package riff // import ( "" "" "" "" ) func init() { interp.RegisterFormat( format.AIFF, &decode.Format{ ProbeOrder: format.ProbeOrderBinFuzzy, Description: "Audio Interchange File Format", Groups: []*decode.Group{format.Probe}, DecodeFn: aiffDecode, }) } const aiffRiffType = "AIFF" // pstring: // > Pascal-style string, a one-byte count followed by that many text bytes. The total number of bytes in this data type should be even. // > A pad byte can be added to the end of the text to accomplish this. This pad byte is not reflected in the count. func aiffPString(d *decode.D) string { l := d.U8() pad := (l + 1) % 2 s := d.UTF8(int(l + pad)) return s[0 : l+1-pad] } func aiffDecode(d *decode.D) any { var riffType string riffDecode( d, nil, func(d *decode.D, path path) (string, int64) { id := d.FieldUTF8("id", 4, scalar.ActualTrimSpace, chunkIDDescriptions) const restOfFileLen = 0xffffffff size := int64(d.FieldScalarUintFn("size", func(d *decode.D) scalar.Uint { l := d.U32() if l == restOfFileLen { return scalar.Uint{Actual: l, DisplayFormat: scalar.NumberHex, Description: "Rest of file"} } return scalar.Uint{Actual: l, DisplayFormat: scalar.NumberDecimal} }).Actual) if size == restOfFileLen { size = d.BitsLeft() / 8 } return id, size }, func(d *decode.D, id string, path path) (bool, any) { switch id { case "FORM": riffType = d.FieldUTF8("format", 4, d.StrAssert(aiffRiffType)) return true, nil case "COMT": numComments := d.FieldU16("num_comments") d.FieldArray("comments", func(d *decode.D) { for i := 0; i < int(numComments); i++ { d.FieldStruct("comment", func(d *decode.D) { d.FieldU32("timestamp") d.FieldU16("marker_id") count := d.FieldU16("count") pad := count % 2 d.FieldUTF8("text", int(count)) if pad != 0 { d.FieldRawLen("pad", int64(pad)*8) } }) } }) return false, nil case "COMM": d.FieldU16("num_channels") d.FieldU32("num_sample_frames") d.FieldU16("sample_size") // TODO: support big float? d.FieldF80("sample_rate") return false, nil case "SSND": d.FieldU32("offset") d.FieldU32("block_size") d.FieldRawLen("data", d.BitsLeft()) return false, nil case "MARK": numMarkers := d.FieldU16("num_markers") d.FieldArray("markers", func(d *decode.D) { for i := 0; i < int(numMarkers); i++ { d.FieldStruct("marker", func(d *decode.D) { d.FieldU16("id") d.FieldU32("position") d.FieldStrFn("name", aiffPString) }) } }) return false, nil default: d.FieldRawLen("data", d.BitsLeft()) return false, nil } }, ) if riffType != aiffRiffType { d.Errorf("wrong or no AIFF riff type found (%s)", riffType) } return nil }