependency{ {Groups: []*decode.Group{format.Link_Frame}, Out: &pcapLinkFrameGroup}, {Groups: []*decode.Group{format.TCP_Stream}, Out: &pcapTCPStreamGroup}, {Groups: []*decode.Group{format.IPv4Packet}, Out: &pcapIPv4PacketGroup}, }, DecodeFn: decodePcap, }) interp.RegisterFS(pcapFS) } func decodePcap(d *decode.D) any { var endian decode.Endian linkType := 0 timestampUNSStr := "ts_usec" d.FieldStruct("header", func(d *decode.D) { magic := d.FieldU32("magic", d.UintAssert( bigEndian, littleEndian, bigEndianNS, littleEndianNS, ), endianMap, scalar.UintHex) switch magic { case bigEndian: endian = decode.BigEndian case littleEndian: endian = decode.LittleEndian case bigEndianNS: endian = decode.BigEndian timestampUNSStr = "ts_nsec" case littleEndianNS: endian = decode.LittleEndian timestampUNSStr = "ts_nsec" } d.Endian = endian d.FieldU16("version_major") d.FieldU16("version_minor") d.FieldS32("thiszone") d.FieldU32("sigfigs") d.FieldU32("snaplen") linkType = int(d.FieldU32("network", format.LinkTypeMap)) }) d.Endian = endian fd := flowsdecoder.New(flowsdecoder.DecoderOptions{CheckTCPOptions: false}) d.FieldArray("packets", func(d *decode.D) { for !d.End() { d.FieldStruct("packet", func(d *decode.D) { d.FieldU32("ts_sec") d.FieldU32(timestampUNSStr) inclLen := d.FieldU32("incl_len") origLen := d.FieldU32("orig_len") // "incl_len: the number of bytes of packet data actually captured and saved in the file. This value should never become larger than orig_len or the snaplen value of the global header" // "orig_len: the length of the packet as it appeared on the network when it was captured. If incl_len and orig_len differ, the actually saved packet size was limited by snaplen." // TODO: incl_len seems to be larger than snaplen in real pcap files // if inclLen > snapLen { // d.Errorf("incl_len %d > snaplen %d", inclLen, snapLen) // } if inclLen > origLen { d.Errorf("incl_len %d > orig_len %d", inclLen, origLen) } bs := d.ReadAllBits(d.BitBufRange(d.Pos(), int64(inclLen)*8)) if fn, ok := linkToDecodeFn[linkType]; ok { // TODO: report decode errors _ = fn(fd, bs) } d.FieldFormatOrRawLen( "packet", int64(inclLen)*8, &pcapLinkFrameGroup, format.Link_Frame_In{ Type: linkType, IsLittleEndian: d.Endian == decode.LittleEndian, }, ) }) } }) fd.Flush() fieldFlows(d, fd, pcapTCPStreamGroup, pcapIPv4PacketGroup) return nil }