// // DeviceResources.cpp - A wrapper for the Direct3D 11 device and swapchain // (requires DirectX 11.1 Runtime) // #include "pch.h" #include "DeviceResources.h" using namespace DirectX; using namespace DX; using Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr; #ifdef __clang__ #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wcovered-switch-default" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wswitch-enum" #endif #pragma warning(disable : 4061) namespace { #if defined(_DEBUG) // Check for SDK Layer support. inline bool SdkLayersAvailable() noexcept { HRESULT hr = D3D11CreateDevice( nullptr, D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_NULL, // There is no need to create a real hardware device. nullptr, D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_DEBUG, // Check for the SDK layers. nullptr, // Any feature level will do. 0, D3D11_SDK_VERSION, nullptr, // No need to keep the D3D device reference. nullptr, // No need to know the feature level. nullptr // No need to keep the D3D device context reference. ); return SUCCEEDED(hr); } #endif inline DXGI_FORMAT NoSRGB(DXGI_FORMAT fmt) noexcept { switch (fmt) { case DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB: return DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM; case DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM_SRGB: return DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM; case DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM_SRGB: return DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM; default: return fmt; } } inline long ComputeIntersectionArea( long ax1, long ay1, long ax2, long ay2, long bx1, long by1, long bx2, long by2) noexcept { return std::max(0l, std::min(ax2, bx2) - std::max(ax1, bx1)) * std::max(0l, std::min(ay2, by2) - std::max(ay1, by1)); } } // Constructor for DeviceResources. DeviceResources::DeviceResources( DXGI_FORMAT backBufferFormat, DXGI_FORMAT depthBufferFormat, UINT backBufferCount, D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL minFeatureLevel, unsigned int flags) noexcept : m_screenViewport{}, m_backBufferFormat(backBufferFormat), m_depthBufferFormat(depthBufferFormat), m_backBufferCount(backBufferCount), m_d3dMinFeatureLevel(minFeatureLevel), m_window(nullptr), m_d3dFeatureLevel(D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_1), m_outputSize{0, 0, 1, 1}, m_colorSpace(DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_RGB_FULL_G22_NONE_P709), m_options(flags | c_FlipPresent), m_deviceNotify(nullptr) { } // Configures the Direct3D device, and stores handles to it and the device context. void DeviceResources::CreateDeviceResources() { UINT creationFlags = D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_BGRA_SUPPORT; #if defined(_DEBUG) if (SdkLayersAvailable()) { // If the project is in a debug build, enable debugging via SDK Layers with this flag. creationFlags |= D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_DEBUG; } else { OutputDebugStringA("WARNING: Direct3D Debug Device is not available\n"); } #endif CreateFactory(); // Determines whether tearing support is available for fullscreen borderless windows. if (m_options & c_AllowTearing) { BOOL allowTearing = FALSE; ComPtr factory5; HRESULT hr = m_dxgiFactory.As(&factory5); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = factory5->CheckFeatureSupport(DXGI_FEATURE_PRESENT_ALLOW_TEARING, &allowTearing, sizeof(allowTearing)); } if (FAILED(hr) || !allowTearing) { m_options &= ~c_AllowTearing; #ifdef _DEBUG OutputDebugStringA("WARNING: Variable refresh rate displays not supported"); #endif } } // Disable HDR if we are on an OS that can't support FLIP swap effects if (m_options & c_EnableHDR) { ComPtr factory5; if (FAILED(m_dxgiFactory.As(&factory5))) { m_options &= ~c_EnableHDR; #ifdef _DEBUG OutputDebugStringA("WARNING: HDR swap chains not supported"); #endif } } // Disable FLIP if not on a supporting OS if (m_options & c_FlipPresent) { ComPtr factory4; if (FAILED(m_dxgiFactory.As(&factory4))) { m_options &= ~c_FlipPresent; #ifdef _DEBUG