package zip // // import ( "bytes" "compress/flate" "embed" "io" "time" "" "" "" "" ) //go:embed var zipFS embed.FS var probeGroup decode.Group func init() { interp.RegisterFormat( format.Zip, &decode.Format{ Description: "ZIP archive", Groups: []*decode.Group{format.Probe}, DecodeFn: zipDecode, DefaultInArg: format.Zip_In{ Uncompress: true, }, Dependencies: []decode.Dependency{ {Groups: []*decode.Group{format.Probe}, Out: &probeGroup}, }, }) interp.RegisterFS(zipFS) } const ( compressionMethodNone = 0 compressionMethodShrunk = 1 compressionMethodReducedCompressionFactor1 = 2 compressionMethodReducedCompressionFactor2 = 3 compressionMethodReducedCompressionFactor3 = 4 compressionMethodReducedCompressionFactor4 = 5 compressionMethodImploded = 6 compressionMethodDeflated = 8 compressionMethodEnhancedDeflated = 9 compressionMethodPKWareDCLImploded = 10 compressionMethodBzip2 = 12 compressionMethodLZMA = 14 compressionMethodIBMTERSE = 18 compressionMethodIBMLZ77z = 19 compressionMethodPPMd = 98 ) var compressionMethodMap = scalar.UintMapSymStr{ compressionMethodNone: "none", compressionMethodShrunk: "shrunk", compressionMethodReducedCompressionFactor1: "reduced_compression_factor1", compressionMethodReducedCompressionFactor2: "reduced_compression_factor2", compressionMethodReducedCompressionFactor3: "reduced_compression_factor3", compressionMethodReducedCompressionFactor4: "reduced_compression_factor4", compressionMethodImploded: "imploded", compressionMethodDeflated: "deflated", compressionMethodEnhancedDeflated: "enhanced_deflated", compressionMethodPKWareDCLImploded: "pk_ware_dcl_imploded", compressionMethodBzip2: "bzip2", compressionMethodLZMA: "lzma", compressionMethodIBMTERSE: "ibmterse", compressionMethodIBMLZ77z: "ibmlz77z", compressionMethodPPMd: "pp_md", } var ( centralDirectorySignature = []byte("PK\x01\x02") endOfCentralDirectoryRecordSignature = []byte("PK\x05\x06") endOfCentralDirectoryRecordSignatureN = 0x06054b50 endOfCentralDirectoryRecord64Signature = []byte("PK\x06\x06") endOfCentralDirectoryLocatorSignature = []byte("PK\x06\x07") endOfCentralDirectoryLocatorSignatureN = 0x07064b50 localFileSignature = []byte("PK\x03\x04") dataIndicatorSignature = []byte("PK\x07\x08") ) const ( headerTagZip64ExtendedInformation = 0x001 headerTagExtendedTimestamp = 0x5455 ) var headerTagMap = scalar.UintMapDescription{ headerTagZip64ExtendedInformation: "ZIP64 extended information extra field", 0x0007: "AV Info", 0x0009: "OS/2 extended attributes", 0x000a: "NTFS (Win9x/WinNT FileTimes)", 0x000c: "OpenVMS", 0x000d: "Unix", 0x000f: "Patch Descriptor", 0x0014: "PKCS#7 Store for X.509 Certificates", 0x0015: "X.509 Certificate ID and Signature for individual file", 0x0016: "X.509 Certificate ID for Central Directory", 0x0065: "IBM S/390 attributes - uncompressed", 0x0066: "IBM S/390 attributes - compressed", 0x07c8: "Info-ZIP Macintosh (old, J. Lee)", 0x2605: "ZipIt Macintosh (first version)", 0x2705: "ZipIt Macintosh v 1.3.5 and newer (w/o full filename)", 0x334d: "Info-ZIP Macintosh (new, D. Haase's 'Mac3' field )", 0x4154: "Tandem NSK", 0x4341: "Acorn/SparkFS (David Pilling)", 0x4453: "Windows NT security descriptor (binary ACL)", 0x4704: "VM/CMS", 0x470f: "MVS", // "inofficial" in original table //nolint:misspell 0x4854: "Theos, old inofficial port", 0x4b46: "FWKCS MD5 (see below)", 0x4c41: "OS/2 access control list (text ACL)", 0x4d49: "Info-ZIP OpenVMS (obsolete)", 0x4d63: "Macintosh SmartZIP, by Macro Bambini", 0x4f4c: "Xceed original location extra field", 0x5356: "AOS/VS (binary ACL)", headerTagExtendedTimestamp: "extended timestamp", 0x5855: "Info-ZIP Unix (original; also OS/2, NT, etc.)", 0x554e: "Xceed unicode extra field", 0x6542: "BeOS (BeBox, PowerMac, etc.)", 0x6854: "Theos", 0x756e: "ASi Unix", 0x7855: "Info-ZIP Unix (new)", 0x7875: "UNIX UID/GID", 0xfb4a: "SMS/QDOS", } // "MS-DOS