OutputDebugStringA("INFO: Flip swap effects not supported"); #endif } } // Determine DirectX hardware feature levels this app will support. static const D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL s_featureLevels[] = { D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_1, D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0, D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_1, D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_0, D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_3, D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_2, D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_1, }; UINT featLevelCount = 0; for (; featLevelCount < static_cast(std::size(s_featureLevels)); ++featLevelCount) { if (s_featureLevels[featLevelCount] < m_d3dMinFeatureLevel) break; } if (!featLevelCount) { throw std::out_of_range("minFeatureLevel too high"); } ComPtr adapter; GetHardwareAdapter(adapter.GetAddressOf()); // Create the Direct3D 11 API device object and a corresponding context. ComPtr device; ComPtr context; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; if (adapter) { hr = D3D11CreateDevice( adapter.Get(), D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_UNKNOWN, nullptr, creationFlags, s_featureLevels, featLevelCount, D3D11_SDK_VERSION, device.GetAddressOf(), // Returns the Direct3D device created. &m_d3dFeatureLevel, // Returns feature level of device created. context.GetAddressOf() // Returns the device immediate context. ); } #if defined(NDEBUG) else { throw std::runtime_error("No Direct3D hardware device found"); } #else if (FAILED(hr)) { // If the initialization fails, fall back to the WARP device. // For more information on WARP, see: // http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=286690 hr = D3D11CreateDevice( nullptr, D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_WARP, // Create a WARP device instead of a hardware device. nullptr, creationFlags, s_featureLevels, featLevelCount, D3D11_SDK_VERSION, device.GetAddressOf(), &m_d3dFeatureLevel, context.GetAddressOf() ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { OutputDebugStringA("Direct3D Adapter - WARP\n"); } } #endif ThrowIfFailed(hr); #ifndef NDEBUG ComPtr d3dDebug; if (SUCCEEDED(device.As(&d3dDebug))) { ComPtr d3dInfoQueue; if (SUCCEEDED(d3dDebug.As(&d3dInfoQueue))) { #ifdef _DEBUG d3dInfoQueue->SetBreakOnSeverity(D3D11_MESSAGE_SEVERITY_CORRUPTION, true); d3dInfoQueue->SetBreakOnSeverity(D3D11_MESSAGE_SEVERITY_ERROR, true); #endif D3D11_MESSAGE_ID hide [] = { D3D11_MESSAGE_ID_SETPRIVATEDATA_CHANGINGPARAMS, }; D3D11_INFO_QUEUE_FILTER filter = {}; filter.DenyList.NumIDs = static_cast(std::size(hide)); filter.DenyList.pIDList = hide; d3dInfoQueue->AddStorageFilterEntries(&filter); } } #endif ThrowIfFailed(device.As(&m_d3dDevice)); ThrowIfFailed(context.As(&m_d3dContext)); ThrowIfFailed(context.As(&m_d3dAnnotation)); } // These resources need to be recreated every time the window size is changed. void DeviceResources::CreateWindowSizeDependentResources() { if (!m_window) { throw std::logic_error("Call SetWindow with a valid Win32 window handle"); } // Clear the previous window size specific context. m_d3dContext->OMSetRenderTargets(0, nullptr, nullptr); m_d3dRenderTargetView.Reset(); m_d3dDepthStencilView.Reset(); m_renderTarget.Reset(); m_depthStencil.Reset(); m_d3dContext->Flush(); // Determine the render target size in pixels. const UINT backBufferWidth = std::max(static_cast(m_outputSize.right - m_outputSize.left), 1u); const UINT backBufferHeight = std::max(static_cast(m_outputSize.bottom - m_outputSize.top), 1u); const DXGI_FORMAT backBufferFormat = (m_options & (c_FlipPresent | c_AllowTearing | c_EnableHDR)) ? NoSRGB(m_backBufferFormat) : m_backBufferFormat; if (m_swapChain) { // If the swap chain already exists, resize it. HRESULT hr = m_swapChain->ResizeBuffers( m_backBufferCount, backBufferWidth, backBufferHeight, backBufferFormat, (m_options & c_AllowTearing) ? DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_FLAG_ALLOW_TEARING : 0u ); if (hr == DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED || hr == DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_RESET) { #ifdef _DEBUG char buff[64] = {}; sprintf_s(buff, "Device Lost on ResizeBuffers: Reason code 0x%08X\n", static_cast((hr == DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED) ? m_d3dDevice->GetDeviceRemovedReason() : hr)); OutputDebugStringA(buff); #endif // If the device was removed for any reason, a new device and swap chain will need to be created. HandleDeviceLost(); // Everything is set up now. Do not continue execution of this method. HandleDeviceLost will reenter this method // and correctly set up the new device. return; } else { ThrowIfFailed(hr); } } else { // Create a descriptor for the swap chain. DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC1 swapChainDesc = {}; swapChainDesc.Width = backBufferWidth; swapChainDesc.Height = backBufferHeight; swapChainDesc.Format = backBufferFormat; swapChainDesc.BufferUsage = DXGI_USAGE_RENDER_TARGET_OUTPUT; swapChainDesc.BufferCount = m_backBufferCount; swapChainDesc.SampleDesc.Count = 1; swapChainDesc.SampleDesc.Quality = 0; swapChainDesc.Scaling = DXGI_SCALING_STRETCH; swapChainDesc.SwapEffect = (m_options & (c_FlipPresent | c_AllowTearing | c_EnableHDR)) ? DXGI_SWAP_EFFECT_FLIP_DISCARD : DXGI_SWAP_EFFECT_DISCARD; swapChainDesc.AlphaMode = DXGI_ALPHA_MODE_IGNORE; swapChainDesc.Flags = (m_options & c_AllowTearing) ? DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_FLAG_ALLOW_TEARING : 0u; DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_FULLSCREEN_DESC fsSwapChainDesc = {}; fsSwapChainDesc.Windowed = TRUE; // Create a SwapChain from a Win32 window. ThrowIfFailed(m_dxgiFactory->CreateSwapChainForHwnd( m_d3dDevice.Get(), m_window, &swapChainDesc, &fsSwapChainDesc, nullptr, m_swapChain.ReleaseAndGetAddressOf() )); // This class does not support exclusive full-screen mode and prevents DXGI from responding to the ALT+ENTER shortcut ThrowIfFailed(m_dxgiFactory->MakeWindowAssociation(m_window, DXGI_MWA_NO_ALT_ENTER)); } // Handle color space settings for HDR UpdateColorSpace(); // Create a render target view of the swap chain back buffer. ThrowIfFailed(m_swapChain->GetBuffer(0, IID_PPV_ARGS(m_renderTarget.ReleaseAndGetAddressOf()))); CD3D11_RENDER_TARGET_VIEW_DESC renderTargetViewDesc(D3D11_RTV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE2D, m_backBufferFormat); ThrowIfFailed(m_d3dDevice->CreateRenderTargetView( m_renderTarget.Get(), &renderTargetViewDesc, m_d3dRenderTargetView.ReleaseAndGetAddressOf() )); if (m_depthBufferFormat != DXGI_FORMAT_UNKNOWN) { // Create a depth stencil view for use with 3D rendering if needed. CD3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC depthStencilDesc( m_depthBufferFormat, backBufferWidth, backBufferHeight, 1, // Use a single array entry. 1, // Use a single mipmap level. D3D11_BIND_DEPTH_STENCIL ); ThrowIfFailed(m_d3dDevice->CreateTexture2D( &depthStencilDesc, nullptr, m_depthStencil.ReleaseAndGetAddressOf() )); ThrowIfFailed(m_d3dDevice->CreateDepthStencilView( m_depthStencil.Get(), nullptr, m_d3dDepthStencilView.ReleaseAndGetAddressOf() )); } // Set the 3D rendering viewport to target the entire window. m_screenViewport = { 0.0f, 0.0f, static_cast(backBufferWidth), static_cast(backBufferHeight), 0.f, 1.f }; } // This method is called when the Win32 window is created (or re-created). void DeviceResources::SetWindow(HWND window, int width, int height) noexcept { m_window = window; m_outputSize.left = m_outputSize.top = 0; m_outputSize.right = static_cast(width); m_outputSize.bottom = static_cast(height); } // This method is called when the Win32 window changes size bool DeviceResources::WindowSizeChanged(int width, int height) { if (!m_window) return false; RECT newRc; newRc.left = newRc.top = 0; newRc.right = static_cast(width); newRc.bottom = static_cast(height); if (newRc.right == m_outputSize.right && newRc.bottom == m_outputSize.bottom) { // Handle color space settings for HDR UpdateColorSpace(); return false; } m_outputSize = newRc; CreateWindowSizeDependentResources(); return true; } // Recreate all device resources and set them back to the current state. void DeviceResources::HandleDeviceLost() { if (m_deviceNotify) { m_deviceNotify->OnDeviceLost(); } m_d3dDepthStencilView.Reset(); m_d3dRenderTargetView.Reset(); m_renderTarget.Reset(); m_depthStencil.Reset(); m_swapChain.Reset(); m_d3dContext.Reset(); m_d3dAnnotation.Reset(); #ifdef _DEBUG { ComPtr d3dDebug; if (SUCCEEDED(m_d3dDevice.As(&d3dDebug))) { d3dDebug->ReportLiveDeviceObjects(D3D11_RLDO_SUMMARY); } } #endif m_d3dDevice.Reset(); m_dxgiFactory.Reset(); CreateDeviceResources(); CreateWindowSizeDependentResources(); if (m_deviceNotify) { m_deviceNotify->OnDeviceRestored(); } } // Present the contents of the swap chain to the screen. void DeviceResources::Present() { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; if (m_options & c_AllowTearing) { // Recommended to always use tearing if supported when using a sync interval of 0. hr = m_swapChain->Present(0, DXGI_PRESENT_ALLOW_TEARING); } else { // The first argument instructs DXGI to block until VSync, putting the application // to sleep until the next VSync. This ensures we don't waste any cycles rendering // frames that will never be displayed to the screen. hr = m_swapChain->Present(1, 0); } // Discard the contents of the render target. // This is a valid operation only when the existing contents will be entirely // overwritten. If dirty or scroll rects are used, this call should be removed. m_d3dContext->DiscardView(m_d3dRenderTargetView.Get()); if (m_d3dDepthStencilView) { // Discard the contents of the depth stencil. m_d3dContext->DiscardView(m_d3dDepthStencilView.Get()); } // If the device was removed either by a disconnection or a driver upgrade, we // must recreate all device resources. if (hr == DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED || hr == DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_RESET) { #ifdef _DEBUG char buff[64] = {}; sprintf_s(buff, "Device Lost on Present: Reason code 0x%08X\n", static_cast((hr == DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED) ? m_d3dDevice->GetDeviceRemovedReason() : hr)); OutputDebugStringA(buff); #endif HandleDeviceLost(); } else { ThrowIfFailed(hr); if (!m_dxgiFactory->IsCurrent()) { UpdateColorSpace(); } } } void DeviceResources::CreateFactory() { #if defined(_DEBUG) && (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0603 /*_WIN32_WINNT_WINBLUE*/) && !defined(__MINGW32__) bool debugDXGI = false; { ComPtr dxgiInfoQueue; if (SUCCEEDED(DXGIGetDebugInterface1(0, IID_PPV_ARGS(dxgiInfoQueue.GetAddressOf())))) { debugDXGI = true; ThrowIfFailed(CreateDXGIFactory2(DXGI_CREATE_FACTORY_DEBUG, IID_PPV_ARGS(m_dxgiFactory.ReleaseAndGetAddressOf()))); dxgiInfoQueue->SetBreakOnSeverity(DXGI_DEBUG_ALL, DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_SEVERITY_ERROR, true); dxgiInfoQueue->SetBreakOnSeverity(DXGI_DEBUG_ALL, DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_SEVERITY_CORRUPTION, true); DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_ID hide[] = { 80 /* IDXGISwapChain::GetContainingOutput: The swapchain's adapter does not control the output on which the swapchain's window resides. */, }; DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_FILTER filter = {}; filter.DenyList.NumIDs = static_cast(std::size(hide)); filter.DenyList.pIDList = hide; dxgiInfoQueue->AddStorageFilterEntries(DXGI_DEBUG_DXGI, &filter); } } if (!debugDXGI) #endif ThrowIfFailed(CreateDXGIFactory1(IID_PPV_ARGS(m_dxgiFactory.ReleaseAndGetAddressOf()))); } // This method acquires the first available hardware adapter. // If no such adapter can be found, *ppAdapter will be set to nullptr. void DeviceResources::GetHardwareAdapter(IDXGIAdapter1** ppAdapter) { *ppAdapter = nullptr; ComPtr adapter; ComPtr factory6; HRESULT hr = m_dxgiFactory.As(&factory6); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { for (UINT adapterIndex = 0; SUCCEEDED(factory6->EnumAdapterByGpuPreference( adapterIndex, DXGI_GPU_PREFERENCE_HIGH_PERFORMANCE, IID_PPV_ARGS(adapter.ReleaseAndGetAddressOf()))); adapterIndex++) { DXGI_ADAPTER_DESC1 desc; ThrowIfFailed(adapter->GetDesc1(&desc)); if (desc.Flags & DXGI_ADAPTER_FLAG_SOFTWARE) { // Don't select the Basic Render Driver adapter. continue; } #ifdef _DEBUG wchar_t buff[256] = {}; swprintf_s(buff, L"Direct3D Adapter (%u): VID:%04X, PID:%04X - %ls\n", adapterIndex, desc.VendorId, desc.DeviceId, desc.Description); OutputDebugStringW(buff); #endif break; } } if (!adapter) { for (UINT adapterIndex = 0; SUCCEEDED(m_dxgiFactory->EnumAdapters1( adapterIndex, adapter.ReleaseAndGetAddressOf())); adapterIndex++) { DXGI_ADAPTER_DESC1 desc; ThrowIfFailed(adapter->GetDesc1(&desc)); if (desc.Flags & DXGI_ADAPTER_FLAG_SOFTWARE) { // Don't select the Basic Render Driver adapter. continue; } #ifdef _DEBUG wchar_t buff[256] = {}; swprintf_s(buff, L"Direct3D Adapter (%u): VID:%04X, PID:%04X - %ls\n", adapterIndex, desc.VendorId, desc.DeviceId, desc.Description); OutputDebugStringW(buff); #endif break; } } *ppAdapter = adapter.Detach(); } // Sets the color space for the swap chain in order to handle HDR output. void DeviceResources::UpdateColorSpace() { if (!m_dxgiFactory) return; if (!m_dxgiFactory->IsCurrent()) { // Output information is cached on the DXGI Factory. If it is stale we need to create a new factory. CreateFactory(); } DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_TYPE colorSpace = DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_RGB_FULL_G22_NONE_P709; bool isDisplayHDR10 = false; if (m_swapChain) { // To detect HDR support, we will need to check the color space in the primary // DXGI output associated with the app at this point in time // (using window/display intersection). // Get the retangle bounds of the app window. RECT windowBounds; if (!GetWindowRect(m_window, &windowBounds)) throw std::system_error(std::error_code(static_cast(GetLastError()), std::system_category()), "GetWindowRect"); const long ax1 = windowBounds.left; const long ay1 = windowBounds.top; const long ax2 = windowBounds.right; const long ay2 = windowBounds.bottom; ComPtr bestOutput; long bestIntersectArea = -1; ComPtr adapter; for (UINT adapterIndex = 0; SUCCEEDED(m_dxgiFactory->EnumAdapters(adapterIndex, adapter.ReleaseAndGetAddressOf())); ++adapterIndex) { ComPtr output; for (UINT outputIndex = 0; SUCCEEDED(adapter->EnumOutputs(outputIndex, output.ReleaseAndGetAddressOf())); ++outputIndex) { // Get the rectangle bounds of current output. DXGI_OUTPUT_DESC desc; ThrowIfFailed(output->GetDesc(&desc)); const auto& r = desc.DesktopCoordinates; // Compute the intersection const long intersectArea = ComputeIntersectionArea(ax1, ay1, ax2, ay2, r.left, r.top, r.right, r.bottom); if (intersectArea > bestIntersectArea) { bestOutput.Swap(output); bestIntersectArea = intersectArea; } } } if (bestOutput) { ComPtr output6; if (SUCCEEDED(bestOutput.As(&output6))) { DXGI_OUTPUT_DESC1 desc; ThrowIfFailed(output6->GetDesc1(&desc)); if (desc.ColorSpace == DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_RGB_FULL_G2084_NONE_P2020) { // Display output is HDR10. isDisplayHDR10 = true; } } } } if ((m_options & c_EnableHDR) && isDisplayHDR10) { switch (m_backBufferFormat) { case DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_UNORM: // The application creates the HDR10 signal. colorSpace = DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_RGB_FULL_G2084_NONE_P2020; break; case DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_FLOAT: // The system creates the HDR10 signal; application uses linear values. colorSpace = DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_RGB_FULL_G10_NONE_P709; break; default: break; } } m_colorSpace = colorSpace; ComPtr swapChain3; if (m_swapChain && SUCCEEDED(m_swapChain.As(&swapChain3))) { UINT colorSpaceSupport = 0; if (SUCCEEDED(swapChain3->CheckColorSpaceSupport(colorSpace, &colorSpaceSupport)) && (colorSpaceSupport & DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_COLOR_SPACE_SUPPORT_FLAG_PRESENT)) { ThrowIfFailed(swapChain3->SetColorSpace1(colorSpace)); } } }