uses year values relative to 1980 and 2 second precision." // // // Note all of this is a mess because time/date is stored in bit ranges inside 16 LE numbers // TODO: maybe can be cleaned up if bit-endian decoding is added? func fieldMSDOSTime(d *decode.D) (int, int, int) { fatTime := d.FieldU16("fat_time", scalar.UintHex) // second/2 b5 // minute b6 // hour b5 second := (fatTime >> 0) & 0b1_1111 minute := (fatTime >> 5) & 0b11_1111 hour := (fatTime >> (5 + 6)) & 0b1_1111 d.FieldValueUint("second", second, scalar.UintFn(func(s scalar.Uint) (scalar.Uint, error) { s.Sym = s.Actual * 2 return s, nil })) d.FieldValueUint("minute", minute) d.FieldValueUint("hour", hour) return int(second), int(minute), int(hour) } func fieldMSDOSDate(d *decode.D) (int, int, int) { fatDate := d.FieldU16("fat_date", scalar.UintHex) // day b5 // month b4 // day b7 day := (fatDate >> 0) & 0b1_1111 month := (fatDate >> 5) & 0b1111 year := (fatDate >> (5 + 4)) & 0b111_1111 d.FieldValueUint("day", day) d.FieldValueUint("month", month) d.FieldValueUint("year", year, scalar.UintFn(func(s scalar.Uint) (scalar.Uint, error) { s.Sym = s.Actual + 1980 return s, nil })) return int(day), int(month), int(year) } // time.RFC3339 but no timezone const rfc3339Local = "2006-01-02T15:04:05" func fieldTimeDate(d *decode.D) { var second, minute, hour int var day, month, year int second, minute, hour = fieldMSDOSTime(d) day, month, year = fieldMSDOSDate(d) t := time.Date(1980+year, time.Month(month), day, hour, minute, second*2, 0, time.UTC) d.FieldValueUint("unix_guess", uint64(t.Unix()), scalar.UintActualUnixTimeDescription(time.Second, rfc3339Local)) } func fieldExtendedTimestamp(d *decode.D) { modificationTimePresent := false accessTimePresent := false creationTimePresent := false d.FieldStruct("flags", func(d *decode.D) { d.FieldU5("unused") creationTimePresent = d.FieldBool("creation_time_present") accessTimePresent = d.FieldBool("access_time_present") modificationTimePresent = d.FieldBool("modification_time_present") }) // Spec says this but seem like flags and size is not in sync sometimes? // ex: flags is 0x03 but size is 5 // > TSize should equal (1 + 4*(number of set bits in Flags)) if modificationTimePresent && !d.End() { d.FieldU32("modification_time", scalar.UintActualUnixTimeDescription(time.Second, time.RFC3339)) } if accessTimePresent && !d.End() { d.FieldU32("access_time", scalar.UintActualUnixTimeDescription(time.Second, time.RFC3339)) } if creationTimePresent && !d.End() { d.FieldU32("creation_time", scalar.UintActualUnixTimeDescription(time.Second, time.RFC3339)) } } type zip64ExtendedInformation struct { uncompressedSize uint64 uncompressedSizePresent bool compressedSize uint64 compressedSizePresent bool localFileOffset uint64 localFileOffsetPresent bool diskNumberWhereFileStarts uint64 diskNumberWhereFileStartsPresent bool } func fieldTagZip64ExtendedInformation(d *decode.D) zip64ExtendedInformation { zi := zip64ExtendedInformation{} zi.uncompressedSize = d.FieldU64("uncompressed_size") zi.uncompressedSizePresent = true // TODO: spec says these should be here but real zip64 seems to not have them? optional? if !d.End() { zi.compressedSize = d.FieldU64("compressed_size") zi.compressedSizePresent = true } if !d.End() { zi.localFileOffset = d.FieldU64("relative_offset_of_local_file_header") zi.localFileOffsetPresent = true } if !d.End() { zi.diskNumberWhereFileStarts = d.FieldU32("disk_number_where_file_starts") zi.diskNumberWhereFileStartsPresent = true } return zi } type extraFields struct { zip64ExtendedInformation zip64ExtendedInformation zip64ExtendedInformationPresent bool } func fieldsExtraFields(d *decode.D) extraFields { ef := extraFields{} for !d.End() { d.FieldStruct("extra_field", func(d *decode.D) { tag := d.FieldU16("tag", headerTagMap, scalar.UintHex) size := d.FieldU16("size") d.FramedFn(int64(size)*8, func(d *decode.D) { switch tag { case headerTagZip64ExtendedInformation: ef.zip64ExtendedInformation = fieldTagZip64ExtendedInformation(d) ef.zip64ExtendedInformationPresent = true case headerTagExtendedTimestamp: fieldExtendedTimestamp(d) default: d.FieldRawLen("data", int64(size)*8) } }) }) } return ef } func zipDecode(d *decode.D) any { var zi format.Zip_In d.ArgAs(&zi) d.Endian = decode.LittleEndian // zip files are parsed from end d.SeekAbs(d.Len()) // TODO: better EOCD probe p, _, err := d.TryPeekFind(32, -8, 128*8, func(v uint64) bool { return v == uint64(endOfCentralDirectoryRecordSignatureN) }) if err != nil { d.Fatalf("can't find end of central directory") } d.SeekRel(p) var offsetCD uint64 var sizeCD uint64 var diskNr uint64 d.FieldStruct("end_of_central_directory_record", func(d *decode.D) { d.FieldRawLen("signature", 4*8, d.AssertBitBuf(endOfCentralDirectoryRecordSignature)) diskNr = d.FieldU16("disk_nr") d.FieldU16("central_directory_start_disk_nr") d.FieldU16("nr_of_central_directory_records_on_disk") d.FieldU16("nr_of_central_directory_records") sizeCD = d.FieldU32("size_of_central_directory") offsetCD = d.FieldU32("offset_of_start_of_central_directory") commentLength := d.FieldU16("comment_length") d.FieldUTF8("comment", int(commentLength)) }) // is there a zip64 end of central directory locator? p, _, err = d.TryPeekFind(32, -8, 128*8, func(v uint64) bool { return v == uint64(endOfCentralDirectoryLocatorSignatureN) }) if err == nil && p != -1 { d.SeekRel(p) var offsetEOCD uint64 d.FieldStruct("end_of_central_directory_locator", func(d *decode.D) { d.FieldRawLen("signature", 4*8, d.AssertBitBuf(endOfCentralDirectoryLocatorSignature)) diskNr = d.FieldU32("disk_nr") offsetEOCD = d.FieldU64("offset_of_end_of_central_directory_record") diskNr = d.FieldU32("total_disk_nr") }) d.SeekAbs(int64(offsetEOCD) * 8) d.FieldStruct("end_of_central_directory_record_zip64", func(d *decode.D) { d.FieldRawLen("signature", 4*8, d.AssertBitBuf(endOfCentralDirectoryRecord64Signature)) sizeEOCD := d.FieldU64("size_of_end_of_central_directory") d.FieldU16("version_made_by") d.FieldU16("version_needed_to_extract") diskNr = d.FieldU32("disk_nr") d.FieldU32("central_directory_start_disk_nr") d.FieldU64("nr_of_central_directory_records_on_disk") d.FieldU64("nr_of_central_directory_records") sizeCD = d.FieldU64("size_of_central_directory") offsetCD = d.FieldU64("offset_of_start_of_central_directory") const sizeOfFixedFields = 44 d.FramedFn(int64(sizeEOCD-sizeOfFixedFields)*8, func(d *decode.D) { d.FieldArray("extensible_data", func(d *decode.D) { for !d.End() { d.FieldStruct("extensible_data", func(d *decode.D) { d.FieldU16("tag", headerTagMap, scalar.UintHex) dataSize := d.FieldU32("size") d.FieldRawLen("data", int64(dataSize)*8) }) } }) }) }) } var localFileOffsets []uint64 d.SeekAbs(int64(offsetCD) * 8) d.FieldArray("central_directories", func(d *decode.D) { d.FramedFn(int64(sizeCD)*8, func(d *decode.D) { for !d.End() { d.FieldStruct("central_directory", func(d *decode.D) { d.FieldRawLen("signature", 4*8, d.AssertBitBuf(centralDirectorySignature)) d.FieldU16("version_made_by") d.FieldU16("version_needed") d.FieldStruct("flags", func(d *decode.D) { // TODO: 16LE, should have some kind of native endian flag reader helper? d.FieldU1("unused0") d.FieldBool("strong_encryption") d.FieldBool("compressed_patched_data") d.FieldBool("enhanced_deflation") d.FieldBool("data_descriptor") d.FieldBool("compression0") d.FieldBool("compression1") d.FieldBool("encrypted") d.FieldU2("reserved0") d.FieldBool("mask_header_values") d.FieldBool("reserved1") d.FieldBool("language_encoding") d.FieldU3("unused1") }) d.FieldU16("compression_method", compressionMethodMap) d.FieldStruct("last_modification", fieldTimeDate) d.FieldU32("crc32_uncompressed", scalar.UintHex) d.FieldU32("compressed_size") d.FieldU32("uncompressed_size") fileNameLength := d.FieldU16("file_name_length") extraFieldLength := d.FieldU16("extra_field_length") fileCommentLength := d.FieldU16("file_comment_length") diskNrStart := d.FieldU16("disk_number_where_file_starts") d.FieldU16("internal_file_attributes") d.FieldU32("external_file_attributes") localFileOffset := d.FieldU32("relative_offset_of_local_file_header") d.FieldUTF8("file_name", int(fileNameLength)) d.FieldArray("extra_fields", func(d *decode.D) { d.FramedFn(int64(extraFieldLength)*8, func(d *decode.D) { ef := fieldsExtraFields(d) if ef.zip64ExtendedInformationPresent && ef.zip64ExtendedInformation.localFileOffsetPresent { localFileOffset = ef.zip64ExtendedInformation.localFileOffset } }) }) d.FieldUTF8("file_comment", int(fileCommentLength)) if diskNrStart == diskNr { localFileOffsets = append(localFileOffsets, localFileOffset) } }) } }) }) d.FieldArray("local_files", func(d *decode.D) { for _, o := range localFileOffsets { d.SeekAbs(int64(o) * 8) d.FieldStruct("local_file", func(d *decode.D) { var hasDataDescriptor bool d.FieldRawLen("signature", 4*8, d.AssertBitBuf(localFileSignature)) d.FieldU16("version_needed") d.FieldStruct("flags", func(d *decode.D) { // TODO: 16LE, should have some kind of native endian flag reader helper? d.FieldU1("unused0") d.FieldBool("strong_encryption") d.FieldBool("compressed_patched_data") d.FieldBool("enhanced_deflation") hasDataDescriptor = d.FieldBool("data_descriptor") d.FieldBool("compression0") d.FieldBool("compression1") d.FieldBool("encrypted") d.FieldU2("reserved0") d.FieldBool("mask_header_values") d.FieldBool("reserved1") d.FieldBool("language_encoding") d.FieldU3("unused1") }) compressionMethod := d.FieldU16("compression_method", compressionMethodMap) d.FieldStruct("last_modification", fieldTimeDate) d.FieldU32("crc32_uncompressed", scalar.UintHex) compressedSizeBytes := d.FieldU32("compressed_size") d.FieldU32("uncompressed_size") fileNameLength := d.FieldU16("file_name_length") extraFieldLength := d.FieldU16("extra_field_length") d.FieldUTF8("file_name", int(fileNameLength)) d.FieldArray("extra_fields", func(d *decode.D) { d.FramedFn(int64(extraFieldLength)*8, func(d *decode.D) { ef := fieldsExtraFields(d) if ef.zip64ExtendedInformationPresent && ef.zip64ExtendedInformation.compressedSizePresent { compressedSizeBytes = ef.zip64ExtendedInformation.compressedSize } }) }) compressedSize := int64(compressedSizeBytes) * 8 compressedStart := d.Pos() compressedLimit := compressedSize if compressedLimit == 0 { compressedLimit = d.BitsLeft() } if compressionMethod == compressionMethodNone { d.FieldFormatOrRawLen("uncompressed", compressedSize, &probeGroup, format.Probe_In{}) } else { var rFn func(r io.Reader) io.Reader if zi.Uncompress { switch compressionMethod { case compressionMethodDeflated: // bitio.NewIOReadSeeker implements io.ByteReader so that deflate don't do own // buffering and might read more than needed messing up knowing compressed size rFn = func(r io.Reader) io.Reader { return flate.NewReader(r) } } } if rFn != nil { readCompressedSize, uncompressedBR, dv, _, _ := d.TryFieldReaderRangeFormat("uncompressed", d.Pos(), compressedLimit, rFn, &probeGroup, format.Probe_In{}) if dv == nil && uncompressedBR != nil { d.FieldRootBitBuf("uncompressed", uncompressedBR) } if compressedSize == 0 { compressedSize = readCompressedSize } d.FieldRawLen("compressed", compressedSize) } else { if compressedSize != 0 { d.FieldRawLen("compressed", compressedSize) } } } d.SeekAbs(compressedStart + compressedSize) if hasDataDescriptor { d.FieldStruct("data_indicator", func(d *decode.D) { if bytes.Equal(d.PeekBytes(4), dataIndicatorSignature) { d.FieldRawLen("signature", 4*8, d.AssertBitBuf(dataIndicatorSignature)) } d.FieldU32("crc32_uncompressed", scalar.UintHex) d.FieldU32("compressed_size") d.FieldU32("uncompressed_size") }) } }) } }) return nil }